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|1.- Objective:
Establish guidelines to select, hire, induce, train, authorize, supervise, evaluate the performance
of the person l..

2. Reach:
This document is applicable to all staff.

3.- Terms and definitions:

 Select: Process of choosing the ideal candidate to occupy the different job positions, in
accordance with the profile defined in the Organization and Functions Manual (MOF).

 Hire: Process by which the selection of personnel is formalized, through an employment

contract, which contemplates the working and economic conditions under which the chosen
candidate will provide services to the company.

 Competence: The worker's ability to perform activities based on appropriate education,

training, skills and experience.

 Induction: Preparation of personnel, in the policies, procedures, regulations, uses and

customs of the Inspection Body

 Training Program: Set of training activities for the staff of S&H INGENIEROS SRL, planned
for the year, in accordance with the requirements presented and the training needs resulting
from the evaluation of staff performance, staff supervisions, among others.

 Training: Event organized and taught by internal or external staff, to improve staff skills.

4.- Description of the procedure:

Stage Ans. Description


When the need for a vacancy arises, it must be coordinated with the HR Area or the GG.
Personnel Need HR/GG
If applicable, recruitment proceeds.

To fill a vacancy or a new position, RED or HR proceeds to carry out the external search
Recruitment NETWOR
through: Advertisements in newspapers or online job boards or staff recommendations.

Preliminary It is responsible for selecting the suitable personnel in accordance with the position
selection profile established in the MOF, for the vacancy.

Administrative staff
- Those selected are summoned by telephone and/or email, to be interviewed by the
applicant area manager.
- Select the ideal candidate, for which he requests his documented CV and notifies the
JP / candidate of the interview date with the General Manager.
HR Note: For the technical staff of the OI, indicate the date for the interview with the
Manager of the Inspection Body.
Technical staff
- As described above, interview the personnel to be selected.
- Notify, if possible, via e-mail to the Area Manager, the suitable personnel to hire.

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Once the candidates have been selected, a verification of their employment and
personal background indicated in their CV is carried out.
Verification of
personal HR In the case of personnel who are selected to perform temporary tasks as assistants, the
documents presentation of their CV will not be necessary.

HR will update the staff's CV every 6 months.

When selecting new personnel, we proceed to:

1. Fill out the “FR-RH-002 Personal File” form

2. Request other complementary documentation such as: • Documented Curriculum
Selection GG / HR
• Copy of ID
• Affidavit of Criminal or Judicial Record.

All this documentation must have HR. For its corresponding file, receipt of documents
is also recorded in the FR-RH-003 Check List.

Take a tour of the company facilities, with the new worker, introducing him to the staff,
delivering the FR-RH-001 Affidavit for their knowledge and respective signature.

Any member belonging to the Quality Committee will execute the Quality induction, and
send the form to HR.

JP/CC/ HR delivers its functions and responsibilities to the new personnel described in the
HR Position Profile.

Carry out the induction of the new worker, including all general information about the
company, the quality management system and specific training, for which the FR-RH-
004 Induction Certificate is generated.

The induction will be carried out in a period of no more than 30 days.

- Training/coaching:
J.P. The training and training will be in accordance with the activities to be carried out in the
job and in accordance with what is described in the MOF (if it does not meet some
Training, requirements such as training).
coaching and
work under
- Work under supervision:
J.P. To be authorized, OI personnel undergo work under supervision where 03 inspections
are carried out and are recorded in FR-RH-005 Personnel Authorization.

Proceed to authorize the OI staff, where a report of the inspection results of at least 03
Staff inspections is made. Those who correctly carry out the inspections, complying with the
Authorization procedures, will be authorized and will be recorded in the FR-RH-005 format
Authorization of the staff. .

Prepares the FR-RH-006 Technical Supervision Program , which defines the OI

inspectors to be evaluated and the month in which the supervision will be carried out,
being at least once a year.
Scheduling Note: Supervision will be carried out on the inspector in accordance with the FR-RH-
006 Technical Supervision Program or when a complaint or appeal of an inspection
result is presented, or when deviations or non-conformities related to the inspection
work of the inspector are detected. I HEARD.

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Performs supervision in the field (on site) reviewing that the work conditions, the
execution of the activities and their documentation are done in accordance with the
scope of the established procedures. The documents to supervise will be the reports
J.P. generated in the OI inspections.
Field supervision includes filling out the FR-RH-007 Technical Supervision Record

The results of the FR-RH-007 Technical Supervision Record are used to identify the
training and/or training needs of the OI's technical staff.
Results J.P.
Generates the necessary corrective or preventive actions if warranted, according to the
results of the FR-RH-007 Technical Supervision Record, if necessary, updates the
personnel training program.


The evaluation of personnel skills will be carried out in the 3rd month after joining, where
it is recorded in FR-RH-008 Evaluation of personnel skills.
Skill JP/GG/
Assessment HR
If the staff does not meet one of the skills indicated in the profile, the actions to be taken
will be determined.

Review of Review the evaluations that have been carried out to communicate verbally, by mail or
Evaluations inform General Management of the results.

Stage Ans. Description


Definition and
HR informs all staff of the performance evaluation objectives.
of Evaluation
JP, GG or HR performs the evaluation once a year.

Define: Who is it
HR It may be aimed at personnel with a working time of 03 months or more.
addressed to:

Define: Who is GG/JP/ The evaluation is carried out by the General Manager, process manager/Immediate
the Evaluator HR Manager or HR.

The application of document FR-RH-009 Performance evaluation is carried out to the

personnel who will be evaluated.
Application of
the GG/JP/
Note: in the event that in the Performance Evaluations and in the Supervision of the
Performance HR
personnel, the evaluations have the result of “needs to improve”, “deficient”, the
Evaluation Form
corresponding corrective actions will be carried out, which may be: generate new
induction for the personnel, train them. , train it, authorize it, etc.

Analyzes the results and determines the training and/or training needs of personnel.
Analysis of the
Evaluation and GG/JP/ The review is done using record FR-RH-009 Performance evaluation .
communication HR Review the evaluations that have been carried out to communicate verbally, by mail or
of results inform General Management of the results.


Preparation of HR/
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In the last fortnight of the year, the " FR-RH-010 Annual Training Program" is prepared
and delivered to the General Manager for approval.
the Training
The Process Managers will send their subjects for training.

The development of the training is carried out according to the schedule indicated in the
Training annual training program. In the case of external training, it will be coordinated with the
Program JP/CE General Management.
Development If any training is not developed, Management will be informed and it will be rescheduled
if applicable.

To have accurate results from each workshop or training, the effectiveness must be
evaluated 15 days after it was given through perception or an exam considering the
- If the evaluated person scores from 0 to 10, it is considered INEFFECTIVE. (1)
Training - If the evaluated person scores from 11 to 14, it is considered moderately
Effectiveness JP/CE effective. (2)
Evaluation - If the person evaluated obtains 15 to 20, it is considered EFFECTIVE. (3)

Once the training stage is completed, a certificate will be delivered that certifies
the ability to perform functions.

5.- Associated documents:

Code Name
FR-RH-002 Personal File

FR-RH-003 Check List reception of documents.

FR-RH-001 Sworn declaration

FR-RH-004 Induction Certificate.

FR-RH-005 Staff authorization.

FR-RH-006 Technical Supervision Program

FR-RH-007 Technical Supervision Record

FR-RH-008 Evaluation of staff skills.

FR-RH-009 Performance evaluation

FR-RH-010 Annual training program.

S/C Curriculum vitae

6.- Abbreviations:

GG: General manager.

HR: Human Resources
EC: External consultant
JP: Process Manager, understood as responsible for the area
DC: Quality Committee
GRID: Management representative
OI: Inspection Body.

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