Legal Encyclopedia of The Faculty of Law

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, Legal Encyclopedia of the Faculty of Law , Mexico, Porrúa-

Faculty of Law of the UNAM, 57 vols., 2017.

National Autonomous University of Mexico is

an institution tution that has always had an active participation in the
development historical and cultural dimension of our country, through
creating and disseminating knowledge through research and teaching.
Its Faculty of Law, as a fundamental part of the Uni versity, is heir
to a great historical tradition, to its plan A large part of the legal texts
that have contributed to training the lawyers of yesterday and today
have emerged from academic research. Countless generations of jurists
have been trained here and have benefited from the masterful
knowledge of personalities such as Mario de la Cueva, Raúl Cervantes
Ahumada, Miguel Acosta Ro mero, Ignacio Burgoa Orihuela, Andrés
Serra Rojas, José de Jesús López Monroy, Néstor de Buen Lozano,
among many others.
Without its own research that generates new knowledge, a society
is condemned to stagnation or mediocre development; That is why it
has been a constant need in the Faculty to have updated and quality
bibliography, which is the support instrument for students and
teachers, and a guide for future research on the various topics in the
field of cone. foundation of law.
Among the projects that the co legal community of our University,
is the preparation of an ambitious editorial work, the Legal
Encyclopedia of the Faculty Law , which consists of 57 volumes that
correspond to the mandatory subjects of the Law Degree Curriculum,
subsequently grouped thematically into XVII volumes, with a total of
18,624 pages, which is published under the editorial seal of the
National Autonomous University of Mexico in co-edition with
Editorial Porrúa.
This immense task, which for the first time is carried out in our
University and in the country, was conceived in 2013 during the
administration tradition of the previous Rector. Dr. José Narro Robles
and the then Director of the institution, Dr. María Leoba Castañeda
Rivas, who published 8 works during her period.
When Dr. Raúl Contreras Bustamante, a graduate of our after

Magazine of the Faculty of Law of Mexico

Volume LXVIII, Number 271, May -August 2018
Magazine of the Faculty of Law of Mexico
Volume LXVIII, Number 271, May -August 2018
classrooms, he assumed responsibility for the direction of the Faculty
of Law, for the period 2016-2020, committed to the H. Governing
Board and the Rector Enrique Graue Wichers, to conclude the
publication of 48 books of this encyclopedia, which he did in an
extraordinary period of 18 months, under the coordination tion of the
It is noteworthy that without the support of the Rector of UNAM,
Dr. Enrique Graue Wichers, who also did us the honor of writing 48
presentations, this project would not have achieved success.
This encyclopedia is the gathering, in one work, of the
knowledge with which the new generations of Law Graduates should
ideally be trained. With this objective, it was edited and published có
the Legal Encyclopedia , which constitutes the most important editorial
effort that any University in Ibero-America has made to modernize and
strengthen the teaching-learning process of law, in all its branches.
78 illustrious Magister Iuris from the Academic Faculty of our
institution participated in its realization, who have stood out for their
dedicated vocation to teaching, as well as for their interest in
disseminating legal knowledge through their research, publications and
professional practice. In each work they have incorporated pored the
professional and teaching experience, as well as the wisdom and
mastery that the authors possess on the topics, from that of agrarian
right to international right, including civil, criminal, commercial,
fiscal, administrative, human rights, among others.
Among some of the additional features of this collection tion, are
its contents and the inclusion of teaching resources, among them,
pedagogical aspects (learning objectives, activities and evaluations),
designed with the teaching-learning processes that occur in the
classrooms, where teachers and students study and They learn
everything related to legal science ca, which will undoubtedly
contribute to the training of professionals ends of the law.
The edition of this unique company of its kind was carried out in
the Editorial Coordination of the Faculty, and with the participation of
Editorial Porrúa as printer and distributor.
On February 26 of the current year it was presented to the

Jesus de la Fuente Rodríguez
Jesus de la Fuente Rodríguez
community university entity the Legal Encyclopedia , at the 39th
International Fair National Book of the Mining Palace, by Dr. Luis
María Morales, Minister President of the Supreme Court of Justice of
the Nation, who is repository of the dignity of the highest ma
administration of the country and protector of fundamental rights and
respect for the Constitution.
Likewise, Mr. Raúl González Pérez, President of the National
Human Rights Commission, participated. defender of these essential
rights; Don José Antonio Pérez Po rrúa, which synthesizes 103 years of
history and without which legal culture is not conceivable; and Dr.
Raúl Contreras Bustamante, who is the Director of the oldest and most
prestigious Law School in the country and in Latin America, and who
with this encyclopedia has given impetus to research and the
integration of legal knowledge to benefit the process of teaching-
learning with what I know contributes to the transformation of the
The Encyclopedia will be, without a doubt, a reference not only
for the Faculty of Law, but also for Schools and Fa culties of the
embedded system, and additionally for the institutions educational
tutions of higher education worldwide.
With this editorial work, the Faculty of Law of the Uni National
Autonomous versity of Mexico crystallizes, with excellent cia, its role
as an institution that trains jurists and, at the same time, consolidates its
prestige as the reference center for the legal studies in our country.

Magazine of the Faculty of Law of Mexico

Volume LXVIII, Number 271, May -August 2018
Magazine of the Faculty of Law of Mexico
Volume LXVIII, Number 271, May -August 2018
List of works and authors of the legal encyclopedia
1 Roman Law I José de Jesús Ledesma Uribe
Martha Patricia Irigoyen Troconis
King David Vallejo Roses
2 Marco Antonio Pérez de los Reyes
History of Mexican law
3 Carlos Rodríguez Manzanera
Introduction to the study of law
4 General and legal sociology Jorge Efraín Moreno Collado
Carlos Francisco Quintana
Roldán Elssie Núñez Carpizo
Norma Dolores Sabido Peniche
5 General theory of the State Pedro Miguel Ángel Garita Alonso
Carlos González Blanco
Jesus Anlen Lopez
6 Human rights Socorro Apreza Salgado
Sergio Martín Tapia Argüello
Jorge Humberto Flores
7 Legal act María Leoba Castañeda Rivas
8 People María Leoba Castañeda Rivas
María del Pilar León Uribe (†)
9 Law teory María Elodia Robles Sotomayor
Guillermo Gabino Vázquez Robles
10 Roman law II Luisa Cabrera Hernandez

11 Theory of the Constitution Fernando Serrano Migallón

Rodrigo Brito Melgarejo
12 Legal methodology Rosalio Lopez Duran

13 Theory of criminal law and Arturo Luis Cossío Zazueta


Jesus de la Fuente Rodríguez
Jesus de la Fuente Rodríguez

14 Property and real rights María Leoba Castañeda Rivas

María del Carmen Montoya Pérez

15 to Constitutional Law, vol. Yo Raul Contreras Bustamante

15b Constitutional Law, vol. II Raul Contreras Bustamante

16 Contemporary legal systems Consuelo Sirvent Gutiérrez

17 General theory of the process Carina Xochitl Gómez Fröde

18 Particular crimes Christopher Arpaur Pastrana Cortés

Mario Iván Verguer Cazadero
19 Administrative law I María Guadalupe Fernández Ruiz
Sonia Venegas Alvarez
Pedro Noguerón Consuegra (+)
20 Economic theory Emma Carmen Mendoza Bremauntz

21 Economic law Emma Carmen Mendoza Bremauntz

Juana Pascual Fair
Hector Benito Morales Mendoza
Dora Margarita Arévalo de León

22a Constitutional guarantees, vol. Luis Raúl González Pérez

Yo Ismael Eslava Pérez
22b Constitutional guarantees, vol. Luis Raúl González Pérez
II Ismael Eslava Pérez
22c Constitutional guarantees, vol. Luis Raúl González Pérez
III Ismael Eslava Pérez
23 Obligations María del Carmen Montoya Pérez
24 commercial companies Alberto Fabián Mondragón Pedrero

25 Civil procedural law Marcela Sosa and Ávila Zabre

Héctor Molina González(+)
26 Alfonso Muñoz de Cote Otero
Public international law
Magazine of the Faculty of Law of Mexico

Volume LXVIII, Number 271, May -August 2018

Magazine of the Faculty of Law of Mexico
Volume LXVIII, Number 271, May -August 2018
27 Administrative law II Jorge Fernandez Ruiz
Filiberto Otero Salas
Rosa Carmen Rascón Gasca
Ricardo Sodi Cuellar
Francisca Eréndira Salgado Ledesma
28 Foreign trade legal regime Carlos Humberto Reyes Díaz

29a Titles and credit operations, Vicente Toledo González

vol. Yo

29b Titles and credit operations, Vicente Toledo González

vol. II
30 Civil contracts José Marcos Barroso Figueroa Jesús
Saldaña Pérez
31 Criminal Procedural Law Carlos Ernesto Barragán y Salvatierra
Karla Ivonne Vázquez Barrera
32 Private international law I Martha Patricia del Carmen Álvarez
33 Philosophy of law Adrian Renteria Diaz

34 Family right Julián Güitrón Fuentevilla

35 Luis Carballo Balvanera
Introduction to tax law courses
36a Tax Law, vol. Yo Luis Carballo Balvanera
36b Tax Law, vol. II Blanca Alicia Mendoza Vera
37 Individual labor law José Dávalos Morales

38 Protection Luciano Silva Ramirez

39 Commercial contracts Gerardo Rodríguez Barajas

Jesus de la Fuente Rodríguez
Jesus de la Fuente Rodríguez

40 Succession right María Leoba Castañeda Rivas

Juan Luís González Alcantara y Carrancá

41a Private International Law II, María Elena Mansilla y Mejía

vol. Yo
41b Private International Law II, María Elena Mansilla y Mejía
vol. II
42 Labor procedural law Porfirio Marquet Guerrero

43a Banking and stock market law, Jesus de la Fuente Rodríguez

vol. Yo
43b Banking and stock market law, Jesus de la Fuente Rodríguez
vol. II
44 Tax law II Margarita Palomino Guerrero
Miguel Ángel Vázquez Robles
45 Agricultural law Manuel Ruiz Daza
46 Social security IS NOT Amado Alquicira López Pedro Alfonso
Reyes Mireles
47 Legal argument Jaime Fernando Cardenas Gracia

48 Legal logic
Carla Leticia de Guadalupe Huerta Ochoa
49 Hugo Carrasco Soulé López
Oral trials in civil matters
50 Oral trials in criminal matters José Horus Canacasco
Diana Gabriela García Zamudio
Heriberto Ramirez Neri
Juan Jesus Mora Mora
51 Permanent ethics course Arturo Berumen Campos
Jaqueline Ortiz Andrade
Jesús de la Fuente Rodríguez*
Doctor of Law from the National Autonomous University of Mexico, with
honorable mention. Specialist in International Financial Law from the Universidad
Panamericana, 2005. Specialist in Law Institutions
Magazine of the Faculty of Law of Mexico

Volume LXVIII, Number 271, May -August 2018


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