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S254 Diabetes CareVolume 46, Supplement 1, January 2023

15. Management of Diabetes in the Nuha A. ElSayed, Grazia Aleppo, Vanita R.

Aroda, Raveendhara R. Bannuru, Florence
Pregnancy: Standards of Care M. Brown, Dennis Bruemmer, Billy S. Collins,
Marisa E. Hilliard,

in diabetes—2023 Diana Isaacs, Eric L. Johnson, Scott Kahan,

Kamlesh Khunti, José León, Sarah K. Lyons,
Diabetes Care 2023;46(Suppl 1):S254–S266 | Mary Lou Perry, Priya Prahalad,
Richard E. Pratley, Jane Jeffrie Seley, Robert C.
Stanton and Robert A. Gabbay, on behalf of the
American Diabetes Association
PREG The American Diabetes Association (ADA) "Standards of Care in Diabetes" includes the current
Y ADA clinical practice recommendations and is intended to provide the components of diabetes
care, goals, and general guidelines for the treatment. to evaluate the quality of care. Members of
the P Committee
The ADA Professional, a multidisciplinary committee of experts, is responsible for
the Standards of Care annually or more frequently as needed. A detailed

as well
description of the standards, statements, and reports


For the ADA Evidence Rating System for Clinical Practice Recommendations and a complete list of
Professional Practice Committee members, see Introduction and Methodology. Readers who wish to
comment on the and attention you are invited
to do so at .

The prevalence of diabetes in pregnancy nted in the USA. USA In parallel with the
global obesity epidemic. Not only and type prevalence of type 1 diabetes, there is also an
2 diabetes in people of re dramatic age in pro increase
the reported rates of di gestational tes mellitus (GDM). diabetes
confers a significantly increased maternal and fetal risk largely related
with the degree of ia, but also related to chronic complications iabetes. In general,
hyperglucose and the specific risks of diabetes in the spontaneous, fetal anomalies,
comorbidities of pregnancy preeclampsia, stillbirth, neonatal, hyperbilirubinemia and difficulty
include abortion
macrosomia, syndrome
respiratory hypogl others. Additionally, diabetes in pregnancy can increase the
neonat risk of hypertension
obesity, ,

Disclosure information for each author is available at
Starting at puberty and continuing in all people with diabetes and reproductive potential,
preconception counseling should be incorporated into routine diabetes care. TO
Suggested citation: ElSayed NA, Aleppo G, Aroda VR,
15.2Family planning should be discussed and effective contraception (with consideration for long- et al., American Diabetes Association. 15. Management
acting reversible contraception) should be prescribed and used until the person's treatment of diabetes in pregnancy: Standards of care in diabetes
plan and A1C are optimized for pregnancy. TO —2023.Diabetes Care 2023; 46 (Supplement 1): S254–

15.3Preconception counseling should address the importance of achieving glucose levels as close S266

to normal as safely possible, ideally A1C <6.5% (48 mmol/mol), to reduce the risk of © 2022 by the American Diabetes Association. Readers
congenital anomalies, preeclampsia , macrosomia, premature birth and other may use this article as long as the work is properly cited,
complications. TO the use is educational and nonprofit, and the work is not
altered. More information is available at https://www . Management of diabetes in pregnancy Yes255

All people with diabetes and reproductive potential multidisciplinary clinic that includes an registered dietitian nutritionist (RDN).
should be informed about the importance of endocrinologist, a maternal-fetal medicine Diabetes-specific counseling should include an
achieving and maintaining euglycemia as close as specialist, a registered dietitian nutritionist, and explanation of the risks to the mother and fetus
possible before conception and during pregnancy. a health care and education specialist. related to pregnancy and ways to reduce the risk,
Observational studies show an increased risk of diabetes, when available. b including glycemic goal setting, lifestyle and
diabetic embryopathy, especially anencephaly, 15.5 In addition to focused care on achieving A behavioral management, and medical nutrition
microcephaly, congenital heart disease, renal glycemic goals, standard preconception therapy (17). The most important diabetes-specific
anomalies, and caudal regression, directly care should be augmented with an component of preconception care is achieving
proportional to A1C elevations during the first 10 additional focus on nutrition, glycemic goals before conception. Furthermore,
weeks of pregnancy (3). Although observational diabetes education and screening the presence of microvascular complications is
studies are confounded by the association comorbidities and diabetes. b associated with an increased risk of disease
between elevated periconceptional A1C and other 15.6 People with diabetes of nicotine products progression and adverse
self-care behaviors, the quantity and consistency 2 pre-existing condition that is missing or including marijuana. l pregnancy outcomes
of data is compelling and supports the that is left must receive information about the risk screening tests (20). Diabetes-specific
recommendation to optimize blood glucose before of transmission s testing should include A1C,
conception, given that organogenesis occurs and/or progression of the vaccines creatinine, and urinary albumin-to-
primarily between 5 and 8 weeks. of gestation, Diabetic retinopathy. Ideally, dilated eye exams
routine, u creatinine ratio. Particular attention
with A1C <6.5% (48 mmol/mol), which is should be performed before pregnancy or in the
supleme should be paid to reviewing the list of
associated with the lowest risk of congenital first trimester, and then pregnant women should be
free utili potentially harmful medications, i.e.,
anomalies, preeclampsia, and preterm birth (3–7). monitored every trimester and for 1 year after
A systematic review and meta-analysis of ACE inhibitors (21,22), angiotensin receptor
delivery, as indicated by the degree of
observational studies of preconception care for blockers (21), and statins (22,23). A referral for a
retinopathy and as indicated. recommended
pregnant women with pre-existing diabetes comprehensive eye exam is recommended.
by the eye health professional. b
demonstrated lower A1C and reduced risk of birth People with pre-existing diabetic retinopathy will
defects, preterm birth, perinatal mortality, small- need close monitoring during pregnancy to
for-gestational-age births, and hospital admission. The importance of preconception care for lications
evaluate the progression of retinopathy and
all pregnant people is highlighted in
neonatal intensive care unit (8). provide treatment if indicated (24).
American College of Obstetricians and po 1 or type
There are opportunities to educate all adults Gynecologists (ACOG) Committee planning
and adolescents with diabetes and reproductive a Opinion 762, “Prepregnancy

potential about the risks of unplanned pregnancies pregnan Counseling” (16). Preconception
and about the best maternal and fetal outcomes counseling for pregnant women with pre-existing type 1 or
t woman
with pregnancy planning (8). Preconception type 2 diabetes is highly effective in reducing

counseling could avoid significant problems and the risk of congenital malformations and

associated costs in offspring should be discussed reducing the risk of preterm birth and admission
about family planning, including the benefits of to neonatal intensive care units. Preconception
long-term contraception, and effective counseling is also likely to reduce perinatal
contraception should be prepared and ready for mortality and small-for-gestational-age birth
(10–14). weight (17). A key
ar the appearance of complications, at
puberty or at the time of The point is the need to incorporate a question about
o, all adults and adolescents of childbearing pregnancy plans into the routine primary and gynecological
age should be educated about1) the risks of care of people with diabetes. Preconception care for people
malformations associated with unplanned pregnancies
with diabetes should include standard screening and care
reversible action and even mild hyperglycemia
recommended for anyone planning a pregnancy (16).
prescribe and use and2) the use of effective
Prescription of prenatal vitamins with at least 400mg of folic
one until the person contraception at all times to acid and 150mg of potassium iodide (18) is recommended
isstay em ini prevent pregnancy.
before conception. It is important to review and advise on
Preconception counseling using
the use of alcohol and recreational drugs, standard
developmentally appropriate educational
treatment includes diseases of
tools allows adolescent girls to make
well-informed decisions (8). Preconception and thyroid diseases, careful genetic testing of all
ve counseling resources designed for adolescents are s and prescription and over-the-counter medications, and a
available at no cost through the American Association of review of travel history and plans with special attention to
Diabetes (ADA) (15). areas known to have Zika virus. , as described by ACOG.
See Table 15.1 for additional details on the elements of
Preconception care
preconception care (16,19).
15.41 Generally, people with preexisting diabetes who Counseling about the specific risks of obesity in
are planning a pregnancy should begin pregnancy and lifestyle interventions to prevent and
receiving preconception care in a treat obesity are recommended, including referral to a
Yes256 Management of diabetes in pregnancy Diabetes CareVolume 46, Supplement 1, January 2023

The preconception plan should include:

w Table
Nutrition and medication plan to achieve glycemic goals before conception, including 15.1—Checklist
appropriate for preconception
monitoring care for
implementation, people with
continuous diabetes
glucose (16,19)
monitoring, and pump technology
w Preconception education should include:
Contraceptive plan to prevent pregnancy until glycemic goals are achieved
w Comprehensive
Management plan for general nutritional
health, gynecological evaluation
concerns, comorbidand recommendations
conditions or for:
recom - Overweight/obesity
complications, if present, or underweight
including hypertension, nephropathy, retinopathy;
15.7Control of fasting and
ations and thyroid dysfunction
Rh incompatibility; meal planning
postprandial blood Correction of nutritional deficiencies in the diet.
glucose is - CAFFEINE INTAKE
gestational as ininpre-
both - safe food preparation TECHNIQUE . w
existing mellitus in Lifestyle recommendations for:

pregnancy to achieve - MODERATE REGULAR EXERCISE

- Avoid hyperthermia (jacuzzis)
optimal glucose levels. Adequate sleep
Glucose goals are w Comprehensive diabetes self-management education
fasting plasma glucose w Diabetes in pregnancy counseling according to current standards, including the natural history of insulin resistance in
pregnancy and postpartum; preconception glycemic goals; avoid DKA/severe hyperglycemia; avoid severe
<95 mg/dL (5.3 mmol/L)
hypoglycemia; progression of retinopathy; PCOS (if applicable); fertility in people with diabetes; diabetes
and 1-h postprandial
genetics; risks for pregnancy,
glucose <140 mg/dL including spontaneous abortions, stillbirths, malformations enitas, macrosomia, labor and
(7.8 mmol/L) or 2-h premature birth, hypertensive disorders in pregnancy, w
postprandial glucose supplementation
<120 mg /dl (6.7
mmol/l). L). - Proper use of medications and supplies
The evaluation and health plan should include:
15.8 Some
Due to people with
increased pre-
red blood
w General assessment of general health w
existing diabetes
cell turnover, should
A1C is
Assessment of diabetes and its comorb ilties and complications, including DKA/severe
also check
slightly lowertheir blood
during hyperglycemia; severe hypoglycemia/d awareness of hypoglycemia; barriers to lipidemia,
glucose before
pregnancy meals.
in people withb attention; comorbidities such as hyper hypertension, NAFLD, PCOS and dysfunction
and without diabetes. thyroid; Complications c macrovascular age, nephropathy, neuropathy (including
autonomic dysfunction d the intestine and bladder) and retinopathy.
Ideally, the A1C goal in obstetric/gynecological, including history of: cesarean section,
w Background Screening
pregnancy is <6% (42 malformations c congenital or fetal loss, current contraceptive methods, azo disorders,
mmol/mol) if this can be hypertensive d postpartum hemorrhage, preterm birth, previous macrosomia,
achieved without incompatibility w thrombotic events (DVT/PE)
significant hypoglycemia, Review d current conditions and their suitability during pregnancy

but the goal can be The evaluation of

w diabetes comorbidities, including a comprehensive foot examination;
lowered to <7% (53 Co
complete soulological; ECG in people 35 years and older who have risk factor signs/symptoms
pre if necessary
and blood glucose
and, if abnormal, further evaluation; lipid panel; serum
postprandial, continuous
to prevent pregnancy.
monitoring of ina; TSH; and protein-to-creatinine ratio in urine
hypoglycemia. b
glucose can help achieve the •
15.9When A1Cused in addition
target to and
in diabetes w Genetic carrier status (based on history):
control ofpregnancy. b - CYSTIC FIBROSIS
15.10When used in addition to
of blood glucose, - Tay-Sachs disease
- thalassemia
targets traditional - Others if indicated
w Infectious disease
preprandial and
gluco and d
hyp e
n in
se ogl PAP test
e yce
yn Syphili
p or Vaccines should include: w
a s
1 et
ce continuco
5 a ous mpl Rubella w Chickenpox w
. lGlucose can be
d usedicat
addition to, butng Hepatitis B w Influenza
1 oso
a wit
1 b not be used
n foras a
blood h w Others if indicated
T e
h t glucose monitoring to
e achieve optimal pre-
and postprandial
glycemic goals.
t15.12Calculations my
of indicators
h Commonly used glucose
d management and A1C
s estimates should not be
used in pregnancy as
15.13Nutritional advice must
support c
a balance of

DKA, diabetic ketoacidosis; DVT/PE, deep vein thrombosis/pulmonary embolism; ECG, electrocardiogram; NAFLD, Management of diabetes in pregnancy Yes257
Yes258 Management of diabetes in pregnancy Diabetes CareVolume 46, Supplement 1, January 2023

Processed foods, fatty red meat, and sweetened The lower limits are based on the average
including fruits, vegetables, legumes,
foods and beverages should be limited (26). normal blood glucose during pregnancy (33). The
whole grains and healthy fats rich in
nutrients with n-3 fatty acids including nuts, lower limits do not apply to people with type 2

seeds and fish in the eating pattern. my Insulin physiology diabetes treated with nutrition alone.
Since early pregnancy is a time of increased insulin Hypoglycemia in pregnancy is defined and
sensitivity and lower glucose levels, many people with addressed in Recommendations 6.10–6.15
Pregnancy in people with normal glucose metabolism is type 1 diabetes will have lower insulin requirements (Section 6, “ Glycemic Objectives ”). These values
characterized by fasting blood glucose levels that are lower and an increased risk of hypoglycemia (27). At around represent optimal control to achieve safely. It will
than in the non-pregnant state due to insulin-independent 16 weeks, insulin resistance begins to increase and be a challenge for a type 1 to i can be ractic,
glucose uptake by the fetus and placenta and by mild total daily insulin doses increase linearly -5% per week achieve these goals, particularly can with
postprandial hyperglycemia and carbohydrate intolerance until week 36. This usually results in a doubling of the those diabetes
as a result of diabetogenic placental hormones. . In people daily insulin dose compared to the pre-pregnancy hypoglycemi you or ignorance of person
with pre-existing diabetes, glycemic goals are usually requirement. The insulin requirement levels off a achieve cannot n history of
achieved through a combination of insulin administration towards the end of the third trimester with aging of the these without hypoglycemia
and medical nutrition therapy. Because glycemic goals in placenta. A rapid reduction in insulin requirements
Significantly, the ADA suggests less sated
pregnancy are more stringent than in non-pregnant people, may indicate the development of placental
objectives in the clinical experience and ation of
it is important for pregnant people with diabetes to insufficiency (28). In people with normal pancreatic
consume consistent amounts of carbohydrates to equalize function, insulin production is sufficient to meet the
insulin dosage and avoid hyperglycemia or hypoglycemia. challenge of insulin resistance and maintain glucose
A1C in pregnancy
Referral to an RDN is important to establish a meal plan levels. However, in pe diabetes, In studies of people without preexisting
and insulin-to-carbohydrate ratio and determine weight
diabetes, increasing A1C levels within the normal
gain goals. The quality of carbohydrates must be
range is associated with adverse outcomes (34).
evaluated. A subgroup analysis of the CONCEPTT g monitoring
In the Hyperglycemia and Adverse Pregnancy
(Continuous Glucose Monitoring in Pregnant Women With Reflecting this physiology, fasting physiologic Outcomes (HAPO) study, increasing blood
Type 1 Diabetes Trial) study showed that the diets of and postprandial blood glucose al
glucose levels were also associated with worse
people planning to become pregnant and currently give them
monitoring is recommended to onas with outcomes (35). Observational studies in
pregnant evaluated during the pre-randomization phase achieve preexisting diabetes and pregnancy show the
were characterized by a high content of fat and low fat metabolic control lowest rates of adverse fetal outcomes in
in pregnant association with A1C <6–6.5% (42–48 mmol/mol)
consumption of fruits and vegetables was inadequate for
people with in early gestation (4–6.36). Clinical trials have not
every four participants in micronutrient ries, highlighting the
diabetes. evaluated the risks and benefits of achieving these
medical nutrition therapy (25). A nutrition during pregnancy
Preprandial testing is also recommended when goals, and treatment goals should take into
recommends a balance of macronutrients. You should
using insulin pumps or basal bolus therapy so that account the risk of maternal hypoglycemia by
avoid a diet that severely restricts any kind of
the dose of rapid-acting insulin can be adjusted setting an individualized goal of <6% (42
macronutrients, specifically the ketogenic diet that lacks
before meals. Postprandial monitoring is mmol/mol) to <7% (53 mmol/mol). Due to
carbohydrates, the Paleo diet due to EOS, and any diet
associated with better glycemic outcomes and a physiological increases in red blood cell turnover,
characterized by saturated fats. Nutrient-rich foods are
lower risk of preeclampsia (29–31). There are no A1C levels fall during normal pregnancy (37,38).
recommended, including beans, legumes, .
He adequately powered randomized trials comparing Additionally, because A1C represents an
whole grains, and
different fasting and postprandial glycemic targets integrated measure of glucose, it may not fully
Healthy fats with n-3 fatty acids
in diabetes during pregnancy. capture postprandial hyperglycemia, which drives
including nuts, seeds and fish, which ia of the
Similar to the ACOG-recommended goals (the upper macrosomia. Therefore, although A1C may be
are less likely to promote excessive pertos
limits are the same as for GDM, described below) (32), the useful, it should be used as a secondary measure
weight gain.
ADA-recommended goals for pregnant people with type 1 of glycemic outcomes in pregnancy, after blood

or type 2 diabetes are following: glucose monitoring.

In the second and third trimesters, A1C <6%
Fasting glucose 70–95 mg/dL (42 mmol/mol) has the lowest risk of large for
(3.9–5.3 mmol/L) and gestational age babies (36,39,40), preterm
One-hour postprandial glucose 110–140 birth (41), and preeclampsia (1,42). Taking all
mg/dL (6.1–7.8 mmol/L) or of this into account, a goal of <6% (42
Two-hour postprandial glucose 100–120 mg/dL mmol/mol) is optimal during pregnancy if it can
(5.6–6.7 mmol/L) be achieved without significant hypoglycemia.
The A1C goal in a given individual Management of diabetes in pregnancy Yes259

It must be achieved without hypoglycemia, alerts A prospective observational study including 20 GDM is characterized by an increased risk of
pregnant people with type 1 diabetes simultaneously
which, in addition to the usual adverse sequelae, large-for-gestational-age birth weight and
monitored with intermittent scanning CGM (isCGM)
can increase the risk of low birth weight (43). and real-time CGM (rtCGM) for 7 days in early neonatal and pregnancy complications and an
Given the alteration in red blood cell kinetics pregnancy demonstrated a higher percentage of time
below the range in the isCGM group. Therefore, increased risk of long-term maternal type 2
during pregnancy and the physiological changes in asymptomatic hypoglycemia measured by isCGM
should not necessarily lead to a reduction in insulin
diabetes and abnormal glucose metabolism in
glycemic parameters, A1C levels may need to be
dose and/or an increase in bedtime carbohydrate offspring in infancy. These associations with
monitored more frequently than usual (e.g. e.g., intake, unless these episodes are confirmed by blood
glucose meter measurements. blood glucose (51). maternal oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT)
CGM device selection should be based on each results are continuous without inflection points.
individual's circumstances, preferences, and needs.
Continuous Glucose Monitoring in Pregnancy Target range 63–140 mg/dL (3.5–7.8 mmol/L): In other words, long-term risks increase with
CONCEPTT was a randomized controlled trial (RCT) of real-time progressive maternal hyperglycemia. .
IRR, target >70%
continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) in addition to standard Time below range (<63 mg/dL [3 mmol/L]), target <4% Therefore, all pregnant people should be
care, including optimization of pre- and postprandial glucose Time below range (<54 mg clear (35.52). L screened as described in
goals versus standard care for pregnant people with type 1 mmol/L]), target <1% DMG untreated Section 2, “Diabetes
diabetes. Demonstrated the value of real-time CGM in Time above range mmol/L]), target <25% and style insulin reduced Classification and
pregnancy complicated by type 1 diabetes by showing mild behavior is an essential component of the
cellul It is likely that glucose
management of gestational diabetes mellitus and may
improvement in A1C without increased hypoglycemia and pres disturbance in childhood
be sufficient treatment for many people. Insulin should
reductions in large-for-gestational-age deliveries, length of
be added if necessary to achieve glycemic goals. TO
hospital stay, and hypoglycemia. neonatal (44) . An
15.15 Insulin is the preferred medication to treat
Diagnosis.” Although there is some
observational cohort study evaluating CGM-reported glycemic
hyperglycemia in gestational diabetes mellitus.
heterogeneity, many RCTs and a
variables found that lower mean glucose, lower standard
Metformin and glyburide should
Cochrane review suggest that the risk of GDM
deviation, and higher percentage time in target range were
not be used as first-line agents, can be reduced by diet, exercise and lifestyle
associated with lower risk of large-for-age births gestational and
as both cross the placenta to advice, particularly when interventions are
other adverse neonatal outcomes (45). Using CGM-reported
the fetus. A Other oral and initiated during the first trimester or early in the
mean glucose is superior to using estimated A1C, glucose
injectable hypoglycemic dL [7,8 second. (54–56). There are no intervention
control indicator, and other calculations to estimate A1C, given
medications without insulin trials in children of mothers with GDM. A meta-
the changes in A1C that occur during pregnancy (46). CGM
lack long-term safety analysis of 11 RCTs demonstrated that
time-in-range (TIR) can be used to assess glycemic outcomes in PREGNANCY ELLITUS metformin treatment during pregnancy does
people with type 1 diabetes, but does not provide actionable MANAGEMENT not reduce the risk of GDM in high-risk
data to address postprandial and fasting hypoglycemia or data. individuals with obesity, polycystic ovary
hyperglycemia. rec syndrome, or preexisting insulin resistance
The cost of CGM in complicated type 1 pregnancies is offset by 15.1 15.16 Metformin, when used (57).
better neonatal outcomes (47). but does not provide practical to treat PCOS and induce
data to address fasting and postprandial hypoglu. The cost of ovulation, should be stopped at Lifestyle and Behavior Management After
MC the end of the first trimester. diagnosis, treatment begins with medical nutrition
due to type 1 diabetes are compensated better results TO therapy, physical activity, and weight management,
maternal and neonatal (47). but does not provide actionable data 15.17 Telehealth visits for pregnant based on pregestational weight, as described below in
to address fasting and postprandial hypoglycemia diab
women with gestational diabetes the section on pre-existing type 2 diabetes as well as
or hyperglycemia. The cost of CGM in
mellitus improve outcomes compared to management. of glucose with the aim of achieving the
plicated by type 1 diabetes are offset by
standard in-person care. TO objectives recommended by the Fifth International

maternal and neonatal outcomes emia Workshop-Conference on Diabetes Mellitus

(47). complicated Gestational (59):

there is enough data to Fasting glucose <95 mg/dL (5.3 mmol/L)

give the use of CGM in people with type 2 and

diabetes or GDM (48,49). One-hour postprandial glucose <140 mg/dl

The international consensus on IRR (7.8 mmol/l) or


with (50) supports pregnancy goal ranges and

targets for IRR for people with type 1
diabetes using CGM as reported in
ambulatory glucose profiling; however, it
does not specify the type or accuracy of the device
or the need for alarms and
Yes260 Management of diabetes in pregnancy Diabetes CareVolume 46, Supplement 1, January 2023

• postprandial GLUCOSE at two hours <120 The tests may be useful in identifying those who are metformin

mg/dl (6.7 mmol/l) severely restricting carbohydrates to control blood Metformin was associated with a lower risk of
glucose. Simple carbohydrates will result in higher neonatal hypoglycemia and less maternal weight
The lower glycemic target limits defined above for excursions after meals. gain than insulin in systematic reviews (74,77–
pre-existing diabetes apply to insulin-treated GDM. 79). However, metformin easily crosses the
Depending on the population, studies suggest that placenta, resulting in cord blood metformin
between 70 and 85% of people diagnosed with GDM Physical activity levels.
according to the Carpenter-Coustan criteria can A systematic review demonstrated improvements
control GDM with lifestyle changes alone; It is in glucose control and reductions in the need for umbilical as high or higher levels
anticipated that this proportion will be even higher if simultaneous maternal (80,81). analysis
insulin initiation or insulin dose requirements with
of the Metformin study i station Diabetes:
the lower diagnostic thresholds of the International an exercise intervention. There was heterogeneity
Diabetes Association and Pregnancy Study Groups The Offspring Follow-U ofp (MiG TOFU) of 9-year-
in the types of effective exercise (aerobic,
are used (60). 7 to 9 years, the offspringold offspring exposed to
resistance or both) and the duration of exercise
metformin for treatment GDM were heavier and
(20-50 min/day, 2-7 days/week of moderate
the Auckland cohort
intensity) (67).
they had a waist-height ion and a
Medical nutrition therapy circumfere e waist higher than insulin (82).
Medical nutrition therapy for GDM is an individualized nce
exp This difference did not occur in the
Drug therapy
nutrition plan developed between the pregnant person Adelaide cohort. In two
Treatment of GDM with lifestyle and insulin has
and an RDN familiar with the management of GDM l use of metformin in PCOS pregnancy, 4-
been shown to improve perinatal outcomes in two
(61,62). The feeding plan should provide adequate year follow-up of offspring demonstrated higher
large randomized trials as summarized in a review
caloric intake to promote fetal/neonatal and maternal BMI and greater obesity in offspring exposed to
by the US Preventive Services Task Force. USA
health, achieve glycemic goals, and promote weight metformin (83,84). A follow-up study at 5–10 years
(68 insulin is the first line agent
gain, according to the 2009 Institute of Medicine showed that the offspring had higher BMI, weight-
recommendations (63). There is no definitive research to-height ratios, waist circumferences, and a
recommended for treatment in in
that identifies a specific optimal caloric intake for borderline increase in fat mass (84,85). A recent
the USA. USA Although RCTs they
people with GDM or that suggests that their caloric meta-analysis concluded that metformin exposure
limited effectiveness of met support the
needs are different than those of pregnant people resulted in smaller neonates with postnatal growth
without GDM. The meal plan should be based on a Glyburide (71) is 69.70) and the is
acceleration, resulting in higher BMI in infancy
nutritional assessment using a National Institute of recommended for the DMG, these ofagents
are not
Medicine dietary reference intake guideline. The treatment of GDM for the first treatment that are
Double-blind, randomized controlled trials
recommended dietary reference intake for all pregnant placenta and data. known to have long-term
comparing metformin with other therapies for
people is a minimum of 175 g of carbohydrates, a safety
ovulation induction in people with polycystic ovary
minimum of 71 g of fiber, and 28 g of fiber (64). The term for offspring are cause for concern (32).
syndrome have not demonstrated benefits in
nutrition plan should emphasize monounsaturated Furthermore, in separate RCTs, glyburide and
preventing miscarriage or GDM (86), and there is
polyunsaturated fats while limiting saturated fats and metformin failed to achieve adequate glycemic no need-based in evidence of continuing
avoiding trans fats. As with all nutritional therapies in outcomes in 23% and 25–28% of participants with metformin in
people with diabetes, the amount and type of GDM, respectively 72,73).
carbohydrates will affect glucose levels. The current
recommended amount of carbohydrates is 175 g, or -
35% of a 2000 calorie diet. The release of higher Sulfonylureas
quality, denser nutrients results in control of Sulfonylureas are known to cross the placenta
mealtime/fasting, less acids, better insulin action and and have been associated with increased this people. (87–89).
vascular benefits and may reduce excess childhood neonatal hypoglycemia. Glybenclamide There are some people with GDM who require
adiposity. People who substitute fat for carbohydrates concentrations in umbilical cord plasma are medical treatment and may not be able to use insulin
may increase approximately 50 to 70% of maternal levels safely or effectively during pregnancy due to cost,
(72,73). In meta-analyses and systematic reviews, language barriers, understanding, or cultural
glyburide was associated with a higher rate of influences. Oral agents may be an alternative for
neonatal hypoglycemia, macrosomia, and these individuals after discussing the known risks and
increased neonatal abdominal circumference than the need for more long-term safety data in the
insulin or metformin (74,75). offspring. However, due to the potential for growth
Glyburide was not found to be restriction or acidosis in the event of insufficiency

unintentionally lipolysis, promote elevated levels of inferior to insulin based on a composite outcome placental infection, metformin should not be
free fatty acids and worsen maternal insulin resistance of neonatal hypoglycemia, macrosomia, and used in pregnant women with hypertension or
(65,66). ketone in hyperbilirubinemia (76). I don't know preeclampsia or in those at risk of
urine on an long-term safety data are available for intrauterine growth restriction (90,91).
empty stomach
offspring exposed to glyburide (76). Management of diabetes in pregnancy Yes261

Insulin It may be appropriate for pregnancy because the
Insulin should
15.18 Insulin use should
be follow
used the guidelines
to control below.
type Both
1 diabetes in pregnancy.
Insulin is the
glucose preferred
threshold for agent for the management of type 2 diabetes in pregnancy. b
15.19 Both multiple
multiple daily daily
and insulin insulin
pump technology can
continuous is in the
be used range of premeal
in pregnancies and overnight
complicated by type 1 diabetes . C
subcutaneous insulin infusion are reasonable glucose target values in pregnancy and may allow for
but may require much higher doses of insulin,
15.20Pregnant women
management with and
strategies typeneither
1 or type 2 diabetes
has been should be
shown to prescribed
more low-dose
aggressive prandial aspirin
dosing. of
See100 to 150 mg/day starting
SENSOR at 12requiring
sometimes to 16 weeks of gestation
concentrated to reduce
bethe risk oftopreeclampsia.
superior the other during pregnancy (92). formulations. Insulin is the preferred treatment for
e A dose of 162 mg/day may be acceptable e ; currently, in the USA. In the US, low-dose aspirin is available in 81 type
mg tablets.
2 diabetes in pregnancy. An RCT of
INSULIN DELIVERY SYSTEMS in Section 7, “ metformin added to insulin for the treatment of
MANAGEMENT OF TYPE 1 DIABETES Diabetes Technology,” for more information on these systems.
type 2 diabetes found less maternal weight gain
DIABETES and fewer cesarean deliveries. There were fewer
IN PREGNANCY macrosomic neonates, but the number of little
Insulin use ones
before gestational age 7). Like
Diabetes type 1
In type 1 diabetes, insulin requirements are
Pregnant women with type 1 diabetes are at
reduced shortly after delivery.
increased risk of hypoglycemia in the first
trimester and, like all pregnant women, have an
The associated and other
altered counterregulatory response in pregnancy
comor risk nsion of being as tall or
that may decrease awareness of hypoglycemia.
with s typetaller
2 diabetes that with
Educating people with diabetes and their families
diabetes type diabetes is better
about the prevention, recognition, and treatment of
controlled and shorter apparent
hypoglycemia is important before, during, and
the to be more
after pregnancy.
common in the third trimester in those with type 2
diabetes, compared to the first trimester in those
help prevent and control the risks of
with type 1 diabetes (108,109).
hypoglycemia. Insulin resistance falls rapidly with
placental delivery.
The physiology of pregnancy requires frequent
titration of insulin to adapt to changing Pregnancy is a ketogenic state, and people PREECAMPSIA AND ASPIRIN
requirements and underlines the importance of with type 1 diabetes and, to a lesser extent, those Insulin use
frequent daily monitoring of blood glucose. Due to with type 2 diabetes, are at risk of diabetic
the complexity of insulin management in ketoacidosis (DKA) with lower blood glucose
pregnancy, referral to a specialized center that levels than in the non-pregnant state. Pregnant
offers team care (with team members including a people with type 1 diabetes should be given
maternal-fetal medicine specialist, an ketone strips and receive education on the
endocrinologist, or another health professional prevention and detection of DKA. The oncarries a
with experience in the management of pregnancy high risk of stillbirth.
and pre-existing diabetes, RDN, health care
Those on DKA who cannot eat often require 10%
dextrose with an insulin drip to adequately meet
diabetes and education specialist the higher carbohydrate demands of the placenta
social worker, as needed resource is and fetus in the third trimester to resolve their
available. ketosis.
No human insulin preparations have and Retinopathy is a special concern in pregnancy.
been shown to the
The necessary rapid implementation of euglycemia in
currently available the the setting of retinopathy is associated with worsening
(92–97). If The insulinsplacenta
studied in of retinopathy (106).
in RCTs (98– studies are preferred to
Diabetes in pregnancy is associated with an
1 cohort 2), the
increased risk of preeclampsia (110). The US
is case reports.
your Preventive Services Task Force. USA
In many health professionals prefer insulin during Type 2 diabetes
recommends the use of low-dose aspirin (81
pregnancy, it is not superior to multiple injections Type 2 diabetes is often associated with obesity.
mg/day) as a preventive medication at 12 weeks
103,104). None of the current systems The recommended weight gain during pregnancy
for overweight people is 15 to 25 pounds and for of gestation in people at high risk of preeclampsia

those who are obese is 10 to 20 pounds (63). There (111). However, a meta-analysis and an additional
Closed-loop insulin pump hybrids approved by the US
are no adequate data on optimal weight gain versus trial demonstrate that low-dose aspirin <100 mg is
Food and Drug Administration. USA (FDA) meets
weight maintenance in pregnant women with a BMI not effective in reducing preeclampsia. Low-dose
pregnancy goals. However, predictive low glucose
>35 kg/m 2 . aspirin >100 mg is required (112–114). A cost-
suspension technology has been shown to
benefit analysis has concluded that this approach

(PLGS) in non-pregnant people is better than Optimal glycemic goals are usually would reduce morbidity, save lives, and reduce
sensor-augmented insulin pumps (SAP) to reduce low easier to achieve during pregnancy with type 2 health care costs (115).
glucose values (105). diabetes than with type 1 diabetes
Yes262 Management of diabetes in pregnancy Diabetes CareVolume 46, Supplement 1, January 2023 Management of diabetes in pregnancy Yes263

Studies are needed to evaluate the long-term effects of they had an even better composite outcome score POST-PARTUM CARE
than those without diabetes (118).
prenatal aspirin exposure on offspring (116).
As a result of the CHAP study, ACOG recommendations
issued a Practice Advisory recommending a 15.23 Insulin resistance decreases dramatically
blood pressure of 140/90 mmHg as a threshold immediately after delivery, and insulin
for initiation or titration of medical therapy for requirements should be evaluated and
recommendations chronic hypertension in pregnancy (119) adjusted, as they are often about half of pre-
15.21 In pregnant women with diabetes and instead of the recommended threshold pregnancy requirements for the first few days
chronic hypertension, a blood previously 160/110 mm Hg (120). after delivery. c
The CHAP study provides additional guidance
pressure threshold of 140/90 mmHg 15.24 A plan should be discussed and
for the management of hypertension in pregnancy.
for initiation or titration of therapy is implemented
Data from the previously published Control of
associated with better pregnancy plan antic person reprod
Hypertension in Pregnancy Study (CHIPS) support
outcomes than reserving treatment for of gestational diabetes or with all ages
a target blood pressure goal of 110–135/85 mmHg
severe hypertension, with no mellitus 4 and 12 in age
to reduce the risk of uncontrolled maternal
increased risk of birth weight. born weeks after arto, using
hypertension and minimize fetal growth impairment
small for gestational age. A There are you sound with a
(120–135/85 mmHg). 122). The 2015 study (121) 15.25Exa
limited data on the optimal lower limit, excluded pregnancies complicated by pre-existing the
but therapy should be reduced for diabetes and only 6% of participants had GDM at oral glucose tolerance of 75 g and
blood pressure <90/60 mmHg. A the time of enrollment. There was no difference in clinically appropriate non-pregnancy
blood pressure goal of 110 to 135/85 pregnancy loss, neonatal care, or other neonatal diagnostic criteria. b

mmHg is suggested in order to reduce outcomes in the more stringent versus less 15.26 Overweight/obese people
the risk of accelerated maternal stringent hypertension control groups. with a history of gestational diabetes
hypertension. TO During pregnancy, ACE inhibitors and sinin mellitus who present with prediabetes
15.22 Potentially harmful medications during blockers are contraindicated, fetal renal should receive intensive lifestyle interventions
pregnancy (i.e., ACE inhibitors, angiotensin dysplasia, pulmonary lesions, and respiratory and/or metformin to prevent diabetes. TO
receptor blockers, statins) should be restriction. 15.27Breastfeeding is recommended to
discontinued before conception and avoided to ACE inhibitor in the first ion (121). reduce the risk of maternal type 2
in sexually active persons of childbearing trimester does not appear to I lie with the diabetes and should be considered
potential who are not using reliable methods be associated with congenital flowers of when choosing whether to breastfeed
of contraception. b Angi receptors the
or formula feed. b
malformations (123).
because it can 15.28 People with a history of gestational
cause growth
diabetes mellitus should undergo
In normal pregnancy, blood pressure is oligohydram rauterino (21). lifelong screening for the development
lower than in the non-pregnant state RCT of U io found that after of type 2 diabetes or prediabetes every
Chronic Hypertension and Pregnancy adjus factors of confusion, exposure
1 to 3 years. b
t ACE inhibitors and angiotensin receptor
(CHAP) Consortium Trial on the Treatment of Mild 15.29 People with a history of gestational diabetes
blockers should be discontinued as early as mellitus should seek preconception diabetes
Chronic Hypertension During Pregnancy
possible in the first trimester to avoid fetopathy in screening and preconception care to identify
Demonstrated Blood Pressure of 140/90 mmHg
the second and third trimesters (123). and treat hyperglycemia and prevent birth
ral for start or
Antihypertensive drugs known to be effective and defects. my
reduces the
safe during pregnancy include methyldopa,
ersos of 15.30 Postpartum care should include
nifedipine, labetalol, diltiazem, clonidine, and
omit fetal health. psychosocial assessment and self-
prazosin. Atenolol is not recommended, but other
CHAP study mitigates concerns about care support. my
small for b-blockers can be used, if necessary. Chronic use
gestational age. of diuretics during pregnancy is not recommended
Mean ± SD blood
pressure as it has been associated with restricted maternal Gestational diabetes mellitus
the titration of
measurements plasma volume, which may reduce uteroplacental Initial tests
the incidence of achieved in the
perfusion (124). Based on available evidence, Because GDM often represents previously
pregnant treated vs. untreated
groups were systolic 129.5 ± 10.0 vs. statins should also be avoided during pregnancy undiagnosed prediabetes, type 2 diabetes, young
132.6 ± 10.1 mmHg (difference (125). adulthood-onset diabetes, or even the development of
between groups 3.11 [95% CI] : 3.95
to 2.28]) and diastolic 79.1 ± 7.4 See pregnancy and antihypertensive medications in type 1 diabetes, people with GDM should be
versus 81.5 ± 8.0 mmHg (2.33 [2.97 Section 10, “ Cardiovascular Disease and Risk
to 0.04]) (118). Individuals with diabetes
Management ,” for more information about blood pressure
control during pregnancy.
Yes264 Management of diabetes in pregnancy Diabetes CareVolume 46, Supplement 1, January 2023

tested for persistent diabetes or prediabetes between pregnancy outcomes (131) and a higher risk of GDM, and reduce the risk of other complications.
4 and 12 weeks postpartum with a fasting OGTT of 75 while in people with a BMI >25 kg/ m2 , weight loss is Therefore, all people of childbearing potential
g using non-pregnancy criteria as described in Section associated with a lower risk of developing GDM in with diabetes should review their family
2, “Classification and diagnosis of diabetes ,” subsequent pregnancy (132). The development of type planning options at regular intervals to ensure
specifically Table 2.2 .In the absence of unequivocal 2 diabetes is 18% higher per unit increase in BMI
that effective contraception is implemented and
hyperglycemia, a positive screen for diabetes requires relative to pre-pregnancy BMI at follow-up, highlighting
maintained. This applies to people in the
two abnormal values. If both fasting plasma glucose the importance of effective weight control after GDM
immediate postpartum period. People with
($126 mg/dL [7.0 mmol/L]) and 2-h plasma glucose (133). Additionally, postpartum lifestyle interventions
diabetes have the same contraceptive options
($200 mg/dL [11.1 mmol/L]) are abnormal in a single are effective in reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes
and recommendations as people without
blood glucose test detection, then the diagnosis of (134
diabetes. Long-acting reversible contraception
diabetes is made. If only one abnormal value on the
Both metformin and intensive lifestyle therapy may be ideal for people with diabetes and of
OGTT meets the criteria for diabetes, the test should
prevented progression to diabetes and prediabetes childbearing age.
be repeated to confirm that the abnormality persists.
and history
Testing OGTT immediately after delivery, while still
with any of the prevent a case of diabetes
hospitalized, has shown improved test participation but References
5) . In these individuals, the Anticon
also variably reduced sensitivity for the diagnosis of 1. Dabelea D, Hanson RL, Lindsay RS, et
lifestyle and metformin progression to diabetes by 35% Ab
impaired fasting glucose, impaired glucose tolerance, al. In utero exposure to diabetes carries
and effectively, over 10 years in risks of type 2 diabetes and obesity: a study of
and type 2 diabetes. 2 (126,127).
comparison with placebo (136). If pregnancy has discordant sibships.
motivated the adoption of healthy nutrition, it is Diabetes 2000;49:2208–2211
Postpartum follow-up
recommended to take advantage of these 2. Holmes VA, Young IS, Patterson CC, et
OGTT on A1C is recommended between 4 and 12
achievements to support weight loss in the al.; Diabetes and Preeclampsia Intervention
weeks postpartum because A1C may be persistently
Trials Study Group. Optimal glycemic control,
postpartum period. (See Section 3, “Preventing
affected (decreased) by pregnancy-related increased preeclampsia, and gestational hypertension in women
red blood cell turnover, blood loss during delivery or by or delaying type 2 diabetes and associated
with type 1 diabetes in the Diabetes and Preeclampsia
the glucose profile of the previous 3 months. The comorbidities.”) Intervention Trial. Diabetes Care 2011;34:1683–1688
OGTT is more sensitive in detecting glucose 3. Guerin A, Nisenbaum R, Ray JG. Use of maternal GHb
Pre-existing type 1 and type 2 people with concentration to estimate the risk of congenital anomalies
intolerance, including prediabetes and diabetes.
diabetes in the offspring of women with diabetes before pregnancy.
People of childbearing age with prediabetes may MG. Only five and a
Six people with ediabet Diabetes Care 2007;30:1920–1925
develop type 2 diabetes around the time of their next history of
GDM must tryInsulin sensitivity increases 4. Jensen DM, Korsholm L, Ovesen P, et al.
pregnancy and will need preconception evaluation. Periconception A1C and risk of serious adverse pregnancy
interventions to dramatically with delivery of the
Because GDM is associated with an increased lifetime placenta. In one study, insulin outcomes in 933 women with type 1 diabetes. Diabetes
during 3 requirements in the immediate
maternal risk of diabetes estimated at 50 to 60%, Care 2009;32:1046–1048 5. Nielsen GL, Møller M,
postpartum period are approximately
interventio 34% lower than prepregnancy insulin Sørensen HT. HbA1c in early diabetic pregnancy and
people should also undergo 75 g every 1 to 3 years
ns they requirements (137). Insulin sensitivity then pregnancy outcomes:
from 4 to 12 weeks after normal. Continuous returns to pre-pregnancy levels over the next
1 to 2 weeks. For people taking insulin, special attention
evaluation is with any recommended glycemic test
should be paid to preventing hypoglycemia in the context of
(e.g. e.g., annual A1C, annual fasting plasma glucose, breastfeeding and erratic sleeping and feeding schedules

Considering the immediate nutritional and
People with a history of GDM have a 28,129), the immunological benefits of breastfeeding for the baby,
much higher risk of converting to type tests whether all mothers, including those with diabetes, should be
2 diabetes over time (129), and the OGTT of
supported in breastfeeding attempts.
people with GDM have a 10-fold childbirth is
Breastfeeding may also confer long-term metabolic
higher risk of developing type 2 ede perform
benefits to both the mother (139) and offspring
diabetes compared to people without GDM (128). The
(140). Breastfeeding reduces the risk of developing
absolute risk of developing type 2 diabetes after GDM
type 2 diabetes in mothers with previous GDM. It
increases linearly throughout a person's life, being
may improve metabolic risk factors in offspring, but
more studies are needed (141). However,

Gestational ellitus and breastfeeding may increase the risk of overnight

Diabetes 20% at hypoglycemia and insulin dosage may need to be
30% at 20 years, 40% at 30 years, 50% at 40 years
and 60% at 50 years (129). In the prospective Nurses' carrier for attention
Health Study II (NHS II), the subsequent risk of To effective conception is the fact that most
diabetes after a history of GDM was significantly lower pregnancies are not aborted. Pregnancy
in those who followed healthy eating patterns (130).
planning is essential in people with pre-existing
Adjusting for BMI attenuated this association
diabetes to achieve optimal glycemic goals
moderately, but not completely. Interpregnancy weight
necessary to prevent congenital malformations
gain is associated with a higher risk of adverse

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