17 Examples of Approach and Formulation of The Research Problem

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17 Examples of Approach and Formulation of the Research Problem

List of examples of approach and formulation of the problem of a research project, thesis or monograph.
1.- What is it? The formulation of the problem is one of the first stages of the set of steps that will be systematically
overcome to carry out a project, thesis or academic work. In this phase the researcher exposes a topic (unresolved),
which will be the subject of investigation. It constitutes the basis of every study, because without it the central idea that
will launch the research cannot be correctly structured. The easiest and most direct way to formulate a problem is
through a question, which identifies the difficulties in developing the topic, posing hypotheses or formulating
unknowns; which will be overcome later in the development of academic work.
When writing a question, you know exactly the type of answer the researcher should look for; leading him to a correct
reflection on the subject. (according to the scientific method).
2.- How to approach and formulate the problem?
Due to its close connection with the creative process, the formulation of problems and their subsequent formulation is
not carried out through rigid or systematic procedures. However, according to the experience accumulated by
researchers, the approach to the problem is made following these recommendations:
It must be clear and precise;
It must demonstrate the relevance of the research;
It must contextualize the environment of the topic to be investigated;
It must go from the macro to the micro;
It must be susceptible to solution;
A question must be asked;
It must be empirical in nature;
It must be limited to a viable size and goal setting.
Too often, proposed problems do not conform to these standards. However, this does not mean that the problem
should be dismissed. It is often best to rephrase or clarify it.
3.- Example #1
Note: Remember that although the statement of the problem and the formulation of the question are closely related,
they are not the same.
a) Approach The company Macoser SA began commercial activity in 1994, being a market leader in the textile industry
and the electronic lines it markets.
In recent years the company has had very low performance in sales due to the current economic situation that the
country is going through in Latin America and the Caribbean, which is reflected in the results obtained from sales and
which was still denoted more so when the Ecuadorian government applied a restriction on imports known as safeguard,
which caused a strong impact on international purchases of products such as sewing machines and spare parts. Faced
with this reality, the company created the Beauty Style brand and managed to expand in the market, considering it as
another alternative to develop and seek economic growth through the aesthetics market where high demand has been
seen. However, today the current situation of the Beauty Style brand does not have high sales growth in relation to
what was planned.
b) Formulation What mechanisms can be applied to promote the “Beauty Style” brand of the Macoser SA Business
Group, and for it to achieve an expected level of growth within the aesthetics market?
Example #2
a) Approach The high competitiveness in the business environment and the tight profit margins in many economic
sectors make good management of available resources essential to increase company profits. Thus, Inventory Control
has become a critical factor for the success of organizations.
Companies in our country compete in the markets by testing their abilities, to survive and generate value, which is their
main objective. But, in addition, they combine their resources, actions and initiatives in a productive way, trying to
minimize their costs. The economy of Tungurahua is one of the highest and most solid in the central zone that is the
mountains, based on industry and commerce, as indicated by the percentages of the Chambers of Production, 24.37%
of industries, including SMEs, are located in the province of Tungurahua, obtaining a growth and development of 2.64%
annually. FARMACIA POPULAR Nº1 is a family business located in the city of Ambato, province of Tungurahua, for 15
years. However, despite its long history in the market, its income has contracted in recent years.
b) Formulation How does inadequate inventory logistics management affect the profitability of the Popular Pharmacy
No. 1 in the city of Ambato?
Example #3
a) Approach Anxiety constitutes today one of the main medical disorders. The fast-paced lifestyle has contributed to a
proliferation of anxiety disorders. This pathological phenomenon has not only affected the adult population in general,
but has also affected children. This health condition is known as Childhood Anxiety Disorder.
The pathological condition present in infants is characterized by constant worry that can hardly be controlled.
Characteristics such as restlessness, difficulty concentrating, muscle tension, etc. occur. This disorder affects different
areas of life such as social, work, family and academic.
b) Formulation How does anxiety influence poor academic performance in children in the 3rd, 4th and 5th year of Basic
Education at the "Juan León Mera" Mixed Fiscal School in the City of Ambato?
Example #4
a) Approach According to the Participatory Development Plan (2010), high levels of poverty and illiteracy afflict the
Rumipamba Parish, city of Sangolquí. Despite being an eminently agricultural and livestock area, the benefits of
production are relatively scarce.
Recording the highest rates in poverty indicators, which demonstrates a poor parish organization with insufficient
sources of work.
b) Formulation Can the level of poverty be reduced if the parish's own human resources are used to manage an inn in
the Rumipamba parish?
Example #5
a) Approach Mobile telephony has traditionally shown low interest. It is not until recent decades that it has begun to
expand, achieving profound economic and cultural changes in the world. The number of Smartphones continues to
increase and having a mobile application will become essential, as having a website once was. The people who travel in
the city of Guayaquil, not knowing the streets or the public and private transport lines such as taxis, and knowing that
these users are increasingly growing due to the changes that mobile telephony and the Internet have dictated on the
global community, the need arises to consider a technological platform that helps solve this problem.
b) Formulation Do Smartphone users in the city of Guayaquil need an application that helps them learn about the
streets and routes of public and private transportation?
Example #6
a) Approach In Ecuador, poultry farming is one of the most important businesses with the greatest demand in the food
area, and whoever is in charge of this business must also be prepared with all the knowledge and trained to manage it. .
The Incubadora Andina company “INCUBANDINA SA” has been operating in the market since 1992 in the production
and marketing of chickens.
The organization aspires to carry out a new issue of obligations with the reason of increasing working capital for the
acquisition of production equipment, with the objective that all this corroborates the business's productive growth and
the fulfillment of set objectives. However, a series of administrative problems have been occurring regarding poor cash
flow management, negatively influencing the company's liquidity, causing several problems that impede the growth of
this company in the national market.
b) Formulation How does cash flow management affect the liquidity of the company “INCUBANDINA SA” in 2018?
Example #7
a) Approach The city of Ambato has four urban transport cooperatives that provide this service and they are: the
Tungurahua Transport Cooperative, Union Transport Cooperative, Los Libertadores Transport Cooperative, Vía Flores
Transport Cooperative and an urban transport company Jerpazsol , giving a total of 400 units according to Sánchez
(2010). Which present some drawbacks due to inappropriate financial control and its influence on profitability, which
leads to incorrect decisions being made by its managers.
The Urban Transport Cooperative “Los Libertadores” is a recognized entity in the center of the country, and continues in
a search for continuous improvement, which is why it considers it essential to include a financial control tool that
contributes to obtaining better profitability within this.
The Cooperative intends to implement tools that contribute to the improvement of its financial control, since this is the
reason for some inconveniences and shortcomings in profitability, thus affecting its economic results.
b) Formulation What is the impact of poor financial control on the low profitability in the Urban Transport Cooperative
Example #8
a) Approach In Tungurahua, a process of artisanal specialization has been taking place for more than 20 years in the
making of clothing of various styles. This process has generated the proliferation of a significant number of SMEs that
have developed the ability and rapid capacity to adapt to changes in models and quantity of items. Andersson Jeans is
a company dedicated to the manufacture of jeans clothing, however its main income is generated by dyeing services
and textile processes, the processes lacking control have caused a serious problem, so the company has had to cut staff
because although their sales have increased, the profitability of net income has been significantly reduced; This has
caused its instability.
By not carrying out an adequate evaluation of the missionary processes in the company, Andersson Jeans will not be
able to obtain a complete diagnosis of the financial situation, so the company will not be able to know the critical areas
or the key success factors, so it will continue with a process informal decision-making, which leads to increasing the
company's exposure to operational risks such as fraud and human failures that, according to their significance, can
cause serious financial problems for the company.
b) Formulation Are deficient mission processes the cause of inadequate process control, which leads to low profitability
of the net profit of the Andersson Jeans company?
Example #9
a) Approach Due to the accelerated demographic growth of our country and the world in general; which leads to a large
increase in new families that require their own space to develop as such, which means that every year the demand for
housing is greater, becoming a social problem that could be solved with housing plans which They require a quick and
economical construction design.
There is a great diversity of designs and construction systems that have been carried out over decades, more out of
custom or tradition than as a matter of safety or practicality. It is common knowledge that the so-called first world
countries, after having experienced natural disasters firsthand, were able to create intelligent and safe systems, and in
the natural disasters that have happened recently it has been possible to observe the resistance of construction
materials and their structural designs.
b) Formulation How does the design of housing construction with modular type bolted steel structures affect the
reduction of time and costs?
Example #10
a) Approach L&M DE SEGURIDAD PRIVADA, CIA. LTDA., Company established to provide private security service to
institutions, organizations, companies that request it; Due to its expansion inside and outside the city, it requires an
evaluation of the Internal Control, in previous years and until today the constant monitoring of its resources has been
absent, affecting the administrative and financial aspects due to not maintaining adequate and updated information at
the time. time to make wise decisions that help optimize the management of existing resources and their services.
Due to the high degree of operations and procedures that must be carried out, it is essential that the Company
improves internal control processes, both in the administrative and financial areas, which allow it to improve services,
optimize resources and expand its coverage to other cities. allowing partners and immersed staff to grow and be a
contribution to the change of the productive matrix as a quality service company, with corporate social responsibility.
b) Formulation How to evaluate the Internal Control of the Company L&M Seguridad Privada, Cía. Ltda., of the city of
Riobamba for the first half of 2014, will optimize its administrative-financial resources?
Example #11
a) Approach Veterinary Clinic CONSULPEC, is an environmentally friendly company that is dedicated to sales and
zootechnical medical care. Not having software makes the company's financial information complex to manage, for
this reason the information is often inappropriate for closing periods and generating balances because operations are
not recorded daily, causing difficulty in make decisions by management.
Although at present there are no major financial problems, not providing a solution to various economic problems
immediately will not allow adequate management decisions to be made, nor will it have necessary information for the
company and will cause the requirements of the respective companies not to be met. watchdogs. If the company does
not prioritize the accounting system as a necessary tool for processing financial information, the entity will be limited to
making decisions that will help it improve its profitability.
b) Formulation Is inappropriate information caused by the inapplicability of an accounting system leading to
inappropriate decision-making at the CONSULPEC veterinary clinic?
Example #12
a) Approach The city of Riobamba has had tourist signage (Site Totem) since 2014, which were placed in 11 tourist sites
in the canton. The lack of planning and study on the real impact that these signs would have on tourists has meant that
they go almost unnoticed by citizens who visit the city.
b) Formulation How does the implementation of Site Totems influence the activities carried out by tourists who visit
Riobamba, in a sample of the population aged 25 to 35 years, from April to September 2018?
Example #13
a) Approach On January 20, 2007, five days after his inauguration, the Head of State debuted as host of a program with
the public and broadcast live and direct, through radio and television. From there, the President reports on his activities
for the week, gives instructions to his officials and confronts the media or makes project announcements.
The use of government space by the administration of the head of state, Econ. Rafael Correa Delgado is used to attack
journalists and the press in general; It is considered one of the greatest concerns expressed in the IAPA regional report.
The atmosphere of unrest is evident in the Enlace Ciudadano program and in its “La Cantinflada de la Semana” segment,
among other segments. Which is normal to hear the President of the Republic use epithets such as: "perverse",
"ineffable", "bitter", "dishonest", "poisoned", to disqualify the professional who practices journalism or any media.
b) Formulation How does the communication language used in the segment, “La Cantinflada de la Semana” of the
citizen liaison program “Sabatina” influence the inhabitants of the Frente Lucha Popular Cooperative in “Durán”?
Example #14
a) Approach Tourism, in the country, has become one of the main economic sources, especially in tropical humid areas,
due to its natural attractiveness and the facilities that adjust to the natural way of life without altering the ecosystem. In
that sense, there are many Inns that have been established in the natural corners of the country, thus increasing the
level of competitiveness, and also; the need to always provide the best service to its clients, all of them always seeking
to be the leaders in offering quality products and services.
Currently, in the Tourism-Hotel field it is necessary to have a functions manual that supports the administration of the
responsibilities of each of the areas that make up the Inn; both in the administrative and operational areas. The lack of
definition of Functions and Processes of the Food and Beverage Area of the Hostería “Selva Virgen” makes its
employees unaware of their responsibilities and therefore generates deficiencies in the restaurant service.
b) Formulation Will a manual of functions and processes in the Food and Beverage area for the “Selva Virgen” inn
support the improvement of processes and the service of the products offered?
Example #15
a) Approach Blood transfusion is currently a very safe therapy, due to the measures in donor selection, processing
methods and strict indications for patients. However, due to its nature as a human product and the possibility of
transmitting diseases, it is not free of side effects. Some are associated with the type of blood components used (red
blood cells, platelets, etc.) and others are specific to the recipient's status (immunosuppression, chronic transfusion,
In order to quantify the number, type, severity and imputation of blood transfusion in adverse reactions, it is very
important to have protocols that include communication to the blood bank, for study, treatment and to be able to carry
out general monitoring and prophylaxis. appropriate.
b) Formulation Can alloimmunization be assessed in patients who have undergone transfusions of packed red blood cell
concentrates by performing crossmatch tests?
Example #16
a ) Approach Due to the globalization process where every day companies relate to new ones, at an international level
the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) have been adopted that regularize the registration and
presentation of Financial Statements with the purpose that There is a common language that crosses borders to
facilitate the movement of resources around the world.
The migration of these accounting standards leads us to look for one of the most significant changes within industrial
companies, such as IFRS 16: Property, Plant and Equipment, which allows us to review and interpret the variants
generated in the financial information.
By pointing out the importance that the correct treatment of IAS 16 currently represents for industrial organizations in
terms of its recognition and accounting measurement, we are faced with the following question: How can we validate
the implementation of IAS 16 in an industrial economic group? The answer lies in the application and interpretation of
the regulations and principles that govern the same accounting standard.
b) Formulation What socioeconomic and tax impact will the financial statements have when applying IAS 16 “Property,
Plant and Equipment”?
Example #17
a) Approach Sport is one of the most practiced activities in the world, there is no country in which sports are not
practiced. In this activity, training means and methods are used to improve the performance of each and every athlete.
But without a doubt one of the great fears for both players and their coaches are the injuries suffered by players since
football and basketball are the contact sports that suffer the most injuries in training and in official matches.
Ankles, knees and feet are the main protagonists of sports. 76% of injuries are located in the lower limbs. The most
frequent are muscle pulls or sprains in the thigh or groin, followed by that occur in the knee, ankle and feet. 40% of
injuries are minor. Another similar percentage corresponds to those that have a medium severity that can take the
player away from the field for up to three weeks. 20% of them are serious and the sick leave time is greater than three
b) Formulation How is the Proprioception technique a recovery method for knee injuries in athletes who attend the
Rehabilitation Center of the Chimborazo Sports Federation in the period December 2011 to May 2012?

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