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According to Saint Juanka

1. Place the missing comma in the following sentences:

1. Teachers , welcome to the meeting.
2. An intelligent woman is bold , critical , persevering and sensible.
3. All my friends , including the most apathetic ones , were at the party.
4. Soon we will visit Paris , the city of lights.
5. López Albújar , who signed with the pseudonym Sansón Carrasco , wrote Ushanan
6. You will go this way; you , over there.
7. Wise , educated , prudent and courteous.
8. Football , passion of passions , causes euphoria.
9. When I leave late , I only take a taxi on Tuesdays.
10. They go to the northern beaches; my uncle , to those in the south.
eleven. Fight , soldiers , until you win.
12. Some talk about politics; others , business.
13. With this drizzle , we will never get there.
14. Don't walk away from me , my beloved.
fifteen. The girl gets emotional , sighs and cries.
16. Yes , I'll tell you the truth.
17. The children , however , remained calm.
18. I 'm really excited.
19. At Carol's house , Juan and Carlos were singing.
twenty. Karina , my wife's sister , is a nurse.

2. Write whether the use of punctuation marks is correct (C) or incorrect (I).
1. The room was very small . Yo
2. Susana, have you decided what you are going to do? c
3. No : Carmen will not return, aunt. Yo
4. His entire family was born in Córdova (Argentina). c
5. The poet César Vallejo was born in Santiago de Chuco (Peru) . Yo
6. That NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) will now be controlled (like the
others) . Yo
7. Benito Juárez, honoree of the Americas, said: “Respect for the rights of others is
peace.” c
8. He told me : they left very early. Yo
9. Do a phonetic-phonological analysis in your theoretical-practical class. c
10. Yes, the correct way to separate into syllables – song- is can-ción. Yo
eleven. Miguel lives in the old school. Yo
12. He read aloud to us the “Somnambulist Romance” from Romancero Gitano. c
13. “The affront of Corpes” is a chapter from The Song of Mío Cid. c
14. “The word of the mute” includes the following stories: “The buzzards without
feathers”, “Alienation”, etc. Yo
fifteen. I remember two things about my grandfather ; his sense of humor and his
advice. Yo

3. Place the colon where appropriate.

1. There are three Aragonese provinces : Huesca, Zaragoza and Teruel.
2. I will not attend the meeting : I am exhausted.
3. There is great confusion : there is no mobility.
4. The rains in the jungle were intense : the rivers overflowed.
5. The public watched the game, the players ran after the ball, the referee followed the
actions : everything was suspense and excitement.
6. She did not receive her bonus : she was very worried.
7. There is no doubt : they are the best.
8. Descartes already said it : “I think, therefore I am.”
9. The doctor's words were : “Rest and good nutrition.”
10. He didn't need to run : it was still early.

4. Place the comma and semicolon according to the rules.

1. Dr. Pérez has three patients under his responsibility ; Dr. Muñoz , two ; Dr. Zegarra ,
2. Study Luis : algebra is easy ; but Physics , Chemistry and Biology , very difficult.
3. The brain is part of the nervous system ; the kidney , of the urinary ; the liver , of
the digestive.
4. Digestive and respiratory diseases are the most frequent ; The muscular ones , on
the other hand, are not.
5. The jungle is immense , powerful , dark , full of silence ; The plain is wide , clear
and of endless extension.

5. From the following words:

contiguous – shame – aguita – old – glove – Guillermo – Aguero – guard – find out –
guide – penguins – caiguita – find out – linguist – downpour – bilingual – linguistics –
quisquería – ambiguities – tongue – tongue – noise.

How many should have umlauts?

Rep.: 12

6. Indicate the alternative that presents incorrect use of the comma.

to. When the city falls, I will flee.
b. Here, in the presence of everyone, he escaped.
c. My sincere and true friends, they did not abandon me.
d. Ana works well; Laura, no.
and. Attend me, miss.

7. Given the sentences:

1. At that moment, Clytemnestra, Agamemnon's wife, burst into the room.
2. Finally, after twenty years, the brave and cunning Odysseus arrived.
3. Barcelona, January 15 , 2009.
4. Indeed , Juan , traveled yesterday.
5. Everything, according to the Holy Scriptures, is vanity.

Which ones have correct use of the comma?

Answer: 1 - 2 - 5

8. In which alternative is there correct use of the comma?

to. Mariana , your lips are not beautiful.
b. Students , keep your books.
c. Calm, sir, must not be lost.
d. Don't come back too late from the meeting.
and. Whoever studies , succeeds in life.

9. Indicate the alternative that presents correct use of the comma.

to. Can you change this currency for me friend?
b. Giovanny , is attentive; Renzo, nice.
c. The last time I saw her, she said hello to me.
d. They handed him all his documents.
and. Arturo and Miguel are class friends.

10. In the sentence.

“The best preacher is the heart ; the best teacher , time ; the best book , the world.”

What punctuation marks should appear?

Reply: ; , ; ,

eleven. Check the alternative that presents correct use of the colon.
to. Ana: take care of the exercises.
b. Solve the exercises: but without fear.
c. I think I have studied: theory and practice.
d. They said: “They will arrive tomorrow.”
and. Marco gave up on his trip: he had no money.
12. Check the alternative that presents correct use of quotation marks.
to. Prada wrote “Free Pages.”
b. Jaime “said the only thing I want is to pass.”
c. “Mouse” is a word from the computer science lexicon.
d. The “newly acquired books” are uncovered.
and. The “Culina” language is spoken in the Amazon.

13. Check the alternative that presents incorrect use of parentheses.

to. Vallejo was born in Santiago de Chuco (La Libertad).
b. An NGO (non-governmental organization) is a non-profit association.
c. The discovery of America (1492) was a momentous event.
d. “The divine is in the human” (José Martí).
and. Mary counted 23 twenty-three (steps).

14. Given the sentences:

1. He told us: “Your best friend is the book; your best friend, reading.”
2. Young people , they study Linguistics ; them , Architecture.
3. Ana, José's friend, told us: “Children, tell the whole truth.”

Which ones have correct punctuation?

Answer: 1 - 3

fifteen. Inside the following sentences:

*“Raúl is , that's what they say , a great goalkeeper.
*“I have bought mangoes , cherimoyas , soursops , pacayes…
*“The judge , overwhelmed by the attitude of the accused , postponed the trial.”

What punctuation marks are missing?

Answer: Seven commas

16. Assign the correct punctuation in the parentheses.

* I won't go to work ( ) said Juan Carlos.

Reply: line

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