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Email: angelaruizia@yahoo.

1) Biscuit


V 250g butter
V 400g sugar
V 3 eggs
V 500g all-purpose or self-raising flour
V Vanilla essence
V 1 Cup of orange
• 20g baking powder


Mix the butter and sugar, and then separate the whites from the yolks, reserve
the whites and add the yolks to the mixture, the vanilla when the mixture is creamy,
then add the orange juice and add, mixing in an enveloping manner. Beat the egg
whites until stiff and add them little by little to the mixture.

In the cake mold, place enough butter to cover the entire surface and its sides and add
flour and spread so that the cake does not stick to the mold. Give the mold a few small
taps on the floor with the mixture in it so that the air spreads and rises evenly!

Bake in the oven at 38º for 40 minutes to 1 hour, then remove and unmold.

Angela P. Ruiz S.
2) Vanilla cupcakes Ingredients

V 150ml oil
V 500g sugar
V 5 eggs
V 500g self-rising flour
• A cup of milk


Mix the oil with the sugar, mix well, then add the eggs. Add the vanilla.
Integrate the flour and milk in an enveloping manner . Then place them in the mold
with the liners halfway up the mold so that when they rise they do not spill, preheat
the oven to 350°, place them in the oven for 20 to 25 minutes or until they rise and

If you don't have self-rising flour you can add 20g baking powder for all-
purpose flour. Sift in a separate bowl and add the baking powder to the flour. You can
also add a little cornstarch to the flour just as sifted to give it a softer texture.

Angela P. Ruiz S.
3) Bizcochuelo or (also called pionono)

V 6 eggs
V 200g sugar
{ Vanilla
{ 200g flour


Integrate the eggs and sugar with the mixer. Until the letter point is
achieved, we perfume with the essence then place the flour with the sieve in
4 or 5 parts . We incorporate the flour with very gentle and enveloping
movements. From bottom to top. With a spatula or hand mixer. After mixing the
flour, pour it slowly ( very gently ) into the mold.

Angela P. Ruiz S.
Place at 180º for approximately 50 minutes.
V Never hit the mold on the counter because its volume will decrease

V Do not open the oven for any reason before 40 minutes.

Angela P. Ruiz S.
4) Pastry cream

V 1 l of milk
V An orange shell
V A cinnamon shell
V one yolk
V Sugar to taste to sweeten the milk
V Cornstarch 8 tablespoons or more…
• Yellow dye


Put the milk with the orange peel and cinnamon over medium heat, then add an
egg yolk and stir xz and gradually add the cornstarch dissolved in natural milk.

Mix with a balloon whisk until it thickens enough, lower the heat, add a few drops of
food coloring to give color to the cream and place plastic wrap on it so that a layer does
not form on top.

This cream is for filled cakes, for gypsy arms for various desserts.
V They don't even add the 8 tablespoons of cornstarch and it doesn't
thicken enough, add three more dissolved natural milk

V Never add it alone to the hot mixture, the cream will become cloudy

Angela P. Ruiz S.
5) Stuffed Cake

V sponge cake
V 1/2kg of
V 125 sugar
V Custard cream
• Strawberry syrup

The syrup : It is prepared

by placing the sliced strawberries, the 125 of sugar and a glass and a half of water on
the heat, turning it over and once it starts to boil, leave it for about five minutes and
turn off the heat. (Let cool)

Do not let it thicken otherwise we will obtain a jam

and not a syrup.

Chop the cake in half. Moisten it with the previously cooled strawberry
syrup, add the Enzyma pastry cream and the strawberries. Add the other half of
the enzyme, which is also moistened with the syrup without adding much and
decorate it to taste, decorate it with the same pastry cream and more sliced

Angela P. Ruiz S.
6) Gypsy Arm


V Sponge cake made on a tray

V Strawberry syrup
• Custard cream


Moisten the sponge cake with the syrup, fill with pastry cream and place the
strawberries. Then very carefully roll the cake and then place it in the refrigerator so
that it gains texture.

After taking it out of the refrigerator and allowing it to grab the texture,
decorate to taste.

V When making the cake, flour the tray very well

so that the cake does not stick to it.
• When moistening the cake, do not
plug it in because otherwise it will fall apart
when you turn the cake with the filling.

Angela P. Ruiz S.
7) Brawnie

Did you know that the original brawnie recipe arose from a mistake by a chef
who forgot to add yeast to a biscuit.


V 200g chocolate
V 100g butter
V 4 eggs
V 100g powdered sugar
V ½ teaspoon baking soda
V 1 spoon of vanilla
V 80g wheat flour
V 100g walnuts

Butter the mold and sprinkle

chocolate powder.

Place the chocolate in a bain-marie with the butter, remove from the heat and beat
until it is creamy like Nutella.

We beat the eggs with the sugar in a large bowl until a fluffy cream is obtained, we add
the vanilla and the baking soda, then the chocolate, we mix well, we sift the flour and
we add to the mixture, we stir very well until we obtain a homogeneous creamy paste.
You add walnuts or, if you prefer, almonds, peanuts or all three, it is delicious once on
the tray.

We take the oven for 30 to 40 minutes at 35º.

With almonds, peanuts and walnuts it is

delicious, all three give it an unforgettable taste.

Angela P. Ruiz S.
8) Marquise


V Two packages of Maria cookies

V 1 liter of milk
V 4 yolks
V 300g dark chocolate in pieces
V Two tablespoons of butter
V 125g sugar
V Vanilla to taste
• Cornstarch 6 tablespoons


Place the milk in a heavy bottom pot over low heat and add the yolks one by
one and mix with a whisk, dissolve the cornstarch in a little milk and add it to the
mixture separately in a double boiler, place the chocolate with the butter when Pour
this melt little by little and continue mixing, continue beating until it thickens and set

Pass the cookies through milk if you wish before placing them in the refractory. Place
in a layer of pudding followed by a layer of cookies and do so until you reach

top and decorate with chocolate rain.

Do not stop beating the mixture until it comes off the

heat, otherwise it will form lumps.

Angela P. Ruiz S.
9) Truffles


V 2 packages of Maria biscuit V ½

can of condensed milk V 100 gr. of
unsalted margarine V Chocolate for
V festival
• Chocolate Rain


In a blender, pulverize the cookies and set aside, place the chocolate and butter
in a double boiler and gradually add the condensed milk, mix and gradually add the
pulverized cookie, let it rest in the refrigerator for fifteen to 20 minutes. Until you
obtain a compact and soft dough, form small balls and pass them through the chocolate
rain until they are covered, place them in small containers. A variation of these sweets
is to dip them in chopped peanuts, chocolate rain or grated coconut of different colors.

Angela P. Ruiz S.

V 250g butter

10) Dry pasta

V Cup and a half of sugar
V 1 tablespoon of dust of
V 2 eggs
V 4 cups of flour
• Vanilla to taste


Beat the butter with the

powdered sugar, then add the eggs
and then add the baking powder to
the flour and add them to the
mixture and finally the vanilla essence to your liking. And then strain the mixture into
a pastry bag and make the shapes you want and put in the oven for 15 to 20 minutes at

They are delicious with coffee and a glass of milk.

Angela P. Ruiz S.
11) Polvorosas recipe

V 1kg wheat flour

V 4 eggs
V ½ kg sugar
V festival sparkle
V Chocolate chips
V 250g butter
V 15g baking powder


Add the sugar and butter, making

sure it is well incorporated, then add the
eggs one at a time, beating continuously
and then little by little the flour with the
baking powder and then knead as the
mixture becomes thick. , place on a table and knead until the dough does not stick in
your hands. Then they place the balls on a previously floured tray, separated from each
other to prevent them from falling apart. With the same palms, flatten them a little to
give them shape and place the festival or chocolate nuggets on them, or on their own,
depending on your taste. Place them in the previously heated oven 35 degrees until
they brown on the edge for approximately fifteen to 20 minutes.

Do not glue the balls, leave a certain distance from each other since they grow
when baked.

Make the ball and half flatten it with the palm of

your hand to make it circular.

Angela P. Ruiz S.
6) Milk chips


V 1 can of condensed milk

V 400g powdered sugar
V Two cups of powdered milk
• Cloves

Place the powdered milk and

powdered sugar and mix and then
add the condensed milk, mixing until you get a firm or homogeneous dough, make
balls and decorate with the cloves in the center.

Ideal as sweet pastries for

birthdays and weddings

or another special

Angela P. Ruiz S.

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