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Good planning is one of the factors that influence when starting a business.

Adequate direction, the ability to make decisions, create strategies and guide the company
towards its objectives.


Marketing Mix

Set of the commercial variables of a company, product, price, communication and distribution,
which are commonly known in the business world as the 4Ps (Product-product, Price-Price,
Promotion-Communication, Place-Distribution) the Marketing Mix , is the entrepreneur's strategy
to attract the attention of consumers and to satisfy their needs, which is the main source of
income for any business.

Strategic variables: The product and distribution

These are factors whose influence lastingly affects the final plans or objectives of the company.
They are difficult to modify, since they are linked to structural aspects of the company, they
require the immobilization of resources and great planning.

 Product: Goods, services, or ideas that a business owner uses to motivate and satisfy the
needs of a buyer.

o Heterogeneity: elements and aspects of different types, sizes, qualities, brand,

additional services...

o Classify products: according to the type of consumer, sector...

o Different products can satisfy the same need and a single product can satisfy
several different needs.

o It is the main “P” of the marketing mix, since it is the element that links economic
activity with consumers and will allow you to make money.

 Distribution: commercial function consisting of making products available at the

appropriate place, time and quantity.

Distribution channels are the circuit of companies that a manufacturer uses to make its products
available to the final consumer. These companies speed up the distribution process but obviously
tend to make the product more expensive.

o Distribution channels can be divided into:

 Direct channel: there are no intermediaries, direct manufacturer-

consumer relationship.
 Indirect channel: there are intermediaries between the manufacturer and
the consumer. (Retailers, wholesalers, sales agents, brokers, etc.).

o Distribution functions:

 Inform.

 Transport.

 Fractionate.

 Store.

 Supply.

 Contact.

 To finance.

 Additional after-sales services.

Tactical variables: price and communication

 Price: amount of money or value charged for a specific product or service. The price is the
value that a given individual is willing to offer to obtain a material or immaterial good at a
given time.

o Price features

 Historically, it is the most influential factor in consumers' decisions about

choosing products or services.

 The only element of the marketing mix that provides benefits, the rest
(products, communications and distribution) represent an investment for
a company.

 Their income largely depends on their proper fixing or modification.

o Frequent errors

 Setting prices that are too cost-oriented.

 Do not check them frequently.

 Making decisions about price without taking into account the other
variables of the marketing mix.

 Communication: Process that informs individuals or organizations about an offer that

directly or indirectly satisfies the exchange of goods or services between the main agents
that come to the market. Focus your study on the needs, preferences or tastes of

o Agents: are the different forces or magnitudes that make up a certain market and
that interact with each other.
o Offerors (producers): They are those who make their goods or services available to
the market to satisfy needs.

o Demanders (consumers): They go to the market to satisfy their needs.

o Communication objectives:

 Inform.

 Promote a company's products or services.

 Customer loyalty.

 Create the company image.

 Outperform the competition.

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