Coca-Cola Addiction

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Sociology Project








ADDICTION TO COCA-COLA Sociology Project..................................................................1

PROBLEM STATEMENT...................................................................................................3
THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK........................................................................................5
DATA COLLECTION – SURVEY......................................................................................7
21 answers.................................................................................................................................7
ABOUT ADDICTION TO COCA-COLA.........................................................................13
ABOUT ITS INGREDIENTS.............................................................................................14
Why does the product contain the EXCESS SUGAR seal?............................................14
Why does the product contain the EXCESS CALORIE seal?........................................14
The total calories come from sugars................................................................................14
Candy IV..........................................................................................................................15
Phosphoric acid................................................................................................................15
THE COCA-COLA COMPANY........................................................................................17
EXCESSIVE WATER CONSUMPTION..........................................................................18
DAMAGES CAUSED BY COCA COLA..........................................................................20
Each component has a role in the alterations that occur in the human organism............21
· Other alkaloids found in the Coca Cola formula:..........................................................24

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Coca Cola is one of the soft drinks consumed worldwide. What emerged in the form of syrup, as a home remedy

for digestive problems, increases its supply and demand every day. Its consumption, among other effects, is

capable of producing a feeling of pleasure in people, which led it to be consumed abusively. However, its

compounds cause major and serious health problems that can lead to becoming addicted or even to death.

Despite the volume of research that has been carried out, only a small percentage of the population, including

health professionals, know how risky the systematic consumption of Coca Cola is in large quantities. Taking into

account the wide range of beverages derived from Coca Cola that exists, the opening in our country to the

international market, as well as the lack of knowledge and/or references that exist about this drink, it is necessary

to address this issue, pointing out the effects that has on health and delve into the management of the addict.

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Currently in the world, the Coca-Cola company has a great positioning in the market due to the great

preference of people and the great consumption they make of its products, especially its main product,

Coca-Cola. This drink is highly consumed by people and our town is no exception. The consumption of

this soft drink is harmful to health due to its ingredients and can cause damage to the body, even death.

Raise awareness among people about the excessive consumption of Coca-Cola in the Playa Azul

community through research and feedback.

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Research on Coca-Cola consumption has a significant impact.

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Coca Cola

Coca Cola is one of the soft drinks consumed worldwide. What emerged in the form of syrup, as a

home remedy for digestive problems, increases its supply and demand every day. Its consumption,

among other effects, is capable of producing a feeling of pleasure in people, which led it to be

consumed abusively.



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To collect information from the community, an online survey was carried out about Coca-Cola

consumption, with a total of 21 people.

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In what quantity do you consume it?

Or a glass
Or two glasses
Or 600 mi

Or 1l
Or More than 1 L

Do you know what the ingredients of Coca-Cola are?

Or if

Or not

Do you know the damage it can do to your body?

Or if

Or not

Have you considered how much you spend on this drink that damaged your health?

Or if

Or not

Would you be willing to stop using it?

Or if

Or not
Or maybe

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The obteined results are showed next.

21 answers
Answers are accepted

Summary Ask Individual

Do you consume Coca-Cola?

21 answers

• Yeah
• No

It was found that 90.5% of those surveyed do consume Coca-

Cola and only 9.5% do not consume it.

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In the question about the type of Coca-Cola they consume,

100% responded that they consume traditional Coca-Cola. Also,

in terms of frequency, the majority consume it occasionally,

61.9%, 23.8% consume it daily and 14.3% consume it weekly.

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In what quantity do you consume it?

21 answers

• A glass
• Two glasses
• 600 mi
• 1L
• More than 1

Do you know what the ingredients of Coca-Cola are?

21 answers

• Yeah
• No

57.2% said they drink two glasses when they consume it, 23.8

drink 600ml, 14.3% said they drink 1L of Coca-Cola and 4.7%

said they consume more than 1L.

The majority of those surveyed do not know what the ingredients

of Coca are. Cola, 81%, while only 19% do know them.

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90.5% responded that they do know the fact that this product

represents harm to the body, and only 9.5% do not know it.

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Would you be willing to stop using it?
21 answers

• Yeah

• Maybe

In this question, 52.4% said that they would be willing to stop

using it, while 33.3% could consider it, and only 14.3% said that
they would not stop using it.

According to this survey, most people are aware that this drink

causes damage to their body and would stop or have considered

giving it up, but they still do not know exactly what its ingredients


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Coca-Cola (commonly known as Coca in many Spanish-speaking countries; in English also known as

Coke) is a sugary carbonated beverage sold globally in stores, restaurants, and vending machines in

more than two hundred countries or territories. It is the main product of The Coca-Cola Company, of

American origin. Initially, when it was invented by pharmacist John Pemberton, it was conceived as a

patented medicinal drink, although it was later acquired by businessman Asa Griggs Candler, who

made the drink one of the most consumed of the 20th and 21st centuries.






9 teaspoons of sugars and 2 different types of sweeteners, including high
fructose corn syrup.
Additives Caramel IV, coloring that has been associated with carcinogenic effects.

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Advertising It is advertised as reduced in sugar, but it contains 9 teaspoons of sugar;
The label does not show the ingredients in the 600 ml presentation , only in
the 1.5 1.

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Why does the product contain the EXCESS SUGAR seal?

The product contains 45 grams (g) of sugars per 600 milliliter (ml) container, which is

equivalent to 9 teaspoons.

The product is labeled with EXCESS SUGARS for exceeding 10% of the total

calories coming from added sugars, as established in NOM-051.

In this case, 100% of the total calories come from added sugars.

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that the intake of added sugars be reduced to 10% of a day's

total caloric intake. According to this criterion, a 600 ml bottle covers 90% of sugar consumption for adults and

112.5% for girls and boys.

The WHO in turn recommends further reducing the intake of added sugars to 5% of the total calories in the diet.

According to this recommendation, one bottle covers 180% of the daily intake for adults and 225% for girls and


The amount of sugar contained in the product is truly excessive.

Additionally, it contains 2 different types of sugars (sugar and high

fructose corn syrup, HFCS). HFCS has a particularly negative metabolic

impact on the body.

High intake of sugars (especially in liquid form) is harmful to the body,

generating strong metabolic dysfunctions such as overweight, obesity, 13

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diabetes, blood fat (triglycerides), high cholesterol, high blood pressure and heart disease. Likewise, it has a

strong association with dental caries, especially in schoolchildren. A strong association between the consumption

of sugary drinks and diseases such as diabetes has been widely demonstrated,4 which is why it is important to

avoid them.

Why does the product contain the EXCESS CALORIE seal?

It provides 180 calories (cal) per bottle, which according to the limits established in NOM-051 exceeds 10 calories

from added sugars per 100 ml of product.

According to nutrient intake recommendations for the Mexican population, where the average daily consumption is

2,000 calories in adults and 1,579 calories in girls and boys,5 a 600 ml bottle covers 9% and 11.3% of total caloric

consumption. per day for adults and children, respectively.

The total calories come from sugars.



Contains 60 milligrams (mg) of sodium.

A 600 ml bottle covers 3% of the total sodium recommended for an adult and 4% of the recommendation for a

child, according to WHO.

It is common for sodium to be used in sweetened drinks to slightly reduce the sweet taste of the product. This

combination, it has been shown, also generates a certain degree of addiction.

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List of ingredients: Carbonated water, added sugars (sugar and high fructose syrup, HFCS), class IV caramel

color, phosphoric acid, flavorings, sucralose (4.4mg).

In addition to sugars (sugar and HFCS), it contains a dye that is associated with cancer, phosphoric acid, which is

corrosive, as well as an artificial sweetener that has negative impacts on health.


Candy IV.

This dye was classified in California as a carcinogenic

dye due to the type of processing it undergoes.

The dye is put under pressure at high temperatures,

adding sulfates and ammonium, generating two

byproducts, 2-methylimidazole and 4-methylimidazole,

which have been shown to be carcinogenic.

The studies are so conclusive that in California if any product exceeds 29 micrograms, it must contain a

precautionary legend that establishes its risk of causing cancer.

Phosphoric acid.

It has a corrosive effect on tooth enamel. It has also been seen that high consumption of this ingredient affects the

kidney and bones and has an adverse effect on cardiovascular health, especially in patients with kidney disease.

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The intake of non-caloric sweeteners has a metabolic impact on the body, with effects at the pancreatic level.
Various research has shown that the sweet taste receptor is expressed in

pancreatic beta cells and by ingesting non-caloric sweeteners, due to their sweet

taste, they stimulate insulin secretion at the pancreatic level. This generates

negative implications at the metabolic level.

In particular, sucralose also has a negative effect on the intestinal microbiota.

In addition to this, it has been seen that artificial sweeteners generate a taste for

intensely sweet flavors, something relevant in children, since it shapes their

palates to these preferences.

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The Coca-Cola Company is an American multinational beverage

corporation headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia. The Coca-Cola Company

has interests in the manufacturing, retailing and marketing of concentrates

and syrups for non-alcoholic beverages. The company produces

Coca-Cola, invented in 1886 by pharmacist John Stith Pemberton.

Pemberton soon realized that the drink he had created could be a

success. His accountant, Frank Robinson, was the one who came up

with the Coca-Cola brand and designed the logo. In 1891 The Coca-Cola

Company was founded, formed by the pharmacist Asa G. Candler, his

brother John S. Candler and Frank Robinson. Two years later they

registered the trademark in the United States Industrial Property Registration Office.

In 1926, Coca-Cola arrived in Mexico, a country with great opportunities for economic development that has

become one of the company's most important business units. They currently have 83 brands in 13 categories, and

in the last decade we have reduced the calorie content of our portfolio by 21%.

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In Mexico, a country that suffers from water stress, companies

dedicated to the production of ultra-processed food such as

Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Nestlé, Bimbo, among others, consume 133

billion liters of water in their food production processes. food and

drinks. The results of these production processes are not only

the health problems that these products cause to people, but

also serious damage to the environment in Mexico.

One of the industries that has the greatest environmental impact is the soft drink industry. In this regard, in a

report, Coca-Cola mentioned that 34.5 liters of water are needed to produce just half a liter of the soft drink. To

this we must add that there is a lack of proportion between the payment for exploitation rights and the company's

profits: the text indicates that, in 2018, Coca-Cola Famsa paid only 2,600 pesos per year for each of their

concessions. This is an indication that the public sector privileges the interests of the private sector over the

fundamental right of the population to access water, when the adequate payment of concessions for the

exploitation of aquifers could serve to finance drinking water coverage for populations. who do not yet have

access to it.

Likewise, the company consumes water in each of the 32 entities in the country, even in some areas with high

water stress such as Toluca. And it usually has “extremely aggressive” sales strategies, for example, offering

reduced prices to the indigenous communities of Chiapas to guarantee their loyalty as consumers and using

homes as distribution points.

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The soda industry has expanded to the Yucatan

Peninsula, causing overexploitation of the aquifer.

In Mérida, Coca-Cola has concessions in 17 wells

of the which ones extract 4000 400

million liters of water. Furthermore, that entity is the place where soda is consumed the most in the

country, and 49% of the population has diabetes. Although the peninsula area has a medium level of water stress,

the main problem is the contamination of the aquifers since the water used is then returned to the beds, but

already contaminated. In Quintana Roo, the company has authorizations for wastewater disposal at 19 discharge

points within seven municipalities.

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Believing that this drink is favorable for health is a big mistake. Added to its sweet and refreshing flavor

are a series of toxic substances, which lead to metabolic alterations in the body. They lead to the

appearance of diseases that can trigger major complications, including death in the case of ingestion of

large volumes, as can happen in an addict to this substance.

For a few years now, different health campaigns have been carried out with the aim of getting people to

eliminate drinks like Coca Cola from their diet. However, the consumer figures for this product remain

very alarming. Some articles refer to the fact that 1.6 billion Coca Cola products are consumed in the

world every 24 hours. The production company itself has recognized the short and long-term effects

that have been occurring in large consumers and has developed strategies to minimize this problem,

which is reflected in the latest versions of the product that have come to market.

The life of a Coca Cola addict is immersed in a frank dependence on the tasty liquid that leads the

individual to consume from 3 to 10 drinks a day. The appearance of chronic non-communicable

diseases, such as bronchial asthma, diabetes mellitus and obesity, are part of the end of life for these

people. The manifestations that occur when cessation of consumption are compared to abstinence from


Despite the volume of research that has been carried out, only a small percentage of the population,

including health professionals, know how risky the systematic consumption of Coca Cola is in large

quantities. Taking into account the wide range of drinks derived from Coca Cola that exists, the opening

in our country to the international market, as well as the lack of knowledge

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and/or references to that drink, it is necessary to address this issue, point out the effects it has on

health and delve into the management of the addict.

Each component has a role in the alterations that occur in the human organism.

The large amount of sugar it has can cause obesity, especially in people prone to it. The high-

fructose corn syrup (HFCS) used in these drinks

makes it difficult to the

absorption of water in he

digestive system, damages the liver and causes

more glucose spikes in the

blood than usual sugar.

• Caffeine causes disorders

sleep, blood pressure, stress, as well as other

psychiatric symptoms. This substance,

consumed in modest quantities (20 mg) is a

stimulant of the nervous system that produces

pleasant sensations, but if

Ingested in high quantities (400-600

mg) the damage is much greater. One can of Coca Cola contains approximately 50 mg. of

caffeine, and if we take into account that generally one can "is never enough" or, if we think

about containers of more than one liter, the ingestion of caffeine exceeds the limit between

pleasant and toxic. Furthermore, caffeine, if consumed cold, accelerates its action.

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• Phosphoric acid in the body causes bone demineralization, this means that it does not allow
adequate absorption of calcium in the body: it weakens the bones and increases the possibility of
fractures. Furthermore, the combination of this acid with refined sugar and fructose hinders the
absorption of iron, which
which can cause anemia.

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• Carbonated water: This ingredient causes gastric secretion and
increases the acidity of gastric juice.

• Sodium cyclamate or sugar substitute: it is a component that

gives a taste up to 200 times sweeter than sugar. Research
found that its consumption increases the risk of suffering from
cancer in the

bladder, so in 1969 it was banned by the Food and Drug Administration.

US medications USA (FDA, for its acronym in English).

• Aspartame: It is another sugar substitute that was also banned by the FDA. When exposed to
elevated temperatures, it decomposes into methanol

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(alcohol) and phenylalanine, which are substances that destroy the optic nerve and can cause


• According to a study by the French National Consumer Institute, Coca Cola and Pepsi Coca
contain alcohol (around 10 grams of alcohol per liter). They also contain terpenes that can
cause allergies. Coca Cola also contains carbon dioxide which, according to AMEDEC, is an
ingredient that causes "psychological addiction." The characteristic color of Coca Cola is due to
an additive called e-150, which has been associated with vitamin B6 deficiency.

· Other alkaloids found in the Coca Cola formula:

- Cocaine: It is the metal ester of benzoyl egnonine, it has anesthetic and analgesic properties.

- Egnonine: It is a carboxylated derivative of atropine, it has properties to metabolize fats and

carbohydrates, carbohydrates.

- Hygrine: Excites the salivary glands when there is a deficiency of oxygen in the environment.

- Pyridina: Accelerates the formation and functioning of the brain, increases blood supply to the

pituitary gland and glands.

- Conine: anesthetic.

- Cocamine: analgesic.

- Atropine: Atropine is an anticholinergic drug. It stimulates the central nervous system and then

depresses it; It has antispasmodic actions on smooth muscle and reduces secretions, especially

salivary and bronchial; reduces perspiration. It depresses the vagus and thus increases the heart rate. It

also decreases cellular metabolism. Fetal deformation.

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Coca-Cola consumption in the community is high, one option to provide feedback to people is to create

brochures about the damage that this drink does to the body and distribute them, to make more people

say “yes” to stop consuming it.

The damage that this product can do to the body becomes lethal after excessive consumption. Most

people take the consumption of this drink as something traditional, something that is done and is fine,

when it is not. This product should be seen as harmful to health, which it is.





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Yesterday 5:14p.m.
This survey is about the consumption of Coca-C.. cRD76qP3cvqwmhS97

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5:17p.m. /


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- Adrian, Andrea, Angel, Arbey, Ar.



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friends plis

This survey is about the
consumption of L

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