Types of Wounds

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The irregularity that the skin presents is known as a wound, which prevents its
continuity. These hurt the skin, creating scrapes or cuts that open the skin. In
the same way, they damage tissues and muscles depending on the element that
caused the injury. Wounds can bring certain complications such as an
infection, which occurs due to incorrect care, producing intense pain, fever
and can often worsen, creating shock and even death.

Causes of wounds Wounds can occur due to various factors, such as:

From burns.
For blows.
Cuts with sharp elements.

According to your appearance

Open wounds
These are wounds that are distinguished because the
skin is separated. This often requires stitches –
sutures – to unify the skin, although it depends on the
distance between the edges and their depth.

closed wounds
In this type of wound the skin is never separated, but it
generates bruising. Closed wounds are usually caused
by blows, and without proper care can obstruct proper
blood flow to an organ.

complicated wounds
It refers to the type of wound that appears deeper and
longer, causing very strong and abundant bleeding.
These wounds create certain injuries to the nerves,
muscles, organs internally and in blood vessels. They are the ones that are
recognized most quickly, since they tend to attract a lot of attention.
Simple wounds
These are wounds that occur only on the skin and do
not negatively affect the normal function of the body.
In other words, these are superficial wounds which are
very common, mainly in children. This only causes
local pain.

According to the cause

Puncture wounds
These are wounds that occur when sharp objects such
as hooks, needles, scissors, etc. enter through the skin.
These objects can create internal bleeding and/or can
affect the underlying cavities.

Burn wounds
As its name indicates, these are wounds caused by
direct contact with fire or by chemical compounds that
quickly destroy the skin.

Types of burn wounds

First degree wounds: these only occur on the surface

of the skin, in the epidermis. It is detected by local
redness and swelling, which causes pain when touched.

Second degree wounds: the burn affects both the first layer of the skin - the
epidermis - and the second - the dermis -. It is detected by the loss of skin in
the affected area, by the swelling and by the water blisters that usually create.

Third degree wounds: it is the most dangerous since it destroys the three
layers of the skin. It is caused by contact with very hot or very cold liquids or
by direct contact with fire.

Cutting wounds

This type of wound arises when the skin comes into

contact with sharp objects such as knives and glass.
Bleeding from this wound is slight, but can sometimes affect the nerves,
tendons and muscles.

Bruise wounds
They happen due to strong blows, such as falling to
the ground or when colliding with another body,
where the bones of the body exert a force against this
blow that affects the layers of the skin and internal
tissues from within. It is distinguished by the
irregularity of its edges and the scar that is created in
the area of the blow.

Scrape wounds
They are also often known as abrasions. They happen due
to the friction of the skin against a surface. This is a
simple wound but requires care as it can become infected.

Injuries from blows

They are known as bruises. It is a type of closed
wound that is identified by a dark, purple spot on the
The prefix "a" means The prefix "anti" means
negation, lack or absence; against, and we can define it
and "sepsis" infection or as the set of procedures that
contamination; Therefore the aim to destroy or eliminate
term asepsis is defined as polluting agents. • Process of
the absence of septic matter, destruction of contaminating
that is, the absolute lack of microorganisms

Absence of pathogenic Process of destruction of

microorganisms contaminating
Germ-free state microorganisms
It is one of the most important antisepsis practices,
since the hands are the main vehicle of exogenous
contamination of nosocomial infection.

From hands to elbows with chemical products, before performing an

invasive intervention or procedure, the use of:-Chlorhexidine 2%-
Povidone Iodine 8-10% is recommended.


• Produce abundant foam.

• Place the palm of your right hand on the back and rub. Then do the same with
the other hand.
• Rub your palms together with your fingers interlaced. Rub the back of your
fingers with the palm of your right and left hands respectively.
• Wash each thumb with rotating movements within the palm of the opposite
• Rub each wrist with the opposite hand, in circular motions, then your forearms.

• Continue with the lower part of the arm.

• It ends at the elbow.
• Rinse from the tips of your fingers, allowing it to drain towards your elbow.
• Go to the pavilion with your hands raised at eye level.
• Proceed to dry your hand starting with the fingers, interdigital spaces, palm,
back, forearm and elbow, turn the towel over and dry the other hand in the
same way.
• Discard the towel and place it in the indicated place.

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