Fun Baby Shower Games: Instructions and Rules For Various Traditional Games

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Crossing legs is prohibited

Explain to the guests that crossing your legs is prohibited throughout the event. All other guests will be
carefully monitoring that no one forgets this rule. How do I know they will? Very easy. Because if a
guest sees someone cross-legged, this will give them the right to steal your badge . At the end of the
meeting, who has the most badges will be counted and the winner will receive a prize.

Guess the size of the belly!

How to Play this baby shower game: During the baby shower, make sure all the guests are seated
in a circle around the mom. Instruct the mother to stand up. Then, pass one or two rolls of toilet paper
to the guests and instruct them to take from the roll the measure of paper they think will fit around the
mother's belly. Then, each guest approaches the mother and places their paper measurement around
her belly to see who guessed the most correct. The size that fits the best without being short or long
wins this baby shower game!

A variation : Instead of approaching mom to see who guessed the most correct, you can surprise
guests by instructing them to say one thing about mom that they like for each square of toilet paper
she pulled out. Or they can say one tip on how to raise a baby for each square. It doesn't matter,
those who take out a lot of paper are going to say a lot!

Baby Memory

Preparation for this baby shower game : Before the baby shower, buy or borrow 20-30 baby
things. Click here for a list of suggested baby things you can use. Before the baby shower starts, put
all of these things on a tray.

How to play this baby shower game: During the baby shower, give each person a piece of paper
and a pen. Go around the entire room with the tray and show each person the things on the tray. Let
them take a good look at it, then hide the tray and tell everyone to write down everything they can
remember. Give them 4 or 5 minutes and then tell them to finish, and then bring the tray with all the
things. Remove each item, one at a time, and let everyone check off as many things as they can
remember. The guest who agreed the most wins!

Baby Memory of Mom

Preparation for this baby shower game : This game has the same preparation as "Baby Memory"

How to Play this baby shower game: Play the same game as above, but instead of you showing the
tray, ask the mom to show it. After she shows the tray, without telling anyone, she will leave the
room. Then, tell everyone to write on the paper how the mother is dressed. They include everything,
clothes, clothing colors, shoes, jewelry, mail, what your hair is like - EVERYTHING! Or, instead of mom
showing the tray, just privately signal mom to leave the room once and for all and then the game

Baby Pictionary

Preparation for this baby shower game : Prepare a list of 5-10 baby things, baby actions, or baby
situations. For example, a diaper, ultrasound, bottle, blanket, pacifier, baby's first step, crying baby,
the hospital, etc. Have white paper and pens ready to use.

How to play this baby shower game: During the party, form 2 teams. Place each team around their
own table and give them paper and pencils. Invite one member of each team to come to the front
(where you are) and show them the first word on the list. But don't let them see the entire list. They
go back to their table and draw the thing or phrase they saw on the list. They cannot write any letters
or numbers - only images. The team that guesses the word first wins that session. Play 5-10 sessions,
depending on how much everyone likes the game. The team that wins the most sessions wins the

Baby Bottle Challenge

An extremely fun game! See who can drink milk from a bottle the fastest.

Preparation for this baby shower game : Before the baby shower, buy a 4 oz baby bottle. for each
guest who is coming. Then, on the day of the party, fill each bottle with milk, water, juice, or soda -
whatever is best for everyone. (Water is the easiest)

How to play this baby shower game: During the baby shower, give each guest a bottle and tell
them to prepare to drink it as quickly as they can. Say "Prepare, stab, DRINK!" The guest who finishes
first wins!

A fun variation: If you plan to have the men at the baby shower too, just give the bottles to the men.
It is the men who are going to drink from the bottles. There is no funnier sight than seeing men
drinking wildly from baby bottles. Tell the wives to take lots of photos!

Baby Food Competition

This game is very popular at baby showers because it is so much fun!

Preparation for this baby shower game : Buy 8 or more jars of baby food in various flavors. To
make the game more difficult, buy 2 or 3 very rare flavors. Cover the label of each jar with paper or
aluminum foil so that the flavor name is covered. With a marker, write a number on each jar from 1 to

How to play this baby shower game: During the baby shower, give each guest a paper plate, a
white card, a pen, and a plastic spoon. Instruct everyone to write the numbers 1-8 on their paper
plates. Then, pass the jars of baby food to each guest and instruct them to scoop a spoonful of each
flavor of baby food onto the paper plates. Make sure they put the jar number with the same number on
their plate. Then everyone eats each flavor on their plate and writes on their white card what flavor
they think it is. When all are finished, remove the foil from each jar to reveal the true flavor of each
jar. The guest who correctly guesses the most flavors is the queen (or king) of baby food. It's beautiful
to see the faces the guests make!

Who Are The Babies?

This is a classic baby shower game and is a great game to play at the beginning of the party. I suggest
that you play this game first because it is very fun and an original way to get to know each other (even
if you are friends or family).

Preparation for this baby shower game : When you send out the baby shower invitations, ask each
guest to bring a photo of themselves. Make a list of the names of each guest who is coming and print a
copy of the list for each guest. When each guest arrives, tape the photos onto a sign or poster. Do it in
a different room, so guests don't see you posting the other guests' photos. Give each photo on the
poster a number with a marker.

How to play this baby shower game: During the baby shower, give each guest a copy of the list
and a pen. Instruct everyone to match each guest on the list with the numbered photos on the poster.
The winner of this game is the one who makes the most correct pairs.

Usually 2 or 3 baby shower games are played during the party. You can play more or less 2-3 baby
shower games, depending on what the mom wants. Ask her what she prefers. The most important
thing is that the mother has fun and enjoys the friendships she has with her friends and family. After
playing some of the baby shower games above, everyone at the party is going to have a LOT of fun!

Alphabet soup
You give each guest a word search, made with allegorical words for babies.

For example: “bumertepuhmlalcaeaoapmelcmbañoia” made with a Mamila, Diaper, Pacifier, Bib,

Whoever discovers the words first wins.
Let's see who finishes the bottle first
Buy small bottles, such as 80 ml, or toy bottles. Fill them with something very sweet or very bitter, but
appetizing in appearance. Or look for opaque bottles, so you don't know what's inside. Divide the
guests into pairs. One will play the mother and the other the baby. At the start signal, the babies will
begin to drink from the bottle. Whoever finishes first will be the winner of the prize .

Feed the baby

Divide the guests into pairs. One will play the role of mother and another the role of baby. Protect
baby's clothes with a giant bib made from a garbage bag. Sell the mom. Give each mom a spoon and a
jar of baby food. Buy the meat or chicken meals that are the ugliest for an adult's palate. Give the
start signal for each mother to feed her baby blindly. The baby can help the mother with directions but
cannot move in search of food. The couple who finishes the meal first wins.

A variant of this game is with baby bottles (bottles or bottles) instead of food. In this case, buy small
toy bottles. Look for bottles that are not transparent, so they do not reveal the liquid inside. Fill them
with some liquid that is difficult to drink. Something very sweet or spicy. In this case, the baby who
finishes his bottle first is the winner.

It's your turn to hold the baby

When you start the games, give each guest a small toy baby, one of those you can buy at
haberdashery stores. Each one is in charge of carrying their baby at all times. If you leave it on
furniture, on the floor, or even on your leg, someone else has the right to take it. At the end of the
games, count how many babies each person has. Whoever has the highest number wins.

Do you play bowling?

Here we propose a variant of the old game of bowling. Only instead of bowling, we will use bottles.
Line up 10 baby bottles the same way you line up the pins in a bowling alley. Then divide the guests
into groups of three. Each guest can only throw one ball. Have the groups shoot alternately. The first
group to chuza (throw the ten bottles) wins.

Pin the tail on the donkey (or the mother on the baby)
Make a very large drawing of a baby and put it on the wall. Divide the guests into groups. In turns, one
member of each group comes to the front of the drawing. He is blindfolded and given a bottle or a
paper diaper. Blindfolded, you must place the bottle or diaper on the correct part of the baby, only
using the instructions given to you by your group as a guide. To make it more fun, opposing teams can
shout out erroneous directions. The team that places the bottle or diaper most correctly wins.


I think we all agree that the most dramatic moment at a Baby Shower is when the gifts are opened.
However, there are certain things we can do to make it even more unforgettable. Here we tell you.

You lost: a serving of baby food

One of the most common items in a Baby Shawer is to make poor Mom eat a spoonful of baby meat or
chicken meals every time she makes a mistake. These little foods can be very healthy, but their taste,
especially when you eat them cold, is a nice sacrifice to pay for the mistakes made. All the guests will
laugh at the faces the future mother will make.

Pledge to pay: you will have a freckle

Another way to collect items is by "doing makeup" on Mommy every time she makes a mistake. We
can add a "freckle" for each mistake, or if the guests are more imaginative, we can leave the type of
"makeup" open to each person's creativity.

You can leave a collection of eye pencils and lip contours on hand, so that each guest can add a flower,
a word, a heart or whatever comes to mind to Mom's face. The results of this type of creative makeup
can be worthy of a photo to remember.

Get ready for the clothes

To avoid wasting time when paying for items, it is better to be organized. Put a side table with what
you will use for the clothes. This same table will also help to further enhance the place we choose to
open the gifts.

little words
Make a version of Hangman where each guess word is a part of a baby's body. For each word, give a
clue and indicate the number of letters it has with lines.
Whoever discovers all the words first wins the prize .

These first three games, you can make them yourself or you can buy them. Normally stores that sell
craft materials sell these sets.

fun balloons

Think of different clothes and write them on papers. Examples of items could be: drink 4 bottles of
water in a row, eat 3 jars of baby food (use the meat ones that taste worse), say four words of things
that are used to care for the baby that begin with Letter B. Fold the papers very small, put it inside
colored balloons and inflate the balloons.

When playing, give a balloon to each participant. Divide them into pairs. In the time it takes to lower
an hourglass, a couple must burst a balloon without touching it, it is only worth squeezing it between
the two people. Once the balloon burst, they must read the action and execute it. The couple who
finishes first wins, but is awarded a prize only if they finish before the hourglass runs out.

Dress up the baby

Bring two baby dolls and clothes to dress them. Bring as many clothes as possible. Includes diapers,
buy diapers for premature babies so that they can fit the doll.

Divide the guests into two groups. In each group, one person is blindfolded. This should dress the baby
blindly. The rest of the group can guide her with verbal instructions, without touching the doll, the
clothes, or the blindfolded person.

The team that correctly dresses the baby the fastest wins.

Make a baby costume

Again make two groups. You give a team some sheets of blue paper. On the other pink leaves. In three
minutes, with this paper, the members of each group must dress one of them as a baby, imitating a
boy if the paper is blue and a girl if the paper is pink. At the end of the time the other guests vote for
the best dressed baby. In case of a tie, have the babies determine the winner through a crawling race.

Baby's Treasure Hunt

Hide baby items around the house. Divide the guests into teams and give each team the list of the
“treasure” they must find. The first team to find all the items on their list wins.

Put the baby's belly button —At a photography location, print a large photo of a baby (much better
if it is the ultrasound of the unborn baby). The ideal print is 24 inches. You can make umbilical cords
with different colored cardstock paper...if you want to be more creative, decorate them with glitter,
markers, etc. You put a mask on each player's eyes...and the one closest to the real umbilical cord

Musical Diaper —Played just like musical chairs and/or hot potato. All the guests sit in a circle, and

the musical diaper is passed around until the music stops. Whoever has the
diaper when the music stops is removed. This is how the game continues, until only one player

Look for the fertilized egg —Just like looking for Easter eggs. Several Easter eggs are used and
hidden around the room where the party is held. You can draw a baby on one of the eggs. Whoever
finds it is the winner!!!

Guess who the baby is —each guest must bring a photo of her when she was a baby. All the photos
are placed on a piece of cardboard, listing the photos. Each guest is given a
paper with the numbers, so they can put the name of who they think the baby is under the number.
Whoever has the most correct names wins!!!

Memory game —fill a table and/or a tray with baby utensils (which the pregnant mother can then
keep), and cover them with a sheet. When the game begins, uncover items for just a minute so
participants can see what's there. After the minute, you cover them again. Whoever guesses the
most products is the winner!!!

Changing the diaper blindly —The participants' eyes are covered, and they have to change the
diaper of a doll blindly. Whoever has the best time wins.

Biblical Baby Shower

If you want to organize a Biblical Baby Shower, here we have published a step-by-step guide to do it.

We have gathered today to celebrate the upcoming arrival of a baby into this world.
Among the Orientals, life begins from the moment of conception, and in reality, that is how it is. This
new being already lives in us.

This party wants to be an “encourage us all” to welcome this child to find a True Community, that is:

- a baptismal community, committed to following Christ

- a Eucharistic community, gathered around the altar
- a fraternal community, always gathered around the needs for mutual service.

We also want to celebrate the parents of this new little boy, since they have given testimony of their
love and the Lord has blessed them with the incarnation of that love in a new fruit.

They have testified to their Responsible Parenthood, which commits them not only to the transmission
of life, but to the careful care they will have for this child. They will become the Educators in the faith
of their child, through Baptism they will turn him into the Son of God and through their testimony, they
will try to live his faith.


We are going to read the Word of God and the Word of the Church, which will be light for all of us.

First Reading: II Corinthians 9, 6-11

Second Reading: Humanae Vitae II, 9... Marital love.
Third Reading: John 3, 1-11


At all baby showers, the new mother's friends meet, talk, mingle, make good wishes and offer gifts.

We are now going to carry out a procession with the gifts that we offer to the new Christian, as a
symbol of the important functions that this mother will perform, always thinking that to serve is to
reign, that God loves him who gives with joy.

__________, so that God with his immense love gives you light, joy, diligence and affection in your
tasks as a mother, we offer you:

Blanket: This blanket represents heat, not only physical heat, which you transmit from now on to your
child, but also that heat that will accompany him in every moment of his life, when you look at him, or
caress him, or hear his voice. , when you are needed or you need it.

Chair: Cradle: Represents the arms, the support of you, your parents, who will protect you and help
you grow with love and security. That when he grows up he will find them spread out whenever he
needs them.

Cleaning Case: Contains everything you need so that you can clean it every day and keep it clean,
calm and happy. It means the care that you and your husband will put into his education, so that this
external cleanliness is a reflection of all the attitudes of his life.

Clothing: It will serve to protect his little body, which you will cover according to the different times of
the year, and as he grows and increases in size. They are like the Gifts and Graces that you will receive
in each of the Sacraments that you celebrate in the different stages of your life, and that will make
them grow in the relationship with you, your parents, with your family and with your friends.

Foods: They remind us that our body, from a young age, needs a daily dose of calories, proteins,
vitamins, minerals, etc. To have strength and be active, in a word, to live healthy. From a young age,
you will teach your little one that there is another food as indispensable as these that we mentioned
and that are to nourish our spiritual life: The word of God and the Eucharist.

Holy Family: It will be for him or her, a reflection of what you, his or her parents, are. We sincerely
hope that ___________ and you, in the image of the family of Nazareth, know how to be for this baby,
as well as for his brothers and friends, the image of God and joyful companions on the path of life.

Diapers: They are to keep your child clean, but not only in his body but also in his spirit. Take care of
your vocabulary and your expressions of anger, and everything that could be a bad example for your
child, and when he grows up, you will clean up his bad thoughts, bad words and everything negative
that he acquires in the course of his life, because This way you will always be clean of heart so that
you can see God.

The Baby Bottle: It tells you not only that you will feed it with the best, but do not forget to give
thanks for the daily bread, pray and give thanks before each meal for the food, material and spiritual

The Name: Always call him by his name, because this is how God will always speak to him. The name
expresses the essence, the identity of the person and the meaning of their life.

Faith: Remember the responsibility in the faith that you have for your child, educating him in a firm
faith in God and his Church, that he will never be ashamed to recognize Jesus and above all, show him
by your example how to talk and trust in God.

Bib: With it you will protect the baby and when using it on your child, remember that you will protect
him, but you will not imprison him; you will correct it, but you will not damage it. Love him but you will
not overprotect him, so that he will always be free, as God has created him.

Letter: God sends you this letter, in it he sends you a message... (GIVE GUARDIAN ANGEL)

May the Virgin Mary be for you that model of mother and catechist, and that the vocation that you had
in germ has begun to develop and bear fruit.

All of us gathered here, who want to show you our friendship and our affection, wish you, the new
parents, to have the joy of seeing this child grow in “wisdom, age, and grace.”

10 Baby Commandments

1. My hands are small, please don't expect perfection when I make the bed, draw a picture or throw
the ball. My legs are small, please walk slower so I can go next to you.

2. My eyes have not seen the world as you have seen, please let me explore it, do not limit me

3. The work is always there. I will be small only for a short time, please take some time to explain to
me the wonderful things in this world, do it with joy.

4. My feelings are fragile, please pay attention to my needs. Don't challenge me all day (you wouldn't
want to be challenged for being so tough). Treat me how you would like to be treated.

5. I am a special gift from God, please treasure me as God intended you to, respecting my actions,
giving me principles and values to live by and teaching me lovingly.

6. I need your support and your enthusiasm, not criticism, to grow. Please don't be so strict,
remember, you can criticize the things I do without criticizing me.

7. Please give me freedom to make my own decisions. Allow me to make mistakes, so I can learn from
my mistakes. So one day I will be preparing to make the decisions that life requires of me.

8. Please don't do everything for me, somehow that makes me feel like my efforts didn't meet your
expectations. I know it's difficult, but let me compare myself to my brother or sister.

9. Don't be afraid to stay away from me for a little while. Children need vacations from their parents,
just as parents need vacations from their children.

10. Take me to church or give me examples of spiritual life. I enjoy and learn.

A little note of thanks

I am very sorry that I cannot be with you. Well, God is painting my little cheeks, as well as my little
eyes and my hair so that my daddies (name of mother) and (name of dad) are very proud of me……..
I am sending you this little message to tell you that God will send me with the stork very soon, I will
use the little gifts that you have brought me.
I thank you for the welcome you gave me and for the appreciation you have for my mom, I also thank
you infinitely for the little gifts you have brought me, which I will need a lot, since when you leave me
with my mom I will not be dressed.
When you hear the news that I have arrived, come see me soon. Because I will really want to meet
you and see the work that God has done for me.
Just give my mom a little time to dress me nice.
See you soon

Prayer for the Pregnant Woman

Father who art in heaven, I have in my bosom now
a little one, vulnerable, who is already transforming my whole body and my whole heart.
Thank you for trusting me!
Thank you for allowing me to welcome you as Mary welcomed Jesus on the day of the Annunciation!
Thank you for being able to welcome him like my mother welcomed me!
when he felt my presence in the most intimate part of his being.

Father who loves us, I am amazed at this life

so secret and pulsating, so fragile and full of promises.
Thank you for giving me the eyes of the heart,
that allow me to see this child at a time when he is not yet visible.
Father, full of tenderness, help me do every day what I can do so that this child is happy.
I ask you, Father of all grace, to be able to transmit to this child all the faith, hope and love that I
carry in my heart.

Finally, I beg you, Father, to keep us under your protection, my son who is yours first, and me, now
and always.

Our Guardian Angel

An ancient legend tells that a baby one day said to God:

- They tell me that you are going to send me to earth very soon, but... How will I live as small and
defenseless as I am?

+ God answers him: Among many Angels I chose one for you, who will be waiting for you. He will take
care of you...

- But tell me, here in heaven I do nothing but sing and smile, will that be enough to be happy?

+ Your angel will sing to you and smile every day and you will feel a lot of love and you will be happy...

-And how am I going to understand what people talk to me, if I don't know the strange language that
men speak?

+ Your angel will tell you the sweetest, most tender words you can hear and with a lot of patience and
affection, he will teach you how to speak.

-And what will I do when I want to talk to you?

+ Your angel will join your little hands and teach you to pray.

- I have heard that there are bad men on earth. Who will defend me?

+ Your angel will defend you at the cost of his life.

- But I will always be sad, because I will not see you again Lord.

+ Your angel will always speak to you about me, and will teach you the way, so that you return to my
presence, although I will always be in heaven.

And the terrestrial voices could already be heard. Then the baby said softly...

- My God, if I leave, tell me his name so I can recognize him... What is my angel's name?

+ His name does not matter, God answered the baby, you will tell him...

Five keys to being a good father

· The main thing, of course, is love. But it's not enough that you feel it, you also have to show it to
them so that they know it.

· Do not forget, however, that they are your children and that you must educate them. There are times
when discipline is necessary.

·Respect their way of being and also their concerns. Let them, little by little, learn to make decisions
and take responsibility for their own lives.

·Share your free time with them. Participate in their hobbies and help them develop their qualities.

·Agree with your wife to have the same criteria in basic aspects.

· If you don't play with me now, whenever you want, I will have already grown up.

· That the harmony between you and mom will give me security in life.

· Whether your love remains depends on my ability to love when I am an adult.

· I will be very happy when you take me asleep to my bed.
· What I learn with you, I will remember all my life.

· That if we pray together I learn to communicate with God.

· That the love and respect that you show to others will be love and
respect that I will have for them when I am an adult.

· I would like to take part in family decisions, even though I am little, I am a full member of the family.

· I need you and mom, like my best friends.

Baby shower games

Games during a baby shower are one of the best experiences that are always remembered with great
joy. Part of making games a success includes planning
in advance what games will take place. Attached we include the most popular games.

NOTE: Make sure all attendees can participate in the events and games, and that you include prizes for
the games (have additional prizes in case of a tie).

What is the size of breast belly? For this you will need tape or toilet paper, and scissors as
material. Each participant must cut the tape or toilet paper to the size they think the future mother's
belly measures. Once all participants have cut the ribbon, compare the ribbons with the current size of
the mother-to-be's belly. The
The winner is the one that is closest in size.
You can't say the word baby. The materials can be a baby safety pin or another baby-related
object that can be inserted into a ribbon that each participant will wear as a necklace. The rule of this
game is given at the beginning of the party, that if the guest says the word drink, the other guest who
notices it keeps this guest's necklace. At the end of the party, the winner is the one with the most

How many baby products can you name? The materials would be paper and pencil for the guests.
Each guest must write on the paper as many baby-related products as they can remember within a
maximum of 5 minutes. The prize goes to the one with the most products on their list.

Make the baby's face. The materials are magazines, scissors, construction paper and glue. The
participants are divided into three groups of 3. Each group must prepare, cut pieces of
different qualities, an abstract of what the future mother's baby will look like. The future mother will
choose which of the “babies” created is the most beautiful.

Guess the baby food: Several jars of baby food are bought and the label is removed. One participant
can play the baby and the other the mother. Up to 10 couples can play. The couple who guesses what
their compote contains wins.

Guess how many safety pins there are. The materials are many safety pins and a glass jar.
Guests must guess how many safety pins are inside the jar. Whoever gets closest to the number wins.

Guess who the baby is: Ask all the guests to bring a photo of themselves drinking to the baby
shower. Put all the photos on a wall. See how many people guess who those babies were.

Letter jumble: Take the 25 most common baby-related words and rearrange the letters. The person
who manages to decipher the greatest number of words from the jumble of
letters wins.

Wipe the dirty diaper. The materials are a new diaper, Nutella chocolate and music. He “dirts” his

diaper with Nutella. All the guests sit in a circle and pass the diaper
until the music stops. Whoever has the diaper when the music stops is eliminated.

Putting on the diaper blindly: The materials would be a mask or handkerchief to cover the eyes,
several life-sized dolls and diapers. The objective of the game is that the person whose eyes are
covered with the mask must remove the doll's diaper and put a new one on it. The person who
finishes first wins.

The baby's alphabet: A vertical list is made with the letters from A to Z. A copy of the list is given to
each guest. They have to put next to each letter a word related to the baby that begins with that
letter. The person with the most words in two minutes wins.

The baby Pictionary game: Create some cards with words or phrases related to the baby. During
the shower, divide the guests into two groups. Each group is given a pencil and paper. In each round,
one person from each group takes one of the cards and draws the word or phrase for their team to
guess within two minutes. The group that guesses the most is the one that wins.

Guess what the diaper has: The materials would be 5 diapers and 5 different kinds of chocolate
bars. Melt each chocolate bar separately and place it on a clean diaper. The guests have to guess
which chocolate bar is contained in each diaper.

Guess the song: The materials would be a CD player and a baby music CD. The participant who
guesses the song the fastest is the one who wins.

Who's water breaks first: The materials would be several small disposable cups and plastic baby-
shaped dolls. The day before the party, fill the glass with water until it covers the doll. On the day of
the party, the glass with the frozen doll is given to each guest. The guest who manages to melt
enough ice to remove the doll wins.

The memory game: The materials are clothesline and clothespins...also baby utensils. Baby utensils
are stuck in the clothesline. Two people hold the string at both ends for about two minutes and then
the string is hidden with the utensils. The person who remembers the greatest number of utensils by
heart wins.

Pregnant husband game: The men are chosen from among the visitors. If you do not have shoes
with drawers, you can tie knitting thread around the shoes. You are instructed to fill the balloons, and
then place the filled balloon on your belly. The first person to tie their shoes without popping the
balloon wins.

Pair the baby socks: For this game you need 14 pairs of baby socks (which the future mother can
use in the future). Pairs are separated and placed in a laundry basket. The participant who can match
them in the shortest amount of time wins.c

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