Bibliography Swimming

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Swimming bibliography:

 Añó, V. (1997). The birth of aquatic activities. In S. Waiter and V. Tella, V. (Compilers),
Swimming. Theoretical and practical applications (pp. 13-29). Valencia: Promobook.
 Arellano, R. (1992). Evaluation of propulsive force in swimming and its relationship with
technique training. Doctoral Thesis. University of Granada.

 Cegama, J. (1962). Swimming. Mexico City: Olimpo.

 Cureton, T. (1974). Factors governing success in competitive swimming: a brief review

of related studies. In L. Lewillie and J. Clarys (Eds.), Swimming Science II (pp. 9-39).
Baltimore: University Park Press.

 Dubois, C. and Robin, J. (1992). Swimming. From school... to sports associations.

Lérida: Deportiva Agonos.

 FINE (2000). History of FINA Website:

 Fontdevila, F. (1999). Introduction to competitive swimming: aspects to take into

account. Technical Communications, (1), 3-19.

 Gil, J. (1995). From Los Angeles 1984 to the 75th anniversary. In Spanish Swimming
Federation (Ed.), History of the Spanish Swimming Federation. (pp. 49-72). Madrid:

 Weevil, E. (1995). From Barcelona 1970 to Los Angeles 1984. In Spanish Swimming
Federation (Ed.), History of the Spanish Swimming Federation. (pp. 33-48). Madrid:

 Iguaran, J. (1972). History of ancient and modern swimming in the Olympic Games.
Tolosa: Valverde.

 Jardi, C. (1996). Move in the water. Barcelona: Paidotribo.

 Lewillie, L. (1983). Research in swimming: historical and scientific aspects. In A.

Hollander, P. Huijing and D. Groot (Eds.), Biomechanics and Medicine in Swimming IV
(pp. 7-16). Champaign: Human Kinetics.

 Lewin, G. (1979). Swimming. Madrid: Augusto Pila Teleña.

 Maglischo, E.W. (2003). Swimming fastets. Champaign: Human Kinetics

 McArdle, W., Katch, F. and Katch, V. (1990). Exercise physiology. Madrid: Editorial

 Morera, J. (1965). History of Spanish swimming. Madrid: COE

 Nagy, J. and Urbanchek, J. (1989). Catching the wave. Swimming Technique, 2 6 (2),

 Navarro, F. (1978). Swimming pedagogy. Miñón: Valladolid

 Oca, A. (2001). IX World Swimming Championships. Vision of international swimming.

At XXI International Congress of Aquatic Activities. Seville: Spanish Association of
Swimming Technicians and University of Seville.

 Royal Spanish Academy. (1997). Dictionary of the Spanish Language (21st ed.). Madrid:
Espasa Calpe.
 Reyes, R. (1998). Evolution of Spanish swimming through the winter and summer
swimming championships from 1977 to 1996. Doctoral Thesis. University of Las Palmas
de Gran Canaria.

 Rodríguez, L. (1997). History of swimming and evolution of styles. Swimming, Diving

and Water Polo, 19 (1), 38-49.

 Sierra, J. (1995). From London 1948 to Barcelona 1970. In Spanish Swimming

Federation (Ed.), History of the Spanish Swimming Federation (pp. 17-32). Madrid: FEN

 Ugarte, E. (1995). 1920, Foundation of the Federation. In Spanish Swimming

Federation (Ed.), History of the Spanish Swimming Federation. (pp. 5-16). Madrid: FEN

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