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National University in the center of Peru

Faculty of forestry and environmental sciences


Informe de especies de árboles, arbustos y flores

Presented by:

 De La Cruz Espinoza Yessenia B.

 Rojas Huamán Milagros

Curso: Plantas ornamentales
Informe de especies de árboles, arbustos y flores

“ report of
species of
trees, shrubs
and flowers
I. that are sold

at the As we all know the importance of plants for the

life of the earth and for us, they also help to
Huancavelica combat global warming, how important it is for
life and they consist of good emotions when
fair ” we are in places like forests, gardens. Flowers
are undoubtedly the most attractive structures of most plants. Thanks to their beauty,
many plants are cultivated on a large scale for their high ornamental value.
There are many types of ornamental plants: trees, shrubs, climbers, bulbs. Of
course, they all share a tremendously decorative aesthetic that makes them the
most desired by plant lovers. What makes these species especially beautiful and
considered within this elite group? The aroma, texture, shape or color of its flowers
and leaves, that is, some characteristics that make it pleasant to the eye of the


General :
 Identify the species of trees, shrubs and flowers that are sold at the
Huancavelica fair in the city of Huancayo.

 Identify tree species
 Identify the species of shrubs
 Identify flower species

Faculty of Forestry and Environmental Sciences

Curso: Plantas ornamentales
Informe de especies de árboles, arbustos y flores


III.1. Conceptual framework

A. The plants:

They are organic beings that live and grow but, unlike human beings or animals,
cannot move from one place to another by voluntary impulse. Trees, shrubs,
vegetables and other plants are part of the group of plants, which are studied by

B. Ornamental:

On the other hand, it is an adjective that refers to what belongs to or relates to

ornamentation. Ornaments are those decorations or adornments that allow you
to decorate something and make it more attractive.

C. Ornamental plants:

They are those vegetables that are used in decoration with the intention of
adorning or beautifying a space. They are plants that are grown for aesthetic
purposes, unlike other species.

III.2. Bibliographic framework

Types of ornamental plants :

Ornamental plants broadly speaking, it is possible to recognize certain types of

ornamental plants, grouped
 From a functional point of view,
 taking into account their physical characteristics
 their contributions when decorating a space such as a garden or the
interior of a home.


Faculty of Forestry and Environmental Sciences

Curso: Plantas ornamentales
Informe de especies de árboles, arbustos y flores

IV.1. Study area

In the study area, the identification of ornamental plant species: trees, shrubs
and flowers was carried out. It was at the Huancavelica Sunday fair, where there
are stalls selling garden plants.

IV.2. Materials

 Photographic camera
 Notebook
 Pens and pencils
 Laptop.
 Bibliographic information.
 Software (Excel, Word)

IV.3. Methodology

 The methods used were observational and descriptive.

IV.4. Procedure

1 Step: We proceeded to identify the different types of species of ornamental

plants that are sold in the study area of each stall found.

2 Step: Then they proceeded to classify them into trees, bushes and flowers,
identifying each species with its respective name.

Faculty of Forestry and Environmental Sciences

Curso: Plantas ornamentales
Informe de especies de árboles, arbustos y flores

Be careful: here you put in boxes only the types of trees, shrubs and flowers and the

Type of ornamental plant Type of species Amount

trees Cypress, thujas, 6
Shrubbery We consider the 5
palm trees is this
Flowers Of various colors, 22
shapes, sizes
and costs
others Wood always 12
has removable
total 45

 At the Sunday fair, a variety of species and families, trees, shrubs and flowers
were observed
 In addition to the reasonable prices, within reach of the current economy
 When purchasing any tree, shrub or flowers, you are given instructions on its
care, maintenance and characteristics.
 It is usually recommended to purchase trees, flowers or shrubs with the
meanings of some species
 An approximate number of 6 species of trees were found, including fruit trees
and ornamental trees.
 An approximate number of 5 species of shrubs
 In addition to an approximate number of 22 floral species
 And 12 other species such as succulents, thorns, etc.

Faculty of Forestry and Environmental Sciences

Curso: Plantas ornamentales
Informe de especies de árboles, arbustos y flores


 Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, Huetar Norte Region, La Tigra
Agricultural Services Agency, COVER, Report, Census of Ornamental Plants



Citrus Orange
The orange is an edible citrus fruit obtained
from the sweet orange tree, and is cultivated
as an ancient ornamental tree and to obtain
fragrances from its fruits.

Thuja or thuja is a conifer of the cypress

( Cupressaceae ) native to the temperate
regions of the Northern Hemisphere

Fruit of the Pear tree , tree of the Rosaceae
family (Rosaceae), genus Pyrus . The
common pear tree is Pyrus communis ; the
Chinese sand pear, Pyrus pyrifolia ; the
Asian one, Pyrus serotina , and the snow
one, Pyrus nivalis .

Faculty of Forestry and Environmental Sciences

Curso: Plantas ornamentales
Informe de especies de árboles, arbustos y flores


Carica papaya is a species of plant in the

Caricaceae family. Its fruit is commonly
known as papaya or papayón, papaya in the
Canary Islands, mamón, papaya melon,
lechesa, tree melon or bomb fruit.

It is a genus of trees commonly called
cypress . They have been naturalized in all
temperate regions of the Northern
Hemisphere, for windbreaks, ornamental
curtains and etc.

Faculty of Forestry and Environmental Sciences

Curso: Plantas ornamentales
Informe de especies de árboles, arbustos y flores


Scientific name: Phoenix roebelenii.

Common name: Ruvelina, Dwarf
palm, Pigmea, Robelini
Description: Pinnatisect leaves, up to
1 m long, with short segments (20 cm
long), narrow, flexible, bright green,
regularly arranged in a single plane,
the basal ones rigid, very sharp.

Cycas revoluta ( Sotetsu [Japanese
ソテツ] sago palm, king sago , the
cyca, church palm, or false palm ,
is a plant native to southern Japan, a
paradigmatic example of
pseudopalms or cycads. It is usually
grown as an indoor plant, since it
cannot withstand the cold, although
in Spain it grows comfortably in the
Mediterranean area.

3 Rubus
They are perennial shrubs with
biennial stems, erect, arched or
creeping, leaves alternate, lateral or
terminal inflorescences on the stems
of the second year, flowers solitary or
in corymbs or panicles; Fruit a
compound drupe, 0.5–2 cm long,
fleshy drupeoles
Scientific name: Schefflera
arboricola. Common name: Aralia
arboricola, Cheflera.
Origin: Tropical areas of Taiwan,
New Zealand and Southeast Asia.
Description: Shrub with multicolored
leaves. Size: Up to 6 m high.

Faculty of Forestry and Environmental Sciences

Curso: Plantas ornamentales
Informe de especies de árboles, arbustos y flores

Scientific name: Dracaena fragrans.

Common name: Tree of happiness,
Brazil trunk, Cornwood, Brazilwood,
Dracena, Waterwood, Carey.
Description: Evergreen plant.

The Cucarda or hibiscus is a shrub
widely used in gardening for the
beauty of its flowers. Its scientific
name is Hibiscus rosa-sinensis. It is
also known by the names China
Rose and Kiss Flower. It belongs to
the Malvaceae family. The Hibiscus
is native to East Asia.

2 ALSTROEMERIA (alstroemeria)
perfected version in Holland of the
Creole añañuca, which improved the
length of the stem and flower, flower
size, number of flowers per stem,
colors and vase life. It is given
throughout the year and has no

Faculty of Forestry and Environmental Sciences

Curso: Plantas ornamentales
Informe de especies de árboles, arbustos y flores

Browallia demissa L., B.
melanotricha Brandeg.
Browallia Americana is a species of
phanerogamous plant belonging to the
Solanaceae family. It is native to tropical
areas of Latin America , from Mexico and
the Caribbean , south to Peru and Brazil .

The Japanese community introduced
this flower to our country fifty years
ago. This variety occurs throughout
the year.

5 Name
Scientific name
Sedum ellacombianum

perennial plant, a span or a little
more in height, with creeping stems
at the base provided with spatulate,
oblong leaves, with 4-6 on each
edge; yellow flowers gathered in a
tight, long spike placed immediately
above the leaves
IRIS (iris)
Its name derives from “rainbow” due
to the wide variety of its shades,
which include white, yellow, violet,
pink and blue. It is grown in a

7 Abutilon striatum, Chinese lantern

It is a perennial shrub commonly 1 to

Faculty of Forestry and Environmental Sciences

Curso: Plantas ornamentales
Informe de especies de árboles, arbustos y flores

3 m high, but can reach up to 5 m.

The diameter of the plant can reach
up to 3 m. The leaves are deciduous

Scientific name: Anthurium

scherzerianum. Common name:
Anthurio, Capotillo, Calas. Family:
Araceae. Description: Perennial,
herbaceous or woody, erect,
creeping or climbing plants, with very
decorative leaves. The leaves are of
notable consistency and thickness,
oval, heart-shaped or arrowhead-
shaped, quite large, coral in color.

Scientific name: Anthurium
scherzerianum. Common name:
Anthurio, Capotillo, Calas. Family:
Araceae. Description: Perennial,
herbaceous or woody, erect,
creeping or climbing plants, with very
decorative leaves. The leaves are of
notable consistency and thickness,
oval, heart-shaped or arrowhead-
shaped, quite large, pinkish in color.

The Japanese community introduced
this flower to our country fifty years
ago. This variety occurs throughout
the year, variety of colors

Faculty of Forestry and Environmental Sciences

Curso: Plantas ornamentales
Informe de especies de árboles, arbustos y flores

Scientific name: Euphorbia
pulcherrima. Common name:
Christmas Eve, Flor de Santa
Catarina. Family: Euphorbiaceae.
Description: Shrub with bracts and in
different colors: red, yellow, salmon,
white, etc.


Scientific name: Beaucarnea inermis.

Common name: Beucarnea, Soyate,
Horse's Petate, Cow's Leg.

Scientific name: Bougainvillea spp.
Common name: Buganvilia,
Bugambilia, Camelina. Family:
Nyctaginaceae. Description: Climbing
shrub, evergreen, the trunk and
branches have thorns. Elliptical
leaves 13 cm long, with a narrowed
base and acute apex, glabrous or
with widespread pubescence.

Wonder - Calendula
Scientific name
Calendula officinalis hybr
annual herbaceous plant, with the
lower leaves spatulate, narrowed in
petiole and entire, while the upper
ones are lanceolate; large heads
whose central part, the disc.

Faculty of Forestry and Environmental Sciences

Curso: Plantas ornamentales
Informe de especies de árboles, arbustos y flores


Name: Hydrangea
Common name: hydrangeas, they are
shrubs between one and three meters
high, some are small trees and others are
lianas that can reach thirty meters climbing
the trees. They can be deciduous or

16 Name Eonius of the Canary Islands

Scientific name Aeonium canariense
Crassulaceae. The scientific generic
term derives from the Greek word
"aionios", eternal
succulent, perennial, sufruticose type
plant; basal leaves arranged in a
rosette shape, obovate, spatulate,
reaching a maximum of twenty
centimeters, thick, velvety,
tomentose, rounded and mucronate
at the end.
Name Spring
Scientific name Primula
perennial plant provided with entire,
toothed leaves, gathered in the
formation of a basal rosette from
which the floral scapes emerge;
flowers of various colors, solitary or
gathered in inflorescences in the
shape of an umbel

Scientific name: Euphorbia
pulcherrima. Common name:
Christmas Eve, Flor de Santa
Catarina. Family: Euphorbiaceae.
Description: Shrub with bracts and in
different colors: red, yellow, salmon,
white, etc.

Faculty of Forestry and Environmental Sciences

Curso: Plantas ornamentales
Informe de especies de árboles, arbustos y flores

19 Name
Wonder - Calendula
Scientific name
Calendula officinalis hybr
annual herbaceous plant, with the
lower leaves spatulate, narrowed in
petiole and entire, while the upper
ones are lanceolate; large heads
whose central part, the disc, is
blackish purple


Scientific name: Chlorophytum

comosum. Common name: Bad
mother, Ribbon. Family: Liliaceae.
Description: Perennial species, which
grow forming a central rosette and
have narrow, long leaves 20–40 cm
long and 5–20 mm wide. They
generate offspring in the

livingstone daisy
Scientific name
Mesembrianthemum criniflorum
annual plant a few centimeters high
forming small pulvinules; rather
small, oval leaves, of a beautiful
bright green color;

Faculty of Forestry and Environmental Sciences

Curso: Plantas ornamentales
Informe de especies de árboles, arbustos y flores

22 Name
Shrub Potentilla
Scientific name
Potentilla fruticosa
whitish velvety bush-type plant, 50-
100 cm high, with leaves composed
of 5-7 elliptical leaflets, entire, silky
on the underside: pentamerous
yellow flowers, numerous and
gathered in a terminal panicle; There
are multiple varieties with flowers of
different colors
Name: Amaryllis of Peru
Scientific name
Hippeastrum vittatum
Description plant provided with
radical, linear and ribbon leaves, dark
green and with a rather robust stem,
up to 60-?0 cm high and holding 2-5
flowers (sometimes more), scented,
at the end.


1 Name: Eonius of the Canary Islands
Scientific name: Aeonium canariense
Description: succulent, perennial,
sufruticose type plant; basal leaves
arranged in a rosette shape, obovate,
spatulate, reaching a maximum of
twenty centimeters, thick, velvety,
tomentose, rounded and mucronate at
the end.

Faculty of Forestry and Environmental Sciences

Curso: Plantas ornamentales
Informe de especies de árboles, arbustos y flores

2 Various species of cacti and succulents,

kept in containers, for later sale


4 Various species of cacti and succulents,

kept in containers, for later sale

5 Various species of cacti and succulents,

kept in containers, for later sale

Faculty of Forestry and Environmental Sciences

Curso: Plantas ornamentales
Informe de especies de árboles, arbustos y flores



8 ombre
Scientific name
Astrophytum myriostigma
spherical plant, without thorns, with 4-6
very obvious ribs, covered with
numerous whitish green tips formed by a
tuft of hairs; straw yellow flowers with
slightly woolly calyx

Faculty of Forestry and Environmental Sciences

Curso: Plantas ornamentales
Informe de especies de árboles, arbustos y flores

9 Name

Scientific name
Huernia schneideriana

perennial plant with fleshy stems of
grayish green color, erect, with 4-5
protruding angles provided with small
sharp teeth; the flowers appear at the
base of the branches, provided with a
bell-shaped corolla with triangular
divisions more or less bent towards the
head; the corolla, blood red, is provided
with red hairs

11 Name
double spine mammillaria
Scientific name
Mamillaria geminispina

tussock plant with a whitish stem, more
or less cylindrical, without ribs, with thin
white and partly white thorns with black
tips; purple flowers that are located at
the end of the stem

12 Name
poisonous euphorbia

Scientific name
Euphorbia virosa

Faculty of Forestry and Environmental Sciences

Curso: Plantas ornamentales
Informe de especies de árboles, arbustos y flores

shrubby plant that reaches a length of
50-100 cm with pentagonal branches,
trigonal at the base, glaucous in color
and provided with robust thorns, with
short, angular articles edged by a
yellowish horny stripe and marked
triangular teeth; small, deciduous
leaves, yellowish flowers

Faculty of Forestry and Environmental Sciences

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