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Lesson Plan

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AEE’s name: ID: Group:

4th Grade and Product 7: Social practice of the language: Learning outcomes:
Illustrated Diary Reads short legends of different cultures to compare differences and - Explores children legends
similarities - Participates in the reading of legends
Learning Environment: Communicative Activity: - Compares components in the writing
Literary and ludic Comprehension of oneself and others of legends
Suggested activities Knowing about the language
Use materials provided by the Language Department; colored blocks from the stacking tower
Session 1 (Background):
can help organizing teams, participation turns, choice of topics, or even hide shorts scripts.
Warm up: 5 minutes Legends:
Material: Images 1 and 2 could be - The Foundation of Tenochtitlan
helpful. - Mulan
Greet students and ask students to write the date on their notebook as a routine. - The Sword in the Stone
Mention any of the statements below, if students think the statement is “correct” they will jump right, or left if they think it´s wrong.
() This year is 2024. (×) The sword in the stone is a fairy tale.
(×) Last year was 2020. () Thinker bell is a fairy tale.
() Today is (today´s date). (×) The foundation of Tenochtitlan is a Mexican legend.
() The movie of Mulan is based on a legend. () Legends are stories told by generations.

Presentation: 10 minutes Characteristics of legends:

Material: Images 1-6 as needed - exaggerated and old stories
Let students observe examples of legends, on images 1-6. Based on them ask them to choose “a” or “b”, what best describes it. - about important events or people
Usually ... - they are not always true
a) Legends are old stories. b) Legends are recent stories. - settings
a) Legends are told by generations. b) Legends are written in newspapers. - characters
a) Legends are completely true. b) Legends are not always true.
a) Legends speak about fantasy. b) Legends speak about important event or people.
a) Legends are exact stories. b) Legends are exaggerated stories.

Elicit choral repetition (build confidence in students to express full ideas instead of isolated words):
“Legends are old and exaggerated stories told by generations about important event or people, they are not always true.”
Adapt to shorter sentences if necessary and practice in pairs e.g. Legends are old stories. Legends are not always true.

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Optional: Similar activity can be used with Week 21 Video, Coordinación de Idiomas in Youtube. It includes choral repetitions, Parts of a legend:
answering questions and reading aloud. Click here to watch it: Pause it to read aloud at their own pace. - title
Practice: 20 minutes - characters
Material: Images 1-6 as needed, and worksheet 1. - settings
Read aloud the following legend, just as an example, to identify characteristics of legends (its content will be detailed in session 2): - introduction
The Foundation of Tenochtitlan - development
One of the most beautiful Mexican legends recounts that the people of Aztlan received orders - conclusion
of their god Huitzilopochtli to leave their home, in search of the promised land, and build a temple
in his honor.
It is believed that Aztecs, whose name means the people of Aztlan, began to emigrate in the 6th
century to abandon the place where they lived, and start a pilgrimage to find a place where an
eagle perched on a prickly pear cactus, devouring a snake would be.
Finally, the Aztecs found the place on an island in the middle of the lake, the promised land,
expecting to build the most powerful empire in Mesoamerica. Verb:
- become / became (for people)
- come to be / came to be (for events)
To explore of legends, read the following abstracts from images 1-6, give students a copy of worksheet 1:
 The Sword in the Stone legend is about how Arthur became a king. Important elements; sword and stone.
 The Foundation of Tenochtitlan legend is about how the Aztec Empire came to be. Important elements; Aztecs and eagle.
 Mulan legend is about how a Chinese girl became a warrior. Important elements; Mulan and her sword.

Ask students to take notes: A legend is a very old story that people tell, about a famous event or person; it is not always true.
Examples: Tenochtitlan, Mulan, and The Sword in the stone.

Production: 10 minutes
Material: Images 1-6 as needed
Ask students to name the corresponding legend “Mulan”, “Sword in the Stone”, or “Tenochtitlan” as it is described:
- It´s about how the Aztec Empire came to be.
- It´s about how a Chinese girl became a warrior.
- It´s about how Arthur became a king.

Then, show image 1 and say “Foundation of Tenochtitlan. What is it about?” Mention the three options to elicit answers by rows,
expected answer: It´s about how the Aztec Empire came to be. Then, elicit a couple of individual responses.
Pair work: Student A asks while student B answers. Switch turns, now student B asks and student A answers.

Wrap up: 5 minutes

Material: N/A
Elicit answers to wrap up this session. If open questions remain unanswered, give them options.
- What´s a legend? It is a very old story that people tell, about a famous event or person…
- What´s Foundation of Tenochtitlan legend about? It´s about how the Aztec Empire came to be.
- What´s Mulan legend about? It´s about how a Chinese girl became a warrior.
- What´s The Sword in the Stone legend about? It´s about how King Arthur became a king.
- Which of these is a Mexican legend? The foundation of Tenochtitlan.

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Session 2 Knowing about the language
Warm up: 5 minutes (Background):
Material: Image 1 and highlighter (pen or photo editor in electronic devices) Nouns:
After a welcome routine, foster curiosity by showing one item from image 1, and ask, e.g.: “Is this a a) snake or a b) cactus?” - Aztecs
It´s optional to put image 1 in a sheet protector, and with a dry marker trace the chosen item. Erase and reuse as needed. - snake
- lake
- cactus
- island
- empire
- land
- temple

Presentation: 15 minutes
Material: Image 1 and 4, and an irregular verb list (they usually come in dictionaries or English books). Action Verbs:
Make 3 teams. Give each team one paragraph from the legend below. In teams, students seek the mentioned phrase in the text, e.g. - recounts
This phrase means “Hermosas leyendas mexicanas” beautiful Mexican legends, look for it and read it aloud once you found it. - received*
- leave*
The Foundation of Tenochtitlan - Legend
- promised
Unknown author
- build *
1. One of the most beautiful Mexican legends, recounts that, people of Aztlan received - abandon
orders of their god Huitzilopochtli to leave their home, in search of the promised land, and build - lived*
a temple in his honor. - perched
- found*
2. It is believed that Aztecs, whose name means the people of Aztlan, began to emigrate in - promised
the 6th century and abandoned the place where they lived. They started a pilgrimage to find - emigrate
a place where an eagle perched on a prickly pear cactus, devouring a snake would be. *When introducing verbs, focus on high
frequency ones which are more likely to
3. Finally, the Aztecs found the place on an island in the middle of the lake, the promised
be reused.
land, expecting to build the most powerful empire in Mesoamerica.

In pairs, give students a minute to list the words they know and share its meaning. Then, to extend vocabulary lists, switch pairs.
After vocabulary review, read aloud and make comprehension questions.
High frequency action verbs:
- recounts that
Practice: 15 minutes
- received orders
Material: It is highly recommended to display image 4 the biggest possible, or write it on the board.
- left their home
Display the legend and underline key actions in it. Mention a phrase in Spanish and ask students to find it in English, e.g.
- where they lived
Paragraph 1, “…cuenta que..” Expected answer: “…recounts that…” Echo their answers to help them pronounce clearly.
- built a temple
For writing practice, write a couple incomplete sentences on the board and have students complete them.
- found a place
Production: 10 minutes
Material: N/A
Have students divide a notebook sheet in 5 sections, and fill out each section as shown below:

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Title: The Foundation of Tenochtitlan

Characters: Setting:
Huitzilopochtli Aztecs Tenochtitlan
Introduction: Development: Conclusion:

Aztecs received orders from their Emigration. Aztecs left their home in Aztecs built the most powerful empire in
god Huitzilopochtli. search of a promised land. Mesoamerica.

Wrap up: 5 minutes

Material: Previously illustrated chart
Invite some students to read their sentences aloud and show their illustrations. To verify group understanding ask the following:
- Which character belongs to the legend of Tenochtitlan?
- Which is the setting of the legend Foundation of Tenochtitlan?
- Which is the most important element in the legend of Tenochtitlan?
- Which are the main events in this legend?

Session 3 Knowing about the language

Warm up: 5 minutes (Background):
Material: N/A Review:
After a welcome routine. Have students classify the words in the box, students will choose left (characters) or right (settings) Legends
stretching their arms towards the corresponding direction.
Mulán castle Tenochtitlan Aztecs heroes England Huitzilopochtli father lake China Warrior King Arthur Wizard gods

Presentation: 15 minutes
Material: Image 2 and 5, board and an irregular verb list (they usually come in dictionaries or English books). Verbs:
Make 3 teams. Give each team one paragraph from the legend below. In teams, students will look for the mentioned phrase in the - lived
text, e.g. This phrase means “Mucho tiempo atras en China antigua” Long time ago in ancient China and say it once you found it. - believed*
- was
Mulan - Legend
- knew*
1. Long time ago in ancient China, Mulan lived. Mulan's father believed everyone should know
how to fight, even girls. He was too old to fight, but not too old to teach Mulan how to ride a horse
- suspected*
and use a sword. - received
- became
2. Men were needed for the army. Mulan knew her father would never survive another battle; her *New verbs
brother was a young child. She was the only one who could take her father's place.
3. No one ever suspected that she was a girl. When the war was over, Mulan received a special
award from the emperor himself for her outstanding courage.
In pairs, give students a minute to list the words they know and share its meaning. Then, to extend vocabulary lists, switch pairs.
After vocabulary review, read aloud and make comprehension questions.
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Practice: 5 minutes
Material: Image 5
Read the following sentences making emphasis in both answers and ask students to identify the corresponding verb in past.
- Mulan lived live in China. - Mulan´s father believed believe everyone should know how to fight.
- Men were was needed for the army. - Mulan became become a warrior.
- No one suspected suspect she was a girl. - Mulan receive received a special award from the emperor.

Production: 15 minutes
Material: N/A
Have students divide a notebook sheet in 5 sections, then ask them to fill out, each section as shown below:
Title: Mulan
Characters: Setting:

Mulan Mulan´s father The Emperor

Ancient China
Introduction: Development: Conclusion:

Mulan's father believed everyone should Men were needed for the army. She Mulan received a special award from the
know how to fight. He taught Mulan was the only one who could take her emperor. For her outstanding courage.
how to ride a horse and use a sword. father's place.

Wrap up: 10 minutes

Material: N/A
Have some students read aloud sentences from the previous chart and show their illustrations. Check comprehension by asking:
-Which are the characters in this legend? - Which is its setting? - Which events take place at the beginning of the legend? Etc.
For class reinforcement, play video Week 22 click here:

Session 4 Knowing about the language

Warm up: 5 minutes (Background):
Material: N/A Legend: The Sword in the Stone.
After a welcome routine, write sentences from legends seen before, let students choose its verb tense from two options, e.g.: Characters:
King Arthur become became king of England. No one ever suspected suspect that Mulan was a girl. - King
Optional: A similar interactive activity can be found in Week 23 Video, Coordinación de Idiomas at Youtube, click here to watch it: - Arthur Stop it at min 2:45, before the vocabulary of today´s legend is introduced. - Wizard Merlin
- Sir Ector
Presentation: 15 minutes - Nobles
Material: N/A Setting:
Introduce new vocabulary, use the chart below to classify the elements of the legend, before the legend is fully read. - England
Vocabulary could be also introduced by playing the video from min 2:50 on, which includes visual scenes for the legend. - Kingdom
- Castle

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Title: The Sword in the Stone Important elements:
Characters: Setting: Elements: - sword
. . .
- stone
King Arthur Sir Ector Wizard Merlin nobles witnesses England sword and stone
- wanted*
sword Sir Ector Wizard Merlin Arthur King Nobles Witnesses England stone - kill
- become
Ask students to make predictions based on images, Spanish is allowed. Use their predictions to list and introduce in English unknown - took*
verbs, such as the verbs in bold which are first-time seen in this unit. Then, read legend aloud or play video from min 3:30 to 5:25. - protect
The Sword in the Stone – Legend - grew
- put*
This English legend recounts that some bad man wanted to kill Arthur, the King´s son, so they could - died- announced.
become king. One-day Wizard Merlin took Arthur to live with the king´s best friend Sir Ector, to protect - pulled*
him. No one knew where he was, so he grew wise and being good. - told*
One day the king died, nobles started fighting about who will be king, and people started - became
becoming poorer and hungrier. Then, Wizard Merlin put a sword in a stone and announced: “The one
who could pull out the sword from the stone would be the king.” All nobles wanted to be.
Merlin tells Arthur about the sword and about his father. He invites him to try pull out the sword,
many witnessed how some strong man tried, but when Arthur did, he pulled out the sword and
became the new king of England. England became a happy place again.

Practice: 10 minutes
Material: Irregular verb list.
Using an irregular verbs list. Ask students to highlight all verbs they saw in this legend; they could write its meaning using pencil.

Production: 10 minutes
Material: N/A
Ask students to complete the following sentences to describe the events in this legend. Let them use the words in a box.
Introduction: Development: Conclusion:

1. Some bad man wanted to kill Arthur, the 4. One day the king died, nobles 6. Wizard Merlin invites him to try pull out
King´s son to become king. started fighting about who will be the sword.
2. One-day Wizard Merlin took Arthur to king. 7. Some strong man tried.
live with the king´s best friend Sir Ector to 5. Wizard Merlin put a sword in a 8. When Arthur did, he pulled out the
protect him. stone and announced: “The one sword and became the new king of
3. No one knew where he was, so he grew who could pull out the sword from England.
wise and being good. the stone would be the king.”

Wrap up: 10 minutes

Material: N/A
Invite students to write in a paper piece, an event they remember form King Arthur´s legend (one sentence). Take a random paper
piece to act it out and play charades, students will have to guess which event was written in the paper piece.

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Session 5 Knowing about the language
Warm up: 10 minutes (Background):
Material: N/A Verbs in past:
On the board, write variety of past events using verbs previously seen. Have two kids run to choose an event and translate it to - pulled
Spanish, assess their level of reading comprehension and identify which verbs need reinforcement. - received
Became friends Built a Lego Did homework Found a dog - told
Lived close to school Put on a sweater Pulled the door Received a gift - took
Took a shower Suspected she lied Left home at 7:40 Told her to come
Thinking verbs in past:
Presentation: 5 minutes - believed
Material: N/A - knew
Write the following on the board: A diary is that special place where we keep our most beloved stories. Show examples. - suspected
Dear diary, Dear diary, - wanted
Today I became friend to Aline, Today my homework was difficult, I tried so hard and I finished it, later
she invited me to eat pizza and we had fun. my teacher said I was so smart.

Practice: 20 minutes
Material: N/A
Ask students to describe three real and recent events and write them on their notebook.
They could keep two events to themselves and share one of them in class.

Production: 10 minutes
Material: Posters
Invite them to continue writing on their diary. Tell them they can use their irregular verbs list or dictionary to write on it. Invite
students to describe as detailed as possible, their favorite day in this week.

Wrap up: 10 minutes

Material: N/A
Invite students to share a couple of important events.

Assessment tools: 10 9 8 7 6 References and resources:

Rubric ALWAYS USUALLY SOMETIMES RARELY NEVER Aprendizajes Clave Lengua Extranjera
Student uses non-verbal language to represent legends Inglés 4to grado
Student understands the content of legends Youtube, Coordinación de Idiomas 4th
Student identifies the parts of legends grade, week 21-23:
Student plays the role of a speaker when reading legends.
Student writes about previous events.
**You can add more criteria to assess.

Principal’s name and signature: Date:

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Image 1
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Image 2

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kingdom wizard village

King father son

Fight sword stone

Strong wise knight

poor death

Witness warrior announcement

Image 3

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The Foundation of Tenochtitlan

One of the most beautiful Mexican legends recounts that

the people of Aztlan received orders of their god
Huitzilopochtli to leave their home, in search of the
promised land, and build a temple in his honor.
It is believed that Aztecs, whose name means the people
of Aztlan, began to emigrate in the 6th century to abandon
the place where they lived, and start a pilgrimage to find a
place where an eagle perched on a prickly pear cactus,
devouring a snake would be.
Finally, the Aztecs found the place on an island in the
middle of the lake, the promised land, expecting to build
the most powerful empire in Mesoamerica.

Image 4

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Long time ago, there lived a girl in ancient China named Mulan. Her
father was a retired general. He was too old to fight, but not too old to
teach Mulan how to ride a horse and use a sword. Mulan's father
believed everyone should know how to fight, even girls.
Men were needed for the army. Mulan knew her father would never
survive another battle, her brother was a young child. There was only
Mulan who could take her father's place. But the military did not take
girls as replacements for fighting men. Quietly, Mulan stole his father
armor. She disguised herself as a man. The warriors accepted "him" in her
father's place.
No one ever suspected that she was a girl. When the war was over,
Mulan received a special award from the emperor himself for her
outstanding courage. The emperor gave her a horse and a bag full of
wealth, and wished her a safe trip home. Her family greeted her with joy.
Everyone spread Mulan's story across China. Her story inspired many
young women, who demanded to learn how to ride a horse and use a
sword, just like Mulan.
Image 5
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The Sword in the Stone - Legend
This English legend recounts that some bad man wanted to
kill Arthur, the King´s son, so they could become king. One-
day Wizard Merlin took Arthur to live with the king´s best
friend Sir Ector to protect him. No one knew where he was,
so he grew wise and being good.

One day the king died, nobles started fighting about who
will be king, and people started becoming poorer and
hungrier. Then, Wizard Merlin put a sword in a stone and
announced: “The one who could pull out the sword from the
stone would be the king.” All nobles wanted to be.

Merlin tells Arthur about the sword and about his father. He
invites him to try pull out the sword, many witnessed how
some strong man try, but when Arthur did, he pulled out the
sword and became the new king of England.
England became a happy place again.
Image 6

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The Foundation of Tenochtitlan - Legend The Foundation of Tenochtitlan - Legend
One of the most beautiful Mexican legends recounts that the people One of the most beautiful Mexican legends recounts that the people
of Aztlan received orders of their god Huitzilopochtli to leave their of Aztlan received orders of their god Huitzilopochtli to leave their
home, in search of the promised land, and build a temple in his honor. home, in search of the promised land, and build a temple in his honor.
It is believed that Aztecs, whose name means the people of Aztlan, began to It is believed that Aztecs, whose name means the people of Aztlan, began to
emigrate in the 6th century to abandon the place where they lived, and start a emigrate in the 6th century to abandon the place where they lived, and start a
pilgrimage to find a place where an eagle perched on a prickly pear cactus, pilgrimage to find a place where an eagle perched on a prickly pear cactus,
devouring a snake would be. devouring a snake would be.
Finally, the Aztecs found the place on an island in the middle of the lake, the Finally, the Aztecs found the place on an island in the middle of the lake, the
promised land, expecting to build the most powerful empire in Mesoamerica. promised land, expecting to build the most powerful empire in Mesoamerica.

Mulan - Legend Mulan - Legend

Long time ago, there lived a girl in ancient China named Mulan. Her Long time ago, there lived a girl in ancient China named Mulan. Her
father was a retired general. He was too old to fight, but not too old father was a retired general. He was too old to fight, but not too old to
to teach Mulan how to ride a horse and use a sword. Mulan's father teach Mulan how to ride a horse and use a sword. Mulan's father
believed everyone should know how to fight, even girls. believed everyone should know how to fight, even girls.

Men were needed for the army. Mulan knew her father would never survive Men were needed for the army. Mulan knew her father would never survive
another battle, her brother was a young child. There was only Mulan who could another battle, her brother was a young child. There was only Mulan who could
take her father's place. But the military did not take girls as replacements for take her father's place. But the military did not take girls as replacements for
fighting men. Quietly, Mulan stole his father armor. She disguised herself as a man. fighting men. Quietly, Mulan stole his father armor. She disguised herself as a man.
The warriors accepted "him" in her father's place. No one ever suspected that she The warriors accepted "him" in her father's place. No one ever suspected that she
was a girl. was a girl.
When the war was over, Mulan received a special award from the emperor
When the war was over, Mulan received a special award from the emperor
himself for her outstanding courage. The emperor gave her a horse and a bag
himself for her outstanding courage. The emperor gave her a horse and a bag
full of wealth, and wished her a safe trip home. Her family greeted her with joy.
full of wealth, and wished her a safe trip home. Her family greeted her with joy.
Everyone spread Mulan's story across China. Her story inspired many young
Everyone spread Mulan's story across China. Her story inspired many young
women, who demanded to learn how to ride a horse and use a sword, just like
women, who demanded to learn how to ride a horse and use a sword, just like

The Sword in the Stone - Legend The Sword in the Stone - Legend
This English legend recounts that some bad man wanted to kill Arthur, This English legend recounts that some bad man wanted to kill Arthur,
the King´s son, so they could become king. One-day Wizard Merlin took the King´s son, so they could become king. One-day Wizard Merlin took
Arthur to live with the king´s best friend Sir Ector to protect him. No one Arthur to live with the king´s best friend Sir Ector to protect him. No one
knew where he was, so he grew wise and being good. knew where he was, so he grew wise and being good.
One day the king died, nobles started fighting about who will be king, and One day the king died, nobles started fighting about who will be king, and
people started becoming poorer and hungrier. Then, Wizard Merlin put a sword people started becoming poorer and hungrier. Then, Wizard Merlin put a sword
in a stone and announced: “The one who could pull out the sword from the stone in a stone and announced: “The one who could pull out the sword from the stone
would be the king.” All nobles wanted to be. would be the king.” All nobles wanted to be.
Merlin tells Arthur about the sword and about his father. He invites him to try pull Merlin tells Arthur about the sword and about his father. He invites him to try pull
out the sword, many witnessed how some strong man try, but when Arthur did, out the sword, many witnessed how some strong man try, but when Arthur did,
he pulled out the sword and became the new king of England. England became he pulled out the sword and became the new king of England. England
a happy place again. became a happy place again.

Worksheet 1
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