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Reading images to promote literacy in students of the

“Jorge Basadre” Educational Institution of Santa
María del Valle, Huánuco – 2023.

To obtain the academic degree of bachelor in primary education


ESTRADA PEÑA, Isabel Ignacio


Mg. HONORS MOYA, Marco Antonio

Huánuco – Peru

Advisor Approval

Huánuco, April 25, 2023.

Sir: Mg. Elmer Pedro Serna Roman

General Director of the EESPP. “Marcos Duran Martel” from Huánuco.


With my cordial greetings in mind, hereby and in my capacity as Advisor I give my

APPROVAL OF THE THESIS entitled: Reading images to promote reading and

writing in students of the “Jorge Basadre” Educational Institution of Santa María del

Valle, Huánuco – 2023 . Presented by: ESTRADA PEÑA, Isael Ignacio , from the

Continuing Training Program for Baccalaureate in Primary Education of the “Marcos

Duran Martel” School of Higher Pedagogical Education in Huánuco. Therefore I

request your APPROVAL OF THE THESIS according to the regulations.

Thanking you for the attention you have given to this document, and reiterating my

cordial greetings, I remain with you.


Mg. Marco Antonio Honores Moya
Advisory Teacher

To God, for giving me health and

wisdom to face every obstacle in my

life, and to the people who always

trusted me.

Isabel Ignacio

My sincere and special thanks and recognition to those who contributed to the

completion of the thesis, especially:

 To our alma mater, “Marcos Durán Martel” Public Pedagogical Higher Education

School, for being forgers and promoters of new leaders in Primary Education.

 To the teachers for guiding us during the time of our high school training.

 To my family for always supporting me during my career as a trainer and graduate


 To the EI “Jorge Basadre” from Santa María del Valle for allowing this research

work to be carried out, especially to the students of 1st “B” for being the main


The investigator
Declaration of authenticity

I, ESTRADA PEÑA, Isael Ignacio , from the Teaching Professionalization

Program, Baccalaureate 2023 in Primary Education of the “Marcos Duran Martel”

Public Pedagogical Higher Education School, identified with DNI 44099908, present

the Thesis titled: “Reading images to promote literacy in students of the “Jorge

Basadre” Educational Institution of Santa María del Valle, Huánuco – 2023”, and;

I declare under oath that:

1. The thesis is my authorship.

2. I have respected the international standards of citations and references for the

sources consulted, according to APA-7. Therefore, the thesis has not been

plagiarized in whole or in part.

3. The thesis has not been self-plagiarized, that is, it has not been previously

submitted or published to obtain any previous academic degree or professional


4. The data presented in the results are real, they have not been falsified, duplicated,

or copied and therefore the results presented in the thesis will constitute

contributions to the reality investigated.

If the lack of fraud (false data), plagiarism (information without citing

authors), self-plagiarism, piracy (illegal use of other people's information) or

falsification is identified, I assume the consequences and actions that arise from my

action, subjecting myself to the regulations of the EESPP. “Marcos Duran Martel.”

Huánuco, April 2023

The author

APPROVAL OF THE ADVISOR....................………………….......………..........…

DEDICATION.......….......................…………....………....….. .…....……......… 3

THANK YOU...…………………………......……..……....………....…4


AUTHENTICITY................................................... ...................5

INDEX.......………………………………..……....………...…….....…...…….…. .6

CHAPTER I: Research problem ………………………………….….…7

1.1 Statement of the problem…………………………………………..……..... 7

1.2 Formulation of the problem: General and Specific…………………………... 11
1.3 Formulation of objectives: General and Specific…………………………..…12
1.4 Justification…………………………………………………………….…......13

CHAPTER II: Thematic approach ………………………………………...16

2.1 Background of the research: International, National and
2.2 Theoretical references………………………………………………………….…
2.3 Conceptual

CHAPTER III: Methodological Framework ………………………………….

3.1 Scope: Type, level, method and design……………………………………..….…
3.2 Population, sample and sampling……………………………………………….…
3.3 Information search strategies: Procedures, Techniques and
3.4 Log: (Minimum 05: international, national and local/departmental)……..…..41

Font type Bibliographic

Author(s) Year of publication

Qualification Vol, Ed, p. ISNN,


3.5 Research ethics……………………………………………………………… 44

CONCLUSIONS………………………………………………………… . 45
BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCES …………………………………………….. 46

Chapter I

Research Problem

1.1 Problem Statement

Reading and writing is a transforming instrument of society because thanks

to these, human beings understand reality in a critical and reflective way to face the

problems that arise in their lives. That is why learning to read and write is the basis

for the development of other learning in school and in much of life.

In the school context at a global level, it can be perceived that students at all

levels (initial, primary, and secondary) present difficulties in literacy skills, these are

evidenced in the internal and external tests that measure them (PISA). . Likewise,
difficulties have been identified in the process of acquiring reading and writing in

students, especially in those who are studying the first grades; This is due to the

various changes that have emerged in society, such as the excessive use of

technology, lack of parental support; Likewise, the impact left by the Covid_19

pandemic, which alarmingly diminished students' reading and writing habits.

This research arises from contextualized situations in the educational

institution where it is evident that children in the first grade of primary school present

difficulties in the process of acquiring reading and writing; That is, we can see

children who cannot read or write, it is difficult for them and this can occur due to

various factors such as cognitive, contextual, as well as family.

Reading and writing in school play a primary role, because although it is not

the only means of interaction and learning, it is the most widely used; Thus, when

there are no good foundations in the acquisition of these processes, difficulties may

arise during the teaching-learning process; Therefore, the importance of recognizing

the psychic and motor processes that are required for a good reading and writing


Thus, on many occasions it is evident in the classroom that students, despite

being willing to carry out the reading-writing process, find it difficult to adapt to these


When investigating the possible causes of this difficulty, it is evident that

students have fathers, mothers or caregivers who use a permissive parenting style,

who do not instill reading and writing habits in their children.

According to Torío et. to the. (2008): Children raised under this model grow

up overprotected, with little discipline and their opinions are rarely taken into account.

In turn, parents avoid punishments and rewards, making it difficult to establish clear

rules, but neither do parents. guide, therefore, children hinder appropriate behavior in

the classroom, as well as affect the academic process .

In this sense, although everyone, Government, Institution, directors, teachers,

parents, students, are aware of the importance of developing reading and writing

communicative competence, the results of internal and external evaluations at the

local, regional, national and international reflect that there are major shortcomings in

its development (Alcívar, 2016; Godoy, (2016); Reina, (2016)

In recent years, the Ministry of Education, in its desire to improve the

achievement levels of Peruvian education, has been carrying out census evaluations

with the purpose of knowing the level of student performance that students present.

From these evaluations we have been able to learn about some of the limitations that

our students have in reading and writing, this being reflected in the results obtained in

the census evaluations that are applied each year at the national level.

It is worth highlighting the lack of interest of some students in putting these

relevant activities into practice, which increasingly means that the levels of

achievement expected in the area of Communication are not positive. Aspects such as

technology and other virtual media cause them to lose interest in reading and writing;

This is accompanied by the lack of support from parents in instilling reading and

writing habits in their children.

If, from the first years of life, an individual is close to reading (expert

opinions agree), the ability to read and write develops naturally as a complement to


Students can read comprehensively not only written texts but also images,

vignettes, photographs. Reading images is a very interesting activity to practice with

children who are not literate or who are going through the first stages of reading and

writing. Harmonious synthesis of drawing and color, encourage imaginative flight and

encourage the reader's potential to create and experience situations of various kinds.

(María Elena Camba 2010)

According to information: Currently, our country is going through an

educational crisis regarding the level of reading and mathematics comprehension

according to the PISA evaluation, where Peru occupies the last place of 65 countries

evaluated, this has been affected even more as consequence of school closures due to

the COVID-19 pandemic. (Minedu, 2019)

On the other hand, “The Huánuco region is considered one of the regions that

maintains a low educational level in aspects of reading comprehension, 17%

according to the census evaluation.” (Minedu-2019). This refers to the students' little

interest in reading aspects.

The implementation of new ways of working, constantly encouraging

students to read and write through various strategies will make this educational

problem gradually improve; Otherwise, if we do not change this situation, the results

will continue to be negative and the competencies that we want to achieve in the

students will be defective. We will not obtain expected learnings and achievements.
In order to reverse the problem regarding the lack of interest in reading and

writing habits, I present my research work titled: “Reading images to promote reading

and writing in students of the 1st grade “B” of the “Jorge Basadre” Educational

Institution. Santa María del Valle – 2023” as a way to contribute to solving the

problem of students' reading and writing deficit. Likewise, encourage reading and

writing habits in them to improve learning achievements and satisfactorily develop the

skills required in the area of Communication.

The reading of images will be carried out with children of the III cycle of

primary education, where they will interact with various types of visual-educational

images during learning activities with the purpose of promoting and establishing

literacy habits that allow them to satisfactorily develop the skills of the

communication area.

To consolidate the study, we have formulated the following question to

accommodate the formulation of the problem:

1.2 Problem formulation

1.2.1 General

What is the relationship that exists between reading images and the

development of literacy of the students of 1st grade B of the “Jorge Basadre”

Educational Institution of Santa María del Valle – Huánuco 2023?

1.2.2 Specific

What is the relationship that exists between reading images and reading and

writing in the “before reading” dimension of the students of the 1st grade “B” of the

“Jorge Basadre” Educational Institution of Santa María del Valle – Huánuco 2023?
What is the relationship that exists between reading images and reading and

writing in the dimension of “during reading” of the students of the 1st grade “B” of

the “Jorge Basadre” Educational Institution of Santa María del Valle – Huánuco

2023 ?

What is the relationship that exists between reading images and reading and

writing in the “after reading” dimension of the students of the 1st grade “B” of the

“Jorge Basadre” Educational Institution of Santa María del Valle – Huánuco 2023?

1.3. Goals

1.3.1 General:

Determine the relationship that exists between reading images and the

development of reading and writing of the students of the 1st grade “B” of the “Jorge

Basadre” Educational Institution of Santa María del Valle – Huánuco 2023.

1.3.2 Specific:

Determine the relationship that exists between reading images and the

development of literacy in the “before reading” dimension of the students of the 1st

grade “B” of the “Jorge Basadre” Educational Institution of Santa María del Valle –

Huánuco 2023.

Determine the relationship that exists between reading images and the

development of literacy in the dimension of “during reading” of the students of the 1st

grade “B” of the “Jorge Basadre” Educational Institution of Santa María del Valle –

Huánuco 2023.

Determine the relationship that exists between reading images and the

development of literacy in the dimension of “after reading” of the students of the 1st
grade “B” of the “Jorge Basadre” Educational Institution of Santa María del Valle –

Huánuco 2023.

1.4 Justification

There is a theoretical justification, because the purpose of the research is to

provide knowledge about what already exists. The reading of images to promote

reading and writing in the students of the 1st grade "B" of the Educational Institution

"Jorge Basadre" Santa María del Valle - Huánuco, will serve as a theoretical basis to

contribute to the problem of reading and writing deficiency in children and first grade


In this sense, it should be noted that to achieve significant learning in aspects

of reading and writing, it is important to use teaching materials such as icon-visual

images, which will be of great contribution to the student who is the main architect of


According to Pizarro (2007), the importance of reading images focuses

exclusively on the fact that students can read comprehensively not only written texts

but also images, vignettes, photographs, and plates. Reading images is a very

interesting activity to practice with children who are not literate or who are going

through the first stages of reading and writing.

There is a practical justification, because the research serves as a diagnostic

evaluation so that the directors, teachers and parents of the institution in question can

develop coordinated improvement actions on this pedagogical problem and from their

perspectives help minors adopt reading and writing habits which will help to

successfully develop their communicative skills.

That is to say; By reading images, students have to improve aspects of reading

and writing, adopting habits that allow them to successfully develop the skills

required in the area of Communication and be able to function in all areas of their life.

Steps to follow when reading images:

Images must be selected very well. It is important that they present several

planes, that is, that they have "depth", so that the student discovers the different

elements and relates them to each other within a spatial context, until reaching the

final perception.

To critically read images it is important to follow a series of steps:

1) You have an overall vision.

2) The objects that compose it and their internal relationship are analyzed.

3) Their meaning is interpreted (taking into account that they are carriers of visual

symbols and messages and can generate different meanings).

There is a methodological justification, since reading images is a

methodological strategy, because it involves carrying out a series of activities to

achieve an established learning purpose.

The following research puts into consideration an objective and appropriate

methodological strategy, based on a valid type, level, design, technique and

instruments that can be used in other studies that are related to the problem of literacy

deficiencies. That is, an adequate methodological strategy will enable the student to

develop aspects related to reading and writing in a favorable and effective manner.

According to Ruiz R. (2007) Literacy is a process and a strategy. As a

process we use it to get closer to understanding the text. As a teaching-learning

strategy we focus on the intrinsic relationship of reading and writing, and use it as an

integrated communication and metacognition system. Teaching literacy consists of

providing activities that stimulate the development of coding, decoding and

interpretation skills of textual content.

That is, according to what was expressed by Ruiz R. (2007), reading and

writing can be considered both a process and a strategy. As a process, it is used to

achieve a better understanding of the text, while as a teaching and learning strategy, it

focuses on the relationship that exists between reading and writing, using them as an

integrated system of communication and metacognition. To teach literacy, activities

must be provided that encourage the development of skills related to encoding,

decoding and interpreting the contents present in the text.

Chapter II
Thematic Approach

2.1 Background: International, National and Local/Departmental

2.1.1 Internationally

Espinosa et. to the. (2020) with his thesis titled “Reading images as a teaching

strategy for the development of communicative-writing competence.” Presented at the

University of Córdova, Colombia. The objective of this research was to analyze the

influence of the application of a didactic strategy based on image reading for the

development of communicative-writing competence in 3rd grade primary school

students of the Nueva Esperanza Educational Center No. 2 of the Sahagún

municipality - Córdoba. Who reaches the following conclusions:

 The study through the methodology used for its scope was developed under a

qualitative approach, case study, the participants were made up of 9 3rd grade

students, the information collection techniques were observation, the focus group,

also The diagnostic and final evaluation was used.

 All these elements contributed to the design of a teaching strategy that included

syntactic, pragmatic and semantic components based on image reading, which when

applied and evaluated gave authentic results in terms of the micro, macro and

superstructural levels of the written text, developing the competence communicative

writer in mentioned students.

 Finally, the study concludes in the value that the teaching strategy represents as

beneficial for 3rd grade students of primary school, it is also transferable to other

courses of the school and the entire community of the Educational Center, both

teachers, directors, students and parents. of family; It can be useful to other teachers

other than those in the group under study and is relevant for the improvement of the

educational context, professional teacher training, the transformation of classroom

practices 7 with necessary, innovative and self-reflective competencies and skills for

the evolution of the quality of education in students, the region and the country.

Salinas (2021) with his thesis titled: Strengthening the reading and writing

processes in times of pandemic, presented at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana –

Bogotá, whose objective was to propose and analyze the development of a didactic

sequence that strengthens the reading and writing processes. writing in a group of

students from the Diego Montaña Cuellar School. This research is qualitative and

experimental in design since it involved carrying out a series of activities to achieve

the stated objective. From the following investigation, the following conclusions were


 The results of this research allow us to highlight, above all, the pleasure and

motivation of children when reading illustrated books, in addition to the intellectual,

emotional and aesthetic responses of different cultures and linguistic abilities.

 All strategies implemented through the didactic sequence were received with a wide

level of assimilation and acceptance by the students of grade 201.

 The strategies applied allowed the strengthening of the reading and writing

processes with a high level of receptivity and appropriation by the students in each of

the activities: reading images, reading aloud, reading comprehension and production

of text in form. group.

López (2022), with his thesis titled The global method in the Teaching-

Learning process of reading and writing of the Second Year of Basic Elementary

students of the San Pío X Educational Unit of the Province of Tungurahua-Ecuador,

whose research work had The main objective is to determine the incidence of the

global method in the Teaching-Learning process of reading and writing of the Second

Year of Basic Elementary students of the "San Pío X Educational Unit" of the

province of Tungurahua. Who came to the following conclusions:

 The methodology used was a mixed qualitative-quantitative approach, the level is

descriptive and correlational, the research modalities are bibliographic and field; It

was developed with an intentional sample of 66 students from parallels “A” and “B”,

23 women and 43 men; The collection of information was carried out with the

survey technique directed at the students, through a questionnaire of 20 questions

structured with the use of the Likert scale, applied before and after teaching with the

global method.

 The results were determined with the Wilcoxon statistical test; That is, the use of the

global method affects the Teaching-Learning process of reading and writing of

Second Year Elementary School students.

 The conclusions of this study are: the application of the global method helped to

improve reading-writing skills, the adequate use of an appropriate methodology

helps the effective learning of reading-writing. whose main objective was to

determine the incidence of the global method in the Teaching-Learning process of

reading and writing of Second Year Elementary School students.

2.1.2 At the national level

Barrientos (2021), carried out in Junín with her thesis titled: Reading images

and oral expression in 3-year-old students of the initial level of LA IE No. 349 Villa

Perené, Chanchamayo – Junín, 2021.

 The general objective of this research work was to establish the relationship between

reading images and oral expression in 3-year-old students of the initial level of EI.

No. 349.

 The research is quantitative, correlational level and with a non-experimental design.

We worked with a sample of 24 students, using observation as a technique and

checklists were prepared as a data collection instrument.

 In conclusion, it is confirmed with a 95% confidence level that there is a relationship

between the variables reading of images and oral expression, in 3-year-old students

of the initial level of EI. No. 349.

Palacios (2020) with his thesis Reading images as a strategy to develop oral

expression in 5-year-old children of initial education at educational institution No.

0070 - San Juan De Lurigancho, Lima - 2019, The research work aimed general

explain to what extent the use of reading images as a strategy develops oral expression

in 5-year-old boys and girls at Educational Institution No. 0070 - San Juan de

Lurigancho, Lima - 2019. Reaching the following conclusions:

 The methodology was quantitative, the level was correlational, the research design

was non-experimental correlational. The population was 7 teachers and 179 children,

the sample was 2 teachers and 46 children, they were evaluated using a

questionnaire and checklist.

 The results indicated that they had significantly greater fluency, 80% spontaneously

expressed their ideas, expressed clearly, 70% expressed themselves with known
words regarding coherence; 78% express their ideas when describing an image, they

increased their vocabulary during their oral expression, 78% use frequently used

words. It has been identified that 100% of teachers always use reading images as a

strategy to develop oral expression.

 The 5-year-old children did manage to develop oral expression, observing a

significant increase in fluency, clarity, coherence and vocabulary. It is concluded

that: Reading images as a strategy develops oral expression in 5-year-old children at

the initial level of educational institution No. 0070 – San Juan de Lurigancho, Lima

– 2019.

Cardenas et. to the. (2019), with his thesis titled “Reading images in improving

reading comprehension in 5-year-old students of the IEI N°743 Huancavelica” The

purpose of this study was to determine the influence of Reading Images in improving

Reading Comprehension in 5-year-old boys and girls of the IEI No. 743 of

Huancavelica. In this sense, it reaches the following conclusions:

 The research was developed at an explanatory level, using the scientific method as a

general method and the experimental method as a specific method, considering a

pre-experimental design. Consequently, the population was made up of 5-year-old

boys and girls from the IEI No. 743 of Huancavelica, using a non-probabilistic

census sample made up of 27 5-year-old boys and girls, the technique used was

observation and a checklist was used as an instrument.

 The results were analyzed using SPSS v.24 Statistical Software. It was found that

after applying the image reading strategies; 77.8% of the boys and girls present a

process level and 22.2% an achievement level in understanding images.

 Therefore, it is concluded that the application of image reading strategies managed

to improve reading comprehension; The result was compared based on the non-

parametric Wilcoxon test statistic with a significance level of 0.05.

2.1.3 At the local level

Huacho (2021) with his thesis titled “Reading images to improve the

production of written texts in English by students of the VI cycle of the ISPP Marcos

Durán Martel, English major, Huánuco, 2019, and reaches the following conclusions:

 The main objective of the research was to determine that reading images improves

the production of written texts in the English language. A quantitative methodology,

descriptive level and pre-experimental design was proposed, with a sample of 21

students, to whom the pre-test and post-test instrument was applied.

 It is concluded that after having developed the reading of images and due to their

effects, the students significantly improved their results, 90.5% do achieve the

established performance, and 9.5% do not achieve it.

 The results of the research demonstrate that reading images favored the fulfillment

of the objectives proposed in the present research work, showing that the hypothesis

has been confirmed.

Gonzales (2020). In his research titled: Reading images for the development of

oral expression in three-year-old boys and girls at the initial educational institution

No. 061 of Monzón, Huamalíes, Huánuco-2019, whose research work was aimed at

determining in To what extent reading images develops oral expression in three-year-

old boys and girls of the Initial Educational Institution No. 061 of Monzón,

Huamalíes, Huánuco-2019. Reaching the following conclusions:

 The study was of an applied type with a pre-experimental research design with pre-

evaluation and post-evaluation with a single experimental group. We worked with a

sample population of 13 three-year-old boys and girls at the initial level. The

Wilcoxon sign statistical test was used to test the research hypothesis. The initial

results showed that the experimental group and the control group obtained less than

and equal to achievement B in oral expression.

 Based on these results, the teaching strategy was applied through 12 learning

sessions. Subsequently, a post-evaluation was applied, the results of which

demonstrated significant differences in oral expression and its dimensions.

 With the results obtained, we conclude by accepting the research hypothesis that

supports that reading images significantly develops oral expression in three-year-old

boys and girls of the Initial Educational Institution No. 061 of Monzón, Huamalíes,


Cori et. at. (2019) with his thesis titled: Mobile letters and learning to read and

write in students in the second grade of primary education at the Miguel Grau

educational institution in Cochamarca - Obas 2019. The main objective of this

research has been to determine the importance of the use of movable letters in the

learning of reading and writing in second grade primary school students at the Miguel

Grau Educational Institution of Cochamarca – Obas. Year 2019. Up to the following


 The research was of a descriptive experimental type and its design was pre-

experimental since it worked with a single group. The population was made up of

students enrolled in the second grade of primary school, sections A and B, which

amounted to 46 students, the same ones who were considered to take into account

their degree of participation in the research.

 The study sample was made up of 24 students who belonged to the second grade

“A”. The ages fluctuated between 7 and 8 years. The results of the research show

that the use of movable letters has a positive influence on the learning of reading and

writing, consequently students are more communicative.

 This is evidenced by the fact that the students of the “Miguel Grau” Educational

Institution of Cochamarca – Obas, participants in the use of mobile letters, improved

their ability to read from 8% to 42%. They improved in writing, going from 17%

observed at the beginning to 58% at the end of the research.

2.2 Theoretical references

2.2.1 Theories of Image Reading

Barragán & Gómez (2012), in their article “The language of the image and

the development of the critical attitude in the classroom: didactic proposal for the

reading of visual signs”, aim to demonstrate that the reading of images is capable of

promote the critical attitude of students, to the same extent as reading the written text.

Educating students visually makes them critical and helps them decide what to do in

the face of the overwhelming capacity of the mass media, who rely on the image,

which is loaded with high ideological content placed at the service of interest groups.


Image reading


Image reading is a very interesting activity to practice with children who are

going through the first stages of reading and writing. Harmonious synthesis of

drawing and color, encourage imaginative flight and encourage the reader's potential

to create and experience situations of various kinds. (MINEDU 2012).

According to Pizarro, (2007)

“Students can read comprehensively not only written texts but also images,

vignettes, photographs.”

Likewise, he mentions that “It is a very interesting activity to practice with

children who are not literate or who are going through the first stages of reading and


The image allows people to have an exact perception of what they observe and

to acquire accurate knowledge of the objective world in which they live. (Prieto,

1967), defines the image as: “A visual communication medium that materializes a

fragment of the universe” (p. 185). Explains “If an image is a sign, it is not reality, but

rather it represents it.” According to (Prieto Castillo) the image is then a

representation because in some way it presents a sector of reality that is manifested


• The intentional, because said sector has been cut among others, it has been presented

in a certain way and not another.

• Construction, because when remembering, elements can be added, by montage or

editing, that completely change the meaning of what is represented in the first


• Expression, because through the image it is possible to communicate information,

emotions, feelings of all kinds.

Reading images according to MINEDU

It is a very interesting activity to practice with children who are going through

the first stages of reading and writing. Harmonious synthesis of drawing and color,

encourage imaginative flight and encourage the reader's potential to create and

experience situations of various kinds. (MINEDU 2012). “Reading images means

observing them, analyzing them and interpreting them. Its reading consists of the
examination and development of a process of analysis and interpretation whose

purpose is to explain the content of the iconic representation and its meaning.

Factors involved in the perception of an image .

 Spatial relations: The image is moved from left to right due to the habit of reading.

The weight of the image is usually located at the bottom. 24

 Figure-ground relationship: Organized sets are perceived on a background that acts

on the objects or figures as a spatial context. In many cases the background means the

figure, so the relationships between figure and background are not static but dynamic

and depend on the context that links both.

Image reading functions

The images adapt to themes from various disciplines, because they fulfill

different functions:

- The motivating function, suitable to encourage learning;

- The referential function, which is used for explanations or to synthesize a developed


Steps to follow when reading images

Images must be selected very well. It is important that they present several

planes, that is, that they have "depth", so that the student discovers the different

elements and relates them to each other within a spatial context, until reaching the

final perception.

Importance of reading images .

The importance of reading images focuses exclusively on the fact that students

can read comprehensively not only written texts but also images, vignettes,

photographs, plates. Reading images is a very interesting activity to practice with

children who are not literate or who are going through the first stages of reading and


To critically read images it is important to follow a series of steps:

1) You have an overall vision.

2) The objects that compose it and their internal relationship are analyzed.

3) Their meaning is interpreted (taking into account that they are carriers of visual

symbols and messages and can generate different meanings).

General image characteristics

The characteristics or attributes of the images are:

Degree of figuration, Refers to the figurative representation of the image represented.

Degree of iconicity , This depends on the level of realism of the image with respect to

the body or object represented.

Complexity/simplicity , It is related to the amount of information that the image

provides us. A tile from the Alhambra has less information than a photograph.

Technical Quality : Depending on the technical quality achieved in an image, it can

be considered good or bad.

Originality would be at the opposite end of vulgarity and would have to do with

images considered unusual or out of the ordinary.

Purpose of the images

All the images that we can observe have a specific purpose that is determined

by the visual message that the sender wanted to give them.

Informative . Transmit news, announce an event or promote a product highlighting

its qualities.

Identificative . They serve to recognize a company or person. Logos, brands, flags.

Indicative . They use signs and signals. Pictograms.

Descriptives . They define places or figures by pointing out their parts in a simplified

way. Scientific drawings, designs, diagrams, maps.

News. Press images and posters that accompany a text.

Exhortive . Try to convince the recipient to do what the message proposes. It is

mainly used in advertising.

Recreational. The main objective of recreational images is to entertain. Comics,

movies, magazine images, puppets.

Esthetic . They are works of art that express feelings and beauty.

visual perception

Vargas, (1994) “Perception is the cognitive process of consciousness that

allows the recognition, interpretation and meaning of the sensations obtained from the

physical and social environment. Psychological processes such as learning, memory

and symbolization intervene in this process” (p.98).

According to Vargas (1994), perception involves a conscious cognitive

process that allows the identification, interpretation and attribution of meaning to the

sensations received from the physical and social environment. This process involves

the participation of psychological processes such as learning, memory and the

capacity for symbolization.

The process of perception is carried out through the eye, below, the main ideas

presented by (Otero) are paraphrased, who indicate that the eye is purchased with a

photographic camera similar to a small sphere, like a lens (the crystalline lens). ) that

occupies an opening (the pupil) in the sphere, through which light penetrates. When

light enters a dark chamber through a slit, the shape of the illuminated objects found

outside is projected on the opposite side.

Documentary image and fictitious image

If two images that represent a thinking man in a different way are compared, it

is concluded that both restore (medially) a primary reality. Is it the same reality? No,

because the difference is not only that the person and the place have changed, there

are more elements. While the man sitting at the table has a natural pose, captured

instantly by the photographer, the one sitting on some cement steps has a calculated

and prepared pose in such a way that the shadow clearly duplicates the position

adopted. In this case, “reality” is manufactured, fictitious, artificial, not spontaneous;

However, it is no less real nor is it less primary in its origin than the one that served as

the basis for the other photograph.

Basic structure of visual language

Once the origin and reality of the image have been studied, it is necessary to

know its structure by answering the following questions: What is the main difference

between the image and verbal language? What are its components? This is what is

paraphrased following the guidelines of (Colle, Child and television: towards an

education in the medium, 1999):

Verbal language and visual language

Nowadays, the mutual complementation of both verbal and visual languages is

obvious. Verbal language is analytical, it divides and compares, in stages that occur in

time, understanding arises from the study of the parts and the apprehension of their

connections. Visual language, on the other hand, is more synthetic because a

significant form is perceived in its entirety. The process of understanding, here part of

the whole is inverted to later investigate the meaning of the parts.

The apprehension of the whole is immediate, it is achieved instantly, before

and independent of the analysis of the parts, which is possible but not essential. This

immediate understanding depends on the application of certain rules of grammar, just

as the understanding of verbal language involves the application of rules that are little

known and applied, which gives rise to images, maps, schemes that do not fulfill their

true function, for example. require an even greater analysis effort than through verbal


From the point of view of perception, we find greater and more suggestive

differences. Visual perception corresponds to a special system whose components are

three: the two orthogonal dimensions of the plane and the shape characteristics of the

figure represented on this plane.

2.2.2 Reading-writing


According to (Ruiz R. 2007): Reading and writing is a process and a strategy.

As a process we use it to get closer to understanding the text. As a teaching-learning

strategy we focus on the intrinsic relationship of reading and writing, and use it as an

integrated communication and metacognition system.

The teaching of literacy consists of providing activities that stimulate the

development of coding, decoding and interpretation skills of textual content (it should

be noted that the teaching and learning of literacy begins when the baby discovers

language and continues throughout life). Reading and writing are valuable teaching

instruments, especially if we take into account that both the gesture and the spoken

word are instruments that once issued fulfill their function and are only taken up until

memory allows. Reading and writing as basic elements of the formation of individuals

are two actions that allow access to knowledge. (Dubon, 2005).

The literacy process

“Reading and writing are two fundamental skills for human beings” (Ruiz C.

R., 2013)

Language is used by people as the main instrument of communication, it gives

us the ability to transmit knowledge, ideas and opinions and therefore allows us to

increase our learning and development. Reading and writing is the skill that allows us

to capture language, make it permanent and accessible without limits. Reading opens

the doors to information and training in every sense, it allows us to advance in

knowledge and knowledge, it brings us amazing discoveries. All people have the

ability to learn to read and write. But both are skills that are learned, we are not born

with them. Its learning goes beyond the understanding of symbols and their

combinations; knowledge of their proper use and the creation of habits is essential.

Benefits that reading and writing brings us.

“There are multiple benefits that learning, developing and mastering the

reading-writing process brings us. These benefits are of great value for both children

and adults” (Ruiz, 2013).

▪ Development of thinking and learning. It serves as a tool to guide and structure

thinking, thus allowing favorable learning to be guided by students.

▪ Development of empathy and listening skills. Through reading, children get into the

skin of other characters, they discover how they think and feel and what they do in

certain situations. When the boy or girl reads, he is quiet, he does not hear, but he

listens to what the characters tell him.

▪ Encourages the organization and elaboration of ideas on a topic. When reading

something, we organize the ideas of the writing in our minds, we identify the main
and secondary ideas. When we write we develop ideas as we prepare the writing. With

reading and writing, therefore, we train the ability to create and organize ideas.

Characteristics of reading and writing

They are activities in which several visual motor and perceptual systems

participate, as well as linguistic and symbolic skills. A written language deficit may

also occur. These disorders are acquired in nature or due to insufficient development

in the learning of reading and writing, this is because appropriate methods and

techniques were not used when teaching them to read and write, for this reason,

children acquire a reading problem. -writing.

The learning of the written language in its two phases, reading and writing,

occupies a fundamental place within the first years of schooling, since it constitutes

the bases of future school learning; which explains the great concern of teachers and

parents regarding the difficulties of reading and writing in children since as teachers

we must increasingly reinforce the techniques and methodologies to teach reading and

writing correctly and thus eliminate reading problems. writing in students. Reading

and writing are complex activities, which are highly necessary to access the organized

knowledge that is part of a culture. Since if we know how to read and write correctly

we will not have difficulties when acting in society.

Factors that influence the teaching of literacy

Below we point out the factors that influence the child for teaching and his

preparation to be able to read and write. These factors are classified into:

 Organic or physiological factors : chronological age, sex and sensory factors

 Intellectual factors : general intelligence and mental abilities such as attention and


 Affective psychological factors: family affection, emotional maturity and the child's


Techniques for Reading-writing.

Didactic techniques are the framework organized by the teacher through which

he or she intends to achieve his or her objective. They are mediations at the end of the

day. As mediations, they have a great symbolic load behind them related to the

teacher's personal history: their own social formation, their family values, their

language and their academic training; It also shapes the teacher's own learning

experience in the classroom.

Teaching techniques are part of didactics. In this study, they are conceived as

the set of activities that the teacher structures so that the student constructs

knowledge, transforms it, problematizes it, and evaluates it; in addition to

participating together with the student in the recovery of their own process. In this

way, teaching techniques occupy a central place in the teaching-learning process; they

are the activities that the teacher plans and carries out to facilitate the construction of


a) Commented Reading

 Description : consists of the reading of a document in its entirety, paragraph by

paragraph, by the participants, under the guidance of the instructor. At the same time,

pauses are made in order to delve deeper into the relevant parts of the document in

which the instructor makes comments.

 Main uses : Useful in reading some extensive material that needs to be reviewed in

depth and carefully. Provides a lot of information in a relatively short time.

 Development : Introduction of the material to be read by the instructor. Reading of

the document by the participants, comments and synthesis by the instructor.

 Recommendations : Carefully select the reading according to the topic. Calculate

the time and prepare the teaching material according to the number of participants.

Make sure that different members of the group read and that the material is clear. Ask

questions to verify learning and get the majority to participate.

b). Guided Debate.

This technique is used to present content and relate the technical elements

presented in the teaching unit with the experience of the participants. The trainer must

ask questions to the participants to highlight their experience and relate it to the

technical content. The trainer must guide the participants in their discussions towards

the "discovery" of the technical content under study.

During the development of the discussion, the trainer can synthesize the results

of the debate in the form of key words, to lead the participants to draw the conclusions

foreseen in the discussion outline.

Methods for Reading and Writing.

It is a word that comes from the Greek term methodos ("way" or "way") and

refers to the means used to reach an end. Its original meaning indicates the path that

leads to a place.
That is, the term "method" has its origin in the Greek word "methodos" which

means "way" or "way." It is used to refer to the procedure or means used to achieve an

objective. In its original meaning, it refers to the path that leads to a certain place.

a) Alphabetic or Spelling Method.

According to Giuseppe Lombardo Radice, its application requires following

these steps.

The alphabetical order is followed for learning.

Each letter of the alphabet is studied by pronouncing its name: a; be, ce; of;

and; efe; etc

Writing and reading letters are done simultaneously. Learning the alphabet

begins the combination of consonants with vowels, which allows syllables to be

created. The combination is done first with direct syllables, example: be, a: ba; be.

and; be, etc. Then with inverse syllables, example: a, be: ab, e, be: ed, i, be: ib, or be:

ob, u be: ub and finally with mixed syllables. Example: be, a, ele, de, e: de, e: bucket.

Combinations allow you to create words and later sentences. Later, diphthongs

and tripthongs are studied; capitalization, accentuation and punctuation. This method

emphasizes mechanical reading and then expressive reading (which pays attention to

signs of stress, pauses and intonation) and then focuses on comprehension.

This means that diphthongs and tripthongs are then examined, as well as

capital letters, stress and punctuation. This approach focuses initially on mechanical

reading, and then on expressive reading (which considers stress signs, pauses and

intonation), and finally on comprehension.

b). Syllabic Method

The method is defined as the process by which reading and writing is taught

and consists of teaching vowels. Later the teachings of the consonants are changed

with the vowels formed syllables and then words.

Syllabic method process

 Vowels are taught with emphasis on writing and reading.

 The consonants are taught respecting their easy pronunciation, then we move on

to the formulation of words, so that it stimulates the student's learning so that they

can better assimilate the process.

 Each consonant is combined with the five vowels in direct syllables like this: ma,

me, mi, mo, mu, etc.

 When there are several syllables, words are formed and then sentences are


 Then the consonants are combined with the vowels in inverse syllables like this:

am, em, im, om, um and with them new words and sentences are formed that the

student experiences.

 Then we move on to mixed syllables, diphthongs, triphthongs and finally to four-

letter syllables called complex syllables.

 With syllable you easily move on to mechanical, expressive and comprehensive


 The book that best represents this method is the syllabary

2.2 Conceptual framework

The conceptual framework of a literacy research is the theoretical part that

supports and explains the phenomenon being studied. In this case, the conceptual
framework would be focused on understanding how the literacy process works and

the different theories and models that have been developed around this topic. Below

are some ideas that could be included in the conceptual framework:

A review of the main theories on reading and writing is included, such as

constructivist theory, information processing theory, sociocultural theory, among

others. These theories allow us to understand the cognitive and social processes

involved in reading and writing.

Literacy models: There are various literacy models that explain how reading

and writing are related. Some of the best known are the model of reading and writing

processes, the model of the interaction between reading and writing and the model of

integrated reading and writing.

Factors that can influence reading and writing have also been taken into

account, such as motivation, attention, memory, reading comprehension, spelling,

grammar, among others.

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