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Subject name

Statistic and probability

Degree Name
Industrial Engineering and Administration

Student's name
Isaac Calixto Cabrera


Name of the homework

Homework 1

Unit #
Descriptive statistics

Guardian Name
Ricardo Alberto Carbajal Sánchez
Unit 1: Descriptive statistics
Statistic and probability


“If you move forward confidently in the direction of your dreams and desires to lead the life
you have imagined, you will encounter unexpected success.”
Henry David Thoreau


 Apply measures of central tendency and dispersion in problem solving.

 Apply the knowledge acquired in the preparation of frequency graphs and histograms.


Before developing the exercises, it is important that you review the following resources
to solve the activity.


 What is statistics? (Lind, A., Marchal, W., and Wathen, S., 2012).

Review Chapter 1. "What is statistics", pages 1 to 13; Chapter 2 and 3. "Data description,"
pages 14 to 90, where you will find concepts related to statistics, types of statistics and
variables, measurement levels, frequency tables, frequency distributions and their graphic
representation, as well as numerical measurements.

After reading the resources described above, in the Instructions section, respond to the
exercises presented below, in the UTEL task format and upload your document in the
appropriate place.


 Introduction to descriptive statistics

 Measures of central tendency

 Measures of dispersion

The delivery method is as follows:

Unit 1: Descriptive statistics
Statistic and probability

 Download the activity in Word and answer directly in the document.

 Each exercise must include approach, development and solution.

 You can post the answers with photos of what you did (exercise by exercise, etc.).

Evaluation form:

Criteria Weighing

Presentation, UTEL task format, spelling and writing 10%

Development of the requested points:

 Each point to be developed is equivalent to 15% 90%
 Number of exercises: 6

Total 100%

Development of the activity:

YO. What is the level of measurement of each of the following variables?

a) IQs of students.
Ratio Measurement
b) The distance students travel to get to class.
Ratio Measurement
c) Students' grades on the first statistics exam.
Ordinal Measurement
d) A classification of students by date of birth.
Interval measurement
e) A classification of students who are in first, second, third, or final grade.
Ordinal Measurement
f) Number of hours that students study per week.
Ratio Measurement

Unit 1: Descriptive statistics
Statistic and probability

Exercise value 15%

II. What is the measurement level of the following items related to the newspaper

a) The number of newspapers sold every Sunday during 2006.

Ratio Measurement
b) The different departments, such as editing, advertising, sports, etc.
Nominal Measurement
c) A summary of the number of newspapers sold by county.
Interval Measurement
d) Number of years that each employee has worked at the newspaper.
Measurement Interval

Exercise value 15%

III. Wellstone, Inc., produces and markets cell phone replacement cases in a variety of
colors. The company would like to limit its production plans to five different colors: bright
white, metallic black, magnetic lime, tangerine orange and fusion red. The company set up
a kiosk at the Mall of America for several hours and asked randomly chosen people what
color of case was their favorite. The results were the following:

a) Is the data quantitative or qualitative in nature? For what reason?

If we talk about colors, the data is qualitative since the nature of the data is not
numerical, in this case they are colors of the items that this company is offering to its
customers .

Unit 1: Descriptive statistics
Statistic and probability

b) What name does the table receive? What does the table show?
It is a frequency table, it shows the fraction of the total number of observations in each of
them. You see the grouping of qualitative data into mutually exclusive classes that
shows the number of observations in each class.
In this case, each fraction of numbers is observed in terms of people's preferences
towards a favorite color that they have.
c) Design a bar graph to describe the information.

Chart Title





0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2


Blanco Brillante Negro Metalico Lima Magnético Naranja Tangerina Rojo fusión

d) Draw a pie chart using the relative frequencies.

Cover Colors Favorite Color Relative frequency Percentage
Bright white 130 0.0993 9.93%

Unit 1: Descriptive statistics
Statistic and probability

Metallic Black 104 0.0794 7.94%

Magnetic File 325 0.248 24.8%
Tangerine Orange 455 0.3473 34.73%
Fusion Red 296 0.226 22.6%

Total 1310 1.000 100%

e) What name does the table receive?

Number of people in their favorite color.
f) Make a bar graph for the table.

Frecuencia Relativa de Colores









Categoría 1

Blanco Brillante Negro Metalico Lima Magnético Naranja Tangerina Rojo fusión

g) Draw a pie chart.

Unit 1: Descriptive statistics
Statistic and probability

Porcentajes de los colores favoritos





Blanco Brillante Negro Metalico Lima Magnético

Naranja Tangerina Rojo fusión

h) If Wellstone, Inc., plans to produce one million cell phone cases, how many of each
color should it produce?
Bright White: 99,300 covers
Metallic Black:79,400 covers
Magnetic File: 248,000 covers
Tangerine Orange:347,300 cases
Fusion Red: 226,000 covers

Exercise value 15%

IV. A small consulting business investigates the performance of various companies. Last
year's fourth quarter sales (in thousands of dollars) of the selected companies were as

Unit 1: Descriptive statistics
Statistic and probability

The consulting firm wants to include a graph in its report to compare the sales of six
companies. Use a bar chart to compare the fourth quarter sales of these companies and
write a brief report summarizing the bar chart.

Chart Title






Ventas del cuarto
bimestre (miles de

Hoden Building Products J & R Printing Inc. Long Bay Concrete Construction
Mancell Electric and Plumbing Maxwell Heating and Air Conditioning Mizelle Roofing & Sheet Metals

Report summary: As we can see Mizelle Roofing & Sheet Metals, has not had a great
development in the market therefore it is suggested that through the consulting that we have
provided to the Maxwell company, which represents a better development in sales, follow this
model to follow so that both the Mizelle company, as well as the others, can develop in the
market, with a marketing plan and advice with us, in short, we have a lot of work with all
companies in general, so that the companies that have not had great development, have a plan
to follow and achieve their objectives, so that the leading company in sales not only continues
as a leading company in development, but can also continue to improve and always have great
performance in its sales, since We consider these sales numbers to be very good but they must
be improved and better development in the market can be achieved.

Exercise value 15%

Unit 1: Descriptive statistics
Statistic and probability

V. A total of 1,000 Minnesota residents were asked which season of the year they preferred.
The results were that 100 liked winter more; at 300, spring; at 400, summer and 200,
autumn. If the data were summarized in a frequency table, how many classes would be
necessary? What would be the relative frequencies of each class?
There are only four classes, they are divided by the seasons of the year, Spring, Summer,
Autumn and Winter.

Season Number of people Relative frequency

Spring 300 0.3

Summer 400 0.4

Autumn 200 0.2

Winter 100 0.1

Total 1000 1.0

Exercise value 15%

SAW. Two thousand Midwestern frequent business travelers were asked which Midwestern
city they preferred: Indianapolis, St. Louis, Chicago or Milwaukee. 100 liked Indianapolis
better; at 450, San Luis; at 1,300, Chicago and the rest preferred Milwaukee. Create a
frequency table and a relative frequency table to summarize this information.
Preferred Location Number of people
Indianapolis 100

saint Louis 450

Unit 1: Descriptive statistics
Statistic and probability

Chicago 1300

Milwaukee 150

Total 2000

Preferred Location Number of people Relative frequency

Indianapolis 100 0.05

saint Louis 450 0.225

Chicago 1300 0.65

Milwaukee 150 0.075

Total 2000 1.00

Exercise value 15%

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