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This new General Education Law, according to a substantial change for the
improvement of education in Peru, which seeks through the bases or rules of the
game at a general level of the entire Peruvian educational system. It is a norm
that shows that the State has powers and responsibilities, and even indicates that
society as a whole also has them in matters of education.

Regarding the responsibility of society, which implies that it is gradually trying to

free itself from the weight of the expense it causes in terms of the national Budget.
For this reason, through the APAFA, it has been implementing the maintenance of
School Infrastructure, through the School Maintenance Program.

This norm and the provisions reach at the national level that govern at the level of
the national government and subnational governments, for all types of persons,
both legal and natural, public or private, national and foreign.

As we well know, education is the fundamental means to acquire, transmit and

increase culture; It is a permanent process that contributes to the development of
the individual and the transformation of society, and is a determining factor for the
acquisition of knowledge and for training women and men, so that they have a
sense of social solidarity.

It is not enough that there is a substantial change in the regulations or the so-
called modern laws; since it is urgently required in the entire part of the
educational system, not only improving the infrastructure part, but more than
anything in the part of educational policy, human resources, Budget, training and
evaluation on a permanent basis at different levels. and teacher degrees.

Meanwhile, the same problems exist unresolved, any intention to improve

education will not be able to lead towards a good quality of education; since the
participation of all levels of society is required to develop a vision with a single
proposal oriented towards several decades. This Proposal requires consensus
among all actors in society and then monitoring in each established period,
seeking new strategy mechanisms that serve to correct major errors in national
educational policy.


This is the new Teacher Reform Law, which has been applied since 2012, a rule
that has application in the different aspects of the exercise of the profession, as
appointed or contracted, in the different positions held in the basic or in the
technical productive way.

These aspects range from their professional teaching training to their retirement
from the career. As the Teacher Reform Law repealed the Teachers' Law and the
Public Teachers' Career Law, with their respective amendments, this new norm
applies to educational assistants and higher education teachers in public institutes
or schools.

Although it is true that this Law aims to regulate the relations between the State
and the teachers at its service, in the Public Teaching Career, in accordance with
the mandate established in article 15 of the Political Constitution of Peru and the
provisions of article 57. of Law No. 28044, General Education Law.

At the beginning of this application of this new Teaching Career, there was a
general rejection at the level of teachers, continuing in the years following the
issuance of this Law, there is a demand from the state to repeal this norm; since
according to the teaching profession they consider it to be private in nature.

For this reason, there are serious questions in various norms, since they consider
that there is a loss of many achieved rights which are protected by norms including
the International Court of Human Rights. In this way, making a serious analysis,
the major reforms are prepared in a consensual manner in which there are fewer
questions and the results are very optimal in which Peruvian education sets
guidelines for high competition among students and then has a significance in the
future, so that the results are on par with other developed countries.

To ensure a very optimal and expected result for future generations, the Curricular
Program definitely has to be changed, in line with modern times, breaking some
traditional paradigms, basically some songs, drawings, paintings, cuttings; leaving
aside the creativity in boys, girls, students and innovations in teachers. It is very
necessary to make changes with an approach that breaks decades-old paradigms
and myths, putting the student at the center of education.


In the public education sector, there is some appearance of changes in regulatory,
curricular and administrative policies. This new reality forces the teacher to
become aware personally and as a team, to carry out relevant updates and
innovations in their knowledge, to keep up with and counteract the challenges
imposed by the globalized rhythm of regular basic education. Peruvian, since it is
a great challenge for high competition at the level of public institutions, to be at the
level of other emerging countries.

It has been proven that it is not enough to apply new rules, laws, decrees,
regulations, directives and other provisions; this does not mean that the teacher
will cause changes in society. It is a commitment and challenge for each teacher,
who is obliged to deploy and strengthen participatory strategies in teamwork,
design and execute operational plans and strategic projects, which will strengthen
the development of capabilities and didactic processes focused on the quality of
the educational service.

There is a great mistaken error that education begins in the classroom, without
considering that the first school of learning is in the family home; When the child is
formed with high values and qualities, it will no longer be difficult to adapt, but on
the contrary, a touch-up for boys and girls in school classrooms will be enough. It's
just that, it requires strengthening based on their qualities and values in
coordination with the parents; since the family is the cell and agent of change in
the comprehensive formation of boys and girls, with educators only responsible for
the instructive part and training of their abilities and skills.

With the teacher reform law, labor relations between the state and the teaching
staff who provide their services in favor of the state, in Regular Basic and
Productive Technical education, in the instances of decentralized educational
management, regulating their duties, obligations, rights and continuous training in
these. In order to carry out their work efficiently and effectively, every teacher must
keep their knowledge updated and know the guidelines of the teaching
performance evaluation procedure with a vision of the Strategic Project of the
National Educational Project for 2021.


The issue of good teaching performance is the result of a process of dialogue and
coordination that over more than two years was led by the National Council of
Education (CNE) and the Educational Forum through the Interinstitutional
Roundtable for Good Teaching Performance. This Board currently seeks to
establish a consensus regarding what society and the State require of those who
teach in Regular Basic Education, whether in public schools or those managed

This proposal has a dynamic nature to improve education in Peru, in which

citizens, teachers, specialists, representatives of the teaching profession, families
and communities, as well as various governmental and non-governmental
institutions, academic institutions and agencies of technical cooperation, are
obliged to participate in the pursuit of educational quality. Therefore, it is a
responsibility that does not exclude anyone; on the contrary, it is a contribution to
strengthening educational agents.

As well as a central instrument in the teacher professional development policy, it is

the agreement between teachers, society and the state, regarding what to expect
from their work in a diverse and unequal country like ours. Within the framework of
the new Teaching Career Law, it is up to teachers to contribute innovative ideas in
the field of teaching-learning, which strengthen a progressive development of
academic performance, to be on par with other emerging countries, to
demonstrate that education is the cornerstone for the development of a country or
a region.

Consequently, both Directors, Teachers, parents, students, public and private

institutions and civil society have the great task of contributing to establish new
paradigms in the comprehensive training of students at the different levels of
Regular Basic education.


In the new teaching career, the purpose of applying a new instrument is to share
the criteria for carrying out teaching-learning tasks, which must be evaluated by
students and teachers, through a monitoring team.

This application of the rubric is a guide or roadmap for tasks, showing the
expectations that students and teachers have and share about an activity or
several activities, organized at different levels of fulfillment in different teaching

That is, they are steps in which various activities are developed from less
acceptable practical cases to exemplary or extraordinary resolution. In other
words, it is considered insufficient to excellent. The rubric has its origins in
measurement scales used in the fields of psychology and education, where a
qualitative object (for example, a text) is related to quantitative objects (for
example, metric units).

Depending on what is intended to be evaluated, rubrics can be holistic (does not

separate the parts of a task) or analytical (evaluates each part of an activity or a
set of activities). That is to say, the rubric is not only reduced to a specific specific
topic, but is the way to discover and motivate students, with the purpose of
awakening greater interest in the field of knowledge and knowledge that constantly
finds new knowledge. . In short, they are new ways to improve teaching-learning;
which must have an optimal and favorable result in the training of students of all
grades from elementary, primary and secondary education.

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