Preach The Family

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The family is important to God and that is what he instituted in his perfect plan, before

the Church.
The family in the world is in clear deterioration, unfortunately the situation is
extremely serious;
We have learned in school:
 The family is the nucleus of society.
 And if society is not made up of solid and stable families.
 Society has serious problems.
Hundreds of years ago, the Roman Empire, an empire that ruled large territories,
collapsed...and disappeared completely.
And why did it disappear?
Historians say that one of the causes was the destruction of the family.
The family problem is a situation that affects the church directly.
If tonight they asked us
 What is missing in your family?
 What would be our response?
 Possibly many would focus on the material.
 Perhaps you would say, our family lacks more money or more work.
 Possibly we think what is missing is a new vehicle, a new house, etc.
But if we analyze the text that we have read to begin with, we can recognize that the
question is not focused on material things, but on what our family needs to face the
difficulty, to face the trials and crises of life (2 Chronicles 7:13)
This verse tells us about closed heavens, about locusts that consume the land and about
pestilence on the people, that is, about situations that are not under our control, about
situations that sooner or later can affect our family.
What does my family need to be able to face difficulties, to be able to face life's crises?
Let's see what the word of God teaches us in verse. 14 that many of us in our families
are missing:
The first thing the Lord wanted from his people was for them to humble themselves,
and this means that there was a lot of pride in the hearts of his people.
Unfortunately, in many Christian families what is needed most is humility, and in
times of crisis and difficulty, humility is necessary to be able to recognize that:
Many of the problems we are facing in our family are due to our own bad decisions
and we should not blame our God (Proverbs 19:3) but with humility we should seek
his help
The true solution to the problems and crises of our lives is in our God, the rest are
patches, emergency exits, false illusions, vain promises, which in the end the only
thing they bring to our family is frustration and bitterness (Isaiah 31:1 -3) true help and
protection for our family only comes from the Lord (verses. 6).

How many can say their family is stable or successful?

Let's look at the attitude of Jesus on the cross. Even when he was there, he had an
attitude, a behavior, a very clear commitment to his family.
The Word says in John 19:26-27, that Jesus saw Mary and said to her, “Woman, there
you have your son. Then he said to the disciple, “Behold, your mother . ”
For Jesus the family is important, for the Kingdom of God the family is important, for
the purposes of God the family is important.
It is so important that in Ephesius 5:22-25, it talks about the duties of the husband, the
wife, but verse 32 says: “Great is this mystery; but I say this regarding Christ and
the church” ; Many times this verse is not understood to mean that the model of the
family is not the church, but quite the opposite.
The model and example for the church is the family, of the connection of Christ with
his church. How many families reflect Christ in their lives?
The Word says in 1 Timothy 5:8: “He who does not provide for his own, and
especially for those of his own household, has denied the faith and is worse than
an unbeliever ,” he denies the gospel of Jesus Christ.
And Titus 1:16 says that some people “profess to know God, but by their actions
they deny Him.” An important question: Does your family deny your faith? Or is your
family a reflection of Christ? If our family reflects Christ, let us give glory to God.
Christian sermons written about the family – There are 6 qualities of a family
that glorifies God:
1. Commitment to family life. (1 Corinthians 13:4-7).
It is very difficult to find a family with 2 or 3 decades of family life that has not had
problems, or a family of one year of life that has not had problems. Many couples,
after a few years of marriage, divorce because they are not able to resist problems.
Every family from the beginning until it meets the Lord will have problems, illnesses,
economic problems, conflicts, interpersonal problems... and let's stop counting. And
we all, we will all always have problems as individuals.
The difference between a family that fails and one that succeeds is commitment,
that makes it able to resist . Commitment means that responsibility you have to move
forward with your family in both good and bad times. They are not just words, they are
demonstrated with complete and specific facts;
When there is commitment, family goals are more important than personal goals,
for all members of my family to be successful is more valuable than my personal
success . Example: if I come home and tell my children not to bother me because I am
tired of working all day to achieve my success...I can't say that.
I must sacrifice myself for my children, and even when tired I must help them, share,
love them, provide for their needs, not only think about my own, but about the good of
the entire family, because I am committed to my family.

2. Appreciation of one another. (1 Peter 1:22)

Appreciation must be shown, it must be said, we must tell our partner that we
love them, express our affection to our children.
If there is something that does a lot of damage, it is the lack of personal esteem,
the lack of valuation. One of the strongest weaknesses of the family is abuse,
many times there is no understanding, but screaming.
How much is your husband, your wife worth? How much are your children worth?
The value of each one of them is so great that Christ gave his life for them. And if God
himself was able to give his life for me, how much am I worth? What God is worth. I
cannot mistreat the person who is the image and likeness of God.
Now, if my wife, husband, my children are valuable, what does it mean to
appreciate? In the commercial world it is to set the price, the value that corresponds
to it; For God we are all important.
Our wife, our husband, our children are a treasure; The family is an inheritance, a gift
that God has given us. But how often do we forget that what God has given us is very

3. Cultivate spiritual life. (Joshua 24:14-15)

To develop the family we must have our confidence in the holy character of God. He is
sovereign, sometimes we sing it, we dance it, we say it in many ways, but we do not
live it. He wanted us to have that wife, that husband. In his perfect sovereignty, the
success we have with our family will be due to the trust we can have in that God who
is perfect, who is eternal, who knows how to do things well.
Christian sermons written about the family: What is the God who reigns in your
family? How much do you know him? How big is that God?
Many times things do not go well because we do not trust in that sovereign, almighty,
healing, sustaining, restoring God, who works miracles and who can change his spouse
or his children; and it can also make the family fulfill its purposes. When we put our
trust in God, when we place him in his rightful place in the home, great things happen.

4. Make decisions. (Joshua 24:14-15)

And if it seems evil to you to serve the Lord, choose for yourself today whom
you will serve; whether to the gods whom your fathers served, when they were on
the other side of the river, or to the gods of the Amorites in whose land you live;
but I and my house will serve the Lord.

5. Practice or put our faith into practice. (Joshua 24:16)

Then the people answered and said, Never such a thing come to pass, that we leave
the Lord to serve other gods;
Christian sermons written about the family – Conclusion:
Let us remember his mercy and his favor
Joshua 24:17-18 “ For the Lord our God is the one who brought us and our fathers out
of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage; who has done these great signs, and
has kept us all the way where we have walked, and in all the towns through which we
passed. And the LORD drove out from before us all the people, and the Amorites that
dwelt in the land; We therefore also will serve the Lord, for he is our God.
II. WE NEED PRAYER (2 Chronicles 7:14B)
It is sad but it is a reality that in many Christian families, even in times of crisis, the
least there is is time to pray as a family.
Unfortunately, in many of our Christian families what there is is an abundance of
television, an abundance of social networks, an abundance of online games, an
abundance of music, but there is a shortage of prayer.
Our entire family has to understand that prayer is not an option, or one of the many
ways to face difficulties, but it is truly a necessity (Luke 18:1) We need to pray as a
family always.
Prayer opens the opportunity for our family to recognize that our God can make the
impossible possible (Mark 11:24).
We have to understand that family prayer is a direct connection with the Kingdom of
heaven in our home (Matthew 18:20). Many times we apply this verse only to the
church, but the first place where this verse comes true is in our own home.
Family prayer helps us forgive ourselves and be able to live in harmony with our
families (Mark 11:25) and that will bring blessing to our home.
Nowadays families are so busy looking for so many things that they have forgotten the
main thing: Searching for God.
We spend weeks and months seeking material provision at work, in business, that
many times we do not set aside time to seek the things of God in the church, because
we have not believed what the word of the Lord says (Matthew 6: 33).
God has always wanted us to seek Him as a family in the place that He has established
(Deuteronomy 12:4-8) and currently the place where we must go as a family to seek
and worship our God is the church where we congregate.
A family that joins us, that does not seek the Lord in their home, that is, in the church,
is a family that is missing out on great blessings (Psalm 111:2).
Let us not fall into the bad habit of many Christian families (Hebrews 10:25).
As a Christian family we have to understand that it is not just about calling ourselves
Christians, but about living as children of God (Philippians 2:15).
Many fathers and mothers of families think that we can live as we please and neither
our children nor anyone else has the right to tell us that what we do is not right
(Nehemiah 9:16).
Likewise there are sons and daughters who do not recognize their evil ways, but in
their own eyes their ways are right (Proverbs 30:12).
In many Christian families, their members are already gathering steadily, some are
already serving in ministries of their church, they are already faithfully offering and
tithing, but the Lord calls us directly into our lives (Jeremiah 7:1-3). .
As a family we have to make the decision to no longer continue living as everyone
lives but rather we have to make a difference (Jeremiah 15:19).
To finish tonight, let's ask ourselves a very important question: who do I want my
family to be friends with, the world or God? (James 4:4).

Preaching sermons for the family and home is very important, because we cannot
ignore the machinations of the enemy against the family. Christian topics in this regard
should be taught in church frequently. Below is a sermon on the family, a study that
builds our Christian life.
We cannot deny family difficulties, nor can we ignore the sad statistics of today's
family reality: divorces are multiplying, teenagers lead gangs, eleven and twelve year
old girls are mothers, the high levels of domestic violence are impressive, etc

And this reality contrasts with God's will for families since the Lord gave his life for
everyone. “Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you and your whole house will be
saved” fight for your family God is with you. Let's read this important study...
Introduction: Today's family is living in crisis. There is a crisis in the family because
many have forgotten God. Others have God as something secondary in their lives. It is
incredible that couples come to God for their marriage commitments, for the
presentation of their children or to be advised in the growth of their children. But when
it comes to divorce, God is not invited nor is he asked if that is his will. Many times
not even the pastor knows what is happening in the relationship, because they do not
allow him to enter it. The pastor is good for marriage, but the lawyer is good for
divorce. We count on God to unite our lives, but we don't ask him anything when we
want to separate as spouses. We don't want God to intervene in this.
Let me present to you several surveys about the family within the United States.
1. Grandparents are raising the 1.5 million children their parents cannot raise.
2. Career and Colleges Magazine asked countless young people which of the two
fathers they admired most. The response was alarming but expected. 79% of young
girls admire their mother and 73% of young men admire their father. Our children are
watching us.
3. The dept. The Census Bureau reported that the percentage of couples living together
without marrying has doubled since 1980 and that older couples are following in the
footsteps of young people.
4. In 1960 one in 20 children was born to an unmarried mother. Today it is estimated
that one in three children is born to an unmarried mother.
5. From 1920 to today, divorce has increased by 1420%. FRIGHTENING!
6. Five out of six adult criminals come from broken homes.
7. The United States of America has the highest divorce rate among the 192 existing
All these surveys are alarming. What will God say about all this?
The Bible says that God visited the first couple every day in the Garden of Eden. Will
he also be visiting us in our homes? And if the answer is, YES. What will our God be
finding in our families?
I God saw that the man was alone and needed company.

Preaching about the family

TO. The two institutions, the church and the home, were ordained by God to
complement each other. While the perfection of the church is God's primary goal in
this dispensation, it is His will that the Christian home be an aid in this work. Only
when the home is built on a solid foundation can it fulfill the role for which it was
b. In the Christian home , children have the opportunity to see faith in action.

C. Christian homes teach children to love and serve the Lord, and thus they can be
the salt that saves society. The Christian inheritance can be spread over the entire
world by children who come from Christian homes. From these homes will come
Christian workers, preachers, missionaries and great soul winners.

D. The success of a country is determined by the strength of the households in it .

History indicates that in virtually every great empire there has been a strong family
unit. One of the main factors in the fall of the great Roman Empire was the
disintegration of the family.

AND. Your family life will affect almost everything you do or hope to do in the future.
The basic values that we maintain are initiated in the relationship of the family

(You can also read: Elements necessary for good home formation )

F. “God makes the homeless dwell in families” (Psalms 68:6). One of the great
blessings that God gives is home and family. Humans have an extended period of
growth, so that they can be at home where they can be molded, protected, nourished in
the admonition of the Lord. “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is
old he will not depart from it” (Proverbs 22:6; Ephesians 6:4; 11 Timothy 3:15).


TO. Abraham ruled his house even in religion.
“And the Lord said:
Shall I hide from Abraham what I am going to do, since Abraham will be a great and
strong nation, and all the nations of the earth will be blessed in him? For I know that
he will command his children and his household after him to keep the way of the Lord,
doing righteousness and judgment, so that the Lord may bring upon Abraham what he
has spoken concerning him” (Genesis 18:17-19) . Abraham, as the Father of faith, has
set the example for all generations.

(You may be interested in: The Important Role of the Father in the Home )

B. The head of the home must set the example of serving God

(Deuteronomy 6:6-9; 11:18-21; Joshua 24:15; Acts 16:31-33; Isaiah 38:19.

c. Parent Duties:

1. Teach - (Deuteronomy 6:7; 6:20).

2. Discipline - (Proverbs 22:6).

3. Provide - (2 Corinthians 12:14)

4. Feed, - (Ephesians 6:4; Colossians 3:21).

5. Control - (1 Timothy 3:4, 12).

6. Love - (Titus 2:4).

7. Correct - (Proverbs 13:24; Proverbs 19:18; 22:15; 23:13.

8. Instruct - Deuteronomy 4:9; 6:7; 11:19; 31:13; Psalms 78:5; Proverbs 22:6; Isaiah

d. Disciplining children is the obligation of parents.

1. Children need correction because we all inherit the fallen sinful nature that the
human race has since the sin of Adam and Eve (Psalms 51:5; 58:3).

(You can also visit the Christian Family section)

2. Parents must punish sin and reward justice , as if they were in God's place before
their children (Psalms 103:13; Colossians 3:20; Hebrews 12:6-8).

3. Failure at birth will cause the entire family to suffer. Study the example given in 1
Samuel 2:12-17; 30-36; 3:11-14.

4. A father must be consistent in his discipline. He must fulfill what he says.

5. Lack of discipline at home leads to public shame later (Proverbs 29:15).

6. A disciplined son will bring honor to the family, and he will serve God (Proverbs
29:15; 29:17; 23:13,14).

7. Review these verses: Proverbs 13:24; 19:18; 20:30; 22:15; 23:13; 29:15; 29:17;
Hebrews 12:7; Ephesians 6:4.

AND. Parents set the pattern for how children spend their time:

1. Recreations, hobbies, etc. What is right and profitable for the father is what the child
will learn is right and profitable for him.

F. Family devotions and prayer life must be taught by parents.

(You may be interested in: Christian Life )

1. Men of God who instructed their families: Noah, Abraham, Jacob, Joshua.
2. Elements for adequate family worship:

to. The entire family should worship together.

b. Everyone in the family must take part.
c. Family worship should include Bible reading.
d. Family worship should include prayer.
and. Family worship should be daily.

3. Children learn to fast by the example of their parents.

4. Children are taught to revere and read the Bible in the home (Deuteronomy 6:6-9;
11:18-21; 11 Timothy 3:15-16).


TO. A house is not necessarily a home. The atmosphere of a home is much more
important than the physical quality.

b. A spiritual atmosphere in the house is of utmost importance. The Christian example

and environment makes it easy to win children to Christ.

c. Attitudes, habits, dealings with others must be like Christ (Ephesians 4:32).

d. Simple kindness to one another can solve many frustrations and problems that arise.

AND. There must be good communication between family members.

F. Spiritual “pollution” can destroy the home: hatred, discord, anger, strife, envy,
drunkenness, orgies (Galatians 5:20, 21), as well as bad influences such as television,
worldly books, literature. , etc.

g. The home needs to be saturated with true Christian love for one another.

H. We must practice the “golden rule” at home as well as abroad (Matthew 7:12; Luke

YO. A good question to test the spiritual quality or atmosphere of your home is this:

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