Kinetics 5a

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A 75-4 man stands on a spring seal in an elevator. During the first 9 soe- ‘nds of motion from rest, the tension T in the hoisting cable is 8300 N. Find the roading R of the seale in nevetons during thia interval and the upward velocity v of the elevator ut the end ofthe 3 seconds, The total mass ofthe elevator, man, and scale ie 750 ke. Solution. The force registered by the seale and the velocity both depend on the aecelerution of the elovator. whichis constant during the interval for which the forces are conatant. From the free-hody diagram of the elevator, scale, and ‘man taken together, the acceleration is found to be ISR mo, BAO 7RH0= 70a, a, = 1-87 mid ‘The scale reads the downward force exerted on it by the man’s feet, The equal ‘and opposite reaction R to this action is shown on the free-body diagram of the Teese Goethe eR rath erat Urea temetees ochre IER, = ma,) R736 = 75.257) R= 830N Ans. ‘The velocity reached at the end ofthe @ seconds ia = a.77 ms Ans. twe=foay von ftasra 1 1 T= 8300 i i 7519581) = 756N Helpful Hint QW the scnla wet calitivate in ins grams it would read 8809.81 = 346 keg which, of course, is not hia ‘rue mast since the measurement ‘was made m a noninertial‘aeolerat- ing) system. Suggestion: Rework thia problem in U.S. enstomary anita, Sample Pro! 3/2 All inspeetion car with a mass of 200 ig runs along the fixed overhead cable and is controlled by the attached cable at A. Determine the acceleration of the car when the control cable is horizontal and under a tension 7 = 2.4 KN. ‘Ale five otal fs exer by Ue sup iy el ue ae wee Solution. The freebody diagram of the car and wheels taken together and treated as a particle discloses the 2.4-KN tension 7, the weight W = mg = 200(9,81) = 1962 N, and the foree P exerted on the wheel assembly by the cable, ag cof rv Rare a a nen rc een lara Se this direction, Thus, DF, =o) P~24(%) -1962({9)=0 P= 2.73 KN Ans. In the sdirection the equation of mation gives [EF, = ma,] 2400(2) ~ 1962(8,) = 2000 a Ans, T=24kN We me = 1962 Helpful Hint ® By choosing our coordinate ace along and normal to the direetion of te acccleration, we are able to solve the two equations independently. ‘Would this beso ifx and y were cho- sem as horizontal and vertieal? "The 250-Ih concrete block A is releazed from rest in the postion shown and pplls the 400-1 lo up the 20° ramp. If the costfcient of kineie friction between the log and the ramp la 08, determine the velocity of the block as i hita the sround at B. Solution. ‘The motions of the log and the block A are clearly dependent. Al ‘though by now it should he evident thatthe acceleration ofthe log up the incline is half the downward acceleration of A. we may prove it formally. The constant total length ofthe cable's L = 2s¢ + 24 + constant, where the constant accounts © for the cable portions wrapped around the pulleys. Differentiating twice with re- spect to time gives 0 = 289 > 84, or 0 = 24g + ay ‘We assume hore that the masses ofthe pulleys are nezzible and that they ‘vam with negligible friction, With these asstimptions the fre-body diagram of the pulley C diseloses foree and moment equilibrium. Thus, the tension in the cable attached to the log is twice that applied to the block. Note thatthe acceler ations ofthe log and the center of pulley Care identical, ‘The free-body diagram of the log shows the friction foree 1 for motion up the plane, Equilibrium ofthe login the y-direction gives @ prem 1 400c0890°=0 N= 5461 and ite equation of motion in the saection ges 400 DR, = mod 0.51846) ~ 27 + 400 sin 0" = 300, For the block inthe positive downward direction, we have © teh a= mat 0-7-8, Solving the three equations in ag, a4, and T gives us 24 = 5.83 Msc! — ag = 292 eee — T= 20515 @ For the 26-0 drop with constant scesleration, the block acquires a velocity lo? = 20x) = FEA 15.27 flsee Ans. { 25015 | ‘expra Hunts © The coordinates used in expressing the final kinematic constraint rela- onship must be consistent with ‘those used for the Kinetic equations of motion. @ We can verily thatthe log will ne deed move up the ramp by ealeuat- ing the free in the cable necesaary to initiate motion fram the equi ium condition. This forces 27 = OBN = 400 sin 30° = 373 bor T= 18365 Ib, which i less than the 250- 1 weight of block A. Hence the lg will move up, @ Note the serious errr in assuming St T = 380 Thy which on, Mee A wold not accelerate @ Because the forces om this system re ‘main constant. the roaulting acoler- tions also remain constant. Kinetics "The design model fora new ship has a mass of 10 ky apd is tested in an expor- ‘mental towing tank to determine its resistance to motion through the water at ‘various epeeds. The tet rezuls are plotted on the asompanving graph, and the resistanee R may be closely approximated by the dashed parabolic curve shown. If ‘the model is released when it has a speed of 2 mis, determine the time ¢ roquired {oe it to rede its speed to ms and the corresponding travel distance s Solution. We approximate the resistance-velocity relation hy R = Au and find & by substituting = 8 N and v = 2 m/s into the equation, which gives b= 9/2" = 2 N-e}m" Thus, R= 20% ‘The only horizontal oreo on the modal is R, co that ‘We separate the variables and integrate to obtain fe-s(% Be Ans ‘The distance traveled duving the 2.5 seconds is obtained by intograting © eit, Thus, v = 20 + 22 90 that i. 75 10 10 p= Gale eel ‘Thus, when v = vo/2 = 1 mis, the time ist =5(} ~ 3) Ans, Helpful Hints © Be careful to observe the minus sign for B. ® Suggestion: Express the distance x after release in tetms of the velocity 1 and see if you agree with the re- sulting relation x = 5 1n(), Sample Pro! 3/5 “The collar of mass m slides up the vere sa under dhe wetion uf u free F of constant magnitude but variable direction. If = ht where & isa constant ‘and ifthe collar starts from rest with @ = 0, determine the magnitude F of the force which will result in the collar coming to rest as @ reaches 7/2. The eoeff- cient of kinetic friction between the collar and shalt is Solution. After drawing the fre-body diagram, we apply the equation of mo- tion in the y-direction to got BE, Fes ~ 140 me ‘where equilibrium in the horizontal direction requires N= F sin @, Substituting (= and integrating fist between general limits give cronies mata [' es E, jlsin kt + yy(cos At ~1)) mgt = mv For 0 = 2/2the time becomes t= r/2k, and ~ 0 so that z, max _ mes Fat wO-m-B=0 sad Fs e4F 1 i milo m a Mm me Helpful Hints| © 18 wore expressed asa funtion of the vertical displacement 9 instead ofthe time f the acaeration would become a funtion of the displace ment and we would se vd = wd. @ We see that the results do not de: pend on &, the rate at which the

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