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NOVEMBER 24, 2011


In Our Classroom Project we propose that our preschool boys and

girls make their first approaches to good coexistence and
friendship through play, where the central idea will lead us to
understand that the rules help us to coexist within the classroom.

Initial education is a permanent and continuous process of quality,
relevant and timely social interaction and relationships, which
allow children to enhance their abilities and develop their skills.
This project is part of a proposal developed for a preschool group
in a Kindergarten of a welfare nature, where boys and girls are
protagonists in the selection, elaboration and implementation of a
variety of collective-cooperative games as well as being able to be
protagonists of the teaching-learning process that takes place at
the classroom level.

Where an attempt is made to develop the understanding of the

other by carrying out common projects, knowing and respecting
the other, facing and resolving in a creative and community way
the conflicts that arise in the dynamics generated in said process,
can be some clues to a variety of questions that daily they present
themselves to us.

The boys and girls will strengthen their bonds of friendship through
play, opting for an active, participatory methodology where
everyone will be the protagonist of a proposal that will be built by
doing; living together an experience that will put coexistence into
play from the classroom.

Coexistence is the principle of society because without this will no
form of social organization is possible: accepting others among
whom we live is the basis of civility.
As teachers in training aimed at active pedagogy, we conceive
education as pointing out paths for personal and social self-
determination. Our classroom pedagogical project on “ PLAYING
AND LIVING WITH MY FRIENDS” allows us to develop and
accentuate the active character of the child in the learning
process, we interpret it as searching for meanings, criticizing,
inventing, investigating in permanent contact with reality; It gives
importance to the child's motivation and to the school-community
relationship, family and life.

As teachers, we are identified as animators, guides and catalysts

of the learning process; the classroom pedagogical project “ PLAY
AND LIVING WITH MY FRIENDS” and I allows active pedagogy to
be carried out between the teacher - student and interact and in
turn focus their interest on the nature of the child and tend to
develop in him his friendly spirit and coexistence in healthy peace,
without leaving behind his culture and context.

Given the difficulties that boys and girls present in the coexistence
part, it was decided to carry out a project that integrated the areas
of knowledge, play and coexistence:

Observing that where they presented the most difficulties was the
aspect of coexistence and friendship of the little ones.
The project brings together relevant characteristics such as
dynamism, creativity, curiosity and participation that facilitate
comprehensive development and contribute to the meaningful
learning of the boy and girl, taking play and the rules of
coexistence as the central axis.

Play is the main activity of childhood. By playing we develop

physically, mentally and emotionally; But, above all, playing we
have fun and enjoy.

If we add the word "school" to the word "game", the game

acquires an exceptional dimension as an instrument of learning,
cooperation and coexistence, where we will take games, physical,
intellectual, emotional and social development as support points.

Taking as reference the following Games:

 Rock, Paper and scissors;

 Bowling,
 Hopscotch,
 The I Spy,
 The secrets.

Aspects such as:

 Physical: Motor skills, body management.

 Intellectual: Learning by playing, increasing knowledge.

 Emotional: Affection, responsibility and self-confidence, joy,
respect for one's own and that of others.

 Social: Adaptation to the environment in which they live

(natural and human), trust in others, integration into the group,
rules of coexistence.


Design, develop, systematize and socialize the classroom
pedagogical proposal “ PLAY AND LIVING WITH MY FRIENDS ” in
the kindergarten, carrying it out with concrete experiences as a
way of learning for the child.
 Prevent the emergence of conflicts.
 Improve the climate of coexistence and work both in the

 Engage students in developing their own standards and


 Work on transversal themes: education for peace, tolerance,

and coexistence, civic and moral education.

 Prepare students to live and participate in a democratic

society like ours; It is therefore a useful and very “significant”
training for your life.

 Learn to work in groups and make proposals.

Analyze the proposals of others.

 Know the democratic processes.


 TRAINING FIELD: Personal and social development.

 ASPECT: Personal identity and autonomy.
 COMPETENCES: Understands that there are criteria, rules
and norms that regulate their conduct in the different areas
in which they participate.

 MANIFESTATIONS: Accepts and proposes rules for

coexistence, work and play.

Subsequently, the children will be asked what they know and

do not know regarding the topic of the didactic situation.

It will be explained to the children how it will be carried out,

how they will participate and what the activity consists of.


The activity will be carried out in turns, that is, one student
will be asked to come to the front to participate.

A mural with the necessary material will be placed on the

blackboard, where various positive or negative classroom
rules will be found; The student must only solve one
question; That is, if a positive token is found (which should
be done in the classroom), the student must look for the sign
(dove or cross) that corresponds to the previously observed
action. Thus the child will reflect on what he should and
should not do in the classroom in order to live together and
work in harmony.

The child will explain to the group why he used that token
and what should be done.

Later, other children will pass by to continue with the



Screening of Videos for kids. Strengthen The
NOVEMBER 21, children's videos Reading stories. dialogue and development
2011 where conflictive the expression and execution
situations occur. of feelings, to of the
solve problems scheduled
Then you can relate in the activity .
what you observed classroom.
with the information Reduce
acquired from conflict in
reading stories. children.

November 28, Children must give Paper Strengthen Participation of

WORKSHOP 2011 their opinion about Colbon group work boys and girls
PREPARATION the rules and Scissors and in the
OF ROOM regulations that are Markers. relationships completion of
REGULATION allowed within the between boys the
S classroom and those and girls. regulations.
guidelines that harm
daily coexistence.
DECEMBER 01, Carrying out active Hands and fingers. Strengthen Reduce tension
2011 and dynamic games. coexistence and stress in
GAMES through play. boys and girls
Once the game is in the
over, it will end with classroom.
relaxation using
classical music to
return to calm.

Rock, paper,
scissors: the game
begins with the
participants' hands

The open hand

represents paper,
the closed hand
means stone and the
two fingers forming
a V represent
scissors. Scissors
beat paper because
it cuts it and rock
beats scissors
because it breaks it.
Paper beats stone
because it wraps it.

The children say:

"rock, paper,
scissors" and show,
both at the same
time, their hands.

Then, find out who

wins. Yeah They
show the same
figure with their
hands, tie and start

December 5, Promote in boys and Stock video. Recognize Reduction of

VALUES 2011 girls values of that values conflicts in the
PRACTICE respect towards are an group of
WORKSHOP their peers in the important preschool boys
classroom. foundation in and girls.
the process of
December 12, Friends are helpful, Video, Strengthen Carrying out
2011 generous, loyal, Games, friendship. the activity,
FRIENDS ARE frank, Music. fulfilling the
WORKSHOP understanding, objective,
unconditional. strengthening
the bonds of
friendship in
boys and girls.
It will be evaluated based on the answers given by the children
and the observation of their participation in the scheduled initial

♥ Attitudes assumed in front of the group.

♥ The expression of opinions and feelings in the face of possible
♥ Participation and integration into the group.
♥ Respect for turns and acceptance of rules.
♥ Knowledge achieved in relation to the rules of coexistence.
♥ Different ways to resolve conflicts and problematic situations.

On the other hand, activities and observations that arise

anecdotally and in daily actions can be recorded, because they
may be important to highlight, since they would be significant for
the joint and periodic evaluation.

 The children will reflect on the purpose of the activity and
finally the work will be displayed and posted outside the room for
parents and other classmates to observe.



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