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Libon, Albay

GROUP 20 - Reporters:

Jessica Sacueza Instructor: Mrs. Ferdeliza Ragual

Arianne Salem
Arlene Joy Bucad
Rodelyn Sevilla


When it comes to commercial construction, various materials are commonly used due
to their specific characteristics that make them suitable for different applications. Here
are some key commercial construction materials and their characteristics:
- Characteristics:
- Strength and Durability: Concrete is known for its strength and ability to withstand
heavy loads, making it ideal for building foundations and structures.
- Versatility: It can be molded into different shapes and sizes, allowing for various
design requirements.
- Cost-Effectiveness: Concrete is a cost-effective material commonly used in
commercial construction projects.
- Characteristics:
- Strength and Flexibility: Steel is durable and flexible, ideal for supporting tall buildings
and large spans in commercial structures.
- Quick Installation: Steel can be prefabricated, saving time and labor costs during
- Architectural Flexibility: Steel allows for innovative and functional designs in
commercial buildings.
- Characteristics:
- Natural Beauty: Wood is valued for its aesthetic appeal, adding warmth and character
to commercial spaces.
- Structural Capabilities: It is strong and flexible, making it suitable for withstanding
stress and strain in various construction applications.
- Insulation Properties: Wood helps regulate indoor temperatures, leading to energy
savings in commercial buildings.
- Characteristics:
- Durability: Stone is one of the most durable materials, offering natural beauty and
strength for commercial construction.
- Energy Efficiency: It has natural insulation properties, helping maintain consistent
indoor temperatures and reducing heating and cooling costs.
- Characteristics:
- Fire-Resistant: Bricks provide excellent compressive strength and are fire-resistant,
making them ideal for construction in commercial settings.
- Thermal Mass: Brick and masonry materials have thermal mass, regulating building
temperatures and reducing energy consumption.
- Durability: They are known for their durability and low maintenance requirements,
making them suitable for structural walls and facades.
- Characteristics:
- Transparency: Glass allows natural light into buildings, reducing the need for artificial
lighting and enhancing visual appeal.
- Energy Efficiency: It contributes to energy savings by providing natural lighting and
creating a sense of openness in commercial spaces.
- Versatility: Glass is used for windows, doors, partitions, and facades in modern
commercial construction projects.
These materials have distinct characteristics that make them suitable for different
commercial construction applications based on factors like strength, durability,
aesthetics, and energy efficiency.


Indigenous materials for recycling refer to locally sourced materials that are
traditionally used and repurposed by native communities. These materials are often
abundant in the region and have been historically recycled or repurposed for various
Here are some examples of indigenous materials that are commonly recycled by
native communities:
Animal Hides:
- Characteristics:
- Tradition: Animal hides have been used by indigenous communities for centuries to
create clothing, blankets, and other items.
- Sustainability: Hides are a renewable resource that can be recycled and repurposed
when they become worn or damaged.
- Cultural Significance: The use of animal hides reflects cultural traditions and practices
within indigenous communities.
Bones, Shells, and Feathers:
- Characteristics:
- Versatility: Bones, shells, and feathers are often collected and reused for various
purposes such as tools, jewelry, and decoration.
- Sustainability: These materials are sourced sustainably from the natural environment
and reflect a deep respect for nature.
- Cultural Symbolism: The use of bones, shells, and feathers carries cultural and
spiritual significance within indigenous traditions.
Natural Fibers and Plant Materials:
- Characteristics:
- Abundance: Indigenous communities often recycle natural fibers like cotton, hemp, or
plant materials for weaving, basketry, and textile production.
- Eco-Friendly: Using natural fibers promotes eco-friendly practices and reduces the
reliance on synthetic materials.
- Craftsmanship: Recycling natural fibers showcases traditional craftsmanship and skills
passed down through generations.
Wood and Bark:
- Characteristics:
- Sustainability: Wood and bark are commonly recycled by indigenous communities for
building materials, tools, and crafts.
- Cultural Heritage: Woodworking and bark crafts reflect cultural heritage and
traditional knowledge within indigenous societies.
- Environmental Stewardship: Recycling wood and bark demonstrates a commitment
to sustainable practices and environmental stewardship.
Natural Dyes and Pigments:
- Characteristics:
- Artistry: Indigenous communities often recycle natural dyes and pigments derived
from plants, minerals, and insects for artistic and ceremonial purposes.
- Cultural Identity: The use of natural dyes preserves cultural identity and connects
indigenous artisans to their heritage.
- Environmental Awareness: Recycling natural dyes promotes environmental
awareness and sustainable practices in traditional crafts.
These indigenous materials hold cultural, environmental, and sustainable significance
for native communities, showcasing a deep connection to the land and a commitment
to traditional practices of recycling and repurposing resources.

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