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Children's Theater Script

Children's play for day of the dead

Don Pancho does not believe

Scene 1 children at home

The story is located in a small town “X” in Mexico

Storyteller :

Many years have passed since that event that

The story of Juanita, Pedrito and Don Pancho became a legend; This begins on the last day of the
dead, November 2, it was a rainy afternoon when...


(Saying to his brother and making a noise about taking a portrait)

Pedrito, it's been a year since Mom left, I miss her a lot, you'll see that this day of the dead I'll put
out some warm chocolate that she liked so much.


Well... yes, dad brings what we ordered him (the children sigh) my dad hasn't been very well, he
spends the whole day on the street and comes back late at night but I know it can change.


I promise you that if he arrives early... together, dad, you and I, we will set up your altar (he gives a
loud kiss to the portrait holder) I love you, mommy (you hear a door open and close, the dad and
the children enter). children get up)


Dad arrived!

Juanita: I want to see what he brought, I want him to know that it is important to put the hot
chocolate, daddy, daddy!! It's good that you arrived early, we will set up the altar together! Did
you bring what we asked for? Page 1
Don Pancho:

What?... hiccup! No, I didn't bring anything hip!

I met Florencio, your godfather, he told me hip! to tell you that you are hip! growing a lot hip! that
every day you look more like your hip mom! (in a broken voice) to your holy mother hiccup!

Your mamacita, she was the nicest woman in the world, hiccup!


Daddy, I miss her too and I wanted to set up her altar. She really liked hot chocolate.

Don Pancho:

(Sound of disbelief) no mijita hip! When people die the only thing they leave behind is pain hip!

(Pedrito interrupts)


...but dad, my mom said that when people die, they return to visit their relatives on the day of the
dead to take the essence of the foods they liked most when they were alive,


That's why today I wanted to set up the altar for him before noon, before he leaves again.

Don Pancho:

(not caring tone) those are lies, hiccup!

When did you see them coming?


Juanita: (between sobs and tears) no, dad, she's waiting right now.

(Pancho interrupts her)

Don pancho:

. . . (As if mocking) no mijita, you don't know (mouth thunders)

You're a kid, what do you know?

They are stories that your mom told you Page 2
You are a little girl and you still don't understand it but the

Parents, we lie to our children all the time.


And then we're not going to put anything in?!

She will leave with nothing!

My mom will leave with nothing

Don Pancho: I SAID NO!!!


Daddy please!!!

Don Pancho:

If you want to put something on it, put stones on it (in a mocking tone)

I'm leaving because you're just bothering me

(slams the door to leave)

(Juanita crying hugs Pedrito). The sound of stones is heard.

Juanita: (turning to the photo)

Mommy, I had nothing else to wear for you, but let these stones symbolize the love I have for you.


And so between sobs, the little girl placed stone by stone with great affection, thinking every
moment of her mother and so time passed and midday arrived.

Scene 3

And the bells of the nearest church were heard

Song the skulls dance the dead with death.


More as night falls

Don Pancho, already very drunk, was resting on the side of the road

When suddenly he felt a cold air on the back of his neck. Page 3
He sat up, heard murmurs as he saw death approaching him, but he passed by, bringing with him
all the souls that returned that afternoon with the offerings of family and friends. When Don
Pancho observed that, he glimpsed, among that crowd, his beloved deceased wife, a year ago but
the impact was greater when he realized that his wife, unlike the others, was carrying stones, the
stones that his daughter had placed on the altar so big was the shock that even the drunkenness
brought him down, breaking him out of his reverie and he shouted at her.

Don Pancho:


Narrator: But she did not respond and following death his path continued and the repentant man
ran towards his house screaming.

Don pancho:

Children, children, BRING ANYTHING TO EAT!!!

Let's place it on the altar

Narrator: But it was too late, the grim reaper had left, with the souls at his side and his beloved
widow Amparo. Only Don Pancho's hope of setting up an altar next year was what was left of this
ugly altercation.

Scene 3

One year later


Time has passed daddy

We can place the altar as we have always wanted

But what do we have? Bread? Wine? Sweets?


Mmmm how many things come to mind,

But above all a delicious hot chocolate

Narrator: Time had passed and the day of the dead arrived,

Juanita and her father Don Pancho placed the altar

With great joy and hope Page 4
With joy and many eggs

They made bread of various shapes and sizes.

that they went to the altar

While the mole boiled ready to taste

In the same way he ended up at the altar

Father and daughter filled the altar with hope

Putting out cigarettes and whiskey that Grandpa Toño liked

Tangerines and water for the thirsty and could not be missed

The hot chocolate that the mother and wife

He liked to taste...


Once the offering was placed, the marigold flower could not be missing, they made the little path
and lit the incense that was to guide the deceased.


This story is a reminder of the traditions that we must not forget

But if it happens to you, don't worry, we will come to remind you. Page 5

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