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Education and Knowledge Routledge Library Editions

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Biocontrol of Plant Diseases by Bacillus subtilis-Basic

and Practical Applications 1st Edition Makoto Shoda

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The Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation

Kazan National Research Technological University

L. Kashafutdinova



Methods handbook

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UDK 664(075)
LBC 65.9(2)304.25я7

Published by the decision of the Editorial Committee

of the Kazan National Research Technological University

D. Educ., Assoc. Prof. A. R. Baranova
D. Litt., Assoc. Prof. D. R. Kochemasova

Kashafutdinova L.
Basic knowledge about food and winemaking : methods handbook /
L. Kashafutdinova; The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian
Federation, Kazan National Research Technological University. – Kazan :
KNRTU Press, 2017. – 104 p.

ISBN 978-5-7882-2152-6

The study aid presents texts and assignments on food industry, gives
information about winemaking process, its history and traditions. Aimed at
forming and improving the skills of reading, translating, speaking and writing on
the basis of working with thematic texts on the future specialty.
Intended for classroom and extracurricular work of the Bachelors getting
education on 19.03.02 ("Technology of Fermentation Productions and
Winemaking") in the Food Engineering Faculty.
Prepared at the Department of Foreign Languages for Professional

UDK 664(075)
LBC 65.9(2)304.25я7

ISBN 978-5-7882-2152-6 © Kashafutdinova L., 2017

© Kazan National Research Technological
University, 2017

Copyright ООО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»


Food industry is a complex of food producing brunches that

satisfies the key needs of the population. According to the statistics,
about 37.4 thousand people are engaged in this industry in our
republic, spirit industry being one of the major ones.
Thus, actuality of mastering fermentation technologies
remains changeless. Herewith, exchanging experience and
information with foreign specialists makes unquestionable
contribution to the development of winemaking industry (and food
industry on the whole).
This study aid is intended for the Bachelors of the Faculty of
the Food Industry, studying on 19.03.02 ("Technology of
Fermentation Productions and Winemaking"). It is compiled in
accordance with the requirements of the English language program
and the state standard of this specialty.
The study aid contains two parts (Part I. "Basic knowledge
about food" and Part II. "Winemaking"), each of which has the
following structure: 1) text material and exercises aimed at
developing skills and working with foreign language text; 2) lexical
and grammatical exercises; 3) exercises for the development of skills
and skills of speaking. When selecting the texts, the main criteria
were informative value, their accessibility for understanding and
conformity to the interests of students.
The series of exercises developed for the texts provides for
the repeated frequency of the vocabulary necessary for mastering the
active and passive vocabulary. Pre-textual exercises are aimed at
recognizing and correct interpreting of foreign words, and
developing skills in using the dictionary. After-text exercises help to
control the reading comprehension and prepare the learner to
reproduce the newly read material in the form of a short message,
etc. Among the above-mentioned tasks the following are offered:
asking/answering, close (заполнение пропусков), matching,
predicting и т.д.

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The section Home reading promotes the development of the

learner's ability to read, understand the material read without
translation, and improvement of lexical skills. This section is
recommended for extracurricular reading, and can also be used for
classroom independent work with the dictionary.
Besides, this work offers a grammar section (Grammar),
acquainted with which students are given the opportunity to study a
particular grammatical phenomenon independently, and then confirm
the formed skills in a series of exercises after the texts.
Therefore, the purpose of the study aid is forming and
improving the skills of reading, translating, speaking and writing on
the basis of working with thematic texts on the future specialty.
Thus, the study aid contains a large set of methods for working with
text, allowing the student audience to master the skills that meet the
most modern requirements.

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A. Look through the text given below and pay attention to

the italicized words. Do you know their meanings? Can you guess
them from the context?


Food is any substance consumed to provide nutritional
support for the body. It is usually of plant or animal origin, and
contains essential nutrients, such as carbohydrates, fats, proteins,
vitamins, or minerals. The substance is ingested by an organism and
assimilated by the organism's cells in an effort to produce energy,
maintain life, or stimulate growth.
Historically, people secured food through two methods:
hunting and gathering, and agriculture. Today, most of the food
energy consumed by the world population is supplied by the food
Almost all foods are of plant or animal origin. Cereal grain is
a staple food that provides more food energy worldwide than any
other type of crop. Maize, wheat, and rice - in all of their varieties -
account for 87% of all grain production worldwide.
Other foods not from animal or plant sources include various
edible fungi, especially mushrooms. Fungi and ambient bacteria are
used in the preparation of fermented and pickled foods like leavened
bread, alcoholic drinks, cheese, pickles, kombucha, and yogurt.
Inorganic substances such as baking soda are also used to chemically
alter an ingredient.
Many plants or plant parts are eaten as food. There are around
2,000 plant species which are cultivated for food, and many have
several distinct kinds. Seeds of plants are a good source of food for
animals, including humans, because they contain the nutrients
necessary for the plant's initial growth, including many healthful fats,
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such as Omega fats. In fact, the majority of food consumed by

human beings are seed-based foods. Edible seeds include cereals
(maize, wheat, rice, et cetera), legumes (beans, peas, lentils, et
cetera), and nuts. Oilseeds are often pressed to produce rich oils -
sunflower, flaxseed, rapeseed, sesame, et cetera.
Seeds are typically high in unsaturated fats and, in
moderation, are considered a health food, although not all seeds are
edible. Large seeds, such as those from a lemon, pose a choking
hazard, while seeds from apples and cherries contain a poison
Many plants have evolved fruits that are attractive as a food
source to animals, so that animals will eat the fruits and excrete the
seeds some distance away. Fruits, therefore, make up a significant
part of the diets of most cultures. Some botanical fruits, such as
tomatoes, pumpkins, and eggplants, are eaten as vegetables.
Vegetables are a second type of plant matter that is
commonly eaten as food. These include root vegetables (potatoes and
carrots), leaf vegetables (spinach and lettuce), stem vegetables
(bamboo shoots and asparagus), and inflorescence vegetables (globe
artichokes and broccoli).
Animals are used as food either directly or indirectly by the
products they produce. Meat is an example of a direct product taken
from an animal, which comes from muscle systems or from organs.
Food products produced by animals include milk produced by
mammary glands, which in many cultures is drunk or processed into
dairy products (cheese, butter, et cetera). In addition, birds and other
animals lay eggs, which are often eaten, and bees produce honey, a
reduced nectar from flowers, which is a popular sweetener in many
cultures. Some cultures consume blood, sometimes in the form of
blood sausage.
Some cultures and people do not consume meat or animal
food products for cultural, dietary, health, ethical, or ideological
reasons. Vegetarians do not consume meat. Vegans do not consume
any foods that are or contain ingredients from an animal source.
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B. Find the sentences in the text to prove the following

1. There is no life without food.
2. Cereal grain is one of the most important sources of food.
3. Plant source food is healthful.
4. Meat as an animal source product is not consumed
everywhere and by everyone.

C. Match the names of different plants with their “basis”:

1 sunflower oil a) cereals
2 lentils b) stem vegetable
3 rice c) oilseed
4 eggplant d) root vegetable
5 asparagus e) legumes
6 potatoes f) botanical fruit

D. Find the examples of using Passive Voice in the text and

try to translate them properly (Grammar, p. 79 – 80)

E. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Пища, которая потребляется человеком, несомненно
важна для поддержания жизни.
2. Многие растения и их части используются в качестве
3. Огромное количество полезных веществ содержится в
4. Сыр и масло являются молочными продуктами и
производятся во многих регионах.
5. Некоторые фрукты, такие как помидоры и тыква,
ошибочно считаются овощами.
6. Благодаря пище растительного и животного
происхождения, наш организм снабжается необходимыми
питательными веществами.

F. What is your attitude to vegetarianism? Do you think

people who stopped eating meat are mistaken? What advantages of
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vegetarianism can you single out? Do you have vegetarians in your

group? Make up dialogues, where one of you consumes meat and
the other one doesn’t.


A. Look through the titles and guess what this unit is about.
What do you know about vitamins? Are they really necessary for
our organism’s activity?

Vitamins are substances that your body needs to grow and
develop normally. There are 13 vitamins your body needs. They are
vitamins A, C, D, E, K and the B vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin,
niacin, pantothenic acid, biotin, vitamin B-6, vitamin B-12 and
folate). You can usually get all your vitamins from the foods you eat.
Your body can also make vitamins D and K. People who eat a
vegetarian diet may need to take a vitamin B12 supplement.
Each vitamin has specific jobs. If you have low levels of
certain vitamins, you may develop a deficiency disease. For example,
if you don't get enough vitamin D, you could develop rickets. Some
vitamins may help prevent medical problems. Vitamin A prevents
night blindness.
The best way to get enough vitamins is to eat a balanced diet
with a variety of foods. In some cases, you may need to take a daily
multivitamin for optimal health. However, high doses of some
vitamins can make you sick.
Antioxidants are substances that may protect your cells
against the effects of free radicals. Free radicals are molecules
produced when your body breaks down food, or by environmental
exposures like tobacco smoke and radiation. Free radicals can
damage cells, and may play a role in heart disease, cancer and other

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Antioxidant substances include Beta-carotene, Lutein,

Lycopene, Selenium, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and Vitamin E.
Antioxidants are found in many foods. These include fruits and
vegetables, nuts, grains, and some meats, poultry and fish.
The B vitamins are B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B5
(pantothenic acid), B6, B7 (biotin), B12, Folic acid. These vitamins
help the process your body uses to get or make energy from the food
you eat. They also help form red blood cells. You can get B vitamins
from proteins such as fish, poultry, meat, eggs, and dairy products.
Leafy green vegetables, beans, and peas also have B vitamins. Many
cereals and some breads have added B vitamins. Not getting enough
of certain B vitamins can cause diseases. A lack of B12 or B6 can
cause anemia, that is desease connected with the lack of oxygen in an

Minerals are important for your body to stay healthy. Your
body uses minerals for many different jobs, including building bones,
making hormones and regulating your heartbeat. There are two kinds
of minerals: macrominerals and trace minerals. Macrominerals are
minerals your body needs in larger amounts. They include calcium,
phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, potassium, chloride and sulfur.
Your body needs just small amounts of trace minerals. These include
iron, manganese, copper, iodine, zinc, cobalt, fluoride and selenium.
The best way to get the minerals your body needs is by eating a wide
variety of foods. In some cases, your doctor may recommend a
mineral supplement.

You have more calcium in your body than any other mineral.
Calcium has many important jobs. The body stores more than 99
percent of its calcium in the bones and teeth to help make and keep
them strong. The rest is throughout the body in blood, muscle and the
fluid between cells. Your body needs calcium to help muscles and
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blood vessels contract and expand, to secrete hormones and enzymes

and to send messages through the nervous system. It is important to
get plenty of calcium in the foods you eat. Foods rich in calcium
include dairy products such as milk, cheese and yogurt, and leafy,
green vegetables. The exact amount of calcium you need depends on
your age and other factors. Growing children and teenagers need
more calcium than young adults. Older women need plenty of
calcium to prevent osteoporosis. People who do not eat enough high-
calcium foods should take a calcium supplement.

B. Answer the questions:

1. What are vitamins? minerals?
2. What is a deficiency disease?
3. Are high doses of vitamins dangerous?
4. Do free radicals lead to diseases? In what way?
5. What are B vitamins responsible for?
6. What is the difference between macrominerals and trace elements?
7. Name 3-4 elements we call macrominerals; trace elements.
8. What is the role of calcium in a body?
C. Finish the sentences:
1. People get necessary vitamins from…
2. Vitamin A’s deficiency can cause…
3. Antioxidants are…
4. B vitamins can be found in…
5. Our body needs minerals to…

D. Paraphrase the following phrases referring to the text.

Make up sentences of your own with them:
sometimes; the shortage of; to result in; to be necessary for; a great
deal of; the optimal solution

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E. Find in the text the sentences containing conditionals.

Prove your choice. (Grammar, p. 80 – 82)

F. Choose one of the vitamins mentioned in the text. Find

the information about it at home. Get ready to speak out next

A. Here is the extract devoted to food preservation methods.
Give a quick look at them and say which of them is more often used
in your family. Is it possible to store food without making use of
these methods?

The nutrients that give us energy and help us maintain good
health also cause our food to spoil. There are innumerable micro-
organisms in the atmosphere that derive their nutrition from these
nutrients by breaking them into simpler forms. As these minute life
forms start disintegrating the nutrients, they set off the process of
food spoilage. With the knowledge of the role that micro-organisms
play in spoiling food, a number of methods of food preservation have
been developed by man. All these methods work by altering
conditions like temperature, availability of water or oxygen in the
food, or in the environment in which the food is stored. Changing or
altering these factors hinders the growth of these minute organisms,
and hence prevents food spoilage.
Drying is a method of food preservation that works by
removing water from the food, which inhibits the growth of
microorganisms. Open air drying using sun and wind has been
practiced since ancient times to preserve food. A solar or electric
food dehydrator can greatly speed the drying process and ensure
more-consistent results. Water is usually removed by evaporation (air
drying, sun drying, smoking or wind drying) but, in the case of
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freeze-drying, food is first frozen and then the water is removed by

sublimation. Bacteria, yeasts and molds need the water in the food to
grow, and drying effectively prevents them from surviving in the
Smoking is used to lengthen the shelf life of perishable food
items. This effect is achieved by exposing the food to smoke from
burning plant materials such as wood. Most commonly subjected to
this method of food preservation are meats and fish that have
undergone curing. Fruits and vegetables like paprika, cheeses, spices,
and ingredients for making drinks such as malt and tea leaves are
also smoked, but mainly for cooking or flavoring them. It is one of
the oldest food preservation methods, which probably arose after the
development of cooking with fire.
Refrigeration preserves food by slowing down the growth and
reproduction of micro-organisms and the action of enzymes which
cause food to rot. The introduction of commercial and domestic
refrigerators drastically improved the diets of many in the Western
world by allowing foods such as fresh fruit, salads and dairy products
to be stored safely for longer periods, particularly during warm
Freezing is also one of the most commonly used processes
commercially and domestically for preserving a very wide range of
food including prepared food stuffs which would not have required
freezing in their unprepared state. For example, potato waffles are
stored in the freezer, but potatoes themselves require only a cool dark
place to ensure many months' storage. Cold stores provide large
volume, long-term storage for strategic food stocks held in case of
national emergency in many countries.
Salting or curing draws moisture from the meat through a
process of osmosis. Meat is cured with salt or sugar, or a
combination of the two. Nitrates and nitrites are also often used to
cure meat and contribute the characteristic pink color.
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Sugar is used to preserve fruits, either in syrup with fruit such
as apples, pears, peaches, apricots, plums or in crystallized form
where the preserved material is cooked in sugar to the point of
crystallisation and the resultant product is then stored dry. This
method is used for the skins of citrus fruit (candied peel), angelica
and ginger.. The use of sugar is often combined with alcohol for
preservation of luxury products such as fruit in brandy or other spirits.
Canning is a method of preserving food in which the food
contents are processed and sealed in an airtight container. Canning
provides a typical shelf life ranging from one to five years, although
under specific circumstances a freeze-dried canned product, such as
canned, dried lentils, can last as long as 30 years in an edible state.
The use of chemical preservatives is regulated by maximum
permitted levels. These amounts vary between countries. Processors
should check with their local authorities for the local regulations and
for the regulations in the country of sale.
Chemical preservatives cannot be used to cover up for poor quality
raw materials. They are only added as a precaution to extend the
shelf life of products by inhibiting microbial spoilage.
Some chemical preservatives can taint the flavour of fruit juices if
the recommended level is exceeded. Some consumers prefer to
consume fruit juices with no chemical additives. They may be
prepared to pay a premium for these products.
Food irradiation is the process of exposing food to ionizing
radiation to destroy microorganisms, bacteria, viruses, or insects that
might be present in the food. Further applications include sprout
inhibition, delay of ripening, increase of juice yield, and
improvement of re-hydration. Irradiated food does not become
radioactive, but in some cases there may be subtle chemical changes.
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B. Say if the following statements are true or false, and if

they are false, correct them.
1. Food preservation helps to prevent food from spoiling.
2. Fire is used in none of processes of food preservation.
3. A method of preserving food in which the food is sealed in
an airtight container is called food radiation.
4. Dairy products are stored safely for longer periods,
particularly during warm weather, thanks to refrigeration.
5. Chemical preservatives stand for chemical additives, which
help to to extend the shelf life of products.
6. Irradiation process makes the food become radioactive and
dangerous substances appear in the foods.
7. Refrigiration and freezing can be called one and the same

C. Find English equivalents of the phrases given below in the text:

испарение, допустимый уровень, молочные продукты,
придавать цвет, вызывать гниение, тёмное прохладное место,
скоропортящийся, копчение, химические добавки, пригодный в
пищу, герметичная ёмкость, срок хранения, сохранить здоровье,
задерживать рост, подвергаться, придавать привкус, мера

D. Fill in the gaps with the necessary prepositions or

adverbial particles (Grammar, p. 90 – 95):
1. Canning helps to store food_____ one_____ five years.
2. Meat is cured_____ salt or sugar, or a combination _____
the two.
3. Cold stores will provide long-term storage______strategic
food _____case_____national emergency.
4. Some kinds of canned products, such as canned lentils, can
be kept ______30 years______an edible state.
5. The use______ sugar is often combined_______ alcohol
for preservation ______fruit ______brandy or other spirits.

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6. Smoking is one______ the oldest food preservation

methods, which arose______ the development ______
cooking______ fire.
7. Salting draws moisture______ the meat_______ a
process______ osmosis.

E. Find modal verbs in the paragraph about chemical

preservatives. What is the difference in their meaning and use?
What other modal verbs do you remember?(Grammar, p. 82 – 84)

F. Discuss advantages and disadvantages of each food

preservation method in groups. Check up yourselves (see the table
given below).


Method Advantages Disadvantages

Drying (e.g. Produces concentrated form of Can cause loss of
freeze- food. some nutrients,
drying, particularly
spray- Inhibits microbial growth & thiamin &
drying, sun- autolytic enzymes. vitamin C.
Retains most nutrients. Sulphur dioxide is
sometimes added
to dried fruits to
retain vitamin C,
but some
individuals are
sensitive to this

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Smoking Preserve partly by drying, partly Eating a lot of

by incorporation of substances smoked foods has
from smoke. been linked with
some cancers in
some parts of the
Refrigeration Slows microbial multiplication. Slow loss of some
nutrients with
Slows autolysis by enzymes time
Freezing Prevents microbial growth by Blanching of
low temperature & vegetables prior
unavailability of water. to freezing causes
loss of some B-
Generally good retention of Group vitamins
nutrients. and vitamin C.
thawing can
reduce product
Adding salt Makes water unavailable for Increases salt and
or sugar microbial growth. sugar content of
Process does not destroy
Canning Destroys microorganisms & Water-soluble
(involves autolytic enzymes. nutrients can be
high heat lost into liquid in
processing) can.
Chemical Prevent microbial growth Some people are
preservatives sensitive to some
No loss of nutrient. chemical
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Ionizing Sterilizes foods (such as spices) Longer shelf life

radiation whose flavour would change of fresh foods can
(food with heating. lead to greater
irradiation) nutrient losses
Inhibits sprouting potatoes than if eaten
sooner after
Extends shelf life of harvesting.
strawberries and mushrooms

A. Do you know what taboo food is? What reasons are there
for some food being forbidden? Read the text given below and
check if you are right.

B. Fill in the gaps with the words which the text lacks.
Choose among the following ones: cloven; consumption; between;
holy; exported; beverages; kill; ecological.
Taboo food is food and 1___________ which people abstain
from consuming for religious, cultural or hygienic reasons. Many
food taboos forbid the meat of a particular animal, including
mammals, rodents, reptiles, amphibians, and crustaceans. Some
taboos are specific to a particular part or excretion of an animal,
while other taboos forgo the 2__________ of plants, fungi, or insects.
The origins of these prohibitions and commandments are varied. In
some cases, these taboos are a result of health considerations or other
practical reasons. In others, they are a result of human symbolic
systems. Some foods may be prohibited during certain festivals, at
certain times of life (e.g., pregnancy), or to certain classes of people
(e.g., priests).
Many Hindus, particularly Brahmins, are vegetarian,
abstaining from eating meat. Those Hindus who do eat meat abstain
from the consumption of beef, as the cow holds a sacred place in
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Hinduism. Consumption of beef is taboo out of respect for the cow.

Dairy products such as milk, yogurt and particularly ghee are highly
revered and used in 3___________ ceremonies. Cow milk was the
nearest substitute of mother's milk for orphaned new-born babies
before the advent of modern medicine, when many pregnant women
would die in the birthing process. Also, cow dung (which in Indian
climate quickly dries out hard) is applied as antiseptic floor covering,
and it is a natural fertilizer for farmland and also used as fuel. Cow
urine is used for its medicinal properties in Ayurveda (traditional
Indian medicine).
Some ethnic Chinese may also refrain from eating cow meat,
because many of them feel that it is wrong to eat an animal that was
so useful in agriculture. Some Chinese Buddhists discourage the
consumption of beef, although it is not considered taboo. A similar
taboo can be seen among Sinhalese Buddhists, who consider it to be
ungrateful to 4__________ the animal whose milk and labour
provides livelihoods to many Sinhalese people.

Horse meat is part of the cuisine of countries as widespread as
Italy with 900 g per person per year, Netherlands, Belgium, France,
Switzerland, where horse meat is common in supermarkets, Germany
with only 50 g per person per year, Polynesia, Serbia, Slovenia and
Kazakhstan, but is taboo in some religions and many countries. It is
forbidden by Jewish law, because the horse is not a ruminant, nor
does it have 5___________ hooves.
Horse meat is forbidden by some sects of Christianity.
Horsemeat is still popular in Iceland and is sold and consumed in the
same way as beef, lamb and pork.
In Islam, opinions vary as to the permissibility of horse meat.
Some cite a hadith forbidding it to Muslims, but others doubt its
validity and authority. Various Muslim cultures have differed in the
attitude in eating the meat. Historically, Turks and Persians have
eaten the meat while in North Africa this is rare.

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In Canada, horse meat is legal, but there is only really a

market in the French-speaking province of Quebec, and in a few
(mostly French) restaurants elsewhere. Most Canadian horse meat is
6____________ to Continental Europe or Japan. In the United States,
sale and consumption of horse meat is illegal in California and
Illinois. However, it was sold in the US during WW II, since beef
was expensive, rationed and destined for the troops. In the UK, this
strong taboo includes banning horse meat from commercial pet food.
Horse meat is also avoided in the Balkans, though not
Slovenia, as horse is considered to be a noble animal, or because
eating horse meat is associated with war-time famine.
United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) data reports
pork as the most widely eaten meat in the world. Consumption of
pigs is forbidden among Muslims, Jews, certain Christian
denominations, such as Seventh-day Adventists, and some others.
There are various hypotheses concerning the origins of this taboo, but
none have been universally accepted.
In the 19th century some people attributed the pig taboo in the
Middle East to the danger of the parasite trichina. Marvin Harris
posited that pigs are not suited for being kept in the Middle East on
an 7____________ and socio-economical level; for example, pigs are
not suited to living in arid climates and thus require far more water
than other animals to keep them cool, and instead of grazing they
compete with humans for foods such as grains. As such, raising pigs
was seen as a wasteful and decadent practice.
A common explanation to the fact that pigs are widely
considered unclean in the Middle East is that they are omnivorous,
not discerning 8___________ meat or vegetation in their natural
dietary habits. The willingness to consume meat sets them apart from
most other domesticated animals which are commonly eaten (cattle,
horses, goats, etc.) who would naturally eat only plants.

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C. Prove that
1. There is much taboo food all around the world.
2. People give up consuming some kinds of food for several
absolutely different reasons.
3. The cow is a sacred animal for Hindus.
4. Sale and consumption of horse meat is illegal in some
5. Pork is thought to be unclean in the Middle East.

D. Find italicized words and phrases in the text. Explain

their meanings in English.

E. Match the words given in the frame with their definitions

danger noble attitude require origin

arid compete abstain climate

1) an expression of favor or disfavor toward a person, place, thing, or

2) the statistics of temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, wind,
and other meteorological elemental measurements in a given region
over long periods;
3) something from which anything arises or is derived; source; the
first stage of existence; beginning;
4) being without moisture; extremely dry;
5) a situation in which harm, death, damage, or destruction is
6) to deliberately avoid doing something that is enjoyable but that
may not be healthy, safe, or morally right;
7) to have as a need; to call for as obligatory or appropriate; demand;
8) to try to get something that other people also want to have;
9) behaving in an honest and brave way that other people admire;
belonging to the highest social class.

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F. What is the difference between Participle I and Gerund?

Find examples of using both of them in the text. (Grammar, p. 84 –

G. Pay attention to the use of proper names in the text. Read

the grammar and try to explain their usage.(Grammar, p. 86 – 87)

E. Divide into several groups. Imagine that each of the

groups of students doesn’t consume some particular food, for
example fish, insects, vegetables, etc. Think of a reason due to
which you would give up eating it. Speak out on this point using no
less than 7-8 sentences.

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A. Now you are going to read some curious information
about food. Some of these facts you will be aware of and some
other ones will seem to you incredible. Use your dictionary to find
the words you don’t know.


A peanut is not a nut. It is a legume.
1 apple adds 5 minutes to a person's life.
Strawberries have more vitamin C in them than oranges.
Coca-cola (or any other cola soda) is good for cleaning the
poles on car batteries.
There are more than 1,00 chemicals in a cup of coffee.
Cacao, the main ingredient of chocolate is the most pest-
ridden tree in the jungle.
You can make edible cheese from the milk of 24 different
The avocado has the most calories of any fruit.
The typical American eats 263 eggs a year.
America's best selling ice cream flavour is vanilla.
Honey is the only food that does not spoil. Honey found in
the tombs of Egyptian pharaohs has been tasted by archaeologists
and found edible.
Eating a packet of crisps a day is equivalent to drinking five
liters of cooking oil a year.
Apples, not caffeine, are more efficient at waking you up in
the morning.
Non-dairy creamer is flammable.
Chewing gum while peeling onions will keep you from crying.
Bubble gum contains rubber.
Almonds are a member of the peach family.
Botanically speaking, the banana is a herb and the tomato is a
To make one kilo of honey bees have to visit 4 million
flowers, traveling a distance equal to 4 times around the earth.
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The scientific term for the common tomato is lycopersicon

lycopersicum, which means "wolf peach."
Of the more than $50 billion worth of diet products sold every
year, almost $20 billion are spent on imitation fats and sugar
Wine is sold in tinted bottles because wine spoils when
exposed to light.
Approximately one billion snails are served in restaurants
Vitamin A is known to prevent "night blindness," and carrots
are loaded with Vitamin A. One carrot provides more than 200% of
recommended daily intake of Vitamin A.
Carrots have zero fat content.
The tea bag was introduced in 1908 by Thomas Sullivan of
New York.
An onion, apple and potato all have the same taste. The
differences in flavour are caused by their smell.
Watermelons are 97% water, lettuce 97%, tomatoes 95%,
carrots 90%, and bread 30%.
In the United States, a pound of potato chips costs two
hundred times more than a pound of potatoes.
Since Hindus don't eat beef, the MacDonald's in New Delhi
makes its burgers with mutton.
More dairy products are consumed in America than any other
country on the face of the earth. The country has one of the highest
rates of osteoporosis and obesity.
Refined sugar is incredibly toxic to the body and is one of the
primary contributors to obesity.
Cabbage is 91% water.
Chewing gum stimulates signals in the learning center of the
brain and thus help save memory as you age.
Fish consumption may be more than brain food but also help
protect your eyes from age-related macular degeneration, a potential
cause of blindness.
Lemons contain more sugar than strawberries.
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Lettuce is the only vegetable or fruit which is never sold

frozen, canned, processed, cooked, or in any other form but fresh.
Mayonnaise will kill lice and also condition your hair.
Onion is named after a Latin word meaning “large pearl”.
Pineapple is the international symbol of hospitality.
White shelled eggs are produced by hens with white feathers
and earlobes while brown eggs are produced by hens with red
feathers and earlobes; the colour has no relationship to the nutritional
quality or taste of the eggs.
Apple seeds are poisonous! They contain cyanide.
Eggs will age more in one day at room temperature than in
one week in the refrigerator.
On average, a person will spend about five years eating
during his or her lifetime.
Peanuts are one of the ingredients in dynamite.
Pilgrims did not eat with forks. They only used spoons,
knives and their fingers.
Smelling bananas and/or green apples (smelling, not eating)
can help you lose weight!
The average American eats at McDonalds more than 1,800
times in their life.
There is a giant mushroom in Oregon that is over 2,400 years
old, covers 3.4 square miles of land, and is still growing!
Bananas are a great source of potassium. Potassium helps to
build muscle power and keeps your body fluids in balance.
Noodles got their start in China, not Italy as many people
might think.
Pumpkins were once recommended for removing freckles and
curing snake bites!
The smaller the berry, the sweeter it is.

B. Say what you’ve got to know about various fruit; honey;

chocolate; dairy products; food consumption on the whole.

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C. Divide all the information into positive, negative and

neutral one and fill it in the table. Three examples have been
already given.

Positive fact Negative fact Neutral fact

1 apple adds 5 The USA has one of A peanut is not a
minutes to a person's the highest rates of nut. It is a legume.
life. osteoporosis and

D. Match the words from the text with their translation.

Remember in what context these words are used.
1 poisonous a) веснушки
2 blindness b) ожирение
3 white-shelled c) ядовитый
4 obesity d) ежегодно
5 freckles e) слепота
6 almonds f) удалять
7 remove g) с белой скорлупой
8 annually h) миндаль

E. What grammatical tense is used in most of the above-

mentioned sentences? Explain why it happens so. Make up your
own ones using the same tense.(Grammar, p. 88 – 90)

F. What facts were you surprised at? Choose two-three of

them and try to convince your neighbour that they are wrong.

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A. Read the text below and match the headings a – i

with paragraphs 1 – 9 in the text.
a Better Off Dead
b Some Wine with Your Water?
c You Taste My Wine, I'll Taste Yours
d Hot Toddies
e Some Wine with Your Wine?
f Conquering Catholics
g Wish They All Could Be California
h One for My Homies
i Portuguese Wine


That wine is a traditional drink with a rich cultural history is

common knowledge. We've all heard of wine festivals where folks
clamber into barrels and perform grape-stomping jigs with bare feet.
But wine traditions go beyond crushing fruit with naked tootsies.
Check out this list of other fascinating wine traditions from around
the world.

We tend not to get too aggressive when we clink glasses these
days, but back when goblets and flagons were made of wood and
metal, vigorous collisions were the object. This lively jostling caused
the contents of glasses to spill over and intermix, signifying a trust
that neither companion had slipped the other a mickey.

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The next time you're invited to dinner in Portugal, don't show
up with a bottle of Bordeaux. Portuguese wine tradition dates back to
the ancient days of the Phoenicians, Greeks, and Romans, and the
Portuguese wear this wine making history like a badge of honor.
Procuring anything other than Portuguese wine upon arrival is
considered an affront to both host and country.

Everyone chills white wine, but who warms their reds?
Mulled wine has a rich tradition in many European countries and it is
usually served hot. Scandinavia's glogg, for example, has an ideal
temperature of around 70 degrees F. These belly-warming spiced
wines are relished during the cold months of winter.

In Moldova, wine was once eaten as often as it was drunk.
The writings of the Roman poet Ovid from the time when he was
exiled there contain accounts of the local habit of concentrating wine
by freezing it for consumption at a later date.

Thousands of years ago, throughout the Middle East and
Mediterranean, wines were consumed when people were still quite
young. This resulted in a wealth of traditional recipes for masking
the green flavors of premature wine with potent additives such as
honey and cloves. Another common practice was to water down wine
to dampen the flavor and reduce the amount of alcohol consumed.

If you think the best way to get European wines into
California is through customs, think again. Thanks to rich soil and
ideal climate conditions, California vintners have successfully grown
virtually every variety of grape found elsewhere in the world. Once
upon a time this involved drastic measures such as cutting vines in
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France, sticking the cuttings into potatoes to survive the voyage, and
finally re-planting them in California, where they eventually
flourished. Golden State vintners have also created exciting new
wine-grape varieties by grafting foreign vines onto the existing stalks
in their vineyards.
Even in death, royals in ancient Egypt enjoyed a higher
standard of living than most commoners. As provisions for the
afterlife, it was prescribed that five large jars containing the different
wines of the region be included in every royal tomb.

Grapes came to the New World with Spanish conquistadors in
a variety known as Mission grapes. The Catholic celebration of the
Eucharist in Spanish missions and elsewhere required wine, which
was to be converted into the blood of Christ. In order to carry out the
sacred tradition on this side of the Atlantic, the Spanish had to bring
their vines with them.

Hip-hop culture might want to take credit for giving up a few
sips from their 40s in remembrance of fallen friends, but the
Georgian tradition of spilling a few drops onto the ground to toast
beloved deceased has been around for centuries.

B. Say if the following statements are true or false, and if

they are false, correct them.
1. Many years ago wine vessels were made of wood.
2. A bottle of Bordeaux shown in Portugal is like a badge of
3. According to the tradition, only white wine can be chilled.
4. In Moldova the wine could be both drunk and eaten.
5. Thousands of years ago, throughout the Middle East and
Mediterranean, the wine was mixed with honey or water to reduce
the amount of alcohol contained.
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6. The climate in California is not favourable for planting

7. The representatives of the royal family in Egypt were
buried in tombs with wine barrels included there.
8. Grapes brought to the New World with Spanish
conquistadors served for the preparing of the wine symbolizing the
blood of Christ.
9. Spilling a few drops onto the ground to toast beloved
deceased is a particularly dead tradition.

C. Find in the text English equivalents of the phrases given

быть склонным к чему-либо, кубки и бутыли, знак почёта,
глинтвейн, заметки о местном обычае, изобилие традиционных
рецептов, сократить количество потребляемого алкоголя,
радикальные меры, загробная жизнь, соблюсти священную
традицию, в память о павших друзьях.

D. Explain the usage of the modal verbs WAS TO and HAD

TO in the paragraph 8. (Grammar, p.82 – 84) Translate the
following sentences into English:
1. Им предстояло собрать хороший урожай. Однако не
каждый верил в благополучный исход.
2. Мы вынуждены были остаться ухаживать за
виноградником, хотя были изрядно измотаны.
3. Эта великая традиция должна была продолжиться.
4. Виноделам снова предстояла нелегкая работа.

E. Read the grammar devoted to the phrases WOULD and

USED TO. What differences in their usage can you single out?
Which of them would you use, speaking about wine traditions of
the past? Why? Give the examples (Grammar, p. 98 – 99).

F. Speak about wine traditions spread in your country.

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A. Read the text given below and say what facts from the
history of wine you have been aware of.
The history of wine spans thousands of years and is closely
intertwined with the history of agriculture, cuisine, civilization and
humanity itself. Archaeological evidence suggests that the earliest
wine production came from sites in Georgia and Iran, dating from
6000 to 5000 BC. The archaeological evidence becomes clearer and
points to domestication of grapevine in Early Bronze Age sites of the
Near East, Sumer and Egypt from around the third millennium BC.
Evidence of the earliest European wine production has been
uncovered at archaeological sites in Macedonia, dated to 6,500 years
ago. These same sites also contain remnants of the world’s earliest
evidence of crushed grapes. In Egypt, wine became a part of
recorded history, playing an important role in ancient ceremonial life.
Traces of wild wine dating from the second and first millennium BC
have also been found in China.
Wine was common in classical Greece and Rome and many
of the major wine producing regions of Western Europe today were
established with Phoenician and later Roman plantations. Wine
making technology, such as the wine press, improved considerably
during the time of the Roman Empire; many grape varieties and
cultivation techniques were known and barrels were developed for
storing and shipping wine.
In medieval Europe, following the decline of Rome and
therefore of widespread wine production, the Christian Church
became a supporter of the wine necessary for celebration of the
Catholic Mass. Whereas wine was also forbidden in medieval
Islamic cultures, Geber and other Muslim chemists pioneered the
distillation of wine for medicinal purposes and its use in Christian
libation was widely tolerated. Wine production gradually increased
and its consumption became popularized from the 15th century
onwards, eventually establishing growing regions throughout the
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Much modern wine culture derives from the practices of the
ancient Greeks. While the exact arrival of wine in Greek territory is
unknown, it was certainly known to both the Minoan and Mycenaean
cultures. Many of the grapes grown in modern Greece are grown
there exclusively and are similar or identical to varieties grown in
ancient times. Indeed, the popular modern Greek wine, retsina, is
believed to be a carryover from when wine jugs were lined with tree
resin, which imparted a distinct flavour to the wine.
Evidence from archaeological sites in Greece, in the form of
6,500 year-old grape remnants, represents the earliest known
appearance of wine production in Europe. Several ancient sources,
such as the Roman writer Pliny the Elder, describe the ancient Greek
method of using partly dehydrated gypsum before fermentation, and
some type of lime after fermentation, to reduce acidity. The Greek
writer Theophrastus provides the oldest known description of this
aspect of Greek wine making.
Greek wine was widely known and exported throughout the
Mediterranean basin, and was most likely the origin of the first
appearance of wine in ancient Egypt. The Greeks introduced the
Vitis vinifera vine and made wine in their numerous colonies in
modern-day Italy, Sicily, southern France, and Spain.
In Egypt, wine played an important role in ancient ceremonial
life. A thriving royal winemaking industry was established in the
Nile Delta following the introduction of grape cultivation from the
Levant to Egypt c. 3000 BC. The industry was most likely the result
of trade between Egypt and Canaan during the Early Bronze Age.
Winemaking scenes on tomb walls, and the offering lists that
accompanied them, included wine that was definitely produced at the
deltaic vineyards. By the end of the Old Kingdom, five wines, all
probably produced in the Delta, constitute a canonical set of
provisions, or fixed "menu," for the afterlife.
Much superstition surrounded wine-drinking in early
Egyptian times, largely due to its resemblance to blood. In Plutarch's
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Moralia he mentions that the ancient Kings did not drink wine, "nor
use it in libation as something dear to the gods, thinking it to be the
blood of those who had once battled against the gods and from whom,
when they had fallen and had become commingled with the earth,
they believed vines to have sprung." This was considered to be the
reason why drunkenness "drives men out of their senses and crazes
them, inasmuch as they are then filled with the blood of their
The Roman Empire had an immense impact on the
development of viticulture and oenology. Wine was an integral part
of the Roman diet and wine making became a precise business. As
the Roman Empire expanded, wine production in the provinces grew
to the point where the provinces were competing with Roman wines.
Virtually all of the major wine producing regions of Western Europe
today were established by the Romans.
Wine making technology improved considerably during the
time of the Roman Empire. Many grape varieties and cultivation
techniques were developed and barrels, invented by the Gauls, and
later glass bottles, invented by the Syrians, began to compete with
terracotta amphorae for storing and shipping wine.
Wine, perhaps mixed with herbs and minerals, was assumed
to serve medicinal purposes. During Roman times the upper classes
might dissolve pearls in wine for better health. Cleopatra created her
own legend by promising Mark Antony she would "drink the value
of a province" in one cup of wine, after which she drank an
expensive pearl with a cup of wine. When the Western Roman
Empire fell around 500 AD, Europe went into a period of invasions
and social turmoil, with the Roman Catholic Church as the only
stable social structure. Through the Church, grape growing and wine
making technology, essential for the Mass, were preserved.

B. Read the extracts about the ancient countries and decide

which of them mentions information 1 – 10.
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1. Wine, mixed with herbs and minerals, was assumed to

serve medicinal purposes.
2. Wine played an important role in ancient ceremonial life.
3. Grapes were preserved thanks to the Church.
4. The popular modern wine is called retsina.
5. Glass bottles began to compete with terracotta amphorae
for storing and shipping wine.
6. The industry was likely the result of trade during the Early
Bronze Age.
7. The upper classes might dissolve pearls in wine for better
8. Method of using partly dehydrated gypsum before
fermentation was used.
9. Wine was an integral part of the diet.
10. Five wines constitute fixed "menu" for the afterlife.

C. Match the beginning 1 – 6 of these sentences with their

endings a – f.
1. Many grape varieties and cultivation techniques were
known and barrels
2. Wine, perhaps mixed with herbs and minerals,
3. These same sites also contain remnants of
4. A thriving royal winemaking industry was established in
the Nile Delta
5. As the Roman Empire expanded, wine production in the
6. Much superstition surrounded wine-drinking in early
Egyptian times, largely due to
a) following the introduction of grape cultivation from the
Levant to Egypt c. 3000 BC.
b) was assumed to serve medicinal purposes.
c) its resemblance to blood.
d) were developed for storing and shipping wine.
e) grew to the point where the provinces were competing with
Roman wines.
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