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**Title:** Statistics for People Who (Think They) Hate
Statistics, 7th Edition

**Author:** Neil J. Salkind


"Statistics for People Who (Think They) Hate Statistics,

7th Edition" by Neil J. Salkind is a comprehensive
textbook designed to demystify the world of statistics
for students and professionals who might feel
intimidated or disinterested in the subject. The author
employs a friendly, conversational style and
numerous real-life examples to make statistical
concepts accessible and engaging. The book covers
the fundamental principles of statistics, from basic
descriptive statistics to more advanced inferential
techniques, while emphasizing practical applications
and the interpretation of results.
**Structure and Content:**

1. **The Basics:**
- **Chapter 1: Statistics or Sadistics? It’s Up to
You:** This introductory chapter sets the stage by
discussing common fears and misconceptions about
statistics. It emphasizes the importance of statistics
in everyday life and encourages a positive mindset
towards learning the subject.
- **Chapter 2: Means to an End - Computing and
Understanding Averages:** This chapter covers
measures of central tendency, including mean,
median, and mode. It explains how to calculate and
interpret these averages and discusses their
relevance in summarizing data.

2. **Descriptive Statistics:**
- **Chapter 3: Vive la Difference - Understanding
Variability:** An exploration of measures of variability,
such as range, variance, and standard deviation. The
chapter explains how these measures provide insight
into the spread and dispersion of data.
- **Chapter 4: A Picture Really Is Worth a Thousand
Words:** This chapter focuses on graphical
representations of data, including histograms, bar
charts, pie charts, and scatterplots. It emphasizes the
importance of visualizing data to identify patterns and
- **Chapter 5: Ice Cream and Crime - Correlation
Coefficients:** An examination of correlation,
including the calculation and interpretation of
Pearson’s correlation coefficient. The chapter
discusses the concept of correlation versus causation
and explores scatterplots to visualize relationships
between variables.

3. **Inferential Statistics:**
- **Chapter 6: Just the Truth - An Introduction to
Understanding Reliability and Validity:** This chapter
covers the concepts of reliability and validity in
measurement. It explains different types of reliability
and validity and their importance in ensuring accurate
and meaningful results.
- **Chapter 7: Hypotheticals and You - Testing Your
Questions:** An introduction to hypothesis testing,
including the formulation of null and alternative
hypotheses, the concept of statistical significance,
and the use of p-values to make decisions about
- **Chapter 8: Are Your Curves Normal? Probability
and Why It Counts:** This chapter explores probability
and the normal distribution. It discusses the
properties of the normal curve, the concept of
standard scores (z-scores), and the use of probability
in making inferences about populations.

4. **More Inferential Statistics:**

- **Chapter 9: Significantly Significant - What It
Means for You and Me:** An in-depth look at
statistical significance and its interpretation. The
chapter covers the concepts of Type I and Type II
errors, power analysis, and the importance of sample
size in hypothesis testing.
- **Chapter 10: Only the Lonely - The One-Sample z-
Test:** This chapter introduces the one-sample z-test,
a statistical test used to compare a sample mean to a
known population mean. It explains the assumptions
and steps involved in conducting the test and
interpreting the results.
- **Chapter 11: t(ea) for Two - Tests Between the
Means of Different Groups:** An examination of the
independent samples t-test, a statistical test used to
compare the means of two independent groups. The
chapter covers the assumptions, calculations, and
interpretation of the test results.
- **Chapter 12: t(ea) for Two (Again) - Tests Between
the Means of Related Groups:** This chapter focuses
on the paired samples t-test, a statistical test used to
compare the means of two related groups. It explains
the assumptions and steps involved in conducting the
test and interpreting the results.
5. **Advanced Inferential Statistics:**
- **Chapter 13: Two Groups Too Many? Try Analysis
of Variance:** An introduction to analysis of variance
(ANOVA), a statistical test used to compare the means
of three or more groups. The chapter discusses the
concepts of within-group and between-group
variability, the F-ratio, and post-hoc tests.
- **Chapter 14: Two Too Many Factors - Factorial
Analysis of Variance:** This chapter covers factorial
ANOVA, a statistical test used to examine the effects
of two or more independent variables on a dependent
variable. It explains the concepts of main effects and
interactions and how to interpret the results.
- **Chapter 15: Cousins or Just Good Friends?
Testing Relationships Using the Correlation
Coefficient:** An exploration of different types of
correlation coefficients, including Spearman’s rank-
order correlation and point-biserial correlation. The
chapter explains how to choose the appropriate
correlation coefficient based on the level of
measurement and the nature of the data.
- **Chapter 16: Predicting Who’ll Win the Super Bowl
- Using Linear Regression:** This chapter introduces
linear regression, a statistical technique used to
predict the value of a dependent variable based on
one or more independent variables. It covers the
assumptions, calculations, and interpretation of the
regression equation and coefficients.

6. **Nonparametric and Advanced Topics:**

- **Chapter 17: What to Do When You’re Not Normal
- Chi-Square and Some Other Nonparametric Tests:**
An examination of nonparametric tests, including the
chi-square test for independence and goodness-of-fit,
the Mann-Whitney U test, and the Wilcoxon signed-
rank test. The chapter explains the assumptions and
steps involved in conducting these tests and
interpreting the results.
- **Chapter 18: Some Other (Important) Statistical
Procedures You Should Know About:** This chapter
covers additional statistical techniques, including
multiple regression, logistic regression, and factor
analysis. It provides an overview of the concepts,
calculations, and interpretation of these advanced


- **Friendly Writing Style:** The author’s

conversational tone and humor make the text
approachable and engaging, helping to reduce anxiety
about learning statistics.
- **Real-Life Examples:** The book includes
numerous examples from everyday life to illustrate
statistical concepts, making the material relevant and
- **Step-by-Step Instructions:** Each statistical
procedure is explained in a step-by-step manner, with
clear instructions and examples to guide readers
through the calculations and interpretation.
- **Visual Aids:** The text includes a variety of visual
aids, such as diagrams, charts, and graphs, to help
readers understand and visualize statistical concepts.
- **Practice Problems:** Each chapter includes
practice problems with detailed solutions, allowing
readers to test their understanding and reinforce their
- **SPSS Instructions:** The book provides
instructions for using SPSS, a popular statistical
software, to perform various statistical analyses. This
helps readers develop practical skills in using
statistical software.


"Statistics for People Who (Think They) Hate Statistics,

7th Edition" is primarily intended for students in the
social sciences, education, health sciences, and
other fields that require an understanding of basic
statistics. It is also a valuable resource for
professionals who need to apply statistical methods
in their work but may feel intimidated by the subject.
The book’s approachable style and practical focus
make it suitable for both introductory and
intermediate courses in statistics.

"Statistics for People Who (Think They) Hate Statistics,

7th Edition" by Neil J. Salkind is a comprehensive and
engaging textbook that makes the study of statistics
accessible and enjoyable. By using a friendly writing
style, real-life examples, and step-by-step
instructions, the author helps readers overcome their
fears and develop a solid understanding of statistical
concepts and techniques. The book’s practical focus
and emphasis on interpretation make it an essential
resource for students and professionals who need to
apply statistics in their studies or work.

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