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The Pug Handbook Pet Fashion


This manual contains a compilation of data obtained from

different books, specialized magazines and of course from
the personal experience I have had living with this wonderful
dog breed.

This manual aims, above all, to allow and enjoy a better

coexistence with their dog to all those people who have or
plan to acquire a Pug.

There is no greater satisfaction for a red-bone dog lover

than helping to understand and get to know one of the most
wonderful dog breeds, since, for me, the Pug is not a dog
like any other, they are extremely affectionate, always alert
to the movement of their owner. , great playmates and
excellent companions.

The Pug Handbook Pet Fashion

Why a Pug?

Chihuahuas, French poodles, Maltese, in short, countless

small breeds that we can use to accompany us for
approximately 12 to 14 years of our existence. So, what
makes us decide to adopt a Pug instead of any other breed?

In the Pug we will find a fun companion for games, walks

and a wide variety of activities, but all of them, of course, on
days when it is not very hot since although the Pug does not
have as many respiratory problems as a Bulldog due to its
physiognomy It also does not adapt well to excessive heat.

They are extremely strong dogs for their small size, which is
why their weight can reach 10 kg. Due to their character and
habits, they are ideal for living with small children who
sometimes do not measure their strength when handling
their small pets ( here it would be necessary to educate,
rather, children), they are extremely faithful and vital
From its first origins in China to the present day, it has been

The Pug Handbook Pet Fashion

bred as a companion animal. As a consequence of this very
long period of time, the racial improvement achieved is
enormous, which is why the Pug is today a companion like
no other. His breeding has been aimed at making him stand
out as a companion dog that is also accompanied by that
charming appearance, a small and manageable size and
great ease of care, his friendly personality and being
extremely affectionate are ideal for the little ones in the
house. as long as we teach them not to mistreat our Pug.

The Pug is not at all a stupid and unbalanced escapist and

disobedient dog, on the contrary, it will always walk next to
us, without losing the demeanor of an “aristocratic and
strong dog”.
And I think it is precisely that tender character and its “ugly
elegant” appearance that makes us choose to acquire one
of these specimens since we find a true clown who will be
waiting for our arrival to play, run and be noticed at all costs.
, since what he loves most is being in the company of his
owners, this is another good characteristic of the breed, he
does not have a preference for any of the family members,
he is equally happy playing ball with the master of the house
as he is letting himself be petted. by its owner or play
responsibly with the youngest members of the family.

The Pug Handbook Pet Fashion

On the other hand, the Pug is a dog that will not hesitate to
warn of an intruder and will even defend its owner without
hesitation if attacked by a stranger. Although they are very
friendly with people, they know how to behave at the height
of the circumstances within what a dog of this size can
defend us.
For all of the above, it is not difficult to see why this breed is
currently one of the most loved and sought after by many
people if we add to this its ease of adapting to small city
Nowadays, Pugs are appreciated mainly as charming and
attractive companion dogs. Very "homely", they feel true
devotion for their loved ones and make excellent alarm dogs
(even if it is with their characteristic sounds and snoring, but
they do not go unnoticed if they hear someone arriving).
In general, they have good health, a balanced temperament
and an “original” physical beauty that combine admirably to
make them an ideal companion for the family.

It is a dog that is usually attentive to everything (if it is not

asleep snoring), especially to its owner, to whom it always
shows great affection. His willingness to take care of
children and play with them shows his affection towards
them. Intelligent, it does not require much care, resistant to
diseases although not to excessive heat as we had already
mentioned, they adapt perfectly to life in an apartment.

The Pug Handbook Pet Fashion

The Pug Handbook Pet Fashion

Racial Standard

Pug, Pug
Chinese race.
SPONSORSHIP: Great Britain.
Service dog.
Group 9 Companion dogs.
Section 11 Small Molossoids.
No proof of work.
It is undoubtedly a square and plump dog, "multum in parvo"
(a lot of substance in a small space) which shows in its
compact structure, its well-built proportions and the
hardness of its muscles.


The Pug Handbook Pet Fashion

Great charm, dignity and intelligence. Balanced, happy and
Large, round, should not be apple-shaped
• Skull: Without cleft. The wrinkles should be clearly

• Muzzle: Short, obtuse, square, not curved upwards.
• Jaws / Teeth: With a slight lower prognathism. A
crooked muzzle and showing the teeth and tongue are
very undesirable. The lower jaw is wide with the
incisors placed almost in a straight line.
• Eyes: Dark, very large, globular in shape, with a sweet
and worried expression, very bright, and when excited,
full of ardor.
• Ears: Thin, small and soft like black velvet. There are
two types: "Pink ear", which is a small hanging ear that
fold back to show the atrial canal. "Button ear", which is
an ear that folds forward, the tip adheres to the skull to
cover the ear hole and points towards the eye. The
The Pug Handbook Pet Fashion
latter are preferred.
Slightly arched resembling a crest, strong, thick, with
enough length to carry the head proudly.
Short and compact.

• Back: Level top line; It should not be concave or

• Chest: Broad, with good ribs.

(Coil): High set, coiled as tightly as possible over the hip.
Double coiling is highly desirable
Very strong, straight, of moderate length and well placed
under the body.
• Shoulders: Well inclined back.

The Pug Handbook Pet Fashion

Very strong, of moderate length, well placed under the body,
straight and parallel when viewed from behind.
• Knee: Good angulation of the femoro-tibio-patellar
joints (knees).
Neither as long as the hare's foot nor as round as the cat's
foot; with fingers wide apart; nails must be black.
Seen from the front, you should raise your front limbs and let
them fall straight under your shoulders, keeping your feet
directly forward, without turning them in or out. From behind,
the action must be equally correct. He uses his forelimbs
strongly, bringing them well forward, and the hind limbs,
moving them freely and bending his knees well. A slight
swing of the hindquarters characterizes the gait.

Fine texture, smooth, soft, short and shiny. Neither rough
nor woolly.
Silver, apricot, light fawn or black. Each of these colors must
be clearly defined to emphasize the contrast between the
color, the stria (a black line that extends from the occiput to
the curl of the tail) and the mask. Brands have to be well

The Pug Handbook Pet Fashion

defined. The muzzle or mask, ears, moles on the cheeks,
the thumb mark or the rhombus on the forehead and the
striation should be as black as possible.

The ideal weight is between 6.3 and 8.1 kg (14-18 English

Any deviation from the aforementioned criteria is considered

a fault and its severity is considered to the degree of the
deviation from the standard.

NOTE: Males should have two normal-appearing testicles

completely descended into the scrotum.

The Pug Handbook Pet Fashion

The Pug Handbook Pet Fashion
It seems that all theories point to the Far East, the first
confirms its origin in the year 1000 BC and the second in the
year 730 AD

The first theory

It is said to be a small molosser with a flattened snout and a
colossal body of impeccable harmony within its small size. It
is one of the oldest breeds since it appeared more than
three thousand years ago. The pug was highly prized and
respected by Chinese royalty.
The first news of its appearance takes us to the town of
Gullín, north of Cantón; and proof of this would take us to
the entrance of the temples with noble metal statues of the
couple, the one on the left being represented by a dog that
has a sphere under its right leg, a symbol of power and the
one on the right with its paw. front left protecting a puppy
and it was thought that they kept evil and negative things
away from the temples.
It was considered a unique present, given at the weddings
of princes, mandarins, and emperors, and was raised in
sacred cities.

The Pug Handbook Pet Fashion

A very unique story was what happened with Emperor Ming
of the T'Ang Dynasty and his favorite carlina Yang. It all
happened on an afternoon when, as almost always, the
emperor was playing chess with a guest. These games were
sacred since the The emperor didn't want anyone to bother
him, and Yang was sleeping in his basket, but he woke up
and couldn't think of anything else but to run and throw all
the pieces off the board, in those days it was something that
meant a very severe punishment from the emperor. to the
dog and its caretaker, but it is said that the emperor, instead
of punishing, what he did was laugh and this is how the
status that the pugs had at court can be seen.

It seems that they were always inside the palaces and that
the people could not see them since they were sacred
creatures of the palace, they had their private servants who
gave them all the comforts and whims.
(knowing the chatos, I'm sure that for them their real owners
were the servants).
But like every fashion, it has an end and it seems that

The Pug Handbook Pet Fashion

although they were sacred dogs and made happy various
dynasties of Emperors, mandarins and princes, the time of
decline came to them and it was in the 12th century, since
little news is known about them. until the 15th century.
As names by which they were called:
FOO or fu means noble race
Or also Chang Sze, Lo Chang, Pai Dog
In Korea and Japan it is called Szu Chuan and Pai Dog
In Tibet Hand Dog
In Wang province it is called Wo which means very clear
And it is not approved but it seems that the ancestors of this
little molossus could be the Ha-pa and the lion dogs,
although on the other hand they also tell us that it may have
Asian and Greek ancestors.

In the second theory

Starts in the year 732 AD He confirms the breed with a
small, brachycephalic dog called Suchuan Paí in Korea and
sent to Japan.
From China, Korea, and Japan they went to all of Asia and
from Asia to Russia, where they gained a great following,
such as Tsarina Catherine Grande of Russia, who was also
a great fan of parrots, and who apparently had to have a

The Pug Handbook Pet Fashion

show. unique, since she had the parrots in the same room
with the pugs, that must have been crazy, apart from the
fact that it is said that when she attended church she was
always accompanied by a few pugs.

Introduction of the pug in Europe.

We will start with the different names given to pugs in


Carlino. Spain and Italy

Carlin. France
Mops in the Germanic countries
Mopshond Netherlands and Finland Pug England


Some research leads us to deduce that it is possible that it

was the gateway of this unique breed to this country, and
that Portugal, on a trip to the Far East, gave some pugs to
Queen Isabel in the 15th century, called in our country
formerly to the pugs

The Pug Handbook Pet Fashion

Fine in honor of the queen, being a friend of the court until
the 19th century where it was introduced to Italy.

The name we know comes from an actor of the Carlin
Bertanazzi era and from there it derived to Carlino since
there was a lot of similarity between the mask of the actor
representing Harlequin and the mask of the Pugs.
It was welcomed as in previous countries by the aristocracy
and the upper bourgeoisie. In this country a lot was done for
the race, but I will tell it another time.


This was one of the countries that entered Europe, since

they had trade with the Far East, there is something

The Pug Handbook Pet Fashion

particular and it is said that the first pugs had very light coats
that are now extinct. One of the anecdotes of the little
molossus in this beautiful country was written by Sir Roger
Willian in the book Action In The Law Countries in 1618. In
which it is said about the status that the pug acquires in this
country, of National Hero and everything happened when
William I was sleeping in a camp, when the Spanish under
the command of Romero prepared an ambush for him, and
the little hero woke up with his barking. , whining and
nervous movements to Guillermo who quickly realized and
escaped with his horse from the jaws of the Spanish and
saved his life, the little molosser was called Pompey and
from that moment on the Pug became the official breed of
the Orange house.

Mops comes from the verb Mopshund which means to

grumble, and it is possible that the derivation of the name
given to the Pug in this country comes from there since they
say that the Pug's appearance is wrinkled and has a frown.

The introduction took place at the court of Louis XVI and, as
in previous countries, it was greatly welcomed by the ruling
class and the upper bourgeoisie.
Marie Antoinette, wife of Louis XVI, had a Pug who was with

The Pug Handbook Pet Fashion

her until the day she died at the guillotine.
The Duke of Enghien had another Carlino and this story
moved me since it seems that one night the Duke was
arrested by Napoleon and his friend did not want to leave
him and when he was executed his friend did not move from
the grave until he also died. This moved Napoleon and he
had him embalmed and he was exhibited in the Rohan
Museum as an icon of ETERNAL FAITHFULNESS. This
great Pug was called Mahilof.
Josefina De Beauharmais (Napoleon's wife) also had a Pug
named Fortune, on the night of her wedding to the Emperor
Fortune bit Napoleon on the leg, they tried to stop Josefina
from having Pugs and one night Fortune had an accident
and died, but no A lot of time passed and Josefina already
had another Carlino who called her the same.

I have left this country towards the end because I believe it
deserves it since it has been the one that has done the most
for the race in the last one hundred and fifty years.
Due to its contacts with India, the Pug was introduced, but
its true activation came when a grandson of William I had to

The Pug Handbook Pet Fashion

occupy the throne of England with his wife Mary and they
brought with them Pugs from the House of Orange, which
made it fashionable. in the court.

But seeing old portraits, the Pugs were not as we know

them since there were specimens with tall and thin legs, a
more prominent nose, a longer tongue and smaller eyes, but
the one who did something very humanitarian for the breed
was the queen. Victoria who prohibited the cropping of
Pugs' ears since she was very fond of the breed along with
Queen Alexandra, also the Dukes of Windsor.
In 1840 the two most important breeders Willonghby and
Morrison were founded, the two breeders did such a job that
the current Pugs carry many bloodlines from the two

Hobbyists organized the first show of our breed in 1883 and

in 1887 the first standard was established. The black color
was also recognized although until 1918 very beautiful
specimens of this coat color were not obtained.

The Pug Handbook Pet Fashion

The Pug Handbook Pet Fashion
General description:

Small, square and stocky dog, with a large, round head,

short face, very wrinkled forehead and well-rolled tail. The
ears are soft and velvety; rose-shaped ears are preferred.
The eyes are prominent, expressive, dark and bright. The
teeth should meet in a slight anterior crossbite. The back is
short and the dorsal line is straight. The tail is tightly coiled
and rests on the hip. The double coiled tail is highly
desirable. The Pug's soft, shiny coat gives it a very groomed
appearance, even if brushing is minimal. The coat color can
be fawn, silver or black with a black mask and other black
spots, including a black "trail" (a line that begins on the
occiput and reaches the tail).

Do not overfeed this small dog as he tends to gain a lot of
weight. Like other short-nosed breeds, the Pug is prone to
respiratory problems. You should not exercise excessively,
especially in hot weather.
Dry him very well and quickly after bathing him so he
doesn't catch a cold. It is expected that deliveries will take

The Pug Handbook Pet Fashion

cesarean section if they are breeding specimens. The eyes
are delicate and tend to water. He tends to pant and snore,
but in general, he is a very easy-care dog.

Personality: "A lot of dog for so little body." Confident, bully,

loyal, loving, affectionate and with a cheerful disposition.
Playful and charming. Cunning and mischievous, with a
personality that wins anyone's heart. He can be a little
stubborn. Gets bored easily in repetitive training practices.


Children: Excellent with children.

The Pug Handbook Pet Fashion

Friendliness: Quite friendly with strangers.
Training: Easy to train.
Independence: You need people a lot.
Dominance: Little.
Other Pets: Generally good with other pets. Combativeness:
Generally not aggressive towards other dogs.
Noise: He is not barking.

Grooming and physical needs:

Grooming: Requires some grooming.

Hair care: Does not require special cuts or brushing.
Hair: Short hair.
Shedding: In season, shedding is abundant.
Exercise: Requires very little exercise.
Jogging: Not a good running partner.
At home: Remains relatively inactive at home.
Apartments: Good for apartment living.
Open spaces: Can do without a garden.
Climate: Adapts well to most climates.

Owner: Good for inexperienced owners.

Life expectancy: Moderately long-lived (12 to 15 years).
Guard dog (warning dog) and to perform tricks.

The Pug Handbook Pet Fashion

The Pug Handbook Pet Fashion

From their youngest age, Pugs captivate with their

friendliness and beauty, plump, flat, big eyes, extremely
friendly and sociable. What more could you ask for? Seeing
one of them and having enough money on hand makes you
fall in love.

When choosing a puppy we must be very careful in the

details, but above all in the diseases it may have, in the
following pages I will tell you about how to choose a puppy
and what are the warning signs that indicate when
something is not right, what It is better not to rush.

For this and many more details, it is important to acquire a

puppy from a specialized kennel or, if we want a low-cost
specimen only as a family companion and without any
pretensions for exhibitions, we should at least buy it from an
individual who can show us the parents to check. the quality
that our puppies could have when they grow up.

Likewise, we must verify that our puppy has bright eyes and
healthy teeth, without any inflammation in the gums, which
should be a healthy salmon color.

The Pug Handbook Pet Fashion

We must check that there are no traces of excrement
around the anus as this may be a sign of diarrhea.

The ribs should not be visible to the naked eye and the hip
bones should not protrude and have a very low level of fat
as this is a symbol of poor nutrition.

We must check that the ears do not have concentrations of

dark, bad-smelling wax since it may be an otitis that is
difficult to cure.

Let's make sure your tummy is free of pimples or abrasions

that may indicate the presence of mites or other external

A Pug puppy, like any other, is sometimes reserved with

people who are not familiar to him, however we must be
wary of puppies who are too withdrawn and flee from our
presence as this may indicate genetic defects, poor
socialization with humans on the part of the Pug. breeder or
even abuse which, in the long term, can seriously influence
the character of the dog when it is an adult.

On the other hand, we must ask the breeder for our puppy's
veterinary card showing, at least, the puppy vaccine that
must be applied to a puppy between one and a half and two

The Pug Handbook Pet Fashion

months of age and the deworming record that was given.
have put up so far.

We must be very careful with eye infections that are very

common in the breed due to its physical characteristics, we
must verify that they are not irritated or have excessive
tearing or thick oozes.

On the other hand, the Pug is not easy to “fake” but let us
remember that in Mexico dogs with very bad genetics are
sold and yes, even strange crosses that, as the months go
by, can give us an unpleasant surprise.

That is why I emphasize buying your puppy from a good

kennel or from a place where they can show you their
parents (both of them), otherwise you are exposed to
acquiring “cat by hare”.

What we should not do.

- Never buy a puppy in a place that is not clean. If we

arrive and the place is dirty and smells bad, it is a sign
that the puppies have not had adequate care.

- We should not buy puppies from pet stores . Pet

stores, even the most “prestigious” ones, only see
puppies as an “item” to sell and do not give them the

The Pug Handbook Pet Fashion

necessary care and attention. Furthermore, during the
time in which the puppy is sold they spend their stay in
very cages. reduced and without contact with humans
at the age when this contact is most important for
correct socialization of the dog with humans.

- Do not buy a puppy for which we do not have

references from its parents . This is more important
than it seems since it is the only reference to the
character and physical conformation that our puppy
may have. Would you bring a dog with an unbalanced
character into your home to live with your family?

- I advise against acquiring specimens without a

pedigree . This is for the same reason, knowing that
their ancestors are 100% Pugs. With this I do not mean
that dogs without pedigree are all bad, but if our pocket
allows it, it is worth investing two or three thousand
pesos more to ensure that in the near future we will not
be "sleeping with the enemy."

Differences between CPR and Pedigree Certificate.

The CPR (Certificate of Racial Purity) is a document

The Pug Handbook Pet Fashion
that guarantees that the registered dog is purebred. To
extend this certificate, an expert reviews the puppy and
determines if it actually meets 100% of the
characteristics set by the racial standard for its breed.

This certificate is accompanied by a tattoo and a

microchip that identifies the puppy.

The important thing is not to be surprised, although the

CPR gives us a guarantee of racial purity, there is no
record of our puppy's ancestors, so this reduces its
sale value. Many people sell puppies at exorbitant
prices just to have CPR and this should not be the
case. The cost of a puppy with CPR and one without
should not vary by more than $1000.00

There are cases in which the CPR already has 2 or 3

generations registered, in this case it is worth
evaluating the cost of the puppy.

On the other hand, the Pedigree Certificate is a

document that guarantees the genealogical roots of
our dog for 4 generations or more. In many cases,
pedigrees greatly increase the value of a puppy,
especially if it has bloodlines that have proven its value
in terms of character or physical characteristics. It
contains very specific notes that help breeders
determine their crosses, among many other things.

- Purchases from dubious breeders with remote

shipping . I know more than three who bought their
dog “by mail order” and sent them, from little animals
with many violations of the breed standard, to crosses
that an inexperienced eye cannot detect until the
animal is older.

- Buy puppies whose parents are exploited . When I

acquired my first purebred dog, which was a

The Pug Handbook Pet Fashion

Rottweiler, I visited a really large number of places, in
some of them it was evident that the parents of the
puppies were confined to very small places, they
showed bruises and poor nutrition, please avoid buying
In these places, even though the puppies appear to be
healthy and at a good price, they surely have not been
properly socialized with humans and this, in a dog of
any breed, weighs heavily on its later character. You
will also be helping our canine friends not to be seen
as “livestock”.

The Pug Handbook Pet Fashion

The new puppy .

If you have already chosen your puppy among several

breeds and among several different litters and among each
of the different puppies in each litter, the most advisable
thing before bringing this puppy home is to read everything
you can get your hands on regarding the management of
the puppy. Pug. Read, study and assimilate the information,
this will help you understand and educate your new friend in
a simpler way.

The Pug Handbook Pet Fashion

Of course we must have, at least, the following:

- Soft bed for the puppy to sleep on.

special breed dog toys

- A couple of
small ones.

- Good quality croquettes. It is a very common mistake not

- Feeder and waterer.

to ask the breeder the brand of kibble that the puppy usually
eats and not to change them abruptly since we can cause
diarrhea that weakens the health of our little friend.

- It is advisable to ask the breeder, as far as possible, for a

small piece of the blanket where the puppy sleeps since it is
impregnated with the smell of its mother and siblings. This
will help us spend the first night with as few howls as
possible. when you start to miss your old surroundings. If
the breeder does not agree to our request, we must be
prepared with our blanket and ask the breeder to rub the

The Pug Handbook Pet Fashion

mother and her siblings with it so that our dog feels safer
and more comfortable.

The Pug Handbook Pet Fashion

The first days.

When you buy your puppy, try to make it on a day when

there are no visitors at your house and it is quiet. If you have
small children, explain to them that the puppy is like a baby
and will be scared by the separation from its mother and
siblings, this It is very important since it has a direct impact
on the future character of our Pugsito.

During his first day at home our puppy may be sad

and melancholic, try to play with him and give him
toys to distract him.

It is also very important to understand that a two-month-old

puppy spends most of his time sleeping since his growth at
this stage is very accelerated and he needs to rest. When
he sleeps, do not wake him up to play, he will only tell you
when he is more than ready.

For that.

The Pug Handbook Pet Fashion

The first night.

If your puppy starts crying during his first night, the solution
is very easy, don't pay attention to him! It may sound cruel,
but if you go and comfort the puppy so that he doesn't cry,
you will be conditioning his behavior and he will think: “if he
cried, they are coming to me to be affectionate.”

When he starts to cry, reprimand him in a firm voice so that

he gets a little scared (it's not about terrifying him, OK?) that
way he'll understand: “if he cried, I'll be scolded.” In a short
time, your puppy will have understood what you expect of
him and will sleep peacefully where you have arranged him.

The first thing a puppy has to learn.

The word NO is the first thing a puppy should learn. If your

dog pees in a wrong place, firmly tell him NO. If your puppy
breaks your favorite shoes, firmly say NO.

In short, anything you don't want him to do, simply tell him

The Pug Handbook Pet Fashion

NO at the precise moment he is doing it and with a firm tone
of voice.

If the mess has been very big accompanying the NO, you
can lightly pull the skin on his back and shake him a little,
just like his mother would do, this way he will learn to
associate the word NO with something unpleasant and he
will stop doing it.

Teach other family members how to use the word NO, in

this way you will be taking a big step towards the education
of your little Pug.

This also applies to older specimens. If when your Pug does

something that you don't like, your wife tells him: “I told you
not to do that”, your son tells him “stop there” and you tell
him “I'm going to hit you”, it is most likely that your
companion doesn't. know what language they are speaking
to you and continue having the same behavior that you don't
like. The simple word NO is more than enough and your dog
will know to stop what he is doing.

A forceful NO will
teach your puppy
appropriate behavior

Training him to go to the bathroom.

This is not intended to be a dog training manual, however it

is vital that our puppy learns to go to the bathroom in the
right place. This is easier than it seems.

First of all, we have acquired one of the cleanest

The Pug Handbook Pet Fashion

representatives of the canine breed, with few exceptions,
Pugs are extremely clean. By following these steps, in a
short time you will have a “good citizen” with you.

1 .- Wait for your puppy to defecate or pee.

2 .- Soak a newspaper with your pee or smear a little

excrement on it (yes, it sounds a little disgusting but it will
save you a lot of headaches).

3 .- Place that paper in the place where you want your

puppy to do his business.

4 .- Perfectly clean the place that your puppy dirty, I

recommend that you clean it with vinegar so as not to leave
traces of odor.

5 .- Observe your puppy and when you see that he begins

to sniff to evacuate, quickly take him to the place where you
placed the newspaper.

6 .- If your puppy “beats you,” reprimand him with a severe

NO and immediately take him to the place where his
newspaper is.

7 .- When your puppy relieves himself in the correct place,

reward him with affection and speaking affectionately to
reinforce this behavior.

Tip: A puppy goes to the bathroom when:

- He just woke up.

- Just finished eating.
- Before going to sleep.

You will see that in a couple of days your puppy will have
learned to behave correctly, without hitting and without
bizarre remedies such as smearing his face in his pee.

The Pug Handbook Pet Fashion

The Pug Handbook Pet Fashion

The ideal frequency to feed a Pug is as follows:

2 to 4 months – 3 times a day

4 – 18 months – 2 times a day

18 months and older – it is best to give it twice a day, some

dogs tend to have stomach torsion, dividing their daily ration
into two parts we will largely avoid this condition.

If you decide to give him his entire portion once a day, just
make sure that after eating he does not do any type of
exercise for two or three hours. Better safe than sorry.

Good quality commercial preparations are the most practical

and recommended source for feeding a Pug.

Many people think that if they do not give meat, the dog will
not be completely satisfied and they add meat or offal to
their food.

Far from helping, what is done in these cases is to

The Pug Handbook Pet Fashion

unbalance the energy and nutritional balance of the
prepared food, causing everything from obesity to damage
to our dog's kidneys or liver.

The feeding decision is up to each owner, but remember

that in order for you to make a complete food for a dog, you
would have to have many ingredients on hand.

Although the dog is carnivorous, in nature, when a wolf

hunts prey the first thing it does is eat its stomach and
intestines since these contain grains and vegetables that in
turn contain vitamins, minerals and fibers essential for its
optimal condition. of health.

Many people give their dog only meat believing that they are
feeding it naturally. Nothing further from reality.

Despite their plump figure, Pugs are very active dogs,

especially when they are puppies and young dogs.
However, they are one of the breeds that are most prone to
obesity. Do not be tempted to give them treats or junk food
or overfeed them. It is enough to give a food that completely
satisfies its requirements in the appropriate quantity so as

The Pug Handbook Pet Fashion

not to make it fat, otherwise our Pug will become lethargic
and lazy.


Who can resist, when your dog looks at you with those
huge, tender, bright and greedy eyes, with a flattering and
inquisitive expression, to give him, as a reward, a bite of
what we are savoring at that moment? What we often don't
know is that that "little whim" that we offer with the best of
intentions and with all the enthusiasm, can be fatal for your

Those of us who live with one or more dogs come to

integrate them so deeply into our lives that we turn them into
what has been called "one more of the family", and it does
not hurt us to admit it; On the contrary, we are proud of our
fellow workers who show us their affection, their loyalty and
their total dependence at all times and circumstances.

The Pug Handbook Pet Fashion

It is difficult, if not impossible, to separate them from our
daily chores, nor do we really want to, and our four-legged
friends watch television with us, accompany us shopping.
So we could say that they share the table and tablecloth
with us, their owners, anxiously awaiting the moment of
desserts and the precious private banquet, when all the
diners offer them the cuttings of succulent food, some
bread, a little fruit, or any other leftover pampering, such as
cheese, a slice of ham, etc.


But there are many other delicacies that under no

circumstances, not at all, should we ever give them; sugar,
in any form (some fruits such as melon or grapes have a
high sugar content), and all sweets will eventually cause
diseases of different kinds, among which glaucoma should
be highlighted. Excess salt (fries, crackers, most homemade
stews, etc.), will lead to kidney complications; Nuts will
cause liver problems, and thus a long list of problems that
we must avoid for their own good.

The Pug Handbook Pet Fashion

For all these reasons, if we want to play it safe, it would be
best to stick to a balanced diet, and if possible, offer them as
a reward a cookie specifically formulated for dogs with low
salt and sugar content... or, at most, a little bread. hard or
cheese. They will appreciate it anyway and yet we will be
protecting them from greater evils.

Of course, this is not always easy, especially if under our

same roof, in addition to dogs, there are young children and
elderly people, since both are not going to listen to reason
and will succumb sooner rather than later to the temptation
of giving them , a thousand times, whatever falls into their

And here the problems begin…

The Pug Handbook Pet Fashion

Who would have thought that delicious chocolate cookies,
seemingly so harmless, could become real POISON for the
house dog? And who says cookies, chocolates, candies or
the very bar of dark chocolate that we bought to make a
delicious dessert on Sunday.

*Theobromine, equal to toxicosis*

Chocolate is as appetizing for us as it is for our four-legged

friends and there is no one who can resist its wonderful
flavor. The difference is that excessive intake in humans, if
anything, results in an accumulation of fat, the multiplication
of cellulite and a few extra kilos, while in the furry friend, a
substance called "Theobromine" and which is in the
composition of the chocolate, whatever it is, ends up
causing the animal a "Toxicosis" that can have devastating
consequences, that is, fatal.

It can take hours or even days for the poisoned animal to

present the characteristic symptoms of theobromine
poisoning, and what is worse is that most of the time the
owner, out of pure ignorance, will not associate the dog's
discomfort with those bars of chocolate that they gave him
days before... however, and this is the interesting thing, the
symptomatic picture of theobromine toxicosis is perfectly
typical. Even more serious is the fact that there is no specific

The Pug Handbook Pet Fashion

*Specific symptoms of theobromine toxicosis:

-Urinary incontinence.
-Increased cardio respiratory rate.
-Hyperexcitation and hyperactivity.
-Muscle tremors.
-Loss of consciousness (semi-comatose state or deep

*Gold rules*

Sadly, as little as 100 mg of theobromine per kilo of live

weight is enough to cause serious and even very serious
poisoning in a dog that ingests chocolate, in any of its forms,
which can seriously jeopardize its life.

Therefore, it is necessary, whenever it is suspected that the

animal may have ingested lethal doses of chocolate, to
immediately take it to the Veterinary Clinic to undergo
immediate and appropriate shock treatment, in order to try
to eliminate theobromine from the animal. organism, as
soon as possible.

The Pug Handbook Pet Fashion

For all this, it is advisable to always keep in mind a series of
rules, which we would say "golden", that will avoid more
than one scare:

Never leave chocolate, in any of its forms, within the

animal's reach.

Make all family members understand that "chocolate is

poison for dogs."

Always keep in mind that, if ingested in large quantities, it

will not be enough to induce vomiting, but it will be
necessary to go immediately to a veterinary clinic to receive
specific and urgent treatment.

Having said the above, it must be clear to us that chocolate

is a true and sweet mortal enemy for our dogs and we
already know that it is better to be safe... than sorry!

The Pug Handbook Pet Fashion

The most recommended brand of food?

Definitely any Premium food is better than the classic food

sold in supermarkets, however the pocket will also have to
give its opinion, but if you can, give Premium or Super
Premium food (following the manufacturer's instructions) at
least in its first year of life which is when it has its maximum

The growth of a dog is dramatically influenced by the type of

food you provide, if you want a beautiful Pug, give it the best
and in the right amount, the investment will be worth it.

Vitamins are also essential during their growth stage, I

recommend Equilibrium Ages, they have given me great
results with my dogs of any breed.

Give half a tablet every other day, not daily, as some

vitamins in excess can cause more harm than good. After
one year, do not give him vitamins if his food is of good

In the Pug, a lack of calcium is quite rare, but if you notice

that your puppy has abnormally thin legs or that they begin
to "stick" outward, it is most likely due to a lack of calcium.
Equilibrium Calcium is also very good and with a quarter of
a tablet every third day this can be remedied very easily.

Many people have excellent specimens and they do not

develop normally because they do not follow these simple
feeding rules.

The Pug Handbook Pet Fashion

Likewise, people who do not have “exhibition” dogs manage
to bring their dogs to an unsuspected level of beauty and
good condition thanks to good nutrition.

The Pug Handbook Pet Fashion


The first and fundamental exercise for the puppy is play,

mainly with other puppies. From a very young age, he feels
the natural need to explore the world around him, sharpen
and enhance his basic primary instincts that are supposed
to give him the necessary qualities for survival in adulthood.
The hunting instinct prompts the dog to chase anything that
moves with the intention of running after its prey to feed. At
this stage, the puppy will reflexively chase any object we
throw at it, any animal that runs, or any of its littermates.

When a puppy plays with another, it continues to awaken

its instincts, in this case that of dominance . The game is
nothing more than a combat at minimum levels of
aggressiveness, the
which have the mission of teaching the puppy the precise

The Pug Handbook Pet Fashion

techniques for a real confrontation in adulthood. If you look,
when two puppies or young dogs play, their movements and
body expression are the same as a real fight but without
aggressive load.
Well, all of these games are appropriate and necessary
for the puppy to fully develop its bone and muscle structure.
We should never force the puppy or young dog, whose
development has not been completed, and subject it to
violent physical exercises, as we run the risk of causing an
injury that in some cases may be irreparable. I know some
inexperienced owners who wanted to show off the "super-
dog" in record time and what's worse, at an early age, and
ended up injuring their puppy. We should not make the
mistake of continually forcing prey on a puppy, nor running
long distances, nor forcing it to jump. Their bones at that
age are weak and in the process of formation; It is
necessary to wait for it to consolidate. Therefore, we must
let the puppy ration his exercise level through natural play.

Throwing the ball or any other object, biting a cloth and

struggling with it a little, as well as short walks are ways to
keep our puppy exercised.

heat stroke
The Pug is especially prone to heat stroke if we leave it in
the car when the sun is shining or if we make it run too

The Pug Handbook Pet Fashion

much at high temperatures due to the conformation of its
respiratory system, so it is necessary to know what to do in
case. of heat stroke although we remember that it is best to
prevent, if the sun is strong it is best to leave our Pug at
WHAT IS HEAT STROKE? The so-called "heat stroke" is
one of the most common PREVENTABLE causes of death
in dogs. Heat stroke is the increase in body temperature
caused by exposure to high environmental temperatures
(around 30ºC), associated with high levels of humidity,
insufficient ventilation and increases if the animal becomes
dehydrated due to lack of water. Dogs with abundant fur,
BRACHICEPHALI (like the Pug), obese dogs, and very
young or very old dogs are the most predisposed to heat

WHAT ARE THE CLINICAL SIGNS? The clinical signs are

characteristic. The first symptom to which one must remain
alert is continuous and intense panting, usually
accompanied by tachycardia, rectal temperature above
40ºC, alternating consciousness until reaching coma and
death due to cardio-respiratory arrest. TO DO? When the
mentioned symptoms appear, go to the veterinarian.

As a priority, you must COOL THE DOG quickly. The first

measures you can take at home is to try to lower the
temperature to less than 39.5ºC.

The Pug Handbook Pet Fashion

The fastest, simplest and safest method is to make an
immersion bath with water at room temperature (as long as
it is less than 25ºC).

The most important area to cool is the head and neck,

especially the neck. The blood going to the brain must be
cooled to prevent brain damage and to slow breathing.

Other possibilities are: moisten it with a towel soaked in cold

water and use cold water enemas. At the same time, if the
animal is conscious, try to get it to drink cold water with a
syringe or ice cubes. Rectal temperature should be checked
every 10 to 15 minutes (normal temperature is 38 to 39ºC),
a too rapid drop in temperature can also damage the brain.

At an environmental level, good ventilation must be carried

out to lower the temperature and, if possible, use air


1. Always make sure your dogs have shade and water. If

the dog, for some reason, has to be in a closed place, make
sure that: - Ventilation is more than enough
- Shade is available to protect the site.
- Water is within your reach.

The Pug Handbook Pet Fashion

2. Puppies and older dogs are especially susceptible to
heat stroke. If your dogs fall into this category you must:
- Always leave them a wet towel or wet newspapers that
they can lie on.
- A water sprinkler can be useful as well as a fan. If the
latter is used, make sure the air is not directed directly at the

3. If the weather is very hot, you can give your dog

electrolyte salts to prevent heat stroke (there are several
brands). Give half a teaspoon of tea for children.

4. If traveling in vehicles in summer, provide plenty of

ventilation and avoid carrying animals in transport cages.
If it is not possible: - Bring, apart from the salts, plenty of ice
and water.
- If the dogs are very upset, place them on damp towels.
They will cool faster through the feet, belly and anus.
- Hot air rises so you should not cover the dog with wet
towels .

The Pug Handbook Pet Fashion

Pug Character

His external appearance, chubby and angry, contrasts with

his tender, friendly and noble character towards his family. It
is a dog that enjoys coexistence with its owner, which it
needs a lot of. With children he turns out to be very
respectful and enjoys playing with them where he can show
the “clown” virtues he has. A time of play with a Pug is a
time when fun and laughter are constant.

He also knows how to act in society, behaving like a serious,

The Pug Handbook Pet Fashion

dignified and respectful gentleman, perfectly playing the role
of companion for elegant ladies. It is a silent dog with a calm
temperament, so it is not especially designed for guard and
protection work.

Another important aspect in your health care is that you

have very little tolerance to intravenous general anesthesia,
a situation that must be taken into account when surgery is
required where inhaled anesthesia is more recommended.

People who have the opportunity to have one of these at

home know that the Pug is very friendly, when we get home
they always notice.

To his affectionate character we must add his highly

developed intelligence, although sometimes a somewhat
selfish temperament, which makes him an egomaniac when
it comes to attracting his master's attention. Furthermore, we
cannot deny that wherever we go we are going to attract
attention, with his graceful walk and his grumpy aristocratic
face he cannot go unnoticed.

Pugs love walks with their owner, they are calm and not
crazy at all. With other dogs they range from tolerance to
indifference, it can be said that a Pug prefers human
company to that of its own species.

The Pug Handbook Pet Fashion

It is one of the most sensitive and affectionate dogs that
exist, which is why it has earned its place as a companion

When you take him for a walk on the street there are people
who don't know about the breed and when they see his
unfriendly face they step aside despite his small size, but we
can't deny that with that face he is also an impressive dog,
Although, for those of us who do know, he is extremely
docile and sensitive by nature, he needs his masters to be
happy, he will never be well in a kennel or a place away
from the house, so you should take this into account if your
idea is not to keep him inside. From home. It also stands out
as a pleasant companion for older adults.

The Pug Handbook Pet Fashion


Pregnancy lasts an average of 58 to 63 days from the day of

the first mating. During this time the female should be
provided with top quality food.

The female must be dewormed at the time of breeding and,

later, from the 45th day of gestation, it is advisable to give
her a new dose of dewormer. This will prevent puppies from
being born with parasites transmitted by their mother
through the umbilical cord.

We must also provide the future mother with an extra supply

of calcium and protein. To do this, in the second phase of
gestation (when the dog is about a month old) we will
change her normal food for a Premium puppy food, with this
we will ensure better nutrition for the mother and our

The Pug Handbook Pet Fashion

About 10 days before delivery I usually give my dogs half a
tablet of equilibrium calcium daily since this is the stage
where decalcification will begin for her. After delivery,
continue giving half a tablet every third day until the puppies
are weaned.

From day 58 of gestation, we must check the mother's

temperature approximately every 3 hours. When the
temperature drops to 37.5 degrees or even lower, labor will
surely begin in less than 24 hours.

When the moment of delivery arrives, the dog will begin to

breathe more heavily and pant, she will scratch her bed
preparing a nest for her babies and we will begin to notice
the first contractions.

Typically, the dog performs her labor (expulsion of the

puppy, breaking the sac that covers it, cutting the umbilical
cord, and stimulating the puppy's breathing). But if this is not
the case, we will have to proceed to help her with these
tasks: break the bag, cut the umbilical cord and clamp it and
stimulate the puppy to breathe. To do this, we will rub the
little one vigorously to stimulate its breathing, and if we see
it inert (sometimes it seems that they are not alive) then we
will proceed to place it very carefully between our two hands
and shake it in the form of a rocker with its head
downwards, this so that he throws out all the liquid he has
swallowed. Don't worry too much, sometimes it takes more
than 10 minutes for the puppy to breathe normally. If you
see that his condition is not improving, it is time to call your
veterinarian to have him checked.

The Pug Handbook Pet Fashion

If you are very nervous or have little experience, hire the
services of a specialist, this way you will ensure that all your
puppies reach this world successfully.

A period from half an hour to 3 hours can pass between one

puppy to another. If the time is longer, we should notify our

It is also recommended that the day after delivery we go to

the veterinarian to check the mother for any remaining
placenta. It is a very common practice, in the first 24 hours,
to give the dog OCCITOCINE. Occytocin is a hormone that
intervenes in uterine contractions in addition to stimulating
the letdown of milk and helping to expel any remains of
placenta, blood, etc., that may have remained inside. The
dog will continue to pass a dark, bloody discharge for

The Pug Handbook Pet Fashion

approximately 10 days.

Let's not forget that due to the characteristics of the breed it

is often advisable to resort to a cesarean section; our
veterinarian will advise us in which cases to perform it.

The Pug Handbook Pet Fashion


DAY 1 to 2 - Activity is minimal and they suck colostrum

from the mother. Some may lose a few grams of weight on
the first day.

DAY 3 to 5 - They suck milk as much as they can and

usually do it every hour. The weight of the puppies
increases daily.

DAY 5 to 7 - It is similar to the previous tonic only that the

activity increases and they begin to use the hind legs to
reach a good position to suck and the front legs to press on
the breast.

The Pug Handbook Pet Fashion

DAY 8 to 10 - Movements begin to be noticeable, looking for
cool areas if it is hot or warm areas if it is cold. They begin
to distance the frequency at which they feed.

DAY 10 to 11 - Attempts to stand up begin.

DAY 12 to 14 - They will begin to open their eyes, which will

be clear at first and will be covered by a membrane that will
protect them from the intense light.
The gums begin to swell, predicting the next appearance of
They are now standing better and are beginning to take
their first hesitant steps.
The mother begins to separate from the puppies, towards a
place where she can have a careful view of everyone, since
they are also separating from each other.
The frequency of meals becomes less frequent every 3 or 4
They have doubled their initial weight.

DAY 15 to 18 - The gums are swollen and the first teeth

The games between the brothers begin and they discover
the pleasure of biting each other.
The auditory system is developing and they are beginning to
recognize caregivers.

DAY 19 to 21 - Weaning can be started by alternating 4

meals a day, two by the mother and two on our own.
The teeth continue to come in and almost all the milk pieces
will be there.

DAY 23 to 25 - The increase in activity in the puppies is

clearly noticeable. They already walk with ease.

DAY 26 to 28 - They distinguish the intensity and tone of the


The Pug Handbook Pet Fashion

Vision is almost fully developed, perceiving moving objects
with complete clarity.

DAY 28 to 30 - When the mother is bitten on the nipples,

she will try not to breastfeed, so it will be good for weaning
to begin.
It is highly recommended to start deworming now. They will
clearly recognize the caregivers, they will seek to play and
be loved by us.

In short, the Pug is a family dog and a very good companion

dog and for children. Outside the home he will live and
behave well with strangers and other animals. When a
friend enters the house and is approved by the family, he
will accept it without problems.

The Pug Handbook Pet Fashion

It is a loyal, playful, affectionate and brave dog that will
never lose sight of the family. He quickly learns when he is
needed or when he should stay still in his place.

He can settle for a small dose of exercise a day and if we

get him used to it from a young age he can be an excellent
companion for long walks.

It is not specially designed for running long distances, so we

must be careful not to demand more than necessary.

There are people who say that their Pug is the best nurse
they have ever had since they have a developed sense of
the situation their master is in, and if he is sick they do not
leave his side, calmly accompanying him.

The Pug Handbook Pet Fashion

Without a doubt, the Pug is a breed that is here to stay, if
you are fortunate enough to have one, please learn more
about it and treat it with love and respect, that is the only
payment that your Pug expects from you for all its years of
service. company and good disposition.

The Pug Handbook Pet Fashion

The Pug Handbook Pet Fashion

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