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Physics LECTURE-1

Bachelor Level of Engineering (BME/BCE)

Department of Applied Sciences and Chemical Engineering
IOE Pulchowk campus , Tribhuvan University ,Lalitpur, Nepal
Date: August 19, 2020

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Orientation Class BME I/II
A. You should follow 4 Ds

1. Engineering Discipline (1D)

2. Drawing (2D)

3. Design (3D)- It is heart of Engineering skills, without design no one could be

professional Engineer like PE in abroad

4. Display (4D)

5. N.B. Application of PHYSICS, MATHEMATICS AND CHEMISTRY are the back

bone for Engineering students in throughout the world donot forget these subjects

6. 8/19/2020
All of you should be given Engineering Lience Exam after completion of Bachelor 2
For Innovative Ideas/ Research
• Use internet for information, knowledge and innovative ideas
• Use Encyclopedia of detained information and knowledge
• Use Dictionary of the related subjects
• Listen the ideas of greatest Scientists and Engineers from internet
• Listen the world class successful personals and their bitter experiences
• E.g. Bill Gate, Sunder Pichai, Mukesh Ambani, Ratan TATA, APJ Kalam, Vivekananda
• The Inspiring Life Story of Alibaba Founder Jack Ma . and others
• Use web site for many more journals of Nepal
• Use
• Use and many more
• Use Internet for articles and reputed journals from Science direct and others
• IOE Pulchowk Campus Invest about NRs. 20 Lakh for International Journals so we should use
properly by reading articles, Books, Journals and Design of systems
• Go to virtual tour from North pole to south pole and least developed nations to developed
nations of the world ( 220 Countries in the world)
Find the conclusion 3
Valuable information for Journals, Articles, Reports, Project Reports, MSc and PhD Theses

Journal of The Institute of Engineering,
• and other years
. Lecture Notes on many subjects in You Tube : MIT USA, Harvard University, USA, IITs India and
many more
• Dr. Hem Raj Pant Research gate ( Nanotechnology com Applied Chemistry)
• Khem Poudyal research gate (SOLAR ENERGY and Atmospheric Physics) (Applied Physics)
• Visit our ROBOTIC CLUB IOE Pulchowk
• Visit to Nepal Abiskar Center TU Kirtipur for your innovative ideas

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Rules and Regulations in your study
• There are 16 Chapters we will teach 8 and 8 Chapters (Khem Poudyal and Chhabi
Gynawali )

• Each Chapter carry 5 marks so all chapters are compulsory to study

• In our Class , you should solve at least 160 Numericals from Halliday and Resnick
Physics and other prescribed Engineering Physics Books and Numerical Books

• At least 3 term papers should be written according to our guidelines

• There is 16 questions in the final exam each question carry 5 marks so the full mark is
80. There is about 50 percent is theory and 50 percent is numerical. In higher studies all
the theoretical questions may come in numerical i.e. KE+PE= ½(kA2)

• 8/19/2020
20 marks is allocate in Internal Assessment , Numerical and term papers. 5
Practical Class and exam
• There is 8 experiments in Physics Practical.

• Total marks in Practical is (20+30)=50

• There is 20 marks for internal or daily exam on the basis of attendance, performance

of practical work and viva and 30 marks is allocated for Final exam

• The name of Physics Practical Book is Engineering Physics Practical

Written by Prof. Balkrishna Sapkota and Prof. Bhadra Pokharel

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Text Book and Reference books
• Fundamentals of Physics: Halliday, Resnick, and Walker (Latest Edition) ( Download
from Internet)
Reference Books
1. Fundamentals of Physics by Prof. Balkrishna Sapkota, Prof. Bhadra P Pokharel
and Prof. Binod K Bhattarai
2. A Text Book of Optics: Brij Lal and Subrahmanyam (Latest edition)
3. Modern Engineering Physics: A. S. Basudeva (Latest edition)
4. Engineering Physics: R. K. Gaur and S. L. Gupta (Latest edition)
5. Waves and Oscillation: Brij Lal and Subrahmanyam (Latest edition)
6. Physics Numerical (for BSc and BE) by Khem N Poudyal, Hom B Bania and
Tikaram Lamichhane
7. A Text Book of Engineering Physics for BE Level, By Tikaram Lamichhane
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8. Engineering Physics by Krishna Raj Adhikari
Chapter 1
• Mechanical Oscillation: Introduction of SHM-Review only

• Free Oscillation: Equation, Energy, spring mass system, Physical Pendulum- Bar

Pendulum and Torsional pendulum

• Damped and Forced oscillation: Equation, Resonance, Quality Factor

• EM Oscillation: LC oscillation; analogy to SHM; Damped Oscillation:

Electromagnetic oscillations in LCR circuit; Forced oscillation: LCR circuit,

resonance, Quality Factor ( Chhabi Gyanwali Sir )

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Chapter 1 Wave and Oscillation
Simple harmonic motion
Definition : A body oscillates the equal distance in a equal time from the mean
position . It can be defined as follows
It is periodic motion in which acceleration is directly proportional to the displacement
from mean position.
In another words , the displacement of an oscillating body is directly proportional to
restoring force.
F= - k X
where F- is restoring force which acts in the opposite direction of gravity ,
x- is displacement and
K- is restoring force constant and negative sign represents the applied fornce is against
the gravity.
Its examples are simple pendulum, bar pendulum, clock pendulum, spring mass system
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Four Characteristics of simple harmonic Motion

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Periodic Motion
• A body oscillates the equal distance in equal time in unidirectional motion such
type of motion is called periodic motion.

• The term periodic motion refers to any movement of an object that is repeated in
a given length of time. Whatever the motion may be, the period of time it takes to
get back to where it started is called the time period of the motion

Examples: Earth revolves around the sun. a vibrating tuning fork,

N.B. All the SHM are periodic but all periodic motion are not simple harmonic.

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Spring mass system:

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Total energy in SHM ( Energy Consideration in SHM) :-

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Fig. P.E. , K.E. and Total energy as a function of displacement.

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Safely stay at Home



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