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LITERARY PERIODS use of the predominant languages; For this

Literary eras : they are the different periods in reason, the literature that is a product of
which literature has developed throughout the classical culture acquires well-defined
history of humanity. Several literary eras are characteristics that can be summarized as
recognized: follows:

Preclassical era, classical era, medieval era,

Renaissance era, baroque era, neoclassical
era, romantic era, modernist era and
postmodernist era. Each era corresponds to a
set of characteristics that are typical of human
literary and artistic development from ancient
times to the present day, as follows:

1. Preclassical era : (19th century BC > 8th

century BC) Traditionally this era is considered
mythical, that is, man tries to explain the origin
of the universe, the world and man through the
intervention of supernatural beings. Man's Balance between form and content, that is,
concern for nature, the explanation of natural between expression and message, conscious
phenomena, the relationship between man and use of literary resources, concern for the
God, the origin of peoples, moral norms for the separation or classification of different types of
behavior of people are recognized as works, the description of human prototypes, the
characteristic characteristics of this period and narration of heroic deeds that They reflect the
expressed in literature. man and the duty of the people who originate them. In this
conservation of the traditions, uses and period, literature acquired a high degree of
customs of these peoples. In this period, development, especially in Greece, where two
myths, legends, apologists and some works of the greatest epics of universal literature
were born that would later give shape to what appeared: “The Iliad” and “The Odyssey,” epic
we today call epics and epic songs. The literary works that mix legendary, mythical, and unreal
development of this period occurs mainly in events from the origins of the Greek people
Eastern countries: China, India and in the that, thanks to modern research, have been
Middle East, especially Egypt and Judea. proven in some way (for example: the real
existence of Troy, the site where, according to
the epic, the events narrated take place).

We owe Greek culture the classification of

works into clearly differentiated literary genres:
the epic or narrative genre, the dramatic or
theatrical genre, and the lyrical or poetic genre.
The written works from this period that have
come down to us endure as models of the art
of good writing.

2. Classical period: (8th century BC ---> 3rd

century AD) corresponds to the development of
Greek and Latin cultures. In this period there is
a concern to try to explain man, the world and
the universe in a rational way, likewise the
literary expression corresponds to the refined
The advent of the modern novel is being
prepared. The great epic poems that take up
the exploits of the heroes and the deeds of the
great discoverers belong to this period, for
example “Os Lusíadas” which has as its
theme the expedition of Vasco da Gama.
Apparently disparate figures such as
Francesco Petrarca, Giovanni Bocaccio, Nícolo
Machiavelli, Leonardo da Vinci, William
Shakespeare among others are considered
within this period. In poetry, there are important
contributions such as the sonnet and the
3. Medieval era ( end of the 3rd century to the meters introduced by Petrarch.
14th century) after the fall of the Western
Roman Empire, Western Christianity takes hold 5 . Baroque era (16th and 17th centuries)
and all cultural manifestations correspond to Baroque art is fundamentally characterized by
the religious ideals of Christianity: the excess of ornament, the use of literary figures,
transience of life, the contemplation of God, twisted forms and in some cases hermeticism
customs consistent with religious morality, in in the language. Although the Baroque existed
general a theocentric vision that encompasses throughout Europe and was developed
all human activities. For the above reason, fundamentally as a religious art such as
most literary manifestations propose the cathedrals, it also occurs in literature,
religious ideal. However, the popular and the especially Spanish literature, where two large
cultured are mixed, creating a curious aspects are configured: conceptism and
symbiosis between paganism and religion. In culteranism, which we will talk about later.
this period, literature manifests itself in two Likewise, the figure of Miguel de Cervantes
different ways: A cultured literature to which the and his work “The Ingenious Gentleman Don
conservation of ancient texts is due, carried out Quixote of La Mancha” appears, considered
by clerics and which corresponds to the so- the first modern novel .
called “Mester de clerecía”; And another,
carried out by the people based on oral
tradition, customs, myths, legends that we
know as “Mester de minstrelsy” in which
popular imagination and creativity are
experienced. It is important to note that in this
period vernacular languages were formed in
Europe. Product of literary development, the
songs of deeds appear.

4. Renaissance era (14th and 15th centuries)

new ideas that developed slowly at the end of
the medieval period as well as new
geographical discoveries gave rise to the so- 6. Neoclassical era ( late 17th century and
called Renaissance in which the theocentric part of the 18th century) neoclassicism was
vision of the Middle Ages was changed by the based on the imitation of classical models.
anthropocentric one characteristic of that However, the era is dominated by Reason.
period. A movement called Humanism This makes possible the pedagogical ideal of
appeared that expanded the vision of man and literature: teaching through it. Genres such as
the world. In this period all the arts flourish, just the fable and the essay flourish; The balance is
name painting, architecture and of course maintained between substance and form, that
literature. Greco-Latin models are emulated is, between content and form of expression.
and renewed especially in poetry and narrative;
Furthermore, the adventure novel appears,
classical French theater develops and the
ideas of Enlightenment, Enlightenment and the
Encyclopedia spread, which would later give
rise to Romanticism.

9. Postmodern or avant-garde era ( From the

second decade of the 20th century to the
present day) This period is marked by the
intense development of the technique and
7. Romantic era ( late 18th century and 19th production methods inherited from the second
century). Literary Romanticism covers the half of the 19th century and those of the early
period between approximately 1790 and 1830, technological development. of the 20th century:
although in America it extended until the end of the automobile, photography, the phonograph,
the century due to its late appearance due to weapons, etc. The development of socialist
the wars of independence. The emergence of ideas, the appearance of psychoanalysis, world
this literary school is largely due to the wars, new theories on language expressed in
dissemination of the ideas of the different intellectual currents such as the one
Enlightenment, the Enlightenment and the expounded by Ferdinand de Saussure,
Encyclopedia that had preceded the French according to which words are mere signs with
Revolution. The romantic spirit exalts which we express reality and that do not
subjectivism, the predominance of feelings coincide with the essence of the objects, but
over reason, the breaking of norms. For the are arbitrarily placed by each culture, made
romantics, the literary work did not necessarily possible new forms of artistic expression that
have to be in accordance with reality; but to incorporated new discoveries and conflicts in
specify the moods of the writer. The content, various movements, collectively called “avant-
the message, is then more important than the garde”.
form. The author evades reality and takes
refuge in his own “I”; This does not prevent him New techniques and symbols become evident
from having a critical attitude towards society. in art and literature. Likewise, Avant-garde
shows admiration for progress and
8. Modernist era (end of the 19th century and technological products, new narrative
beginning of the 20th century) The modernist techniques, the use of factory smoke as a
literary era is linked to the search for formal symbol of the new era, unusual syntax,
perfection, therefore it evades reality, it refers experimental techniques in the use of
to fantastic worlds, princesses, remote language, calligrams, creation of terms or
landscapes. From this conception, the so- words, etc.
called “art for art's sake” arises. In modernism
form prevails over content. Despite the
temporal transience, modernism is considered LITERARY GENRES
a literary school. The development of
modernism occurred especially in poetry.
The story and the short form

The story is distinguished from the novel by its

length and also by its structure and approach.
Furthermore, the short form itself accepts different
subgenres and variants. We start, for example,
from the classic genre of the fairy tale, and we see
how, throughout the history of literature, the
classification has been expanded:

 Fairy tale : The fairy tale or fable ruled human

The genre of the novel and its variants narratives for many centuries. Nowadays, this type
of story, always allegorical and symbolic, has
Many times a novel is defined by its length and its become closer to children, so it is still necessary to
narrative nature, as well as its structure. Although master it if we are interested in writing children's
today this definition is much more blurred, since literature.
many writers write novels in which not only does  The modern story : writers like Kurt Vonnegut or
"the novelistic" fit, but also make room for essays, Raymond Carver wrote decalogues and guides for
inserted stories or other variants. So, at the outset, writing good stories - from the modern point of
we can say that each genre is open. There's a view, where the rules are more open and give rise
reason we're talking about creative writing. The to formulas different from that of the fairy tale.
novel has generally agreed limits and  The short story : they usually have a length that
characteristics (length, complex narrative structure, does not exceed one page. It's about pills, events,
plot arc, symbolic resolution of plots...), and in turn, sudden blows. The art of the short story requires a
it is divided as a genre into multiple subgenres, lot of capacity for synthesis and abstraction.
each with its own formal rules. . We highlight some:  Writing aphorisms : the tiniest part of literary
creation: artifacts that are not much longer than a
 Science fiction/fantastic novel : science fiction simple sentence. Without a doubt, one of the most
and fantasy are not the same, but the supernatural difficult genres to master (some references in this
appears in both elements. If someone writes a area: Franz Kafka or Augusto Monterroso)
science fiction novel, they will be closer to
technology and the future. Fantasy involves The essay, a genre that spreads into other
approaching completely invented and often genres
timeless worlds (The Lord of the Rings)
 Adventure novel : The adventure novel has a fairly Since 2000 (even a little before) literary genres
rigid structure, in which the movement of a have begun to blur. We saw it very well in the work
character through different events and geographies of some authors such as Enrique Vila-Matas or WG
takes precedence. Sebald. These two authors, very successful in the
 Autofiction novel : a type of new literary late 90s, composed novels in which, suddenly, the
subgenre. Here, the narrator talks about himself, essay genre acquired a great presence. That is,
makes fiction about himself. We do not invent modern writers often hybridize genres. But... how is
worlds or travel. The journey is only internal, in the the essay inserted into a fictional text? Or more
consciousness and what the narrator sees. simply: how do you properly write the genre of the
 Detective novel : another subgenre of the novel, essay? In the essay, imagination no longer plays as
and one of the most frequented by readers and much as the capacity for synthesis and
writers. The detective novel has quite limited rules. interrelation. An essay text presents ideas,
It generally presents suspense stories or mysteries elaborates them and draws conclusions. All of this
in which the resolution of a crime or misdemeanor can be mixed, of course, with a narrative text, and
is at stake. we would thus have a hybrid. So mastering the art
of the essay is also important for a fiction writer  Within the lyrical genre there are the elegy, the
(think documentation, descriptions, digressions...) hymn, the ode or other variants of poems, each one
determined by a style (for example, the elegy is
Literary genres according to Aristotle adopted to sing to the deceased).
 The dramatic genre includes tragedy, comedy and
Let's see how the modern classification that we other variants that, within the context of theater,
have presented differs from the classification that imply different styles and approaches.
Aristotle presents in his poetics. Let us remember  In the didactic genre: Essay, biography, chronicle,
that his text is more than two thousand years old: etc., would be the subgenres of the didactic genre.
from this, let us look at the similarities of what he
proposes compared to what we propose. Aristotle
distinguishes between three types of literary

 Epic genre : it is the old way of defining the current

narrative genre. Narration, description and dialogue
form the epic genre, which usually relates invented
or real events with narrative intention (explaining
the events themselves).
 Lyrical genre : Its usual expression is the poem.
With the lyrical genre, the emotional is expressed in
a symbolic key. There is not so much interest in the
facts, but in what is extracted from them.
 Dramatic genre : the one closest to theater. This AUTHOR OF ROMEO AND JULIET
genre is based on a specific episode, without a
narrator and with dialogue as a key element.
 Didactic genre : the essay would be a modern
derivative. In the didactic genre the final intention
is, always and above all, to teach something. It
does not focus so much on how it is narrated, but
on what what is narrated implies.

From these three general categories, we get to
Shakespeare, William (1564-1616) was an English
know the subgenres into which they are divided.
poet and playwright, considered one of the best
For Aristotle, subgenres often correspond to
playwrights in world literature. He arrived in London
"literary forms." That is, stylistic ways that we
around 1588 and, four years later, he had already
approach each genre. For example:
achieved notable success as a playwright and
theatrical actor. He wrote Romeo and Juliet around
 Within the epic genre we find the fable, the epic,
1595, very famous for its poetic treatment of
the story or the novel, four different forms of writing
youthful love ecstasies. He was born on 23 April
that coincide in their desire to "explain something."
1564 and died on 23 April 1616 and was buried in
Stratford church.







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