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“ Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo National University”

Faculty of Environmental Sciences

Professional School of Sanitary Engineering

Analytical Chemistry Laboratory Report
(Analysis of Silver Group Cations)

Practice No.: 02 Date: 10/23/2019

Group No.: 03

Teacher: Olivera de la Cruz Edgar

 Alvarez Oropeza Joseph 181.0706.001
 Huamán Salazar Edwin 181.0706.011
 Henostroza Huamán Yan 181.0706.038
 Tarazona Ramirez Efrain 171.0706.094
 Rupay Dominguez Roger 171.0706.088

- 2019 -
1. Introduction:

In this report, “Analysis of the Cations of the Silver Group”, we will experimentally analyze the
2+ ¿¿
2+ ¿,Hg2 ¿
cations of the silver group ( Ag+¿, Pb ¿
) of a general sample where we will announce the
results of these.

Cation analysis is a qualitative analysis technique that allows the presence of certain cations to
be identified in a sample to be investigated. Firstly, we will identify them through selective
reactions of each group of cations following a process called “Analytical March”, which consists
of identifying and separating the cations in order to demonstrate that there is the presence of
certain elements in the sample. Secondly, we will take advantage of certain properties of each
cation, such as solubility, for example.
2. Goals:
2.1.General objectives:
2.1.1. Know and apply the analytical method of qualitative identification of ions
in aqueous solution known as Analytical March.
2.1.2. Distinguish the different groups of cations according to their reactivity and
2.2.Specific objectives:
2.2.1. Differentiate the different reactions and the type of color of each
precipitate that is formed.
2.2.2. Demonstrate that there is the presence of silver group ions according to
the color of the precipitate present in the reactions.
3. Theoretical foundation:
3.1.Analytical March:
It is the systematic process where a series of unit operations are carried out,
to locate inorganic ions through chemical reactions, with which formations of
complexes and salts with the characteristic and unique color of each group of
ions are observed.
3.2. Analysis of Cations of a solution:
3.2.1. Analytical Classification of Cations:
In the systematic development of the analysis of the cations, they are
separated from the complex mixture not one by one, but by groups
according to the similar behavior under the action of some reagents that
are called group reagents.
(1). It must precipitate the cations quantitatively (almost completely).
(2). The precipitate should dissolve easily in acids for further analysis.
(3). The excess reagent added should not prevent the identification of the
ions that have remained in the solution.

However, not all reagents meet all the aforementioned


For the purposes of qualitative analysis, the ions of the most

common metals or cations are divided into groups. These groups are in an
order and depend on the precipitating reagent that corresponds to them. It
can also be established that the classification is based on the different
solubilities of chlorides, sulfides, hydroxides, and carbonates. That is why
the most common groups of cation analysis are: (Systematic - > selective)
a) Silver group.
b) Copper group.
c) Arsenic group.
d) Iron group.
e) Zinc group.
f) Calcium group.
g) Group of alkali metals.
Below is a table with the classification of cations:

+ + ¿,Hg2
+ +¿ ¿
¿ Insoluble chlorides in HCl
silver HCl diluted A g+¿ ,P b ¿ AgCl , PbC l 2 , Hg2 Cl 2
II – A ++¿ ,Cd
++¿ ¿

H 2 S in the presence CuS , PbS , HgS , CdS ,

+ +¿ ,Hg ¿
++¿, Pb ¿
Cu Insoluble sulfides in HCl
copper of HCl diluted Bi
+++¿ ¿ Bi2 S 3 diluted
II – B
H 2 S in the presence 3+¿ , Sb3 +¿ ,Sn
3+ ¿ ,Sn
4+ ¿¿
As2 S 3 , Sb2 S 3 , SnS , Insoluble sulfides in HCl
arsenic of HCl diluted As Sn S 2 diluted
NH 4 OH in the 3 +¿, Al 3+ ¿,Cr
3+¿ ,Mn
3+¿ ¿
Fe ( OH )3 , Al ( OH )3 , Hydroxides precipitable
iron presence of NH 4 Cl Fe Cr (OH )3 , MnO (OH )3 by NH 4 OH in NH 4 Cl
III-B ( N H 4)2 S in the Sulfides precipitatable by
( N H 4 ) 2 S in NH 4 OH and
++¿, ¿ ¿ ¿
zinc presence of NH 4 OH Zn ZnS , NiS , cos , MnS
group and NH 4 Cl NH 4 Cl
IV (N H 4 )2 C O3 in the Carbonates precipitable
++ ¿¿
+ +¿ ,Ba ¿

calcium presence of NH 4 OH Ca ++¿, Sr ¿ CaC O3 , SrC O3 , BaC O3 by(N H 4 )2 C O3 in

group and NH 4 Cl NH 4 OH and NH 4 Cl
+ +¿ ,Li
+ ¿, Mg
+¿ ,¿
¿ Cations that did not
Alkali Na+¿, K ¿
No group
No group reagent +¿ ¿ precipitate in the
metal N H4 precipitates previous groups

3.2.2. What is the selectivity of a reagent:

A reagent is said to be selective when the reactions carried out are
less complicated to react and these reactions are carried out with very few
cations and anions. The selectivity of a reagent can be changed if desired,
the ways to change The selectivity is, due to the variation of the pH, change
of its oxidation state, and the masking of cations.
3.2.3. Silver Group (Group 1):
The compounds of these metals are characterized because they
precipitate as chlorides with dilute hydrochloric acid or with soluble
chlorides. Lead chloride is somewhat soluble in water and, therefore, is not
completely precipitated as chloride in this group, and is then found in
group II where it is precipitated as insoluble sulfide. Silver ( Ag ):
Silver is a white, malleable and ductile metal. It is insoluble in dilute
hydrochloric and sulfuric acids; but it dissolves easily in boiling nitric acid
and concentrated sulfuric acid. Lead ( Pb ):
Lead is a blue-gray metal with a density of 11.48. It dissolves easily in
dilute nitric acid. In concentrated hydrochloric acid, a protective film or
lead nitrate insoluble in this acid is formed, which prevents the dissolution
of the metal. Diluted hydrochloric and sulfuric acids have little action due
to the formation of protective films of chlorine and lead sulfate
respectively. Mercury ( Hg ):
Mercury is a silvery white metal, liquid at room temperature, it has a
density of 13.595 g/cm3. It is not attacked by dilute hydrochloric or sulfuric
acids, but it reacts easily with nitric acid and its excess of mercury produces
mercuric nitrate when cold, while in excess of concentrated acid and when
hot, mercuric nitrate is produced depending on the metal or acid. are in
excess. Reactions in the silver group:
2+ ¿¿
2+ ¿,Hg2 ¿
Cations: Ag+¿, Pb ¿

Reagent group: Dilute hydrochloric acid.

Reactions of the Silver Ion: Ag+¿¿
A solution of silver nitrate is used: AgNO3
1. With dilute hydrochloric acid, a white gaseous precipitate of
silver chloride is formed. It blackens under the action of light,
it is insoluble in acids; but it is soluble in silver diamin chloride
solution [ Ag(N H 3)2 ]Cl ; Silver precipitates from the
ammoniacal solution by adding dilute nitric acid or potassium
iodide solution, in the form of AgCl either AgI , respectively
and in sodium thiosulfate:
AgNO3 + HCl AgCl+ HN O3

AgCl+2 NH 4 OH [ Ag ( N H 3 )2 ] Cl +2 H 2 O
[ Ag ( N H 3 )2 ] Cl + HN O3 AgCl+ NH 4 OH

[ Ag ( N H 3 )2 ] Cl + KI AgI + KCl+2 NH 3

AgCl+2 KCN K [ Ag (CN )2 ] + KCl

2 AgCl +3 Na2 S 2 O3 Na4 [ Ag 2 (S 2 O3 )3 ]+ 2 NaCl

2. With potassium iodide solution, a yellow precipitate of silver

iodide is obtained, AgI , insoluble in ammonium hydroxide
solution; but very soluble in potassium cyanide and sodium
thiosulfate solutions.
AgNO3 + KI AgI + KN O3

AgI +2 KCN K [ Ag (CN )2 ] + KI

2 AgI +3 Na2 S2 O3 Na4 [ Ag 2 (S 2 O3 )3 ]+ 2 NaI

3. With potassium chromate solution: PP is obtained. Red

Chromate Silver: Ag2 CrO 4 insoluble in acetic acid; Soluble in
dilute nitric acid and ammonium hydroxide solution.
2 AgNO 3+ K 2 Cr O4 Ag2 Cr O4 +2 KN O3
Ag2 Cr O4 +2 HN O3 2 AgNO 3+ H 2 Cr O4
Ag2 Cr O4 + NH 4 OH [ Ag( N H 3)2 ]2 Cr O4 +2 H 2 O
4. With ammonium hydroxide solution: Initially a PP is formed.
white silver hydroxide that quickly turns into silver oxide Ag2 O
, brown in color, soluble in excess reagent.
AgN O3 + NH 4 OH AgOH + NH 4 N O3
2 AgOH Ag2 O+ H 2 O
Ag2 O+ 4 NH 4 OH 2 [ Ag (N H 3 )2 ]2 OH +3 H 2 O

5. With sodium hydroxide solution: One pp is obtained. brown

silver oxide, insoluble in excess reagent.
2 AgNO 3+ 2 NaOH Ag2 O+2 NaNO3 + H 2 O
6. With hydrogen sulfide: A PP is formed. silver sulfide black:
Ag2 S insoluble in ammonium hydroxide; but soluble in hot
dilute nitric acid.

2 AgNO 3+ H 2 S Ag2 S+ H N O3

3 Ag 2 S+8 HNO3 +Calor 6 Ag NO 3 +2 NO +3 S+ 4 H 2 O

Lead Ion Reactions: Pb2+¿ ¿

A solution of lead acetate or nitrate is used: Pb(N O3)2
1. With dilute hydrochloric acid, a white pp of lead chloride is
formed PbCl2 , soluble in hot water, which when the solution
cools again precipitates lead chloride in the form of needle
crystals. Hydrochloric acid is also soluble and in a
concentrated solution of alkali chlorides, which decomposes
by dilution giving lead chloride.
Pb(NO ¿¿ 3)2 +2 HCl ¿ PbCl2 +2 HNO3
PbCl2 +2 HClconc . H 2 [ PbCl 4 ]
PbCl2 +2 NaClconc . Na2 [ PbCl 4 ]

2. Then with potassium iodide solution: A yellow pp of silver iodide is

obtained: PbI 2 soluble appreciably in hot water, which then
separates again when the solution cools in the form of flakes of
PbI 2 yellow. It is also soluble in excess reagent, forming a complex
salt that decomposes by dilution with precipitation of PbI 2 .
Pb(NO ¿¿ 3)2 +2 KI ¿ PbI 2 +2 KNO3
PbI 2 +2 KI K 2 [ PbI 4 ]
3. With dilute sulfuric acid: A white pp of lead sulfate is formed:
PbSO 4 Soluble in concentrated ammonium acetate solution,
ammoniacal ammonium tartrate solution and in sodium
thiosulfate solution.
Pb(NO ¿¿ 3)2 + H 2 S O4 ¿ PbSO 4 +2 HNO3
PbSO 4 +2 CH 3 COONH 4 Pb(CH 3 COO)2 +(NH 4 )2 SO 4
PbSO 4 +(NH 4 )2 C 4 H 4 O6 Pb C4 H 4 O6 +( NH 4 )2 SO4
PbSO 4 + Na2 S2 O3 Pb S 2 O3 + Na2 S O4
4. With potassium chromate solution a yellow precipitate of
lead chromate is produced. PbCrO 4 , soluble in alkali
hydroxides and nitric acid, insoluble in ammonium hydroxide
and acetic acid.
Pb(NO ¿¿ 3)2 + KCrO 4 ¿ PbCrO 4 +2 KNO3
PbCrO 4 +4 NaOH Na2 PbO 2 + Na2 CrO 4 +2 H 2 O
PbCrO 4 +2 KNO3 Pb(NO ¿¿ 3)2 + H 2 CrO 4 ¿

5. With hydrogen sulfide: a pp is obtained. lead sulfide black:

PbS insoluble in alkali sulfide solutions; but soluble in hot,
dilute nitric acid.
Pb(NO ¿¿ 3)2 + H 2 S ¿ PbS+2 HNO3
3 PbS+8 HNO3 3 Pb(NO¿ ¿3)2 +2 NO+3 S+ 4 H 2 O ¿

6. With ammonium hydroxide solution: A pp is obtained. lead

hydroxide white Pb ¿ , insoluble in excess reagent.
Pb(NO ¿¿ 3)2 +2 N H 4 OH ¿ Pb(OH )2 +2 N H 4 NO3

7. With sodium hydroxide solution: One pp is obtained. lead

hydroxide white Pb ¿ , insoluble in excess reagent.
Pb(NO ¿¿ 3)2 +2 NaOH ¿ Pb(OH )2 +2 Na NO 3
Pb(OH )2 +2 NaOH Na2 Pb O2+ 2 H 2 O
Dry Tests:
1. Torch test: When a lead solution is heated with alkaline carbonate
on charcoal, a malleable lead ring surrounded by yellow scales of
lead monoxide is obtained.

2. Flame test: Pale blue flame (not determined)

2+¿ ¿
Reactions of the Mercury Ion: Hg 2

A solution of mercurous nitrate is used: Hg 2 (NO3 )2

1. With the hydrochloric acid solution: A white pp of

mercurous chloride (calomel) is produced: Hg2 Cl 2 insoluble
in cold dilute acids; but soluble in aqua regia. When poured
over mercurous chloride, ammonium hydroxide, pp turns
black due to the formation of the complex amino mercuric
chloride (infusible white) and finely divided metallic mercury
(black); This mixture is soluble in aqua regia.
Hg2 (NO3 )2 +2 HCl Hg2 Cl 2 +2 HN O3
Hg2 Cl 2 +2 N H 4 OH
Hg(NH ¿¿ 2)Cl+ Hg+ N H 4 Cl +2 H 2 O ¿
HN O3 +2 HCl NOCl+ Cl2 +2 H 2 O
Hg(NH ¿¿ 2)Cl+3 Cl 2 ¿ 2 HgCl 2+ 4 HCl+ N 2
Hg+Cl 2 HgCl 2
2. With potassium iodide solution, a yellowish green pp of
mercurous iodide is obtained: Hg2 I 2 insoluble in excess
Hg2 (NO¿ ¿3)2 +2 KI Hg2 I 2+ 2 KNO3 ¿
Hg2 I 2 +2 KI K 2 [ HgI 4 ] + Hg

3. With potassium chromate solution, a brown amorphous

precipitate of mercurous chromate forms when cold:
Hg2 CrO 4 When brought to a boil it changes to its red
crystalline form.
Hg2 ( NO¿ ¿3)2 + K 2 CrO 4 Hg2 CrO 4 +2 KNO3 ¿

4. With hydrogen sulfide: a black pp of mercuric sulfide is

obtained, HgS and finely divided mercury.
Hg2 ( NO¿ ¿3)2 + H 2 S ¿ HgS+ Hg+2 HNO3
5. With sodium hydroxide solution, a black precipitate of
mercurous oxide is formed. Hg2 O .
Hg2 (NO¿ ¿3)2 +2 NaOH Hg2 O+2 NaNO 3+ H 2 O ¿
6. With ammonium hydroxide solution: A black pp of oxyamino
mercuric nitrate and finely divided mercury is produced.
2 Hg2(NO ¿¿ 3)2+ 2 NaOH ¿
O : Hg2 . N H 2 . NO3 +2 Hg+3 N H 4 N O3 +3 H 2 O
7. With stannous chloride solution: With excess reagent, the
separation of finely divided metallic mercury of gray or black
color occurs.
Hg2 (NO¿ ¿3)2 + SnCl2 +2 HCl¿ 2 Hg+ SnCl 4 +2 HNO3

3.2.4. Analytical March of Separation and recognition of the Cations of

the Silver Group:
Diluted hydrochloric acid in slight excess is added to the solution that probably contains the cations of this
group (sample) and filtered. The filtrate is discarded. The precipitate is washed, which may contain:
AgCl , Pb Cl 2 y Hg2 Cl 2 with a little water.

The precipitate is boiled with enough water and filtered while hot.

Residue: may contain AgCl y Hg 2 Cl2 . The precipitate is washed with Filtered: May contain Pb Cl2 .
hot water until the filtrate does not precipitate with potassium It is divided into two options:
chromate solution, which ensures complete separation of the lead; (a). Potassium chromate
Washing liquids are discarded. solution is added. yellow
Hot ammonium hydroxide solution is poured over the precipitate, in precipitate PbCrO 4
the filter. (b). It is cooled in a jet of
water. Crystalline
Residue: Black from: Filtered: May contain
precipitate in the form of
Hg+ Hg(NH ¿ ¿ 2)Cl ¿ [ Ag ( N H 3 )2 ] Cl . It is acidified with needles PbCl2
dilute nitric acid. White Precipitate
Presence of AgCl : Presence of
Presence of

3.2.5. Analytical March of the cations of the silver group:

++¿ ¿
+ +¿, Hg2 ¿

Ag+¿, Pb ¿

+ diluted HCl

pp AgCl , PbC l 2 , Hg2 Cl 2

+H 2 O
+ Heat (boil 2 minutes)

pp AgCl , Hg2 Cl2 Sun

+ NH 4 OH Pb
+ Heat Sun.
pp Sun + Cool
K 2PbCr
Cr O4O ↓
Hg(NH ¿¿ 2)Cl+ Hg ↓ ¿ [ Ag(NH 3 )2 ]Cl 4 PbC l 2
negro amarillo
+ HNO3 diluido cristales transparentes
Presence of
Presence of blanco Presence of
4. Materials and REACTIVES:
4.1. Materials:
Test tube:

It is used to contain small liquid

samples or to perform small-scale


It is used to hold and store a certain

number of test tubes.


It is used to handle solid reagents.

Also to take small amounts of

compounds that are basically powder.


Container to contain liquids, in some

cases used to prepare or heat
substances and transfer liquids.
Although it has graduated scales in
millimeters, it is not recommended because it is not very precise.

Beaker tongs:

They are utensils that allow you to hold beakers.


They are cleaning utensils but at the same time they can also
replace tweezers since when they are wet they allow us to pick up
hot objects.

Test tube clamps:

They are used to hold test tubes while they are heated or

Glass rod or stirrer:

It is used to stir reactive mixtures and as an accessory in the

transfer of liquids.

Bunsen burner:

Used in scientific laboratories to heat or sterilize samples and

chemical reagents.

Filtration funnel:

It is used to channel liquids into containers with narrow

Filter paper:

Filter paper is a paper used as a sieve that is mainly used for

filtering. This is introduced into a funnel, with the purpose of
filtering insoluble impurities and allowing the solution to pass
through its pores.

Erlenmeyer glass:

It is useful for mixing by stirring and for the controlled evaporation of liquid;
In addition, its narrow opening allows the use of caps. It is not usually used
for measuring liquids since its measurements are imprecise.

Warming equipment:

It serves to heat the beaker or Erlenmeyer

beakers so that it replaces the tripod and
the asbestos mesh.

4.2. Reagents:
Silver nitrate
Lead nitrate
mercury nitrate
Ammonium nitrate
Potassium iodide
Sodium cyanide
sodium carbonate
Nitric acid
Potassium chromate
sodium sulfide
sodium hydroxide
Hydrochloric acid
Distilled water
5. Experimental procedure:

Reactions of cations of the silver group:

 Reactions of the silver ion: Ag

a. To begin the experiment, a silver nitrate solution is used. AgNO3 .

b. Then with dilute hydrochloric acid, a white cheesy precipitate of silver
chloride is formed. It blackens by the action of light, it is insoluble in acids;
but it is soluble in dilute sodium cyanide (2 NaCN ):

AgNO3 + HCl → AgCl+ HNO3

AgCl+2 NaCN → Na [ Ag (CN )2 ] + NaCl

c. Then with potassium iodide solution, a yellow precipitate of silver iodide

is obtained. AgI , insoluble in ammonium hydroxide, but very soluble in
sodium cyanide.

AgNO3 + KI → AgI + KNO3

AgI +2 NaCN → Na [ Ag(CN )2 ] + NaI

d. With potassium chromate solution, a red precipitate of silver chromate is

obtained Ag2 CrO 4 , insoluble in acetic acid; soluble in dilute nitric acid.

AgNO3 + K 2 CrO 4 → Ag2 CrO 4 + 2 K NO 3

Ag2 CrO 4 + 2 H NO3 → AgNO 3+ H 2 CrO 4

e. With sodium hydroxide solution, a brown precipitate of silver oxide is

obtained; insoluble in excess reagent.

2 AgNO 3+ 2 NaOH → Ag 2 O+2 Na NO 3+ H 2 O

f. With sodium disulfide, a black precipitate of silver sulfide is formed Ag2 S ;

insoluble in ammonium hydroxide.

2 AgNO 3+ Na2 S → Ag2 S+ 2 Na NO3

 Lead ion reactions: Pb2+¿ ¿

a. To begin the experiment, a solution of lead acetate or nitrate is used. Pb(NO ¿¿ 3)2 ¿
b. Then with dilute hydrochloric acid, a white precipitate of lead chloride is formed.
PbCl2 , soluble in hot water, which when the solution cools, the lead chloride
precipitates again as needle crystals. Concentrated hydrochloric acid of alkali
chlorides is also soluble, which decomposes by dilution giving lead chloride.

Pb(NO ¿¿ 3)2 +2 HCl → PbCl2 +2 HNO3 ¿

PbCl2 +2 HClconc . ↔ H 2 [ PbCl 4 ]

PbCl2 +2 NaClconc . ↔ Na2 [ PbCl 4 ]

c. Then with potassium iodide solution, a yellow precipitate of silver iodide is obtained.
PbI 2 soluble appreciably in hot water, which then separates again when the solution
cools in the form of flakes of PbI 2 yellow.

Pb(NO ¿¿ 3)2 +2 KI → PbI 2 +2 KNO 3 ¿

PbI 2 +2 KI → K 2 [ PbI 4 ]

d. With potassium chromate solution a yellow precipitate of lead chromate is produced.

PbCrO 4 , soluble in alkali hydroxides and nitric acid, insoluble in ammonium
hydroxide and acetic acid.

Pb(NO ¿¿ 3)2 + KCrO 4 → PbCrO 4 +2 KNO3 ¿

PbCrO 4 +4 NaOH → Na2 PbO 2+ Na2 CrO 4 +2 H 2 O

PbCrO 4 +2 KNO3 → Pb(NO ¿¿ 3)2 + H 2 CrO 4 ¿

e. With sodium hydroxide solution, a white precipitate of lead hydroxide is formed

Pb(OH )2 , insoluble in excess reagent.

Pb(NO ¿¿ 3)2 +2 NaOH → Pb(OH )2+2 NaNO3 ¿

Pb(OH )2 +2 NaOH → Na2 Pb O2 +2 H 2 O

 Reactions of the mercurous ion: Hg 2+¿ ¿

a. To begin the experiment, a solution of mercurous nitrate is used. Hg 2 ( NO¿ ¿3)2 ¿ .

b. Then with dilute hydrochloric acid, a white precipitate of mercurous chloride
(calomel) is formed. Hg 2 Cl 2 , insoluble in cold dilute acids, but soluble in aqua regia.

Hg2 (NO¿ ¿3)2 +2 HCl→ Hg2 Cl 2+ 2 HNO 3 ¿

c. Then with potassium iodide solution, a yellowish green precipitate of mercurous
iodide is obtained. Hg 2 I 2 insoluble in excess reagent.

Hg2 (NO¿ ¿3)2 +2 KI → Hg2 I 2 +2 KNO3 ¿

Hg2 I 2 +2 KI → K 2 [ HgI 4 ]+ Hg

d. With potassium chromate solution, a brown amorphous precipitate of mercurous

chromate forms when cold. Hg 2 CrO 4 , when brought to a boil it changes to its red
crystalline form.

Hg2 (NO¿ ¿3)2 + K 2 CrO 4 → Hg2 CrO 4+ 2 KNO 3 ¿

e. With sodium hydroxide solution, a black precipitate of mercurous oxide is formed.

Hg2 O .

Hg2 ( NO¿ ¿3)2 +2 NaOH → Hg2 O+2 NaNO3 + H 2 O¿

6. Results:
6.1. Silver Ion ( Ag ):


HCl AgCl White
K.I. AgI White
AgNO3 K 2 CrO 4 Ag 2 CrO 4 Dark red
NaOH Ag 2 O Dark green
Na 2 S Ag 2 S Black

AgNO3 + HCl → AgCl AgNO3 + KI → AgI AgNO3 + K2CrO4 → Ag2CrO4

AgNO3 + NaOH → Ag2O AgNO3 + Na2S → Ag2S

6.2. Lead Ion ( Pb ):


HCl PbCl 2 White
Pb ( NO3 )2
K 2 CrO 4 PbCrO 4 Yellow
4NaOH Na 2 PbO 2 Orange
PbCr O4
2HNO 3 Ag 2 O Yellow

Pb(NO3)2 + HCl Pb(NO3)2 + K2CrO4 PbCrO4 + 4NaOH PbCrO4 + 2HNO3

2+¿ ¿
6.3. Mercury Ion ( Hg 2 ):


2KI Hg 2 I 2 Dark green
K 2 CrO 4 Hg 2 CrO 4 Dark red
Hg 2 (NO 3) 2
2NaOH Hg2O -
H2S HgS -

Hg2(NO3)2 + 2KI Hg2(NO3)2 + K2CrO4

7. Conclusions:
7.1. The qualitative analytical processes were carried out normally and we
learned to differentiate and identify the cations of group I through
different precipitations and chemical changes.
7.2. Different processes were carried out in which the cations silver, lead and
mercury mercury could be successfully separated and identified.
7.3. The salts of this group have their own and characteristic shape in their
observation; lead chloride, silver chloride and mercurous chloride.
8. Recommendations:
8.1. When working, be very careful with both the materials and the reagents since
they are essential to carry out the cation analysis.
8.2. It is recommended to read the guides and/or the laboratory manual before
doing the experiments in order to facilitate work in the laboratory.
8.3. Be patient as cation analysis requires a lot of work time.
8.4. Consult the teacher about what reagent to use instead of the one originally
9. Bibliographic references:


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