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And the LORD God said, It is not good for the man to be alone; I will make him a help
meet for him. 22 And of the rib that the Lord God took from the man, he made a woman,
and brought her to the man. 23 Then Adam said, This is now bone of my bones and flesh of
my flesh; She will be called Woman, because she was taken from Man. 24 Therefore a man
shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one
flesh. Genesis 2:18, 22-24

In this biblical passage, God offers man a new relationship, the woman to be his
companion, his love, his lifelong romance, to give themselves in such a way that they
become one flesh.
This union must be firm and strong, tending to last forever and this union must be
nourished with constant love, so that your new home is filled with happiness, harmony
and peace at all times.

This is what the home of ORLANDO and GINA should be like, as they celebrate their
marriage today.
For me you are children, and I express the following to you:
Today everything smiles at you, you see happiness everywhere, everything is beautiful and
beautiful, but happiness must be conquered pulse by pulse every day and maintained
without fainting at all times.
In marriage not everything will be light, there will be days of shadows and darkness, but
with love and with God on your side you will overcome, the wonderful moments and sighs
of love do not come alone, as well as the blessings of the Lord, you have to forge them For
themselves, they have to face the hours of adversity with a calm spirit and with a brave
and strong heart because Christ will give them victory.
There are four essential elements that you should keep in mind as a foundation for
happiness in your marriage:

1. LOVE.
Love according to the first letter to the Corinthians says that it is good, it is long-suffering,
it does not get irritated, it does not hold grudges, it is not envious, it believes everything, it
hopes everything, and it never ceases to be, when there is love in the spouses the
conquest of happiness is certain.
A successful marriage is one in which the spouses love each other deeply. Love is what
connects you and creates a powerful, harmonious and blessed union.
Your love is generous, without limits or reservation, you represent the love of Christ for
his church. Their love overflows through their pores for each other and that is happiness,
they get married in love and under the cover of God and their families which means
We must believe in the love of this couple, because God is love, and the love of these
children of God is not just any love, but the love that Christ has given them so that they
can share it and be happy for life.

We mean understanding each other in everything as couples, so as not to turn into
problems so many things that can be resolved without discussion.

 It is knowing each other, knowing how the other is going to act, just by looking at
each other you already want it.
 It means thinking things through, always acting together, as a team.
 It is being united at all times, no matter what happens. In good times and bad.
Where there is understanding, there are no complaints, there is no violence, there are no
deceptions or lies, where there is understanding, understanding, help, service arise.
You love and understand each other, which is why your marriage will lead you to have a
beautiful and beautiful home that will be a safe haven and blessed by God from now on
and forever.

Patience is necessary To endure together the discomforts that arise, you must know how
to wait for the good times that God brings for you.
They must be patient not to take things to extremes, gently correct each other's defects,
so that the worries of life do not disturb the new home.
Whoever is patient knows how to wait for the blessing of the Lord, and you were patient
to see this achievement in your lives, a new life together in Christ Jesus forever.

Love is not complete if it does not include respect, since this teaches us to take into
account the tastes, attitudes and norms of our partner.
No one can truly love a person without appreciating and valuing them as something
precious and unique.
Respect is valuing each person's actions or attitudes; never consider yourself to be in
possession of the absolute truth. Respect makes it impossible for a person to force their
partner or impose themselves on them.
Respecting each other is synonymous with fidelity and being faithful is loving my partner
at all times, until death do us part.
When respect grows in the hearts of the couple, love grows, and thus forms a solid
marriage, as yours will be.
Always remember these four principles in your marriage: to love each other, to
understand each other, to be patient and to respect each other, and you will see that
God's blessing will always be on your marriage throughout your life.
Today I tell you as your pastor and spiritual father:


Love and take care of each other, this makes a strong marriage, I know that each of you
will do your best in this new relationship and will be an example for others and your family
that marriage is a blessing from God.
The word of God says for this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united
to his wife and they will become one flesh.
From now on you form a new family, and you will have a relationship with your parents as
adults strengthened in the love of God and you will honor them, but in this new project
you as a couple will take it forward, so that your home will be a piece of heaven. here on
earth and everyone who comes to it can feel the joy, happiness and peace that exists
there because Christ is the center of their home.
They are close to them because they are eyewitnesses of this union. They are
eyewitnesses of this marriage.
Today before God they have the responsibility to watch over, care for, edify and exhort
this couple in their marriage, they must give advice in difficult times as well as in good
You were chosen by God and by these children of the most high to safeguard this new
home, and I declare that it will be so in the name of Jesus of Nazareth.

 May God accompany you throughout your lives and always encourage you,
 May the Lord give you children, as the product of the love you have for each other,
 And may your lives be filled with abundant blessings,
 May they live happily until old age,
 And may they always remain boyfriend and girlfriend.


Proverb 18:22 (NLT)
“The man who finds a wife finds treasure, and receives favor from the
Marriage is of divine origin, because it was the first institution created by God in the
Garden of Eden, when uniting Adam and Eve.
Marriage is essential for the multiplication and propagation of the human race, and is for
the satisfaction, pleasure and joy of men and women.
This is why getting married is a special and unique moment, full of happiness for the
spouses, because a new stage in their lives begins, full of love, joy and thinking about a
beautiful future, where God's blessings will fill their new home.
Marriage entails the union of two lives, a man and a woman who leave their loved ones,
parents, family and friends for them to consolidate their new relationship, based on the
word of God, so that they are no longer two, but one flesh. What God puts together, let
man not separate, because marriage is for life.
The words of proverbs are very beautiful, wise and meaningful, let's meditate on them:


To get married, it is necessary to first find the wife who meets God's requirements. For
such an event, the man must go out to look for her, making an effort to be diligent in his
search and have a lot of wisdom to make this very special choice.
This is what MARIO has done, as has TATIANA, because they will be husbands for life.
We can affirm without fear of being wrong that TATIANA is the ideal help that God had
reserved for you MARIO, I kept her all this time so that she could be your wife.
You were found by the will of the Lord, to marry under his protection and everything will
turn out well for you and you will be prospered in everything by the Most High.
This tells us that a good marriage is a piece of heaven here on earth and should last
forever, there are many kinds of treasures in life, but getting a good wife, or a good
husband, is the best blessing that God can give us. give, because the home will be a
beautiful harbor of peace for the spouses as well as for the visitors, and the glory of God
will always be upon the spouses.
MARIO, here is your treasure, take care of it, protect it and love it.
TATIANA , here is your treasure, take care of it, protect it and love it.


This means that God will pour out abundant blessings on your lives, until there is excess
and abundance in this new home, so that you are happy, joyful and prosperous, that the
love of Christ floods you from today onwards to be happy, the best ingredient to be happy
is to place Jesus as the center of your home, so that his beautiful presence constantly
blesses your lives, in this new relationship.
As a PASTOR and spiritual father I ask you one thing, love each other as Christ loves his
bride, the church. Because true love is born in our hearts if Christ lives in me.
MARIO loves Tatiana as the most fragile vessel and make her happy to be by your side.
TATIANA loves Mario as the priest of the house and make him happy to be by your side.
GODPARENTS: you are close to them because you are eyewitnesses of this marriage
union. And today before God and before this congregation, they have the responsibility to
watch over, care for, advise and exhort this couple, when the moment warrants it, they
were chosen by God and by these children of the Lord to safeguard this new home from
today and forever. , so be it.
MAID OF HONOR: you are also eyewitnesses of this beautiful union, just as you
accompany them today, in the future you accompany them at all times, be it in moments
of victories or in moments of crisis, you will be strengths for them as husbands and I hope
in God, they will do it that way.
MY GREATEST WISHES: that they have all the happiness on earth and the joy of heaven,
that they always be lovers, until old age. God cover you with his mantle always. Amen and
Genesis 2:18,21-24
18 Then God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. "I'm going to make him
someone to accompany him and help him."
21 That's why God made the man fall into a deep sleep. And so, while he was sleeping,
God took out one of his ribs, and then closed his side.
22 From that rib God made a woman. When he took her to the man,
23 He said, "This time I have someone who is flesh of my flesh and bone of my bones. I will
call her female, because God took her out of man."
24 This explains why a man leaves his father and mother and joins his wife to form one
body. Translation in current language (TLA)
In this biblical passage, God offers man a new relationship, the woman to be his
companion, his love, his lifelong romance, to give themselves in such a way that they
become one flesh.
This union must be firm and strong, tending to last forever and this union must be
nourished with constant love, so that your new home is filled with happiness, harmony
and peace at all times.
This is what GONZALO and ANGIE's home should be like, as they celebrate their marriage
For me you are children, and I express the following to you:
Today everything smiles at you, you see happiness everywhere, everything is beautiful and
beautiful, but happiness must be conquered pulse by pulse every day and maintained
without fainting at all times.
In marriage not everything will be light, there will be days of shadows and darkness, but
with love and with God on your side you will overcome, the wonderful moments and sighs
of love do not come alone, as well as the blessings of the Lord, you have to forge them For
themselves, they have to face the hours of adversity with a calm spirit and with a brave
and strong heart because Christ will give them victory.
There are four essential elements that you should keep in mind as a foundation for
happiness in your marriage:

1. LOVE.
Love according to the first letter to the Corinthians says that it is good, it is long-suffering,
it does not get irritated, it does not hold grudges, it is not envious, it believes everything, it
hopes everything, and it never ceases to be, when there is love in the spouses the
conquest of happiness And harmony is sure.
Your love is generous, without limits or reservation, you represent the love of Christ for
his church. Rejoice at all times, your duty is to be happy in your marriage, no matter what
else, God will bring the blessings that you lack, but be obedient to his word, God gives you
a company for life Gonzalo and it is so that you can be happy with her always.
We believe in the love of this couple, because God is love, and the love of these children
of God is not just any love, but the love that Christ has given them so that they can share it
and be happy for their entire lives.
We mean understanding each other in everything as couples, so as not to turn into
problems so many things that can be resolved without discussion, understanding each
other is knowing each other, it is thinking things through well and it is being united at all
times, no matter what happens.
Understanding each other is working together, so that our mistakes do not affect our
partner, they are one from this moment on, therefore every decision must be
communicated, it is in unity, and when decisions are discussed between the couple, there
is pleasure, union, and joy. , joy and love and happiness in the couple.
To endure together the inconveniences that arise, to know how to wait for the good times
that God brings for you, patience to not take things to extremes, to gently correct each
person's defects, so that the worries of life do not disturb the new home.
Patience is taking things calmly and not losing your nerve in adverse situations. Within
marriage it is good to build a climate of calm to be able to have a good coexistence with
your partner, and have a very successful marriage, as God desires.
You are getting married today to start a family. That is why it is important, support, help,
the desire to seek the good of others and of the children when they arrive. And achieving
these goals is not possible without respect.
Respecting someone means taking into account the tastes, beliefs, attitudes and norms of
our partner, who has risked his life for us and has given himself to us wholeheartedly.
Respect does not mean letting everyone do whatever they want. It is teaching them that
there are things that must be corrected with love.
In marriage, the fundamental thing is that, despite the differences and bad moments,
mutual respect is never lost.
Respect is what makes marriages work and last, accepting my partner as he is (not as we
want him to be) to help him grow and improve as a person is important in the
Mutual respect is important in marriage, a person does not feel loved if their partner does
not treat them with respect. No one can truly love a person if they do not appreciate and
value them as something precious and unique.
Respecting each other is synonymous with fidelity and being faithful is loving my partner
at all times, until death do us part. This means in other words that The husband commits
himself to his wife saying: "I will work for you, respect you and provide for you."
Always remember these four principles in your marriage and you will be happy.
Today as your pastor and spiritual father I tell you:
The word of God says for this reason a man will leave his father and his mother and will be
united to his wife and they will become one flesh. This new home will be run by you, not
From now on you form a new family, and you will have a relationship with your parents as
adults strengthened in the love of God and you will honor them, but in this new project
you as a couple will move forward, so that your home will be a piece of heaven here. on
earth and everyone who comes to it can feel the joy, happiness and peace that exists
there because Christ is the center of their home.
GODPARENTS, you are close to them because you are eyewitnesses of this union, and
today before God you have the responsibility to watch over, care for, edify and exhort
this couple.
You were chosen by God and by these children of the most high to safeguard this new
home, and I declare that it will be so in the name of Jesus of Nazareth.
May God accompany you throughout your lives and always encourage you, may the Lord
give you children, as the product of the love you have for each other, and may all your
lives be filled with abundant blessings, may you live happily until old age and may you
continue always being boyfriends.

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