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Article Caracas / Venezuela - Wednesday 06/11/03

Narcotrafico SA The new Opium route

Pedro Grima* / Lindon H. LaRouche / Special for - 06/06/03


In the following paragraphs we will summarize, somewhat freely but without affecting its
content, the book “Narcotrafico SA The New Opium War”.

The first edition (in English) was commissioned in September 1978 by Lindon H. LaRouche ,
founder of Executive Intelligence Review . Under his direction, hundreds of investigators around
the world investigated the drug trafficking business until they reached its origins.

At that time, LaRouche and his collaborators began an international campaign against the
underworld and drug trafficking. The backbone of the book was the report “A National Strategy
to Control Crime” that LaRouche published in October 1978. In 1985 the second edition (in
Spanish) appeared, which I now have before my eyes.

I've had to read it three or four times and I still can't get over it. To what extent do we,
common mortals, live in a fantasy world? Is the vision we have of the world an enlarged and
improved image, in the best Hollywood style?

I do not want to advance too much about the conclusions that you, the reader, will surely reach,
just as I did.

Let's start by saying that the book in question is divided into five parts:

• Part I. Great Britain and the First Opium War

• Part II. How the drug empire works

• Part III. The debt trap and the narco-economy in Latin America

• Part IV. The underworld and the Nazi-communist mafia

• Part V. The British origins of the counterculture

No. Don't worry about looking for it in bookstores. It turns out that in part III of the book, an
entire chapter is dedicated to the Cisneros family (which we reproduce in full) and the book
disappeared from the Venezuelan market as if by magic. All but some. A copy can be
consulted at the Faculty of Political and Legal Sciences of the University of Los Andes. The
copy that I have was provided to me by a friend whose name I allow myself to omit.

The Preface to the Spanish edition shows the similarity between the First Opium War carried out
by England against China, with the Second Opium War that is again being carried out by the
heirs of the old British East India Company – the British monarchy itself and some of the same
banking houses - against Ibero-America. The perpetrators run the most successful cartel in
the world, Narcotráfico SA. Perhaps some names and addresses are no longer the same.
But, as we will see, it is the same oligarch faction, whose perverse method has been
passed down from father to son, and in many cases the surnames and family fortunes, the
fondi of the nobility, are exactly the same.

The International Monetary Fund today occupies the place of the British East India
Company, and the Soviet empire, which inherited the rancid Russian oligarchy's design of
establishing itself as the “Third and Last Rome”, has negotiated its slice in the
international empire of Narcotrafico SA

At the beginning of the Second Opium War, the effects were concentrated in the US as consumer
victims. The suppliers were located in the well-known “Golden Triangle” , a region between
ancient Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam. Dirty money was laundered in Hong Kong. But in recent
years some of these premises have changed enormously. The “Golden Triangle” lost its
hegemony and the so-called “Golden Crescent” emerged , a region between Iran, Afghanistan and
Pakistan; and Ibero-America (which also began to be part of the victims). Offshore banks in the
Caribbean are now used for money laundering.

In fact, 1978 was the year in which the great operation of turning Latin America into a vast drug-
producing colony began. At that time, Jimmy Carter , the US president appointed by the
Trilateral Commission , laid the foundations for US banking to become on par with the largest
narco-banks in the world or be absorbed by them.

In October 1979, Paul Adolph Volcker , head of the Federal Reserve appointed by Carter and
close friend of David Rockefeller , cowbell of the Trilateral Commission , began his infamous
legalization of usury by imposing interest rates of up to 20%. The entire developing sector, and
in particular Latin America, was at the mercy of the maneuvers of the narco-bankers. As
national debts doubled or tripled, the International Monetary Fund accelerated the
recolonization process.

Nations that hoped to enter the 21st century as developed nations were forced to give up
that hope. The great industrial problems that were the hope of the seventies – nuclear
energy, irrigation, ports and other infrastructure works essential to building healthy
economies – were dismantled by order of the IMF.

The champions of “free enterprise” , the followers of Hyek and Friedman , who have justified
the genocide just as Pastor Malthus justified the barbarities of the British East India Company ,
victorious the not so “free” dictatorship of the IMF above all the southern hemisphere.

The same dictator of “free enterprise” , the IMF promoted with greater force the legalization of
the “informal economy” of the Ibero-American nations, the freedom of narcodollars to infiltrate
national banks and agricultural plans based on “export crops” , whose true purpose is to
promote the cultivation of narcotics.

With the debt crisis of the 1980s came the hopelessness of mass unemployment, chronic
malnutrition and marginalization: the ingredients of an environment of cultural pessimism,
conducive to drug addiction, terrorism and chaos, and social disintegration.

Even though sociologists and anthropologists catalog terrorism and the demoralization of our days
as “social phenomena,” it is evident that they are rather direct consequences of the actions of
international oligarchic families, actions that are as premeditated as those consequences are
predictable. It is enough to take a look at the series of political essays published in 1979 by the
Congress of Foreign Relations of New York, the infamous Eighties Program , in which it openly
advocates for “controlled disintegration” , to understand this chess game. world in which
national states are mere sacrificial pawns.

The looting operations of the 1980s were planned to be as devastating as the British
methods of the 18th century. With capital flight, forced declines in Third World raw material
prices, and brutal devaluations, one nation after another was forced to abandon their
development plans and undergo virtual recolonization.

The international drug trade operates as a single multinational firm, not unlike the Swiss
pharmaceutical cartels, with centralized management of the production, transportation,
distribution, storage and financing of its “product.” Their goal, at least for the top of their
hierarchy, is not profit. What is called Narcotrafico SA constitutes a strategic force
dedicated to executing the deal that the financial oligarchy of Europe and the Former
Soviet Union have agreed upon. It is the deal that Bertrand Russell and the representatives
of the former Soviet Union sealed via the “backroom” discussions of the Pugwash
Conferences, held in the 1950s, among other channels.

Under that agreement, which the late Russian President Yuri Andropov called the “New Yalta
Pact” in early 1983, the world will be redivided as follows: the nations of Western Europe will
become satrapies of the Russian Empire and the United States will be relegated to the Western
Hemisphere, the role of brutal collector of debts contracted by Latin America with Anglo-American
and Swiss banking interests.

Henry Kissinger and his international political directorate, known as Kissinger Associates,
are the central node. This role is strengthened by Kissinger's ruling position at American
Express, an entity in which a good part of the Narcotrafico SA hierarchy has been

These hierarchy comprises the following main groups:

• the British combination dominating offshore banks and precious metals trading; that is,
the Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank, the Oppenheimer gold interests, major financial
institutions such as Eagle Star Insurance and Barclay's Bank, and their Canadian relatives
such as the Bank of Montreal and the Bank of Nova Scotia;

• The main Swiss banks;

• those in charge of continuing the Venetian-Genoese financial manipulations personified

by the late Roberto Calvi, of Banco Ambrosiano and the sleazy Edmund Safra, of American

• The offspring of Swiss banking and the old European fondi: the international breadbasket
cartel formed by Cargill, Continental (of the Friborg family), Bunge and Louis Dreyfus; and

• the large financial institutions linked to the former Secretary of State of the United States,
Henry A. Kissinger, including the banks Citibank and Chase Manhattan, and American

This is the financial and political conglomerate that supports Lord Peter Carrington , former
British Foreign Minister and former Secretary General of NATO, the Iago of the British Falklands
War, fought against Argentina and all of Latin America.

This monster is now devouring American finances. The finances of the United States already
depend on a flow of capital arriving from abroad for an annual total that exceeds 120,000
million dollars (in 1984). The International Monetary Fund officially recognizes that the main
source of these resources is “capital flight”; that is, funds that cross national borders
without any regard to the tax or exchange laws of national governments.

How is it possible that hundreds of billions of dollars cross international borders with impunity
every year? The answer is simple: a large portion of international banking was created
exclusively to launder dirty money. A Senate commission appointed to investigate the banks
concluded in 1983 that the main parties involved were the three major Swiss banks, the largest
British bank, Barclay's, the Bank of Nova Scotia in Canada, and several offshore divisions of
banks. Americans.

In the mysterious world of government account exchanges, a simple sum is known as a

“statistical discrepancy in the global balance of payments account.” If world trade were
transparent, the deficit of one country would be the surplus of another, so that the total sum would
be zero. Well no, the discrepancies show that in the decade 73-83 (IMF Report) the
discrepancies amounted to 800,000 million dollars. That is, they entered the banking
system illegally. This IMF confession indicates that, after ruining the economies and undermining
the political stability of most of Latin America, as well as Nigeria, the Philippines and many other
developing nations, the IMF recognizes what its actions cause: mass exodus of capital and the
corresponding inflation of the external debt in the victim countries.

Dirty money laundering is carried out through a very dense financial network, whose origins date
back to the drug trafficking of the British Opium Wars of the 1840s. The paradigm of this network
is the London Committee , that is, the directors based in Great Britain of the Hong Kong and
Shanghai Bank , the central bank of Drug Trafficking SA. It is directly and immediately linked to
the five large London clearing houses, with the five brokers. of the London gold monopoly, and the
large Canadian international banks.

Years of research carried out by hundreds of researchers and correspondents of Executive

Intelligence Review have reconstructed in three dimensions the Narcotráfico SA model whose
main and most obvious façade is British. Its other dimensions, also integrated into a single global
hierarchy, are the European one, based in Switzerland, and the Russian one.

The Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank now runs the twelfth largest bank in the United States, and
its collaborators among the British clearing houses have made a big move into American banking,
by taking over the Crocker National Bank of California, for part of the Midland , of the BanCal-
TriState , also of California, by the Rothschilds , and similar incursions into the US market.

The Oppenheimer mining group, heir to the Cecil Rodees empire, is the dominant force – in
collaboration with the HongShang and its subsidiaries in the Middle East – in the illegal trafficking
of gold and diamonds through which so much money is converted into portable and undetectable
assets. dirty. The Oppenheimer group, through De Brees , its diamond monopoly, Aglo-
American Mining and Consolidated Gold Fields of South Africa , its mining corporations and
Phibro, its business entity, has spread its tentacles throughout the world, and especially to the
United States.

Eagle Star Insurance , which serves as a link between the British oligarchy and Canadian banks,
has penetrated insurance companies on the European continent, while gaining enormous ground
in the United States. Eagle Star manages the family funds of those barely retreaded Prohibition-
era gangsters, the Bronfman family. The Bronfmans , in turn, command an inferior variety of the
hamponile species of the United States and Canada. Canadian insurers operating under the Eagle
Star umbrella have come to dominate urban real estate markets in the United States, from New
York to Texas.

But even more important is the role that Eagle Star assumed from 1983, when it became the
main visible link between drug trafficking and the British high command, and with the
Swiss-German financial interests organized around the great family fortunes of the
southern Germany. Munich-based Allianz Versicherung, the largest insurer on the
European continent, bought 30% of Eagle Star in a highly publicized takeover battle.

Allianz represents a coalition of the oldest and most poisonous German fondi families, including
those of the ancient Bavarian dynasty of the Wittelsbach , and the most evil family in German-
speaking Europe, the Thurn und Taxis . It was the Thurn und Taxis and their in-laws, the
Braganza , the dethroned Portuguese royal family, who created and financed the terrorist
organization Tradition, Family and Property, involved in plans to assassinate Pope John
Paul II (in Venezuela it was banned and closed). campus).

The old United Fruit Company , renamed United Brands in the sixties, has been the axis of
great American crime since the beginning of this century, serving as a bridge between the Sicilian
mafia of New Orleans and the shipping firms of the "brahmins" of Boston. Since the beginning of
Ibero-American drug trafficking, United banana ships that enter Baltimore Bay have been the
freest vehicle for physically transporting contraband to the United States.

United Brands, thanks to a series of business reorganizations, ended up in the hands of Carl
Lindner , insurance magnate and main partner of Max Fisher , head of the Chicago underworld.

The fate of United Brands, through a tangle of financial interests that seems imagined by a
mystery serial writer, has joined forces with American Express , the most efficient secret money
carrier in the world, and with the prince of dirty money laundering. from the Levant, the Swiss-
Syrian financier Edmun Safra .

No doubt the reader feels perplexed at this time. The world cannot be so different from how you
imagined it. Let's continue…

Part I

Great Britain and the First Opium War.

“An avalanche of narcotics arrives in the country from abroad, imported by a group of
effective and well-organized smugglers. A fifth of the population becomes drug addicts, an
epidemic that exceeds any known since the time of the great plagues. The institutions of
order are in ruins.”
Fiction? No, history. This was what happened to China in 1838, when drug traffickers from Great
Britain introduced opium. For the British, opium trafficking was not a sordid business, but a
worthy instrument of state policy. Large sectors of the Far East were dedicated to poppy
cultivation, at the expense of food production, to the extent that tens of millions of individuals were
totally dependent on the cultivation, distribution and consumption of opium.

In 1840, the Chinese Emperor, faced with acute drug addiction destroying mandarins and nation
alike, attempted to restrict the activities of British trading companies. Britain's response was war.
The drug-weakened Chinese military forces were unable to contain the British. They finally
surrendered and signed the Treaty of Nanking in 1842, which gave the British Crown the
incredible sum of 21 million pounds of silver, as well as the government of the extraterritorial “free
port” of Hong Kong , which still continues today. being the world capital of British drug trafficking.

Twelve years after the Treaty of Nanking, the British Crown began the Second Opium War
against China, again with disastrous consequences for the Chinese and again with monumental
returns for English drug traffickers. In October 1860, a Franco-British expeditionary force besieged
Peking, which fell virtually without resistance. This fact led to the signing of the Treaty of
Tenzin, which guaranteed Great Britain seven-eighths of total Chinese trade and an
increase in the purchase of opium that went from 58,681 boxes in 1860 to 105,508 in 1880.

Britain built a beachhead in the United States with cotton planting by black slaves and British
financing. This cotton was taken to Liverpool. There it was spun and transformed into clothing in
the workshops of northern England where children and women were used at extremely low
wages. Cotton goods were exported to India , which ruined its textile industry. India paid for
its clothing imports with the foreign exchange it earned from opium exports. Without the
Chinese “demand” for opium, the entire English commercial framework would have

For their part, the Rothschild family, as well as the Lehmans , of Lehman Brothers , their
banker cousins who would later be part of “Our People” of New York , all entered the United
States through the pre-war cotton and slave trade. Civil war.

Opium also began to penetrate the United States and by 1875, 120,000 American addicts
were registered.

In 1919 and 1920 two events occurred of decisive strategic importance for Britain's opium war
against the United States. First, the Royal Institute of International Affairs was founded, which
had the objective of restoring Great Britain as the world's greatest power, including the recovery of
the United States. The second event was the declaration of the Opium War by Great Britain
against the United States. Americans knew that episode as “Prohibition.”

Prohibition brought large-scale drug trafficking, drug dealers, and the underworld to the
United States. Illegal alcoholic beverages and illegal drugs were the two different production lines
of the same multinational. The suppliers were the British, with their distilleries in Scotland and
Canada, and their opium refineries in Shanghai and Hong Kong. Those with the money were
British, with their banks in Canada and the Caribbean. The British, thanks to their political ties in
the United States, created the essential political conditions for reconquering the United States.

Together, the proceeds from the illegal whiskey and drug trade during Prohibition constituted
multimillion-dollar black market loot. Although families like the Kennedys and the Bronfmans
grew like bandits in the early 1930s with the transition to the “legitimate” alcoholic
beverage trade, all the financial scaffolding that was necessary to maintain the
infrastructure of the underworld required diversifying the black market and expanding it in
areas which had previously hardly been used. The illicit drug market in the United States,
although it grew significantly as a result of the experience of Prohibition, only became a
multimillion-dollar business after several decades.

In the 1930s and 1940s, by investing phenomenal dividends from Prohibition in gambling dens,
sports stadiums and racetracks, the underworld laid the foundations for drug trafficking that would
begin in the mid-1950s, once the cultural environment conducive to drug addiction was
created. .

Part II

How the drug empire works

Drug trafficking is the second largest business in the world, only surpassed by oil. The
pieces that make up the puzzle that we must put together to understand how it works are
summarized in:

1. The detailed description that American and other researchers have gathered of the mechanics
of the opium trade from the Golden Triangle to the ports where it leaves for the rest of the world.

2. The identity of the main opium wholesalers, especially among Chinese emigrants, without
missing the names of some bankers.

3. A complete overview of British finances in the Far East (whose financial axis is Hong Kong and
its main banks, Hong Kong and Shanghai) and in particular the web of British relations with
Chinese emigre banking throughout the region.

4. A description of how the mechanisms work – offshore banking, the gold and diamond trade, etc.
– all under British command, with which dirty money is laundered, amounting to hundreds of
billions of dollars each year.

5. An inventory of the vast amount of material in general circulation proving the integration of the
British Far East and dirty money financial transactions around the world, with the top brass of
British foreign policy, primarily the Royal Institute of International Affairs.

6. Similar material proves the existence of a strategic agreement between Great Britain and the
People's Republic of China, at least since the negotiations between the British opium traffickers
and Mao Tse-tung, under the auspices of the Royal Institute of International Affairs.

7. Twenty years of official documentation - from American, Japanese and Taiwanese sources -
indicating that the People's Republic of China produces and exports opium not only to obtain
foreign currency, but to finance secret intelligence operations, through Chinese emigrants.

8. A picture of the intimate ties that unite all these elements - the old British opium traffickers, the
British dealings with dirty money, the operations of the Chinese abroad, the Sino-British political
agreement - with the Canadian element that links the American underworld.
9. A description of the international web of Britain's “Zionist” lobby, and its special role in dirty
money laundering, the dirty money trade in gold and diamonds, the subsidization of international
terrorism, and the financial governance of drug trafficking channels. between Canada and the
United States.

10. Finally, data showing that the main directors of the opium war against the United States not
only sit on the same corporate boards and maintain other business ties, but also have “blood” ties,
which makes this spider web a single family.

The illegal drug trade is not only the largest agency of subversion and fraud in the world: it
is run by a single group of evil individuals whose names and affiliations we give below, and
whose mutual ties of property, family, and political collaboration go back a long time. about
200 years. We know their names and addresses, and how to take them down.

Although most of the elements of the matter have long been available to the public, both
researchers and people tend to conceive the world of drug trafficking as a movie of “good guys”
and “bad guys” : Arab or Colombian smugglers, bandits with long hair and a bad face, corrupt
politicians. Yes, these individuals exist, but they are just pawns of a monster whose head is
the British monarchy and its allies.

A very subtle detail is that the price of heroin on the streets of any city in the United States
is always the same. The reason is that the supplier is also always the same.

How big is the drug industry?

Take the example of heroin. It is estimated that this product alone (with opium for smoking and
other derivatives) handles 25,000 million dollars annually (in 1978). To compare, the global gold
and diamond business together for that same year mobilized 12,000 million US dollars, barely
half that of heroin. We could affirm, without fear of being wrong, that the drug business
moves around 20% of total world trade.

Where does the money go?

With such immense volumes of money, there is only one answer: a good part of
international banking and related financial operations was created with the sole purpose of
handling dirty money. Furthermore, this part of international banking enjoys the sovereign
protection of a good handful of governments. [1] The banking activities of the British oligarchy
meet the following requirements:

1. For a century and a half they have run the narcotics trade.

2. They dominate the free banking zones, closed to the judicial authorities of the United
States and other countries.

3. Almost all of these free banking zones, where offshore banking operates, are under the
political control of the British monarchy and its allies.

4. They dominate all banking in the heart of drug trafficking: the Hong Kong and Shanghai
Bank, created in 1864 to finance the drug trade, is an example of this.

5. They govern the global trade in gold and diamonds, a necessary aspect of the exchange
of “tangible” goods for drugs.

6. They cover all the mechanisms of liaison with the underworld, lobbying for favorable
drug laws in the United States, and all other elements of distribution, protection and legal
support necessary.

Virtually the only free banking zone that the British do not officially govern is Panama; It is
no coincidence that Panama is the only one of those centers where there are many more
American banks than British ones. Which does not mean that Panama is a paragon of
cleanliness; On the contrary, most of the money from Colombian drug trafficking of
marijuana and cocaine is cleared in Panama, through the three Colombian banks that
operate there. However, American banks have a field of maneuver that they lack in the Caymans
or the Bahamas, where the British authorities are always snooping around.

From the field to the bank

The narcotic producers of Latin America are mostly old landholding families, who also grow sugar
cane, which grows in soil similar to marijuana, and coffee, whose growing conditions are identical
to those of coca. These families enjoy immense power in nations like Colombia, Bolivia or
Peru. The old landed oligarchy has direct channels to the banking markets of New York,
London and the Caribbean.

Hong Kong, World Drug Capital

Illegal drugs are the biggest business in the Far East. But in Hong Kong, drugs don't just
dominate the economy, they are the economy. Taking a look at the British colony of Hong
Kong is like looking at a miniature of the global economy of drugs and dirty money.

To begin with, Hong Kong is the place in the world with the highest proportion of drug addicts.
According to official estimates by the British police, 10% of Hong Kong's population are drug
addicts. Unofficial figures raise that amount to 50%. On average we can estimate it at 20-30%,
that is, around a million people. If each opium addict or morphine addict spends $10 a day,
HongShang Bank receives around $3.7 billion a year through the back door.

An analogous calculation gives a figure close to $9 billion for New York City. Where does
so much money come from? Surely not from well-paid jobs, nor from street assaults, nor even
prostitution reaches those levels of money. It can only come from underworld activities: lotteries,
betting, protection sales, contract fires and similar occupations. Drug addiction would not exist
without the means of subsidization that the underworld gives it.

The myth that Hong Kong's economy has developed rapidly because of its cheap
electronics and textiles is completely unfounded.

The Chinese Connection

“Some American soldiers in Vietnam start trying opium. And we help them... Do you
remember when the West imposed opium on us? They attacked us with opium and we are
going to fight them with their own weapons… The effect that this demoralization will have
on the United States will be much greater than anyone can imagine” Chinese Prime Minister
Chou En-Lai, in conversation with Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser, June 1965.
Only after Henry Kissinger 's trip to China in 1972 did newspaper headlines stop mentioning
China's role in the international opium trade. The American, European and Japanese authorities
kept indicating that China is one of the main producers and exporters of opium and its derivatives,
and even the British, faced with considerable pressure from other countries, had to agree.

Who or What protects Hong Kong?

The most important reason is that, to a large extent, the refinement of heroin - which was
completely moved from Shanghai to Hong Kong after the communist takeover in 1949 - is no
longer carried out in Hong Kong. Rather, the importance of Hong Kong lies primarily in the sphere
of drug money management, and secondarily in the transshipment of heroin. The transfer of
opium production and refining from the Shanghai-Hong-Kong route to the Golden Triangle (which
includes large portions of China's Yunan province) occurred in the midst of the Vietnam War,
which the United States entered on advice. from Britain, creating a gigantic captive market, easily
accessible through the growing areas of Burma, Thailand and Laos, some of which had already
grown substantial quantities of opium during the British colonial period.

The catastrophic involvement of the United States in Vietnam gave the Mao regime a golden
opportunity in the world of narcotics, into which Beijing entered with both feet. The United States
paid the price for the sudden rise of drug addiction. However, the late 1960s were only a
transitional period, the execution of a strategic plan outlined in the early 1940s between Mao Tse-
Tung and Britain's leading opera families.

The Royal Institute of International Affairs administers drug trafficking

According to its founding act, published in 1920, the Royal Institute of International Affairs is “a
non-governmental, apolitical body” whose purpose is “to promote the sciences of
international politics, economics and jurisprudence”, “to promote and maintain means of
information on international affairs” and “encourage the study and research of such
matters.” Rarely will the reader have the opportunity to read so many lies in so few lines.

In the will of Cecil Rhodes , who founded the gold and diamond empires that to this day, under
the aegis of Anglo-American and De Brees , dominate world markets, and also founded the drug
trafficker Standard Bank , and who bequeathed his fortune to the Rodees Fund , expresses:

“To establish a fund, of and for the establishment, promotion and development of a secret
society, the true aim and objective of which will be the extension of British power
throughout the world, the perfection of a system of emigration from the United Kingdom
and of colonization by of British subjects of all those islands where means of support can
be obtained by energy, labor and enterprise, and especially the occupation of British
colonizers of the whole continent of Africa, the Holy Land, the Euphrates Valley, the islands
of Cyprus and Candia, all of South America, the islands of the Pacific that do not yet
belong to Great Britain, the entire Malay Archipelago, the coasts of China and Japan, the
final recovery of the United States of America as an integral part of the British Empire, the
consolidation of the entire Empire, the inauguration of a system of colonial representation
in the Imperial Parliament that may tend to unite the disintegrated members of the Empire,
and, finally, the founding of a power so great as to henceforth make wars impossible and
promote conflicts. best interests of humanity.”

In May 1919, the Royal Institute of International Affairs was born to fulfill the dreams of Cecil

Canada, the Hong Kong of North America

Most of the heroin that reaches North America enters through Canada. The idea that Canada is a
nation – in the sense in which that term is understood by, for example, an American – is the
product of an advertising campaign that is no less persistent than subtle. Both politically and
economically, Canada depends linearly on the British monarchy, beginning with a governor
general appointed by the Queen and continuing through the council of governors, up to the
group that makes up the nucleus of the Knights of Saint John of Jerusalem, who hold the
majority of Canadian trade.

Canada's role in the flow of drugs to the United States is not much different from what it played
during Prohibition. Canada passes most of the heroin that enters the American market ,
because it was created and maintained as a British dominion precisely to carry out those types of
operations on the northern flank of the United States.

According to high-ranking Canadian sources, most of the heroin arriving in North America is
transported by Canadian Pacific Air and then taken to various locations south of the US border.
Firmly intertwined with this Western Canadian connection is the Bronfman group, whose
administrative and financial centers are Seagram and Trizec .

Canada's Silver Triangle

The Royal Bank has the dirtiest reputation of any Caribbean bank. According to well-informed
diplomatic sources, the Royal Bank of Canada gave direct orders to the Guyana government to
grow marijuana to earn foreign currency. In 1976, when Guyana fell into complete bankruptcy and
turned to the International Monetary Fund for emergency relief, a delegation from the Royal Bank
of Canada met with senior Guyanese government officials.The Royal Bank insisted that Guyana
orient its economy towards the production of “export crops” before it or any other bank could
grant it loans. The desperate Guyanese did as they were asked. As a consequence, northwest
Guyana has become one of the main suppliers of marijuana to the North American market.

All in family

Why, with such detailed evidence of the functioning of global drug trafficking in the public domain
or in police files, has this reality been kept hidden for so long? The answer is that we must go
beyond the boards of directors of large companies and the precious metals markets and look into
the intimate lives of the British elite: all drug trafficking in the world has been directed since
its inception by a single family This applies not only to cultivation and distribution but also
to political, ideological and intelligence support.

This family has dominated Britain for hundreds of years, holds virtually all the important positions
of business and political power and believes that making things happen by pulling strings behind
the scenes is as normal as having tea at five.

The Royal Institute of International Affairs was the “secret society” that provided
officialdom for the drug trade. But the Royal Institute was founded by an even more secret
group: the Circle of Initiates, which counted among its first members Lord Milner, Cecil
Rhodes, founder of the British mining empire in Africa, the future Prime Minister Arthur
Balfour, Albert Gray and Lord Rothchild.

Part III

The debt trap and the narco-economy in Latin America

David Rockefeller , head of Chase Manhattan Bank , began looking for mafia money in the
mid-1960s, during the days when Citibank organized its “international personal banking services”
section to manage the movement of illegal capital, and the Bank of America supported the
Banco Ambrosiano of Italy. But it was not until 1976, when David Rockefeller bought an
American government and rancid European funds set up shop on Wall Street, that drug
trafficking began to become a business worthy of the attention of the largest banks in the

Ibero-American drug trafficking reached its peak almost at the same time that Jimmy Carter took
possession of the Presidency of the United States. Two years later, he had made a mess of the
distribution of money throughout the US Federal Reserve system . Jimmy Carter had barely
been in the White House for two years and already drug trafficking had become Florida's
largest industry, with revenues of $13 billion.

The United States, through the Department of the Treasury of G. Miller and Paul Volcker's
Federal Reserve backed the International Monetary Fund's brazen campaign to force Latin
America to produce narcotics to pay off the debt, and redoubled their efforts after the 1979
oil price surge left Third World debtors in debt. in insolvency.

Volcker had been vice president of Rockefeller-owned Strategic Planning in 1966, when Chase
Manhattan asked HongShang Bank for a slice of the dirty money market. Then the Trilateral
Commission , headed by Rockefeller who had nominated his pet Jimmy Carter for the Presidency
of the United States, attacked Latin America fully. Henry Kissinger launched the “Caribbean
Basin Initiative ,” which culminated in the 1980 marijuana coup in Jamaica, backed by the State
Department headed by Cyrus Vance.

David Rockefeller's private network of partners, like the Grancolombiano Group in Bogotá,
the partners of Manual Ulloa in Peru, and the Diego Cisneros Organization in Caracas ,
opened the conduits through which they could enter and leave different Western capitals.
fabulous sums of dirty money, in the name of “free enterprise” and the “parallel economy.”

The International Monetary Fund, above all, tightened the screws on the debtors of Latin America,
especially Jamaica, Colombia and Peru, the main suppliers of marijuana and cocaine to the US

By 1978, the drug trafficking economy was already the express official policy of the IMF. John
Holdson , veteran head of Latin American affairs at the World Bank's international trade and
banking office, said:

“I know that the coca industry is very advantageous there for producers. What's more,
from their point of view, a better product simply could not be found. Their advantages are
that they do not require complex techniques or hybrid seeds, and the soil and climate are
Frederick Wills , former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Guyana, declared for his part:

“The countries hope that by obtaining the approval of the IMF the doors of credit from
other countries and from private banks will be opened. But IMF approval requires that its
programs be successfully implemented. If this is not successful, then the flow of funds to
banks and money markets dries up. This means, first of all, that government ministers
must answer the following question: what exports could we undertake that would yield
immediate cash profits to bridge this balance of payments gap? There is only one
commodity that satisfies this requirement, drugs."

Jamaica, example of “free enterprise” according to the IMF

After four years of IMF intervention, Jamaica's marijuana income is conservatively estimated at
$3.5 billion a year, more than the entire Gross Domestic Product of 1980, when the IMF installed
Edward Saga in government.

Unlike Colombia and Peru, where nationalist forces oppose bankers' plans to convert them into
coca and marijuana plantations, Jamaica is an indisputable example of the IMF.

Edward Saga barely figured in the Trilateral Commission's plans when Sol Linowitz , negotiator
appointed by the Carter administration in the Panama Canal discussions, chaired a small, semi-
secret meeting at the White House in 1979 to discuss the Caribbean. Linowitz, who would be a
United Fruit official, formed a “Caribbean-Central American Action” group in the then
government, the nucleus of what would later be the famous Caribbean Basin Initiative, by David
Rockefeller , and the Bipartisan Commission. on Central America, by Henry Kissinger . As a
by-product of the Linowitz group, Gustavo Cisneros, a Rockefeller protégé in Venezuela,
created the “Venezuelan-Jamaican Committee of Businessmen” in 1981, to give more
support to Seaga.

The drama of Colombia

In August 1983, Rodrigo Lara Bonilla was appointed Minister of Justice of Colombia, with
Belisario Betancur being President. On April 30, 1984, less than a year after his appointment,
Rodrigo Lara Bonilla was murdered by the Colombian drug trafficking mafia. The Colombian mafia
is a local branch of a supranational organization, much more powerful and dangerous, known as
Narcotráfico SA. This criminal organization acts with impunity on a planetary scale.

Rodrigo Lara Bonilla, an honest and nationalist man, had dared to declare war on drugs, in a
social environment in which the drug czars bought the population and the political positions that
suited them, in which the former presidents and Nobel Prize winners sang the virtues of

Barely a week after the murder, on May 6, in Panama, Colombian drug traffickers Pablo Escobar
and Jorge Ochoa (among others) met with former president Alfonso López Michelsen
(president in the period 74-78). The object of the meeting was an offer from drug traffickers to
“buy” a total amnesty for 3 billion US dollars. After the denial of such an offer by the brave
president Belisario Betancur, his counterpart, the narco-president López Michelsen, declared: “If
these gentlemen want to hand over their laboratories, runways and crops and sell their
planes, then I believe that the way to reduce the issue of drug trafficking is probably
shorter by good means than by bad means to reach the same objective.”
As President López, his aid to drug trafficking was shameless: he instructed his Minister of
Finance to create a “special window” at the Banco de la República , the Colombian central
bank, to allow drug traffickers to incorporate their dollars into legitimate circulation.
without investigations of any kind (President Betancur closed it in the first week of his
subsequent government). On the other hand, he encouraged his cousin, Jaime Michelsen Uribe ,
president of the country's largest financial consortium, the Grancolombiano Group , to occupy
the first position in Colombia's drug-financial underworld. Grancolombiano's assets were inflamed
with money from drug trafficking that passed through the “ticket office-laundry” , tripling in just
the first six months of 1976, the date by which drug trafficking definitively took off and Florida was
overflowing with torrents of dirty money.

On December 31, 1983, then President Belisario Betancur unmasked Jaime Michelsen
Uribe who fled to Miami, leaving behind eleven Banco Colombia officials in prison.

The Cisneros Family: the Bronfmans of Venezuela

Until recently, Venezuela had a "privileged" relationship with South American drug
trafficking. Until 1983, exempt from the production of narcotics, Venezuela instead served
as a transshipment station and "banking center" for drug trafficking.

It was Venezuelan narco dollars, for example, that started the torrent of "laundered" money
into the Florida real estate market, before the Colombian mafia came up with the idea. The
volume of money laundered from Venezuela reached so much that it became a popular joke to
say that Florida had separated from the United States... to be a new state of Venezuela. By 1980,
it was officially estimated that Venezuelan capital invested in Florida real estate amounted
to more than $1.1 billion. And in 1983, according to calculations by a Venezuelan police
official made public in early 1984, nearly $5 billion was laundered in Venezuela.

But Venezuela lost that "privileged" relationship a long time ago ; Along with the banking houses
that profit from drug trafficking, there are now half a million addicts, it is estimated, many of them
children of the drug financiers themselves. However, identifying the dollar laundering
apparatus and its bosses remains the most effective means of identifying the Venezuelan
drug mafia as a whole.

On July 20, 1984, the Venezuelan magazine Summary reported on reports that a member of the
Cisneros family , one of the most powerful financial families in Venezuela, was up to his elbows in
laundering drug money in Florida. According to this information, taken in its entirety from the book
In Banks We Trust , by leftist journalist Penny Lernoux , Oswaldo Cisneros Fajardo had been
linked to the World Finance Corporation (WFC) , an international dollar laundry. The WFC ,
having screwed up too many times, finally collapsed, and its Cuban-American president,
Guillermo Hernández Cartaya , ended up in jail for a relatively minor crime: tax evasion.

The chronicle included some of the most sordid details of the WFC 's business dealings :
exchanging weapons for drugs in the Caribbean; financial resources made available to the
government of Fidel Castro, etc. The report aroused even more interest due to the fact that El
Diario de Caracas had just published a photo of President Lusinchi reading Lernoux's book, in
the company of two high officials. The caption of the photo claimed that readers had been
especially interested in Cisneros' ties to the world of drug trafficking. Which sparked as
much outrage as if Newsweek magazine had accused David Rockefeller of laundering dirty
money. The Diego Cisneros Organization, the holding company of the Cisneros family,
published full-page advertisements in the Caracas press in which it denied having any
relationship with the World Finance Corporation, Credival, or Mr. Hernández
Cartaya.Oswaldo Cisneros - in an interview with Summary in which he presented his version of
the matter - acknowledged that in 1975 he had hired Hernández Cartaya to reorganize the
investment firm Inversiones Fénix , which was later called Credival, and that between the two
They had established a subsidiary of the WFC in Caracas. But he insisted that this had been the
last business they had done together, and that he had no knowledge - neither before nor at
that time - that Hernández Cartaya had anything to do with drug trafficking or the
laundering of drug dollars.

Many came out to defend Cisneros's honor by attacking Lernoux's reliability, which was very easy
given that his career as a "journalist" was sponsored by the KGB and a string of agencies linked
to British intelligence both in the United States and in Latin America. But most of the evidence
Lernoux presented on the WFC issue was drawn from the records of lengthy investigations
by several U.S. institutions (including Congress, Customs, the Narcotics Bureau, and a
federal grand jury) into Hernández Cartaya and the WFC.

But the true story of the Cisneros family goes far, far beyond the mere clues that came to light
during the WFC scandal . The mistake is trying to look down from the Cisneros family's position of
power, instead of sideways and up. The reader would see things more clearly if, for example,
we informed him of the existence of an Ibero-American family that: Started in business with
the sponsorship of one of the main Canadian banks of Narcotráfico SA: the Royal Bank of
Canada; It has been associated for a long time with the Rockefeller family, which has done
it the favor of selling crumbs of its empire in Ibero America, incorporating its members to
the boards of directors of several of its international holding companies, and which has
allowed them to consolidate those ties. by marriage to his relatives from the Phelps family;
It is solidly linked to the Florida banking groups that were prominent in the Jimmy Carter
administration's drug scandal; He entered into a partnership with a Florida financial house
whose ties with terrorists and drug traffickers are well documented, and which received
millions of dollars from Moscow's Narodni Bank; He has been promoting the economic
liberalism of Friedrich Von Haytek's Mont Pelerin Society for decades, which advocates the
legalization of the narcotics trade; and Recently joined David Rockfeller's campaign to
make the Jamaican narco-economy the "model" for the Caribbean basin in general.

The reader now has an adequate perspective to understand the true history of the Cisneros, and
understand the fact that they are the Venezuelan equivalent of the Bronfmans. You should not be
surprised by cousin Oswaldo's association with the corrupt Hernández Cartaya.

The Family Empire

The Cisneros family fortune is centralized in the Diego Cisneros Organization (ODC), a
holding company whose value is estimated at $3 billion. The ODC , described by a New
York banker related to it, is a "Gulf and Western type" company, encompassing some 50
firms producing goods ranging from phonograph records, sporting goods and computers
to cosmetics and prepared foods, with properties in the lines of real estate, agriculture,
communications and finance. "The Cisneros group, whose investments have always been
internationally oriented, went on a rampage to make acquisitions in the last two or three
years," commented the banker, adding that it is estimated, "informally," that it has placed some
billion dollars in the outside.

Like Gulf and Western, owner of Paramount Pictures, ODC also has its "entertainment"
company: Venevisión. The Cisneros family, which acquired that television company in
1961, when television was just starting in Venezuela, has used Venevisión to promote the
culture of rock and roll and pornography, essential to create a hedonistic, "cool"
atmosphere in any country. of drugs, of "feeling good." The phenomenal success of sales of
rock and roll stars' records and the album - recorded by Sonorodven, the ODC's phonograph
company - is just one of the effects of the advertising power that Venevisión gives to the ODC.

The Royal Bank of Canada was the one that gave paterfamilias Diego Cisneros his first
opportunity in Caracas, after emigrating from Cuba in 1929. The connection with the Canadian
narcobank continues to this day, being a representative of the Cisneros on the board of directors
of the Royal José Rafael Revenga , executive vice president of the ODC and vice president of
Venevisión. In 1939 Diego became "independent" and set up the first Pepsi-Cola bottling
franchise in Venezuela, in the company of his brother Antonio . Pepsi and Cisneros are now
synonymous in Venezuela, and Antonio's son, Oswaldo, is the current president of the
company [2].

But it was Diego Cisneros who made the ODC the commercial and financial empire it is
today. In Venezuela, the word "Rockefeller" became an inevitable association with the word
"Cisneros" . Along with other wealthy families, the Cisneros family took over many of the
businesses started by the Rockfellers. Among them, the Venezuelan subsidiaries of Sears
Roehuck , the National Cash Register , and that pet project of Nelson Rockefeller, CADA
supermarkets. At one point the ODC obtained the services as "international advisor" of
George S. Moore , former president of the New York bank Citibank and director emeritus of WR
Grace . And Gustavo Cisneros, son of Diego Cisneros, took a wife well connected to the
Rockefeller empire: Patricia Phelps , of the Phelps of the American Eastern Establishment .

Diego Cisneros was also very proud to be a member of the Mont Pelerin society, eminent
international ideologues of the "legalization of the illegal economy" whose work in favor of
drugs we cited in the first chapters. Diego Cisneros sponsored numerous trips by Mont Pelerin
propagandists to Venezuela to harangue the country's businessmen, and his lifelong motto,
according to his own son Gustavo, was clear Mont Pelerin ideology: "Give me the right man, and
done deal".

When Diego died in 1980, his sons, Gustavo and Ricardo Cisneros Rendiles , took over the
business, occupying the presidency and vice-presidency, respectively, of the ODC. Gustavo
became heir apparent to the empire, and has continued his father's work as a champion of the
"free enterprise" model in the Caribbean basin. When David Rockefeller created the "American-
Jamaican Traders Committee" in 1981 to promote the "Jamaican model" of narcotics and free
enterprise, Gustavo Cisneros announced the creation of a similar "Venezuelan-Jamaican
Traders Association" , which became co-president.

Gustavo's career as an international financier is on the rise. He is vice president of the

Venezuelan affiliate of the Knights of the Sovereign Order of Malta , and by 1981 he had joined
the international board of advisors of Chase Manhattan Bank , joining the likes of Henry
Kissinger and his partner Per Gyllenhammer of the Volvo ; "Joe" Martínez de Hoz, from
Argentina; Y.K. Pao, of the Worldwide Shipping Corporation of Hong Kong; Ian D. Sinclair,
president of Canadian Pacific Enterprises, Ltd; and the president of the Royal Dutch
Petroleum Co., GA. Wagner. All of them, of course, led by David Rockefeller. In November
1983, Gustavo was placed on the international board of advisors of Pan American World
Airways (PanAm), where, among others, Sol Linowitz, from United Brands; Cyrus Vance,
attorney for Gulf and Western; Theodore Hesburgh, chancellor of the University of Nortre
Dame; and Yet Keung-kan, president of the Bank of East Asia, Hong Kong. Now he has also
added to his "accomplishments" a new position on the international board of advisors of
Beatrice Foods.

Cisneros' ties to the Carter-Vance combination are not new. According to sources in Washington,
during the Jimmy Carter administration, Cyrus Vance , then Secretary of State, often used
Cisneros as an "interlocutor" with certain political groups in the region. Cisneros and his old
comrade Pedro Tinoco, Jr., did everything they could from Caracas to promote the
Venezuelan financial boom in Florida. When Robert Graham , governor of that state and a
fervent supporter of the "free banking" scheme, arrived in Caracas in October 1980 to stimulate
Venezuelan investments in Florida, Gustavo Cisneros and Pedro Tinoco , Jr., were the ones
who organized the great entertainment for him and his sponsors. But the connection also extends,
of course, to the financial sphere. By 1978 the Cisneros acquired minority ownership of Florida
First National Bank of Jacksonville , the principal component of a statewide holding company
called Florida National Bank of Florida. He put Tinoco on the bank's board of directors to
represent the Cisneros' interest there.

Now, it turns out that Florida First National is an interesting bank. It is one of three Florida banks
that led the fight to lift banking restrictions in that state in the late 1970s. Such modifications to
the law were essential to turn Florida into a virtual banking haven for drug trafficking

Florida National Banks also has another very interesting feature: it was the main holder of the
Charter Oil Company , which had two of its directors on Florida National's board of directors:
Edward Ball and Charter's president, Raymond Mason . Charter, which went bankrupt in 1984,
rose to prominence when news emerged that it had served as a conduit for Libyan oil purchases
pushed by Billy Carter , the president's brother. That scandal went down in history as the
"Billygate Scandal" .

But Gustavo Cisneros was not harmed by all that in the least. Quite the opposite: in 1981,
he reportedly sold his shares, making a multimillion-dollar profit.

The World Finance Corporation and the Cuban link

It seems that Oswaldo Cisneros, Gustavo's cousin, runs much more in Venezuela than the
Pepsi-Cola company. According to a report that appeared on July 1, 1984 in El Diario de
Caracas , Oswaldo is the liaison of a plan to reestablish commercial and diplomatic relations
between Venezuela and Cuba, in the hope of legitimizing his current status as a Cuban-American
commercial intermediary. in violation of the embargo imposed by the United States on Cuba. El
Diario de Caracas maintained that Cisneros visited Cuba on a Pepsi-Cola plane on June 7, 1984
and that he met personally with Fidel Castro. In an interview granted on August 12 to the
magazine Summary , Cisneros did not deny that he had traveled to Cuba, but insisted that it was
for family and personal reasons, that the meeting with Castro occurred by "pure chance" and that
they only talked about "a series of generalities" . Oswaldo added that he had many other Pepsi
board members who had participated in the Bay of Pigs invasion and that the entire story was an
attempt to discredit his well-cultivated anti-Castro credentials.

But there are other things that Oswaldo Cisneros needs to explain. His wife, the Cuban Ella
Fontanals de Cisneros, is the sister of José Fontanals Pérez, currently a member of the
board of directors of the National Bank of Cuba, in Havana , and economic advisor to Fidel
Castro. Ella's ties with her brother are not a thing of the past; Her husband Oswaldo
acknowledged in his interview with Summary that he facilitated at least one discreet visit by José
Fontanals to Caracas, to attend his mother's funeral.

She reportedly lives part of the time in Caracas and part of the time in New York, and sources
close to the DEA report that in this city she frequents places where Cuban diplomats, both active
and retired, also go, as well as Colombian drug traffickers, among them Jemel Nassel de
Lehder , ex-wife of Colombian mafia king Carlos Lehder.

Perhaps the reader wonders how the anti-Castro clan of Cisneros can talk amicably with
the current Fidelista diplomats.

The story of the World Finance Corporation (WFC) , narrated in several committees of the
United States Congress, demonstrates that the interweaving of Castro and anti-Castro networks in
the hot underworld of drugs is not as "impossible" as Oswaldo Cisneros would like. what the
researchers believed.

The WFC was founded in Coral Gables, Florida, by a Cuban banker in exile, named
Hernández Cartaya. This subject had some type of contact in intelligence organizations from the
beginning; He participated in the Bay of Pigs invasion, was captured, released, and went to work
at Citizens and Southern Bank in Atlanta until he decided to start his own business. The WFC's
lawyer, whose signature appears on that entity's charter, was Walter Sternling Surrey , a well-
connected former OSS agent, who stayed with the WFC until 1976. Surrey was also the lawyer for
Ronald Stark , a terrorist serving time in Italy for his ties to the Red Brigades. Prior to his activities
in Italy with narcoterrorism circles, Stark had been a member of the Brotherhood of Eternal Love
, an organization that was involved in the production of most of the hallucinogens distributed in the
United States throughout the 1970s. This brotherhood, which we will encounter in later chapters,
was one of the first conduits for drug trafficking and dirty money laundering between the United
States, the Caribbean and Central America.

According to several reports, the WFC was a drug money laundromat from the beginning.
Already in 1977 it owned nine companies plus a bank in Miami, as well as subsidiaries in eight
Latin American countries. Unibank , a Panamanian subsidiary, controlled branches in the Dutch
Antilles, the Cayman Islands, London, the United Arab Emirates and Texas. After seven years of
existence, the WFC's balance sheet showed a positive balance of more than 500 million dollars. A
bad (and possibly illegal) investment in the United Arab Emirates derailed the group in 1977,
costing investors $55 million and forcing Hernández Cartaya to flee the country with a false
Colombian passport. The investigation after the WFC collapse revealed that a 98 percent-owned
subsidiary, the National Bank of South Florida , was involved in drug money laundering, so-
called self-loans, and various other abuses.

But before all that happened, the WFC had obtained a $2 million loan from Moscow's Narodny
Bank in 1975. Judging by the available evidence, Hernández Cartaya had done more than
enough to deserve it.

The WFC network included the scum of the continent's financial underworld. The Colombian
representative of the WFC's Panamanian investment group, Unibank, was Jaime Mosquera , a
Colombian banker who went to prison in 1982 for fraud. Mosquera was a contact of Hernández
Cartaya since they both worked at Citizens and Southern , Mosquera being the representative of
that bank in Bogotá. One of the WFC's first actions was to purchase a small Colombian bank,
Banco del Estado , and install Mosquera as president. In 1975, Unibank tried to negotiate a
starring role in a $100 million loan to the Idema agricultural institute, owned by the Colombian
state, using the influence of Christian Mosquera , Jaime's brother who at that time was
Colombia's banking superintendent. . According to testimony before the United States
Congressional commission that investigated the WFC maneuver, Hernández Cartaya was at the
same time a secret representative of the Cuban government and intended to use the loan as an
incentive for the López Michelsen government to cooperate with Cuba in the "northern" drug
trafficking routes.

Panama's Unibank also served as a conduit for Sandinista arms purchases before the Cuban-
sponsored rebel group overthrew Anastasio Somoza in 1978. There are also preliminary
reports that Unibank mediated the exchange of weapons for drugs in both Venezuela and

Hernández Cartaya was a versatile guy. He was also accused of financing the terrorist activities of
Orlando Bosch 's notorious anti-Castro group. A WFC official, one Duney Pérez Alamo ,
belonged to the Bosch group and was a close friend of Gaspar Jiménez , the Bosch agent who
was arrested in Mexico in 1976 when he tried to kidnap the Cuban consul general in Mexico City.
Mexican government sources cited by Lernoux claim that the government has evidence that the
WFC paid $50,000 for Jiménez to escape from prison, on the condition that Jiménez keep his
mouth shut regarding the WFC.

T he WFC 's links to major drug traffickers were extensive. The files of the Narcotics
Directorate indicate that one of Hernández Cartaya's closest collaborators was a wholesale drug
seller who worked with the Santo Traficante mafia. In any case, the financial company Dominion
Mortagage Corporation , linked to Traficante, registered its offices with the same address as
those of Hernández Cartaya's WFC. The DEA further maintains that a WFC employee named
Enrique "Kaki" Argomaniz was suspected of drug and weapons trafficking and that he is the
brother of well-known narcotics wholesaler Alberto Argomaniz .

Oswaldo Cisneros confirmed to the magazine Summary of Venezuela that he worked with
Hernández Cartaya, of the WFC , but insisted, "I never knew, nor can I affirm that
Hernández Cartaya was connected" with the drug trade. According to their version,
Hernández Cartaya and Cisneros effectively jointly founded a subsidiary of the WFC in
1975-1976; The relationship lasted a year, after which Hernández Cartaya's relationship
with Inversiones Fénix ended, and nothing was heard from them again, supposedly.

Pedro Tinoco, son: partner of Cisneros

Lawyer Pedro Tinoco , Jr., Venezuelan representative of Banque Sudameris , the bank of Jesuit
financial interests and Venetian insurance companies, is a partner of Cisneros in various
businesses.Informally, Tinoco is also known as "the Chase man" in Caracas, as well as the
main contact of the Rothschild family . Thanks to his position as first executive of Banco Latino
de Venezuela , he occupies a prominent position in the so-called "Occident Group", the most
powerful business group on the Colombian-Venezuelan border, one of the most
concentrated places in the world in terms of cultivation. of drugs is concerned.

Caracas bankers paint Tinoco as "the smartest banker in the city... young, sharp and
always in action." It could also be one of the dirtiest. Their ties with the Cisneros Rendiles
family are such that they are considered as a single group. For example, in 1981, Gustavo
Cisneros appointed him president of the board of directors of the CADA supermarket
When Banco Latino decided to create a new headquarters in 1980, Tinoco obtained the
loan from Banque Sudameris, the Banca della Svizzera Italiana, American Express
International Banking Corporation and Araven Finance, Ltd. (an association of the Kuwait
International Investment Company, Morgan Grenfell, the Consolidated Bank of Venezuela,
and Banco Latino, owned by Tinoco).

As documented in this book, this is the group that handles large amounts of illegal money. The
offices of Sudameris, American Express and the most venerable Venetian insurance
companies are omnipresent throughout Latin America. They control the insurance and
reinsurance business and other large related businesses. From 1981 to 1983, Latin America
lost more than a billion dollars in "capital flight" , most of it illegal, and continues to lose funds at
this time, which are directed towards the overseas financial system. Fake accounts, fake
insurance policies, fake subsidiaries that employ fake consultants and charter fake boats and
planes, go to overseas bank accounts, and then from there to condominiums in Miami or
wherever. There is a ghost economy whose purpose is to extract funds from Latin America,
and it is supported by billion-dollar companies like Generali. As we already noted, the same
Cisneros group has a billion dollars outside Venezuela.

Gustavo Cisneros Rendiles, Oswaldo Cisneros Fajardo, Pedro Tinoco and their friends
keep one foot in this ghost economy. They work at a level well above that of the country's
mere politicians, to whom they deign to give financial support from time to time to obtain a
favor here and there. They continually rub shoulders - perhaps with a slight shudder - with the
Hernández Cartayas and the World Finance Corporation. As already mentioned, the Hong Kong
and Shanghai Bank does not keep bags of heroin in its vaults, nor does it usually lend money to
merchants in the interior of Thailand who harvest the poppy; What it does is function as a central
bank and currency issuer for the hundreds of overseas Chinese banks that do. Citibank does not
knowingly directly manage capital flight; Its "international banking staff" officials maintain
a small list of former colleagues who do this for them, so that Citibank can be the final
recipient of these deposits. The HongShang describes this as "free enterprise" , and the
ideologues of the Mont Pelerin Society are in charge of elaborating the philosophical
justifications of the case.

The important thing is not so much that Oswaldo Cisneros is caught red-handed, although
that is still fun; More than that, the Diego Cisneros Organization, the Latino Group, and the
rest of their ilk collaborate with the bankers of the Jesuit order and the settlement banks of
the old European funds to order the affairs of nations and their financial systems. , in such
a way that a Hernández Cartaya will be at your disposal any time your fingers snap. In the
whirlwind of the financial underworld, thieves and thugs like Cartaya compete with each other for
the favors of the Olympians, who choose their servants from among the survivors.

Appendix to the summary: In addition to what was expressed in the book Narcotráfico SA, we
add some of the most notable cases of cocaine smuggling and seizures in Venezuela at the time
when drug trafficking, apparently, had taken over Venezuelan institutions. Note how in most cases
those involved were very senior officers or former officers of the armed forces and the National
Guard. These cases were published in the book by Gustavo Azócar Alcalá, Los Barones de la
Droga , Alfadil Editores, Caracas, 1994.

• Félix Salcedo and Jairo Slebi, representatives to the Colombian parliament for the Lopista wing
of the Liberal Party, were caught red-handed selling cocaine in Venezuela. The buyer was
Alberto Abello, private secretary of the COPEI Senator, Valmore Acevedo Amaya . The
judge who was in charge of the case by orders of Gonzalo García Bustillos (who held the
position of Secretary of the Presidency, being President Luis Herrera Campins ) released all
those detained after 72 hours.

• On April 30, 1983, 667 kilos of high-purity cocaine were seized, found inside a small plane that
had landed in Charallave, near Caracas. This plane came from Colombia and was owned by
rancher Lizardo Márquez Pérez , a retired military man residing in the State of Táchira. One of
Lizardo Márquez Pérez's associates was none other than the regional commander of the
Venezuelan army on the border with Colombia, General Italo del Valle Alliegro , who would later
be Minister of Defense under Carlos A. Pérez in his second presidential term. It was the largest
seizure in Latin America and the second in the world, only surpassed by the 800 kilos of cocaine
captured just a few months earlier in Miami. Lizardo Márquez Pérez fled to Medellín and was
detained in the US when he tried to cross the border with Nicaragua on November 10, 1984.

• On February 26, 1984, Venezuelan police authorities found 136 kilos of high-purity cocaine
inside a Super King 200 plane, owned by retired army major Francisco Ocando Paz . He was
arrested in Denver, Colorado and was extradited to Venezuela on May 12, 1989.

• On November 5, 1985, Judge Kirse Rodríguez issued an arrest warrant against the general of
the Venezuelan army, Pedro María Díaz Paredes , who had been president of the Court Martial
of the Republic of Venezuela. He was linked to the seizure of 453 kilos of high-purity cocaine on a
highway in the State of Falcón. Although he always declared himself innocent, two of his
grandchildren were arrested while trying to pass a certain amount of drugs to their grandfather,
detained in the Coro judicial detention center. Díaz Paredes served a sentence of seven years
and four months before being released for reasons of health and advanced age.

• Brigadier General Alexis Ramón Sánchez Paz , who became the intelligence directorate of the
Venezuelan army, was caught by North American authorities in early 1992 when he tried to
negotiate 50 kilograms of cocaine. The case of this general is particular, since his love for drugs
was well known. However, they arrested him a few hours after the coup attempt on February 4,
apparently to use it as an argument against the armed forces, at a time when the popularity of
Carlos Andrés Pérez had fallen to less than 10%, against 90% of the lieutenant. Colonel
Hugo Chávez Frías.

• On September 12, 1992, another case scandalized the country. It is known that since 1990, the
Directorate of Military Intelligence monitored officers of the Armed Cooperation Forces (National
Guard). One of the officers investigated is Brigadier General Ramón Benigno Guillén Dávila , a
native of Tovar, Mérida state, Head of the Anti-Drug Division of the National Guard. Several
shipments of drugs, which together amounted to more than 1,500 kilograms of cocaine, were
evidence of the crime.

• On July 14, 1991, two anti-Castro Cubans, Lázaro Rogelio Ugarte Bresslau (who arrived in
Venezuela as a liaison between the CIA and SIFA in 1969) and Orlando García Vásquez
(probably false names), who served as “advisors” to security of Carlos A. Pérez with salaries of
2,800 dollars a month, were accused by an official of the Directorate of Military Intelligence,
Osmeiro Carneiro, of being linked to several scams against the Venezuelan State, of the blowing
up of the Cuban plane (which occurred in 1976 and which caused the death of 72 athletes
Cubans), the murder of political personalities in Caracas, Maracaibo and Maracay ( Luis Núñez
Tenorio, Alberto Aguiar Serradas and Mateo Huizi , among others), in addition to being linked
to drug trafficking. Both left the country led by Carlos Andrés Pérez but not before having
filled their pockets with dollars from the secret item.
• On January 23, 1991, members of the National Guard seized a shipment of 621 kilograms of
pure cocaine in a truck at the Peracal checkpoint. The truck was driven by Silvestre Mario
Schillachi , an Italian, naturalized American. This man confessed that the drugs should be
delivered to Edwin Rincón . During the raid on Edwin Rincón's residence, a luxury car, BMW
brand, was seized, which according to the Permanent Automotive Registry (RAP) belongs to
General Herminio Fuermayor , appointed Director of Military Intelligence by the then president,
Carlos Andrés Pérez. General Herminio Fuenmayor “explained” that the car belonged to Zulian
businessman Ivan Camacho Fernández , majority partner of Grupo Colón and that he was
accused by Carneiro of being “the drug lord in Zulia.” Carlos Andrés Pérez had no other
choice but to ask General Fuenmayor to resign, who resides in the country, working on his
own and helping, with statements and investigations of all kinds, his bosom friend, his
protector and benefactor, the President. Perez.

The Cuban connection

Through Ernesto Samper Pizano , coordinator of Alfonso López Michelsen's presidential

campaign in 1982, drug trafficker Carlos Enrique Lehder contributed large amounts of money to
the cause of that former Colombian president.

Apparently, Lehder also worked for the Cubans through Robert Vesco who was a front man for
the Russian mafia. US intelligence services claimed that Lehder and Vesco were the most
important suppliers of cocaine to the United States. Forbes magazine noted in its September 4,
1984 edition:

“Federal authorities are certain that Vesco is the mastermind of what appears to be a large
two-way trade between Cuba and the North American continent. The records of the federal
narcotics trials in Florida and a case that arose in Texas, to which the law on trading with
the enemy was applied, seem to substantiate that conclusion. Four people linked to Vesco
have died so far, as the coincidences continue to pile up. This is not just any nightmare.
Vesco's operations are said to be carried out with the full cooperation of the Cuban
intelligence service. Vesco helps organize shipments of heroin, cocaine and marijuana
from South America to Cuba, there it transfers them to boats and small planes, and
dispatches them to the United States and Canada.”

Part IV

The Underworld and the Nazi-Communist Mafia

All arms smuggling and all international terrorism is carried out through the Nazi
International in Lausanne, Switzerland.

If the reader has fully understood the fatal consequences of the multibillion-dollar drug
cartel, it should not surprise him that the same oligarchy - East and West - that sponsored
Hitler's rise to power and yet never appeared before the Nuremberg tribunal , has
conceived the New Opium War as an instrument to perpetuate the same genocidal policy
by other means.

Likewise, the reader will be able to understand:

• That Swiss Nazi François Genoud , with the protection of Allan Dulles and Britain's Special
Operations Executive (SOE), transferred Hitler and Goebbels' funds to Swiss banks, pursuant to a
“secret peace” that began two years earlier of ending the Second World War and which formed
the basis for reviving the Malmö Nazi International almost immediately after the war;

• That the Nazi International created by Genoud – together with the Tashkent Institute of the
Islamic Division of the KGB and the Arab Office of British intelligence – sponsored and still
directs the “fundamentalist” Islamic apparatus , which represents an enormous international
capacity to carry out political assassinations and funneling hashish and heroin from the Golden
Crescent of Western Asia and the Persian Gulf to Western Europe;

• That the same Nazi-communist combination manages an international army of smugglers and
murderers organized in fundamentalist and separatist cells under the mantle of the Society for
People in Danger. These fundamentalist cells carry out a secret war against all the sovereign
nations of the West, and all of them finance their activities with funds from Narcotrafico SA .. In
fact, such fundamentalist groups, which fit the Golden Triangle model , have become the preferred
international apparatus for smuggling all kinds of narcotics;

• That the Nazi-communist nexus constitutes the core of the international commissariat of
murders and attacks: President John F. Kennedy, Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, President
Anwar Sadat, President Charles de Gaulle, President Ronald Reagan and Pope John Paul II.

The key to understanding the central role of the Nazi International today is that the secret
intelligence of Great Britain, the Swiss bankers of Narcotrafficking SA, the ruling elite in the
former Soviet Union, the American Anglophile faction dating back to the times of The
British East India Company and even a faction of Israeli intelligence have a pact, in force to
this day, to jointly encourage, protect and reap the benefits of the “dirty business” carried
out through the Nazi International.

For the common reader, the term Nazi-Communist seems like a contradiction, but from the 1920s
until the end of the Second World War, the military intelligence of the United States had among its
most important files that of the “Synarchist International; Nazi-Communist.

Stipam International, the Bulgarian connection

On November 23, 1982, Italian magistrate Carlo Palermo arrested several individuals accused of
managing the Milanese center of the “largest chain of arms dealers in the world.” He
discovered that the firm Stipam International Transports , from Milan, was nothing more than a
conduit to deliver enormous quantities of weapons to every terrorist, extremist and fundamentalist
group there is in the Middle East. Normally, weapons were exchanged for jashish, heroin and
other narcotics produced mainly in the Golden Crescent of Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan.
By the time the dust settled, the existence of the Bulgarian connection to the attempted
assassination of Pope John Paul II had been proven . Stipam's research brought to light the
disgusting reality of the marriage between the ruling families of the East - such as the Zhivkov
dynasty of Bulgaria - and the oligarchic fondi of Central Europe and Great Britain - represented
by clans such as the Thurn und Taxis and his in-laws the Braganza , or by the Duke of Kent - a
pairing that is reflected in the black market bazaars of Varna, Istanbul, Sofia, Palermo, Trieste and

At the end of 1984, the head of the DEA issued a report that reconstructs the Stipam case and the
plan to assassinate the Pope. According to this document, a meeting was held in Moscow in
1967 to forge a plan to “take advantage of and accelerate the inherent corruption of
Western society.”

Circumstantial evidence suggests that the mysterious "Colonel Ivan" , the person in charge of the
sale and purchase of drugs, was actually Ivan Slavkov , son-in-law of the Bulgarian president
Todor Zhivkov . Slavkov, former director of Bulgarian television and former Head of the
Bulgarian Olympic Committee, was the link between the Kintex company (a screen for arms and
drug trafficking) and the drug mafias in Latin America and the Caribbean. In October 1979,
Slavkov hosted the then president of Colombia, Alfonso López Michelsen, on an official
visit to Sofia. Making its way through Colombia, the Kintex company became a supplier of
heavy military equipment to Latin America, for example, the T-54 tanks it sold to dictator
Augusto Pinochet and the Sandinista junta of Nicaragua. It was not the first time that Kintex
sold weapons to its ideological enemies. In 1975, on the eve of civil war breaking out in Lebanon,
the Lebanese Communist Party lodged a strong protest with the Bulgarian Communist Party when
Kintex provided tons of heavy weapons to the Lebanese Christian militias. Although a DEA report
says that Kintex's arms delivery to the Lebanese Phalange was immediately suspended, as late
as 1983 the Bulgarian Litex Bank , Kintex's financial arm, owned 40% of a bank in Beirut, the
rest of which He belongs to the clan of former Lebanese president Camille Chamoun .

This bank is a known money smuggling channel. Its Caracas branch, Banco del Caribe,
paid for the Gaddafi Green Book conference held in Venezuela in 1982.

Mehmet Ali Agca

Young Turk, a militant of the far-right paramilitary group Gray Wolves , led by Colonel Alparslan
Turkes , had escaped in November 1979 from the military prison of Kartal-Maltepe, Turkey, where
he was awaiting execution for having murdered Abdi Ipekci , director of the leftist Turkish
newspaper Milliyet. . One day after his escape he sent a letter to Milliyet in which he threatened
the Pope if he did not suspend his visit to Istanbul. Agka's arrival in Sofia in the summer of
1980 marked the implementation of the assassination plan that culminated on May 13,
1981, with Agca's near-fatal shooting of the Pope in St. Peter's Square in Rome.

Oil for weapons

One of Stipam 's most revealing transactions takes us back to Banco Ambrosiano and its
president, Roberto Calvi . Until he was executed on Blackfriars Bridge in London, in Masonic
ritual fashion, Calvi was one of the main financiers of the P-2 lodge. The Italian police files indicate
that Calvi and Ambrosiano sent funds to the Red Brigade squad that murdered several
magistrates and police officials in Milan, when they began to find evidence of the P-Lodge
leagues. 2 with drug trafficking and with several frustrated neo-fascist coup plans, among them the
Borghese coup attempt of 1969, and the plot in the mid-seventies called “Rosa dei Venti” (Rose
of the Winds), which was accompanied by a wave of blind terrorist attacks.

At the time the American Embassy in Tehran was occupied, Stipam facilitated a major oil-for-arms
deal between the Israeli government and the Khomeini regime. In exchange for the Israeli
weapons that Khomeini desperately needed to continue the war against Iraq, Iran
guaranteed him oil at bargain prices. The oil was delivered to Israel with the full collaboration of
the oil companies British Petroleum and Royal Dutch Shell , in practice the Mesolevante
division of the rancid British East India Company caste.

The Golden Crescent

In 1978, when the first English edition of this book was about to appear, Ayatollah Khomeini was
living in exile in Paris, the Soviet Union had not yet taken over Afghanistan, India had not suffered
the separatist upheaval, and the Golden Triangle of Southeast Asia It was still the center of world
opium production.

In the course of two years very profound changes occurred. A new opium-producing zone,
encompassing mountainous Iran, Russian-occupied Afghanistan, and increasingly
fragmented Pakistan, has virtually taken over the world market. The US Bureau of Narcotics
estimates that opium production in the Golden Crescent region had reached 500 tons per year by
1980, almost triple the annual production of Southeast Asia.

Narcoterrorism, the Nazi-communist war against Latin America

When you follow the trail left by Narcotráfico SA , in its entrances and exits in Latin America, you
discover an efficient mechanism for exchanging drugs for weapons that supports the terrorist
attack, paid for by the drug mafia, against the nations of the region.

“Narco-terrorism” occupied the headlines of the press in Latin America throughout 1984. In
Peru, the Shining Path terrorist attacks became increasingly bloody, while, by being able to
simultaneously attack the several generating plants that supply electricity to the capital, this group
showed signs of a capacity that exceeds the possibilities of the movement. indigenous that he
pretends to be.

In Colombia, the government's raid on Tranquilandia in March 1984, the largest cocaine refinery
in the world, led to bloody retaliation by the M-19 in Florencia, Caquetá.

In Mexico, on January 1, 1985, activists of the National Action Party (PAN) burned the Municipal
Palace of the border city of Piedras Negras, and threatened to intensify the violence if the
government did not grant them victory in the July elections. 1985 in the northern states. On
November 15, 1984, federal agents backed by Mexican army soldiers had raided the drug
production and processing field in the northern state of Chihuahua. They later burned marijuana
worth about $10 billion. It was rumored that much of the money from this huge illicit operation was
destined for the electoral campaigns of the PAN candidates.

The Opium War in the United States

The turning point of the Opium War in the United States was the first five years after World War II.
The key combat unit of Narcotrafico SA, had managed to infiltrate the United States at that critical
moment, the Special Operations Executive (SOE) of British secret intelligence, was the only war
command that never recognized peace.

The following top brass of Narcotrafficking SA, all British and Canadian officers, dominated
the most sensitive area of intelligence in the United States during and after World War II :
Colonel Sir William Stephenson, real foreman of Meyer Lansky's syndicate and patron of
Lucky Luciano's post-war rehabilitation, Colonel Louis Mortimer Blommfield, attorney and
chief accountant of the fortune amassed by Bronfman in the liquor and drug trade; and
General Julius Klein, godfather of Max Fisher, key man of the mafia and president of United

David Sarnoff, whose communications conglomerate, RCA, provided the personnel that formed
the core of the National Security Agency (ANS), and whose empire President Eisenhower sought
to dissolve as the core of the “military industrial complex” ; Walter Sheridan , ANS
counterintelligence chief who later coordinated political protection and intelligence services for
Resorts International , the Lansky casino empire; Colonel Clay Shaw , ANS officer, prosecuted
by New Orleans District Attorney Garrison for the murder of John F. Kennedy : these are the
elements that the Special Operations Executive has used to achieve its final objective: the
absolute freedom of operation of Narcotrafico SA, in the United States.

McCarthy 's witch hunt clearly had a purpose. It was the first major exercise by the FBI's Division
Five to place the main figures of the drug syndicate - men like Bronfman and Fisher - in
command of the North American security forces, with the freedom to use them, together with the
main media. of information, against the enemies of Narcotrafico SA

It is true that there was some resistance, especially from President Eisenhower, who fought to
keep the aerospace and nuclear programs out of the reach of NarcoTrafico SA, but to date the
opposition forces have not had much success. Because? Because whoever declares war on
drugs, even if they are President of the United States, declares a civil war within the
security and intelligence forces of that country.

The front men

The British financiers of Narcotrafico SA use three solid defenses to politically cover up
drug trafficking in the United States. The first is the Zionist council.

At the top of this is the compact group of Hofjuden (“court Jews”). They are business families
that throughout centuries have served the royal families of Europe as tax advisors, who for
centuries have maintained unbreakable adherence to the predominant houses of the European
nobility: the Venetians and the Genoese, the nobility of Amsterdam, and then , when the Dutch
nobility merged with the British in the so-called Glorious Revolution of 1688, they regrouped
around the British Crown and have been at its service ever since.

These families have nothing to do with the Jewish people, nor their well-being. The only
relationship between these families and the Jews has been to unleash periodic
persecutions against them, and then to justify their participation in them by the fact that
they have Jewish surnames.

Among these prominent families are the Montefiore , servants of the Genoese nobility since the
13th century operations in Italy and Spain; the Goldsmids and the Mocattas , principal gold and
silver traders to the British royal family, since the Stuart restoration in the 17th century; the
Oppenheimers , owners of a large part of South Africa's gold and diamond mines; the
Sassoons , the first Hofjuden who settled in India and dedicated their resources primarily to
opium production, and who are now also part of the Caribbean jet set; the Canadian De Hirsch
family, who underwrote the Zionist emigration from Eastern Europe to Canada; the Rothschilds ,
with their inveterate special interest in destroying the American republic; and the other banking
families of “Our People”: the Warburgs, Schiffs, Meyers, Loebs, Schroeders, etc.

The next parapet is made up of “initiated” families that the first ones selected and sponsored to
run the underworld and its “legal” organizations in the United States. This second large group of
figureheads takes on an apparently different religious appearance. These are the emigrated
nobility and pseudo-nobility of Eastern Europe and the Mediterranean: the Russian-
Orthodox Jesuit, or “solidarist” nobility. Such families and their appendages operate with
the alibi of their anti-communist crusades in favor of the “captive nations”, and through
obscurantist pseudo-churches of an Eastern Orthodox nature, particularly in the North
American Council of Christian Churches.

The truth is that practically all of these families collaborated directly with Central European fascism
and provided military personnel to the puppet governments of Hitler and Mussolini in Eastern
Europe and the Balkans. Some of them, like the aforementioned Sassoon family, exemplify the
counterculture of the jet set, the cream of drug trafficking, pornography and the organized fraud of
the Narcotrafico SA dens. Typical examples of these families are the Radziwills , leaders of the
Polish solidarists. ; the unredeemed fascist Ferenc Nagy , from Permindex ; the De Menils , who
through marriage have incorporated large portions of Texan fortunes into Permindex; The Di
Portanovas , friends of Henry Kissinger , personal drug suppliers to the drug-addicted elite of
the gambling dens, from the nightclubs of New York to the summer resorts of Mexico and the
Caribbean, who have also brought Texan oil money to “noble couples.” ; the Di Spadafora ,
representatives of the Italian house of Savoy, in Permindex, the murder commissariat; and of
course, families of lesser ancestry, like that of the well-known Brzezinski . The in-laws of William
F. and James Buckley , promoters of drug legalization, is a permanent satellite of the Jesuit
émigré groups.

The third group of front men is the organizations of the Socialist International in the United
States. These organizations rarely carry out public activities, in order to infiltrate, at the service of
the intelligence agencies of the Special Operations Executive of Great Britain and its successors,
truly conservative political and union organizations.

The Bronfman Gang

The Bronfman family is best known to Americans for being the owners of Seagram, the
largest alcoholic beverage producer in North America. The family's assets are many: whiskey,
banks, mines, real estate and – although less is known about it – narcotics.

Today they are considered respectable and distinguished “philanthropists” , whose name is
related to everything that is important in Canada – and Israel – whether it is government, business
or “cultural” matters. But that was not always the reputation of the Bronfman family. Less than
fifty years ago, they were known as North America's biggest bootleggers, and were referred
to by a less honorable title: “the Bronfman Gang.”

In May 1936, when it was all over, the Bronfmans had agreed to pay $1.5 billion to put their
accounts in order with the United States Department of the Treasury; That payment was
equivalent to acknowledging that half of the liquor that entered the United States during
Prohibition was smuggled in by them.

The Seagram “chickencock” that the family passed across the border was pure poison: a
mixture of pure alcohol, sulfuric acid, caramel, water and aged rye whiskey that paralyzed the
victim. Between 1920 and 1930, 34,000 Americans died from alcohol poisoning.

Since 1920, the Bronfmans have been importing British whiskey from the Distillery Company of
London , which dominated more than half of the world's Scotch whiskey market. With its owners
being the highest ranks of the British nobility, including Field Marshal Haig, Lord Dewar, Lord
Woolavington and others, the granting of rights for distribution was a decision of His Majesty the

The underworld feels its real

With Prohibition , crime became the most lucrative business in the world . The illegal economy
was no longer based on small-scale prostitution, usurious loans or the sale of protection. Now he
would concentrate on the marketing of a valuable illegal commodity whose supply was
directed from London and the British colony of Canada. The underworld was reorganized,
becoming a wholesale and retail distribution chain, with well-defined commercial districts, quotas
and uniform prices. The underworld union was born.

Hundreds of films produced in Hollywood addressed the theme of the “fabulous twenties”
masking the truth: with Prohibition, Great Britain, through the Bronfman gang, had created
the cancer of the organized underworld. In the 1920s, the Bronfman mafia placed heroin,
cocaine and every poisonous drug it could get its hands on from door to door, using the
same wholesale, transportation and retail network that it used to smuggle liquor.

Although the monkey dresses in silk

Once Prohibition was revoked and the opium business with Shanghai was already underway, the
Bronfmans, like many of their partners on the other side of the border, became “legitimized.” The
underworld invested its millions in legal companies that served as both a mask for their illegal
activities and to show a dirty money laundering apparatus. This new phase, of alleged
responsibility, marks the moment in which the most successful smugglers abandoned the
large-scale trafficking of whiskey for the large-scale trafficking of narcotics.

At first, the Bronfmans had to take all the risks of the smuggling profession. They had to evade the
law, confront robbers on the other side of the border, and face the humiliation of scandals and
public display when something went wrong. As a result, the family acquired a bad reputation.
Given the increase in the drug trade in the United States, the British could not afford to leave their
main figurehead in such an exposed and precarious situation. Nor could they just get rid of the
Bronfmans after Prohibition. The family had become irreplaceable due to their stranglehold
on the union . However, they would pose a risk if they continued to work as openly with their
distributors in the narcotics trade as they did during the Prohibition era.

The problem was solved by placing the Bronfmans in the lower rungs of the Hofjuden
caste. Almost overnight, the Rothschilds, the Montefiores, the De Hirschs and others, took
“Mister SAM”, the czar of the underworld in North America, and transformed him into a
rising star of the Canadian Zionist movement.

• In 1934, Mister Sam received his first “respectable position” : president of the National
Jewish People's Relief Committee (Canada).

• By 1939 he had already been appointed director of Baron De Hirsch's Jewish Colonization
Association .

• That same year, the Canadian Pacific Corporation invited Mister Sam to establish a new
refugee organization with Eastern European Jews.

• In five years, the prince of the underworld had been transformed, by the work and grace of His
Majesty's oligarchs, into a Zionist “philanthropist.” The positions fell to him one after another.
He was director of the Canadian Jewish Committee, replacing Lyon Cohen , son of Lazarus
Cohen , founder of the Jewish Colonization Association.
The other brofnman received similar positions.

Finally, in 1969, the Bronfmans received Her Majesty's highest honor; Sam was made a
Knight of Grace of the Venerable Order of Saint John of Jerusalem. His brother Allan and
his son Charles were appointed to the highest rank, Knights of Justice in that order. These
appointments were not mere make-up; They are only conferred on those who have carried
out the most dangerous and fruitful missions for the British Crown .

Yet despite their mountain of wealth, despite their painstaking entry into the realm of blue blood, it
would be a mistake to think that the Bronfmans have any power of their own. When it comes to the
question of who's in charge, they are treated as if the money doesn't belong to them.

Take, for example, Trizec , a holding company through which the Bronfmans apparently run their
various corporations, including Seagram . Since it was formed in 1960, the Bronfmans have
never had a majority of the shares! Trizec is managed by Eagle Star Ltd. of London, a holding
company whose directors are said to be “the most notable of British aristocrats.”

Evelyn de Rothschild , the earls and dukes who dominate Lloyd's of London and other banking
and insurance companies, and the luminaries of British intelligence, such as Sir Kenneth Strong
and Sir Kenneth Keith , all converge on the Eagle Star council. This extraordinary company is in
turn the owner of English Property Corp., Ltd. , whose majority shareholder, Laurie Marsh , has
gained fame in Great Britain as the “Prince of Pornography ” for owning the majority of
pornographic movie theaters. , massage parlors and buildings in London's “red light district.”
English Property Corp., Ltd., owns a majority share of Trizec.

Nor is the Bronfman brain owned by any of the members of that family, but by the law firm
of Phillips, Blommfield, Vineberg and Goodman.

The Bronfmans extend their tentacles to Latin America

Since Edgar Bronfman took the reins of the New York branch in the 1950s, he has turned the
Seagram distillery network into a multinational empire. Among others, the Bronfmans entered
into a business relationship with Bacardi, the Cuban rum family. After Fidel Castro took
power in Cuba, the Bacardis shifted their base of operations to Puerto Rico and Miami, taking with
them a small army of anti-Castro Cuban exiles, complete with terrorist networks. The drug
traffickers of the Cuban Bacardi networks, José Medarno Alvero-Cruz and Antonio Cruz
Vásquez, were arrested in 1978 for drug trafficking in the Caribbean and Mexico.

Can you buy honorability?

Due to the extensive publicity that the Bronfmans have received over the years, they have lost the
respectability that others have always envied. In the 1950s, Sam Bronfman sought to become a
senator in the Canadian Parliament. Spent $1.2 billion on bribes. The liberals took the money but
did not grant him the seat. The Bronfman surname is still too dirty to allow him to climb the
ranks in Canadian politics. In that sense, the Kennedy family fared much better.

The Kennedys: the underworld in the government

The American public has some hints of reality about the Kennedys: Teddy's accident at
Chappaquiddick; Judith Exner Campbell 's revelations that Sam Giancana , the Chicago
mobster, had given her to Jack; and stories from Papa Joe 's whiskey-smuggling days.
The Kennedys look clean because the British from Narcotrafficking SA groomed them,
handed them over and polished them, starting with Papa Joe, to make them a respectable
front. If any Kennedy turned against the British crown politically – as Jack Kennedy did in 1963 –
that does not alter the fundamental character of the political machinery that gives the Kennedy
dynasty its power. The Kennedy machine is the underworld within the government.

The rise to power

Papa Kennedy didn't have to work as hard as the Bronfmans to acquire fame and fortune in the
underworld: it came from birth. Josef's father, P.J. Kennedy was the slum gangster in late
19th century Boston.

P.J. He began to make his fortune when, as a saloonkeeper, he worked his way into the corrupt
machine of the Democratic Party (a machine that, like the power apparatus of Jacob Astor and
Aaron Burr in New York, had its roots in the opium trade). Once P.J. He obtained a seat on the
district Democratic Committee, at the age of 26, got rid of the tavern and entered the much more
lucrative wholesale liquor business.

Later, Joe Kennedy's marriage to a Fitzgerald (whose father was the Irish mayor of Boston)
launched the Kennedy family to the social heights.

After World War I, Joe took a job at Galen Stone , the prestigious investment company with ties to
the Rothschilds . There he made his first contacts with the British aristocracy.

By merging the company Film Booking Co (which he acquired despite many obstacles) with
Ideal Films Ltd. , Jose achieved the first genuinely reciprocal exchange between British and
North American companies). Kennedy's business dealings with the British led to the creation
of the RKO film studios, through which British financial and cultural dominance was
introduced to Hollywood.

Papa Joe also had business ties to the more lucrative side of the black market. In his bootlegging
days, he entered into an alliance with the Reinfeld Syndicate of Newark , which was 50% owned
by the Bronfman family.

As Prohibition neared its end, Kennedy returned to London, where Winston Churchill personally
approved the grant to represent British distilleries in the North American market. Through his
company Somerset Importers Ltd. , and Renfield Importers , Kennedy placed Dewar's
Scotch whiskey, Gordon's gin, Rico Rum and Haig and Haig on the market.

Churchill's approval, and the accompanying cash flow, were the signal to the British that they were
ready to take political advantage of Joe Kennedy.

Kennedy accepted the deal, placing his fortune in the hands of one of the core members of
London finance, Lazard Brother's , owned by Viscount Cowdray , Churchill's cousin.

In 1933, President Franklin Roosevelt appointed Kennedy chairman of the Securities and
Exchange Commission. In 1936, Roosevelt again appointed him United States ambassador to
Great Britain.

Kennedy's unwavering loyalty to the British monarchy paid off; Their daughter, Kathleen Kennedy
, sister of John, Robert and Edward, married William Cavendish, Marquess of Hartington , son
and heir of the 10th Duke of Devonshire (in the hierarchy of British nobility, dukes are at the
highest rank , only inferior to the monarch himself. The Duke of Devonshire is a hybrid of the
Cecils, the Salisburys and the Macmillans, intersecting families that have dominated British politics
since the time of Elizabeth I).

Later, his son John would marry Jacqueline Bouvier , whose sister Lee married Prince
Stanislaus Radziwill , a Polish nobleman whose lineage dates back five centuries. The Radziwill
family, residing in England, established the Order of St. John of Jerusalem in Poland in 1610,
and helped transplant it to the United States in the early 20th century.

John Kennedy (the future president of the United States) was handed over by his father to the
British Round Table to receive special education at the London School of Economics , an
institution founded by the Fabian Society to educate and recruit foreign cadres and make them
the future British agents placed in government positions. Returning to the United States, John
Kennedy was at Havard under the tutelage of Sir John Wheeler-Bennet , founder and director of
the research division of the Royal Institute of International Affairs. Wheeler-Bennet denies
having authored Kennedy's master's thesis at Havard (Why England Slept), which is an
apology for Hitler.

Why the British killed Kennedy

By the time John Kennedy became president of the United States, at least temporarily, the
British royal court had taken over the Oval Office.

And also the underworld. The Kennedy machine, specifically Robert Kennedy 's Gangland
Combat Force , took over the Justice Department. Harold Macmillan moved to 10 Downing
Street and placed David Ormsby-Gore as government ambassador to the United States, that
way the British ambassador would have daily access to the president. There are documents that
show that during the Cuban rocket crisis, it was MacMillan and Ormsby-Gore who made all
the decisions. The idyll between President Kennedy and the British royal court began to
deteriorate around 1962-1963 when the American president, showing signs of
independence, adopted a series of measures to develop NASA and began to seek peaceful
coexistence with Cuba and the Soviet Union. .

In the early months of 1963, John F. Kennedy began to abandon the pro-British policy he
had followed until then for a more independent policy. Plans were drawn up to withdraw
the American presence from Southeast Asia. Talks of peaceful coexistence with the Soviet
Union began; A few weeks before he was assassinated, he had even sent a secret emissary
to Havana to begin talks with Fidel Castro. The Kennedys showed signs of opposition to
the machinery that had placed them in power. The British sent them to be murdered. In
pulp movie parlance, “Kennedy tried to betray the union, and they cooled him down.”

When Robert Kennedy refused to abandon the investigation of his brother's murderers and
began fighting for the Presidency, he too was killed on orders from Great Britain. Ted
Kennedy's life insurance is to continue collaborating with his brothers' murderers.

Permindex, the international murder commission

In 1963, several conspiratorial meetings were held in Montego Bay , Jamaica, headquarters of
the Second Opium War. Among others, they attended:
• Louis Mortimer Blomfield, who held a high position in the British Special Operations
Executive (secret service).

• Ferenc Nagy, minister in Horthy's pro-Nazi Hungarian government and later Prime
Minister of Hungary.

• Georgio Mantello, Jewish native of Romania, trade minister during Mussolini's


• Clay Shaw, United States colonel, former officer of the American Office of Strategic
Affairs and who at the time directed the New Orleans International Trade Center.

• Jean DeMenil, a white Russian who emigrated to the United States, president of the
Schlumberger Corporation of Houston, producer of heavy machinery and a barrier for arms

• Paul Raigorodsky, another White Russian, right-wing militant.

What linked these individuals? They were all members of the board, officers and
shareholders of the Permindex company. All of them in turn were collaborators of the
British intelligence services.

As we delve deeper into the Permindex company we find an international network of dirty money
manipulating entities, responsible for sending millions of dollars from the black market into the
hands of professional assassins employed by Permindex and its British intelligence services
foremen. These dirty money pipelines are closely linked to drug banks, Hong Kong and Shanghai.
We also discover an international gang of untouchable killers, drawn from the ranks of the
Gestapo, drug retailers and a secret force created by the British intelligence services,
specialists in political assassinations with high-powered rifles and telescopic sights. We
find a fifth column of British intelligence embedded in the services of the United States.

Major Louis Mortimer Bloomfield is the president of Permindex and was appointed chief of
operations for the Kennedy assassination.

Story of a murder

In February 1969, hearings for the trial of the state of Louisiana against Clay M. began in a New
Orleans courthouse. Shaw . District Attorney Jim Garrison , denying the conclusions of the
Warren report, had gone to the grand jury and obtained an indictment for conspiracy to commit
murder. After the mysterious deaths of seventeen prosecution witnesses and a fierce press
campaign against Garrison, the attempt was thwarted.

Garrison had managed to gather evidence of the threads of the material execution of the crime.
He presented a witness, Perry Raymond Russo , who stated that he had been present at a
conversation between Clay Shaw, David Ferrie and a subject whom he called “Leon Oswald.”
The topic of conversation was the assassination of President Kennedy. Ferrie, an FBI Division
Five agent , insisted on the need to have at least three snipers in order to create a “triangle
of fire” and added that a scapegoat was also needed.

The subject who appears as "Leon Oswald" , according to investigations, has nothing to do with
Lee Harvey Oswald whom the Warren Commission declared a "solo killer." According to
William Torbitt 's unpublished manuscript, the subject, who bore a striking resemblance to Lee
Harvey, was actually William Seymour, an agent for a private detective firm in Miami. This office
often served as a front for the covert actions of Division Five of the FBI and the CIA.

Apparently , Seymour posed as Lee Harvey Oswald in the months before November 22,
when John Kennedy was assassinated, leaving a wealth of witnesses who could claim that
they had spoken with “Oswald,” that “Oswald” was an open sympathizer. of Cuba and that
“Oswald” had expressed his desire to assassinate the President of the United States.

FBI agent Jack Martin testified before the Warren Commission and the Garrison grand jury that it
was David Ferrie who recruited the real Lee Harvey Oswald to Division Five in 1956. Although
formally a Marine, Oswald received special training in espionage at the Naval Intelligence School
in Memphis, where he learned Russian. From 1956, until his death in November 1963, in the
basement of the Dallas police headquarters, Oswald was on the secret payroll of Division Five,
maintained through the Immigration and Naturalization Service , a department of the
Department of Justice. . During the six months leading up to his assassination in Dallas, Oswald
worked in New Orleans and Dallas under the direct supervision of Guy Bannister , the regional
director. He was infiltrated into the pro-Castro group Committee for Fair Treatment of Cuba , but
he never knew that this infiltration had a different objective than what he was told in Division Five.

Part V

The British origins of the counterculture

The Aquarius Conspiracy

In the early 1980s, a book by Marilyn Ferguson titled The Aquarian Conspiracy was
published, a kind of counterculture manifesto, which defines it as the conscious embrace
of the irrational – from rock and roll and drugs to feedback, meditation, elevation of
consciousness, yoga, mountaineering, group therapy and psychodrama.

The truth of this book is that Fergunson wrote it directed by Willis Harman , director of social
policy at the Stanford Institute, to vulgarize a May 1974 political study on how to transform the
United States into Aldous Huxley's Brave New World.

This conspiracy dates back to the 1930s, when Britain's Intelligence Service sent Aldous
Huxley to the United States as the officer in charge of an operation to prepare the country
for the vast spread of drugs that would follow.

The model

The British had a model from which to copy the counterculture they imposed on the United
States: the pagan ceremonies of the sects of the decadent Egyptian and Roman empires.
The counterculture that was fostered among American youth in the 1960s is not simply analogous
to the ancient cult of Isis. It is a literal resurrection of the cult, to the extent that the Isis cross has
become popular as the most frequent symbol in the counterculture.

The High Priests

The High Priest of Britain's Second Opium War was Aldous Huxley , a founding member of the
Rhodes Round Table and a lifelong collaborator of Arnold Toynbee , who in turn was a member
of the council of the Royal Institute of International Affairs for almost Fifty years, he headed the
Research Division of British Intelligence throughout World War II and served during the war as
Prime Minister Churchill's information officer.

Toynbee's "theory" of history, set out in his twenty volumes of the history of Western
civilization, stated that its characteristic feature has always been the rise and decline of the
great imperial dynasties. The very moment these dynasties manage to impose their
dominance on the face of the Earth, they tend to decline. Toynbee argued that this tendency
could be overcome if the prevailing oligarchy dedicated itself to recruiting and forging an ever-
growing priesthood devoted to the principles of imperial rule.

Aldous Huxley, educated at Toynbee's Oxford University, was one of the initiates. Others
were TS Elliot, W.H. Auden, Sir Oswald Moseley and D.H. Lawrence, homosexual lover of
Aldous Huxley.

The “open conspiracy ,” wrote HG. Wells (head of British overseas intelligence during World
War I and spiritual grandfather of the Aquarius conspiracy), “will appear first, I believe, as a
conscious organization of intelligent and very probably, in some cases, wealthy people; as
a movement with clear social and political goals, which will openly despise most of the
existing political control apparatus, or will use it only as an incidental element at certain
stages; a simple movement in a certain direction of a certain number of people, who will
then discover with some surprise the common objective towards which they are heading…
In the most diverse ways they will influence and guide the apparatus of visible

Books such as The Open Conspiracy were written for the priestly caste itself. But the
popular writings of Wells (The Time Machine, The Island of Dr. Moreau, etc.) and those of
his disciples Aldous Huxley (Brave New World) and George Orwell (1984 and Animal Farm),
were written as manifestos. of masses to organize the one world order of Great Britain.
Only in the United States is it taught in primary school that these “science fiction classics”
are attacks on fascism.

Aldous Huxley was sent to the United States in 1937 where he remained throughout World War II
. He obtained a job as a screenwriter at Metro Goldwyn Mayer , Warner Brothers and Walt
Disney Studios . As we saw previously, Hollywood was in the hands of the underworld, supplied
with dirty bank capital and directed from London.


The introduction of strong psychedelic drugs can be largely attributed to CIA research for possible
military applications. LSD was accidentally popularized by experiments that were carried out in
more than eighty universities, serving as guinea pigs, the graduate students who later began to
manufacture their own “acid.”

The CIA operation, codenamed MK-ultra, began in 1952.

The vietnam war

The Vietnam War created the environment of moral hopelessness that made the well-
educated elite of American youth – the first generation of the 20th century that had grown
up without war or depression – victims of drugs.

With Kennedy, US intervention in Vietnam began on a limited scale, vetoed in the Eisenhower
government. With President Lindon Johnson, the United States military presence in Vietnam
began in earnest. Jonson's main advisor in the Vietnam War was not an American, he was the
British officer Sir Robert Thompson.

Taking advantage of the president's blind anti-communism, Thompson convinced him that the
communist insurgency had to be stopped at all costs and that this required a solid US military
presence. Jonson was incompetent in foreign and military policy, and his second adviser, Walter
Rostow , head of the National Security Council, had been awarded the Cross of the Order of the
British Empire. Jonson was dragged by the nose to Vietnam by the British.

The British had two reasons for inciting the Vietnam War. The first was to foment a “limited war”
in Southeast Asia between the United States and the Soviet Union (represented by the North
Vietnamese), both to rekindle the Cold War and to effectively undermine the influence of both
powers in the region. The second reason, although equally important, was the demoralization of
the population of the United States to such a degree that the sense of national pride and
confidence in the future progress of the republic disintegrated.

In the same way that Aldous Huxley began the countercultural subversion of the United States
thirty years before the public realized the consequences, Lord Bertrand Russell began laying the
foundations of the anti-war movement of the 1960s from the 1930s. .

It should be noted that Russell's fervor against the war was a blatant fraud. In World War II,
Russell opposed the intervention of the United States and Great Britain in the war against the
Nazis, because he was associated with the "Cliveden Set" , which was pro-Nazi. In 1947, when
the United States had the atomic bomb and Russia did not yet have it, Russell loudly advocated
that the United States unleash preventive nuclear war.

Beginning in the 1950s, Russell's main task was to build a pacifist and anti-American

changing images

With almost an entire generation of young Americans immersed in drugs flooding the universities,
it is possible for Marilyn Ferguson to write in her “Aquarius conspiracy” that “there are
legions of [Aquarius] conspirators.” There are them in corporations, universities and
hospitals, among public school teachers, in factories and doctors' offices, in federal and
state agencies, in city councils and the White House, in legislatures, in advocacy
organizations. volunteers and in almost all public media in the country.”

*Note: Dr. Pedro Grima Gallardo - Full Professor ULA - Mérida. Venezuela.

[1] Map of tax havens.

[2] Remember that the book was written in 1985 (Second version). Now Oswaldo Cisneros is Coca-Cola

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