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Ya y ı n c ı l ı k 12th Graders
Deniz Pınar
Genel Yayın Yönetmeni
Deniz Pınar

Bülent Yüksel

Bülent Yüksel

Basım Yeri
Salmat Basım Yayıncılık Ambalaj Sanayi ve Ticaret Limited Şirketi - Kızılbey VD: 7410561228

Matbaa Sertifika No
(0312) 419 419 0
Meşrutiyet Cad. Kök İşhanı No: 2 Kat: 8 Kızılay / Ankara

Bu eserin her hakkı saklıdır. Hangi amaçla olursa olsun, eserin tamamının veya bir kısmının Deniz Pınar’ın yazılı izni olmadan kopya
edilmesi, fotoğrafının çekilmesi, herhangi bir yolla paylaşılması, yayımlanması ya da kullanılması yasaktır. Bu yasağa uymayanlar
gerekli cezaları, sorumluluğu ve sınavın hazırlanmasındaki mali külfeti peşinen kabul etmiş sayılır.

Bandrol Uygulamasına İlişkin Usul ve Esaslar Hakkında Yönetmeliğin 5 inci maddesinin ikinci fıkrası çerçevesinde bandrol
taşıması zorunlu değildir

“Gerçek Başarı Başkalarını Başarılı Kılmaktır.”

DENİZ PINAR Ya y ı n c ı l ı k
Bu testte 80 soru vardır.

5. Prolonged poor posture can cause neck pain

1. - 8. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere ---- muscle spasms, according to MedlinePlus,
uygun düşen sözcük veya ifadeyi bulunuz. a service of the National Institutes of Health.
A) ranged from B) led to
1. Because of the ---- of mobile phones, many C) asked for D) called on
of us now send more text messages than we
spend actually talking. E) combined with
A) assessment B) interaction

C) communication D) prevalence

E) inclination 6. Even though they are ultimately cleaner than

fossil fuels, many hydroelectric dams ---- so
much radiation that they ---- several decades
to provide a net climate benefit.
A) absorb / could take
2. We need a ---- social movement that convinces B) have absorbed / used to take
people that strong families are essential for a
healthy society and that the family can adapt to C) had absorbed / should take
the needs of modern society.
DENİZ PINAR Ya y ı n c ı l ı k

D) are absorbing / had better take

A) comprehensive B) literate
E) absorbed / would rather take
C) vague D) tacit

E) relative

7. Prior to the Industrial Revolution, which began

in Britain in the late 1700s, manufacturing
---- in people’s homes, ---- hand tools or basic
3. A new wave of research is ---- improving
A) must have been done / to use
our ability to target cancer cells by studying
“the other 98 percent” of DNA in human B) can be done / being used
chromosomes, beyond the 2 percent that
encodes proteins. C) used to be done / using
A) excessively B) significantly D) may have been done / having used
C) cruelly D) ferociously E) had to be done / to have used
E) successively

8. Pressure on capacity and the environment

---- by competitive economic development
has forced many governments ---- regulatory
4. Margaret Fuller, an outstanding essayist, was capitalism measures.
born and ---- in Cambridge, Massachusetts, A) being exerted / adopt
and she was educated at home by her father,
who was from a modest financial background. B) having been exerted / adopting
A) operated B) teased
C) having exerted / to be adopted
C) raised D) examined
D) exerted / to adopt
E) practiced
E) exerting / being adopted

1 Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


9. - 15. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere

uygun düşen sözcük veya ifadeyi bulunuz. 13. Today, nearly ---- customer service requests
come in through voice or email, and
companies can predictably scale up to meet
---- demand coming from their customers.
9. Innovations ---- technology have improved
operations at companies of all sizes and A) all / any B) every / all
helped turn small local businesses ---- global
C) both / none D) whole / some
A) in / into B) at / to E) many / little

C) behind / by D) about / out

E) for / off

10. The collapse ---- the real estate market in 2017

caused a decrease in demand ---- properties in
the whole world.
DENİZ PINAR Ya y ı n c ı l ı k

A) for / at B) by / in
14. At high latitudes, such as near Antarctica and
C) of / for D) to / with the Arctic Circle, the ocean’s surface waters
are cooled by frigid temperatures and become
E) from / on ---- dense ---- they sink a few thousand meters
into the ocean’s abyss.
A) more / than B) so / as

C) so / that D) rather / than

E) both / and
11. Jack Mule, the noted explorer, noted that the
camp found in the area was more like a village
with real inhabitants ---- a nomadic mercenary
A) but for B) owing to

C) as regards D) such as

E) rather than

15. ---- creating your body structure, your bones

12. Our conversation would be impossible to produce blood cells, form joints with muscles
understand ---- we knew what type of actions for movement, and protect your internal
or states, people, and concepts in it refer to. organs.
A) so long as B) yet A) Unlike B) In addition to
C) so that D) seeing that C) Due to D) Despite
E) unless E) In terms of

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16. - 20. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada

numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük 18.
veya ifadeyi bulunuz. A) stored B) performed

C) lured D) deceived
Because Earth is a closed system, the amount of E) brought
carbon on the planet never changes. However, the
amount of carbon in a specific reservoir can change
over time (16)---- carbon moves from one reservoir
to another. For example, some carbon in the
atmosphere (17)---- by plants to make food during
photosynthesis. This carbon can then be ingested
and (18)---- in animals that eat the plants. When the
animals die, they decompose, and their remains
become sediment, trapping the carbon in layers that
eventually turn (19)---- rock or minerals. Some of
this sediment might form fossil fuels, (20)---- coal,
oil, or natural gas, which release carbon back into 19.
the atmosphere when the fuel is burned. A) off B) out

16. C) into D) up

A) as though B) as E) down
DENİZ PINAR Ya y ı n c ı l ı k

C) in case D) in order to

E) so that

A) as B) even
A) may capture
C) rather D) such as
B) must capture
E) alike
C) should have been captured

D) used to be captured

E) might be captured

3 Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


21. - 28. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun

şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz. 23. Thought to have been brought to the Americas
from Africa via the Atlantic slave trade, ----.
A) deforestation reduced insectivorous bird
21. As a visitor to our site, you are permitted to populations and other creatures that feed on
download and print material for your own mosquitoes and their eggs
purposes ----.
B) the West Indies were known as a particularly
A) so we do not guarantee all material and dangerous posting for soldiers due to the
information on this website is up to date presence of yellow fever
B) whereas your information will not be tracked C) yellow fever swept the colonies there beginning
when you visit this website in the 17th century and continuing into the late
19th century
C) yet students can download the e-book files for
using them on their course website D) Europeans suffered higher rates of death than
did African-descended persons when exposed
D) even so there is a myriad of materials you can to yellow fever
use in 3D printing
E) various governments in America and Africa
E) on condition that you do not modify any content acted to ban the trade, although illegal
without our prior consent smuggling still occurred
DENİZ PINAR Ya y ı n c ı l ı k

22. ----, because of which many consider it the 24. ----, even the smallest mistake will affirm their
ideal destination for aerotherapy. feelings of inadequacy.
A) Opatija is where Croatian coastal tourism began A) Although performing a job well has a boosting
in the mid-19th century effect on confidence

B) Opatija, situated between mountains and sea, B) Once managers manage to increase
is known for its clean air communication in a unit

C) Croats settled in the Opatija region from about C) As long as unnecessary interferences cease
700 AD onwards
D) When an employee lacks confidence
D) In 1947, Opatija was given to Yugoslavia as
part of the peace treaty with Italy E) In case too much appraisal makes it tough for
people to concentrate
E) The town of Opatjia is a popular summer and
winter resort

4 Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


25. Many regions of Asia have deposits of iron 27. ----, because their electromagnetic
ore ----. transmissions can interfere with sensitive
electrical devices.
A) although not every country has its own
domestic supply A) Cell phone usage globally is known to be
rapidly increasing
B) as Malaysia is the only oil-producing area on
the mainland B) The use of cell phones is not allowed in
hospitals and airplanes
C) whereas most of them have enormous reserves
of coal C) Cell phone reception has improved greatly due
to the use of satellite
D) for the other steel-producing countries are
Australia and Romania D) Modern cell phones are capable of much more
than just sending and receiving phone calls
E) if smaller countries in the Southwest have only
small iron ore supplies E) Some people carry more than one mobile
phone for different purposes
DENİZ PINAR Ya y ı n c ı l ı k

26. The collapse of the real estate market in 2017 28. Carnevale as a modern festivity appeared in
caused a decrease in demand for properties in the Middle-Ages ----.
the whole world, ----.
A) until it was celebrated across Europe in the
A) so the law of supply and demand dictates the early modern period
equilibrium price of a property
B) as it included a range of activities that occurred
B) although the relationship of supply and demand singly or in combination
affected the prices of basic goods
C) if it was deeply affected by the religious reforms
C) because there has been no demand for housing of the 16th century
due to a weak economy since then
D) even though its origins can be traced back to
D) yet these unpredicted central bank interventions ancient Rome
took place during the crisis
E) that its application varied with local customs
E) thus creating an oversupply of houses and and conditions
decreasing the prices of properties

5 Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


29. - 31. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre

cevaplayınız. 30. It can be inferred from the passage that ----.
A) ancient people respected Hygieia a lot more
than Asklepios
Modern medicine has its origin in the ancient B) civilizations in the remote past attached
world. The oldest civilizations used magic and importance to religion
herbs to cure their sick people, but they also used
religion to free them from harm and to protect C) Asklepios and Hygieia were worshipped in
their health. The medical care of today has its Athens for about 1000 years
roots in ancient Greece. With the introduction of
Asklepios and Hygieia in Athens, there sprouted D) ancient people cured illnesses via the methods
a very important healing cult that existed from introduced by Asklepios and Hygieia
about 500 BC until 500 AD. Hygieia plays a very
E) Asklepios and Hygieia became famous only
unusual role in Greek religion because of her
after their magical powers were confirmed
unclear identity. She was connected with Asklepios
in the 5th century BC, and together they became
the most famous healing couple within the Greek
and Roman world. One of the main problems
is the identity of Hygieia. She has been given
several names, which cross each other all the
time through modern literature from the late 19th
century AD. Terms like goddess, personification,
abstraction and extension of Asklepios are but a
few of the labels given to her. It is an interesting
DENİZ PINAR Ya y ı n c ı l ı k

question why modern scientists and historians

alike use different names for Hygieia when ancient
sources literally state that she is a goddess.

29. The writer of the passage seems intrigued as 31. The underlined word “sprouted” is closest in
to ----. meaning to ----.
A) why modern scientists differ from historians in A) declined
the way they name Hygieia
B) increased
B) when ancient sources started to call Hygiea a
goddess C) merged

C) why Hygieia is called by different names not D) developed

only by historians but also by modern scientists
E) practised
D) how modern scientists and historians differ from
each other in labelling goddesses vary

E) in what ways terms like goddess,

personification, abstraction and extension differ
from one another

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32. - 34. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre

cevaplayınız. 33. We can understand from the passage that the
Sedona Method ----.
A) played an important role in the introduction of
New Age psychotherapy
The Sedona Method is perhaps best thought of
as a form of New Age psychotherapy designed to B) was created by Lester Levenson almost as
free the individual from emotional baggage. It was soon as he suffered from a heart attack
created by an American named Lester Levenson.
His story has a slightly melodramatic feel, which C) is aimed at helping the patient get rid of
may make some suspicious. In 1952, Levenson, a emotional burden
46-year-old from New Jersey, had a severe heart
attack that nearly killed him. His doctors could D) was practiced by physicians to free Levenson
offer no help, and he was sent home to die. With from his emotional pain
nothing to do except lie in bed and stare out of the
E) has been proven to be beneficial to cardiopaths
window, Levenson began thinking over the various
but not to cancer patients
philosophies and therapies he had encountered
during his life and concluded that none would help
him now. Looking for a way out of his emotional
and physical pain, he considered those moments
in which he had felt most happy and realized that
they all involved a loving focus on someone other
than himself. He entered deeply into this selfless
state and released all negative feelings. In 1990,
four years before his death, Levenson claimed
DENİZ PINAR Ya y ı n c ı l ı k

never to have visited a doctor again. In 1994, he

died of cancer, though, according to some, he was
free of pain and fear throughout the illness.

32. According to the passage, Levenson ----. 34. We can infer from the passage that ----.
A) suffered from cancer for four years between A) not everyone thinks that Levenson experienced
1990 and 1994 no pain or fear when he suffered from cancer

B) did not take any medical help from any B) Levenson would have been saved if he had
physician after he was sent home to die in 1952 applied to a doctor instead of relying on the
Sedona Method
C) was free of pain throughout his illness between
1990 and 1994 thanks to the medications he took C) Levenson didn’t go through many therapies
before his heart attack in 1952
D) would have died of a heart attack if he had not
been taken to hospital immediately D) Levenson was the sort of person who never
loved anyone else other than himself
E) made an extensive study on The Sedona
Method before his heart attack in 1952 E) doctors discharged Levenson from hospital
because they thought it would be better for him
to take special care at home

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35. - 37. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre

cevaplayınız. 36. The main purpose of the passage is to ----.
A) give brief information about the colonial
practices pursued by England between the 16th
and 19th centuries
New thinking about the world and better
shipbuilding led to more exploration and the B) briefly describe the advantages and the
discovery of new lands during the 16th century. disadvantages of colonialism for the countries
England wanted more land overseas where it which practised it
could build new communities, known as colonies.
These colonies would provide England with C) inform us about the way of life in the territories
valuable materials, like metals, sugar and tobacco, explored and discovered by England during the
which they could also sell to other countries. The 16th century
colonies also offered money-making opportunities
for wealthy Englishmen and provided England’s D) give specific information about the sorts of
poor and unemployed with new places to live crops grown in English colonies between the
and new jobs. The first English colonies were in 16th and 19th centuries
North America, at the time known as the “New
E) describe the opportunities wealthy Englishmen
World”. Over time, the English would claim more
seized in the new territories colonized by
and more territories. Over the course of the 17th
and 18th centuries, England gained major colonies
in North America and further south in the West
Indies. Here, the climate was perfect for growing
crops like sugar and tobacco, so they set up
farms known as plantations. Trading settlements
DENİZ PINAR Ya y ı n c ı l ı k

were also created in India by a company called

the East India Company. This company became
so powerful that it allowed England to control the
trade of luxury goods like spices, cotton, silk and
tea from India and China, and it even influenced

35. It can be understood from the passage that ----. 37. According to the passage, England ----.
A) the colonies were deprived of valuable A) was the most influential country in the world
materials, like metals politics between the 16th and 18th centuries
thanks to its colonies
B) poor and unemployed Englishmen went to live
and work in colonies B) relied on the sale of valuable commodities it
received from its colonies as it did not have
C) England had already become a colonial power them at all in its homeland
by the 16th century
C) was able to dominate the trade of luxury goods
D) English colonies quickly became wealthier after from India to China thanks to the East India
the 18th century Company
E) rather than the rich in England, it was the poor D) had a perfect climate for growing crops like
who benefited from the colonies sugar and tobacco, which could not be grown in
North American colonies

E) had so many poor people in the 16th century

that it had to explore and discover new lands to

8 Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


38. - 40. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre

cevaplayınız. 39. It can be understood from the paragraph that ----.
A) former Prime Minister Chamberlain resorted
to the appeasement policy toward Hitler’s
aggression prior to the Second World War
During the 1930s, the disgruntled powers resorted
to policies of “dynamism”, which meant blustering B) Hitler took advantage of the appeasement
or bullying or outright aggression. The satisfied policy by occupying many countries in Eastern
powers abandoned the program of collective Europe
security, which had been built upon support of
the League of Nations and substituted for it the C) Prime Minister Chamberlain was nothing but a
disgraceful policy of “appeasement”, which may coward such that he ignored Hitler’s aggression
be defined as a policy of granting concessions
to an aggressive. Invariably, the concessions are D) the 1930s are considered to be among the
made at the expense of some weaker countries as darkest years in modern history
in the German invasion of Poland. The appeaser
E) the term appeasement was first used in the
himself sacrifices nothing; in fact, his usual motive
international arena during the 1930s to refer to
for action is the desire to avoid having to give
soothing down an aggressor
up anything of value as in the policy pursued
by the then British Premier Chamberlain toward
Hitler on the verge of World War II. Appeasement
had occasionally been exerted prior to the
1930s. It was employed in 1913 when Britain
and Germany supported Austria in intimidating
Serbia into relinquishing her claims to Albania.
DENİZ PINAR Ya y ı n c ı l ı k

It was resorted to again in 1919 when President

Wilson allowed Japan to keep the former German
concessions in China, for otherwise Japanese
nationalists would have rejected the League of
Nations. Appeasement should be distinguished
clearly from a policy of conciliation. The latter
represents an attempt to placate an enemy by acts
of benevolence and justice. Though the former
may be benevolent from the standpoint of the
beneficiary, it is not associated with justice.

38. President Wilson resorted to appeasement 40. The author of the passage finds the
policy toward Japan because ----. appeasement policy used by some great
powers ----.
A) Japan was the most powerful country in the
Pacific A) effective

B) he was afraid of what Japan was capable of at B) obligatory

the time
C) appropriate
C) he wished to establish new coalition with Japan
against Germany D) inevitable

D) he wanted Japan to accept the League of E) shameful


E) Serbia didn’t want to relinquish her claims to


9 Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


41. - 43. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre

cevaplayınız. 42. It can be inferred from the passage that ----.
A) none of the methods that have been tried to
treat insomnia has been successful so far
Insomnia, a sleeping disorder wherein a person B) if you are suffering from a physical problem, you
experiences difficulties in sleeping and staying are sure to experience insomnia
asleep, can have both psychological reasons
like anxiety, stress, depression, and physical C) working in a stressful environment may result in
causes as well. Difficulties in sleeping are insomnia
generally brought about by the negative feelings
a person may have. Anxiety creates a feeling of D) insomnia did not use to be a sleeping problem
fear and worry, causing that person to constantly in the past
think about something which leads to difficulties
E) economical problems are the number one
in sleeping. Stress can also cause insomnia
cause of insomnia
because it is how effectively a person copes with
any emotional, physical, social and economic
problems. Lastly, depression, a feeling of great
sadness, is another psychological problem that
causes insomnia. Besides being a psychological
problem, insomnia can also be caused by
problems on the physical aspects of a person.
Hormonal changes in women, decrease in
melatonin, medical conditions, pains, and other
sleep disorders all might result in this ailment.
DENİZ PINAR Ya y ı n c ı l ı k

Decrease in melatonin, hormones controlling

sleep, is especially worth mentioning as it is seen
as a person ages. Studies also show that insomnia
can be passed down from one generation to the
other, but this has yet to be fully evaluated by

41. It can be understood from the passage that ----. 43. Which of the following could be the title of the
A) anxiety and stress are more commonly reported
causes of insomnia than depression A) The Causes of a Sleeping Disorder

B) the best way to treat insomnia is a B) How to Treat Insomnia

psychological therapy by a qualified therapist
C) The Adverse Effects of Insomnia
C) it is not as yet sure whether insomnia can be
caused by physical factors such as pain D) Ongoing Efforts to Prevent Insomnia

D) as you get older you experience an increase in E) Reasons Why Women Cannot Sleep Well
the levels of melatonin in your body

E) whether insomnia is a hereditary disorder needs

to be assessed by researchers in detail

10 Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


44. - 48. sorularda, karşılıklı konuşmanın boş

bırakılan kısmını tamamlayabilecek ifadeyi 45. Peter:
bulunuz. ‒ A group of scientists has found that while
identical twins look alike, they are not
actually so identical, that is, they are not
44. Bill:
‒ Zoom has dominated our work and social Jermaine:
lives for more than a year, and it’s going ‒ ----
nowhere. How can we better adjust to this Peter:
mandatory, draining technology? ‒ Well, they looked for mutations in the early
David: stages of development and found that in
‒ Why do say so? I’ve learned a lot of things about 15 percent of identical twins, one twin
thanks to it in this year of social distancing had many mutations that the other did not
and pandemic lockdowns. have.

Bill: Jermaine:
‒ ---- ‒ So, it means that we’ll have to find a new
term for “identical twin”.
‒ Exactly, and on the professional side, it A) How could have they reached such a
has almost single handedly made remote conclusion?
work, which many companies viewed B) But what does “clones” exactly mean?
with scepticism before COVID-19, actually
possible. C) Do all identical twins have the same personality
DENİZ PINAR Ya y ı n c ı l ı k

A) Well, if it’s going to be an ongoing, important
part of our professional lives, how can we learn D) Why would they need to investigate such a
to love it? thing?
E) What was the percentage of the mutations
B) Zoom felt like it erupted into our lives overnight
observed in the study?
within an unprecedented landscape of fear and

C) Even so, it’s still not exactly something that I’ve

come to develop a positive association with or
ever will.

D) I’m not saying it’s not a great app. In fact,

without it, our pandemic experiences would’ve
been far lonelier.

E) You can say that again. One of those things is

crystal clear; I never want to use Zoom again.

11 Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


46. Becky: 47. Eli:

‒ I do not understand why energy is acting ‒ Amanda, I have bought two tickets for the
as a decisive factor in both bilateral and recently-opened post-modern sculpture
multilateral relations in international politics. exhibition. If you can join me there, I will be
pleased with your company. What do you say?
‒ It’s obvious as a matter of fact, Thelma. Amanda:
‒ ----
‒ In what way? Eli:
‒ Come on, Amanda! You don’t have to be an
expert to admire it. Many people just explore
‒ ----
such exhibitions without understanding
A) Energy supplies present strategic leverage anything most of the time.
and disposable income for countries that have
them. The challenge of accessing affordable
‒ Well, if you say so. Deal then.
energy is shared by people and businesses in
every country and disruptions in supply in one A) Why are you so insistent, Eli? Just give me a
location can have global economic impacts. break, will you?

B) Energy is a profoundly important aspect of B) I am not an expert in postmodern literature.

U.S. national security and foreign policy: the Why don’t you tell me about it a little?
availability of reliable, affordable energy is
essential to economic strength at home, which C) I would love to, but I hate postmodern sculpture.
is the foundation of U.S. leadership in the world.
DENİZ PINAR Ya y ı n c ı l ı k

D) Let’s do it. I love Gothic architecture and

C) Clean energy is a national interest of the sculpture.
developed and emerging economies and a
top priority for those of us entrusted with their E) I do not know anything about postmodern
national security. sculpture nor have I visited any such exhibitions
D) In North Dakota, unemployment has dropped
to near three percent, the lowest in the country, 48. Sharon:
and the state has a $3.8 billion budget surplus, ‒ Have you heard about the new coronavirus
largely due to increased unconventional gas outbreak?
and oil production.
E) Natural gas production has also sparked ‒ Of course, I have. It has already become a
a domestic manufacturing revival and public health emergency of international
manufacturers in energy-intensive sectors have concern.
announced up to $95 billion investments across Sharon:
the country to take advantage of low-cost ‒ ----
natural gas.
‒ Well, not exactly. The number of cases
outside of China is relatively small compared
with the number in China. However, while
there have been 7, 736 cases and 170 deaths
in China, there have been 98 cases in 18
other countries.
A) So all countries must work together in

B) How much damage has it caused so far?

C) Some countries are less prepared for the virus


D) I thought it was confined to China.

E) How can we stop the spread of the virus?

12 Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


49. - 53. sorularda, verilen cümleye anlamca en

yakın cümleyi bulunuz. 50. A new study has revealed that early exposure
to dirty air alters genes in a way that could lead
to adult heart disease among other ailments.
A) According to a new study, being exposed to
49. Despite dramatic changes in the international
dirty air in your younger years changes genes
system over the past 5 decades, the
and is sure to bring about terrible consequences,
composition of the United Nations Security
including heart disease, when you are an adult.
Council has remained unaltered since 1965.
A) The structure of the United Nations Security B) A new study has put forth that heart disease
Council has not changed since 1965 much as and some other ailments in adulthood are
radical alterations in the international system mainly due to the change in genes on account
have been made for the last 50 years. of early exposure to dirty air.

B) Unimportant changes have been made in the C) It has been disclosed by a new study that the
international system in the last 5 decades, but way genes are altered due to exposure to dirty
the United Nations Security Council has been air at a young age may cause not only heart
dramatically affected by these changes since disease but also other diseases in adulthood.
D) A new study has refuted the finding that early
C) In spite of the fact that the international system exposure to dirty air transforms the genes so
has been subject to many changes in the last much that it results in heart disease along with
50 years, the structure of the United Nations some other ailments.
Security Council has remained the same since
E) It has been demonstrated by a new study
its foundation in 1965.
DENİZ PINAR Ya y ı n c ı l ı k

that those who are exposed to dirty air in

D) The structure of the United Nations Security their younger years suffer from a number of
Council, albeit the radical changes made in the illnesses, one of them being heart disease.
international system for many decades, has
little been affected since 1965.

E) For more than 50 years, the international

system has been exposed to many substantial
51. According to a major international study,
changes, but the United Nations Security
human speech tends to deliver the same
Council has remained the same since 1965.
amount of information per second regardless
of the language being spoken.
A) Human expression appears to have the same
amount of knowledge per second based on the
language that is being spoken, according to a
major international study.

B) According to an important international study,

human beings tend to send a great volume of
information per second to the people they are
speaking to any language.

C) A significant international research has found

that the volume of data conveyed every second
in human speech is usually the same no matter
what language is used.

D) According to a recent international report,

human speech appears to provide a similar
amount of information every second,
irrespective of the language spoken.

E) Human speech produces the same volume of

data per second, regardless of the language
and its speakers, according to internationally
conducted surveys.

13 Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


54. - 58. sorularda, verilen durumda söylenmiş

52. Many US policymakers believe that the Saudi olabilecek sözü bulunuz.
regime is fragile, despite its remarkable record of
domestic stability in the turbulent Middle East.
A) Not only do many US politicians consider the
54. Your sister wants to go to America for graduate
Saudi regime successful in achieving noticeable
education, but she has some concerns about
stability within the country unlike those in the
the school fee and expenses. You think
tumultuous Middle East, but they also believe
she is a successful student, so you want to
that the regime is rather delicate.
encourage her to go there and you say: ----
B) Even though a number of US policymakers A) It is not fair that you can study abroad while I
think of the Saudi regime as vulnerable in the have to study at a university here.
turbulent Middle East, it has made great and
notable progress towards a more stable country. B) Why do you want to study abroad? There are
very prestigious universities here, too.
C) The Saudi regime has made important progress
as to domestic stability in the problematic C) If you don’t feel like going to America, maybe
Middle East, but some US politicians believe you should consider attending a school in
otherwise and are of the opinion that the regime Europe.
is rather vulnerable.
D) Your grades are great and I’m sure you can get
D) Although the Saudi regime has made notable a scholarship, so money will not be a problem.
achievements in terms of domestic stability in
the tumultuous Middle East, quite a few people E) I’m sorry, but I can’t help you with the payment.
from the US who are involved in the formulation You had better work while studying.
DENİZ PINAR Ya y ı n c ı l ı k

of policies are of the opinion that it is delicate.

E) A great majority of US officials who set up policies

on the Saudi regime believe that it has been
successful regarding domestic stability in the
Middle East, but some still think of it as fragile.

53. Drones are tools that improve US interests

around the globe and which are significant
in terms of counterterrorism, but the lack of
transparency limits US freedom of action.
A) Despite the fact that unmanned aerial vehicles
develop US interests across the world and are 55. One of your friends and you are talking about
of great importance in fighting terrorism, the violent programs on television. You strictly
US use of them is restricted due to the lack of believe that none of those programs should
transparency. be permitted because they cause children to
become more violent. So you say: ----
B) Unmanned aerial vehicles develop US interests
all over the world and are critical in terms of A) They actually show the realities of life and,
fighting terrorism; however, the US freedom of except the most violent ones, some of them
action is limited to an extent. should be permitted.

C) Drones advance US interests globally and are B) None of them should be watched by anyone
significant in that they successfully fight terrorism because they are all nothing but nonsense.
in many parts of the world, but the US is barred C) Do you really think that they shouldn’t be
from using them due to lack of transparency. allowed only because they increase violence
D) Although the US use of unmanned among children?
aerial vehicles is restricted by the lack of D) I really don’t bother about them because they
transparency, these vehicles strengthen US are all shown after midnight when children have
interests across the world and are critical in already gone to bed.
fighting terrorism in some countries.
E) They all must be banned as watching violence
E) Drones consolidate US interests all over the world on television encourages violent behaviour in
and are critical in this regard; even so, the lack of children.
transparency restricts the US use of them.

14 Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


56. A friend of yours is thinking of resigning from 58. As a cyber-security manager, you found a
the post he has been holding for a long time. security vulnerability caused by a virus. You
Because you do not think it is a good idea, you quickly solved the problem and prevented a
repeatedly try to dissuade him from his decision, big damage to the company saving millions.
but he is determined and will stick to his You notify the CEO of the company with the
decision. You are tired of insisting and say: ---- aim of getting credit for your success. So you
say bluntly: ----
A) Whatever you say won’t make me change my
mind. Please, don’t try to persuade me. A) There is a reason to believe that a co-worker
is trying to reveal company secrets to a rival
B) I know you’ve been having hard times at the corporation.
workplace lately, but I don’t think you should
hurry before making a decision. B) I’m feeling really motivated to prove that you
made the right choice by sacking the previous
C) Are you sure you have given the right decision manager.
by choosing to stay for that company for
another year? C) I’m thankful that the head of the company is
interested in hearing my message.
D) If I were you, I wouldn’t even hesitate for a
minute before resigning. D) Thanks to my attention and meticulous work,
we were able to avoid a catastrophe!
E) You seem to have made up your mind to resign
and nothing will change it. I give up. E) The best manager the office has ever had is me
as before I got here, no one knew anything.
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57. You have been assigned to make presentation

on Astronomy, but it is a subject you are rather
unfamiliar with. You know one of your friends
is really into it, and you want him to suggest
you a simple and undetailed book about the
subject. You say: ----
A) None of the books I have found on Astronomy
are detailed enough. Please suggest me
something more advanced.

B) I must get a passing score on this presentation,

and you must help me get prepared for it.

C) I have long been interested in Astronomy

and have many books on the subject. Both
elementary and advanced.

D) Can you recommend a book on Astronomy?

Preferably brief and fairly elementary.

E) I haven’t been able to find any books on

Astronomy. I suppose I’ll ask the teacher to
change my topic.

15 Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


59. - 63. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere,

parçada anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için 60. Homo erectus is an extinct species of humans
getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz. that occupies an intriguing spot within the
human evolutionary lineage. ---- That is
because fossils connected with this species
have been found ranging from Africa all the
59. Essentially the corpus callosum is the “bridge” way to Southeast Asia. With the first remains
that exists between the two hemispheres of our appearing around two million years ago,
brain. It’s a fallacy to believe that you get “left and the latest ones surviving into the Middle
brained and right brained” people. ---- So in Pleistocene, Homo erectus spanned an
other words, some tasks are performed in one extraordinarily large time frame. However, the
side of your brain while others will take place amount of variation between different fossils
in the other – and it’s when these sides of the from different times and places has raised a lot
brain need to operate together in unison that of questions regarding the actual classification
the corpus callosum comes into play and acts of the species, and its exact role in the
as a bridge of sorts for all that information. evolutionary story.
A) Musicians have been shown to use more of A) These prehistoric hunter-gatherers seem to
their brain at once when playing instruments. have been highly successful in adapting to
vastly different habitats across the Old World.
B) You can strengthen your corpus callosum by
using a variety of training methods. B) They were the first humans to have limb and
torso proportions along modern human lines,
C) Some people have a significantly thicker and which allowed them to walk upright on two feet.
more developed corpus callosum than the
average human brain. C) However, much like with our current-day
DENİZ PINAR Ya y ı n c ı l ı k

population, Homo erectus across different

D) But what is true is that different functions regions show a lot of variation in size.
of the brain reside specifically in different
hemispheres. D) It seems they ate a diverse and broad diet,
perhaps including tubers, and definitely a
E) This is a term used to describe the fact that the substantial amount of meat.
brain is “plastic” in nature.
E) Homo erectus not only had a visibly bigger
brain than those before them, but it also grew
larger as time increased.

16 Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


61. Antibiotics are drugs which are used to 63. Rather than taking anti-depressants, it would
treat infections. ---- However, it was soon be both cheaper and healthier to change what
realized that the bacteria they were treating you eat and drink to improve your mood.
would develop resistance against them. This This is especially true for those who inhabit
resistance can be either acquired or intrinsic. the rich, western nations. For example, the
Acquired resistance is when the antibiotics citizens of Western Europe consume a great
are effective at treating the bacteria at first but deal of dairy produce. But when calcium intake
over time they develop resistance. Intrinsic exceeds magnesium, a dip in mood often
resistance, on the other hand, is when the results. Westerners also consume excessive
bacteria never respond to the antibiotics they amounts of caffeine and alcohol, which
have always had resistance. overstimulate the adrenal glands and trigger
hormonal imbalances. ---- These are packed
A) Alexander Flemming discovered penicillin
with additives and preservatives, destroying
completely by accident when he was working
vital nutrients and influencing mood.
with a strain of bacteria.
A) Despite numerous public health drives, many
B) Bacteria and eukaryotes form two different continue to pay little or no attention to what they
kingdoms, which means that there are a great eat.
many differences between them.
B) Without sufficient water intake, the liver cannot
C) In response to the increase in antibiotic break down and excrete toxins.
resistance, new drugs keep being synthesized
in an attempt to find new cures. C) Such a lifestyle is known to place tremendous
strain on the liver.
D) Drugs can directly inhibit a process in bacteria
D) As if that was not enough, the western diet
DENİZ PINAR Ya y ı n c ı l ı k

without causing any disruption to a similar

process in the host organism. includes a great deal of processed food as well.
E) The impact diet can have on our mood is
E) When they were first discovered they were
frequently underestimated.
thought to be a wonder drug that would
eliminate all worldwide infection.

62. ---- They have also been disappearing because

of natural causes such as climate change,
forest fires, and the death of trees from
disease or insects. Between 1990 and 2020, the
area occupied by forests worldwide decreased
by one percent, with most of the losses
occurring in the tropics. Scientists predict that
as human populations rise, deforestation to
convert tropical forests to agricultural land will
undoubtedly continue. There have, however,
also been increases in the size of some
forests, often because trees in those areas
were replanted.
A) Forests have long been threatened by loggers
and people clearing land for agriculture.
B) A forest is an environment covered by trees at
least five meters high over an area of at least
0.5 hectares.
C) Forests can naturally replenish themselves if
the land is nurtured.
D) Scientists and policymakers are concerned
about the maintenance and health of forests.
E) The presence of trees makes forest ecosystems
and their study unique in numerous ways.

17 Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


64. - 69. sorularda, verilen İngilizce cümleye 65. The Philippines, Brazil and France along with
anlamca en yakın Türkçe cümleyi bulunuz. seven other countries account for almost
two-thirds of the total increase in measles
cases, which UNICEF says is eroding progress
64. By using current techniques, Alzheimer’s already made in the fight against this curable
disease, the most frequent cause of dementia, but highly deadly disease.
can only be detected once the typical plaques A) UNICEF’in söylediğine göre, diğer yedi ülkenin
have formed in the brain. yanı sıra Filipinler, Brezilya ve Fransa’nın
A) Bunamanın en yaygın sebeplerinden biri kızamık vakalarındaki toplam artışın yaklaşık
olan Alzheimer hastalığı, beyinde tipik üçte ikisinden sorumlu olması, tedavi
plaklar oluştuğunda ancak doğru tekniklerin edilebilir ama yüksek oranda ölümcül olan
kullanılması koşuluyla tespit edilebilir. bu hastalığa karşı verilen savaşta şimdiye
kadar gerçekleştirilen tüm ilerlemeye zarar
B) Bunamanın en yaygın sebebi olan Alzheimer vermektedir.
hastalığının tespiti, beyinde tipik plaklar
oluştuğunda doğru teknikler kullanılarak ancak B) Diğer yedi ülkenin yanı sıra Filipinler, Brezilya
mümkün olabilir. ve Fransa, kızamık vakalarındaki toplam
artışın yaklaşık üçte ikisinden sorumludur ki
C) Bunamanın en yaygın sebebi olan Alzheimer UNICEF bunun, tedavi edilebilir ama yüksek
hastalığı, ancak beyinde tipik plaklar oranda ölümcül bu hastalığa karşı savaşta
oluştuğunda doğru teknikler kullanılarak tespit evvelce kaydedilen ilerlemeyi aşındırdığını
edilebilir. söylemektedir.

D) Bunamanın en yaygın sebepleri arasında olan C) Filipinler, Brezilya ve Fransa ile birlikte diğer
DENİZ PINAR Ya y ı n c ı l ı k

Alzheimer hastalığının tespiti, beyinde tipik yedi ülkenin kızamık vakalarındaki artışın
plaklar oluşursa doğru tekniklerin kullanılması yaklaşık üçte ikisinden sorumlu olması,
şartıyla ancak gerçekleşebilir. UNICEF’in tedavi edilebilir ama yüksek oranda
ölümcül olduğunu söylediği bu hastalığa karşı
E) Bunamanın yaygın sebeplerinden biri olan savaşta şimdiye kadar kaydedilen ilerlemeyi
Alzheimer hastalığı, doğru teknikleri kullanarak, aşındırmaktadır.
ancak beyinde tipik plaklar oluşursa tespit
edilebilir. D) Tedavi edilebilir ama yüksek oranda ölümcül
kızamık hastalığına karşı yapılan savaşta
evvelce kaydedilen ilerlemeye UNICEF’in
söylediğine göre zarar veren yedi ülkenin yanı
sıra Filipinler, Brezilya ve Fransa, kızamık
vakalarındaki toplam artışın üçte ikisinden

E) Diğer yedi ülke ile birlikte Filipinler, Brezilya ve

Fransa, kızamık vakalarındaki toplam artışın
yaklaşık üçte ikisinden sorumludur ve bu,
UNICEF’in söylediğine göre, tedavi edilebilir
ama yüksek oranda ölümcül bu hastalığa karşı
yapılan savaşta şimdiye kadar gerçekleşen
büyük ilerlemeye zarar verebilir.

18 Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


66. From iconic paintings to designs for flying 67. In the utopian world of the Republic by Plato,
machines and ground-breaking studies on prospective rulers undergo extensive training
perspective, Leonardo da Vinci created works from childhood, living in garrisons where they
that have become part of humanity’s story by stay away from what may distract them such
fusing science and art. as property, marriage, and family life.
A) Leonardo da Vinci, simgeleşmiş resimleri, uçan A) Platon’un Cumhuriyet isimli hayali dünyasında,
makineler için tasarımları ve perspektif üzerine geleceğin yöneticileri, çocukluktan itibaren
çığır açan çalışmalarıyla, bilim ve sanatı yoğun bir eğitimden geçer ve mülk edinme,
birleştirmiş ve insanlığın hikayesinin bir parçası evlilik ve aile hayatı gibi şeylerden uzak
haline gelen eserler yaratmıştır. durdukları garnizonlarda yaşar.

B) Bilim ve sanatı birleştirerek yaptığı simgeleşmiş B) Platon’un Cumhuriyet isimli ütopik dünyasında,
resimleri, uçan makine tasarımları ve yönetici adayları çocukluktan itibaren yoğun bir
perspektifle ilgili önemli çalışmaları, Leonardo eğitimden geçer ve mülk edinme, evlilik ve aile
da Vinci’yi insanlık tarihinin çığır açan bir hayatı gibi dikkatlerini dağıtabilecek şeylerden
karakteri haline getirdi. uzak durdukları garnizonlarda yaşar.

C) Sembol haline gelmiş resimlerden uçan makine C) Platon, Cumhuriyet isimli eserinde, bir ütopik
tasarımlarına ve perspektif üzerine yaptığı dünyadan bahseder ve bu dünyada yönetici
çalışmalara kadar, Leonardo da Vinci bilim ve adayları çocukluktan itibaren yoğun bir
sanatı birleştirerek insanlığın hikayesinin bir eğitimden geçer ve mülk edinme, evlilik ve aile
parçası olmuş, çığır açan eserler yarattı. hayatı gibi dikkatlerini dağıtabilecek şeylerden
uzak durdukları garnizonlarda yaşar.
D) Leonardo da Vinci, simgeleşmiş resimlerden
DENİZ PINAR Ya y ı n c ı l ı k

uçan makineler için tasarımlara ve perspektif D) Platon tarafından kaleme alınan Cumhuriyet
üzerine çığır açan çalışmalara kadar, bilim ve isimli ütopik dünyada, yöneticiler çocukluktan
sanatı birleştirerek insanlığın hikayesinin bir itibaren mülk edinme, evlilik ve aile hayatı gibi
parçası haline gelen eserler yarattı. dikkatlerini dağıtan şeylerden uzak durdukları
garnizonlarda yoğun bir eğitimden geçer.
E) Leonardo da Vinci, bilim ve sanatı birleştirerek
insanlığın hikayesinin bir parçası haline gelen E) Platon’un ütopik dünyasında, muhtemel
eserlerin yanı sıra simgeleşmiş resimler, uçan yönetici adayları çocukluktan itibaren yoğun
makineler için tasarımlar ve perspektif üzerine bir eğitimden geçtikleri ve mülk edinme, evlilik
çığır açan çalışmalar yapmıştır. ve aile hayatı gibi dikkatlerini dağıtabilecek
şeylerden uzak durdukları garnizonlarda yaşar.

19 Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


68. It was previously thought that male humpback 69. Insomnia, which can be defined as trouble
whales sang to attract females, but scientists falling or staying asleep, can be caused by
showed this was incorrect when they played psychiatric or medical conditions, unhealthy
recordings of whale songs in the ocean and sleep habits, and certain biological factors that
the female whales did not respond. influence physical health.
A) Önceden, erkek kambur balinalarının dişileri A) Uykuya dalma veya uykuda kalma problemi
etkilemek için şarkı söyledikleri düşünülüyordu, olarak tanımlayabileceğimiz uyku yitimi,
ancak bilim insanları, okyanusta balina psikiyatrik veya tıbbi bir durumun, sağlıksız
şarkılarının kayıtlarını çaldığı halde dişiler tepki uyku alışkanlıklarının ve fiziksel sağlığı
vermeyince bunun yanlış olduğu ortaya çıktı. etkileyen belirli biyolojik faktörlerin sonucunda
ortaya çıkabilir.
B) Önceden, erkek kambur balinalarının dişileri
cezbetmek için şarkı söyledikleri düşünülse B) Uyku yitimi, uykuya dalma veya uykuda kalma
de okyanusta balina şarkılarının kayıtlarını konusunda bir problem olarak tanımlanmakta
çalındığında dişiler tepki vermeyince bunun ve psikiyatrik veya tıbbi bir durumdan,
yanlış olduğu bilim insanlarınca ortaya konuldu. sağlıksız uyku alışkanlıklarından ve fiziksel
sağlığı etkileyen belli biyolojik faktörlerden
C) Önceden, erkek kambur balinalarının şarkı kaynaklanabilmektedir.
söyleyerek dişileri cezbettiği düşünülüyordu,
ancak bilim insanları okyanusta balina C) Uykuya dalma veya uykuda kalma problemi
şarkılarının kayıtlarını çaldıklarında ve dişiler olarak da bilinen uyku yitimi, psikiyatrik veya
tepki vermediğinde bunun yanlış olduğu ortaya tıbbi bir durum, sağlıksız uyku alışkanlıkları ve
konuldu. fiziksel sağlığı etkileyen belirli biyolojik faktörler
nedeniyle meydana gelebilir.
DENİZ PINAR Ya y ı n c ı l ı k

D) Önceden, erkek kambur balinalarının dişileri

kendilerine çekmek için şarkı söyledikleri D) Uykuya dalmada veya uykuda kalmada problem
düşünülüyordu, ancak okyanusta bilim olarak tanımlanabilen uyku yitimi, psikiyatrik
insanlarınca çalınan kaydedilmiş balina veya tıbbi bir durumdan, sağlıksız uyku
şarkılarına dişilerin tepki vermemesi bunun alışkanlıklarından ve fiziksel sağlığı etkileyen
yanlış olduğunu gösterdi. belli biyolojik faktörlerden kaynaklanabilir.

E) Önceden, erkek kambur balinalarının E) Psikiyatrik veya tıbbi bir durumun, sağlıksız
dişileri cezbetmek için şarkı söyledikleri uyku alışkanlıklarının ve fiziksel sağlığı
düşünülüyordu, ancak bilim insanları, okyanusta etkileyen belli biyolojik faktörlerin neden
balina şarkılarının kayıtlarını çaldıklarında olabileceği uyku yitimi, uykuya dalmada veya
ve dişiler tepki vermediğinde, bunun yanlış uykuda kalmada sıkıntı olarak da nitelenebilir.
olduğunu gösterdi.

20 Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


70. - 75. sorularda, verilen Türkçe cümleye 71. 1916’da Amerikalı antropolog James Henry
anlamca en yakın İngilizce cümleyi bulunuz. Breasted’in adını verdiği ve dünyanın ilk
medeniyetlerinin ortaya çıktığı bölge olan
“Bereketli Hilal”, bugünkü Mısır ve Akdeniz’den
Basra Körfezi’ne bir hilal şeklini alarak uzanır.
70. Neredeyse tüm personel, şirketin kurucusunun
söylediği şeyin şirketin gelişimi açısından A) The Fertile Crescent, the name of which
büyük bir öneme sahip olduğunu kabul etti. was given in 1916 by the renowned US
anthropologist, James Henry Breasted,
A) Nearly all the staff were of the idea that the and where the world’s greatest civilizations
words uttered by the founder of the company emerged, stretches from modern Egypt and
had a huge importance for the development of the Mediterranean to the Persian Gulf with the
the company. shape of the crescent.
B) According to almost all the staff, the thing that B) James Henry Breasted, a renowned US
the founder of the company said was extremely anthropologist, gave the Fertile Crescent its
important for the development of the company. name in 1916, as it is a region, from which
C) The staff, on the whole, acknowledged that the the world’s first civilizations developed, and
thing said by the founder of the company was it stretches from modern Egypt and the
highly significant for the development of the Mediterranean to the Persian Gulf with the
company. shape of the crescent.

D) Virtually all the staff agreed on what the C) The Fertile Crescent, a region the name of
founder of the company said because it was of which the renowned US anthropologist James
exceptional significance for the development of Henry Breasted gave in 1916, and where the
DENİZ PINAR Ya y ı n c ı l ı k

the company. world’s first civilizations emerged, stretches

from modern Egypt and the Mediterranean to
E) Almost all the staff agreed what the founder of the Persian Gulf by taking the shape of the
the company said was of great importance for crescent.
the development of the company.
D) The renowned US anthropologist, James
Henry Breasted, named The Fertile Crescent
in 1916 after himself, considering the fact that
this region hosted the first civilizations of the
world and that it stretches by taking the shape
of the crescent from modern Egypt and the
Mediterranean to the Persian Gulf.

E) The Fertile Crescent, a region the name

of which was given by the renowned US
anthropologist, James Henry Breasted, in 1916
and where which the world’s first civilizations
emerged, stretches by taking the shape of
the crescent from modern Egypt and the
Mediterranean to the Persian Gulf.

21 Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


72. Her ne kadar birçok ülke ve insan küresel 73. İklim değişikliğinden dolayı yükselen deniz
ticaretten fayda sağlamış olsa da bu faydaların seviyelerinden ötürü, birçok adanın ve
eşit bir şekilde dağıtılmasını ve hiç kimsenin dünya genelinde deniz seviyesinin altındaki
geride bırakılmamasını sağlamak için yapılması sayısız diğer bölgenin geleceği parlak
gereken işler var. görünmemektedir.
A) A lot of countries and people have taken A) The future for many islands and numerous
advantage of global trade, even so, there is still other low-lying areas across the world do not
much work to be do to guarantee that these look bright, as a result of rising sea levels due
benefits are distributed equally and that no one to climate change.
is left behind.
B) Rising sea levels and climate change are the
B) Even though many countries and people have reason why the future for many islands and
benefited from global trade, there is still much numerous other low-lying areas across the
work to be done to make sure that there is an world do not seem bright.
equal distribution of these benefits so that no
one is left behind. C) Because of climate change and rising sea
levels, the future for many islands and
C) Even if there are many countries and people numerous other low-lying areas across the
that have benefited from global trade, work world look rather gloomy.
remains to be done in order that these benefits
can be evenly distributed, and no one is left D) The reason for the gloomy prospect for many
behind. islands and numerous other low-lying areas
across the world is the rising sea levels as well
D) Several countries and people have profited as the climate change.
DENİZ PINAR Ya y ı n c ı l ı k

from global trade, yet there is still much work

to be done to assure that these benefits are E) Sea levels rise owing to climate change,
distributed evenly so as not to leave anyone which is why the future for many islands and
behind. numerous other low-lying areas across the
world do not look promising.
E) Although many countries and people have
benefited from global trade, work remains
to be done to make sure that these benefits
are equally distributed and that no one is left

22 Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


74. İnsanların fiyatları kontrol etmek, mağazaları 75. Bugün, Birleşik Devletler Gıda ve İlaç Dairesi,
ziyaret etmek ve arkadaşlarının tavsiyelerine kas gücünü ve hareketini etkileyen, ender
danışmak için harcadıkları zaman, almayı rastlanır ve sıklıkla ölümcül genetik bir hastalık
düşündükleri ürünlerin değerine orantılı olarak olan spinal kas atrofisisi olan çocukları ve
artma eğilimindedir. yetişkinleri tedavi etmek için tasarlanan ilk ilacı
A) People are likely to spend more time checking
prices, visiting stores and seeking advice from A) Today, the US Food and Drug Administration
friends tends as the value of the product they approved a drug designed to cure children and
are thinking of buying rises. adults who have spinal muscular atrophy, which
is a rare and usually deadly genetic disease
B) The amount of time spent by people to check which affects muscular strength and movement,
prices, visit stores and ask for advice from their for the first time.
friends seems to rise on account of the high
value of the product they are thinking of buying. B) Today, the US Food and Drug Administration
approved the first drug which was designed with
C) People seem to spend more time to check the intention of treating children and adults with
prices, visit stores and ask for advice from their spinal muscular atrophy, an uncommon and
friends if the product they are thinking of buying often lethal genetic disease that has profound
is of high value. effect on muscle strength and movement.
D) The amount of time people spend checking C) The US Food and Drug Administration today
prices, visiting stores and seeking advice from approved the first drug which is expected to
friends tends to rise in proportion to the value of treat children and adults with spinal muscular
the product they are thinking of buying. atrophy, which is an occasional and usually fatal
DENİZ PINAR Ya y ı n c ı l ı k

genetic disease which affects muscular strength

E) The higher the value of the product people
and movement.
are thinking of buying, the more time they will
spend to check prices, visit stores and ask for D) Today, the US Food and Drug Administration
advice from their friends. approved the drug which was first designed with
the intent of treating children and adults with
spinal muscular atrophy, which is a scarce and
often mortal genetic disease that has adverse
effect on muscle strength and movement.

E) The US Food and Drug Administration today

approved the first drug designed to treat
children and adults with spinal muscular
atrophy, a rare and often fatal genetic disease
affecting muscle strength and movement.

23 Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.


76. - 80. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla

okunduğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü 79. (I) Among the properties of desired from a dye
bozan cümleyi bulunuz. are brightness of shade, ease of application, and
colour fastness that will resist washing, light, heat,
bleaching, rubbing, and, in garments, perspiration.
(II) Dyes for special uses may require additional
76. (I) The skull of an animal is a useful tool in properties such as fastness to sea water in bathing
understanding how predator and prey animals suits. (III) In the early days of the dye industry, the
interact with their surroundings. (II) Like all birds of main concern was with the colouring of natural
prey, an owl’s eyes face the front. (III) This allows fibres, primarily cotton, linen, wool, and silk. (IV)
them to have a much greater range of binocular But the development of synthetic fibres greatly
vision than animals with eyes situated on the increased the complexity of dyeing technology
sides of their heads. (IV) An owl’s field of view, for and necessitated new types specially tailored for
instance, is about 110°, and about 64% of that is the new fabric. (V) Wool and silk are both protein
binocular. (V) A sparrow, on the other hand, has fibres displaying quite similar dyeing properties.
a much larger field of view, up to 300°, but their
binocular vision is much more limited, sometimes A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
only 10%.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

77. (I) When Sundance Film Festival was introduced,

it was named Utah Film Festival. (II) This helped
the regional filmmakers to highlight their work and
DENİZ PINAR Ya y ı n c ı l ı k

talent. (III) It was started in August in the year

1978 in Salt Lake City in an effort to bring lots of 80. (I) The chemical DNA was first discovered in 1869,
film makers to Utah. (IV) During that time, the main but its role in genetic inheritance was proven
aim of that event was to organize a competition a century later. (II) In humans, DNA is found in
among the American films. (V) The one winning almost all the cells of the body and provides the
the particular competition was awarded with the instructions they need to grow and function. (III)
Frank Capra award. When a cell in the body divides, it will pass on a
copy of its DNA to each of its offspring cells. (IV)
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
DNA is also passed on at the level of organisms,
with the DNA in sperm and egg cells combining
to form a new organism. (V) Physically speaking,
DNA is a long string of paired chemical units
that come in four different types and it carries
78. (I) The Philippines is one of the countries information organized into genes.
most vulnerable to climate change, with many
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
provinces, and especially cities near the coast,
considered to be extremely vulnerable. (II) In
2009 the Climate Change Act in the Philippines
was introduced to mainstream climate change
development plans and programmes into
national, sectoral and local level processes.
(III) The Philippine economy during that time
suffered from a downturn due to a mixture
of domestic and international problems. (IV)
Accordingly, local governments should become
frontline stakeholders in formulating, planning
and implementing climate change action plans
and city districts should be involved in prioritising
and identifying the most efficient practices and
solutions. (V) Moreover, local governments should
allocate adequate funds to take forward and
implement climate change action plans in their
territorial jurisdictions.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V


"Gerçek başarı başkalarını başarılı kılmaktır."
-Deniz Pınar
Ya y ı n c ı l ı k
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12th Graders - YDT Practice Exam

1. D 21. E 41. E 61. E

2. A 22. B 42. C 62. A
3. B 23. C 43. A 63. D
4. C 24. D 44. D 64. C
5. E 25. A 45. A 65. B
6. A 26. E 46. A 66. D
7. C 27. B 47. E 67. E
8. D 28. D 48. D 68. E
9. A 29. C 49. A 69. D
10. C 30. B 50. C 70. E
11. E 31. D 51. C 71. C
12. E 32. B 52. D 72. E
13. A 33. C 53. A 73. A
14. C 34. A 54. D 74. D
15. B 35. B 55. E 75. E
16. B 36. A 56. E 76. A
17. E 37. C 57. D 77. B
18. A 38. D 58. D 78. C
19. C 39. A 59. D 79. E
20. D 40. E 60. A 80. A

Ya y ı n c ı l ı k 12th Graders

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