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Picture of task/equipment: Task:

Name of Shop
or Dept:
Job Title(s):
Analyzed by:
Required PPE:
1. Hot Mitts
2. Safety Glasses or Face Shield
3. Closed Toe Shoes
4. Lab Coat
Required/Recommended Trainings:

1. Bruin Safety Training

2. Lab Safety Training


1. Prepare material 1a. Overfilled trays may spill 1a1. Do not exceed weight limit for bag.
1a2. Do not overfill trays.
1b. Sealed bags and bottles may explode 1b1. Seal bags loosely.
1b2. Do not tighten lids on bottles or containers.
2. Transport material to 2a. Items may fall off cart 2a1. Do not overload cart.
autoclave 2a2. Transport all items in secondary containers.
2b. Lifting heavy items may cause injury 2b1. Keep back straight (other lifting stuff)
2b2. Keep load close to you
2b3. Use leg and abdominal muscles
2b4. No twisting or excess force
2b5. Get firm grip
3. Load autoclave 3a. Opening autoclave may expose you 3a1. Initially open door only 1" to release excess steam before
to toxic fumes opening door completely.
3b. Steam escaping upon opening door 3b1. Wear safety glasses/face shield and hot mitts.
may cause burns 3b2. Do not stand directly in front of the autoclave
3c. Burns may result from contact with 3c1. Always use hot mitts and wear a lab coat.
hot interior surfaces 3c2. Use good judgment--if the autoclave appears to be too hot,
wait a few minutes with the door wide open before
3d. Lifting heavy items may cause injury 3d1. Keep back straight (other lifting stuff)

4. Unload autoclave 4a. Items may fall off cart

Lifting heavy items may cause injury
4b. Opening autoclave may expose you 4b. Initially open door only 1" to release excess steam before
to toxic fumes opening door completely.
Steam escaping upon opening door may Wear safety glasses/face shield and hot mitts.
cause burns Do not stand directly in front of the autoclave
Burns may result from contact with hot Always use hot mitts and wear a lab coat.
interior surfaces Use good judgment--if the autoclave appears to be too hot, wait a
few minutes with the door wide open before loading/unloading
5. Waste disposal 5a. Materials may spill 5a1. Seal bags tightly before transferring to waste can
5a2. Make sure bags are not leaking before transferring to waste
5a3. If bags are leaking, place them inside another bag.
Injury & Illness Prevention Program
Job Safety Analysis Form
501 Westwood Plaza, 4th Floor • Los Angeles, CA 90095
Phone: 310-825-5689 • Fax: 310-825-7076 •

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