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to be financially independent in the richest

The most secret nation ever known. What's happening here?

We conform. Why do we act like the wrong
strange : group of people, the 95% of those who do not
succeed? Why do they settle? People don't
know. They believe that their lives are being
I would like to tell you about the strangest shaped by circumstances, things that happen
secret in the world. Years ago, a Nobel Prize to them, by outside forces, they are people
winner, Albert Schweitzer, was asked in an regulated from the outside. We ask a lot of
interview: “Doctor, what is wrong with men people: why do you work? Why do you get up
today?”, to which he responded: “Men just in the morning? 19 out of 20 had no idea.
don't think.” Everyone gets up to work in the morning, so
This is what I want to talk to you about. We so do they. So let's go back to the definition of
live in a Golden Age, but since we are already success. Who is successful? The only
in it it seems that we take it for granted, as if it person who succeeds is the one who is
would last forever. A hundred men start their progressively realizing a valuable ideal . If
way in life alone at the age of 25, but do you a person says “I am going to become this”
know what will happen to them at 65? they begin to work towards that goal. Let me
Everyone will start from scratch at 25 tell you that a successful person is a school
believing they are going to be successful. If teacher who teaches because that is what he
you asked everyone if they wanted to be wants to do; she is a wife and mother who
successful, they would all answer yes and you wants to be a wife and mother and is good at
would notice that they were excited about life, it; He is a man who owns a service station
they would have a certain shine in their eyes, because that was his dream and what he
life seemed like a great adventure to them. wanted to do; He is a top salesperson who
But by the time they turn 65, 1 will be rich, 4 wanted to grow and built his own organization.
will be financially independent, 5 will still be A success is anyone who deliberately
working, 54 will be broke. performs a predetermined job because
Let's think about it for a moment: of the 100, that's what he deliberately decided to do ,
only 5 passed, why did so many fail? Where but only one in 20 does it.
did that spark from when you were 25 go? Today there is no competition unless we
What happened to their dreams, hopes, their propose it. Instead of competing, all we have
plans, and why is there so much imbalance to do is create. In 20 years I looked for the
between what they wanted to achieve and key to discover what will happen to a human
their achievements? When we say that the being, with it I wanted to know the future that
5% achieved success we must define would promise him the success he wanted.
“success”, and this is the best definition I What would be that key that would guarantee
could find: “ Success is the progressive success to a man if he knew it and knew how
realization of a valuable ideal . ” If a man is to use it? Well, I found it. Have you ever
working toward a predetermined goal, if he wondered why there are some men who
knows where he is going, that man is a honestly work very hard and achieve nothing
success. If you don't know, you are a failure. while others don't try very hard but always
“Success is the progressive realization of a seem to have everything? They seem to have
valuable ideal.” Rolo May, a distinguished that “magic touch” with which it is said that
psychiatrist in his wonderful book “man in everything they touch turns to gold. And have
search of himself” says: “ the opposite of you noticed that a man who becomes
courage in our society is not cowardice, successful tends to remain successful, and on
but conformism ”, and there we have today's the other hand, a man who fails tends to
problem: it is conformism. . People behave continue failing? It's for the goals . Some
like anyone else without knowing why or have them and others don't. Men with goals
where they are going. succeed because they know where they
Let's think about this a little more: most are going , it's that simple. Think of a ship
people in North America are broke, dependent leaving port and having the entire trip
on someone else for their basic needs. We planned. The captain and crew know where
were supposed to start learning to read at age they are going and how long it will take. They
7 and by age 25 we were supposed to support have a defined goal, and 9,999 times out of
a family, and yet at 65 we still don't know how
10,000 they will reach where they were going. Ralph Waldo Emerson said “ a man is what
Now let's take another boat, just like the he thinks all day long .”
previous one, but let's not give it a captain or Williams James said “ the greatest
crew, let's not give it a goal or direction or discovery of my generation is that human
anything, let's just start the engines and let it beings can alter their lives by altering their
go. I think you will agree with me that it will not mental attitudes ”, “ all we need is an act
even leave the port. You will end up sunk or done in cold blood, as if what we think
on some deserted beach in the middle of about were real, and then will become
nowhere. It cannot get anywhere because it infallibly real by growing in such a
has no direction or guide, and the same goes connection with our life that it will become
for human beings. Take a salesperson as an real, will become so unified (unmixed) with
example. There is no other person in the the habits and emotions that our interest
world with a good future as a good will turn towards those that characterize
salesperson. Sales is the highest paying job in the belief ", " if you only care enough about
the world, if you are good at it and if you know achieve a result, it is almost certain that
where you are going. Every company needs you will achieve it. If you want to be rich,
top salespeople, and they will reward those you will be. If you want to be learned, you
men, the sky is the limit for them, but how will be. If you want to be good, you will be.
many can you find? You just have to really desire these things
Some say that humanity is arranged not to and do them exclusively, and not at the
prevent the strong from winning, but so that same time as 100 other incompatible
the weak does not lose. The American things and with the same strength .
economy is similar to a car in a convoy, the In the gospel of Saint Mark 9-23 it says: “ if
entire economy slows down to accompany the you believe, all things are possible to him
slowest link. That's why it's so easy to make a who believes .”
living today. It doesn't require any special Norman Vincent Peale puts it like this: “this
intelligence or talent to make a living and is one of the greatest laws of the universe. I
support a family today, so we stand on this wish I had discovered it when I was young. It
plateau called “security,” but we have to came to me later in life and I find it to be the
decide how high we stand. Now let's return to greatest discovery in my life after discovering
the strangest secret, the story I wanted to tell God. The great law, simply put, says that “ if
you today. you think in negative terms, you will
Why do men with goals succeed in life and achieve negative results.” If you think in
those without goals fail? If you understand positive terms, you will achieve positive
this, this will change your life immediately. results. That is the simple fact that is the
You will see that luck will not seem to be basis of an amazing law of success and
interested in you, the things you want will just prosperity. In 3 words: believe and
seem to fall into line, you will no longer have succeed .”
the problems, the anxiety that you may have William Shakespeare said this: “ our doubts
experienced. Doubt and fear will be a thing of are traitors that make us lose our fair
the past. Here is the key to success, and the winds through the fear of trying .”
key to failure: “We become what we think George Bernard Shaw said “ people always
about.” Let me repeat it: “We become, what blame circumstances for who they are. I
we think about.” Throughout all of history the don't believe in circumstances. The people
wise men and teachers, philosophers and who rise in this world are those who look
prophets disagreed on everything except this, for the circumstances they want, and if
on which they agree totally and completely. they don't find them, they make them .
Emperor Marcus Aurelius said “ A man's "We become what we think" . So a person
life is what his thoughts make it .” who thinks of a worthwhile goal will achieve it
The Israelis say that “ everything will come because it is what he thinks about, and we
if man simply waits.” I have come, after become what we think about. On the contrary,
long meditations, to convince myself that a a man without goals, who is going nowhere,
human being with a set purpose must whose thoughts are confusion, anxiety, fear
achieve it and that nothing can resist a will and worry, will become what he thinks. Your
that will fight even against existence for its life will become one of frustration, fear,
realization ." anxiety, worry and confusion. And if you don't
think about anything, you will become nothing. use her for little jobs rather than big, important
Now how does it work? Why do we become things. Universities have proven that most of
what we think? us use 10% or less of our abilities. So decide
Well, as far as we know, I will explain it to now, what do you want? Plant your goal in
you with an analogy of the human mind. your mind, it is the most important decision in
Suppose a farmer has good land to your entire life. what do you want? Do you
produce. Now the land gives the farmer a want to be a phenomenal salesperson, a
choice: he can plant whatever he wants, the better worker, move up the ranks in your
land doesn't care, the decision is the farmer's. company or your community, do you want to
We compare the mind to land because the get rich? All you have to do is plant that seed
mind also doesn't care what you plant in it: it in your mind, take care of it, work steadily
will give you back what you plant but it doesn't towards your goal and it will become a reality.
care what it is. Not only will he do it, there is no way he won't
Let's say the farmer has 2 seeds in his do it. It is a law like Newton's about gravity: “if
hand: one is wheat, the other is nightshade you climb onto the roof of a building and jump
(deadly poison). Dig two holes and plant each into the void, your body will always go down
seed. Cover the holes, water them and take and never go up” and it is the same for all the
care of the soil and what will happen? Soon other laws of nature, they always work, They
the earth will return what was sown. As the are inflexible. Think about your goal and relax
Bible says: “ You will reap what you sow .” positively. Imagine yourself in your mind's eye
Remember that the earth does not care, and having already achieved this goal. Observe
will return the poison with the same yourself doing the things you would do if you
abundance as the wheat. So we have two had achieved it .
plants, wheat and poison. Now, the human Our Age is being called the Age of nervous
mind is much more fertile, more incredible and breakdowns and filled with tranquilizers, while
mysterious than the earth, but it works in the medical discoveries have elevated us to a
same way: it does not care what you plant, be new plateau of good health far removed from
it success or failure, a specific goal or us worrying about dying early, trying to cope
confusion, misunderstandings, anxiety, fear, with our little problems in our own way without
etc. ., but it must give us back what we learning. a few great laws that would take care
planted. of everything for us. We attract these things to
It is said that the human mind is the last ourselves by our habitual way of thinking.
unexplored continent on earth, it contains Each one of us is the sum of our thoughts.
riches beyond our wildest dreams, and will Everyone is exactly where they want to be,
return anything you want to plant in it. Why whether they admit it or not. You are going
don't we use it more? Probably because our to reap the fruit of your thoughts whether
mind has standard equipment when we are you want it or not, because what you think
born, it is free and we give little value to the today or tomorrow, next month or year will
things we receive in exchange for nothing, shape your life and determine your future.
while we consider the things we pay for as You are being guided by your mind .
valuable. The paradox is that the exact I remember one time I was driving and I saw
opposite is true. Everything truly valuable in one of those giant roaring machines going at
life comes to us freely . Our mind, soul, body, 20 km/h with about 30 tons of dirt on top, an
dreams, hopes, ambitions, intelligence, our incredible and tremendous machine driven by
beloved family, friends, children, country… all a little man sitting on top with the steering
these priceless possessions are free. But wheel in his hands. And while driving I was
things that cost money are actually quite struck by the idea of the similarity between the
cheap and can be replaced at any time. A machine and the human mind. Just suppose
good man can be completely embezzled and you are sitting in control of a vast source of
make another fortune. You can do this several energy. Are you going to sit back and cross
times. Even if our home burns down we can your arms and end up in a ditch or are you
rebuild it, but the things that are given to us going to keep both hands firmly on the wheel
for nothing, we can never replace. The human and control, direct this power with a specific
mind is not used because we take it for and valuable goal? It's up to you, you are in
granted, the familiar brings us contempt. She the driver's seat.
can do any job we give her, but we generally
The truth is that this law of success is a
double-edged sword. We must control our his “natural laws of physics” that apply both to
thinking . The same rule by which we can human beings and to the movement of bodies
achieve a life of success, wealth, happiness, in the universe. One of those laws stated that
all the things you can think of, that same law “ for every action there is an equal and
can cause you to end up in the drain. It's all in opposite reaction .” Simply put as it would
how you will use it: for better or worse. apply to you and me, “ we cannot achieve
This is the strangest secret in the world. anything without paying its price ”. The results
Why do I call it “strange” and say it is a of your 30-day experiment will be in direct
“secret”? It's actually not even a secret. It was relation to the effort you put into it. To be a
promoted long ago by some of the wisest of doctor you must pay the price of long years of
men and appears again and again throughout difficult studies. To be successful in sales,
the Bible but very few people learned it and remember that your success is an extension
understood it, that's what's strange. And the of your ability to sell: selling ideals to families,
same thing that makes it strange is what education in schools, selling to our children
keeps it virtually a secret. I think you could the advantages of living a good and honest
walk down the main street of your city asking life, selling to our partners and employees. the
anyone “what is the secret to success” and importance of being exceptional people, and
you probably won't find a man in a month who of course, a professional in selling yourself.
will tell you. But to be a professional in selling our way to a
This information is invaluable if we really good life you must have the firm conviction to
understand it and apply it. It is not only pay the price. And what is that price? Well,
valuable for our own lives but also for those in that's a lot of things.
our family, our friends, employees and First: it is to understand both emotionally
partners. Life should be an exciting and intellectually that we literally become
adventure, it should never be boring. A what we think , that we must control our
man should live fully, be alive, he should thoughts to control our lives , it is to fully
be happy to get up in the morning , he understand that “ you will reap your sowing .”
should do a job that he likes because he is Second: it is spreading the wings of the
good at it. mind and allowing it to fly as it was divinely
I once heard G. Patterson, the great editor designed to do. It is realizing that your
in chief of the newspaper “Valiente” gave a limitations are self-imposed and your
speech and as he finished speaking he said opportunities today are vastly beyond what
something that I have not forgotten: “ My you believe. It is rising above narrow-minded
years in the newspaper business have mental pettiness and prejudice.
convinced me of several things, among Third: it is to use all your courage to force
them, that people are basically good, that yourself to think positively about your own
we have come from one place and we are problem, to decide for yourself a definitive
going to another, so we should make our goal to carefully reach, to allow your wonderful
time here an exciting adventure. The mind to think about your goal from every
architect of the universe did not build a possible angle, to let your imagination
staircase that leads to nowhere .” speculate freely. in all possible solutions,
And the greatest teacher of all, the refusing to believe that there will be any
carpenter of the plains of Galilee gave us this circumstance strong enough to defeat you in
secret again and again: “ just as you believe, the pursuit of your purpose, acting quickly and
it will be given to you .” decisively when your course is clear, and
being constantly aware that at this moment
I have explained the strangest secret in the you are “standing in the middle of your own
world and how it works. Now I want to explain acres of diamond land,” as Russell Cromwell
how you can prove to yourself the enormous used to say.
return that is possible to achieve in your life by And fourth: save at least 10% of everything
putting the secret to work in practice. I want you earn. It is also remembering that no
you to take a trial that will last 30 days. It's not matter what your job is, it has enormous
going to be easy, but if you give it a good try, possibilities, if you are willing to pay the price.
it will completely change your life for the Now let's round up the important points of
better. the price one has to pay to get the wonderful
In the 17th century, Sir Isaac Newton, the life that can be ours. Obviously, it's worth any
mathematician and natural philosopher wrote
price we put on it. days you must take control of your mind. He
One: you will become what you think can only think about what you allow him to
about. think about. Every day of this 30-day trial do
Two: remember the word imagination and more of what you need to do . In addition to
let your mind start flying. maintaining a positive and joyful attitude, give
Three: bravery. Focus on your goal more of yourself than you did before. Do it
every day. knowing that what will give you life back must
Fourth: save 10% of what you earn. And be in direct relation to what you give. The
fifth: action. Ideas are worthless unless we moment you decide on a goal to move
put them into action. towards, you are already a successful person.
At that moment you are in that rare and
Now I'll try to outline the 30 day trial I want successful category of people who know
you to do. Keep in mind that you have nothing where they are going. Now out of every 100
to lose by doing this as much as you might people, you belong to the best 5. Don't worry
want to gain. There are two things that can be too much about how you will reach your goal,
said about everyone: everyone wants leave that entirely to a power greater than
something, and everyone is afraid of yourself. All you have to know is where you
something. I want you to write on a card what are going. The answers will come to you, of
you want most of all things. It can be more their own volition, and at the right time.
money, doubling your salary, a special Remember these words and remember them
amount of money, it can be a beautiful home, well, keep them constantly before you in this
success in your job, it can be a particular month of trial: “ Ask and it will be given to
position in life, a more harmonious family... you, seek and you will find, knock on the
each of us wants something. Now write on door and it will be opened to you, because
your card specifically what you want. Make everyone who asked received, everyone
sure it's one thing and define it clearly. You who sought managed to find.” and to every
don't need to show it but carry it with you so one who struck it was opened .” It's as
you can look at it anytime today. Think about wonderful and simple as that. In fact it is so
it in a happy, relaxed, positive way every simple that in our seemingly complex world it
morning when you wake up and immediately is difficult for an adult to understand that all
do something to work on, something to get out you need is purpose and faith.
of bed for, something to live for. Watch it For 30 days, do the best you can. If you are
every chance you get during the day and a salesperson, go where you have never
before going to bed at night. And while you been, not agitated but with a calm and joyful
see it, remember that you must become what security knowing that time well spent will give
you think about and as you are thinking about you the abundance you deserve in return. If
your goal, you will realize that it will soon be you're a builder, spend the entire month of
yours. In fact, it's actually yours since you your trial without thinking about getting
wrote it and started thinking about it. Look anything in return, and you'll be surprised at
around you at all the abundance as you go the difference it will make in your life. No
about your daily business, you have as much matter what you work on, do it like never
right to that abundance as any other living before for 30 days. And if you keep your goal
creature, it is yours simply for the asking. Now in front of you every day you will marvel at this
we come to the hard part, it's hard because it new life you found.
involves forming what is probably a Dorothy A. Brand, an outstanding editor and
completely new habit, and if you have it now it writer, discovered it and tells it in her
needs to be reformed. However, once formed wonderful book “Wake up and live!” His entire
it will follow you for the rest of your life. philosophy boils down to the words: “ Act in a
Stop thinking about what you fear . Every way that makes it seem impossible for you
time a negative or fearful thought appears in to fail .” She did her own test with sincerity
your consciousness , replace it with the and faith in her entire life and the result was
image of your positive and valuable goal . overwhelming success. Now, take the test for
There will come days when you feel like you a full 30 days. Don't start until you make up
want to give up, it is easier for a human being your mind and know that you are going to
to think negatively than positively, that is why continue until the end. You see: by showing
only 5% are successful. You should start right persistence you are demonstrating faith,
now to put yourself in that last group. For 30
persistence is simply another word for faith. If money, but making money is the result of
you didn't have faith you would never have success. And success is directly related to
persisted. If you fail your 30-day test, which I our service. Most believe that this works the
mean would mean that you are overwhelmed other way around, they believe that you are
by negative thoughts, you should start over successful if you make a lot of money, when
from that point and do another 30 days. the truth is that you can only make money
Gradually your new habit will form until you after you are successful. It is like the story of
find yourself in that wonderful minority for the man who is sitting in front of a furnace
whom virtually nothing is impossible. saying “give me heat and then I will give you
And don't forget the card, it is vitally wood.” How many men and women do you
important as you begin this new way of living. know or do you think there are today with
On one side write your goal, whatever it may such an attitude towards life? There are
be; On the other write the words “ Ask and it millions. We have to put the fuel in first before
will be given to you, seek and you will find, we can expect to receive heat; Likewise, we
knock on the door and it will be opened to have to perform our service first before we
you .” Nothing great was achieved without can expect money. Don't worry about money,
inspiration. Observe during these 30 crucial provide your service, be free, work, dream,
days that your own inspiration is at its highest create. Do this and you will see that there is
point and above all, do not worry. Worry no limit to the prosperity and abundance that
brings fear and fear invalidates. The only thing will come to you. Prosperity is based on a law
that can make you afraid during your test is of mutual exchange, each person who
trying to do it all yourself. Know that all you contributes to prosperity must pass on what
have to do is keep your goal in front of you. he received. Sometimes the return does not
Everything else will take care of itself. Also come from the hand of those you served, but
remember to stay calm and happy, don't let it must come to you from somewhere,
petty things bother you and take you off because that is the law: “for every action,
course. there is an equal and opposite reaction .”
Since taking this test is difficult for most, you As you go through your 30-day trial period
might ask, why bother? Well, look at the remember that your success will always be
alternative: no one wants to be a failure, no measured by the quantity and quality of
one wants to be a mediocre individual, no one the service you provide and that money is
wants a life constantly filled with worry, fear the yardstick for measuring that service. No
and frustration, so remember to reap what you man can enrich himself alone unless he
sow. If you harvest negative thoughts your life enriches others. There are no exceptions to a
will be full of negative things. If you sowed law. You can drive down any street and from
positive thoughts your life will be happy, your car estimate the value of the service
successful and positive. provided by the people who live on that street.
You will tend to gradually forget these Did you ever think about such a measuring
things, so read them often, constantly remind ruler before? It's interesting. Some, like
yourself what you have to do to form this new certain priests, reverends and other devout
habit, get your family together at regular people measure their returns in the realm of
intervals and re-read this information. the spiritual, but again, their return is
Most men will tell you they want to make equivalent to their service. Once this law is
money without understanding the law, but the completely understood every thinking person
only people who make money work at the can tell his own fortune. If you want more you
Mint, everyone else must earn their money. have to give more service to those who only
This is what causes many to look for receive your return. If you want less, just
“something for nothing” or “a free pass to reduce your services. That's the price you
failure in life.” The only way to make money have to pay for what you want. If you think
is to provide people with services or you can get rich by deceiving others, you
products that are necessary and useful. can only end up deceiving yourself . It may
We exchange our time and product for other take a while, but as surely as you breathe, you
people's money. Therefore the law is that will receive what you put into it; Never make
our financial return will be in direct relation the mistake of believing that you can avoid
to our service. this, it is impossible. The prisons and lonely
Now , success is not the result of making streets are full of people trying to make new
laws that are just for them. We can avoid the
laws of men for a time, but there are higher
laws that cannot be violated.
An amazing medical researcher recently
compiled the 6 basic steps to success:
1. Decide on a goal.
2. Stop getting discouraged.
3. Stop thinking about all the reasons
why you can't be successful and instead
think about the reasons why you can.
4. Trace your attitudes back to your
childhood and try to see when you first
heard that you couldn't succeed, if that's
the way you were thinking.
5. Change your self-image by writing a
description of the person you would like to
6. And act the role of the successful
person you decided to become.

The doctor who wrote this is a successful

West Coast psychiatrist, Dr. David Harold
Fink. Do what experts from every moment in
history said you should do: pay the price by
becoming the person you want to become .
It's as difficult as living unsuccessfully. Take
your 30-day test and repeat it, and repeat it
again, and each time it will become more a
part of you until you wonder how you could
have ever lived any other way. Live this new
life at the doors of abundance and they will
open to shower you with more riches than you
ever dreamed existed. Money? Yes, lots. But
most importantly, you will have peace, you will
be in that beautiful minority that lives joyful,
calm and successful lives. Start today, you
have nothing to lose but you have a whole life
to gain.

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