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BIMBO needs analysis

Current needs of BIMBO's target market

The target market includes busy families, consumers looking for healthy options,
international consumers and those looking for convenient snacks and snacks. The
main needs of these markets focus on convenience, quality, variety of options,
adaptation to cultural and dietary preferences, as well as the availability of
accessible retail products.
Type of target market Needs
1. Busy families  Convenient, ready-to-eat options
 Quality Products
 Variety
 Accessible
 Easy to find in supermarkets and
convenience stores
2. Consumers looking for healthy  Low calorie products
options  Low fat products
 Products with natural ingredients
and without artificial additives
3. International consumers  Breads and products that are
popular in the particular region
4. Snacks and snacks segment  Convenience: Practical and
ready-to-eat products
 Variety
 Easy to find in markets and
 Value for the price

BIMBO products that satisfy these needs

1. Busy families
 White bread
 Wholemeal bread
 Artisan bimbo bread
 Flaxseed bread
 Rye bread
 Cruapan
 Classic toasted bread
 Whole wheat toast
 Bimbollos
 Grilled bimbollos
 Super bimbollos
 Brioche bimbollos
 Artisan buns
 Midnights
 Corn Flake Breader
 Classic breadcrumbs
 Bimbo bread without edges
 Strawberry bran fruit bars
 Pineapple Bran Fruit Bars
 Walnut multigrain bars
 Multigrain flaxseed bars
 Spiga chocolate and oatmeal cookie
 Seasoned breading (Mexican, English, Italian)
 nito milk
 Mantecadas (walnut, chocolate chips, vanilla)
 Pancake (marble, walnut, chocolate chips)
 Mattresses

2. Consumers looking for healthy options

 Zero zero multigrain bread
 zero zero bread
 Zero zero bread without flour
 zero zero breadcrumbs
 Midnight zero zero
 Bimbolos zero zero
 zero zero toast
 Spanish type toast without added sugars

3. International consumers
 Spain: Ham or jam rolls, mini slices to make canapes

 Argentina: Vanilla Soleta, Pionono

 Colombia: Ponque and chocolate donuts

 Costa Rica: Cupcakes, Queques

 Brazil: Cornbread ( sold under the Pullman brand)

 Venezuela: Mattresses
 Chile: Prepizza (under the ideal brand)

 United States: Orange, lemon, banana pancake

 Peru: French toast

 Panama: Tostao's butter

4. Snacks and snacks segment
 Vanilla flavor shells
 Cinnamon rolls (with raisins, glazed)
 Muffins with butter
 Mantecadas (vanilla, walnut, chocolate chips)
 Pancake (walnut, raisins)
 chocolate donuts
 Nito
 Orange flavor mattresses
 Chocolate-flavored chip muffins
 Bimbuñuelos
 Mantechox chocolate
 Little bites vanilla with chocolate chips
 Vanilla slices
 Hotkis
 Donuts (sprinkled, sugary)
 Eureka
 Bran fruit (strawberry, pineapple)
 Mutigrain bars (walnut, flaxseed)
 Spiga cookie (chocolate, oats, fruits)
 nito milk

How well do competitors satisfy these needs (in Mexico)?

 Gamesa
 Barcelona
 Aunt rosa
Objective group How well does it How well does it How well does it
meet your meet your meet your
needs? needs? needs?
Gamesa Barcelona Aunt rosa
1. Busy  Convenient  Convenient  Convenient
families , ready-to- , ready-to- , ready-to-
eat options eat options eat options
 Quality  Quality  Quality
Products Products Products
 Variety  Variety  Variety
 Accessible  Accessible  Accessible
 Easy to find  Easy to find  Easy to find
in in in
supermarke supermarke supermarke
ts and ts and ts and
convenienc convenienc convenienc
e stores e stores e stores
2. Consumers  It does not  It does not  It does not
looking for have a have a have a
healthy healthy healthy healthy
options line, low in line, low in line, low in
fat or with fat or with fat or with
natural natural natural
ingredients ingredients ingredients
3. Internation  It is  Products  Products
al distributed that are that are
consumers mainly in popular in popular in
Mexico and the the
does not particular particular
have much region: region:
presence in (United Their
other States, products
countries. takis are also
intense distributed
nacho, in the
takis blue United
heat, takis States,
chips however
they offer
the same
ones as in

4. Snacks  Convenienc  Convenienc  Convenienc

and snacks e: Practical e: Practical e: Practical
and ready- and ready- and ready-
to-eat to-eat to-eat
products products products
 Variety  Variety  Variety
 Easy to find
 Easy to find  Easy to find
in markets
in markets in markets
and stores
 Value for and stores and stores
the price  Value for  Value for
the price the price

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