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12/6/25 Arm workouts | The definitive


Are you curious about 6/12/25 arm workouts?

Wondering how to use the 6/12/25 method to build massive biceps and triceps?

Then you have come to the correct place.

In this complete guide, I'll show you how to use 6/12/25 arm workouts to take
your physique to the next level!

 Part 1: What are sets of three?
 Part 2: The training method 6/12/25
 Part 3: The science of 06/12/25
 Part 4: Sample Training Routines
The 6/12/25 method is a bodybuilding training method that was popularized by
strength coach Charles Poliquin .

It is one of the fastest ways to build big, strong weapons.

If your arms don't make sense “ gangnam style ” was a thing, then you should try
a 6/12/25 arm workout!

The 6/12/25 method is actually a special type of tri-set.

A set of three is a training method where you perform 3 exercises in a row for
one muscle group with only 10 seconds of rest between each exercise. For

Three-set training protocol

 Step 1: Perform exercise no. Tip #1, rest 10 seconds

 Step 2: Perform exercise #2, rest 10 seconds
 Step 3: Perform exercise #3, rest 2-4 minutes, repeat!
Sets of three are very effective because they make your muscles work three times
harder than their normal sets.

Just think about it: if a regular set takes 20 seconds to complete, a triple set will
force your muscles to work for 60 seconds straight. That's a lot of time under
tension !

Now let's talk about the 6/12/25 method.

The 6/12/25 method is a special type of tri-set where you perform 6 reps on the
first exercise, 12 reps on the second exercise, and 25 reps on the third exercise.
For example:

The Training Protocol 6/12/25

 Exercise #1: 6 repetitions, rest 10 seconds

 Exercise #2: 12 repetitions, rest 10 seconds
 Exercise #3: 25 reps, rest 2-4 minutes, repeat!
Here's bodybuilding trainer Josh Bryant taking his client through a brutal
workout on 6/12/25:
The 6/12/25 method is so effective for building big, strong arms because it
overloads all the different fast twitch and slow twitch muscles in your arms in
one brutal bunch.

It also does a great job of maximizing the three biological triggers of


 Trigger #1: Mechanical tension

 Trigger #2: Muscle Damage
 Trigger #3: Metabolic fatigue
The first exercise does a great job of maximizing mechanical tension because you
are performing a heavy set of 6 reps. Then, the second and third exercises
maximize muscle damage and metabolic fatigue within the target muscle.

The 6/12/25 method is just an incredibly effective way to train!

In my experience, there are two really effective ways to design a 6/12/25 method
arm workout: you can use three exercises that are very similar to each other or
three exercises that are completely different from each other.

The first method is called “ uni-angular triangular sets ” because each exercise
overloads the muscle at a similar angle.

Here's a great 6/12/25 biceps uni-angular workout you might want to try. Check
it out:

Three-set uni-angular biceps routine

 A1: Preacher ez-bar curl (narrow/supinated grip), 4 x 6, 4/0/X/0, 10 seconds

 A2: Bilateral preacher zottman curl (offset grip), 4 x 12, 3/0/X/0, 10 seconds
 A3: Preacher ez-bar curl (wide/underhand grip), 4 x 25, 2/0/X/0, 3 minutes
Here are the training videos: exercise A1 , exercise A2 , exercise A3 .

This workout is ideal for overloading the short head of the biceps and brachialis .
If you wanted to overload the long head of the biceps then you could perform 3
different types of incline dumbbell curls or incline cable curls.

Now let's look at a great uni-angular triceps workout 6/12/25. Check it out:
Tri-Set Uni-angular Triceps routine

 A1: ez bar extension (forehead), 4 x 6, 4/0/X/0, 10 seconds rest

 A2: Bench press (wide-shoulder grip), 4 x 12, 3/0/X/0, 10-second rest
 A3: Lie DB Extension, 4 x 25, 2/0/X/0, 3 minute rest
Here are the training videos: exercise A1 , exercise A2 , exercise A3 .

This workout uses three different types of lying extensions or flat pressing
exercises to overload the long head and lateral head of your triceps.

This is a great way to design a triceps workout if you struggle to feel your triceps
working during compound pressing exercises.

Of course, you can also design a 6/12/25 method arm workout where you use
three completely different exercises to target three completely different parts of
the muscle.

In my experience, this method works even better than the uni-angular method.

For example, you can choose an exercise that overloads the long head of your
biceps, an exercise that overloads the short head of your biceps, and an exercise
that overloads the brachialis/brachioradialis.

This is a great way to fully develop all the muscles in your upper arm.

Here is a sample routine you can try. Check it out:

6/12/25 routine biceps

 A1: 45 degree incline DB curl (supinatory grip), 4 x 6, 4/0/X/0, 10 seconds

 A2: Standing ez-bar curl (wide/pronated grip), 4 x 12, 3/0/X/0, 10 seconds
 A3: 90-degree preacher barbell curl (narrow grip/supinated), 4 x 25, 2/0/X/0,
3 minutes rest
Here are the training videos: exercise A1 , exercise A2 , exercise A3 .

For this routine, 45-degree incline dumbbell curls target the long head of your
biceps, the standing ez-bar curl targets the brachialis/brachioradialis, and 90-
degree preacher curls target the short head of your biceps. biceps.
These three exercises also do a great job of targeting different points on the
strength curve . In other words, these exercises overload your biceps at the
bottom, middle, and top of the range of motion.

Here's a great 6/12/25 method workout for your triceps with three completely
different exercises. Check it out:

6/12/25 Routine Triceps

 A1: V bars (vertical torso), 4 x 6, 4/0/X/0, 10 seconds rest

 A2: Neutral Skull Crusher, 4 x 12, 3/0/X/0, 10 seconds rest
 A3: Standing Top Rope Cable Extension, 4 x 25, 2/0/X/0, 3 Minute Rest
Here are the training videos: exercise A1 , exercise A2 , exercise A3 .

If you are going to use this workout, it is very important that you follow the
correct tempos for each exercise.

The first exercise is performed with a 4-second negative phase, the second
exercise is performed with a 2-second negative phase, and the third exercise is
performed with a 2-second negative phase.

These slow eccentric tempos are necessary so that you accumulate enough time
under tension per exercise to stimulate maximum growth.

Conclusion | 12/6/25 Arm workouts!

The 6/12/25 method is easily one of the best training methods you can use to
build big, strong weapons.

If your arms haven't grown since Jim Carrey kicked his own butt then you need
to give this training method a try.

You won't be disappointed!

“The last three or four repetitions are what makes the muscle grow. This area
of pain divides the champion from someone else who is not a champion. That's
what most people are missing, having the guts to go ahead and just say that
they will go through the pain no matter what. ”

Thanks for reading and I wish you the best of luck on your strength training

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