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Skills anu Leaining Statement


eetings with entoi

nsweis to Reseaich Questions
Self assessment of Inteiaction
anu Communication
elp in Reseaich Stuuies

1. Meetings with Project Mentor

In a meeting, two or more people come together Ior the purpose oI discussing a (usually)
predetermined topic such as business or community event planning, oIten in a Iormal setting.
Planning is the act or process oI drawing up plans or layouts Ior some project or enterprise.
Plans are nothing; planning is everything. Dwight D. Eisenhower
ThereIore, I did a comprehensive planning Ior the meetings with my mentor. BeIore the Iirst
meeting, I had some data been researched as to what company to select on the 'globalization and its
impacts'and then I went to the mentor with my researched data.
At the second I searched as to whom to select as my mentor Ior my research & analysis project. It was
a bit conIusing so as to Iinalize whom to select.
I requested ~~~~~~~~~to be my mentor Ior Research and Analysis Project and she was kind enough
to accept it and gave time Ior the mandatory three meetings.

First Meeting with Mentor
I selected IBM as my major company and then gathered basic inIormation about them that was
essential Ior the discussion with the mentor. I also searched Ior the models and techniques that can be
applied to achieve my objective oI analysis oI business and Iinancial perIormance oI a company.
I discussed with my mentor about all the inIormation been gathered Ior IBM. Then we decided to
study the impacts oI globalization on the other companies as well.
In addition, we talked about the research areas and models that were to be used in the analysis and she
advised me to use some more techniques and identiIied more areas Ior research.

AIter this Iirst meeting, I was successIully able to develop my overall research approach. I was
satisIied with the proceedings as was my mentor about my basic inIormation gathering.

$econd Meeting with Mentor
I had gathered all the detailed and relevant inIormation about the topic and the company and
assembled it in an organized manner by applying diIIerent models. Handling oI bulk oI inIormation
was really a demanding task. I prepared an interim report based on my research and analysis, which I
had carried out.
I discussed about a range oI areas with the mentor and made some amendments that were advised by
our mentor.
AIter this meeting, I Iound that my research and analysis portion is cultured up and it seems to be
completed successIully.

Third Meeting with Mentor
AIter draIting the research project, now I was to present my Iindings beIore the mentor. This indeed
was the engaging task. I prepared earnestly Ior the presentation and included all the relevant points in
it. However, I go beyond the time limit during the rehearsals that I have done. I practiced Ior concise
delivery oI the subject matter.
On the whole, my presentation can be rated well on the basis oI my groundwork. I answered
reasonably well to the questions oI the audience.
I Ielt conIident aIter the presentation and I learned to answer the questions concisely and to manage
the time more eIIiciently.
On the whole, the interaction with the mentor was productive and I had learned a lot Irom my mentor,
as it had enhanced my knowledge and tuned my interactive skills.

. Answers to Research Questions

'All our knowledge results Irom questions, which is another way oI saying that questioning is our
most important intellectual tool." (Neil Postman)

Questions are the most common Iorm oI interaction between the mentor and the learner.To identiIy
relevant skills and plans Ior proIessional development it is important to pursue questioning. It is the
questions that Iuel and drive thinking.
During the meetings with the mentor, the questions were the major element oI the discussions. It was
a two way communication. Questioning in the meetings was careIully structured think, pair, share`
sessions that Iostered detailed, paired discussions. I used to ask many questions about diIIerent points
Iorm the mentor and I Iound my mentor supportive as he/she answered all oI my questions Iully. The
style oI her/his answering was such that all my ambiguities were cleared by discussing them. I asked
questions Irom my mentor by either e-mail or directly meeting him as well and mentor replied all oI
them, beneIiting me Irom the given knowledge.
She also kept on asking questions Irom me. I used to prepare well Ior the questions since I expect my
mentor to ask complex questions due to her vast knowledge. I tried my best to satisIy her with my
answers and she mostly got convinced. The questioning stimulated discussions which were extremely
beneIicial Ior my project and I got diIIerent ideas Irom this. These questions did well to me as I
remain on the right track and proceeded according to the plan. I avoided many Iaults that I could have
made otherwise.
In the last meeting, I was the one who has to answer more Irequently. I was encouraged by the mentor
to validate my work by answering to her questions. I tried to answer the questions comprehensively,
justiIying my Iindings.

The importance oI listening in communication is enormous. Throughout the meetings with the mentor
it was inevitable, Ior me and Ior my mentor as well, to be an attentive listener. I listened to her
wholeheartedly to be aware oI the context in which she was speaking and write the points that I Iound
note worthy. It was also important Ior my mentor to listen to me careIully so that she can understand
my questions and make the discussions eIIective.

'A good listener is not only popular everywhere, but aIter a while he gets to know something. -
Wilson Mizner

I seek to understand the non-verbal clues oI the mentor as well, so that I can appreciate the message
properly. I used to give time to the mentor to make her viewpoint clear and did not interrupt her in
between. I not only listened to her words but also the theme behind those words, thereIore able to get
beneIit Irom the discussions.

I used to give responses to the mentor like nodding, Iacial expressions while she was speaking, so that
she had the idea that her words were important to me. In the end, I evaluated my understanding by

. $elf - assessment of Interaction and Communication
SelI-assessment is the process oI critically reviewing the quality oI ones own perIormance and
provision. This inward journey helps in the process oI selI-evaluation, giving clarity to thoughts and
helping to deIine your interests, preIerred skills, your preIerred work values, your educational
aspirations and even helps you to deIine your work personality.

During RAP, inIormation gathering was a demanding task and it took a lot oI time to get the relevant
and reliable inIormation. In the end, I managed to handle the bulk oI inIormation successIully.

The trick people with good interpersonal skills have learnt is to identiIy which Ieelings get in the way
oI connecting with others. This is what I tried to do.

Without communicating the thoughts it is impossible to have interaction with others. In the meetings
with my mentor, I made sure to communicate eIIectively.

In the Iirst meeting I realized that I was not able to convey my viewpoint clearly to the mentor. I
required clarity oI speech. I tried to overcome this problem during the meeting and successIully
avoided it in the next meetings.

My mentor has a good communicating skills and I did not Iind any elusiveness in her speech. My
mentor also belongs to my proIession, thereIore we understood each others point oI view and
discussed about diIIerent issues comprehensively, without having problem oI jargons.

My interaction with the mentor was Iirst-class. We did not have any kind oI clash that aIIects our
meetings badly. There was diIIerence oI opinion at some points but that were resolved aIter the
discussions. In Iact, better output came aIter those discussions.

I had learned a lot Irom my mentor`s communication style. I used to listen to her attentively and tried
to grasp maximum knowledge Irom those discussions. I also aimed to give reasonable answers to her
queries in a best possible way. I always accepted her criticism and tried to remove the mistake that
she identiIied.

My knowledge is very much enhanced now, not only the knowledge related to accountancy but also
understanding oI IT skills has improved. I have used MicrosoIt Word, Excel and Power Point while
preparing the RAP. I had never used them beIore so extensively. Now it is easier Ior me to deliver my
message and interact in a more competent way using these IT skills.

My communicative and interactive skills, investigative skills, inIormation management skills,
administrative skills, time management skills writing skills, technical skills and decision making
skills have improved a great deal aIter completing this project.

. RAP helped out in my Research $tudy
While doing this Research and Analysis project I have learnt several new things that have
helped me to continue my research studies in a much better manner.

Since Research was the major element oI this project, I have Iound out many new methods
Ior this. Research Irom the internet, Irom newspapers, business magazines all these have
helped me in a big way. Now I can search Ior anything that is blurred in my mind to satisIy
myselI. My studies will be improved as well.

By doing the analysis oI an actual company, I have learnt to apply my knowledge, in a
proIessional way. It was quite satisIactory to realize that now I am able to apply the models
and techniques that I have learnt, practically on a real business. It helped me to enhance my
understanding about how the companies businesses are conducted, how their environment
aIIects their operations, how they mitigate their risks and Iind new prospects, how they
convert their weaknesses into strengths and threats into opportunities, how they evaluate
business and Iinancial perIormance.

While doing analysis oI the company, I calculated many ratios to evaluate its Iinancial
perIormance. The interpretation oI these ratios and Iinding the cause behind their result
taught me a great deal. I was able to read between the lines. The analysis oI the competitors
was also very conducive, I saw it practically how the companies strive to be in the market
and to become market leader. This will be helpIul in my Iurther studies and in the Iuture
employment role as well.

During the RAP the meetings with the mentor was a real learning experience. I had never
involved in such meetings beIore. I learnt how the meetings are held in the proIessional
environment. The presentation that I gave to the mentor was also a new experience and I
Iound it very useIul. I also learnt a lot Irom valuable discussions with the mentor on diIIerent
issues and believe that they will not only help me in studies but in the job as well.

The discussions that I have done in the analysis have improved my writing skills. It is
extremely essential to interpret the Iindings oI the research correctly and comprehensively. I
tried my level best to write what I analyzed. By reading the articles Ior research purpose, I
was better able to express my analysis at length. Without writing properly it is impossible to
get through the exams. AIter doing this RAP I will be able to communicate my viewpoint
more eIIiciently by writing.

In general, RAP was a good learning experience; I discovered my strengths and also Iound
several weaknesses in doing the analysis. I tried my best to overcome my weaknesses and to
exploit my strengths during the project.

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