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4, A porter governor has all four arm: HRIHLIVAN UNIVERSIY Pxam. INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING Level Examination Control Division | Prosram | pe 2075 Chaitra Year /Part | IVIT r ine 11 (Mh 702) Subject: -'Vheory of Mechanism and M Candidates are required to pive their answers in their own words as far a% practicable. Attempt All questions. The figures in the margin indicate Full Marks, Assume suitable data if necessary. A848 (4) the functions of flywheel and governor. Exp ‘The stroke of a steam engine is 600 mm and the leng crank rotates at 180 rpm, Determine 8) velocity and acceleration of the piston when crank has 40° from inner dead center, and b). The position of the erank for zero acceleration of the piston 18) th of connecting rod is 1.5m, The ravelled through an angle of ywhee! is carried on a shaft mounted in two bearings and B 900mm apart. The heel which has a mass of Skg and radius of gyration of 300mm is fined 300mm from ee hoan bearing A the flywheel is revolving in a clockwise direction at 3000 rpm spout ils own axis, The two bearings are in the same horizontal plane and are supported by thin flexible cords. Ifthe cord supporting bearing A is cut, determing the motion of the Aywheel and the shaft, in magnitude and direction that follows immediately after cutting the cord. (6) 5 250mm long. The upper arms are attached on the axis aepotntica and Tower arms are attached to the sleeve at distanee of 30mm from the axis. ‘The mase of cach ball is Skg and sleeve has mass of SOkg. The extreme radii of rotation are 150mm and 200mm, Determine minimum and maximum speed of govemor. io) How a single rotating mass can be balanced by two masses rotating in different planes ‘when the plane of the disturbing mass lies on one end of the planes of the balancing masses? {6] 6. What is the natural frequency of the 200 kg block of figure below. 18] 0.2 MNim I= 1x10%m4 E=210GPa 0.15 MN/in. ited that the amplitude os ‘motion at 1: test under harmonic excitation, it was no f createy'thani O"s Inert nema ei on gay 2 ea resonance. Determine the damping ratio of the system. sown in as si “3 Determine the natural uae ‘and mode shapes of vibration for system 10) figure below. Take ky = k3 = k; ke = 2k; and my = m2 =m. pe ky ky In, pw mM; 9. Determine natural frequencies and corresponding mode stapes of the system shown in 13 figure below. X % ee Lk 2k k | m 2m m 10. Find lower natural frequency of vibration for system shown in figure below by Rayleigh’s method. Take E = 1.96 = 10"! N/m’, I= 4x10 m* [6] 4 Mr=200kg Hl 100k 3 ~ 1S je “> 30m [6] 11. Derive the governing equation for lateral vibration in beams. tet 4 rmnavaninavenssey Bade] INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING | Level 1 Full Mase Examination Control Division | Programme sss. Pv Marks 4% 2074 Ashwin Year (Part 1/1 ‘ime shy SA8K8 Subject: -"Theory of Mechanisin and Machine I) aia Candidates are required to give their answers in their ov words a far se practicable Attempt All questions The figures in the margin indicate Full Marks Assume suitable data if necessary, What is the function of a fly wheel’? Derive expre for dimension of a SyvAvwed sim. Define logarithmic decrement. Derive an expression lor the logarithinic: decreament in terms of the damping ratio. Explain with necessary derivations how « single rotating mass on a plane can by two masses rotating in different planes when the plane of the dis between the planes of the two balancing masses, ‘The moment of inertia of each wheel of a motorcycle is 1.5 ke m?. The solating parts of the engine of the motor cycle have a moment of inertia of 0.28 kg m”. ‘The speed of the engine is six times the speed of the wheels and is in the same direction. ‘The mass of the motor cycle is 250 kg and its centre of gravity is 0.6 m above the ground level. Find the angle of heel if the motor eycle is travelling at 45 km/h and is taking a turn of 30 m radius. The wheel diameter is 0.6 m. A loaded governor of the Porter type has equal arms and links cach 250 mrn long. ‘The mass of each ball is 2 kg and the central mass is 12 ky. When the ball radius is 150 mm, the valve is fully open and when the radius is 185 mm, the valve is closed. Find the maximum speed and the range of speed. If the maximum speed is to be inoreased 20% by an addition of mass to the central load, find what additional mass is required An automobile suspension system is to be modeled as a single degree of freedom system as shown in figure below. The mass of the wheel and tire is lumped together, M = 20 ky, he tire stiffness, Ky is 20 kNim. The suspension spring stiffness Ks is 180 kNém. The viscous damping coefficient of the shock absorber is 200 N.s/m. Determine the following parameters: a) Natural frequency b) The critical damping, ©) Damping ratio, d) Damped natural frequency oy? DT [8] 18] [8] ov in as Determine the fiee vibration of the system shown IR Ir conditions are x,(0) = 5, xi (0) = 5 #2 (0) = 95 #200) m= m3 =m. 8. Determine the natural frequencies and the corresponding mo¢ shown in figure below. 2m - k k ql] lp 9. Find the natural frequency of vibration for the system shown in fi method. Take E = 1.96 x 10" Nim? 1=4 x 107m‘, gure below by Rayleigh M750 10. A uniform 6: vibrations. D: M1 TRIMIIVAN UNIVERSITY Wxam, Hull Markey | 40 INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING. Level | Uxamination Control Division ram | Pass Marks | 2078 Chaiten | Yene Part | time ss. | ism and Machine LI (M1702) 7 Subject: -'heory of Meek Y Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far-as practicable Attempt All questions, The figures in the margin indicate Kull Marks Assume suitable data if necessary. 446 Derive expressions for velocity and neceleration of the piston of a slider erank meefianism, 15] 2. Derive an expres damper (viscous) 3. Derive expression for Balancing of a single rotating, mass by two rot different planes, when the plane of single rotating mass lies at one end of the planes of balancing masses. (6) ‘A horizontal axle AB, 1m long, is pivoted at the midpoint C. It carries a weight of 20 N at ‘Aand a wheel weighing 50 N at B. The wheel is made (o spin at a speed of 600 r.p.m ina clockwise direction looking from its front. Assuming that the weight of the flywheel is uniformly distributed around the rim whose mean diameter is 0.6 m, calculate the angular velocity of precession of the system around the vertical axis through C. [8] n for a, transmissibility ratio of an isolator consisting of spring and In a Hartnell Governor, the mass of each rotating ball is 2 kg. ‘The ball arm is 125 mm long and the sleeve arm is 75 mm. When the ball arm is vertical, the radius of rotation is 100 mm and the equilibrium speed is 250 rpm. An increase of 8% in speed results in sleeve movement of 12 mm, Determine the stiffness of the spring and the initial spring load. (8) A mass of 5 kg is suspended on a spring and set oscillating. It is observed that the amplitude reduces to 5% of its initial value after 2 oscillations which completes in 0.5 s. Determine the damping ratio, the natural frequency, the damped natural frequency, the spring stiffness, the critical damping coefficient and the actual damping coefficient. (8) Determine the natural frequencies and mode shapes for given data ky = 98000 N/m, ky = 19600 Nim; m1 = 196 kg, m2 = 49 kg. (Refer below figure) (19) sransverse vibration of e simply supported bear. (8 41 TRBHUVAN UNIVERSITY (Baw. INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING — [Level BE ‘Full Marks 80 Examination Control Division | Programme | BME [Pass Marks 3200 | 2074 Ashwin | Time Sis, | : = Theory of Mechanism and Machine II (ME702) Y Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as fur as practicable Y Attempt All questions. Y The figures in the margin indicate Full Marks, Y Assume suitable data if necessary. ‘What is the function of a fly wheel? Derive expressions for dimension of a flywheel rim. [5] 2. Define logarithmic decrement. Derive an expression for the logarithmic decrement in terms of the damping ratio. 13) 3. Explain with necessary derivations how a single rotating mass on a plane can be balanced by two masses rotating in different planes when the plane of the disturbing mass lies in between the planes of the two balancing masses, (6) 4, ‘The moment of inertia of each wheel of a motorcycle is 1.5 kg m*. The rotating parts of the engine of the motor cycle have a moment of inertia of 0.28 kg m’. The speed of the “Leengine is six times the speed of the wheels and isin the same direction. The mass of the xo \ motor eycle is 250 kg and its centre of gravity is 0.6 m above the ground level. Find the angle of heel if the motor cycle is travelling at 45 knv/h and is taking a turn of 30 m radius, The wheel diameter is 0.6 m. (8) 5. A loaded govemor of the Porter type has equal arms and links each 250 mm long. The mass of each ball is 2 kg and the central mass is 12 kg. When the ball radius is 150 mm, the valve is fully open and when the radius is 185 mm, the valve is closed. Find the ‘maximum speed and the range of speed. Ifthe maximum speed is to be increased 20% by ‘an addition of mass to the central load, find what additional mass is required. (8) 6. An automobile suspension system is to be modeled as a single degree of freedom system as shown in figure below. The mass of the wheel and tire is lumped together, M = 20 kg ‘The tire stiffness, K, is 20 KNm. The suspension spring stiffness Ks is 180 KN/m, The viscous damping coefficient of the shock absorber is 200, Determine the following parameters: (8) a) Natural frequency b) The critical damping, c) Damping ratio, ) Damped natural frequency he initial i below when U 7. Determine the free vibration of the system soy in ae ey =; ka = 2k and conditions are x\(0) = 5, x1 (0) = 0; ¥2 (0) = 0, x2(0) ty ‘my =m =m. % } X i es of the system 8. Determine the natural frequencies and’the corresponding mode shap' U4) shown in figure below. 9. Find the natural frequency of vibration for the system shown in figure below by Rayleigh method. Take E = 1.96 x 10 N/n?,1=4 x 107 m‘, [10] Y My= 100 kg y= 50 10. A uniform beam fixed at one end and simply supported at the other is having transverse vibrations. Derive suitable expression for its frequency equation. (6) ay 41) crIpHUVAN UNIVERSITY subject ~ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. Y. Attempt Ail questions. The figures in the margin indicate Full Marks, Y Assume suitable data if necessary. 1.. Derive an expression for velocity of piston on a reciprocating mechanism ofan engine. [4] *2. Define logarithmic Decrement. Derive expression for logarithmic decrement in terms of damping ratio. 3. Define transmissibility. Sketch transmissibility curves and define mass controlled, ‘damping controlled end mass controlled regions. cr 4. Define the flexibility and stiffness influence coefficient, Establish the relationship between the flexibility and stiffness matrix. . (4) 5. Explain with necessary derivations how a single rotating mass on a plane can be balanced by two masses rotating in different planes when the plane of the disturbing mass lies in between the planes of the two balancing masses (4) 6. Anengine runs at 100 rpm and a curve of the tuming moment plotted on a crank angle base showed the following areas alternatively above and below the mean tuming moment line: 780, 400, 520, 620, 260, 460, 340, 420 iam”. The scale used were 1 mm = 400 Nam for torques axis and 1 mm = 1° for crarik angle axis. If the total fluctuation in speed is limited 2% of mean speed, wx the mass of flywheel necessary if the radius of gyration is 1.05 m. VA \ a A flywheel is carried on a shaft mounted in two bearings A and B 900 mm apart. The flywheel which has a mass of 5 kg and radius of gyration of 300 mm is fixed 300 mm from A and 600 mm from B, Viewed from bearing A the flywheel is revolving in a clockwise direction at 3000 rpm about its own axis. The two beatings are in the same horizontal plane and are supported by thin flexible cords. If the cord supporting bearing ‘Ais cut, Describe the motion of the flywheel and the shaft, in magnitude and direction that follows immediately after cutting the cord. 9 $. Ina Porter governor the upper and lower arms are each 25 em long and they are attached on points on the governor spindle. On bottom position of the sleeve, the arms make an angle of 35° with thé vertical spindle and in top position the angle is 45° Ifthe ‘weight of each rotating ball is one-eighth of the central load, find the speed range of the governor. (6 sis on a fictioaless surface. Find the fem its static equilibrium position 15 0 kg, b= 0.25 Amis), ki = 15 Nim 4 5. The block shown in Figure P. to the right Fesponse of the system ifthe block is displaced ito the right and released fom rest, Take m= 4 and k= 0.50 Nimvs. : 7 Figure P.9 10. Petennne the two natal eguences and the modes of vibration ofthe system shown in Figure P.10. Given If (0) = 0.1, PREC AEE rare Tesponse of the system, wa = ok be dn by ae Figure P.10 11." Determine the natural frequencies and the corresponding mode she of the System shown in Figure P.11, oor @ ry Figure P.lL 12. Find the lower natural frequency of vibretion for the system shown in Figure P.12 by Rayleigh method. oT Y My= 100 kg Y . nM M3=50 Figure P.12 13. Differentiate between diserete system and continuous system. Also detive équation of motion for the longitudinal vibration of a bar. (4) 41 ‘TRIBHUVAN UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING ‘Theory of Mechanism and Machine II (ME702) _ Y Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. ¥ Attempt AU questions. Y The figures in the margin indicate Full Marks. Y Assume suitable data if necessary. 4, Detive expression for the determination of the dimension of the flywheel rim. 4] 2, Define damping. Explain the nature of response of over-damped, critically-damped and under-damped system with necessary sketches. [4] 3, Write down an expression for the steady state amplitude for forced harmonic vibration. Also derive condition at which peak amplitude occurs. [4] 4, Define dynamic matrix, Explain eigen values and eigen vectors of a dynamic system ‘with reference to the vibration of a discrete system? 4 °§. Explain with necessary derivations how a single rotating mass on a plane can be balanced by two masses rotating in different planes when the plane of the disturbing ‘mass lies on one end of the planes of the balancing masses. i] eo ‘The stroke of a steam engine is 600 mm and the length of connecting rod is 1.5 m. The crank rotates at 180 r.p.m. Determine: (a) velocity and. acceleration of the piston when crank has travelled through an angle of 40° from inner dead centre, and (b) the position of the crank for zero acceleration of the piston, (6 %: A-dise with a radius of gyration 60 mm and a mass of 5 kg is mounted centrally on @ horizontal axle of 80 mm length, between beatings. It spins about the axle at 800 rpm anticlockwise when viewed from the right hand side bearing, The axle precesses about a vertical axis at 75 rpm in an anticlockwise ditection when viewed from above. Determine the resultant reaction at each bearing due to the mass and the gyroscopic effect. {61 8, A Porter governor has all four arms 250 mm long. The upper arms are attached on the axis of rotation and the lower arms are’attached to the sleeve at a distance of 30 mm from the axis, The mass of each ball is 5 kg and the sleeve has a mass of 50 kg. The extreme radii of rotation are 150 mm and 200 mm, Determine the range of speed of the governor. (6) 95. The single-degree-of-freedom system shown in Figure P.9 is subjected (o @ harmonic force. If the natural frequency is @,=4 rad/s and m= 1 kg: ‘2) determine the spring and damping constants when the system is critically damped; b) determine the amplitude of the total force transmitted to the ground under steady. state oscillations when @ = 1 rad/s. (8) . 1 sot PO) =sins Np ee N Figure P.9 110/-*Determine the two natural frequencies and mode shapes ofthe system shown in Figure PALO. Given If x1(0) = 0.1, (0) = 0; x2 (0) = 0, 420) = 0, determine the response of the system. (12) Figure P10 91428 For the system shown in Figure PU, ki = 3k, ka= 2k, ky = kand m= 4m, ma = 2m cies and the corresponding raode shepes. [12 and m3 =m Determine the natural frequen pe pe pe j ky ky ky my m Figure Plt 1%: Dunkerley's method. Find the in Figure P.12 lower i 1e system shown in Figur "Find the lower natural fequency of vibration for the sys YZ Meats My=50 Y J ty 1=30em 13. Differentiate between diseres motion for the lateral vibration Figure P12 (6) i i tion of ‘S¥stém and continuous system. Also derive equatis 4 ofa beam. fee TRIIUIVAN UNIVERSITY (Exam. TTUTE OF ENGINEERING | Level Br Examination Control Division | Programme | BME | Pass Marks 2071 Shawan | Near/Part | 1V/1 _| Time Subject: - Theory of Mechanism and Machine II (E702) ¥ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable, ¥ Attempt AU questions Y The figures in she margin indicate Full Marks, ¥ Assume suitable data if necessary. 1. Write down the function of a govemor. Derive an expression for the sleeve lift and speed of a Porter governor. (4) 2. Define logarithmic Decrement, Derive expression for logarithmic decrement in terms of damping ratio. iy 3. Draw phasor diagram for different forces witen a spring-mass-damper system is excited by the harmonic force. Also derive an expression forthe steady state amplitude. (4 4, Define the flexibility and stifthess influence coefficient. Establish the relationship between the flexibility and stiffness matrix. (4) Explain with nevessary derivations how a single rotating mass on a plane can be balanced by two masses rotating in different planes when the plane of the disturbing mass lies on one end of the planes of the balancing masses. 141 6. A single cylinder engine has a bore of 260 mm, a stroke of 360 mm and a 720 mm long connecting rod. If the speed of the engine is 360 rpm, determine the velocity acceleration of the piston and determine at the instant when the crank and connecting rad are perpendicular to each other. 6) 7. A multi-cylinder engine is to run at a speed of 600 r.p.m. On drawing the turning moment diagram to a scale of | mm= 250 N-m and 1 mm = 3°, the areas above and below the mean torque line in mm? are : + 160,~172, + 168, ~ 191, + 197,~ 162. The speed is to be kept within + 1% of the mean speed of the engine. Calculate the necessary moment of inertia of the flywheel. Determine the suitable dimensions of a rectangular flywheel rim if the breadth is twice its thickness. The density of the cast iron is 7250 kg/m? and its hoop stress is 7.5 MPa, Assume that the rim cor 90% of the flywheel effect. (al 8. A horizontal axle AB, 1 m long, is pivoted at the midpoint C. It caries a weight of 20 N at 4 and a wheel weighing 50 N at B. The wheel is made to spin at a speed of 600 pam in a clockwise direction looking from its front. Assuming that the weight of the flywheel is uniformly distributed around the rim whose mean diameter is 0.6 m, caloulate the angular velocity of precession of the system around the vertical axis through C. a 9. A refigerator weighing 30 kg is to be supported by three springs, each having equal stiffness. Ifthe unit operates at 580 rpm, and if only 10 % of the shaking force is to be transmitted to the supporting structure. Determine the spring stiffness. Neglect damping effect. 8] dX. SX \e” \o® 10. i. 12. 2B. Determine the two natural frequencies and mode shapes ofthe syste" a in Figure P.10. Given If x)(0) = 0.1, % (0) = 0; x2 (0) = % =% determine the response of the system. Take ky = 4k; ko = 2k and my = 2m; m2 =. Ita Figure P10. Forthe system shown in Figure P11, ki=2k, ks = 3k, ky =2k, ka = and m= 2, mp = 3m and my = m. Determine the natural frequencies and the corresponding mode 1) shapes, pe ey pe Li i & TL m, m, Figure P.11 Using Dunketley'S edjiation, determine the funidatightal frequency of the three mass cantilever beam shown in Figure P.12. Express your result in terms of E and Figure P.12 A uniform beam fixed atone end and simply supported atthe other i having transverse vibrations. Derive frequency equation for the beam. The general solution for transverse vibrations is given by y= AcoshBx + Bsinhpx + Ccospix + DsinBx 4 bee BNUVAN UNIVERSITY. e OF ENGINEERING Peete Level [Be #0 ‘xamination Control Division | Programme | sMl: 32 2074 ¢ | Year/Part | IVI jhe. __ Subject: - Theory of Mechani and Machine (M1702) Candidates are required to gi i sive their answers jords as far as practicable Geena -wers in their own words as far as practical The figures in the margin indicate Full Me Assume suitable data if necessary. S464] 1 ‘petrol engine bas a stoke of 120 mm and eonnesing rod i 3 times the crank length @ crank rotates at 1500 r.p.m in clockwise direction. The piston has travelled one-fourth of its stroke from IDC, determine: (6 4) Velocity and acceleration of the piston and ii) Angular velocity and angular acceleration of the connecting rod. A single cylinder double acting stream engine develops 150 kW at a mean speed of 80 p.m. The coefficient of fluctuation of energy is 0.1 and the fluctuation of speed is #2% of mean speed. If the mean diameter of the flywheel rim is 2 meter and the hub and spokes provide 5% of the rotational inertia of the flywheel, find the mass and cross,sectional azea of the flywheel rim. Assume the density of the flywheel as 7200 kg/m’. - (6) 3. An aeroplane makes a complete half circle of 60 meters radius, towards left, when flying at 250 km per hr. The rotary engine and the propeller of the plane has a mass of 450 kg and a radius of gyration of 0.3 m. The engine rotates at 2400 r.p.m. clockwise when viewed from the rear. Find the gyroscopic couple on the aircraft and state its effect ont. [6] 4, Aporter governer has all four arms 250 mm long. The upper arms are attached on the axis of rotation and the lower arms are attached to the sleeve ata distance of 30 mm from axis. ‘The mass of each ball is 5 kg and the sleeve has mass of 50 kg, The extreme radii of rotation are 150 mm and 200 mm. Determine the range of speed of governer. (6) 5, Derive an expression for balancing of single rotating mass by two rotating masses in different planes, when disturbing mass lies in between plane of two balancing masses. Cay 6. Define logarithmic decrement. Derive an expression for logarithmic decrement in terms of amplitude x: and Xq41 (4) 7. An electric motor of mass 60 kg, rated speed 3000 r.p.m and an unbalance 0.002 kgm, is to be mounted on an isolator to achieve a force transmissibility of less than 0.25. Determine: (8) ’) The stiffness of the isolator ii) The dynamic amplitude of the motor and iil) The force transmitted to the foundation. ure i he system jes of vibration of the oF §. Detemine the natural reuences and MOUS Or, which sa two equal masses my = m2 = are subject CA aving transverse er is hi 9. A uniform beam fixed at one end and simply supported foie “tution for transverse Swretion, Derive frequency equation fr the beam. The 8 a = A coshBx+DsinBx. se saps of He 35 , 4 vibration is given by: 10, Determine the natural frequenc! shown in figure below. Jes and the corresponding ™ the fundamental frequency of the beam shown in i 11. Using Dunkerley's equation, determine figure below. (4) 12, Derive equation of motion for a longitudinal vibration of a rod. YC ! a TRIBHUVAN UNIVERSITY i Nese [ Exam. Bu Tee” INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING | Level BE | Full Marks Examination Control Division | Programme | B’ i [Pass Marks 3 : 2075 Ashwin Ve < W/I 7 ject: - Theory of Mechanism and Machine (0 yn words as far as practicable Y Candidates are required to give their answers in their 0 Attempt All questions. The figures in the margin indicate Full Marks. ¥v ¥ V Assunie suitable data if necessary. wnofa slider crank mechanism. [4J .wing the turning moment 2, Amulti-cylinder engine is to run at a speed of 600 rp diagram to a scale of I mm = 250 Nem and 1 mm = 3°, the areas above ‘and below the mean torque line in mm? are: +160, -172, +168, -191, +197, 162. If the moment of inertia of the flywheel is 32.7 kg m°, determine the coefficient of fluctuation of speed. i} and a mass of 5 kg is mounted centrally on @ the angle at 800 rpm beatings. It spins about hand side bearing. The axel processes about a ‘tion when viewed from above. Determine eof the disk and the gyroscopic effect. [6] Derive expression for velocity and acceleration of the pisto m, On dra 3, A disc with a radius of gyration 60 mm horizontal axle of 80 mm length between anti clockwise when viewed from the right vertical axis at 75 xpm in an anticlockwise dire the resultant reaction at each bearing due to weig! 4. The arms of a Porter governor are each 250 mm long and pivoted of the governor axis. The mans of each ball is 5 kg and the mass of the central sleeve is 30 kg, The radius of rotation of the balls is 150 mm when the sleeve begins to rise and reaches a value of 200 nm for maximum speed. Determine the speed range of the governor Derive relation for balancing of a single rotating mass by two masiot rotating in different planes when the plane of the disturbing mass Ties on one end of the planes of the balancing masses with necessary conditions. transmissibility ratio of damped (viscous) system. Sketch the [ed mess controlled and damping controlled region. ator and the corresponding free ts spring constant and damping (8) (6) [5] 4] Derive an expression for the curve and show spring control 7. A machine has a mass of 200 kg, It is placed on an isol figure below. Determine it vibration records as shown in coefficient. is e below. Determing own in figur' = i ion of the vibration St be T= 19600 NAn; m= 196 ky. 8. Deve the quo of min ot Nin, ‘ the natural feqvecies for given date m= 49 kg, Also determine mode shapes. tablish “ cients. Also est 9. Define stiffness coefficients and flexibility influence coeffi ti i relationship between flexibility matrix and stiffness matrix. ST 10, Determine the natural frequencies and the corresponding mode shapes - freedom spring mass system shown in figure below. : ™ aug | a 11. Use Raylefgh's method to determine neturl frequency of a system shown in figure below. [{ Mersig MMe 7 U [com [eum f osnm | 12. Derive equation of motion for lateral vibration of string, fe eee 2 TRIBHUVAN UNIVERSITY | Exam, INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING | Level BE. Fall Marks | 80 Examination Control Division | Programme | BME Pass Marks , 32 | 2070 Chaitra : Year/Part _IV/L __Subject: - Theory of Mechanism and Machine (ME702) Y Candidetes are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. ¥ Attempt All questions. Y The figures in the margin indicate Pull Marks Y Assume suitable data if necessary, 1. Define the terms ‘coefficient of fluctuation of energy’ and ‘coefficient of fluctuation of speed’ as applied to flywheel. Also derive expression for coefficient of fluctuation of energy. (4) . Derive the expressions for frequency at which peak amplitude. occurs and corresponding peak amplitude when a single degree of freedom system is subjected to aharmonic excitation. (4) 3. Define transmissibility. Write down the expression for transmissibility ratio for damped (viscous) system. Sketch transmissibility curves and show mass controlled, dafnping controlled and mass controlled regions. a 4. Define dynamic matrix. Explain eigen values and eigen vectors of a dynamic system with reference to the vibration of a discrete system? (4) 5. Explain with necessary derivations how a single, rotating mass on a plane can be balanced by two masses rotating in different planes when the plane of the disturbing mass lies in between the planes of the two balancing masses 4 6. A single cylinder engine has a bore of 260 mm, a stroke of 360 mm and a 720 mm long connecting rod. The mass of reciprocating parts is 120 kg. If the speed of the engine i 360 rpm, determine the approximate turing moment on the crankshaft at the instant when the crank and connecting rod are perpendicular to each other. Net pressure on the piston at that instant is 700 kPa. 19) 7. An airplane is ying at 200 km/h, It tums towrads the left and completes a quarter circle of 50 m radius. The mass of the rotary engine’and propeller of the plane is 425 kg and has a radius of gyration of 300 mm. The engine speed is 2000 rpm clockwise when seen from the tail. Determine the gyroscopic couple and state its effect. (6) 8. The arms of a Porter governor are 300 mm long. ‘The upper arms are pivoted on the axis of rotation and the lower arms ate attached to the sleeve at a distance of 35 mm from the axis of rotation. The load on the sleeve is 54 kg and the mass of each ball is 7 kg. Determine the equilibrium speed when the radius of the balls is 225 mm, What will be the range of speed for this position? a 9. A centrifugal fan weighs 46 kg and has a rotating unbalance of 0.24 kg m. When dampers having 2 damping ratio of 0.2 are used, determine the spring stifness for ‘mounting, such that only 10 % of the unbalanced force is transmitted to the floor. Also determine the magnitud eof the transmitted force. The fan runs at constant speed of 1000 rpm. 18) ON bration ofthe system hy, 10. Determine the two natural fequencies and the avd rin ie s 7 in Figure P.10. Given If x0) = 0.1, (0) = 0; %2 (0) = ey | “ ‘sponse ofthe system. Take ky = ky = 2k; ky = 3k and my =m us Ee k, k \ eH hy Figure P.10 M1. Determine the natura frequencies and the corresponding mode shapes of the system, ‘Shown in Figure P.11, fh 3k pe k f k p 3k Pee PY igure P.t1 Find the natural frequency of vibration for the system shown in Figure P.12 by unkerley's method. Express Your result in terms of and (G) R, My=30 Ma2sug — Ma=30 kg 010m _010m 010m Figure P.12 13. Differentiate between discrete system and cor tinuous system, Also derive equation of ‘motion forthe transverse vibration ofa sting 4) a ‘TRIBHUVAN UNIVERSITY. [ Exam. Rite eu eS INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING Le | BE Fall Marts [80 Examination Control Division | Programme | BME tee Marks [32 2070 Ashad Year/Part_ [WW/1 | ‘Subject: - Theory of Mechanism and Machine Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. Attempt All questions. The figures in the margin indicate Full Marks, Assume suitable data if necessary. KA88 1, - Derive expressions for velocity and acceleration of the piston of a slider crank mechanism. [4] 2, Write down equation of motion for a damped vibration of a single degree of freedom system and derive the corresponding characteristic equation. Explain under what condition it represents an under damped, critically damped and over damped system? [4] 3. Derive an expression for a transmissibility ratio of an isolator consisting of spring and damper (viscous). (4) 4. Define dynamic matrix. Explain eigen values end eigen vectors of a dynamic system with reference to the vibration ofa discrete system? 4 5, Explain with necessary derivations how a single rotating mass on a plane can be balanced by two masses rotating in different planes when the plane of the disturbing mass lies in between the planes of the two balancing messes (61 6. A vorticai double acting steam engine develops 75 KW at 250 r.p.m. The maximum fluctuation of energy is 30 per cent of the work done per stroke. The maximum and minimum speeds are not to vary more than + 1 % of the mean speed. Find the mass of the flywheel required, if the radius of gyration is 0.6 m. 16] A flywheel of mass 10 kg and radius of gyration 200 mm is spinning about its exis, which is horizontal and is suspended at a point distant 150 mm from the plane of rotation of the flywheel. Determine the angular velocity of precession of the flywheel, ‘The spin speed of flywheel is 900 r-p.m, (6) 8. A loaded governor of the Porter type has equal arms and links each 300 mm long. The ‘weight of each ball is 20 N and the central weight is 120 N. When the ball radius is 150 ‘mm, the valve is fully open and when the radius is 180 mm, the valve is closed. Find the maximum speed and the range of speed. If the maximum speed is to be increased by 25 % of an addition of the weight to the central load, find the new weight. i 9. A mass of 5 kg is suspended on a spring and set oscillating. It is observed that the ‘amplitude reduces to 5% of its initial value after 2 oscillations which completes in 0.5 s. Determine the damping ratio, the natural frequency, the damped natural frequency, the spring stiffness, the critical damping coefficient and the actual damping coefficient. (8) Tin 10. Determine the ‘two natural frequencies and the modes of vibration of the SYSTEM shown, in Figure P.10, Ug, LL, Determine the Natural frequencies and the Corresponding mode shapes of the system shown in Figure P.11, yj Figure P.11 ALGReY Of vibration for the system shown in Figure P.12 by Rayleigh method, Take f= 1.96 10!" Nip? 1 D= 4x10" mf, (4 yy Myx 100g 0 | pte __J | ————_Is90en | Figure P.12 1S. Find the fequency equation of uniform beam fi for ansverse vibrations The penral sel for Y= Acoshbx + Bsinhps + Ccospx + Dsinpx ied at one end and free atthe other ‘Wansverse vibrations is given by 1 INS EOF Examination Control Dj 2069 Chaitra ¥_ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. ¥ Attempt All questions. ¥ The figures in the margin indicate Full Marks. ¥ Assume suitable data if necessary. 1, Explain the functions of the governor and flywheel. 14] 2, Define logatithmic decrement. Derive an expression for the logarithmic decrement in, terms of the damping ratio. [4] 3. Derive the expressions for frequency at which peak amplitude occurs and corresponding peak amplitude when a single degree of freedom system is subjected to a harmonic excitation. [4] 4. Define the flexibility and stiffness influence coefficient. Establish the relationship between the flexibility and stiffness matrix. [4] 5, Explain with necessary derivations how a single rotating mass on a plane can be balanced by two masses rotating in different planes when the plane of the disturbing mass lies on one end of the planes of the balancing masses. [6] 6. The crank and connecting rod of a steam engine are 0.3 m and 1.5 m in length. The crank rotates at 180 r.p.m. clockwise. Determine the position of the crank for zero acceleration of the piston and determine the velocity for this position. {6 7. An airplane runs at 600 km/h. The rotor of the engine weighs 4000 N with radius of gyration of 1 m. The speed of rotor is 3000 r.p.m. in anticlockwise direction when seen from rear side of the airplane. If the plane takes a loop upwards in a curve of 100 m radius, determine gyroscopic couple developed and effect of reaction gyroscopic couple developed on the body of airplane. 16) 8. A Porter governor has all four arms 250 mm long. The upper arms are attached on the axis of rotation and the lower arms are attached to the sleeve at a distance of 30 mm from the axis. The mass of each ball is 5 kg and the sleeve has a mass of 50 kg. The extreme radii of rotation are 150 mm and 200 mm. Determine the range of speed of the governor. (6 9, The vibrating system with rotating unbalance is displaced for vibrational characteristics. The total mass of the system is 25 kg. At speed of 100 rpm, the system coventric mass have a phase difference of 90° and the corresponding amplitude is 1.5 Gm, The eccentric unbalanced mass of I kg has a radius of rotation 40m. Determine: [8] (@) the natural frequency of the system (b) the damping factor (©) the amplitude at 1500 zpm, and (@) the phase angle at 1500 rpm. shown in Figur, 10. Determine the two natural frequencies and mode shapes of the system si Bure 19) P.O, Figure P.10 shown in Figure P.11, ky = m- Determine the natural freq U1. For the system 3k, ky = 2k, ks =k and m; = 4m, m; = 2m and m3 = luencies and the corresponding mode shapes. [12] Figure P.11 12. Find the natural frequency of vibration for the s) ystem shown in Figure P.12 by Dunkerley method. Take E = 1.96 x 10!'No?, I= 4 x 107 mf 1G) M100 ug [| M50 = | C teseem | Figure P.12 1S. A uniform beam fixed at one end and simply supported at the other is having transverse vibrations. Derive frequency equation forthe beam, The gener solution for transverse vibrations is given by ; ¥ = AcashBx + BsinhBx + Ccospx + Dsinpx il wee ‘TRIBIUVAN UNIVERSITY | Ham INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING | Tevel Examination Controt Division | Programm 2075 Chaitra Year/Part 3 | Full Macks | #0_ Pass Marks 192 | Subject: - Environment and Pollution Control (ME 705) SAAN Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. Attempt All questions, The figures in the margin indicate Full Marks, Assume suitable data if necessary, Explain the air pollution control methods and the criteria for selection of industrial dust control equipment with examples, * (12) 2. How metrological aspects influence the behavior of air pollution? Discuss the way reducing the environment concentration of PM 2.5. (12) 3, List major indoor air pollutants and discuss the ways of controlling therm. {10} 4. Describe the main component and its function of municipal waste water treatment plant with illustration BOD and DO. (12) 5. Discuss in brief the steps involved in control measures of solid waste. 12) 6. Explain the methods of quantifying noise and the methods to control/reduce them. (19) 7. a) Whatare green house gases? How does green house effect take place? 343] b) Explain briefly the harmful effects of ozone depletion, (6 te ag eet Wull Maris {Ps evel | tow : Programme rine th Year / Pat uw TRIN AN ENIVE RSE INSTLLUTE OF ENGINEERING Uxamination Coutrol Division 2074 Chaitea Pass Mia 1, “703) and Pollution ¢ ‘ontrol (MEO: Subject: - Buvironment stcable cers in their own words 2 f ¥ Candidates are required to give their answ ¥ Attempt AU questions. v v The figures in the margin indicate Full Marks Assume suitable data if necessary. gaseous air rious particulate and we 1. Discuss the air quality standard of Nepal. How vi pollution can be controlled 2. Describe the concept of temperature lapse rates and st rate, atmospheric stability and inversions. ability in terms: of adiabatic lapse 11 to control indoor air jin the method lain the method ba 3. What are the source of Indoor pollutant? Expl pollution in household design aspects. unicipat 4. How water streams and rivers become polluted? Describe any one method of mt ‘waste water treatment systems. (646) lid waste. ‘The existing landfill site for the int rate of solid waste snd to the city that 5. Explain the sources and classification of s city's solid waste will reach capacity in five years at the curte production. Identify three engineering strategies you would recomme! ‘would allow them to potentially extend the landfill life another five years. [6+6] 6. What are the effects caused by noise pollution? Describe shorily. Also deseribe the man five causes of noise pollution. {10) 7. a) What are green house gases? How does green house effect take place? 6] b) What do you mean by clean development mechanism (CDM)? How it is helpful to reduce the carbon emission? {91 ae 44 TRIBHUVAN UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING Full Marks 80 Examination Control Division Pass Marks 32 2073 Chaitra Time Shs. __ Subject: - B nvironment t and Pollution Control (448705) ¥, Candidates are requited to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. ¥ Attempt AU questions, v ¥ The figures in the margin indicate Full Marks, Assume suitable data if necessary Explain the air pollution control methods and the criteria for selection of industrial dust control equipment with examples, 12) 2 Air pollution in Kathmandu has reached a dangerous level. Justify this statement with respect to the dispersion of air pollution. How do you propose to coatrol air pollution in Kathmandu? [6+6) 3. Discuss the sources of indoor air polfutants, What are the methods for controlling indoor air pollutants? [S+5] 4. Explain the working principle of municipal waste water management technique with neat diagram. (012 5. Briefly describe about solid waste generation and management techniques. 12) 6. What are the methods used to quantify noise? Discuss the measure to be taken for controlling noise pollution. {Lo} 7. a) Discuss the significance of Environmental responsible construction. (6) ») Explain the importance of indigenous system of natural resource management in the context of Nepal. (6) i a New Bale ED ‘xan. J ge tnnuvan UNIVERSITY Fo BE INSTTTUTEOF ENGINEERING |r rie jowe wv! ivision | — Divisi Yor Pal Examination Control 2072 Kartik - - rol Subject: — _-_—— ir own WO! Y Candidates are required to give their answers in their ¥ Attempt All questions. cate Full Marks The figures in the margin indi Y Assume suitable data if necessary an health. Explain any particulate and gaseous #if pollutants 7 human heal pl te t used in industries. : ee phere stability and inversions [26] (@ temperature lapse rates, atmos 1, Discuss the effect of one dust control equip 2. Write short notes on: 12. [8] b) How ae spring manufactured, describe based upon material selection parameters Specify how the different stresses are developed on the spring. (6) $4) What ave the differences between inte yplain with suitable neat sketehes | below is 300 mm in diameter and is actuated by wn each shoe. The shoes are identical ang ae nolded asbestos having a coefficient of 1000 kPs, Histimate the maximum: [4,4 ) The brake shown in figure mechanism that exerts the same f have a face width of 32, mm. The lining frietion of 0.32 and a pressure Limitation o (i) Actuating force F (i) Brabing capac Git pin reactions 42 TRIBHUVAN UNIVERSITY pxamination Control Division S488} 8 9 INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING Level BE Programme BNE 2073 Chaitra ‘Year Machine Design Il Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable Aiterapt All questions, The figures in the margin indicate Frell Marks, Assume suitable data if necessary. List different types of model. Explain in short different f ili he eon forms of similitude. List the design considerations for welding process ead) ‘What is single variable optimization method? Deseribe uniform search methods. Gate Differentiate Risk and Hazard. How will you assess the risk? Define FTA with an a Find the power required to drive a 40 mm power screw having double square threads with a pitch of 6 mm. The nut is to move at a velocity of 48 mm/s aid move a load of 10 KN. The frictional coefficients are 0.10 for the threads and 0.15 for the collar. The frictional diameter of the collar is 60. mm. fo) ee or te calla Describe about the power transmission system of an automobile based on following topi ) Design sequence on power transmission b) Power and torque requirements ©) Specifications, layout of the machine elements d) Design, force analysis, material selection and draiving of the component. [2+2+4+8] A compression spring is needed to fit over a 12 mm diameter rod. To allow for some clearance, the insi g is to be 15 mm. To ensure a reasonable coil, uusé-@ spring index of 10. The spring is to be used in a machine by compressing it from a fee length of 125 mm through a stroke of 75 mm to its solid length. The spring should have squared and ground ends, unpeened, and is to be made from cold-drawn wire. (2+2+2+2+2] a) Determine a suitable wire diameter b) Determine a suitable total number of coils ¢) Determine the spring constant 4) Determine the static factor of safety when compressed to solid length ) Determine the fatigue factor of safety when repeatedly cycled from free length to solid length. Use the Gerber-Zimmerli fatigue-failure criterion. The block-type hand brake shown in the figure below has a face width of 30 mm and a mean coefficient of friction of 0.25, For an estimated actuating force of 400 N, find the maximum pressure on the shoe and find the braking torque. (10) List down the main characteristics of friction materials. 1 What is ‘self-locking screw"? How can we improve the self-locking property of a screw? [243] E'S 42 ——_taupyuvay UNIVERSITE INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING = Examination Control Division Program 2072 Kartik Year! Part 5 Design Ht (Me™? wubject: - Machine’ own words # ¥ Candidates are required to give th ¥ Attempt AIL questions The figures in the margin indicate ¥ Assume suitable data if necessary. between geometric similarity Ki sir answers in Full Marks. 1. (@ Distinguish nematic sit similarity in a model (6) What are the applications and limiteton® of optimizat (© Deseribe the factors to be considered in design proces and disadvantages of the two following designs (Rg. ')y, ig! of system relia 32 mm and a pit! 2, (a) What is meant by system rtiatility? Explein the types (6) A square ~ thread power sorew has a major diametet of ‘vith double treads, The coeffisient of friction forthe colar. _f,and for the thread fis 0:08 and the mean collar diameter d_ and vertical axel load Fare 40 mm and 6.4 N per screw respectively. Find ‘the following: (0) (i) the thread depth, thread width, pitch dis lead }) the force required to raise and ower t (ii) the efficiency during lifting the load (iv) __ the body stresses, torsional and com (v) the bearing stress for power transmission system in simple lathe with all its main units 2 aap fanctions of main components. the power transmission sys! 1 of dmm meter, minor diameter, and the load pressive 3, (@) Drawa diagram ‘Also explain the (b) Compare, with neat sketches, tem of automobile and aircraft. & 4, (a) What ar the advantages and limitations of Belleville springs? 4 {by A helicel compression spring is made of ro, 16 music Vike Theo! the sping is 11 mm. The ends are squared and there are 12! total tums. (10) i yield strength of the wire ding to the yield strength wutside diameter of Estimate the torsional Retimate the static load correspon (ii) Bstimate the scale ofthe springs Estimate the deflection that would be caused by the los in part (i). (iv) (v)__Bstimate the solid leneth ofthe spine (vi) What length should the spring be o ensure that» hen it is compressed and then released, there will be no permanent change in free length (vil) What i the pitch of the body ceil? ‘Take wire diameter d= 0.94 mm and use the spring data tables_given below er) oor Bode, 0 1 a 2 Teale ky mad MD Nad : rectus to A td Me + I) pet Aaa FD Soidlengh t+) an, amen. aM Fick p Condi, et +) a MIM, (lo = 200M ing Manin Tae Se BE Cominion Spring Wites Eee cis | Mossional Stress for Helical Compression Spring in Ste ‘Apolieations list the a [442] 5. (@) Describe the desirable properties of friction materials for clutches and I appropriate materials for vehicle clutches. () Fig. 2 shows a 400-mm-diameter brake drum with four internally expanding shoes. ach of tie hinge pins A and B supports a pair of shoes. The actuating mechanism is to be arranged to produce the same force F on each other. The face width of the ‘shoes is 75 mm. The material used permits a'coefficient of friction of 0.24 and a i Uo} ‘minimum pressure of 1000 kPa, (i) Determine the actuating foree, Gi) Estimate the brake capacity. (iil) Noting that rotation may be in either direction, estimate the hinge pin reactions. Dimensions in mm are a=150,¢=165, R=200and 50 a TRUBNUVAN BvERSITy INSTSTUTE OF ENGINEERING examination Control Diyisi 2074 Chaitra yn | Programme | BMI, Pass Marks 32 | Yeur/Part | 1V/1 Time 3 he _ Subject: - Machine Design Il (iti 791) / Candidates are required to give their answers in their own worls ws far as practicable Attempt All questions The figures in the margin indicate Full Marks ¥ Siudents are allowed to use Desis ign Data Hand Book. Y Assume suitable data if necessary 1. What i the role of model in engineering design? Explain with an example of model. 16} 2, Describe the methods of optimization in brie. Write down some design consideration’ for Sheet metal forming. [21404] 3. Define Maintainability. How do you minimize failure to ensure design for reliability? ‘Explain Hazard Analysis with example, [2+3+3] 4, What are desirable properties for clutch materials? Shown in figure below the arrangement of two brake shoes which act onthe intemal surface of a cylindrical brake drum, The braking force F| and F2 are applied as shown in figure below and each shoe pivot on is fulerum O; and O3. The width of the brake lining is 35 mm the intensity of pressure at any point A is 0.4 sin @ Nimm’, where Q is measured as shown from either pivot. The coefficient of friction is 0.4. Determine the braking torque and the magnitude of the force F, and F,, (2+10] 5, How will you design a speed reducer for power transmission? Explain with an casy example of a countershaft that receives power from its one gear und delivered to another gear. The design sequence must include the following sections: (ov2424242424242) {) Power and torque requirements ii) Gear specifications ii) Shaft layout iv) Force analysis -y) Shaft material selection vi) Shaft design for stress (Fatigue and static) and deflection vii) Bearing select viii) Key selestion and fi analysis 7 a as-wound helical compression spire a of mm, an outside coil diameter of | both ends squared. Th i espns sm load of 1 sa F during US Gerbe a and will operate with a maximum safety guacing aginst fatigue failure i immerli data, (b) Estimate the critical 8A power screw having double start squé 7” pitch is acted upon by an axial load of 10 1 collar are-S0-mar-anc 20 mm reece using a tors) | frequency © eleville PrN 7 wite size of of 98 mim, 21 active coils an vabied with @ preload (a) Estimate the factory US tigue failure criteria wig, ofthe spt mm nominal diametet and § my, are thread of 25 : EN, The 0 neters of f thread friction and ae . Th coefficient 0 Svely The screw rotates at 12 rp, 1c thread bearing pressure of 5.5 Assume uniform wear-condition at ie collar esl alle : the stress in the screw. ee ht advantages of one another, % 42 TRIBHUVAN UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING a Level BE Fall Marley | #0 Examination Control Division | Programme | nME Pays Markey | 42 | 2071 Chaitra Year TP ‘tag [ites | ¥ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as Far 2 practical ¥ Attempt All questions. ¥ The figures in the margin indicate Full Marks, Assume suitable data if necessary. 1, Briefly explain the steps to create finite element model. (8) 2. How maximum and minimum of real valued function is determined from. optimization by differential calculus? (8) 3, Write in short about the categories of manufacturing processes. (4) 4, What is fault tree analysis? Discuss framework of fault tree analysis with a suitable example. 18) 5, The construction of a shaft straightener used on the shop floor is shown in figure 1. The screw has single start square threads of 80 mm nominal diaineter and 10 mm piteh, The serew is required to exert a maximum axial force of 10 KN. The mean radius of the friction collar is 30 mm. The axial length of the nut is 40 mm. the coefficient of friction at the threads and the collar is 0.12. The mean diameter of the rim of the hand wheel is 500 mm. Calculate us) i) UBTOICE EREMEM Ate rink to GHHVe the screw YO the efficiency ofthe straightener and 1 6 ae ~\ Ox as ii the bearing presure onthe threads in themut, Figure 1: Shaft straightener 6 With An een Jes witnan ect xen cay, shown gue 2 100mm na easion SNES 1, shown gue 1001 9 HORE og el oan 390 Nat 10 mm, The roller fo Nowe is ld psig the eam DY one ‘The forse betien he cam and rower varies 0% TOON at pe pring, wie the highest peson of ta follower. The permissible $05 st si the HE from ‘ecammended a5 30% of the lima tele seenath (1430 Ni) ‘Neglect the Sui consideration and dtomie th cor of C9 BENS svc cffect of inertia forees, Also se following limitations forthe calcula Wire diemeter, Imm

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