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Year of the Lord MMXVII

December 3, 2017
Liturgical Greeting

AND The Lord Jesus, who comes to save us, be with you
Introduction to the Celebration

h oday we begin the season of Advent to remember that it is always

Advent is looking to the future; our God is the God
of the future, the God of promises.
Advent is waiting for the one who has to come: the one who is
coming, the one who is near, the one who is in our midst; the one who
already came.
Advent is hope, the hopes of all the men of the world. Our hope as
believers rests on one name: Jesus Christ.
Advent wreath blessing

The celebrant makes the following introductory statement
brothers: At the beginning of the new liturgical year we are
going to bless this crown with which we also inaugurate the
season of Advent. Its lights remind us that Jesus Christ is the
light of the world. Its green color means life and hope. The Advent
wreath is, therefore, a symbol that light and life will triumph over
darkness and death, because the Son of God has become man and
given us true life. By lighting, week after week, the candles in the
crown, we want to signify our gradual preparation to receive the light
of Christmas.

To the earth, Lord, rejoice in these days, and your Church
overflows with joy before your Son, the Lord, who appears as a
splendid light, to illuminate those of us who lie in the darkness of
ignorance, pain and sin.
Full of hope in his coming, your people have prepared this wreath
with branches from the forest and have decorated it with lights.
Now, then, that we are going to begin the time of preparation for the
coming of your Son, we ask you, Lord, that, as the splendor of this
crown increases each day, with new lights, you will enlighten us
with the splendor of him who, because he is the light of the world,
will illuminate all darkness.
He who lives and reigns forever and ever.
R/. Amen.
The priest sprinkles it with holy water and, if appropriate, incense.

Lighting of the first candle of the crown

Then say the following prayer to light the first candle

AND Let us light, Lord, this flame on the first

Sunday of Advent, to keep us awake and
standing, like sentinels, before the Son of
Man who is coming, the glorious future that awaits us.
Encourage us, Lord,
to glimpse those who are desperate in life, to be able to see those who
only expect things less than themselves, to glimpse those who do not
have or have lost their hope in You to glimpse those whose future is
full of doubts and disbelief.
Lord, so that in our environment we may be clear witnesses of your
light and credible reasons for hope, we ask this from you, for whom
we joyfully wait, who live and reign forever and ever. R/. Amen.
The same celebrant or some faithful, lights the first candle of the crown (The opposite to the pink candle), meanwhile
the following antiphon and its own verse are sung:
Antiphon: Sing with joy, with enthusiasm: the Lord is coming
1. We announce to you the joy of Advent
With the first flame burning
The time of salvation is approaching. Let us prepare the path to the Lord.
Penitential Act
With our gaze fixed on the Parousia of our Savior, let us implore
God's mercy upon us.
Brief pause in silence
® You who come to wake us up from our unconsciousness. Kirie,
elioneson . Or: Lord, have mercy.
F You who call us to live in hope. Christe, eléison . Or: Christ, have
® You who are the great Future that awaits us. Kirie, elioneson . Or:
Lord, have mercy.
The priest concludes with the following prayer:

dios almighty
have mercy on us, forgive us our sins
and lead us to eternal life
R/. Amen.
GLORY is NOT sung or recited.

The celebrant says the COLLECT PRAYER

Profession of faith
We profess our faith, remembering the wonderful
interventions of God in the History of Salvation: creation,
incarnation, Easter, the coming of the
Holy Spirit upon the Church and the promise of eternal life.
The celebrant and the faithful make the profession of faith with the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed


h Brothers, let us invoke God the Father, origin of every gift, to

help us welcome with faith the coming of the Savior.
R/. Visit your people Lord .
1. For the Church, spread throughout the world: so that it lives in
a constant attitude of poverty and service. Let us pray to the
2. For the men who have not received the Good News: so that
the solidarity of the Christian communities prepares them to
more easily welcome Christ Jesus the Savior. Let us pray to
the Lord.
3. For justice and peace in the world: so that selfishness and
interests, give way, to one
true brotherhood. Let us pray to the Lord.
4. For all those who suffer in body or spirit and for all who find
themselves in need: so that they may experience the good
things that Jesus has brought us, through the generous charity
of the brothers. Let us pray to the Lord.
5. For all of us, gathered around the altar: so that we may
maintain an attitude of vigilant and serene waiting before the
coming of Christ Jesus. Let us pray to the Lord.
6. Celebrant's Conclusion:
May your Holy Spirit, Lord, come to the aid of our weakness,
and may our evangelical commitment
be the germ of the new heavens and the new earth, which Christ will
come to establish on the last day.
He who lives and reigns forever and ever.
R/. Amen.
Try to give the SOLEMN BLESSING as indicated in the form of the Roman Missal .
December 8, 2017
Liturgical Greeting

Q May the grace of the Lord Jesus, the Word of God made
flesh in the most pure womb of the ever Virgin Mary,
always remain with you.
Introduction to the Celebration

TO Let us all rejoice in the Lord, as we celebrate the

solemnity of Mary in her Immaculate Conception.
Mary is the radiant image of those the Church
aspires to be; of what the Church, all of it, will one day be: the Bride
of the Lord, glorious Bride; without spot or wrinkle, holy and
immaculate; dressed in the dress of triumph, covered with the tunic
of victory, jeweled like the bride who goes out to meet her husband.
Penitential Act

N We confess our guilt before God and others, and we invoke

our Lady the Virgin Mary, refuge of sinners, to intercede
for us before God.
Brief pause in silence
I confess…
The priest concludes as usual.
GLORY is sung or recited.
The celebrant says the COLLECT PRAYER
Profession of faith
united around the table of the Eucharist, mystery of faith
and food that accompanies us as the Bread of Life, with a
sincere heart let us profess
our faith, in this solemnity of the Immaculate
Conception of Our Lady, preserved from sin in anticipation of the
Paschal Mystery of her Son. The choir and assembly sing in response:
Lord I believe, but increase my faith .
Do you believe in God, Almighty Father, creator of heaven and
The choir and assembly sing in response:
Lord I believe, but increase my faith .
Do you believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord, who was
born of the Virgin Mary, died, was buried, rose from the dead and is
seated at the right hand of the Father?
The choir and assembly sing in response:
Lord I believe, but increase my faith .
Do you believe in the Holy Spirit, in the holy Catholic Church, in
the communion of saints, in the forgiveness of sins, in the
resurrection of the body and in eternal life?
The choir and assembly sing in response:
Lord I believe, but increase my faith .
And the celebrant concludes:

AND This is our faith.

This is the faith of the Church
that we glory in professing
in Jesus Christ our Lord
The choir and assembly sing in response:
Amen, amen, amen .

Brothers, celebrating the mystery of the Immaculate
Conception of Mary, let us direct our supplications to the
Lord for the intercession of the one whom he wanted to
choose as the Mother of his Son.
R/. Look at the Full of Grace and listen to us Father .
1. For the universal Church: so that she may live without spot
or wrinkle or anything similar, advancing along the path of
holiness. Let us pray to the Lord.
2. For young people and adolescents: so that they follow, like
Mary, the virtue of purity and always remain joyful in the
love of God and neighbor. Let us pray to the Lord.
3. For the sick and all who suffer in this valley of tears: so that
they always find in Mary the comfort and grace they need.
Let us pray to the Lord.
4. For all of us who are here, celebrating with joy the triumph
of Christ in Mary: so that, like her, we may be holy and
blameless through love. Let us pray to the Lord.
Celebrant's Conclusion:
and we give thanks, Lord, as we celebrate this solemnity in
honor of the mother of your Son;
We ask that, just as you preserved her from all sin, you grant us
sinners the gift of your grace and listen to us in your goodness.
Through Jesus Christ our Lord R/. Amen.
December 10, 2017
Liturgical Greeting

Q May the salvation that is close to us, because Christ arrives,

make you grow in the hope that does not disappoint, and be
now and always with you all.
Introduction to the Celebration
In the desert prepare a way for the Lord » is the common
message of Isaiah and John the Baptist. God comes to save
us and we have to remove
in our lives everything that hinders that coming we hope for. The
desert means the distance that we must take with respect to the
things of this world, if we want to perceive and live the saving
message of God.
Let us continue our celebration by lighting the second candle of the
Advent wreath, in the joyful expectation of our Savior.
Rite of the Advent wreath
The celebrant makes the following prayer
d we hope, Lord,
with this second light that we turn on,
may you intensify the radiance of your face for those who
live in darkness and in the shadows of death. May the Light of your
presence, manifested in our lives, make us perceive our proud
vanities and our abysses of sin.
Balance and smooth our lives, Lord, and make us paths of access to
You for men in exile far from You and their brothers.
Lord, may we be with you an attractive and seductive light. We ask
this of you, who are eternal clarity, and who live and reign forever
and ever. R/. Amen.
The same celebrant or a faithful person lights the second candle on the crown ( the next purple candle clockwise ),
meanwhile the following antiphon and the two proper stanzas are sung:
Antiphon: Sing with joy, with enthusiasm: the Lord is coming.
1. We announce to you the joy of Advent
With the first flame burning, the time of salvation is approaching, let us prepare the
path to the Lord.
Antiphon: Sing with joy, with enthusiasm: the Lord is coming.

2. We announce to you the joy of Advent with the second flame burning, the first
example Christ gave us live united in love.
Antiphon: Sing with joy, with enthusiasm: the Lord is coming.

Penitential Act

AND These days we must try to convert

ourselves more to the Lord to relive at
Christmas the mystery of the Son of God
who became man so that we could be children of God.
That is why we recognize ourselves as sinners in the presence of our
God who draws near and we beg for His Mercy. Brief pause in silence
® You who are not slow to fulfill your promises, but are patient
with everyone. Kirie, elioneson . Or: Lord, have mercy.
® You who do not want anyone to perish, but for everyone to
convert. Christe, eléison . Or: Christ, have mercy.
® You who have not come to condemn us but to save us. Kirie,
elioneson . Or: Lord, have mercy.
The priest concludes as usual:
GLORY is NOT sung or recited.

The celebrant says the COLLECT PRAYER

Profession of faith
We profess our faith, in communion with our Christian
brothers, who although they are separated from us, we
profess the same truths of Faith.
The celebrant and the faithful make the profession of faith with the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed

Consoled with the announcement of the coming of the Lord,
let us pray confidently to our Lord, who is coming to save
R/. Come Lord, come Savior .
1. For the Church, sent into the world before Christ, like John
the Baptist: so that she prepares the way for the Lord and
everyone can see the salvation of God. Let us pray to the
2. For the rulers: so that they promote the development of the
people, a harbinger of the new land in which justice will
dwell. Let us pray to the Lord.
3. For all those who suffer: so that, in the desert of their
desolation, they may hear the voice that cries out the coming
of salvation. Let us pray to the Lord.
4. For us, who have heard: " Prepare the way for the Lord,
hasten his coming ": so that we take seriously our life as
Christians and the gravity of the present time. Let us pray to
the Lord.
Celebrant's Conclusion:

d almighty and eternal ios,

What do you order us to prepare?
the way to Christ the Lord;
Grant us, mercifully, that we may not succumb to any weakness
we who wait for the coming of your Son, who lives forever and
R/. Amen.
Try to give the SOLEMN BLESSING as indicated in the form of the Roman Missal .
December 12, 2017
Liturgical Greeting

Q May the grace of the Lord Jesus, the Word of God made
flesh in the most pure womb of the ever Virgin Mary,
always remain with you.
Introduction to the Celebration

Today, in the heart of Advent, as a Church that is pilgrim in
Mexico, united with all the churches of our Continent, we
celebrate the Solemnity of
Our Lady of Guadalupe, Mother of the Americas and Star of the
New Evangelization.
She brought us her Son and showed him to us with all her love,
understanding, help and defense.
On our Advent journey towards the encounter with Christ, She
accompanies us and prepares us to receive the Father's beloved Son
and for Him to be—with full truth—in our lives, the “God with us.”
Let us participate with joy in this Eucharist invoking upon ourselves
and upon our Country the intercession of the " Mother of the true
God for whom we live ."
Penitential Act

TO As we begin this Eucharistic celebration, let us ask

God to grant us the conversion of our hearts; In this
way we will obtain reconciliation and our
communion with God and with our brothers will increase Brief pause in
I confess…
Profession of faith

R united around the table of the Eucharist, source, center and

summit of the life and mission of the Church, with a sincere
heart let us profess our faith, in this solemnity of Our Lady
of Guadalupe, Patroness of all America and star of evangelization of
our people.
The choir and assembly sing in response:
Lord I believe, but increase my faith .
Do you believe in God, Almighty Father, creator of heaven and
The choir and assembly sing in response:
Lord I believe, but increase my faith .
Do you believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord, who was
born of the Virgin Mary, died, was buried, rose from the dead and is
seated at the right hand of the Father?
The choir and assembly sing in response:
Lord I believe, but increase my faith .
Do you believe in the Holy Spirit, in the holy Catholic Church, in
the communion of saints, in the forgiveness of sins, in the
resurrection of the body and in eternal life?
The choir and assembly sing in response:
Lord I believe, but increase my faith .
And the celebrant concludes:

AND This is our faith.

This is the faith of the Church that we glory in professing in
Jesus Christ our Lord. The choir and assembly sing in response: Amen, amen, amen

Q Dear brothers, Saint Mary of Guadalupe accompanies us with

his maternal intercession for
take us towards his Son. Full of confidence
let us raise our prayer to the True God for whom we live
R/. Look at the Mother of your Son and listen to us Lord .
1. Let us pray for the Church of God spread throughout the
earth: so that, being a living testimony of the
mercy of God, make all peoples praise the Lord. Let us pray
to the Lord.
2. Let us pray for Pope Francis: that he may always be an
announcer of the joy of the Gospel of the Son of God who,
being born of the Virgin Mary, has rescued us and made us
children of God. Let us pray to the Lord.
3. Let us pray for all the Bishops of Mexico: that, following the
mother of love, fear and holy hope, they may guide the
Mexican people to deepen the faith that saves and put it into
practice. Let us pray to the Lord.
4. Let us pray for those who govern the destinies of our
Country: so that, allowing themselves to be guided by the
Word of the Lord, they collaborate in the building of the
Kingdom of God, along the paths of justice and peace. Let us
pray to the Lord.
5. Let us pray for all the Mexican people: that, having been
placed under the protection of the ever Virgin Mary Saint
Mary of Guadalupe, through her intercession, they may
allow reconciliation and authentic promotion to all its

Celebrant's Conclusion:
Accept Father of Mercy, the supplications of your
children gathered to ask for the mediation of Saint
Mary of Guadalupe on the day of her solemnity, and
through her intercession, grant them your help, so that, following
her example, they may glorify you, because you have listened to his
prayer. Through Jesus Christ our Lord R/. Amen.
Blessing of Roses (or Other Flowers)
During the procession of offerings, the roses (or other flowers), which are a symbol of the Guadalupe event , are
brought to the presbytery and placed in a convenient place.
Upon reaching the concluding rite of the Mass, having said the prayer after communion , the roses (or other
flowers) are solemnly blessed.


The celebrant himself or the leader of the assembly introduces the rite with the following instruction.
Traditionally, on December 12th, flowers have been blessed
in the Insigne y Nacional Basilica of Santa María de
Guadalupe , especially roses, in
memory of the message that the Lady from heaven sent to the
Bishop of Mexico, so that in them he would discover his will to
show us his Son and also see the truthfulness of Juan Diego's words.
On this anniversary of the Guadalupe Fact, they remind us of their
loving presence among us. Let us now listen to the narration of the
Guadalupe tradition in which we are told about the meaning of
Reading of the Nican Mopohua
It can be read in dialogue with some readers, or in succession with a single reader, as appropriate.
The symbology to use is ( N ) narrator, ( SMG ) Santa María de Guadalupe.


The Queen of Heaven immediately ordered him to go up the hill,

where he had previously had the honor of seeing her. He deigned
to tell him:
( SMG )
Climb up, my dearest son, up the hill, where you saw me and I gave you
orders. There you will see that various flowers are planted: Cut them,
gather them, put them together. Then bring them down here, here before me
bring them to me.
And immediately afterward, Juan Diego climbed the hill. And
upon reaching the summit, he was speechless with amazement at
the varied, excellent, wonderful flowers, all spread out, filled
with bursting buds, when it was not yet their time to appear.
Because in truth then the frosts are very strong. Their perfume
was intense, and the dew of the night seemed to coat them with
precious pearls.
Immediately he began to cut them, he put them all together, he
filled the hole in his tilma with them. And note that the top of the
hill is not at all a place where flowers grow, because what there
is in abundance are cliffs, thistles, a large number of thorns,
nopales, mesquites and if some weeds grow, then it was the
month of December , in which everything is devoured,
annihilated by ice.
He immediately came down bringing the Queen of Heaven the
various flowers that he had gone to cut for her, and She, upon
seeing them, had the kindness to take them in her little hands,
and kindly returned to place them in the hole of her tilma. He
deigned to tell him:
( SMG )
Dearest son, these different flowers are the proof, the sign that you will take
to the Bishop. On my behalf you will tell her to please see my desire in her,
and with that execute my desire, my will. And you... you are my
plenipotentiary, since I put all my trust in you. And with all rigor I order
you that only exclusively in front of the Bishop do you display your tilma
and show him what you are wearing. And you will tell him in detail how I
told you to go up the hill to cut the flowers, and everything you saw and
admired. And with this you will move the heart of the Great Priest so that
he intercedes and my temple that I have asked for is built.
Solemn Blessing of Roses (or Other Flowers)

The celebrant introduces the blessing with the following statement:
Now, brothers, let us pray with faith so that God
blesses these roses and flowers and all the ones that
you have in your hands. Then the sprinkling will be
done with holy water and they will be venerated with incense. As
we contemplate them, let us remember the sign that Saint Mary of
Guadalupe gave to Juan Diego to take her to the Bishop.
Then with outstretched hands sing or say the following prayer

ios and our Father, you made our land sprout a great diversity
of flowers, so that in them we would recognize your presence,
announced by Mary
like that of the true God for whom one lives. She, the Mother of
your Son, brought us with all her love, understanding, help and
We ask you to bless your people who present these roses and
flowers to you today,
and grant us
May the devotion to Saint Mary of Guadalupe translate into our
in an attitude of loving service towards others.
So that in that way
As these flowers please the senses, so may we please you and our
Through our Lord Jesus Christ your Son, who lives and reigns with
in the unity of the Holy Spirit and is God
forever and ever
R/. Amen.
Once the prayer is over, the roses (or other flowers) are sprinkled. Then they are incensed. Meanwhile the choir
and the assembly sing a Marian song.

Song of the Hail

The celebrant, dressed in a blue or festive cape, takes a candle in his hand and intones:
Hail Regina…
To which the choir and the assembly continue to sing.
Mater Misericordiae. Vita, dulcedo et spes nostra, salve. Ad te clamamus exsules
filii Hevae. Ad te suspiramus gementes et flentes in hac lacrimarum valle. Eia,
ergo, advocata nostra, illos tuos misericordes oculos ad nos converte; et Iesum,
benedictum fructum ventris tui, nobis post hoc exsilium ostende. O clemens, O pia,
O dulcis Virgo Maria.
While singing, the celebrant incenses the image of the BVM, the Cross and the altar.
When finished, add
V/. Ora pro nobis, Sancta Dei Genitrix. R/. Ut digni efficiamur
promissionibus Christi.
c Once upon a time of yours,
quǽsumus, Dómine Deus,
perpétua mentis et córporis sanitáte gaudére, et, gloriósa
beátæ Maríæ semper Vírginis intercessione, a præsénti liberári
tristítia, et ætérna perfrui lætítia. Per Christum Dominum nostrum.
R/. Amen.
Then the Commemoratio Sancti Ioseph is sung
Ecce fidelis servus et prudens, quem constituit Dominus super familiam suam
V/. Gloria et divitiae in domo eius.
R/. Et iustitia eius manet in saeculum saeculi.
Yes anctissimae Genetricis
tuae sponsi, quaesumus, Domine, meritis adiuvemur,
ut quod possibilitas nostra non obtinet, eius nobis intercessione
Qui vivis et regnas in saecula saeculorum.
R/. Amen.
Try to give the SOLEMN BLESSING as indicated in the form of the Roman Missal .
When finished, the deacon dismisses the assembly as is customary at mass.
At the end, the roses (or other flowers) are distributed.
Song of the Salve
V/. Pray for us holy Mother of God
R/. So that we may be worthy of achieving the promises of Christ
Grant, Lord, your children to always enjoy complete health
of soul and body, and through glorious intercession
of the Blessed Virgin Mary, free us from the sorrows of this life and
grant us to enjoy eternal joys.
Through Christ our Lord.
R/. Amen.
Then the Commemoratio Sancti Ioseph is sung
This is the faithful and prudent servant , whom the Lord commissioned to take
care of his family.
V/. Glory and honor will be in your house
R/. And his justice endures forever.
and we pray Lord,
May the merits of Saint Joseph, Husband of your Most Holy
Mother, help us.
so that we can achieve through his intercession what we cannot do
by our own strength.
You who live and reign forever and ever.
R/. Amen.
Try to give the SOLEMN BLESSING as indicated in the form of the Roman Missal .
When finished, the deacon dismisses the assembly as is customary at mass. At the end, the roses (or other
flowers) are distributed.

December 17, 2017

Major Fair « O Sapientia »
Make sure that the liturgical color is PINK, not PURPLE, avoid foolish interpretations or pretexts.
Liturgical Greeting

Q May the Lord, Wisdom of the Most High, who comes to show
us the way to salvation, be always with you.
Introduction to the Celebration
An insistent invitation to joy characterizes the liturgy of this
third Sunday of Advent, called Gaudete . In addition to
vigilance, prayer
and charity, Advent invites us to joy and joy, because the encounter
with the Savior is imminent.
Today we also begin the Holy Week of Christmas or the major fairs
of Advent, in which each day will take a name given by the
antiphon of each day, which includes a messianic title. Today we
venerate the Lord as the Wisdom of the Most High .
With these feelings, let us fervently participate in the Eucharist of
the Lord's Day.
Rite of the Advent wreath
The celebrant makes the following prayer

AND Let us turn on, Lord, this third light. go

We want to bear witness to your Light, as
John the Baptist did.
We desire, Lord, that the fire of your Spirit kindles our hearts
and turn them into lamps for others.
Give us a heart that sees the needs of everyone to share with them
what we are and what we have. Burn the chaff of our lives in your
bonfire, Lord, and gather our grains into communal bread to rise
again in Bethlehem, the House of Bread.
So that We may reveal You as good and joyful News to men, so in
need of recognizing themselves as children of God.
We ask this of you who are our joy, and who live and reign forever
and ever. R/. Amen.
The same celebrant or one of the faithful lights the third candle of the crown (pink candle), meanwhile the
following antiphon and the three proper stanzas are sung:
Antiphon: Sing with joy, with enthusiasm: the Lord is coming.
1. We announce to you the joy of Advent
With the first flame burning
The time of salvation is approaching, let us prepare the path to the Lord.
Antiphon: Sing with joy, with enthusiasm: the Lord is coming.

2. We announce to you the joy of Advent with the second flame burning, the first
example Christ gave us live united in love.
Antiphon: Sing with joy, with enthusiasm: the Lord is coming.

3. We announce to you the joy of Advent

With the third flame burning
The world that lives in darkness Shine with this clarity.
Antiphon: Sing with joy, with enthusiasm: the Lord is coming.

Penitential Act

R Let us recognize ourselves, sinners, and forgive each other

from the depths of our hearts.
Brief pause in silence
F Oh Wisdom, who gushed from the lips of the Most High. Kirie,
elioneson . Or: Lord, have mercy.
F You who encompass the ends of the earth. Christe, eléison . Or:
Christ, have mercy.
® You who order everything with firmness and softness. Kirie,
elioneson . Or: Lord, have mercy.
The priest concludes as usual:
GLORY is NOT sung or recited.
The celebrant says the COLLECT PRAYER

Profession of faith
We confess our faith, with the venerable formulas of the
ancient ecumenical councils. In them, the Church of all times
and all latitudes expresses
the experience of salvation from the God revealed in
Jesus Christ.
The celebrant and the faithful make the profession of faith with the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed

Filled with joy and confidence in the love of God, who saves us
through his Only Begotten Son, let us turn supplicants to his
goodness and present our needs to him.
R/. Wisdom of the Most High, teach us the way of salvation .
1. For the Church of Christ: to proclaim the Good News of
salvation to all men, especially to the poor and humble. Let
us pray to the Lord.
2. For those who live without hope or in sadness: so that the
coming of Christ the Savior fills them with strength and joy.
Let us pray to the Lord.
3. For all those who suffer from lack of housing, bread, work:
so that they find in us the welcome and help they need. Let
us pray to the Lord.
4. For the rulers: so that they guide their people along the paths
of justice, freedom and peace. Let us pray to the Lord.
5. For all of us who are celebrating this Eucharist: so that we
may be filled with the joy and salvation that Christ comes to
bring us with his Christmas. Let us pray to the Lord.
Celebrant's Conclusion:

c As a humble and expectant people,

We have addressed to you, Lord, our prayer of faith;
deign to listen to us in your kindness
and prepare our hearts yourself
to receive Jesus Christ,
who lives and reigns with you
forever and ever.
R/. Amen.
Try to give the SOLEMN BLESSING as indicated in the form of the Roman Missal .
December 18, 2017
Major Fair « O Adonai »
Liturgical Greeting

Q May the Lord, shepherd of the house of Israel, who comes to

liberate us with the power of his arm, be with you all.
Introduction to the Celebration and Penitential Act

oday we venerate our Lord Jesus Christ as the Adonai (
mighty Lord ) , Shepherd of the house of Israel . On the second
day of Christmas Holy Week.
The Messiah, whom John announced to us as a Lamb, will come
as King. The Lord came and is with us; but his hidden presence
must be revealed one day so that our joy is fulfilled and the glory of
the children of God also appears. Remembering His first coming
and awaiting His glorious manifestation at the end of time, watching
in prayer as He warned us, we gather today to celebrate
Thanksgiving to the Father.
And as we begin the celebration of the sacred mysteries, let us ask
God for forgiveness for our sins.
Brief pause in silence
F Oh Adonai, Shepherd of the house of Israel. Kirie, elioneson . Or:
Lord, have mercy.
F You who appeared to Moses in the burning bush. Christe,
eléison . Or: Christ, have mercy.
® You who on Sinai gave your law. Kirie, elioneson . Or: Lord,
have mercy.
The priest concludes as usual:
The celebrant says the COLLECT PRAYER


h Brothers: with fervent prayer, let us ask the Father who sent his
Son Jesus Christ to save the world from all slavery.
R/. Mighty Lord, deliver us with the power of your arm .
1. So that he fills the Roman Pontiff, our Bishop and the
universal episcopate with his gifts. Let us pray to the Lord.
2. So that it directs the thoughts of our rulers towards justice,
freedom and the good of all, especially the weakest. Let us
pray to the Lord.
3. So that he grants freedom to those who suffer persecution.
Let us pray to the Lord.
4. So that the day of your arrival finds us all watching. Let us
pray to the Lord.
Celebrant's Conclusion:

d almighty and eternal ios:

As the birth of your Son Jesus Christ approaches,
we beg you
that he who deigned to descend into the bosom of a Virgin,
treat us with mercy
and listen to the prayers of his people.
Through Jesus Christ our Lord.
R/. Amen.
December 19, 2017
Major Fair « O Radix Iesse »
Liturgical Greeting

Q May the Lord, branch of the trunk of Jesse, who comes to free
us, be with you all.
Introduction to the Celebration and Penitential Act

h oday we venerate our Lord Jesus Christ as the Branch of the

trunk of Jesse . On the third day of Christmas Holy Week.
He who is coming will arrive without delay and there will be no
more fear in our land, because He is our Savior. This announcement
is what we are announcing in Advent. Celebrating Advent is
becoming aware of our responsibilities and listening to God's call
that challenges us in the events of the world. Wherever there is
injustice, conflict, oppression, the fruit of sin, we must open the way
for justice, peace and freedom, a preview of the Kingdom of God.
Let us then begin the celebration of the Eucharist, humbly asking
God for forgiveness for our sins.
Brief pause in silence
® Oh Branch of the trunk of Jesse. Kirie, elioneson . Or: Lord, have
F You who rise as a sign for the people. Christe, eléison . Or:
Christ, have mercy.
® You before whom kings are silent and whose help the nations
implore. Kirie, elioneson . Or: Lord, have mercy.
The priest concludes as usual:
The celebrant says the COLLECT PRAYER


brothers: now that we joyfully await the coming of our Lord
Jesus Christ, let us implore with more fervor his mercy so
that, in the same way that he came to give the Good News to
the poor and to heal broken hearts, so also, now in our time, he may
grant salvation to all who need it.
R/. Oh Branch of the trunk of Jesse, do not delay any longer.
1. So that the Lord always visits and defends his holy Church.
Let us pray to the Lord.
2. So that the Lord fills the Roman Pontiff, our Bishop and the
entire episcopate with his grace. Let us pray to the Lord.
3. So that the Lord grants us that, under his protection, our
times may be peaceful. Let us pray to the Lord.
4. So that the Lord grants freedom to all those who suffer any
kind of persecution. Let us pray to the Lord.
5. So that the Lord allows us to remain in the truth and thus be
witnesses of his love before all men. Let us pray to the Lord.
6. So that the Lord on the day of his coming finds us awake.
Let us pray to the Lord.

Celebrant's Conclusion:
Almighty and eternal God, who saves everyone and wants no
one to perish, listen to the prayers of your people and grant
that the world may walk along your paths of peace and that
your Church may rejoice in your pious service. Through Jesus
Christ our Lord. R/. Amen.
December 20, 2017
Major Fair « O Clavis David »
Liturgical Greeting
Q The Lord, Key of David and Scepter of the house of
Israel, who comes to free the captives from darkness and the
shadow of death, be with you all.
Introduction to the Celebration and Penitential Act

h oday we venerate our Lord Jesus Christ as the Key of David . On

the fourth day of Christmas Holy Week.
The Liturgy of Advent reminds us of the silence of Mary who
carries it in her womb. In the same way, all Christians form that
people of God in which the presence of the Savior, the Desire of all
peoples, is hidden. But we are also the Church that travels, just like
Mary, the Virgin Mother of God, carrying in her womb the Future
of the world, the Lord who will manifest himself at the end of time.
Let us begin the celebration of the Eucharist by asking the Lord for
forgiveness for the times we have kept Christ to ourselves and have
not wanted to make him known to others.
Brief pause in silence
F Oh Key of David and Scepter of the house of Israel. Kirie,
elioneson . Or: Lord, have mercy.
F You who open and no one can close. Christe, eléison . Or: Christ,
have mercy.
® You who close and no one can open. Kirie, elioneson . Or: Lord,
have mercy.
The priest concludes as usual:
The celebrant says the COLLECT PRAYER


nests waiting for Christmas, with the Virgin Mary,
with the ancient prophets and with the prophets of
today, with the poor and humble of heart, let us
invoke the Father to fulfill the desires of the Church and humanity.
R/. Oh Key of David, deliver us from evil.
1. For the Church, spread throughout the world: so that, in a
constant attitude of poverty and service, it may proclaim
before all men that Jesus is Lord. Let us pray to the Lord.
2. For the people of Israel: so that the Lord, always faithful to
his promises, grants them the gift of peace, stability and
progress. Let us pray to the Lord.
3. For all Christians: so that Christmas stimulates us to be
among men authentic witnesses of the evangelical spirit of
charity. Let us pray to the Lord.
4. For all of us: so that the Spirit of Jesus gives us the strength
to break with every ambiguous attitude and helps us walk
with a free and ardent heart to meet the Lord who comes.
Let us pray to the Lord.

Celebrant's Conclusion:
Almighty and eternal God, who saves everyone and does not
want anyone to be lost, listen to the prayers of your people
and grant that the world may walk along the paths of peace
and that the Church may rejoice in your service. Through Jesus
Christ our Lord.
R/. Amen.
December 21, 2017
Major Fair « O Oriens »
Liturgical Greeting

Q May the Lord, Sun who rises from above, who comes to
illuminate those who live in darkness and the shadow of
death, be with you all.
Introduction to the Celebration and Penitential Act

h oday we venerate our Lord Jesus Christ as the East, Sun that
rises from Above . On the fifth day of Christmas Holy Week.
Very soon the Lord will come, who rules over the people, and his
name will be Emmanuel, because we will have God-with-us . Once
again we gather to listen to the Word of God, already tired of
hearing so many human words that cannot save us. We come to feed
our hope and the hope of the world. We come to celebrate this sweet
expectation that unites us with the Lord who is to come, and who
now, once again, will come to us in his Word and in the Bread and
Wine of the Eucharist.
With these provisions, let us place ourselves in his presence, and
begin the celebration of the sacred mysteries, asking him for
forgiveness for our sins.
Brief pause in silence
® Oh East, you are born from above. Kirie, elioneson . Or: Lord,
have mercy.
® You who are the Radiance of eternal light. Christe, eléison . Or:
Christ, have mercy.
® You who are the sun of justice. Kirie, elioneson . Or: Lord, have
The priest concludes as usual:
The celebrant says the COLLECT PRAYER


Let us entrust our prayer to the Father, the
faithful God, who in Christ, born of the
Virgin Mary, has fulfilled the desires of
the old and new Israel.
R/. Oh rising sun, illuminate our darkness
1. So that always and everywhere, the Church knows how to be
the voice of the aspirations for freedom, justice and peace of
all men and peoples. Let us pray to the Lord.
2. So that the day may hasten when all those who believe in
Jesus, the promised Messiah, live united in the same faith, in
the same charity and in the same Eucharist. Let us pray to
the Lord.
3. So that the family can be a school of faith and a sign of hope
for new generations. Let us pray to the Lord.
4. So that every Christian commits to living in the spirit of the
Advent of the Lord, listening with docility to the Word of
God and assisting with generous charity the poorest and
most marginalized brothers in their sorrows and needs. Let
us pray to the Lord.
Celebrant's Conclusion:

ANDlisten, oh Father,
go the prayers that your good Spirit puts in the heart and on the lips
of how many believe in you.
Through Jesus Christ our Lord.
R/. Amen.
December 22, 2017
Major Fair « O Rex Gentium »
Liturgical Greeting

Q May the Lord, King of the nations, who comes to save man
formed from the clay of the earth, be with you all.
Introduction to the Celebration and Penitential Act
oday we venerate our Lord Jesus Christ as King of the
nations . On the sixth day of Christmas Holy Week.
« Gates! Raise the lintels; Let the ancient floodgates be raised: the
King of glory is going to enter . And that King of glory, who is none
other than Christ Jesus, is getting closer and closer. With each
passing day we get closer to the joyful festival of Christmas; For
this reason, our wait becomes increasingly tense, longing to reach
the joyous moment of the Birth of the King of Kings and Lord of
Lords, which will not take long to occur.
That is why now, as we begin the celebration of the sacred
mysteries, we place ourselves in the presence of the Lord, and ask
him to prepare ourselves holyly for the upcoming celebrations of his
Brief pause in silence
® Oh Emmanuel, our King and legislator. Kirie,
elioneson . Or: Lord, have mercy.
F You who are the hope of the nations. Christe, eléison . Or: Christ,
have mercy.
F You, savior of the people. Kirie, elioneson . Or: Lord, have
The priest concludes as usual:
The celebrant says the COLLECT PRAYER

Let us, brothers, call upon God the Father, who has sent his Son
to be the Savior of the world.
R/. Oh King of nations, save us
1. So that the Holy Spirit enlightens the Pope, the Bishops,
Priests and Deacons, so that they announce and proclaim
Jesus as the only Savior of all men. Let us pray to the Lord.
2. So that the governments of nations seek solutions of peace,
justice and love to international conflicts. Let us pray to the
3. So that all those who suffer because of violence, war, lack of
housing and work, may be comforted by the generous help
of the brothers. Let us pray to the Lord.
4. So that we commit to continue living the spirit of Advent,
listening docilely to the Word and practicing generous
charity towards those most in need. Let us pray to the Lord.
Celebrant's Conclusion:

T heard this,
we ask you Father of Kindness
Through Jesus Christ our Lord.
R/. Amen.
December 23, 2017
Major Fair « O Emmanuel »
Liturgical Greeting

Q May the Lord, Emmanuel, our God who saves, be with you
Introduction to the Celebration and Penitential Act

h oday we venerate our Lord Jesus Christ as Emmanuel . On the

seventh day of Christmas Holy Week.
A child is going to be born to us and his name is: Warrior God;
He will be the blessing of all people. Let us now prepare our spirit
to receive this child, who is none other than Christ Jesus himself,
our Redeemer, who is about to arrive into our world and our lives.
And so that the cradle of our heart may find well prepared, let us
begin the celebration of the Eucharist by humbly asking forgiveness
for our sins.
Brief pause in silence
F King of nations and Desire of the people. Kirie,
elioneson . Or: Lord, have mercy.
F You who are the cornerstone of the Church. Christe, eléison . Or:
Christ, have mercy.
F You who make two peoples one. Kirie, elioneson . Or: Lord, have
The priest concludes as usual:
The celebrant says the COLLECT PRAYER


The Lord is near. Full of joy that His
coming gives us, let us raise our prayer to
the Father: for ourselves and for all men.
R/. Oh Emmanuel, come save us Lord our God .
1. For the holy Church: so that the Lord helps her to discover
and live the novelty of the first Christmas in the wait
of his coming glorious.
Let us pray to the Lord.
2. For those who seek a place in life and in society: so that each
man has the right and the possibility of realizing his own
personal and social vocation. Let us pray to the Lord.
3. For justice, peace and solidarity between the
towns, for above all selfishness and interest
particular of race, color, religion or ideology.
Let us pray to the Lord.
4. For how much we participate in this celebration
Eucharistic: so that, filled with the Spirit, like Mary, we may
prepare in ourselves and in the world the ways for the
coming of the Lord. Let us pray to the Lord.

Celebrant's Conclusion:
May your grace, Lord, prepare us and always accompany
us; Thus, those of us who strongly long for the coming of
your Son, upon his arrival we will find help for the present
time and for the future life. Through Jesus Christ our Lord.
R/. Amen.
December 24, 2017
-Morning Mass-
Liturgical Greeting

be always with you.
The Almighty Lord, who was, who is and
who will come, increase in you the desire
for his Coming and may his saving grace
Introduction to the Celebration

AND he mystery of the Incarnation of the Son

of God because it is the work of the Holy
Spirit in the womb of Mary, the
Virgin, is the center of today's liturgy. The Son of God
becomes man so that, through his Passion and Cross, we may
achieve the glory of the Resurrection. In Jesus Christ the promises
made by God to David will be fulfilled, whose " kingdom will
endure forever in the presence of the Lord ." In the mass, the Holy
Spirit, in a manner analogous to when he fertilized the womb of
Mary with his power, comes upon the bread and wine and makes
them the body and blood of the Lord.
Rite of the Advent wreath
The celebrant makes the following prayer

Let us light, Lord, this fourth light,
redoubling our desire to arrive, clean and
blameless, to your great Day without

« O God, restore us; May your face shine and save us . We need You,
Christ, You, Living and True Light, to clarify and illuminate the
paths that lead us to You.
Light us, Lord, our lamps that await you, loaded with the oil of our
best works. May we radiate You, like Mary, Dawn of the rising
Sun, in our words and actions so that it may be so, Light of Light,
true God of true God.
We ask this of you, who are near and who live and reign forever and
ever. R/. Amen.
The same celebrant or one of the faithful lights the third candle of the crown (pink candle), meanwhile the
following antiphon and the four proper stanzas are sung:
Antiphon: Sing with joy, with enthusiasm: the Lord is coming.
1. We announce to you the joy of Advent
With the first flame burning, the time of salvation is approaching, let us prepare the
path to the Lord.
Antiphon: Sing with joy, with enthusiasm: the Lord is coming.

2. We announce to you the joy of Advent with the second flame burning, the first
example Christ gave us live united in love.
Antiphon: Sing with joy, with enthusiasm: the Lord is coming.

3. We announce to you the joy of Advent with the third flame burning, the world
that lives in darkness shine with this clarity.
Antiphon: Sing with joy, with enthusiasm: the Lord is coming.

4. We announce to you the joy of Advent, look at the fourth flame burning, the
Lord is near, out of fear, let us rejoice in the Lord. Antiphon
Penitential Act

Brief pause in silence
Now that Mary is about to give birth to him who is
the Light of the world, let us implore God's mercy
upon us.
F You who come to save the people from their sins. Kirie,
elioneson . Or: Lord, have mercy.
F You who are the Holy One, the Son of God. Christe, eléison . Or:
Christ, have mercy.
® You the blessed fruit of Mary's womb. Kirie, elioneson . Or:
Lord, have mercy.
The priest concludes as usual:
GLORY is NOT sung or recited.

The celebrant says the COLLECT PRAYER

Profession of faith
We profess the one faith of the Church of all times, spread
throughout the earth, in expectation of the coming of the
The celebrant and the faithful make the profession of faith with the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed
Let us, brothers, send our supplications to God the Father,
through the intercession of Mary, model of faith and hope, so
that the coming of the Savior may make
flourish justice, peace and love in our world. R/. Come Lord, don't
delay any longer
1. For the holy Church: so that she knows how to encourage
with evangelical charity all efforts aimed at building the
kingdom of God among men. Let us pray to the Lord.
2. For those responsible for the government of nations: so that
they put the primary value of the human person as the basis
of their civil commitment, according to the teaching and
example of Christ the Master. Let us pray to the Lord.
3. For those who do not believe in Christ: so that in our
fraternal welcome they may find a stimulus that pushes them
towards Christ with an open and trusting heart. Let us pray
to the Lord.
4. For us, gathered in the imminent preparation for Christmas:
so that the Holy Spirit gives us the courage to make the
choices that Christ, Judge and Savior, expects from each one
of us and from the entire community. Let us pray to the

Celebrant's Conclusion:
The supplications that we address to you, in union with the
Virgin Mary, hasten, O Father, the coming of your Son among
us and obtain for us the grace to live these days of waiting as a
return to the very sources of our hope. Through Jesus Christ our
R/. Amen.
Try to give the SOLEMN BLESSING as indicated in the form of the Roman Missal .
On this day until the ninth hour - when Advent ends - the mass of this
Fourth Sunday is celebrated.
In the afternoon, the Evening Mass of the Nativity of the Lord is
celebrated, thus inaugurating the Christmas season.

Some proposals for
variable parts of the
celebration of mass
Tropes for the PENITENTIAL ACT

Yes We are sinners, we have abandoned the Lord;

Let us, therefore, purify ourselves from our evil
actions and we will remain white as snow.
F Oh Wisdom that flowed from the lips of the Most High and you
come to show us the way to salvation. Kirie, elioneson . Or: Lord,
have mercy.
F Oh Shepherd of the house of Israel, you come to deliver us with
the power of your arm. Christe, eléison . Or: Christ, have mercy.
® Oh branch of the trunk of Jesse who comes to save all nations.
Kirie, elioneson . Or: Lord, have mercy.

TO Repent of our sins, let us ask the Lord to renew the

lives of his people so that with his coming we may
be filled with joy and peace.
® You who descended from heaven to bring us the Father's
forgiveness, Kirie, eléison . Or: Lord, have mercy.
F You who come to visit us, so that in your presence we may find
peace, Christe, eléison . Or: Christ, have mercy.
® You who will return with glory at the end of time to ask us to
account for the work you entrusted to us, Kirie, eléison . Or:
Lord, have mercy.
The Lord will come, illuminate what our darkness hides and
forgive what our sins deserved; With a humbled and contrite
spirit let us ask
F Great prophet who comes to renew Jerusalem Kirie,
elioneson . Or: Lord, have mercy.
® Radiance of eternal light, which comes to illuminate all men.
Christe, eléison . Or: Christ, have mercy.
F Desired of the nations, you come to save those who are lost,
Kirie, eléison . Or: Lord, have mercy.


Let us humble ourselves, brothers, under the powerful hand of
God, who, on the day of his coming, will lift us up and
forgive us:
® You who come with great power, Kirie, eléison . Or: Lord, have
® You who purify the world with the fire of your Spirit, Christ,
have mercy! Christe, eléison . Or: Christ, have mercy.
® You who come to create a new heaven and a new earth, Kirie,
eléison . Or: Lord, have mercy.

N or fear, my people, that I come to redeem you; I loved you

with tender love and that is why I want to prolong my mercy
with you; So turn to me with all your heart ," says the Lord.
In silence, let us draw closer to Him.
® Light of the world, you come to illuminate those who live in
the darkness of sin, Kirie, eléison . Or: Lord, have mercy.
F Good Shepherd, you come to guide your flock along the paths
of truth and justice. Christe, eléison . Or: Christ, have mercy.
F Desired of the nations, who come to save the man that you
yourself formed from the mud, Kirie, eléison . Or: Lord, have

Let us convert, brothers, and lead an honest and religious
life, while we wait for the glorious appearance of the great
God and our Savior.
® Envoy of the Father to announce the Good News to the poor,
Kirie, eléison . Or: Lord, have mercy.
® Messenger of peace, Light of the world, Desired of the nations,
Christe, eléison . Or: Christ, have mercy.
F Son of David, you will return one day to fulfill the promises of
the Father, Kirie, eléison . Or: Lord, have mercy.

l Let us, brothers, lift up our souls to the Lord, let us trust him
our requests, because those who
They wait for him and are never disappointed.
R/. Come Lord Jesus
1. So that the coming of Christ will always be the only
foundation of the hope of the Church. Let us pray to the
2. So that all men overcome the temptation to believe that with
their own strength they can find the meaning of their own
life. Let us pray to the Lord.
3. So that those who have difficulties in believing may find in
the faith of Christians a path that prepares them for the
coming of the Lord. Let us pray to the Lord.
4. So that all of us are convinced that we need a continuous
conversion. Let us pray to the Lord.

Celebrant's Conclusion:
h Almighty and eternal
God, who commands us
to prepare the way to
Christ, the Lord; Hear our prayers and make us receive with dignity
your Son, who lives and reigns with you forever and ever.
R/. Amen.
Tuesday I Week

Let us pray, brothers, to
our Savior, who is near,
and ask him to hear our
prayers and to manifest himself to all men.
R/. Your Kingdom come, Lord .
1. So that he always visits and guards his Church. Let us pray to
the Lord.
2. So that our time, with the help of divine providence, enjoys
security and peace. Let us pray to the Lord.
3. So that those who are tested and suffer feel during this time
of Advent that God comes to their help. Let us pray to the
4. So that we never get our hopes up thinking that with just our
effort we can improve our lives and transform the world. Let
us pray to the Lord.

Celebrant's Conclusion:
Take up, merciful Father, the supplications of your
people, who eagerly await the coming of your Son,
who lives and reigns with you forever and ever.
R/. Amen.
WednesdayI Week

Our God is a God who saves: let us therefore turn to him full
of confidence.
R/. Come Lord and save us .
1. So that we Christians may be a testimony for all men of that
joy that springs from the certainty that the Lord is coming to
save us. Let us pray to the Lord.
2. So that the men of our time do not close themselves in their
self-sufficiency, but rather open themselves to welcome the
Lord. Let us pray to the Lord.
3. So that those who suffer may experience the coming of the
Lord in prayer and in the love of their brothers. Let us pray to
the Lord.
4. So that we expect salvation from Christ alone and not from
anyone else. Let us pray to the Lord.

Celebrant's Conclusion:
Take up, merciful Father, the supplications of your
people, who eagerly await the coming of your Son,
who lives and reigns with you forever and ever.
R/. Amen.
ThursdayI Week

TO Let us take care, brothers, of the Lord, who comes with

great power to illuminate the eyes of his servants.
R/. Stay with us Lord
1. So that the Church may be, in the middle of the world, the
sign that manifests the presence of God to all men. Let us
pray to the Lord.
2. So that through the coming of the Lord the great hopes of
men may be realized and a better world may be born. Let us
pray to the Lord.
3. So that those who feel desperate, heartbroken and sad may
feel hope revived in them. Let us pray to the Lord.
4. So that all of us have a keen awareness that we are sinners,
spiritually sick and in need of salvation. Let us pray to the
Celebrant's Conclusion:
h Lord, who has gathered your children in the Church to
form a single family with them, listen to the prayer of your
Church and recognize in it the voice of your
Beloved son, who lives and reigns with you forever and ever.
R/. Amen.
SaturdayI Week
Memory of Saint Juan Diego

Let us contemplate, brothers, the Lord, who comes to save all
men, and let us beg him to answer our prayer.
R/. Favor us Lord with your favor .
1. So that the Lord visits his Church and rejoices it with his
gifts. Let us pray to the Lord.
2. So that all the people of the earth can contemplate the joy
that comes from God. Let us pray to the Lord.
3. So that the Lord may enlighten the sick and those who suffer,
and give them hope that their fragile body will be
transformed into a glorious body like that of Christ. Let us
pray to the Lord.
4. So that the Lord, just judge, gives the deserved crown to all
of us who wait with love for his coming. Let us pray to the

Celebrant's Conclusion:
h Lord, our Savior,
who encourages our
hope with the promise
of your coming; Hear our prayer and make us know how to
welcome the gifts of your goodness with a docile heart. You who
live and reign forever and ever.
R/. Amen.

Celebrant: Week
In this time of Advent, let us, brothers and
sisters , direct our supplications to God the
Father, who in Jesus sends us his salvation.
R/. Come Lord Jesus
1. So that he awakens the hearts of the faithful and prepares
them for the joyful coming of his Son. Let us pray to the
2. So that the coming of the Prince of peace extinguishes hatred
and violence, puts an end to injustice and establishes his
kingdom among men. Let us pray to the Lord.
3. So that he Lord comfort the oppressed,
Provide the people with the necessary development, watch
over the poor and needy with your providence. Let us pray to
the Lord.
4. So that the coming of Christ may be for all of us, and for all
men, a source of peace, grace and joy. Let us pray to the

Celebrant's Conclusion:
h Almighty and eternal
God, who commands
us to prepare the way
for Christ, our Lord, grant us, in your mercy, to increase our faith,
hope and charity so that we may receive him worthily. Through
Jesus Christ our Lord.
R/. Amen.
WednesdayII Week

We await, dear brothers, the new birth of
our Savior and his glorious arrival at the
end of time. Let us implore the mercy of
God our Father, so that his Spirit may dispose our hearts.
R/. Listen to us Father
1. So that when the Lord comes and calls, he will not find his
Church asleep in lukewarmness or sin, but joyfully awake in
divine praise. Let us pray to the Lord.
2. So that he illuminates and strengthens with his grace those
who govern the destinies of the people, and that paths of
peace and not destruction may be opened in the world. Let us
pray to the Lord.
3. So that the Lord may relieve the pain of the sick, give peace
and serenity to those who lack them, and free the world from
all evils. Let us pray to the Lord.
4. So that our community manifests to others, with its life and
works, the love that Christ came to bring to earth. Let us pray
to the Lord.

Celebrant's Conclusion:
We ask, God of goodness, that your blessing descend
abundantly on your people; so that he may grow in faith and
rejoice at the coming of your Son Jesus Christ, who lives
and reigns with you forever and ever.

ThursdayII Week
nested in faith and prayer, let us present our requests to God,
R/. Come Lord, come Savior .
1. For our mother the Church: so that, purified by the fire of the
Spirit, she may bring joy to the world. Let us pray to the
2. For those who rule the nations: so that their justice renews
the joy and hope of those who suffer because of hunger,
unemployment, and poverty. Let us pray to the Lord.
3. For those who cry in their pain or in their loneliness: so that
the Lord makes them feel his presence and turns their sadness
into joy. Let us pray to the Lord.
4. For men of all peoples: so that respect for human rights
provides them with joy, peace and well-being. Let us pray to
the Lord.
5. For our community: so that the word of the Lord finds in us
a answer
generous of shared love and justice.
Let us pray to the Lord.

Celebrant's Conclusion:
Lord, Almighty God, who grants us the grace to
prepare to celebrate one more year the mystery
of the birth of your Son; Listen kindly to our
supplications and grant us in your goodness whatever we have
asked of you in faith. Through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Friday II Week

OR nested in the same Spirit, let us present our prayers to the

Lord from the bottom of our hearts.
R/. Manifest, Lord, your glory to men .
1. So that the Church may be before the world a sign of the
merciful love of God manifested in Christ Jesus. Let us pray
to the Lord.
2. So that those who are far from their country and their homes
find security in Christ the Savior, and fraternal welcome in
us. Let us pray to the Lord.
3. So that the poor, the sick and the needy find this Christmas
the comfort and hope that Jesus came to bring us with his
birth. Let us pray to the Lord.
4. So everybody us let's take a life
irreproachable of love and helps the
needy, and so we are worthily prepared for the coming of
Jesus Christ. Let us pray to the Lord.

Celebrant's Conclusion:
Hear, Father, our prayers; May through
your goodness we obtain what we ask for
and be able to celebrate with dignity the
mysteries of the coming of your Son. Who lives and reigns forever
and ever.
R/. Amen.
SaturdayII Week

In this holy time of Advent, let us, brothers
, direct our prayer to God the Father
through the intercession of the Virgin
R/. Come Lord, king of justice and peace .
1. For the Church: so that in the style of the prophets and Mary,
it invokes and announces the saving coming of Jesus. Let us
pray to the Lord.
2. For the rulers and those who exercise any type of power over
the people: so that they carry out the liberation of man in
respect for the values of freedom and progress. Let us pray to
the Lord.
3. For all who waver in their faith: so that, through the
intercession of Mary, the believing Virgin, they may be
strengthened in the coherent practice of the Christian life. Let
us pray to the Lord.
4. For our assembly: so that the example and mediation of Mary
help us this Christmas to grow in faith, hope and charity. Let
us pray to the Lord.

Celebrant's Conclusion:
h Father, you who have
fulfilled the expectations
of the poor in the Virgin
Mary with the ineffable gift of your dear Son, also listen to our
supplications, according to the greatness of your goodness. Through
SaturdayIII Week
Jesus Christ our Lord himself.

Monitions for Sunday Prayer
1. Let us ask, brothers, that the Kingdom of God comes to us and
that it takes root in us, bears fruit and reaches its fullness:
2. May sin not prevail in us but may only the Kingdom of God be
manifested in us:
3. Brothers, longing for the hour to come when our condition as
children will be fully manifested, let us ask for the arrival of that
Kingdom that God has promised:
4. Feeling saved by hope, let us ask God for the Kingdom that was
promised to us to come to all men:
5. Let us pray, brothers, that the Kingdom of God comes to us so
that neither death nor sin have dominion over us:
6. Let us pray, brothers, that the hour will come when the Prince of
this world will be expelled and the Kingdom of God will arrive:
7. Father, we desire that You reign over us and we long for that
Kingdom to come that You have prepared for us since the
beginning of the world, and that is why we say:
8. Let us now ask with confidence for the coming of the Kingdom
of God, with the same words that the Lord taught us:
9. Let us ask the Lord, the most just judge, that his Kingdom come
and that all those who await his coming may receive the
deserved crown:
10. Let us ask the Lord to come visit us, for his Kingdom to arrive
and for us to rejoice in his presence:
11. Because we desire your Kingdom, because we long, Lord, for
a new world away from all slavery and all sin, that is why we
tell you:
12. Let us pray, brothers, that the Kingdom that God has prepared
since the beginning of the world for those who love Him, comes
to us:
13. We desire, Lord, that the Kingdom of your Son will come:
Kingdom of truth and life, Kingdom of holiness and grace,
Kingdom of justice, love and peace, and therefore, full of
confidence we say to you:

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