General Guidelines For The Operation of Special Education Services in The State of Veracruz

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General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz

The General Guidelines for the Operation of the Special Education Services of the State of
Veracruz was prepared by the Special Education Collegiate, made up of the management staff
and technical support of the Directorate of Special Education, the State and Federalized Special
Education Departments and the Technical Coordination of CAPEP, belonging to the
Undersecretariat of Basic Education, of the Secretariat of Education of Veracruz.

Adolfo Mota Hernandez

Secretary of Education of Veracruz

Xóchitl A. Osorio Martinez

Undersecretary of Basic Education

Delfina Cuevas Aguilar

Director of Special Education

Herminia Mancilla Ortiz

Head of the Department of Technical Support for Teaching

Ma. from los Ángeles Rueda Ortega

Head of the State Department of Special Education

Hely Alberto González Gómez

Head of the Federalized Special Education Department

In collaboration with:

Alejandra Rivera Murrieta Herminia Mancilla Ortiz

Ana María Hernández Mota Irma Valencia Colorado
Anabel Amaro Amaro José Alfredo Teczon Viccon
Basilia Rivera Guzmán Juan Carlos Velasco Pérez
Carlos Alberto Campos Almeyda Dea Laura Dolores Carreon Ramirez
del Socorro Martínez Tirado Delfina Lucia Morales Sandoval
Cuevas Aguilar Marcela Espino Vargas
Dora Elda Brauer Victoria María de los Ángeles Rueda Ortega
Eduardo Enrique González Báez María Gabriela Balderas Contreras
Elia Itzel Rodríguez Hernández Erika Martha Angélica Rojas Luna
Yazmín Martínez García Esperanza Nadeni Paloma Suástegui Mora
Aurora Hernández Martínez Esther Nora Nancy León Landero
Méndez Fuentes Sara Concepción Morales Vázquez
Hector Hugo Garrido Medina Silvia Paola Rodríguez Candia
Hely Alberto González Gómez Ysabel Ferman Cano


General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz

The right to education 23
Inclusive education 24
Disability, Special Educational Needs and Barriers to Learning and Participation 26
Curricular Standards and Expected Learning 34
Definition 36
General purpose 36
Specific Purposes 36
Organization 37
Functioning 39
Bonding 45
Service Evaluation 46
1 .- Promotion of Pedagogical Improvement 47
2 .- Shared pedagogical planning 47
3 .- Centrality of learning 47
4 .- Commitment to learn 48
5 .- Equity in learning opportunities 48
g) - Effective leadership 48
h) - Climate of trust 48
i) - Commitment to teach 49
j) - Shared decisions 49
k) .- Institutional planning 49
11 .- Self appraisal 49
12 .- Communication of performance 50
13 .- School networks 50
14 .- Effective functioning of the school technical council in the support service 51
15 .- Parent participation in the support service 52
17 .- Support for learning at home 52
General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz

18 .- Resource Optimization 52
19 .- School control 53
20 .- Infrastructure 53
Functions of Support Service Personnel 53
Definition 58
General purpose 59
Specific Purposes 59
Organization 60
Functioning 66
Bonding 75
Service Evaluation 76
1. - Promotion of Pedagogical Improvement 76
2. Shared Pedagogical Planning 77
3. - Centrality of Learning 77
4. Commitment to Learn 77
5. Equity in Learning Opportunities 78
6. Effective Leadership 78
7. Climate of Trust 78
8. Commitment to Teaching 79
9. Shared Decisions 79
10. Institutional Planning 79
11. Self appraisal 79
12. Performance Communication 80
13. School Networks 80
14. Effective Operation of the School Technical Council (CTE) 80
15. Effective Operation of the School Council for Social Participation (CEPS) 81
16. Parent Participation in School 81
17. Support for Home Learning 81
18. Resource Optimization 82
19. School control 82
20. Infrastructure 82
Functions of School Services Personnel 82
Definition. 91
General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz

General purpose 91
Specific Purposes 91
Organization 92
Functioning 94
Bonding 95
Service Evaluation 96
1. Promotion of pedagogical improvement 97
2. Shared pedagogical planning 97
3. Centrality of learning 97
4. Effective leadership 98
5. Climate of trust 98
6. Commitment to inform, train and guide 99
7. Shared decisions 99
8. Institutional planning 99
9. Self appraisal 99
10. Performance communication 100
11. School networks 100
12. Effective functioning of the technical council 100
13. Parent involvement 101
14. Support for learning at home 101
15. Resource Optimization 101
18 School control 102
19 Infrastructure 102
Functions of Guidance Services Staff 102


General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz


One of the priorities of the Ministry of Public Education (SEP) and the Ministry of
Education of Veracruz (SEV), is to have an educational system that responds with
equity and efficiency to the needs of all students by providing the relevant
opportunities and resources. to promote their educational development.

In this sense, the Comprehensive Reform of Basic Education assumes the principles
of inclusive education as key in the articulation of the preschool, primary and
secondary levels, to offer a comprehensive education that balances training in citizen
values and the development of skills for life.

In accordance with this Educational Reform, it is necessary to update and reorient

Special Education services, unifying criteria and procedures in relation to their
operation, in order to ensure quality education for students with disabilities,
generalized developmental disorders, abilities outstanding or other conditions at risk
of exclusion.

Based on legal, regulatory and conceptual foundations that currently regulate

international, national and state educational policies, the General Guidelines for the
Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz were developed as a
guide to carry out the technical and pedagogical processes. of these educational
centers in the transition towards Inclusive Education.

This document was enriched through consultation and analysis with Sector Heads,
School Supervisors and technical-pedagogical advisors who contributed, from their
vision and experience as figures close to the daily operation of support, schooling and
guidance services, to the translation into concrete actions of aspects contemplated in
the Educational Reform.

General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz

The purpose of this document is to support the transition process towards inclusive
education, providing personnel who work in special education services and CAPEP
with the substantive elements to understand the current approach to basic education
of which we are an important part and the role that corresponds to us, given that due
to our history, we are a group with experience in addressing diversity, especially
disability, outstanding abilities, and other needs related to learning processes, as well
as those related to components of inclusive education. All of this commits us

In this sense, the role of special education focuses on accompanying, advising and
supporting schools in the construction of cultures, policies and practices that promote
quality education with equity for all students.
This implies a great challenge for the educational system and specifically for special
education services: the commitment to ongoing training to work collaboratively and
find diverse solutions so that all students receive the necessary support to continue

The document is organized into 7 sections and begins with the presentation of general
provisions that emanate from the regulations of the workers of the Secretary of Public
Education and the Secretary of Education of Veracruz, where the normative elements
on the subject are specifically specified. of human resources, materials, school
calendar and civic and cultural activities carried out in the institution.

The second and third sections address the legal and regulatory elements that support
the rights of people with disabilities, inclusive education, attention to diversity and, in
essence, the right of everyone to quality education, as well as the approach and
components of the Comprehensive Reform of Basic Education.

In the conceptual framework, which is the fourth section, an analysis of theoretical

elements is presented that allow the attributes of quality education, inclusive education
and the evolution of the concepts that have been used to define people with
disabilities to be clearly identified. some disability, passing through the controversial
concept of special educational needs, which despite its original definition of
emphasizing educational resources or provisions to support students, was assumed
as a label to categorize them, until arriving at the analysis of the concept of barriers to
learning and participation, which focuses not on the student's difficulties but on the
resources and support necessary for everyone to learn and participate, eliminating the
obstacles of the classroom, school, family and social context.

General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz

The fifth, sixth and seventh sections present technical-pedagogical and organizational
elements that guide the operation of support, schooling and guidance services; as well
as staff functions and performance standards to support your formative evaluation
process by permanently identifying opportunities for improvement.

Finally, a brief glossary of terms and acronyms that appear in the document, the
bibliography and the electronic sources consulted is presented.

Our recognition to all the staff who committedly contributed elements, opinions and
ideas to the preparation of this document.

We invite you to continue enriching it.

General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz

1. School work will be subject to the current school calendar, published by the Ministry
of Public Education and will be suspended only on the days indicated in the official
calendar and those determined by the Federal and/or State Executive Branch, if

2. On Mondays, at the beginning of school work, Honors will be paid to the National
Flag (Salute and entry of the National Labaro, Pledge to the Flag, singing of the
Mexican National Anthem: salute and exit of the Flag), as well as at the beginning,
end of the course, and in the civic commemorations of the School Calendar, in the
terms provided in the corresponding law. During the ceremony, all school staff will
be present and it is recommended that parents be cordially invited to remain during
the event, at the end of which the Hymn to Veracruz will be sung. In educational
establishments where students with hearing disabilities are served, the National
Anthem will be performed in Mexican Sign Language.

3. Civic commemorations must be incorporated into the school's Annual Planning and
will have the purpose of strengthening the civic training of students and the

4. The participation of both teachers and students in civic events and parades will be
considered part of their civic training and will not be a reason to suspend classes
on a subsequent date. With the purpose of strengthening national identity, national
and regional customs and traditions will be promoted, avoiding celebrations of
foreign origin.

5. The participation of students in activities with outreach to the community, such as

campaigns, excursions, visits, ceremonies and civic parades, exhibitions,
demonstrations, contests, etc., must be based on the educational purposes of the
Study Plan and Programs.

6. Educational services must carry out permanent security, care for nature and health
campaigns, within the campus and with projection to the community.

7. Activities carried out outside school facilities must be known to the parent or
guardian and have their written authorization. These activities must be
contemplated in the strategic planning of the service and/or in the respective
planning of the teacher, to be validated by the school supervisor.

General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz

8. Work schedules must be strictly adhered to. The staff will record daily attendance in
a special notebook, signing at the beginning of their day and upon leaving or on
the time clock, as the case may be. In the event that any worker does not comply
with the established schedules, the director must report it in writing to the
corresponding School Supervision.

9. Staff must request financial permits, in writing and in advance, from the service
management in order to organize the activities of the institution and avoid
suspension of student care.

10. The educational service personnel must submit the medical disabilities to the
director in a timely manner for the corresponding procedures.

11. The director must monitor incidents of the personnel under his/her charge,
reporting in a timely manner to school supervision or zone technical coordination,
control of attendance, absence and medical leaves.

12. When the personnel assigned to special education services do not attend work for
three consecutive days without justification, the director must report the incident to
school supervision or zone technical coordination the next day, in accordance with
the established format and mechanism.

13. In cases where service personnel fail to comply with their duties, the director must
apply the corresponding sanction.

14. The director who ignores any non-compliance by teachers will be subject to the
corresponding disciplinary measures from the higher authority.1 (GOE 2006)

15. Directors must submit to School Supervision the report of personnel incidents in
the periods and formats established by the State Secretary of Education.

16. In schools where there is an effective director, he must attend to the groups in the
absence of the regular teacher, to prevent students from leaving. In the event that
the director or person in charge of the direction is not released from the group, he
will make arrangements so that the students are attended to.

17. If any member of the management, teaching, administrative, technical or manual

staff changes assignment, the corresponding authority will not issue their release
document until they have delivered the official documentation in accordance with
the position held to their immediate boss. It is the director's responsibility to keep
the movement of personnel, additions and terminations updated at the time they

1 Internal Regulations of the SEV (GOE 2006)

General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz

occur within the SIPSEV.

18. School buildings, their annexes and other services will be used only for the specific
purposes for which they are intended.

19. In the event of any accident or school emergency, the educational service must
request the support of the local civil protection area and report the incident to the
corresponding educational authorities.

20. Smoking is prohibited in buildings where public services of an educational nature

are provided, based on the provisions of current legislation for the protection of
non-smokers in the state of Veracruz.

21. The care of the school building, the consumption of electricity, drinking water and
telephone service in educational services should be encouraged.

22. The internal and external conditions of the real estate and the spaces where the
service is located must be identified and evaluated in order to know the risks to
which the educational community is exposed, operate and evaluate the internal
civil protection and school emergency program.

23. In case of contingencies , the director of the educational service must report
relevant situations that alter the normal development of activities, promptly
communicating to his immediate superior authority through the established
channels, to take the necessary measures, in order to ensure well-being. of
students and workplace staff.

24. The registration, re-enrollment, accreditation and certification processes of

students must be developed according to the provisions established in the current
School Control Standards.

25. The list of school supplies requested for the attention of students will be subject to
the provisions of the Ministry of Education. If there are subsequent requirements,
parents may acquire them on a deferred basis when there is a need to do so.

26. In order to take advantage of technological resources in favor of administrative

simplification and to optimize human and material resources, school management
must provide, at the beginning and end of the school year or in defined periods,
the information requested electronically by the different instances of the Ministry of

27. It is prohibited to provide to individuals and/or any other entity, information related

General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz

to data of staff, students, fixed assets and in general about the school
organization, except to the educational authorities of the Secretariat of Education
of Veracruz and the Secretariat of Education. Public.

28. The official seal with the National Shield, the tickets, certificates and certificates
are part of the fixed assets of each school and will be used as specified by current
legal-administrative regulations. In case of improper use, the provisions of the Law
on the Shield, Flag and National Anthem will be followed, without prejudice to the
provisions of other applicable laws. In case of loss, the director or person in charge
of the school will prepare an administrative record, in which the development of
such events is recorded and the complaint will be made to the Public Ministry of its
corresponding jurisdiction. The administrative record and the report of the facts
must be sent to the school supervision or technical coordination of the zone and to
the Department of Special Education as appropriate. It is important to request
advice from the respective legal area.

29. The conclusion of the school year will be subject to the current official calendar.
Closings cannot be carried out before the indicated date.2 (GOE 2006)

30. State workers, directors and teaching staff of educational services, when they
separate from their employment, position or commission, will be required to
present a report on the matters within their jurisdiction and deliver the financial,
human and material resources assigned to them. for the exercise of their legal
powers, to those who replace them in their functions, the process of which will
culminate with the delivery to the satisfaction of the corresponding areas, of the
delivery-reception record. In cases where the outgoing public servant fails to
comply with the provisions of the regulations , he will not be relieved of the
obligations set forth therein, nor of the responsibilities that he may have incurred
due to his employment, position or commission.3 (DOF 1946)

One of the greatest achievements in legal matters that have been achieved in the
country is that obtained through the promulgation of the constitutional reform in matters
of human rights.4 , (DOF 2012) since the objective of this reform is to offer Mexicans a
renewed, more transparent and fair legal system.

This reform grants constitutional recognition to the human rights protected by

international treaties ratified by Mexico. With this enactment, the obligation of all

3 Regulation of the General Working Conditions of the SEP staff. (DOF 1946)
4Human Rights Commission Law (DOF 2012)
General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz

authorities to prevent, investigate, punish and repair violations of the rights of all
people is established.

All of these references give meaning and certainty to the changes that special
education services must consider in their purposes, so that they can respond to the
legal, ethical and social proclamations that the educational field is required to attend to
and promote.

In that sense, and specifically with respect to the process underway to build the identity
of special education in Mexico, it is relevant to highlight the agreements of the
Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Approved by the United Nations
General Assembly in 2006. , and in which the member countries acquired
commitments that must be translated into concrete actions within the different areas of
government competence, including education, and society in general.

Said Convention, in the first article, defines its purpose in terms of “promoting,
protecting and ensuring the full and equal enjoyment of all human rights and
fundamental freedoms by all persons with disabilities, and promoting respect for their
dignity.” inherent".

And in Article 24 related to education, the final declaration of the aforementioned

Convention, establishes the commitment of the state parties, in order to ensure “an
inclusive education system at all levels as well as lifelong learning” , seeking to make
this right effective “without discrimination and on the basis of equal opportunities.”

In the same logic, the General Education Law establishes in its article 2 that

Every individual has the right to receive education and, therefore, all
inhabitants of the country have the same opportunities to access the system

General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the OF
State of Veracruz

national educational system, simply by satisfying the requirements established by

the applicable general provisions.

The same Law indicates that, consequently, the measures that the educational
authorities will regulate must be

aimed at establishing conditions that allow the full exercise of each individual's
right to education, greater educational equity, as well as the achievement of
effective equality in opportunities to access and remain in educational services
(Art.32 paragraph I).

Article 41 of the General Education Law, in paragraph II, states:

In the case of minors with disabilities, this education will promote their integration
into regular basic education schools, through the application of specific methods,
techniques and materials. For those who do not achieve this integration, this
education will seek to satisfy basic learning needs for autonomous social and
productive coexistence, for which necessary programs and teaching support
materials will be developed.

It is also the responsibility of special education to provide guidance to parents or

guardians, as well as to teachers and staff of regular basic education schools in
schools where students with disabilities and/or outstanding abilities attend.

Regarding the identification and educational care of students with outstanding

aptitudes, the federal educational authority, based on its powers and budget
availability, will establish the guidelines for the diagnostic evaluation, the pedagogical
models and the accreditation and certification mechanisms necessary in the levels of
basic education, normal education, as well as high school and higher education in the
area of their competence. The institutions that make up the national educational
system will be subject to these guidelines.
Autonomous higher education institutions by law may establish agreements with the
federal educational authority in order to standardize criteria for attention, evaluation,
accreditation and certification, aimed at students with outstanding abilities.

In accordance with the above, the scope of special education currently focuses
particularly on people with disabilities, as well as those with outstanding abilities.

It is important to mention that Article 41 has been reformed based on the

transformation and changes of social, cultural, political, economic and technological
order that are experienced in the world and particularly in our country. Currently

General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz

is in a Reform process by the Legislative Branch. This Reform becomes relevant to

update the theoretical-philosophical essence of Special Education, its educational
positioning, its outlook on the subjects of care, as well as to substantiate its reason for
being and its essential tasks and at the same time to assume Inclusive Education as a
responsibility of the national educational system as a whole, so that schools and
classrooms become open contexts committed to attention to diversity.

Another legal instrument of fundamental importance is the Federal Law to Prevent and
Eliminate Discrimination (2008), which in its Article 4 alludes to the need to strengthen
the social and educational response guided by respect for human rights, thus avoiding
any discriminatory act; In that sense, this article defines discrimination

Any distinction, exclusion or restriction that, based on ethnic or national origin,

sex, age, disability, social or economic condition, health conditions, pregnancy,
language, religion, opinions, sexual orientation, marital status or any other, is
intended effect of preventing or nullifying the recognition or exercise of the rights
and real equality of opportunities of people. Xenophobia and anti-Semitism in
any of their manifestations will also be understood as discrimination.

This definition is important because it clarifies the conceptual and practical nature that
an act of a discriminatory nature can have in everyday life, also allowing it to be
distinguished from those behaviors that, to their advantage, some people could,
erroneously, point out as discrimination, therefore, In its Article 5, the same law,
defines the behaviors that are not considered discriminatory, such as

Those distinctions referring to specific skills or knowledge necessary for the

performance of a certain activity.
The distinction that in terms of social security institutions establish between
their insured and the rest of the population.
In education, the academic and evaluation requirements and established age
The differentiated care that is provided to people with mental illness for their
In general, all those that do not have the purpose of nullifying or impairing
rights, freedoms or equal opportunities, nor those that violate human dignity.

In the same legal field, an achievement of crucial relevance is the one published in
May 2011, relating to the promulgation in Mexico of the General Law for the inclusion
of people with disabilities , which literally states:

People with disabilities must enjoy all the rights like any individual, they must
not be subject to discrimination that violates their dignity, avoid an intimidating,
hostile, degrading or offensive environment, due to the disability or their

General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz

condition, otherwise, on the contrary, they must develop positive affirmative

actions through specific support aimed at preventing or compensating for the
disadvantages or difficulties they face in the incorporation and full participation
in the areas of political, economic, social and cultural life. (art.2 LIPD)

This law also indicates (art. 5) that

It is up to the public administration, in accordance with its scope of

competence, to promote the right to equal opportunities of people with
disabilities, through the establishment of anti-discrimination measures and
positive affirmative actions that allow their social integration, the principles that
must be observed are: social justice, equal opportunities, respect for the
evolution of the faculties of boys and girls with disabilities and their right to
preserve their identity; respect for inherent dignity, individual autonomy,
including the freedom to make one's own decisions and the independence of
individuals; full and effective participation and inclusion in society; respect for
difference and acceptance of disability as part of diversity and the human
condition; accessibility; non-discrimination; equality between women and men
with disabilities; transversality, and the others that are applicable.

Add the same Law that:

It is the responsibility of the Ministry of Public Education to promote the right to

education of people with disabilities, prohibiting any discrimination in schools,
educational centers, daycare centers or teaching or administrative staff of the
National Educational System through Promoting the inclusion of people with
disabilities. disability at all levels of the National Educational System,
developing and applying rules and regulations that avoid discrimination and
accessibility conditions in educational facilities, provide didactic, material and
technical support and have trained teaching staff (art.12).

In the State of Veracruz, Law 822 for the integration of people with disabilities,
published in March 2010, had already represented an important precedent in legal
matters, for which it would later begin to be promoted with greater force, around the
inclusion. In said law, the following regulations were established:

^ Educational authorities will recognize and ensure the right of people with
disabilities to inclusive, quality and free education, at all levels and modalities,
that allows them to fully develop human potential, the sense of dignity and self-
esteem. (art.22)
^ The Ministry of Education must guarantee the timely incorporation, channeling
and attention of people with disabilities at all levels of the State Educational
System, with special emphasis on basic education, with respect to
sectorization, as well as verify compliance with the standards registration, re-
registration, evaluation and certification issued by the Ministry of Public
Education, for educational inclusion;
^ Guarantee in public and private educational establishments, spaces that allow
free access and enjoyment of the facilities to people with disabilities; Timely
General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz

provide students with disabilities with adapted materials that allow them to
participate and eliminate barriers to learning;

General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz

Our country has signed different international agreements to promote inclusive
education, among them, the agreements derived from the World Conference on
Education for All in 1990 and the Salamanca Declaration in 1994, which constitute one
of the main foundations of this framework of action. .

These international documents are inspired by the principle of inclusion and by the
recognition of the need to act towards achieving "schools for all", that is, institutions
that include everyone, celebrate differences, support learning and respond to needs.
of each one.

These agreements constitute an important contribution to achieving Education for All,

creating the commitment to implement a system of Inclusive Education in all countries
of the world and conceiving it as a process of transformation of all educational centers,
so that all children and young people get the necessary support so that the barriers
that limit their learning, coexistence and participation are eliminated, and thus develop
all their potential.

Taking into account the aforementioned international framework, the priority of federal
public policy in educational matters is aimed at guaranteeing equity and improving the
quality of the process and results. Achieving educational justice and equity is one of
the priorities in education, which implies the implementation of a set of actions to
reverse educational inequality and favor the vulnerable population of our country
through greater and better resources. of which people with disabilities are part.

These claims are reflected in the current National Development Plan, from which the
Federal Education Sector Program is derived, which establishes the objectives, goals,
strategies and lines of action that support and justify the actions that will be
implemented in each federal entity.

Based on said National Plan and Sectoral Programs, the background that reflects the
orientation and regulatory framework of special education services in the country to
favor the integration process and now that of inclusive education, is the Education
Strengthening Program Special and Educational Integration (PROGRAM), which aims
to contribute to the consolidation of a more inclusive society, as well as to develop an
inclusive education policy within the educational system, where all people have equal
opportunities to achieve a dignified life .

Likewise, it is worth mentioning that, as part of Agreement 612, the official newspaper

General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz

of the federation publishes each fiscal year, the operating rules of said Program, which
establishes the regulatory provisions that range from the objectives and its specific
lines of action in response to: the priority needs of the population concerned; the
services and modalities that will be offered; options for improving professional skills;
operating conditions, equipment and accessibility.

In this sense, the 2012 Operating Rules indicate that “initial and basic education
schools must carry out inclusion actions that will be characterized by collective work,
social participation, and the determined participation of federal, local and municipal
educational authorities.” , and; for the promotion of access, permanence and
achievement of student learning.” (DOF.2011)

In other words, the PROGRAM favors the identification of the barriers that limit the
learning, coexistence and participation of students with disabilities, outstanding
aptitudes, specific talents, or those students without disabilities who require specific
and differentiated supports and strategies for the achievement of their learning.

Another regulatory document by the SEP is the one referring to the School Control
Standards for Basic Education, which regulates the operation of educational services,
specifies the regulatory aspects in daily school practice, and addresses the various
problems that arise, to ensure that students are fully protected in the exercise of their
educational rights; In this way, the Standards constitute a fundamental guiding axis in
decision-making in relation to the educational care of students who face barriers in the
context that limit their learning and participation, when they point out that “teaching
staff in schools in basic education will be responsible for conducting the teaching-
learning process in the groups of students under their charge, in accordance with the
Plan and Study Programs that correspond to each educational level, as well as
carrying out and recording the learning evaluation. of the students, in accordance with
the established provisions.”

In congruence with all the guidelines established in the aforementioned references, it

is important to cite Agreement 592 which establishes the Articulation of Basic
Education . In this Agreement, the role of Education in addressing diversity is raised
within pedagogical principle I.8, which states that:

Education is a fundamental right and a strategy to expand opportunities,

implement intercultural relations, reduce inequalities between social groups,
close gaps and promote equity. Therefore, by recognizing the diversity that
exists in our country, the educational system makes this right effective by
offering relevant and inclusive education.

Likewise, this Principle defines that Education is “relevant because it values, protects
and develops cultures and their visions and knowledge of the world, which are
General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz

included in curricular development; and adds that it is “inclusive because it seeks to

reduce as much as possible inequality in access to opportunities, and avoids the
different types of discrimination to which girls, boys and adolescents are exposed.”

This Principle also specifies the following:

To serve students who, due to their cognitive, physical, mental or sensory
disabilities (visual or auditory), require differentiated learning and teaching
strategies, it is necessary to identify barriers to learning in order to promote and
expand, in school and classrooms, learning opportunities, accessibility,
participation, autonomy and self-confidence, thereby helping to combat attitudes
of discrimination. On the other hand, to serve students with outstanding
aptitudes, the educational system has models of school and extracurricular
enrichment, and provides parameters to evaluate those who show significantly
higher performance than the rest of their peers in the intellectual area and
require early promotion.

To achieve this principle, the organization, the making of agreements and the
link between authorities, directors, teachers and mothers, fathers or guardians
are essential.

In this sense, basic education is responsible for creating scenarios based on

human rights and respect for human dignity, in which any student, regardless of
their conditions, develops intellectually, socially, emotionally and physically and,
to this end, , teachers are required to develop empathy towards the cultural
forms and needs of students that may be different from their conceptions.

Finally, another important normative document to support the educational process of

students is Agreement 648 (DOF.2012) which establishes the General Standards for
Evaluation, Accreditation, Promotion and Certification in the

Basic Education, which points out that, to conclude the Basic Education Reform
process, and giving continuity to Agreement 592, the SEP “has determined to
implement a new evaluation approach, which not only results in value judgments
about the achievements of student learning, but in actions that contribute to the
improvement of the educational process", which implies:

a) The active participation of the student in their training and constant

communication with them about their progress and possibilities for
b) Evaluate with a training approach, based on the expected learning and the
competencies established in the national curriculum;
c) Consider and address the specific needs of students and the contexts in
which they develop;
d) Strengthen feedback between teachers, students, parents or guardians;
e) Develop a timely pedagogical intervention to guarantee learning
achievement, so that teaching is adjusted to improve student performance,
General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz

f) In general, concentrate all efforts on improving teaching practice and
student performance.

In congruence with the approach of Inclusive Education and reaffirming the right to
education without any exclusion in article 2. Points out that the provisions of this
Agreement are applicable to all educational establishments and are issued without
prejudice to the adaptations that are necessary in terms of indigenous, special or adult
education, as well as those required in terms of the contexts and characteristics. of
each modality or educational service.”

For its part , article 3 of said Agreement states that the evaluation will be based on
“the assessment of the students' performance in relation to the achievement of the
expected learning and the competencies that these favor, in congruence with the
study programs.” preschool, primary and secondary education. Likewise, the
characteristics of social, linguistic and cultural plurality, needs, interests, abilities,
styles and learning rhythms of the students will be taken into account.” (DOF.2012)

Based on this Agreement, starting with the 2012-2013 school year, the Basic
Education Booklet (CEB) is implemented in which the teacher will record the
evaluation of the learning achieved by the students, indicating the level of
performance achieved in each block; It will specify the support that some students
may require to achieve the planned learning and, in agreement with the parents or
guardians, it will define the intervention strategy to follow. This measure is preventive
and is established from the second block onwards so that the necessary support is
provided in a timely manner and the progress of students in their learning process is
favored and the risk of non-promotion is reduced.

The CEB proposes, for special education services, the need to strengthen
collaborative work between the multidisciplinary team of the CAM and the support
service with the regular school, so that advice is provided to the group teacher in a
timely manner in the design of the reasonable adjustments necessary in the
evaluation process of students, primarily those with disabilities, who were promoted
with conditions, without having accredited the total number of subjects and those not
promoted and establishing the necessary supports to achieve the learning not

In the case of students with outstanding aptitudes and/or specific talents, Article 17
states that those who meet the requirements established in the applicable regulations
for accreditation, promotion and early certification, may be admitted to primary or
secondary education at a younger age than established or, skip the immediate school
grade that corresponds to them, at the same educational level .

General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz

With the issuance of agreement 648 and principle 1.7 “Evaluate to learn” of the 2011
Basic Education Curriculum, the commitment of the educational system and especially
the school to student learning is reiterated, favoring the educational conditions for that
everyone has the same opportunities to participate in quality training experiences,
during their basic education training journey.

General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz

To establish conceptual references that define the institutional identity of special
education services and at the same time guide their specific functions, it is particularly
important to clearly visualize the different pedagogical perspectives, the current
regulations and the history of special education. at least since 1992, the year in which
an educational reform was launched that to date has continuity in some of its premises
and processes.

The conceptual references that support and characterize education in general and
special education are described below.

The right to education

Education is a public good and a fundamental human right from which no one can be
excluded. The State must offer quality education that promotes the maximum
development of each person's potential, through socially relevant learning and
educational experiences relevant to their needs and the contexts in which they
develop and learn; without discrimination of any kind, implies moving towards an
approach that considers the diversity of identities, needs and capabilities of people,
favoring full access, completion of studies and learning achievements for all, with
special attention to those who are in risk of exclusion. That is to say, the right to
education is the right to learn and the right to learn from birth and throughout life.
(OREALC/Santiago, 2007).

To make the principle of the right to education a reality, it is necessary to cover

several parameters or conditions:

The Accessibility of educational institutions and programs : schools that are safe, that
are at a reasonable distance and do not have barriers that limit access and mobility
within them and in terms of the curriculum: means, resources and supports that allow
learning and participation in educational activities, such as learning in the mother
tongue, specific equipment, technical aids, culturally relevant educational materials,

Compulsory and free : Compulsory nature includes the duty of families, who cannot
deny the education of their children, and of the State, which must guarantee that all
boys, girls and adolescents attend basic education, for which it must ensure a free
education by eliminating financial and other obstacles that could prevent students from
completing the years considered mandatory in this country. (OREAL/UNESCO

General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz

Santiago, 2007)

Equality and non-discrimination : For the right to education to be justly guaranteed, it

must be recognized and applied to all people without distinction of any kind.
Discrimination is understood as “any distinction, exclusion, limitation or preference
based on race, color, sex, language, religion, political or any other opinion, national or
social origin, economic position or birth.” , which has the purpose or effect of
destroying or altering equal treatment in education and, in particular, limiting the
education of a person or a group to a lower level of standards, that is, offering an
education of unequal quality.” According to the Convention against Discrimination in
Education (UNESCO, 1960).

Non-discrimination in education requires eliminating practices that limit not only

access to education, but also the permanence and completion of studies and the full
development and learning of each person. Many students access school but are
excluded from learning; they do not fully participate in the curriculum or in educational
activities or in decision-making about those aspects that affect their lives. Making full
participation and non-discrimination effective requires the development of inclusive
schools that welcome all students in the community, regardless of their social and
cultural origin and their personal characteristics or life situations, and respond to their
needs. learning needs, providing them with the supports they need to participate and
learn. (OREALC/UNESCO Santiago, 2007)

Inclusive education

Inclusive education arises precisely as a response to the limitations that educational

systems face in the challenge of providing quality education to all, without distinction,
as a response to the growing social and educational exclusion of the population in
vulnerable situations. At the same time, Inclusive Education becomes relevant to
confront negative attitudes regarding differences, discrimination and prejudices that
have their origin in society and represent a serious obstacle to education (UNESCO

The term inclusive education has different meanings. In some cases, it is thought to
be a new way of calling special education, in others it is used as a synonym for the
integration of children and young people with disabilities or other students labeled as
having special educational needs, in school.

General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz

regular and, in others, less, it is used to refer to children who live in contexts of poverty
or in situations of vulnerability.

UNESCO (2009) defines inclusive education as a process aimed at responding to the

diversity of needs of all students, paying special attention to those people or groups
who are excluded or at greater risk of being marginalized or performing less than
expected. increasing their participation in learning, culture and communities, reducing
and eliminating exclusion in and from education. (UNESCO, 2005; Ainscow and
Booth, 2004)

The process of inclusive education constitutes one more step in the exercise of the full
right to quality education, since it is not only about traditionally excluded or segregated
students being educated in regular schools, but about them transforming their
cultures, policies and educational practices to encourage their full participation and
learning to respond to the diversity of educational needs of all students.

In summary, inclusive education implies a transformation of educational systems and

general education based on diversity and not homogeneity, considering approaches,
curriculum, evaluation systems and teacher training. Attention to diversity and
inclusion must be a transversal axis of general educational policies and a
responsibility of the educational system. (UNESCO 2010)

It is important to highlight that inclusive education also refers to the well-being and
participation of the educational community as a whole, considering the needs of
teachers and families.

As for teachers, it is necessary to achieve a change in conceptions, attitudes and

practices that allow them to welcome all students and take responsibility for their
learning, regardless of their social and cultural origin and their individual
characteristics and that the resources and support systems , are available to all
schools and students that require them.

One of the biggest barriers faced in schools is the fact that

consider that teachers are not prepared to deal with diversity,
We should reflect on what the expression “be prepared” or “not” can mean.
be prepared”, what is understood from that statement regarding a supposed
“knowing what to do” before each child, before each language, before each learning,
every way of being in the world. It's hard to feel and be prepared for that.
that could come, which will not be known exactly until the students are in the
General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz

classrooms, since the needs will be diverse. Being prepared mainly implies being
available and being responsible. The idea of availability and responsibility is a clearly
ethical idea, being available to receive anyone, anyone, everyone, everyone regardless
of their language, their race, their religion, their abilities. It is being available, being open
to the existence of others and assuming responsibility for training permanently to
respond to their educational needs.5 (FLACSO 2007)

As for families, it is necessary to make effective their right to participate in the

educational process and in decision-making that concerns their children, the
geographical location and the type of educational and institutional project in which they
will participate. It is also important to recognize the right of the students themselves in
choosing their life project. (UNESCO 2010)

These meanings of Inclusive Education become of capital importance to place it in a

movement that is not exclusive to the school and classroom, but is at the very center of
society, to rethink it in more open and mobile terms, with a democratic life based on
diversity and plurality of identities, with equal rights for all.

Special education, in line with the inclusive education approach, requires reorienting
and strengthening its role, as part of the regular education system, supporting and
complementing the educational action of regular schools and their teachers to
comprehensively satisfy the educational needs of all students.(UNESCO 2010).

Disability, Special Educational Needs and Barriers to Learning and

At the international level, the definition of disability has evolved significantly from a
model focused on the limitations or deficiencies of the individual towards a social model,
in which disability is conceived as a complex and multidimensional phenomenon that
arises from the interaction of individual and of the physical and social context.

Disability is a concept that results from the interaction between people with long-term
physical, mental, intellectual or sensory deficiencies and environmental barriers that
prevent their full and effective participation in society, on equal terms with others. (UN

From the disability approach focused on the limitations of the individual, educational

FLACSO, Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences, Buenos Aires and Independent Researcher of CONICET, National
Council for Scientific and Technological Research of Argentina.

General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz

attention is aimed at achieving a better adaptation of the person and a change in their
behavior so that they can participate in activities designed for all students without
disabilities, instead of promoting changes in the classroom and school context to favor
their learning and development. From the social approach, on the contrary, attention is
not focused so much on the subject's deficit but on his or her potential and what he or
she can achieve if the barriers of the context are eliminated and the necessary support
is provided. The intervention focuses on the performance and social responsibility.

Schools and society itself have very little to do to overcome the subject's deficiencies,
but they will have a fundamental participation in reducing disabilities caused by the
environment, providing the necessary support and eliminating the physical, social,
cultural, economic and political barriers that They limit their participation, learning and
development. The inability to see through their eyes, in the blind person, will not be
modified, but the ability to move, enter different places, make purchases, travel and
carry out their ordinary activities will depend on the environments being accessible and
the appropriate conditions. for everyone, those who see and those who don't.

Two concepts derived from said Convention, of crucial importance to promote the
inclusion of people with disabilities, and therefore to redefine the role of special
education services, are: universal design and reasonable adjustments.

Universal Design . It is understood as the “design of products, programs,

environments and services that can be used by all people, to the greatest extent
possible, without the need for adaptation or specialized design. Universal design
will not exclude assistive devices for particular groups of people with disabilities
when they are needed.”(UN 2006)

The perspective of the Convention includes a process under construction referring to

configuring a universal design for learning, since this would imply that the curricular
design (and all its elements: competencies, purposes, methodology, didactic strategies ,
resources, activities and evaluation) would be Flexible enough to address the diversity
that all students present in their learning.

Universal accessibility is a condition for the enjoyment and exercise of rights while the
principle of universal design represents a strategy for achieving said condition. Design
for all is a means aimed at simplifying the lives of all people, making the environment,
products and communications equally accessible, usable and understandable for
everyone, at no extra cost or with the minimum possible.

Reasonable Adjustments : defined as “the necessary and appropriate

modifications and adaptations that do not impose a disproportionate or undue
burden, when required in a particular case, to guarantee people with disabilities

General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz

the enjoyment or exercise, on equal terms with others.” , of all human rights and
fundamental freedoms.”(UN 2006)

Reasonable adjustments constitute a mechanism to guarantee the right to equality of

people with disabilities, since they allow, in specific cases, to ensure it when the generic
device of universal accessibility and design for all people ceases, does not reach the
situation. particular experience of the person with disabilities (CAYO 2012).

The need to make reasonable adjustments arises because it will not always be possible
to design and make all products or services so that they can be used by everyone. That
is to say, the necessary adaptation measures will be applied when the conditions of the
physical, social, educational, economic and labor environment are affecting the human
rights and fundamental freedoms of people, limiting their harmonious and
comprehensive development and their autonomous social and productive coexistence.

Consistent with the inclusive education approach, the PROGRAM in the 2012 Operating
Rules (DOF.2011) indicates that it is necessary to implement reasonable adjustments
and provide the support required by students with or without disabilities in order to
create the more favorable conditions so that everyone has the same opportunities for
access, participation and learning.

It is important to highlight that reasonable adjustments are a commitment and obligation

of all regular education schools and special education services, because they involve
making modifications to policies, cultures and practices in the school community and,
therefore Not doing them represents an act of discrimination and can lead to exclusion.

To facilitate understanding and operation in making reasonable adjustments, the

following clarifications are made:

^ Reasonable adjustments must be based on the evaluation of the student and his
interaction with the contexts in which he develops and on the identification of the
barriers that limit his participation and learning.

^ Reasonable adjustments are not a rigid or generalized approach, so in each case

its structure will be different, depending on the support and resources required to
reduce or eliminate the barriers that are limiting the learning and participation of
the student. student body.

^ The adjustments must have a low or no cost, economic and material, so it is very
useful that many adjustments are made from the scope of the general
organization, which must be regulated through the strategic planning of the

General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz


^ The adjustments must be compatible with the general process of the school, as
well as with the forms of interaction and the experience of the members of the
teaching group, families and the community.

^ Reasonable adjustments can be directed to different contexts, in order to avoid,

minimize or eliminate barriers that limit student learning and participation. (See
Table No.1)

^ They should not have negative side effects or collateral effects for the students
who require them, for other classmates in the group, or for the physical space of
the classroom, school or home; on the contrary, they must have a positive impact
for everyone.

General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz

Table No. 1 Reasonable Adjustments


^ Relocation of a group to the ground floor of the building to facilitate

Mobility access for a student with a motor or visual disability.
^ Adaptation of handrails in toilets for students with motor disabilities.
^ Elimination of physical obstacles (furniture, boxes, trash cans, flower
pots) that limit free movement in the school or classrooms.
^ Adaptation of teaching material that responds to the needs of each
disability with the particularities of each student (visual, auditory,
^ Development of personalized communication boards.
^ Reduction or elimination of external factors that generate excessive
sounds, to improve the perception of students with hearing disabilities
Communication (hypoacusis).
and Information ^ Assignment and permanent use of computer equipment in the
classroom for students with motor or intellectual disabilities.
^ Placing signs in Braille in the different spaces of the school
(classrooms, restrooms, libraries, etc.).
^ Placing light signals in the different spaces of the school (classrooms,
bathrooms, patios, libraries, etc.) so that students with hearing
disabilities perceive the alarms that indicate changes in activities
(classes, breaks, etc.) or drills.

^ Adequacy of classroom lighting in the case of a student with visual

Goods and disabilities (low vision) who requires a special type or intensity of light.
services ^ Adaptation of mice, keyboards, notebooks, furniture, lecterns, signage
(visual or auditory), etc.
^ Rethinking the school's criteria for the acquisition of materials or
equipment, considering the disabled population served.

^ Raising awareness in the educational community to eliminate the use of

stereotypes, labels or discriminatory or exclusive attitudes towards
students with disabilities.
^ Preparation of the educational community for the reception of a student
Attitudes towards with a disability, anticipating the necessary requirements to facilitate
disability their inclusion, for example: in the case of a student with a visual
disability (low vision or blindness), scheduling tours of the property ,
providing location guidelines (auditory or tactile) to facilitate movement
as well as raising awareness among teachers and groupmates
regarding the needs of the student and the possible ways to support
their inclusion.
Resume ^ Adaptations, dosage and/or prioritization in the aspects to be worked on
in the training fields (in the methodology, evaluation, competencies
and purposes), in the expected learning.

General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz

REASONABLE ADJUSTMENTS In the Socio-Family Context

^ Monitor that accessibility conditions in public and private institutions

are adequate for all people.
^ Incorporation of accessibility ramps with the corresponding grades
according to the official international or Mexican standard.
^ Parking spaces with international color logos and close to the main
^ Incorporation of elevators or forklifts where the placement of ramps is
Mobility not possible.
^ Adaptation of the toilets of the various buildings in the community
and, if possible, of the family home; such as handrails, 1.20 cm
doors for wheelchair access, mixing taps operated with elbows or
^ Elimination of physical obstacles (boxes, trash cans, flower pots,
steps) that limit free movement in the home, streets, parking lots,
and various community institutions.

^ Assignment and permanent use of computer equipment for various

procedures, in official institutions for use by people with disabilities.
^ Placing signs in Braille in the different spaces of the community
(doors, toilets, libraries, as well as on handrails indicating changes in
levels, etc.).
^ Placing light signals in different spaces of the community (shopping
and Information
centers, toilets, patios, libraries, etc.) so that people with hearing
disabilities perceive alarms that indicate danger or civil protection
^ Use of a translator in Mexican Sign Language in television programs,
health institutions, public security institutions, prisons, etc.

^ Dissemination through various media, to the entire society for the

Attitudes towards
elimination of the use of stereotypes, labels or discriminatory or
exclusive attitudes towards people with disabilities.

Special educational needs

The concept of special educational needs (SEN) has been used for several decades in
the educational field, starting with the Warnock report (1978), this term represented a
new conception of special education and a different vision of people with disabilities.

General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz

One of the fundamental advances of the concept of SEN is that it stops putting
emphasis on the deficit, which is a medical aspect, and begins to worry about the
educational provisions or supports required by students who faced difficulties in
advancing towards the goals of education. and progress in relation to the school
curriculum, establishing different levels of aid and resources and forcing educational
systems to provide them to those who, at certain times, may need them.

It is important to note that the concept of SEN has been associated to a greater extent
with learning difficulties and in some countries its use was expanded to also
incorporate the needs of people with high abilities or special talents.

Despite the advances that the concept of SEN represented, it also presents some
limitations that question its use today.

In many countries it is frequently observed that this concept is used as a synonym for
students with disabilities or as a new category; Even in our country it was used to
classify students with special educational needs associated and not associated with a
disability, a less pejorative way of calling the disability, but ultimately focused on
pointing out the deficiencies or weaknesses of the subjects, of saying that They are
the ones who cannot learn due to their own characteristics or limitations, and
consequently, the medical approach continued to prevail without considering the
significant influence of the environment. Making it difficult to change our view towards
a different categorization, based on the resources and help that must be provided,
which is the essence of the concept of special educational needs.

In the same sense, talking about special educational needs separates these students
from the rest and leads them to think that their education is something special or
additional compared to regular education and that it is a responsibility of the
“specialists.” Associating special educational needs with additional and extraordinary
resources favors the labeling of a large number of students with special educational
needs, which in many cases are the consequence of inadequate teaching, also by
focusing attention only on the “special needs” of the students. Attention is diverted
from promoting changes in educational policies and practices in schools to respond to
the diversity of all students. (UNESCO 2010)

As has already been stated before, inclusive education assumes the social model to
understand educational difficulties because any student, in a given
General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz

At the time of their schooling, they may face difficulties, for example: they may have
difficulties understanding certain aspects or areas of the curriculum, not being able to
understand oral or written instructions, or even not being able to access the school
building. However, the inclusive approach suggests that these difficulties cannot be
explained simply in terms of the processes that are difficult for the student; on the
contrary, it is necessary to analyze the characteristics of the educational system and
the conditions of the schools that could be creating barriers to their learning and

Barriers to Learning and Participation and Support Needs

More recently, Ainscow and Booth (2000) have coined the concept of barriers to
learning and participation which, although it has not been adopted in legislation or
educational policies in all countries, is acquiring increasing significance. According to
these authors, barriers arise from the interaction between the student and the different
contexts in which he or she develops: the people, policies, institutions, cultures, and
social and economic circumstances that affect his or her life. In this sense, actions
must be aimed primarily at eliminating physical, personal and institutional barriers that
limit learning opportunities and the full access and participation of all in educational

The concept of barriers does not refer to individuals or groups but highlights that it is
the social context, with its policies, attitudes and practices that, to a large extent,
create the difficulties and obstacles that prevent or reduce the possibilities of learning
and participation of certain students. This interactive and contextual perspective leads
to thinking that such social conditions can be changed (Echeita, 2006).

Some students may find the curriculum unmeaningful, the teaching unmotivating, feel
affected or excluded by the school culture, not be able to understand the language of
instruction, or experience many other barriers. The inclusive approach seeks to
understand these barriers and develop common schools that are capable of meeting
the learning needs of all students. These barriers can not only be faced by a student
with a disability, but also by any student who presents some differentiating trait that
places him or her in a vulnerable situation or at risk of being excluded, for which he or
she may require greater educational support.

Assuming the concept of barriers to learning and participation as the backbone of

Inclusive Education is the nodal point to eliminate and/or reduce situations that
generate attitudes of rejection and discrimination of teachers, parents and the
students themselves. towards those subjects considered

“different” because they have specific cultural, ethnic, gender, physical or cognitive

General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz

For the purposes of these Guidelines, the term special educational needs will no
longer be used, given its restricted connotation in the attention of students. In
congruence with current educational policy, from now on the term “barriers to learning
and participation” will be used to refer to the aspects of culture, practice and policy,
both school and social, that affect the learning process of students. with greater needs
for educational support and/or reasonable adjustments.

It is important to note that, in order to avoid that when referring to barriers to learning
and participation, the student is again assigned a label and/or a connotation of
limitation or disadvantage is attributed to him, the expression “contextual barriers” will
be used. (school, family and/or social) that limit the learning and participation” of the
student, instead of “ student who faces, or student with barriers to learning and
participation”. This expression has a connotation far removed from labeling, since it
places on the outside, and not on the student, the causes of the appearance of
barriers, and at the same time, the necessary support for their elimination.

Curricular Standards and Expected Learning

Agreement 592 profoundly transforms several technical-operational components of
basic education; Among them is the establishment of standards, which are the
indicative parameters of the educational ideals that students must achieve and, where
appropriate, what teachers, technical supports and managers of basic education must
cover in their functions. In this regard, the Agreement defines the following:

^ Curriculum Standards are descriptors of achievement and define what students

will demonstrate at the end of a school period; They synthesize the expected
learning that, in primary and secondary education programs, is organized by
subject-grade-block, and in preschool education by training field-aspect. The
Curriculum Standards are comparable with international standards and,
together with the expected learning, constitute references for national and
international evaluations to know the progress of students during their transition
through Basic Education, assuming the complexity and graduality of learning.

^ Expected learning are achievement indicators that define what is expected of

each student in terms of knowing, knowing how to do and knowing how to be;
In addition, they give concreteness to the teaching work by making what
students achieve verifiable, likewise, they constitute a reference for planning
and evaluation in the classroom.

In this sense, it is important to “recognize the social, cultural, linguistic diversity,

abilities, styles and learning rhythms of students to identify, from the particularity of
situations and contexts, how the learner learns and, from this diversity, generate an

General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz

environment that brings students and teachers closer to meaningful and interesting
knowledge,” as stated in pedagogical principle 1.1. Therefore, children and
adolescents of the same age and the same school grade do not have the same
competencies, therefore which, due to respect and attention to diversity, it could not
be expected that everyone advances at the same pace; some, such as students with
disabilities, street children, migrants, etc., will require greater support to access to the
expected learning, although perhaps some of them will require reasonable
adjustments in terms of greater concretion or simplification; of temporality; or even
level of achievement. Therefore it could be that the results are not the same as their
group mates, but also different as is their starting point.

From this perspective, the design of learning activities requires knowledge of what
students are expected to learn and how they learn, the possibilities they have to
access the problems posed to them and how significant they are for the context in
which they are presented. unfold. It also suggests the selection of teaching strategies
that promote the mobilization of knowledge, and evaluation of learning consistent with
the expected learning, generating collaborative learning environments that favor
meaningful experiences.

Along the same lines, when we talk about mediation it is said that “expected learning
is only expected learning if it is located in the student's zone of proximal
development”, therefore, what makes it “expected” is precisely that it is adjustment to
the student's learning possibilities.

^ Management standards are references, criteria and norms, which guide the
school group to identify where it is and, based on that recognition, define
towards and how far it intends to advance, which is why they are an input to
build the desirable school in the future.

This set of standards, rather than constituting a new name for processes, make up
indicators or statements that on the one hand establish the “should be”, but at the
same time define the training and/or improvement routes for students, teachers and
managers. Consequently, there is an immediate impact on the evaluation processes,
the design of reasonable adjustments, the implementation and monitoring of the
support that each student requires so that the barriers that hinder their learning and
participation are reduced or eliminated.

General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz



They are the special education services in charge of supporting the inclusive education
process in early education institutions and regular basic education schools, through
guidance, advice and support to prevent, minimize and eliminate contextual barriers
that limit participation and student learning.
Support services are:
^ CAPEP: Psychopedagogical Care Center for Preschool Education .
^ USAER: Regular Education Support Services Unit .

General purpose
Promote the development of inclusive education policies, cultures and practices, in
connection with the initial and basic education school, aimed at preventing, minimizing
or eliminating barriers that limit the learning and participation of students with
disabilities, outstanding abilities and/or specific talents, or those students without
disabilities who require specific support or strategies to achieve their learning, through
guidance, advice and support, developing forms of collaboration and management
models between the educational community, so that the school is able to respond to

Specific Purposes
^ Support in the strengthening of inclusive education, initial and basic education
schools, through the implementation of awareness-raising, information, advice
and permanent updating actions with the educational community.

^ Promote, in coordination with the school they support, the elimination of barriers
that limit the learning and participation of students through flexible management
and organizational work, for a committed and responsible participation of the
educational community in general.

^ Provide advice and support to the teaching staff of initial and basic education
schools, so that they acquire the technical-pedagogical elements that allow
them to autonomously provide an educational response to the specific needs of
the students; In this sense, the support service is conceived as temporary help.

^ Provide support to the regular school in the organization, operation, forms of

classroom teaching, design of reasonable adjustments and relationship with

General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz

families in order to prevent, minimize or eliminate contextual barriers that limit

learning and student participation.

^ Provide specific support to students who require it, in coordination with school

^ Inform, promote and advise on the existence and use of specific resources:
technical, bibliographic, video graphics and didactic that allow adequate
attention to be provided to students.

^ Provide guidance and advice to parents and guardians to strengthen their

participation and decision-making in their children's education.

^ Create and foster networking networks to promote a culture of inclusion as well

as strengthen guidance for parents.

Organic Structure
The CAPEP depend technically, pedagogically and administratively on the General
Directorate of Initial and Preschool Education, they operate in Initial and Preschool
Education schools. In the technical-pedagogical aspect, they coordinate and work
collaboratively with Special Education.

The USAER depend technically, pedagogically and administratively on the Directorate

of Special Education, with their field of operation being Basic Education schools.

The support service is made up of the Director, the multidisciplinary team made up of
teaching staff, communication, psychology and social work staff. To the extent possible
, specialists also participate6 in psychomotor skills, intellectual, motor, visual, auditory
disabilities and generalized developmental disorders, as well as technical support
personnel7 and/or administrative.

6 Personnel who have completed studies after a bachelor's degree: diploma, specialty, master's or doctorate in
specific areas related to hearing, motor, intellectual and visual disabilities, among others.
7 This figure only corresponds to CAPEP
General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz

^ Director
^ Support Teachers ^ Director
^ Communication Teacher ^ Support teachers: Learning,
^ Psychologist Communication, Psychology and
^ Worker Psychomotor skills.
^ Specialist ^ Social Worker
^ Administrative Staff: Secretary ^ Administrative Staff: Secretary and
Services and Maintenance Assistant

Communication Flow Chart

^ The hierarchical levels are represented by the place occupied by the boxes, towards the
top the highest levels are located, towards the bottom the basic levels
^ Direct relationships are indicated with continuous lines, and imply subordination
according to the direction of the arrow, since this indicates the hierarchy that is
^ The dotted lines indicate advisory and support relationships, where there is no
subordination but rather communication channels.
^ Double and dashed lines indicate joint work.
^ In the case of CAPEP, it does not depend on Special Education, it depends on Preschool

General Organization Criteria

General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz

Support will be provided to initial and basic education schools with greater demand for
students with disabilities, outstanding abilities and/or specific talents where there are
barriers that limit their learning and participation.

The organization and operation of this service will be flexible and will work adapting to
the demand of the population and the level of autonomy of the schools; A support
teacher must support one or two schools with a duration of no more than four school
cycles, serving at least 12 students; In some cases, when required, other members of
the multidisciplinary team will participate.

The support staff and group teachers will establish agreements on the aspects in which
advice and support is required, the schedules and periods to carry out these actions,
thus favoring the elimination of contextual barriers that limit the learning and
participation of the students.

During the school year, the progress in eliminating barriers to learning and participation
that the teaching community has achieved will be analyzed jointly, to decide whether
the support actions by the support service continue, are reconsidered, or , they
withdraw because the school is capable of responding, through its organization and
planning, to the specific needs of students with disabilities, outstanding aptitudes
and/or specific talents and has greater tools to address diversity.

When the school is autonomous in its attention to diversity, the support service must
direct its support to other schools that require it; Therefore, a report will be prepared
that explains the reasons and supports the decision; This will be delivered to the
School Supervisors of both services.

“Preschool and basic education schools must carry out inclusion actions that will be
characterized by their collective work, social participation, the determined participation
of federal, local and municipal educational authorities, and; for the promotion of access,
permanence and achievement of student learning.”8

8 Rules of Operation of the Program to Strengthen Special Education and Educational Integration 2012. PP. 3
^ Modeling of diversified strategies for work in the classroom and in other spaces of
the school (courts, library, multipurpose classroom, etc.).
^ Guidance for parents of students who require specific and differentiated support
and strategies to achieve their learning.
^ Promote links with different institutions and services, in order to obtain support
that contributes to the school, social and family inclusion of students, thus
eliminating the barriers that limit their learning and participation.
^ Application of specific strategies directly with the students who require it. These
General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz

Contributing to this inclusion, the Support Service staff participates in the construction
of conditions to strengthen the professional skills of the teaching staff of the schools so
that they respond autonomously to the diversity of the students.

Immersed in the school's inclusive education process, the support service will
participate, together with group teachers and parents, in identifying contextual barriers
that limit the learning and participation of students with disabilities, outstanding abilities
and /or specific talents, or those students without disabilities who require specific and
differentiated supports and strategies to achieve their learning.

Supports that the Multidisciplinary Team will provide:

^ General guidelines for the prevention, detection and elimination of barriers in the
classroom, school, family and social context that limit student participation and
learning, in order to strengthen the school's inclusive education process from
the development of the Strategic Plan of School Transformation and the Annual
Work Program.
^ Advice and support to create and/or strengthen school culture, policies and
practices to respond to the diversity of student needs.
^ Guidance and advice to the group teacher, regarding strategies that allow
preventing, minimizing or eliminating the barriers in the classroom and school
context that limit the learning and participation of students who could be at risk
of exclusion.

didactic resources that teachers have, promoting that the institution is open to
diversity aimed at improving educational achievement.

The support service staff collectively prepares its Strategic Planning considering the
needs detected in the schools served and those of the service (characteristics of the
population served, methodologies, specific supports and strategies, teaching
professionalization of regular school and education staff). special etc.) by making the
corresponding settings for your context.

This planning will be the organizing element of your actions and guide for the

strategies will be applied outside of class hours, after joint planning with the
group teacher.

The support service staff participates in the medium-term Strategic Planning (3 years)
and Annual Work Program of the supported schools; collaborates in their diagnosis and
improvement processes and in their specific problems related to the identification as
well as the elimination of barriers that limit learning and student participation;
strengthens technical resources and
General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz

development of your functions; The Annual Work Program (PAT) will emerge from it.

The methodological route to carry out this planning will be the following:

Results of the analysis of the current situation in relation to:

Forms of teaching, monitoring and accompaniment, learning
results, relationships established between the school
community, planning, organization and administration of
SELF-ASSESSMENT / personnel, time, spaces, materials and resources,
DIAGNOSIS extracurricular actions, accreditation criteria, use and mastery
of plans and programs, approaches and strategies, forms of
interaction with students, teaching updating, daily practices,
school registration and control, community culture, evaluation
criteria, etc.
Determination of needs that will be addressed in the medium
term (3 years).
Definition of key elements (mission, vision, values,
improvement commitments)
Record of the fundamental elements of Strategic Planning
(Objectives, goals, indicators, strategies to achieve the
Preparation of the annual work program (goals, activities,
ANNUAL WORK completion date, people responsible, resources and direct
PROGRAM (1 year) support).
MONITORING AND Formulation of indicators for monitoring and evaluating goals of
EVALUATION the Annual Work Program.

Support Service Intervention

The intervention of the Support Service is based on the framework of Inclusive
Education of the Articulation of Basic Education stated in the RIEB and the Strategic
Educational Management Model, through advice, guidance and support to improve the
operating conditions and accessibility of initial and basic education schools, the design
and development of diversified strategies in the classroom for all and specific strategies
for the population with disabilities and with outstanding abilities, permanently
strengthening their work towards the construction of an educational community based
on values, occupied in developing a school for all, with the appropriate organization to
address diversity.

As stated in Agreement 648, which establishes general standards for evaluation,

accreditation, promotion and certification in basic education, the Secretariat of Public
General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz

Education of the Federal Government has determined to implement a new evaluation

approach, which does not only result in lawsuits. of value on the learning achievements
of the students, but in actions that contribute to the improvement of the educational
process, which implies:

a) Promote the active participation of students in their training and constant

communication with them about their progress and possibilities for improvement;
b) Evaluate with a training approach, based on the expected learning and the
competencies established in the national curriculum;
c) Consider and address the specific needs of students and the contexts in which
they develop;
d) Strengthen feedback between teachers, students, parents or guardians;
e) Develop a timely pedagogical intervention to guarantee learning achievement,
so that teaching is adjusted to improve student performance, and
f) In general, concentrate all efforts on improving teaching practice and student

Evaluation process
To identify the barriers to learning and participation, a flexible and differentiated
evaluation process will be carried out based on the specific needs of the students and
the characteristics of the school, family and social context, in order to provide a
relevant educational response. The time allocated to carry out this evaluation will not
exceed four weeks from its beginning.

General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz

Initial evaluation
The group teacher in collaboration with the support teacher:
^ Analyzes the diagnosis of the supported school, in the four dimensions of
strategic educational management, identifying the barriers of the classroom,
school and socio-family context that limit the learning and participation of the

^ Observes the performance of students, identifies those who have not achieved
the expected results for the grade they are studying and designs differentiated
strategies, tutoring or other educational supports to promote their learning
process; In the case of students who show significantly higher performance
than expected for their age and grade, it assesses whether the promotion and
early accreditation strategy is convenient for their educational process and
develops the process indicated in the Guidelines established by the SEP in this
document. subject.

^ Likewise, the support teacher provides guidance and advice to the group
teachers to eliminate the barriers of the classroom, school and socio-family
context that limit the participation and learning of the identified students, for the
implementation of reasonable adjustments and the application of the supports
that are required.

Permanent Evaluation
In the process of applying the differentiated strategies and reasonable adjustments
proposed from the initial evaluation, it is necessary to carry out a permanent
evaluation to identify whether the participation and learning of the students is favored;
If this is not observed, a broader and more in-depth evaluation of both its
competencies and potentialities and the different contexts in which it interacts is
carried out, counting for this, with the participation of the members of the
multidisciplinary team that is required.

Each member of the support service participates by applying the evaluation

instruments and techniques according to the situation of the context and the students.
At the end, prepare a report interpreting the results, identifying the skills and potential
of the students and their interaction with the context: aspects that favor and barriers
that arise.

The results of this evaluation will be analyzed collegially in order to

determine the barriers of different contexts, reasonable adjustments and
supports that are necessary to improve participation, learning and achievement
educational of the students. In this analysis, the group teachers and
General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz

of support, the staff participating in the evaluation, the students and the parents or

The multidisciplinary team provides advice to determine the type of adjustment

necessary, guides and promotes its implementation based on the consensus
established with teachers and directors regarding its feasibility and relevance. Finally,
it establishes the respective support and monitoring in relation to the implementation
of the reasonable adjustment, as well as the impact of this adjustment for the benefit
of the students and the school community in general.

Final evaluation
During the final evaluation process, the progress of the students in terms of
educational achievement, the functionality of the supports that were provided in the
different contexts, as well as the actions that will be resumed or incorporated for the
next school year, are identified. This evaluation will be an important resource in
making decisions for accreditation, promotion and/or certification according to current
school control standards.

In the case of students who have already been evaluated and who continue to receive
At the beginning of the school year, the final evaluation of the previous cycle is
analyzed and information is updated in relation to the barriers to learning and
participation, as well as the reasonable adjustments that will need to be implemented;
This information must be covered in a period of no more than two weeks through a
dynamic assessment; That is, at the time of providing care to students, their
performance in different contexts is observed.

Reasonable Adjustments
Starting from the result of the initial evaluation and the planning that the teacher has
for the entire group; The regular education school and the special education service
will propose reasonable adjustments in the classroom, school, family and social
context to respond to the specific needs detected. The professional, material,
architectural and/or curricular resources that the school, the support service and the
family will provide to the students for their participation and learning achievement are
planned; Likewise, monitoring and evaluation periods are established.

In a clear and precise manner, information is given to students, the Director and
parents about reasonable adjustments and the type of support, who will be provided
and when; the expected learning and evaluation criteria.

General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz

Regular school staff, in coordination with support service staff, incorporate the agreed
upon reasonable adjustments into their strategic planning and didactic planning and
implement them in the care of students, to respond to the specific needs detected.

In the case of students who require extracurricular support, the group teacher and the
support teacher will guide the parents about the relevant entities that can provide it,
establishing links with them on a permanent basis.

When support involves the family and social context, it is important to provide
guidance and advice that allows them to clearly identify the actions to be carried out,
the commitments of each figure and the expected results.

For the formative assessment approach to be part of the learning process, it is

necessary for the teacher to share with the students and parents or guardians, the
expected learning, the evaluation criteria and instruments that will be used, and the
results of the evaluations. so that feedback is provided to the students and pertinent
and timely decisions are made to support and improve their performance.

All evaluation must lead to the improvement of learning, as well as to detect and
address the strengths and weaknesses in the educational process of each student.
(a.648. DOF.2012)

Monitoring and evaluation

The monitoring and evaluation of the progress of the students, the relevance of
reasonable adjustments and the improvement of school culture, policy and practice,
will be done permanently, trying to be carried out on a monthly basis, to be able to
reorient or modify the intervention in a timely manner.
Regular school staff, students, families and the support service staff involved must
participate in the implementation, development, monitoring and evaluation of
reasonable adjustments.

To offer optimal care, the support service staff establishes links with other special
education services as well as with external institutions.

Internal Linking
^ With other Support Services . When a student supported by the service
requires continuing with said care at the next educational level or in another
school, a link is established with the corresponding support service; Likewise,
the link between these services is made, to share experiences, materials and

General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz

strategies that enrich them.

^ With Guidance Services . A link is established to request the guidance service,
advice on specific care strategies for students or information in relation to
institutions or professionals that offer specialized care; Linkage is also
established to share experiences, care strategies and material resources.
^ With Schooling Services . The support service establishes a link when a
student requires complementary support and/or advice in relation to specific
evaluation or care strategies.

External Linking
It is established with different levels and educational modalities, with government,
private and civil society entities to provide students with attention in different aspects:
cultural, sports, social, scientific, recreational, medical, etc. that contribute to their
comprehensive training.

Service Evaluation
Evaluation in the educational context must be conceived as a systematic and
permanent process that serves to adjust, reorient and improve the attention and
support provided to students, school teaching and management staff and parents.

In this sense, it is necessary to evaluate the impact of the support service on the work
carried out in schools; it must be carried out taking as a reference the educational
achievement of the students, as well as the way in which policies, practices and
actions are implemented. cultures that articulate learning opportunities so that
everyone can complete their studies and achieve educational goals. In other words,
the support service evaluates its contribution to generating, jointly with the school, the
conditions to provide a differentiated and relevant educational response, by ensuring
quality education for all.

This process must be considered in the strategic planning of the support service as an
element for the analysis and verification of the Management Standards for Basic

It is an opportunity to analyze the actions carried out and assess the achievement of
the purposes of the support service. The results of this evaluation will allow decision-
making to improve the intervention, as well as to determine whether or not the support
service will remain within a school; Therefore, it is carried out in a collegial manner
with all members of the service and the regular school.

To carry out this evaluation, the standards and operational criteria of each dimension
of school management for basic education will be taken as references, making the
necessary adjustments, given that this service does not have an organizational and
material structure like school services.
General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz


1 .- Promotion of Pedagogical Improvement
In the Support Service:
^ The management staff participates in the training and/or updating of the
multidisciplinary team staff.
^ Staff seek and are motivated to attend training and professional updating
courses, relevant to the context of their service.
^ The staff talks about each other's performance, supports the definition of
strategies to improve teaching performance, and provides feedback in a
professional manner.
^ The achievements of personnel improvement are evaluated, considering the
results of the students' performances.
^ The teaching improvement actions offered by the educational system are
analyzed and evaluated in meetings with all staff.

2 .- Shared pedagogical planning

Service staff:
^ Chat to exchange experiences about planning your support.
^ Shares different modalities of its didactic planning to address diversity.
^ Let your classmates know the usefulness achieved with some teaching
^ Agree on the type of record kept for students who receive support.
^ Mutually evaluate their didactic planning.
^ Analyzes the results of the students and the changes that must be applied in
their pedagogical practice.
^ Design your strategies to effectively serve students.

3 .- Centrality of learning
At service:
^ The central goals and objectives of strategic planning are related to increasing
the learning levels of students.
^ The assessment of the level of staff performance considers the learning results
of the students who receive support.
^ The meetings that the Director calls with his staff have as their central theme the
educational response to the specific needs of the students.
^ The meetings that the Director calls with parents have their children's learning
as their central theme.
^ Decisions are made and actions are developed to efficiently serve students with
specific needs that require greater educational support.
^ The results of external evaluation are analyzed, assigning priority to the learning
needs of the students.
^ Methodological efforts are made to develop evaluations of authentic student

General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz

performance, transcending standardized or multiple-choice exams.

4 .- Commitment to learn
In the classroom:
^ Students are informed about their learning objectives.
^ Students partially and gradually design the strategies and route they must follow
for their own learning.
^ Students know their limitations in learning and ask for support when they need it.
^ The staff is available to assist students when they ask for their support in a
learning task or work.
^ Students have high expectations for their learning.
^ Students consider their own learning valuable for their present and future lives.

5 .- Equity in learning opportunities

Service staff:
^ Has strategies to meet the specific needs of students
^ Special time is available for students who require it.
^ It has special spaces and materials to respond to the needs of the students.
^ Arranges and implements activities and exercises adapted to the needs of the
^ Communicates with parents to discuss their children's learning achievements.
g) - Effective leadership
The Director:
^ Promotes service personnel to form a single work team.
^ Promotes the participation of staff and parents in relevant decisions and actions
to improve the level of learning.
^ Develops a shared vision among staff on continuous academic improvement.
^ Makes necessary commitments with basic education staff to improve learning
^ Appropriately handles conflicts that arise in the service.
^ Permanently manage resources so that the service works in the most
appropriate way possible.
^ Promotes exchange of management experiences with other schools and support
^ Dedicate the necessary and sufficient time to academic tasks that support the
support provided to students.
^ Achieve community support to achieve planned objectives.
^ Satisfies the community with the way the service is conducted.
^ Satisfies staff with the management of the service.

General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz

h) - Climate of trust
At service:
^ There is sincere communication between all members.
^ Academic cooperation aimed at improving learning is promoted.
^ There is exchange of ideas and learning materials among staff.
^ The integration of service personnel and advised personnel is oriented around
the same objectives aimed at learning.
^ The conditions for good coexistence and mutual relationships are promoted,
such as respect, tolerance for ideas, diverse practices, and the trust that the
community places in itself as an essential condition for working together.

i) - Commitment to teach
At service:
^ Extra time is spent on complex academic activities.
^ Staff are encouraged to improve their pedagogical practice on a daily basis.
^ It is induced to follow the strategic planning and to comply with the
assumed responsibility.
^ An attempt is made to jointly achieve effective learning for students in
coordination with regular school staff and parents.
j) - Shared decisions
At service:
^ There is an atmosphere of freedom to express proposals, both from the staff
and the rest of the school community.
^ Conditions and mechanisms are established to define agreements.
^ Procedures are ensured to act in accordance with the decided agreements.

k) .- Institutional planning
The Annual Work Program.
^ Considers the participation of the school community in its preparation.
^ Prioritizes the elimination of barriers to learning and student participation.
^ Distributes work responsibilities among the school group.
^ Involves staff and parents in the coordination and execution of activities.
^ Considers activities to meet the goals and commitments made to improve the

11 .- Self appraisal
At service:
^ There is an open and public information system that records the academic
progress of students.
^ The Director meets periodically with staff and parents to analyze service
indicators, such as attendance (students and staff), population served, student
dropouts, elimination of barriers to learning and participation, design and

General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz

implementation of reasonable adjustments, among others.

^ The Director analyzes, together with the staff, the improvements that the fact
that they have attended professional preparation courses has had on student
^ The academic strengths and weaknesses of the service are recognized and
actions are defined to deepen the strengths and reduce the weaknesses.
^ Informed and structured conversations occur between members of the school
^ Mechanisms are developed to provide timely monitoring of student performance.

12 .- Communication of performance
At service:
^ The Director is accountable academically to parents and the community.
^ Means are available to inform parents of progress in eliminating barriers to
learning and participation.
^ Parents actively participate in the analysis of their children's academic results.
^ Parents are satisfied with the information the service gives them regarding their
children's academic performance.
^ School supervision is called for staff meetings when the results of the school
population served are presented.
^ Responsibilities are recognized in academic results.

13 .- School networks
At service:
^ The educational achievements of other support services are recognized, in
order to learn and improve processes.
^ Support, accompaniment or advice is sought with other special education
^ Staff talk to colleagues from other services to discuss how they have overcome
teaching and learning barriers.
^ Academic resources are requested and obtained from other schools or
services, when they are not available.
^ The experiences of other schools and services are known regarding their
progress regarding the design and implementation of reasonable adjustments
to eliminate barriers that impede learning and participation.
^ Technological means are used to know the activities and results of other
schools and services.
^ Technological means are used to improve the design and implementation of
reasonable accommodations to remove barriers that impede learning and
^ The Director and multidisciplinary team collaborate with the training of groups
from other schools.
General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz

^ Collaborative academic work is carried out with other schools and services in
the area.

14 .- Effective functioning of the school technical council in the support service

The Technical Council of the Service:
^ Guides the academic work of the Service.
^ It exposes the problems that the staff has in the process of caring for students.
^ Makes decisions, based on evaluations, and monitors progress.

General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz

^ It constitutes a space to respond to the training needs of personnel.

^ Promotes exchange of experiences of staff who achieve success in the process
of caring for students.
^ Follows up on the activities and results of the Annual Work Program.


15 .- Parent participation in the support service
At school:
^ There is a high degree of parental involvement in collective discussions.
^ The perceptions and opinions of parents are analyzed and taken into account by
the Director and his staff.
^ The planning of the activities is carried out collectively, taking into account the
opinions of the parents.
^ Parents are satisfied with access to information regarding the organization and
operation of the service.
^ Parents actively participate in activities related to the Annual Work Program.
^ Training actions are carried out for parents to empower their participation.
^ Parents consult the service staff to find out how their children are doing.

17 .- Support for learning at home

^ They support their children in their schoolwork.
^ They are summoned and guided to support the improvement of their children's
^ They receive courses and workshops that let them know how to better help their
children in their studies.
^ They are encouraged to support activities of the teaching staff with their children.
^ They observe and participate in how the service recovers the culture of the

18 .- Resource Optimization
Support service:
Respect the work and break schedules established during the day.
Work the 200 class days established in the school calendar. •

General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz

^ Effectively and efficiently take advantage of the time dedicated to supporting

the inclusive education process.
^ Establishes care and maintenance strategies for the building and furniture
where it is located.
^ Define strategies to take advantage of stationery and teaching supplies.
^ Organize your calendar of internal, external and professionalization meetings.

19 .- School control
Support service:
^ It has statistical information in an organized and updated manner.
^ Complies in a timely manner with the required information.
^ It has a record of the progress made in its Annual Work Program
^ It has administrative control over human, material and financial resources.

20 .- Infrastructure9
The service:
^ It has the necessary classrooms to meet educational demand.
^ It has toilets in good condition for students and staff.
^ It has the appropriate hydrosanitary and electrical installations.
^ It has classrooms in conditions to favor the teaching and learning processes.
^ It has space and equipment that promotes the use of information and
communication technologies.
^ It has spaces that promote student learning: garden, patio, play area, courts,
among others.
^ It has facilities that guarantee a healthy and safe environment for students.
^ It has the teaching materials and inputs to guarantee the achievement of the
planned objectives and goals.

Functions of Support Service Personnel

^ Verify the application of the school control standards for basic education, in force
in the National Educational System.

9 Only applies to CAPEP

General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz

^ Analyze with the personnel in charge the General Guidelines for the Organization
and Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz.
^ Participate and comply with the commissions, activities and documentation
required by official bodies.
^ Verify compliance with the technical-administrative procedures of your service.
^ Carry out a diagnosis of the technical needs of the service, to establish support
strategies, generating a continuous training plan and carrying out systematic
^ Carry out linkage activities with regular school directors in order to inform and
raise awareness among members of the educational community about the
goals and purposes of inclusive education.
^ Provide technical support to staff to determine the type of inclusive practices that
will be implemented with the schools served based on the prioritization of needs
detected in the Strategic School Transformation Plan and Annual Work
Program of each one.
^ Coordinate staff for the design, execution and evaluation of the service's
strategic planning.
^ Plan and participate in meetings to plan the Evaluation and reasonable
^ Participate in the early promotion processes of students with outstanding
^ Carry out technical support actions for support service personnel during the
implementation of reasonable adjustments.
^ Develop internal linkage actions with different educational services (CAM, CRIE,
UOP) and external links with public or private institutions (health, public
assistance, companies, government agencies and civil associations) to obtain
various supports for the benefit of students.
^ Participate in the training options specific to your role, which allow you to
effectively meet the needs of your service.

Multidisciplinary Team Personnel (Support Teacher, Psychologist, Communication,

Social Work, Psychomotor and other Specialists).

General Functions.
^ Comply with the school control standards for basic education in force in the
National Educational System.
^ Analyze and implement its actions in accordance with the General Guidelines for the
Organization and Operation of Special Education Services in the State of
^ Participate and comply with the commissions, activities and documentation required
by the immediate authority.
General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz

^ Participate in the design, execution, monitoring and evaluation of the Strategic

School Transformation Plan and Annual Work Program of the schools it supports.
^ Participate in the design, execution, monitoring and evaluation of the strategic
planning of the support service.
^ Accompany the school supported in the development of flexible, dynamic and
innovative environments in order to prevent, minimize or eliminate barriers to
learning and participation.
^ Develop permanent awareness work with the educational community in favor of
inclusive education.
^ Participate in School Technical Councils, supporting the definition of actions that
allow preventing, minimizing or eliminating barriers to learning and participation, in
the educational context.
^ Participate in technical-pedagogical meetings, convened by the Director of the
support service, in which the analysis of the care and evaluation processes is
^ Prepare a monthly and/or weekly schedule of activities, promptly reporting the
adjustments made to the Director.
^ Develop the evaluation and attention processes for students according to the current
approach and regulations for special education.
^ Participate in collegiate meetings to plan the Evaluation, as well as reasonable
^ Offer guidance to teachers and parents on the specific support their children require.
^ Follow up on reasonable adjustments and rethink actions supported by the formative
evaluation process.
^ Participate in internal linkage actions with different educational services (CAM,
CRIE, UOP) and external links with public or private institutions (health, public
assistance, companies, government agencies and civil associations) to obtain
various supports for the benefit of students.
^ Participate in the training options specific to your role, which allow you to effectively
meet the needs of your service.

General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz

Specific functions
^ Apply evaluation instruments and techniques to know the level of
curricular competence, learning style and motivation to learn of the
^ Analyze the results obtained in the application of evaluation instruments
and strategies, determining the contextual barriers to learning and
participation, as well as the reasonable adjustments required.
^ Carry out didactic planning jointly with the group teacher, considering the
reasonable adjustments determined.

^ Provide guidance to teachers regarding methodological strategies or

specific teaching resources that promote students' academic
^ Provide guidance to parents regarding the supports that can be
implemented at home.
^ Keep updated, jointly with the group teacher, the information related to the
specific supports and progress of the students.
^ Participate with regular school staff in the ongoing identification of barriers
that limit learning and participation.
^ Prepare the final report in which the progress and needs of the students
are made known in relation to the reasonable adjustments implemented,
enabling decision-making.

^ Develop specific programs or actions to care for parents.

^ Carry out follow-up actions to update, confirm or specify student
^ Carry out the application of psychological tests or tests to students who
require it, reporting the results obtained in writing.

^ Develop a work plan in which you systematically record the intervention

that you will implement with the students who require it.
^ Carry out group and individual intervention through activities related to
behavior modification programs, self-esteem, socialization, among
^ Observe and record the interaction of the students, their adaptation to the
physical-environmental conditions, learning style and the impact of the
suggestions provided, to make the appropriate adjustments.

General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz

^ Evaluate linguistic and communicative competence using various
instruments: tests, observation guides, language development scales,
etc.; that help identify barriers to learning and participation, as well as
specific support needs, report the results obtained in writing.
^ Develop a work plan in which you systematically record the intervention
that you will implement with the students who require it.
^ Carry out group interventions and individuals implementing
activities related to the development of communication skills.

^ Apply instruments to obtain information about the students' contexts:

economic situation, conditions of the immediate community, home, family
structure and dynamics, etc. to identify barriers that limit their learning
and participation.
^ Carry out home visits when the case requires it, in order to obtain specific
information on the socio-familial context of the students.

^ Observe the performance of students in the school context, supporting the

teacher in aspects such as socialization, attendance, registrations,
withdrawals, punctuality, hygiene and health.
^ Provide teachers with support, evaluation and attention suggestions
based on the information collected.
^ Provide written suggestions or guidance for intervention to regular school
staff based on the information collected.
^ Coordinate the link with institutions that offer complementary or
extracurricular support for students.

^ Apply the psychomotor evaluation instruments to students who require it


and interpret the results.


^ Develop a work plan in which you systematically record the psychomotor

intervention that will be carried out with the students who require it.
^ Intervene in a group and individual manner by implementing psychomotor
activities, considering the indicated medical and rehabilitation

General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz

^ Prepare and organize the documentation that pertains to the operation of the
service, in accordance with current regulations.
^ Compile personnel files and update them permanently.
^ Keep track and record the loan of materials and resources of the service.
^ Permanently update the database, archive and available resources of the

^ Carry out the commissions and activities required by the Director.
^ Support in the logistics of the activities programmed by the service.
^ Prepare and permanently update the directory of schools, special education
services and entities with which the service is linked.
^ Perform your role with an attitude of respect and discretion.
^ Carry out guard duty during the periods indicated by higher authorities.

^ Carry out cleaning and general maintenance activities, according to the


Director's instructions.
^ Move furniture, equipment and materials, according to the Director's

^ Assist in the delivery of documentation and correspondence according to the

instructions received, with an attitude of respect and discretion.
^ Assistant in the maintenance of facilities and repairs of equipment, real estate
and personal property.
^ Carry out the respective guards in the periods indicated by higher authorities.

^ CAM : M ultiple Care Center.

Special education school service that has the responsibility of providing quality care to
students with severe and multiple disabilities and/or with generalized developmental
General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz

disorders who face barriers in the school, classroom and socio-family contexts, which
limit learning and participation, which is why they require reasonable adjustments and
greater educational support to advance in their educational process. The CAM serves
children and young people who have not yet been included in regular education
schools, to provide them with relevant educational attention and specific supports that
allow them to fully participate and continue their learning process throughout life. life.

General purpose
Provide educational care and/or job training to students with severe, multiple
disabilities or pervasive developmental disorders that require reasonable adjustments
in order to reduce barriers to learning and participation, in family, school, work and
social contexts. social for the satisfaction of basic learning needs and the development
of skills that allow autonomous social and productive coexistence as well as improving
their quality of life.

Specific Purposes
^ Provide educational attention to students, based on the postulates of Agreement
No.592 which establishes the articulation of Basic Education, the Basic
Education Study Plan and Programs and the Guide for the educator and for the
education teacher basic, current; Likewise, through specific and diversified
strategies and methodologies to promote their comprehensive development.

^ Permanently promote that students with disabilities are attended to in regular

schools in their community, taking into account that this context will offer them
greater possibilities for development, learning and participation.

^ Offer job training to young people with disabilities with the aim of including them
in the workplace and achieving their independence and autonomy in
accordance with their particular and contextual living conditions.

^ Strengthen the inclusive education process in early and basic education schools,
which serve students with disabilities or generalized developmental disorders
and do not have support services, through advice to school staff, guidance to
families and/or the attention to the student who requires it.

^ Provide complementary support to students with disabilities who attend initial and
basic education schools that require it.

^ Offer advice to regular education and support service personnel to strengthen

their professional skills in favor of caring for students with disabilities and
pervasive developmental disorders, as well as for the design and
implementation of reasonable adjustments that favor inclusive education.

^ Work collaboratively with the family to achieve and consolidate life skills for their

General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz

children in order to strengthen independence and inclusion in educational,

social and work contexts.

^ Create and promote linkage networks in the areas of health, education, work,
social assistance and recreation to eliminate environmental barriers that limit
the participation of students with severe, multiple disabilities and/or generalized
developmental disorders and achieve support necessary.

^ Promote the empowerment of people who, for various reasons (accidents,

illness, etc.) face a disability, providing tools that allow them to be included in
different contexts.

^ Promote universal design and reasonable adjustments as strategies to make

school and community spaces, goods and services accessible to all.

Organic Structure
The official organic structure is made up of management staff, a multidisciplinary team
and administrative staff.

General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz

Communication Flow Chart

^ Direct relationships are indicated with continuous lines and imply subordination according
to the direction of the arrow, since this indicates the hierarchy that is subordinated.
^ The dotted lines indicate advisory and support relationships where there is no
subordination but rather communication channels.

The multidisciplinary team in initial and basic education is made up of group teaching
staff and liaison teaching staff for inclusive education, staff from the areas of
psychology, social work and communication; physical or occupational therapist and
educational assistant; in job training, in addition, by liaison teaching staff for labor
inclusion, workshop instructors and/or job training teaching staff.

To the extent possible, it is also made up of specialists 10 in intellectual, motor, visual,

auditory disabilities and in generalized developmental disorders. If the resources and
infrastructure are available, physical education, artistic and media classroom teachers
can be added to the staff.

The organization of the staff is conditioned by the human resources available to the
CAM, its administrative situation, as well as the needs of the population to be served,
10 Personnel who have completed studies higher than a bachelor's degree such as diplomas, specialty, master's
or doctoral degrees or with extensive experience in specific areas.
General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz

ensuring the optimization of resources for the benefit of the students.

General Criteria for Care

At the beginning of the school year, in a collegiate meeting, the information related to
the barriers to learning and participation that exist in the service, as well as the needs
of the students, will be analyzed to define the formation of the initial, basic education or
training groups. for work considering: age, skills, disability and intensity of the support
that each student requires. Depending on the number of students who attend the
service, single-grade or multigrade groups may be formed.

Based on the groups formed, the teacher who responds to the needs of the students
will be appointed, taking into account their skills and teaching experience.

On a permanent basis and at the end of the school year, the performance of the
students in each group will be monitored, in order to make the pertinent modifications
in the organization of the service to substantially improve educational achievement.

Scope of Operation.
The CAM carries out its functions in its own buildings or temporarily in physical spaces
conditioned and authorized by the corresponding educational bodies.

The school service must attend to the levels of initial and basic education and training
for work, according to the needs and demand of the locality where the service is
located, the physical space and the personnel it has.

Initial education
At this formative moment, students are enrolled from forty-five days of birth to two
years and eleven months of age, who are at risk, with severe or multiple disabilities,
generalized developmental disorders, and who face barriers in classroom and school
contexts. , family and/or social and require the implementation of reasonable
adjustments to achieve the educational purposes of the level.

Educational attention is based on the current Initial Education Program and is

supported with methodological proposals and specific diversified strategies that favor
the learning and comprehensive development of students.

Depending on the intensity of the support that the students require, the attention may
be temporary and they may enroll in a regular education school; Or it may be
permanent and will continue its training path at the CAM.

The hours for the morning shift will be from 8:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and in the
afternoon shift from 2:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.; It may be flexible for that population that,

General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz

due to its characteristics and needs and the conditions of the family, requires care
sessions that range from one to three hours, until reaching the full schedule.

Attention can be individual or in small groups; The close participation of at least one
family member is important.

Preschool education
It serves students from three to seven years of age who have severe, multiple
disabilities or pervasive developmental disorders, who face barriers in classroom,
school, family and/or social contexts and require the implementation of reasonable

Educational attention is based on the current Study Plan and Programs and is
supported with methodological proposals and specific diversified strategies that favor
the learning and comprehensive development of students.

The schedule for students is the same as that offered by regular preschool schools.
The number of students in each group varies from six to eight, depending on the
support they need and the human resources available in the service.

On a permanent basis, the inclusion of students in a regular preschool education

school should be encouraged, taking into account that this context will offer them
greater possibilities for development, learning and participation.

Primary education
It serves students from six to fifteen years of age with severe, multiple disabilities,
generalized developmental disorders, who face barriers in classroom, school, family
and/or social contexts and require the implementation of reasonable adjustments.

Educational attention is based on the current Study Plan and Programs; and is
supported with methodological proposals and specific and diversified strategies that
promote the learning and comprehensive development of students.

The schedule at this formative moment is the same as that offered by regular primary
education schools. The number of students in each group varies from six to eight,
depending on the support they need and the human resources available in the service.

On a permanent basis, the inclusion of students in a regular primary school should be

encouraged, taking into account that this context will offer them greater possibilities for
development, learning and participation.

General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz

Complementary Support:
To minimize or eliminate barriers to learning and participation, the school service offers
complementary support to students with disabilities who attend initial or basic
education and require specific supports that the regular school cannot offer; among
others: acquisition of the Braille system, orientation and mobility or use of the
Crammer abacus for blind people; teaching Mexican Sign Language or establishing an
alternative communication system for deaf people; development of thinking, linguistic
and conceptual skills for people with intellectual disabilities, etc.

The staff of the school service maintains close communication with the family, with the
group teacher and with the support service staff (if it exists), and advises to transform
the family and school context into conducive spaces that promote full participation. and
student learning.

Depending on the needs, characteristics of the population served and the possibilities
of the CAM, complementary support is provided within the regular education school, or
in the school service itself in an alternate shift to the students' schooling.

In complementary support, students are served individually or in small groups based

on the specific support they require and the personnel the CAM has.

Training for Work

Provides training to young people with severe or multiple disabilities or pervasive
developmental disorders, who face barriers in classroom, school, family and/or social
contexts and require the implementation of reasonable adjustments to achieve their
learning and develop work skills.

The school service permanently encourages students with disabilities who do not
require generalized and permanent support to integrate into the regular educational
system that offers training for work; among others, Training Centers for Industrial Work
(CECATI), Training Institute for Work of the State of Veracruz (ICATVER) and National
College of Professional Technical Education (CONALEP), providing support and
monitoring during said training, in case is required.

This training moment serves students from seventeen to thirty years of age, graduates
of the primary level from a schooled service or a regular school or those young people
without schooling or directly from an institution that offers this training. The maximum
period of stay at this training moment is three years.
Students are served through different training modalities with specific lines of action.
To determine the modality, the interests and skills of each student will be considered,
as well as the labor demand of the community.

General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz

Training for work will preferably be provided in real work environments (companies,
microenterprises, businesses, factories and offices, among others), providing support
and monitoring for a period of no more than two years; In some cases, it may be
carried out within the CAM, conditioning the facilities and equipping the spaces so that
they are as close to a real work environment as possible.

The schedule at this training moment is 8 hours so that it is what the student will face
once their training is completed. The CAM will be organized in a collegial manner to
care for the students who are trained within the service and those who are trained
outside of it.

The workshops within the CAM will be established based on the job offer in the
community; With this, work practice is guaranteed in work environments where
students can apply the acquired skills; In addition, there are greater possibilities of
obtaining a job after completing their job training.

Each workshop will be made up of eight or more young people, depending on the
support they need, their work skills and the human and physical resources available in
the service.

Attention Modality in Peripheral Group

To eliminate or minimize barriers to learning and participation, the school service will
form peripheral groups with those students who, due to the geographic situation of the
region, cannot travel to the CAM daily; thereby addressing (the comma goes without
saying) the demand of the population with severe or multiple disabilities, generalized
developmental disorders or who, due to the disability they present, require reasonable

The purpose of these groups is to promote the inclusion of students in regular school
or in a job training center once they have acquired the necessary tools for their
autonomous school and social coexistence.

The population enrolled in the peripheral group will be part of the CAM enrollment. The
number of students that will be served in a peripheral group will depend on the
demand of the population, considering that there are at least six students in one or
more training moments. The peripheral group schedule is the same as that offered by
regular education schools.

The teaching staff and the multidisciplinary team that serves the peripheral group are
members of the CAM staff, so they must comply with the responsibilities and
commitments established in the service. When this group operates within a regular
school, it must participate in the activities that it organizes.

General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz

Planning in the School Service
From the perspective of Inclusive Education and the Strategic Educational
Management Model (MGEE), it is necessary to modify school management in the
CAM and reorient leadership, which implies a horizontal relationship in which informed
dialogue favors decision making. focused on student learning. It has to be built and
expressed in concrete practices and specific areas, that is, in the classroom, in
learning, in the comprehensive training of students. This requires maintaining a
relationship with colleagues, leaving behind isolated actions and in solitary, to promote
and innovate from a collective dimension (managers, advisors, technical support team)
in such a way that each teacher always has the gaze, listening and exchange of
opinions about daily events, where they can strengthen and guide their work.

General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz

pedagogical towards satisfying the learning needs of students.

In this sense, it is also required to renew the pact between the student, the teacher,
the family and the school, in order to promote norms that regulate daily coexistence,
establish links between rights and responsibilities, and delimit the exercise of power.
and authority in the school with the participation of the family. (SEP.2011)

Likewise, it is of great importance to give a voice to parents and especially to students,

they have a lot to say about their life project, the idea that this is an exclusive
responsibility of teachers and directors must be eradicated. If they are part of the
project design, its development becomes a shared commitment and therefore the
possibility of achievement increases.

From this perspective, leadership requires the active participation of students,

teachers, school administrators, parents and other actors, in a climate of respect, co-
responsibility, transparency and accountability. (SEP.2011)

Leadership is decisive for the development of institutional management focused on

the school and the assurance of learning and, in general, the alignment of the entire
educational structure towards educational achievement.

The learning process represents the centrality of each and every one of the actions
deployed in the Multiple Care Centers, both in relation to organizational issues, as well
as in aspects of an administrative nature, social participation and obviously the
curricular pedagogical field. Each decision made collectively directly impacts student
learning. Therefore, the analysis that CAM professionals carry out regarding their
teaching practices will offer them parameters to improve both their school and
pedagogical management.

The school service must constantly innovate to favor all

students the satisfaction of basic learning needs and the development of
competencies that allow autonomous social and productive coexistence as well as
Improve your quality of life. For this it is necessary to explore and recognize the
elements of culture, politics and school, family and social practices that
could be limiting student learning and participation and act
to minimize and eliminate these barriers, which requires a constant attitude of
search for solutions that allow adjusting, at all times, educational action
General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz

to concrete realities that are changing. It is a challenge that involves a change in

pedagogical work, a new conceptualization of school management and a different role
for teaching staff, who is capable of analyzing situations, identifying problems and
proposing solutions.

Consistent with the above, the new MGEE paradigm promotes planning and
organization in the short, medium and long term; decision-making in a collegial
manner that allows us to have a future vision of the service to gradually build the
"school we want", for the care of students with severe or multiple disabilities or with
generalized developmental disorders.

To be clear about the actions to be developed, it is necessary that there be a school

project that minimizes and/or eliminates barriers to learning and participation, that
guides and supports the educational process; For this reason, the management staff
and multidisciplinary team of the service will prepare the Strategic School
Transformation Plan and the Annual Work Program , considering the standards and
dimensions of school management.

Educational Attention in Initial Education and Basic Education

To provide quality education and teaching in the CAM, the educational intervention will
be aimed at offering the necessary support so that each student can be on equal
terms, to make the most of educational opportunities and exercise their right to
education. in addition to reaching their highest levels of development and learning, to
be able to realize their life project and function successfully within society.

To achieve these aspirations, it is necessary that all CAM professionals aim to

generate better learning opportunities by strengthening the teaching process, taking
the basic education study plan and programs as the guiding axis; incorporate
diversified strategies to guarantee universal accessibility through the determination,
promotion and monitoring of the implementation of reasonable adjustments necessary
as an accessibility strategy in particular cases, the application of diversified strategies
for everyone in the classroom and the implementation of specific strategies to the
CAM students who require them.

Evaluation process
The evaluation of learning is the continuous and systematic process that allows
obtaining evidence, making judgments and providing feedback on the achievements of
students during their training. The judgments about the learning achieved during the
evaluation process seek to ensure that students, teachers, mothers and

General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the SECRETARY
State ofex Veracruz

Parents or guardians, school and educational authorities, at their different levels,

make decisions that improve student performance. Therefore, in Basic Education the
training approach must prevail in all evaluation actions carried out. (SEP.2011)

From this approach, it is necessary for the teacher to design evaluation strategies that
allow him to obtain evidence about the students' learning and analyze with them what
their competencies are and those aspects that need to be strengthened in their
training and especially stop to explain to the students. how you can intervene to
enhance their achievements and ways in which they can overcome their difficulties.

The teacher must share with the students and their mothers, fathers or guardians what
they are expected to learn, as well as the evaluation criteria, the instruments that will
be used to determine their achievement, the periods in which it will be carried out and
how They can participate in this process so that they assume a commitment to
learning and are aware of the progress and results.

It is necessary that the efforts of teachers, multidisciplinary support team, parents or

tutor focus on how to support and improve student performance and at the same time
teaching practice and family intervention to eliminate contextual barriers. that they are

Initial evaluation
Before starting the evaluation process itself, an initial interview must be conducted
with students who request enrollment in the service, to identify if it is the best
educational option for them or if they are advised to enroll in a regular education

This interview must include relevant information on the following aspects: general data
of the student, reason for requesting entry to the service, developmental history,
school history (if applicable) and socio-family context, as well as parental
expectations. This interview will be carried out by the CAM management staff.

Considering the information collected in the initial interview, it is decided collectively

whether the student can be attended to in the regular school or goes through an initial
evaluation process at the CAM. In the first case, parents are guided about the schools
near their home that have support services, so that the student can enroll immediately.
In the second case, the evaluation process begins considering the following

General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz

^ At the beginning of the course it is necessary to carry out an evaluation that allows
us to know the students' prior knowledge, learning strategies and style, their
communicative competence and their adaptive behavior in interaction with the
classroom, school, family and social context to which they belong. the purpose of
identifying the barriers that limit their learning and participation to define the
resources and supports that are required to achieve the educational purposes.
^ The evaluation is guided from a formative approach, evaluating to learn, identifying
what they know and how they can be supported. (SEP.2011)
^ The evaluation will take into account the characteristics of social, linguistic and
cultural plurality, needs, interests, abilities, styles and learning rhythms of the
students, so the necessary adaptations can be made. (DOF.2012)
^ Various strategies and specific instruments are used according to the characteristics
and possibilities of the students and those that allow obtaining a broad knowledge
of them and their interaction in the classroom, school, family and social contexts.
^ The evaluation process is organized, prioritizing direct observation of the student's
daily performance in activities within the classroom and in other spaces of the
school context, through specific indicators that retrieve more information about the
contextual barriers that limit their learning and participation .
^ At the end of the process, it is necessary to prepare the Evaluation Report, which
integrates and summarizes the information obtained by the members of the
multidisciplinary team that participated, specifying the student's level of
development, the level of curricular competence and their style. Learning; the
barriers that were identified in the classroom, school, social and family context and
the reasonable adjustments and professional, material, architectural and curricular
resources that are required to support their educational process. It can be
integrated into a single document and divided into sections: Student evaluation,
contextual barriers, reasonable adjustments and supports or create separate
documents, depending on what works best for each teacher. Only specificity,
coherence and clarity of information is recommended so that it is functional.
^ The evaluation portfolio is integrated with the documents and instruments that were
used in the process and is permanently updated.
^ In the case of students new to the service, the initial evaluation process and the
corresponding report must be carried out in a period of no more than four weeks,
optimizing time and resources so that it is carried out simultaneously with the
evaluation process. attention.
^ When students re-enroll in the service, they already have the evaluations and record
of their learning process from the previous school year, so it is not necessary to
carry out the entire initial evaluation process, only the necessary information that
allows identification will be updated. their competencies and the specific support
they require to guide their educational response. This process will be carried out
within a period of no more than two weeks from the date of re-entry.

General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz

Permanent Evaluation.
This evaluation is designed from the didactic planning and is carried out during the
development of the different activities in which the students participate. It allows you to
assess your performance in accordance with the expected learning, and timely identify
the need to incorporate specific support or diversified strategies from both teachers
and families.

Different types can be used, such as self-assessment, so that students know and
value their learning processes and actions and have bases to improve their
performance and; co-evaluation among students that allows them to learn to value the
processes and actions of their classmates, with the responsibility that this entails, in
addition to representing an opportunity to share learning strategies and learn together.
It is necessary to provide students with evaluation criteria or establish them with their
participation so that they have clarity about what they should evaluate during the
process, so that it becomes a training experience and is not just the issuance of
judgments. without foundation. (SEP.2011).
Also apply heteroevaluation, directed and applied by the teacher, in which the
progress and also the difficulties that the students are facing in their process are
identified. This allows decisions to be made to improve student learning through
creating learning opportunities and also improving teaching practice.
It is important to use various strategies and instruments that are appropriate for the
level of development and learning of the students. Some instruments that should be
used to obtain evidence are: rubric or verification matrix, checklists or control,
anecdotal or anecdotal recording, direct observation, written and graphic productions,
collective information search projects, identification of problems and formulation of
alternative solutions, records and tables of attitudes observed in students in collective
activities, written or oral evaluations or even practical performance of tasks.

Teachers must keep careful records of students' progress and concentrate evidence
of their performance in a portfolio to assign the assessment that corresponds to their
actual performance.
The results of the evaluations must be recorded in the Basic Education Booklet as
indicated in Agreement 648, which establishes the general standards for evaluation,
accreditation, promotion and certification in basic education and inform parents and
guardians as well as to students and make the necessary decisions to provide the
necessary support to improve their learning processes.

During the development of the school year, the group teacher and multidisciplinary
support team will analyze the convenience of registration, of the students who require
it, to the regular schools close to their home, ensuring that it is done before the pre-
registration period (February ) to cover this process in a timely manner.
General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz

Final or Summative Evaluation

To close the school year, it is necessary to carry out a comprehensive qualitative
analysis that allows identifying the educational results of the students in the different
areas of development and in the different contexts to make decisions about their
accreditation, promotion, graduation from the service or, where appropriate,
enrollment. at the regular education school near your home. The results will be
recorded in the basic education booklet with the corresponding annotations so that the
necessary support is provided.

Teaching-Learning Process in Basic Education

Agreement No. 592 establishes the curricular map from which the Articulation of Basic
Education, within the framework of the RIEB, projects a twelve-year training path for
students, where the renewal of the forms of work and organization in school is
promoted. and the classroom, to guarantee timely attention from their first years of
schooling until adolescence. This formative path is possible from the articulation and
logical achievement between the purposes of initial, preschool, primary and secondary

The congruence that characterizes the formative path of basic education represents,
for students, a guarantee of respect for their development process and the
appreciation of their learning achievements in each grade, period and educational
level. For CAM professionals, it represents the opportunity to develop their strategic
planning over longer periods, to systematically intervene in different educational

By virtue of the scope of the CAM training path, its professionals must delve into the
knowledge of its organizational elements (Plan and Study Programs 2011), to
understand the philosophy and approaches on which they are based and at the same
time, design strategies diversified so that, through them, the different social, cultural
and individual realities of the students are recognized.

General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz

Diversified strategies represent pedagogical decisions for the solid reduction or

elimination of barriers to learning and participation that students face, which are based
on the level of knowledge that the teacher has of their potential and support
requirements and are oriented to the development of their skills.

In addition to the above, the training path requires professionals to mobilize the
knowledge of the students, starting from building a broad knowledge of them and their
context, in addition to designing learning situations and forms of evaluation based on
in the 2011 Plan and Study Programs with the support of diverse educational
materials, planning challenging didactic activities in accordance with the approaches
of each subject and, carrying out a self-critical and purposeful reflection on their
teaching practice.

Likewise, when considering the diversity that attends the CAM, the necessary support
will be offered so that each student can make the most of educational opportunities
and exercise their right to education, to reach their highest levels of development and
learning and be able to realize their life project to function successfully within society.

These aspirations become possible when the CAM enhances learning opportunities
and strengthens the teaching process, through the implementation of strategies that
guarantee universal accessibility through the determination, promotion and monitoring
of the implementation of necessary reasonable adjustments such as accessibility
strategy in particular cases, the application of diversified strategies for the entire group
and the implementation of specific strategies for students who require them.

Reasonable adjustments
To minimize and eliminate the barriers of the classroom, school and social context
that limit the learning and participation of students, reasonable adjustments are made,
specifying the professional, material, architectural and/or curricular supports and
resources for the achievement of learning, specifying the evaluation criteria that allow
decisions to be made regarding promotion. These adjustments are made with the
participation of the multidisciplinary team and the family in a period of no more than
two weeks from the student's entry into the service.

Educational Attention in Training for Work

Job Skills Assessment and Report
To determine the barriers of the school, family and social context that limit the
learning and participation of the population attending this formative moment,
General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz

A process of evaluation of work skills must be carried out that prioritizes: socio-family
context, conditions and expectations of the student, work demand of the community
and resources and expectations of the family.

This evaluation begins through an interview carried out by the management staff with
the parents and students, with the intention of inquiring about their skills, interests and
work motivations; Likewise, work history.

The CAM management, in coordination with the personnel who attend job training,
organizes the process of evaluating job competencies and identifying barriers; During
this process, priority should be given to investigating the level at which the student can
perform a task on his or her own and what he or she can do with support, optimizing
time and resources so that the entire process is carried out in a timely and effective

To determine the methodological, technical, social and individual competencies to be

valued in each young person, as well as to explore the contextual barriers that limit
their learning and participation, it is an essential requirement that those involved know
and analyze the long-term perspective and the labor diagnosis. of the community. The
evaluation of job competencies is the responsibility of the management staff,
workshop instructor and multidisciplinary team.

Differentiated evaluation strategies and instruments are used according to the needs
of each student. Each member of the team that participates in the evaluation prepares
a report with the interpretation of the results and it is analyzed interdisciplinary in order
to identify the contextual barriers that limit the learning and participation of the
students and their work skills.

At the end of the evaluation, the Labor Skills Report is prepared, considering the
following aspects: general data, instruments used, conclusions of the evaluation of
labor skills, both methodological, technical, social and individual in relation to the job,
as well as the barriers. that limit learning and participation; support required, most
convenient training or inclusion modality, relevant information on the socio-family
context and the context in which they will be trained or included in the workplace.

The evaluation of work skills and the corresponding report must be developed in a
period of no more than four weeks from the student's entry into the service,
simultaneously with the care process, integrating the portfolio of evidence with the
documents and evaluation instruments. that were used.

In the case of re-entry students, who already have an evaluation of work skills, only
the information required will be updated to specify and determine specific support and,

General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz

if necessary, reorient their training process. This process will be carried out within a
period of no more than two weeks from the date of re-entry.

Reasonable Adjustments
To minimize and eliminate barriers to learning and participation, as well as respond to
the training needs of the student, reasonable adjustments are made specifying the
training areas or integration modality, professional, material, technological,
architectural supports and resources. and/or specific curricula for the training or
integration of the student in the work area. These adjustments are determined with the
participation of the multidisciplinary team and the family in a period of no more than
two weeks from the student's entry into the service.

Permanent Evaluation
The progress of the students will be evaluated permanently, taking as a reference the
reasonable adjustments determined; To this end, the information provided by the
workshop instructor, the company and the family on the social skills, individual
methodological techniques and attitudes of the student and their interaction in different
contexts is analyzed, identifying potential supports based on their training needs. or
labor integration to propose pertinent adjustments.

The personnel who are directly involved in the training or monitoring of the student
participate in this evaluation, who determines the frequency with which it should be
carried out.

Final evaluation
At the end of the school year, the management staff, the student and those involved in
the care process, analyze the work performance and the conditions of the training or
inclusion environment, to make the decision to: continue the care in the same
modality, enriching or adjusting specific supports; change the modality of training or
labor inclusion or progressively or definitively withdraw support.

Linkage with other special education services, basic education schools or job training

^ With Guidance Services. School services are related to guidance services, among
other aspects, to request advice on attention strategies for some students,
generate specific support in terms of technological assistance, or request
information about institutions and professionals that offer services, programs and
materials for that the student receives comprehensive attention. In turn, school
services share experiences, care strategies, material resources and support the

General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz

guidance service when requested.

^ With Support Services. The school service establishes links with USAER or
CAPEP personnel for the educational inclusion of students. In collegiate, the
situation of the schools close to the student's home is analyzed and it is
determined which best responds to their needs.

^ With Regular Education Schools. The school service is in constant connection

with regular education schools, providing spaces that promote inclusive education
through recreational, sports, cultural and civic exchange between students of both

The connection is also established to offer advice to teachers, guidance to parents

and complementary support to students to optimize their school performance.

^ With other Work Training Institutions. The school service is linked to institutions
that provide training for work to manage the training of young people with
disabilities who do not require generalized and permanent support, among others:
Training Centers for Industrial Work (CECATI), Training Institute for the work of the
state of Veracruz (ICATVER) and National College of Professional Technical
Education (CONALEP).

If necessary, provide guidance to staff for the identification and elimination of

contextual barriers that limit student participation and learning.

Service Evaluation
To assess the functioning of the school service, identify the barriers that limit the
learning and participation of students, as well as make adjustments based on the
results obtained, use will be made of the Management Standards for Basic Education,
as well as the Operational Criteria in its four dimensions, framed in the Strategic
Educational Management Model.

1. - Promotion of Pedagogical Improvement
At school:
^ The management staff participates in the training and updating of teaching staff.
^ Teaching staff seek and are motivated to attend courses for their training and
professional updating, relevant to the context of their school.
^ Teachers talk about each other's performances, support the definition of
strategies to improve teaching performance, and provide each other with
professional feedback.
^ The achievements of the improvement of the teaching staff are evaluated,

General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz

considering the results of the students' performances.

^ The teacher improvement actions offered by the educational system are analyzed
and evaluated in meetings with all teachers.

2. Shared Pedagogical Planning

The teaching staff:
^ Chat with each other to share experiences about your lesson planning.
^ They share with each other different modalities of their didactic planning to serve
different types of students.
^ Make your classmates aware of the usefulness of some teaching resources.
^ Agree among his classmates on the type of record that is kept of the students.
^ Mutually evaluate their didactic planning.
^ Jointly analyzes the results of the students and the changes they require in their
pedagogical practice.

3. - Centrality of Learning
At school:
^ The central goals and objectives are related to the increase in the learning levels
of the students.
^ The assessment of the level of performance of the teaching staff considers the
learning results of the students.
^ The meetings that the management staff calls with the teaching staff have student
learning as their central theme.
^ The meetings held by management staff with parents have learning as their
central theme.
^ Decisions and actions are taken to improve learning conditions.
^ Methodological efforts are made to develop authentic performance evaluations in
students, transcending standardized or multiple-choice exams.

4. Commitment to Learn
In the classroom:
^ Students are informed about their learning objectives.
^ Students partially and gradually design the strategies and route they must follow
for their own learning.
^ Students know their limitations in learning and ask for support when they need it.
^ The teaching staff is available to assist the student when they request their
support in a learning task or work.
^ Students have high expectations for their learning.
^ Students consider their own learning valuable for their present and future lives.

General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz

5. Equity in Learning Opportunities

The teaching staff:
^ It has specific strategies to serve students with disabilities.
^ Special time is available for the student who requires it.
^ It has special spaces and materials for students who require greater support for
^ Arranges and implements activities and exercises adapted to the needs of the
^ Communicates with the students' parents to talk with them about their learning

6. Effective Leadership
The management staff:
^ Promotes teaching staff to form a single work team.
^ Promotes the participation of teaching staff and parents in relevant decisions and
actions to improve the level of learning.
^ Develops a shared vision among the school community on continuous academic
^ Achieves the necessary commitments from the school community to improve
learning levels.
^ Handle conflicts that arise at school appropriately.
^ Permanently manage resources so that the school functions in the most
appropriate way possible.
^ Carry out exchanges of managerial experiences with other schools.
^ Dedicate the necessary and sufficient time to academic tasks that best support
student learning.
^ Build community support to achieve planned school goals.
^ He satisfies the community with the way he runs the school.
^ He satisfies the teaching staff with his management of the school.

7. Climate of Trust
At school:
^ There is sincere communication between all actors in the school community.
^ Academic cooperation aimed at improving learning is promoted.
^ There is an exchange of ideas and learning materials between the teaching staff
and, in general, the school team.
^ The integration of the school community is oriented towards the same objectives
aimed at learning.
^ The conditions for good coexistence and mutual relationships are promoted, such
as respect, tolerance of ideas and the trust that the community places in itself as
an essential condition for working together.
General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz

8. Commitment to Teaching
At school:
^ Extra-class time is dedicated to complex academic activities.
^ Teaching staff are encouraged to improve their pedagogical practice on a daily
^ You are encouraged to get involved in the Annual Program and fulfill the
responsibility assumed.
^ They are committed to jointly achieving effective learning for students, together
with parents.

9. Shared Decisions
At school:
^ There is an atmosphere of freedom to express proposals from the teaching staff,
as well as the rest of the school community.
^ Conditions and mechanisms are established to define agreements.
^ Procedures are ensured to act in accordance with established agreements.
10. Institutional Planning
The Annual Program:
^ Considers the participation of the school community in its preparation.
^ Prioritizes student learning.
^ Distributes the responsibilities of the work committees among the school group.
^ Involves teaching staff and parents in the coordination and execution of activities.
^ Considers activities to fulfill the goals and commitments made for the
improvement of the school.
^ Considers the CEPS work program.

11. Self appraisal

At school:
^ There is an open and public system of information that records the academic
progress of students.
^ The management staff meets periodically with the teaching staff and parents to
analyze the school's indicators, such as attendance (students and teachers),
student dropouts, levels of student academic achievement, etc.
^ The management staff analyzes, together with the teaching staff, the
improvements that the fact that teachers have attended professional preparation
courses has had on student learning.
^ The school's academic strengths and weaknesses are recognized and actions are
defined to deepen the strengths and reduce the weaknesses.
^ Informed and structured conversations occur between members of the school
^ Mechanisms are developed to provide timely monitoring of student performance.
General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz

12. Performance Communication

At school:
^ The principal is academically accountable to parents and the community.
^ Means are available to inform parents of the students' academic progress.
^ Parents actively participate in the analysis of the students' academic results.
^ Parents are satisfied with the information that the school gives them about
academic activities.
^ School supervision is called for teaching staff meetings when student results are
^ Responsibilities are recognized in the academic results of the students.

13. School Networks

At school:
^ The educational achievements of other schools are known, in order to learn and
improve their processes.
^ Support, accompaniment or advice is sought with other schools.
^ Teaching staff talk to staff at other schools to see how they have overcome
teaching and learning obstacles.
^ Academic resources are requested and obtained from other schools when they
are not available.
^ The experiences of other schools regarding their pedagogical advances are
^ Technological means are used to report the activities and results of other schools.
^ Technological means are used to improve knowledge of the world, society and
^ The management, teaching or support staff collaborate with the training of groups
from other schools.
^ Collaborative academic work is carried out

14. Effective Operation of the School Technical Council (CTE)

The CTE:
^ Guides the school's academic work.
^ It exposes the problems that teaching staff have in the teaching and learning
^ Make decisions based on evaluations and track progress.
^ It is established as a space to improve the training of teaching staff.
^ Promotes exchange of experiences of teachers who are successful in their
^ Follows up on the activities and results of the school improvement plan.

General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz

15. Effective Operation of the School Council for Social Participation (CEPS)
^ They meet periodically to make informed decisions about student learning.
^ The school's academic progress is discussed.
^ Their decisions and activities are related to the improvement of teaching and
learning processes.
^ Resource management is related to improving the learning environment in the
^ Active participation in the school's self-evaluation process.
^ The school's Annual Program is known for the purpose of developing its work
program and avoiding duplication or splicing of activities.

16. Parent Participation in School

At school:
^ There is a high degree of incorporation of parents in collective discussions.
^ The perceptions and opinions of parents are analyzed and taken into account by
management and teaching staff.
^ The planning of the activities is carried out collectively, incorporating the opinions
of the parents.
^ Parents are satisfied with access to information about activities.
^ Parents actively participate in activities related to the Annual Program.
^ Training processes are carried out, such as the “School for Parents” workshops,
to empower their participation.
^ Parents come to find out how their children are doing.

17. Support for Home Learning

^ They support their children in their schoolwork.
^ Those whose children have low academic achievements are called and guided to
support the improvement of their learning.
^ They receive courses and workshops that let them know how to better help their
children in their studies.
^ They are encouraged to support activities of the teaching staff in their classes.
^ They observe and participate in how the school recovers the culture of the

18. Resource Optimization

The school:
^ Work the 200 class days established in the school calendar.
^ Respect the work and break schedules established during the day.

General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz

^ Make effective and efficient use of the time dedicated to teaching.

^ Coordinates with the countershift (if any) to articulate planning on matters related
to the use of resources.
^ Establishes strategies for the care and maintenance of the building and furniture.
^ Defines and establishes strategies for the use of stationery and teaching supplies.
^ Organizes your calendar of internal, external and professionalization meetings so
as not to affect the time allocated to teaching.

19. School control

The school:
^ It has its statistical information in an organized and updated manner.
^ Complies in a timely manner with the required information: minutes, ballots,
scholarship processing, certificates, reports, statistics, work program and
reports, among others.
^ It has a record of the progress made in its Annual Program.
^ It has the CEPS work program.
^ It has administrative control over human, material and financial resources.

20. Infrastructure
The school:
^ It has the necessary classrooms to meet its educational demand.
^ It has toilets, in good condition, for students and teaching staff.
^ It has the appropriate hydrosanitary and electrical installations.
^ It has classrooms in conditions to promote the teaching and learning processes.
^ It has a space and equipment to promote the use of information and
communication technologies.
^ It has spaces that promote student learning: green areas, patio, play area, courts
and others.
^ It has facilities that guarantee a healthy and safe environment for students.
^ It has the teaching materials and inputs to guarantee the achievement of the
planned objectives and goals.
^ It has facilities and equipment to use information and communication
technologies: Enciclomedia, Red Escolar, Digital Skills for All, among others.

Functions of School Services Personnel

^ Verify compliance with the school control standards for basic education in force
in the national education system.
^ Analyze with the personnel in charge the General Guidelines for the
Organization and Operation of Special Education Services in the State of

General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz

^ Keep track of incidents and performance of the personnel under your charge
and make the corresponding reports, respecting the operational chain.
^ Exercise leadership according to the current strategic management model.
^ Coordinate the design, execution, monitoring and evaluation of the Strategic
School Transformation Plan and the Service's Annual Work Program.
^ Integrate and coordinate the actions of the Technical Council, in which matters
of a technical-pedagogical nature related to the Strategic Plan of the service
are considered as a priority.
^ Disseminate, in ordinary or extraordinary technical meetings, the agreements
and provisions of a technical-pedagogical, administrative and labor nature
emanating from the zone, sector and other higher authorities.
^ Promote and verify the management and application of the monthly schedule of
activities, didactic planning, by each of the members of the service, according
to their function.
^ Carry out the initial interview with the family to obtain information on specific
aspects of the student, which allows them to decide in a timely manner whether
to include them in the regular school or to begin the psycho-pedagogical
evaluation process in the service.
^ Participate in the organization and implementation of the psycho-pedagogical
evaluation process and the respective report.
^ Call together with the teacher, the family to participate in the psycho-
pedagogical evaluation and in the determination of reasonable adjustments.
^ Participate in the monitoring and evaluation of reasonable adjustments.
^ Make systematic visits to the groups in order to guide and advise the personnel
under your charge.
^ Promote and support the development and implementation of research and
innovation projects that allow better care for students, ensuring that they are
consistent with the current regulations and approach to special education.
^ Manage, organize and coordinate dissemination and awareness actions in schools
and the community, with the participation of service personnel.
^ Verify compliance with the school calendar, according to the schedules established
for the service, in order to avoid any activity that is detrimental to the educational
attention provided to the students.
^ Permanently detect the training and continuing education needs of its staff to
establish support strategies, in order to improve the results of the educational
^ Attend and participate in training and updating courses that strengthen your
professionalization and support the achievement of the center's purposes.
^ Participate or collaborate in the technical-pedagogical innovations developed by the
department, sector and/or area considering the technical requirements and
conditions of the service.

General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz

^ Promote successful experiences that arise in the service to implement its application
^ Establish links with special education services in order to share experiences,
strategies, resources and materials that make inclusive education effective.
^ Establish links and collaboration with the different levels and modalities of Initial and
Basic Education, as well as institutions and companies that support the care of
people with disabilities to promote their full family, school, social and work
^ Manage with the corresponding authorities the resources and materials necessary
for the operation of the service.
^ Distribute among the personnel in charge the materials that have been delivered by
the corresponding authorities and that favor the operation of the service.
^ Participate and comply in a timely manner with commissions, activities and delivery-
reception of documents, reports and other data required by official bodies.
^ Receive, manage, and optimize the use of the institution's real and personal
^ Promote the granting of scholarships and other support for students who require it.
^ Promote institutional programs and actions that allow a greater impact of
educational action towards the community.
^ Promote the committed participation of parents in the educational care of children
and young people with disabilities, through awareness-raising and advisory
actions within the framework of the School Councils for Social Participation.
^ Attend to the groups in the absence of the regular teacher, to guarantee
compliance with the educational purposes.

Teaching and Multidisciplinary Staff

General Functions.
^ Participate in the design, execution, monitoring and evaluation of the Strategic
School Transformation Plan and the Service's Annual Work Program.
^ Participate in community awareness actions about respect for diversity in order
to minimize barriers to learning and participation.
^ Participate in training options specific to their function, which allow them to
effectively meet the needs of the service.
^ Establish permanent communication mechanisms with the families of the
students served, to identify needs and offer appropriate support.
^ Participate in the psycho-pedagogical evaluation process through group
activities and application of instruments and techniques that help to know the
student in a comprehensive way, as well as in the preparation of the
corresponding report.
^ Offer clear and timely information to parents about the entities that can provide
support and assistance to their children.
General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz

^ Participate in the determination, execution, monitoring and evaluation of

reasonable adjustments, considering the results of the psycho-pedagogical
^ Permanently inform the director, based on reasonable adjustments, progress,
difficulties and needs based on the educational achievement of the students,
as well as the purpose of the service.
^ Participate in updating information on re-entry students, applying instruments
when necessary and/or providing information that is relevant to their role.
^ Propose innovative alternatives, whose objective is to improve the evaluation
processes and student care.
^ Participate in individual and/or group advisory actions for the management and
teaching staff of regular schools where it is required and there is no USAER or
CAPEP service.
^ Develop the activities assigned to you by the service director, inherent to your

General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services SEV
inOFthe State of Veracruz
former VIRACnuZ

Specific functions

^ Develop a Group Project or Workshop, aimed at promoting maximum

educational achievements and strengthening inclusive education and job
training in the population served.

^ Coordinate the design, execution, monitoring and evaluation of reasonable


adjustments considering the results of the psycho-pedagogical evaluation.

^ Prepare the corresponding didactic plans, in the terms agreed upon by the
technical council of the service.

^ Agree, with the multidisciplinary team, on the specific support that each
student requires, establishing those responsible, spaces and times.

General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz

^ Participate in the process and report of evaluation of work skills, with

observations, interviews with parents, records and/or application of
evaluation instruments.

^ Participate directly in the design of reasonable adjustments based on the

results of the job competency assessment.

^ Participate in the implementation of artistic-cultural, sports and recreational


activities to promote the comprehensive development of young people.

^ Guide students about the use and management of their finances to meet their
basic needs.

^ Work with families, support strategies at home, that promote the skills
required in the work training of their children.

^ Provide guidance to families on alternatives for training or labor inclusion, in

community instances.

^ Support students and families in the management processes for establishing

a family business, self-employment or productive project.

^ Participate in monitoring and accompaniment in work practices and in the

labor inclusion process, taking into account the co-responsibility
commitments assumed with the productive sector, the family and the

General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz

^ Develop specific programs and actions to care for parents.

^ Carry out follow-up actions to update, confirm or specify the information of
the students served.
^ Carry out the application of psychological tests or tests to students who
require it, reporting the results obtained in writing.

^ Develop a work plan in which you systematically record the intervention that
you will implement with the students who require it.
^ Carry out group and individual intervention, through activities related to
behavior modification programs, self-esteem, socialization, among others.

^ Observe and record the student's interaction, their adaptation to the physical-
environmental conditions, learning style and the impact of the suggestions
provided, to make the appropriate adjustments to the established
^ Participate in the vocational guidance processes of students in job training.

^ Apply instruments to obtain information about the student's contexts: economic

situation, conditions of the immediate community, the child's home, family
structure and dynamics, etc. to identify barriers that limit learning and
^ Carry out home visits when the case requires it, in order to obtain specific
information on the student's socio-family context.
< ^ Observe the student's performance in the school context, supporting the
or teacher in aspects such as socialization, attendance, registration, withdrawal,

punctuality, hygiene and health.

or ^ Provide teachers with evaluation and attention suggestions based on the

Q information collected.
m ^ Provide written suggestions or guidelines for intervention to the staff of
supported regular schools based on the information collected.

2 ^ Coordinate the link with institutions that offer support

complementary or extracurricular activities specific to the student.
^ Participate in the labor diagnosis of the community that allows identifying the
main economic and business activities, based on the training and hiring of
students in training for work.

General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz

^ Participate in the Psychopedagogical Evaluation process, with observations,

interviews with parents, records and/or application of specialized evaluation
instruments, within their competence, in cases where required.

^ Identify family needs that revolve around the student's medical situation and offer the
necessary support.

^ Carry out assessments of the students' health status to detect those that interfere

with their learning process and determine medical needs.

^ Permanently request from the family information that enriches the student's medical
history, in order to provide relevant elements to plan care.

^ Coordinate school campaigns that have the purpose of caring for the health and well-
being of the school community.

^ Support the group teacher in actions that promote respect and good habits in the

^ Carry out your work with a prudent and respectful attitude.

^ Collaborate in the entry and exit processes of students.

^ Report any sign of illness in students to the doctor.

^ Take special care of the students during their stay in the service, taking them to the
bathroom when required, changing diapers or clothing, maintaining due
precautions at snack time, and when required, moving them.

^ Collaborate during the development of the activities, according to what the group
teacher indicates.

^ Leave the play and work area used by students clean.

^ Prepare activities for special events.

^ Assist in the setting and decoration of the classroom.

General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz

^ Evaluate linguistic and communicative competence using various instruments: tests,

COMMUNICATION observation guides, language development scales, etc.; that help identify barriers
TEACHER to learning and participation, as well as specific support needs, report the results
obtained in writing.

^ Develop a work plan in which you systematically record the intervention that you will
implement with the students who require it.

^ Carry out group and individual interventions implementing activities related to the
development of communication skills.

^ Prepare and organize the information and documentation that pertains to the
operation of the service, in accordance with current regulations.
^ Compile personnel files and update them permanently.
^ Keep track and record the loan of materials and resources of the service.
^ Permanently update the database, archive and available resources of the service.
^ Carry out the commissions and activities required by the director.
^ Support in the logistics for carrying out the activities scheduled by the service.
^ Prepare and permanently update the directory of schools, special education
services and entities with which the service is linked.
^ Perform their duties with an attitude of respect and discretion.
^ Carry out guard duty during the periods indicated by higher authorities.

Services and Maintenance Assistant

^ Carry out cleaning and general maintenance activities, according to the Director's
^ Move furniture, equipment and materials, according to the Director's instructions.
^ Assist in the delivery of documentation and correspondence according to the
instructions received, with an attitude of respect and discretion.
^ Assistant in the maintenance of facilities and repairs of equipment, real estate and
personal property.
^ Carry out the respective guards in the periods indicated by higher authorities.

General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz


They are the Special Education services in charge of offering information, advice and
training to special, initial and basic education personnel, families and the community to
eliminate and/or reduce contextual barriers (school, family and social) that limit the
learning and student participation. Inform about educational options and care strategies,
use of various specific materials and the design of reasonable adjustments to respond to
the educational needs of the population.

The special education guidance services in the state of Veracruz are:

^ CRIE : R esources and Information Center for Educational Integration .
^ UOP: Public Guidance Unit .

General purpose
Provide guidance, information, advice and specific training to staff at different
educational levels, families, government and civil society associations, as well as the
community in general, for the prevention, reduction and elimination of barriers that
impede learning and participation of people with disabilities, pervasive developmental
disorders, outstanding abilities and/or specific talents, developing forms of collaboration
and management models among the community.

Specific Purposes
^ Provide current and relevant information about the educational options that exist
for children and young people with severe or multiple disabilities, pervasive
developmental disorders, outstanding abilities and/or specific talents.

^ Provide advice and support to the teaching staff of initial and basic education
schools, so that they acquire the technical-pedagogical elements that allow them
to autonomously provide an educational response to the specific needs of the

^ Inform and guide users about institutions that provide special education,
rehabilitation, social assistance, health and work services to support the inclusion

^ Inform, promote and advise on the existence and use of specific resources:
technical, bibliographic, video graphics and didactic that allow adequate attention
to be provided to students.

^ Create and promote linking networks in the areas of health, education, work, social
General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz

assistance and recreation.

^ Facilitate users with the loan of specific materials: technological, bibliographic,

video graphics and didactic materials that the service has to support the
educational process of the students.

^ Design and develop specific materials that allow preventing, minimizing and
eliminating barriers that limit learning and participation to raise the quality of life
of the population served.

^ Develop innovative projects that promote the elimination of barriers to learning and
participation in different contexts (family, school, community and work).

^ Carry out experimental or pilot studies on the use of teaching materials,

educational software or specific support in connection with special, initial and
basic education teachers.

^ Promote, through management with public, private and civil society institutions,
specific support in favor of people with disabilities, generalized developmental
disorders, outstanding abilities and/or specific talents.

^ Guide the community in general towards the promotion of an inclusive culture and
policies for committed and responsible participation.

Organic Structure
Guidance services are located in educational buildings and spaces, in order to take
advantage of the available resources of the Educational System and contribute to the
articulation between regular and special education services. When this is not possible,
they are located in premises and buildings that have the necessary infrastructure, with
the support of government organizations or civil society.

The staff required by the guidance services to provide adequate attention to the needs
of the community must be made up of

General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz

Director, specialists11 in different disabilities, pervasive developmental disorders,

outstanding abilities and/or specific talents, as well as administrative staff.

Communication Flow Chart

^ The solid lines outline the direct authority relationships.

^ Dashed lines represent technical support and collaboration relationships.

General Organization Criteria.

Guidance services are located in different regions of the state; The criteria to determine
its establishment and creation are:
^ Municipalities or localities with high demand for population primarily with
disabilities, outstanding abilities and/or specific talents.
^ Municipalities or localities that do not have special education services .
Municipalities or localities whose area of influence can benefit users from the
entire urban-marginalized, rural or indigenous region.

Guidance services do not offer direct attention to students. Its functions are grouped into
three axes: a) information, advice and training; b) specific material resources, and c)
investigative studies.

Personnel who have completed post-graduate studies: diploma, specialty, master's or doctorate, or with extensive experience
in one of the specific areas.

a) Information, advice and training

In this axis, guidance services offer information, advice and training to professionals of
the National Education System, families and the community in general, related to the
General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz

design and implementation of reasonable adjustments to prevent, reduce and eliminate

barriers to education. learning and student participation.

It seeks to develop various information, advice and training actions on:

^ Specific strategies. Workshops, courses, conference cycle, round table, short

seminar, meetings for bibliographic analysis, etc., with topics such as the Braille
system, Mexican Sign Language, use of the cane, Teach method, classroom
enrichment, etc.

^ Educational Services. Educational options for the care of children and young
people with disabilities, generalized developmental disorders, outstanding
abilities and/or specific talents.

^ Services from other instances. Public and private institutions that offer care in:
health, rehabilitation, recreation, culture, art, science and sports; Likewise, it
provides guidance on the entities that deal with issues related to the military card,
voter ID card, passport, among others, that favor the full participation and
citizenship rights of the vulnerable population.

b) Specific material resources.

This axis provides the loan, guidance and advice service on the use of specific materials
for the attention of students. It offers the following services: Loan of teaching,
bibliographic, videographic and technological material resources ^ ; design, adaptation
and development of specific and innovative teaching material; technological assistance
in the use of supports to guide and attend to the educational process of the students.

c) investigative studies
This axis encourages the development of innovative projects that provide greater
educational support for the prevention, reduction and elimination of barriers.

It will depend on the organization and the resources that the service has, whether the loan is at home or

in family, school, community and work contexts; that is, projects aimed at the search and
design of materials, methodological strategies and specific supports.

Service Planning.
The staff will collectively develop a medium-term Strategic Planning (3 years) that allows
them to effectively address the needs of the service, as well as those identified in each
user group. This planning will be the organizing element of your actions and guide for
the development of your functions; The Annual Work Program (PAT) will emerge from it.
General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz

The methodological route to carry out this planning will be the following:

Results of the analysis of the current situation in relation to:

Planning, organization and administration of personnel, time,
spaces, materials and resources, investigative studies carried
out, teaching updating and forms of connection with
SELF-ASSESSMENT / beneficiaries and other institutions. Geographic location,
DIAGNOSIS culture, current policies, special and regular education services
in the area of influence, institutions that provide support,
number of users served and requirements presented.
Determination of needs that will be addressed in the medium
term (3 years).

Definition of key elements (mission, vision, values,

improvement commitments)
Record of the fundamental elements of Strategic Planning
(Objectives, goals, indicators, strategies to achieve the
objectives by axis).

Preparation of the Annual Work Program (goals, activities to

be carried out, date of completion, those responsible,
WORKING (1 year)
resources and direct support by axis.

MONITORING AND Formulation of indicators for monitoring and evaluating goals

EVALUATION of the Annual Work Program.

The actions carried out by the guidance services, in addition to being included in the
three axes, must be strengthened through internal and external linkage, ensuring the
relevance and impact of the response provided to each user.

Internal Linking
^ With other Guidance Services. To share and exchange work experiences,
bibliography, materials and results of investigative studies; establish agreements
that allow improving the quality and coverage of the service to unify and enrich
care criteria and processes.
^ With School Services (CAM). To know its operation and organization and to
have the necessary elements and information when suggesting care in these
services; In the same way, the link will allow pertinent information, advice and
training to be provided when staff require it. The findings found in investigative
studies represent fundamental support for CAMs to increase educational
General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz

attention and response.

^ With Support Services. The link with these services allows us to know their
operation and organization, as well as the establishment of agreements for
exchange, advice and training, strengthening the services that both provide.
^ With the Teachers Center. To promote training and advisory actions on issues
related to the design and implementation of reasonable adjustments, for the
elimination of barriers to learning and student participation in various contexts; as
well as to optimize the use of the resources available at the Teachers' Center
(classrooms, Edusat Network, video players, bibliographic material, graphic and
projection video, among others).
^ With regular education . To publicize the support offered at different levels and
educational modalities, as well as establish close ties with teachers, directors and

External Linking.
A permanent link must be established with different sectors and instances of the
community in order to increase support options for users, as well as for mutual
enrichment through the exchange of work experiences, bibliography and materials. The
guidance service is linked to:

• Government agencies.
• Civil society organizations.
• Specialists in various areas.
• Other sectors and instances.

The link with these entities makes it possible to carry out joint advisory and training
activities on specific topics in the care of people with disabilities, generalized
developmental disorders, outstanding abilities and specific talents; as well as, knowing
the rehabilitation services, medical care, healthcare supports, etc. that they provide in
favor of families for the prevention, reduction or elimination of barriers to learning and

This connection offers the possibility of expanding the field of action of the guidance
service through the support and commitment of various professionals, civil society
organizations and government agencies.

The preparation of directories and the establishment of link networks with different
institutions are actions that allow for adequate and timely solutions to the needs of

Service Evaluation
Evaluation constitutes a strategy and work method that the Director and staff of an
educational institution must use to transform its management. At the same time, the

General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz

systematic and relevant use of evaluation can lead to the implementation of new forms
of leadership, teamwork, collaboration with parents and other members of the
community, for decision making. .

This process must be considered in the strategic planning of the guidance service as an
element for the analysis and verification of the Management Standards for Basic

The Guidance Service will permanently base its evaluation on the operational standards
and criteria of each dimension of school management specified below:


1. Promotion of pedagogical improvement
At service:
^ The Director participates in the training and updating of specialists.
^ Specialists seek and are motivated to attend professional training and refresher
courses relevant to the context of their service.

^ The specialists talk about each other's performances, support them in defining
strategies to improve their performances, and provide each other with
professional feedback.
^ The achievements of the specialists' improvement are evaluated, considering the
results of the performance of the advised teachers.
^ The teacher improvement actions offered by the educational system are analyzed
and evaluated in meetings with all specialists.

2. Shared pedagogical planning

The specialists
^ They talk with each other to exchange experiences about their consulting and
training planning.
^ They share different planning modalities with each other to serve different types of
^ They make their colleagues and users aware of the usefulness of some teaching
^ They agree among themselves on the type of record that is kept of the users.
^ They continually evaluate the Annual Work Program.
^ They jointly analyze the results that those advised have in educational centers and
the changes they require in their pedagogical practice.
^ They jointly design their strategies and material resources to satisfy the needs of

3. Centrality of learning
At service:
General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz

^ The central goals and objectives of the Annual Work Program are structured in
relation to the needs of users.
^ The assessment of the level of performance of the specialists considers the
response provided to users.
^ The meetings convened by the Director with the specialists have the needs of the
users as their central theme.
^ The meetings that the Director calls with parents have student learning as their
central theme.
^ Suggestions are provided to teachers who request it to improve the learning
conditions of students.
^ Decisions are made and actions are defined to advise teachers.
^ Suggestions are provided to teachers to evaluate student performance.

4. Effective leadership
The Director:
^ Promote the formation of a single work team with specialists.
^ Promotes the participation of specialists in relevant decisions and actions to
improve the service provided.
^ Develops a shared vision between specialists and users about continuous
academic improvement.
^ Achieves necessary commitments with basic education staff to improve learning
^ Appropriately handles conflicts that arise in the service.
^ Permanently manage resources so that the service works properly.
^ Promotes exchange of management experiences with other schools and
guidance services.
^ Dedicate the necessary and sufficient time to academic tasks that support the
advice and support provided to users.
^ Involves the community to achieve planned objectives.
^ He satisfies the community with the way he conducts the service.
^ Satisfies staff with the management of the service.

5. Climate of trust
At service:
^ There is communication between users and community members.
^ Academic cooperation aimed at improving learning is promoted.
^ There is an exchange of ideas and learning materials among service personnel.
^ The integration of specialists and users is oriented around the same objectives.
^ The conditions for good coexistence and mutual relationships are promoted, such

General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz

as respect, tolerance of ideas, diverse practices and the trust that the community
places in itself as an essential condition for working together.

6. Commitment to inform, train and guide

At service:
^ Extra time is spent on complex academic activities.
^ Specialists are encouraged to improve their practice on a daily basis.
^ You are encouraged to get involved in the Annual Work Program and to comply
with the responsibility assumed.
^ The joint achievement of effective learning is promoted, with teachers and

7. Shared decisions
At service:
^ There is an atmosphere of freedom to express proposals from specialists, users
and the rest of the community.
^ Conditions and mechanisms are established to define agreements.
^ Procedures are ensured to act in accordance with the decided agreements.

8. Institutional planning
The Annual Work Program:
^ Considers the participation of users and the community for its preparation.
^ It is directed towards the prevention, reduction and elimination of barriers to
learning and participation in favor of inclusive education.
^ Distributes work responsibilities among the group.
^ Involves specialists and users (teachers and parents) in the coordination and
execution of activities.

9. Self appraisal
At service:
^ There is an open and public information system that records the academic
progress of students.
^ The Director meets periodically with specialists and users to analyze service
indicators, impact of actions, elimination of barriers to learning and participation,
design and implementation of reasonable adjustments, among others.
^ The Director analyzes, together with the specialists, the benefits that the
specialists' attendance at professional preparation courses has had for the advice
of users.
^ The academic strengths and weaknesses of the service are recognized and
actions are defined to deepen the strengths and reduce the weaknesses.

General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz

^ Mechanisms are developed to provide timely follow-up to the strategies developed

with users.

General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz

10. Performance communication

At service:
^ The Director renders academic accounts to the users and the community.
^ Means are available to inform users of the progress made in eliminating
barriers to learning and participation, as well as the inclusion of students.
^ Parents and advised teachers actively participate in the analysis of the
students' academic results.
^ Users are satisfied with the information that the service gives them about the
actions implemented.
^ School supervision is called for specialist meetings when the results in the
attention of users and the impact on students are presented.
^ Responsibilities are recognized in academic results.

11. School networks

At service:
^ The educational achievements of other guidance services are recognized in
order to learn and improve their processes.
^ Support, accompaniment or advice is sought with other special education
^ Specialists talk with colleagues from other services to analyze how they have
overcome teaching and learning obstacles.
^ Academic resources are requested and obtained from other schools and
services when they are not available.
^ The experiences of other schools and services are known regarding their
progress in caring for students to achieve their learning.
^ Technological means are used to know the activities and results of other
schools and services.
^ Technological means are used to improve knowledge about the attention of
students to achieve their learning.
^ The directors and specialists collaborate with the academic training of groups
from other schools.
^ Collaborative academic work is carried out with other schools and services in
the area.

12. Effective functioning of the technical council

The Technical Council:
^ Guides the academic work of the service.

General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz

^ It exposes the problems that specialists have in carrying out activities of the 3
^ Makes decisions based on the results of the evaluations and carries out the
respective follow-up.
^ It constitutes a space to respond to the training needs of specialists.
^ It promotes the exchange of experiences between specialists who achieve
success in inclusive education.
^ Follows up on the activities and results of the Annual Work Program.


13. Parent involvement
At school:
^ There is a high degree of involvement of parents in collective discussions
regarding decision-making for the evaluation and care of their children.
^ The perceptions and opinions of parents are analyzed and taken into account by
directors and specialists.
^ The planning of the activities is carried out collectively, considering the opinions
of the parents.
^ Parents are satisfied with access to information on how the service works.
^ Orientation and training actions are carried out for parents, to empower their
^ Parents go to the service to find out the response to their requests.

14. Support for learning at home

^ They support their children in their schoolwork.
^ They are summoned and guided to support the improvement of their children's
^ They receive courses and workshops that let them know how to better help their
children in their studies.
^ They are encouraged to support teachers' activities.
^ They observe and participate in the way the school recovers the culture of the
15. Resource Optimization
Guidance service:
16. Work the 200 days established in the school calendar.
^ Respect the established work schedules during the day.
^ Effectively and efficiently take advantage of the time dedicated to orientation,
information, advice and training.

General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz

^ Establishes strategies for the care and maintenance of the building and assets.
(furniture, equipment, bibliography, software, teaching materials, etc.)
^ Defines strategies to optimize stationery and teaching supplies.
^ Organize your meeting calendar internal, external and

18 School control
Guidance service:
^ It has statistical information in an organized and updated manner.
^ Complies in a timely manner with the required information.
^ It has a record of the progress made in its Annual Work Program.
^ It has administrative control over human, material and financial resources.

19 Infrastructure
Guidance service:
^ It has the appropriate hydrosanitary and electrical installations.
^ It has classrooms or cubicles in conditions to favor customer service processes.
^ It has space and equipment that promotes the use of information and
communication technologies.
^ It has facilities that guarantee a healthy and safe environment for users.
^ It has the teaching materials and inputs to guarantee the achievement of the
planned objectives and goals.
Functions of Guidance Services Staff
General Functions
^ Verify the application of the school control standards for Basic Education in force
in the National Educational System.
^ Analyze with the personnel in charge the General Guidelines for the
Organization and Operation of Special Education Services in the State of
^ Participate and comply with the activities and documentation required by official
^ Verify the technical-administrative compliance of the service.
^ Keep track of incidents and performance of the personnel under your charge
and make the corresponding reports, respecting the operational chain.
^ Disseminate the agreements and provisions of a technical-pedagogical,
administrative and labor nature emanating from the area, sector and higher
^ Promote and verify the management and application of the monthly schedule of
each member of the service, according to their function.

General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz

^ Exercise leadership according to the current strategic management model.

^ Coordinate the design, execution, monitoring and evaluation of the Strategic
Planning and the Annual Work Program of the service.
^ Coordinate and participate in the planning of the response that will be offered to
each user, specifying the specific supports that will be implemented.
^ Coordinate the participation of staff considering the axes of Information, advice
and training; Specific material resources and investigative studies.
^ Promote communication with sector heads, school supervisors and special
education technical-pedagogical advisors, in order to optimize the material and
human resources available.
^ Carry out linkage activities with regular school directors in order to inform and
raise awareness among members of the educational community about the
goals and purposes of inclusive education.
^ Participate in the accreditation and early promotion processes of students with
outstanding aptitudes.
^ Participate in additional scoring processes for teachers who support the
inclusion of students with disabilities.
^ Participate in the various training options specific to their role, which allow them
to effectively meet the needs of the service.
^ Develop internal linkage actions with other services of the same basic education
modality (CAM, CRIE, UOP) and external links with public or private institutions
(health, public assistance, companies, organizations

General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz

government and civil associations) to obtain various supports for the benefit of

Axis Specific Functions

^ Carry out the necessary steps to obtain the technical and material resources that allow
the service to develop advisory and training activities.

^ Organize the various advisory and training actions.

^ Establish collaborative links with the Directors of regular education levels and other

^ Coordinate the preparation and updating of the Directory of institutions regarding

disabilities and outstanding abilities and/or specific talents.

^ Analyze, in conjunction with sector heads, school supervisors and special education
2 technical teams, the information, advice and training needs of the population to which
O it offers its service.
5 ^ Promote the opening of dissemination and information spaces in the most influential
y mass media in the region served.
^ Implement dissemination actions (leaflets, brochures, posters, blogs, web pages, etc.)
that make it possible to publicize the support that the service offers.

^ Carry out the necessary steps so that the service has didactic, bibliographic and
videographic material that allows it to provide users with an educational response
according to their needs.

^ Organize the various actions regarding the loan of materials and their dissemination.

^ Coordinate the design and implementation of innovative teaching materials that benefit

^ Promote that service personnel stay updated in relation to the knowledge,

implementation and design of specific materials.

^ Carry out management actions so that service personnel have the necessary
information and technical tools in terms of technological assistance and other specific
material resources.
^ Organize and systematize the needs presented by users in order to provide a relevant

^ Analyze, together with specialists, the investigative studies to be developed.

^ Carry out the necessary steps to develop investigative studies that provide relevant
responses to the needs of users.

^ Inform the educational authorities, in relation to the investigative studies carried out in
the service.

General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education ServicesSECRETARY
in the State of Veracruz
former VIRACnuZ

General Functions
Comply with the school control standards for Basic Education in force in the
National Educational System.

Analyze and implement its functions in accordance with the General Guidelines
for the Organization and Operation of Special Education Services in the State
of Veracruz.

Participate and comply with the commissions, activities and documents

required by the immediate authority.

Participate in the design, execution, monitoring and evaluation of the Strategic

Planning and the Annual Work Program.

Participate in determining the monitoring mechanisms to assess the quality of

the service provided and the impact achieved in addressing user demands.

Participate in a collegial manner in the planning and implementation of the

response provided to each user, according to the Axes of Information, advice
and training; Specific material resources and investigative studies.

Participate in the training options specific to your function, which allow you to
effectively meet user demands.

^ Require the registration and control documents of the users proposed by the

^ Prepare a monthly and/or weekly schedule, promptly reporting the adjustments

made to the Director.

^ Promote and develop ongoing awareness-raising actions with the community in

favor of inclusion and the elimination of barriers to learning and participation.

^ Carry out permanent monitoring of the planned actions and inform the Director
about the progress, difficulties and needs to be addressed to achieve the
purposes of the service.

^ Participate in the planning and implementation of dissemination actions, through

leaflets, brochures, posters, radio spots, blogs, web pages, etc., to disseminate
the support that the service offers.

General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz

Axis Specific Functions

^ Participate in the design and implementation of information, advice and training


strategies that allow users to satisfy their demands.

^ Advise, train and accompany staff in schools that do not have special education
support, about the design and implementation of reasonable adjustments as well as
the elimination of barriers to learning and participation.
^ Inform users in relation to the main educational services, civil society organizations,
institutions and professionals involved in the care of students.
^ Participate in liaison with teaching staff and specialists from other educational services
and civil society organizations.
^ Provide information to parents and people with disabilities regarding official bodies that
handle matters related to interdiction trials, military service, voter registration and
credentials, medical service, transportation and other issues related to participation
and citizen rights.
^ Participate in dissemination and information spaces of the most influential mass media
in the region served.

^ Inform and guide the user regarding the use and loan options of materials that exist in
the service.

^ Design and develop didactic, bibliographic and videographic material that directly
affects the learning and participation of students.
^ Prepare and/or adapt teaching material based on existing models, at the request of
^ Orient the family and teachers who care for people with disabilities, about the
possibilities of Technological Assistance: communication boards, braille printer,
software for the care of various disabilities, adaptations to everyday objects, etc.
^ Design materials that influence the improvement of the quality of life of people with
disabilities or generalized developmental disorders, favoring their adaptive skills in
the school and family environment.
^ Guide families and teachers on universal design and making reasonable adjustments
to materials and objects of daily use, which affect the improvement of their quality of
^ Permanently research technological advances in support for people with disabilities.

^ Participate in the analysis of the themes in the investigative studies that will be
developed in response to the needs expressed by users.

^ Design and participate in the development of investigative studies, specifying the

beneficiary population, times, resources, phases of the study and expected results.
^ Disseminate and share with the staff of other special education services and regular
education teachers, the teaching materials, specific resources and innovative
information obtained as a result of the investigative studies carried out.
^ Make use of the information obtained in the implementation of investigative studies, to
create new and better ways to advise, guide and train users.

General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz

Administrative Assistant.
General Functions
^ Organize the information, documentation and other aspects that pertain to the
operation of the service in accordance with current regulations.
^ Capture the documentation required by the Director.
^ Participate in activities that derive from the exercise of their function.
^ Participate in collegiate meetings of the service.
Axis Specific Functions
^ Permanently update the database, archive, available resources, loans and user
tracking records.

^ Participate in the reception of service users.

^ Support the Director and logistics specialists in carrying out the different work
strategies carried out: courses, workshops, work meetings, round tables,
conferences, among others.
K >-
^ Prepare and permanently update the Directory of services and professionals.

^ Organize, classify and maintain in good condition the bibliographic, videographic and
didactic materials that the service has.

^ Register and control the loans of bibliographic, videographic and didactic material of
the service.

^ Record user visits in order to document service efficiency levels.

^ File according to the Director's instructions, the reports and materials that result in
the process or conclusion of the investigative studies.

Services and Maintenance Assistant.

General Functions
^ Carry out cleaning and general maintenance activities, according to the
Director's instructions.
^ Move furniture, equipment and materials, according to the Director's instructions.
^ Assist in the delivery of documentation and correspondence according to the
instructions received, with an attitude of respect and discretion.
^ Assistant in the maintenance of facilities and repairs of equipment, real estate
and personal property.
^ Carry out the respective guards in the periods indicated by the authorities
Accessibility: educational institutions and programs must be accessible to everyone, without
any type of discrimination.

General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz

Accessibility to the curriculum: means, resources and supports that allow learning and
participation in educational activities, such as learning in the mother tongue, specific
equipment, technical aids, culturally relevant educational materials, etc.

Economic accessibility : eliminate the direct and indirect costs that families have to pay and
that in many cases are an obstacle to the exercise of the right to education.

Physical accessibility: schools that are safe, that are within a reasonable distance and do
not have barriers that limit access and mobility within them.

Accreditation : action that makes it possible to determine that a person, after evaluation,
achieves the expected learning in a subject or other type of learning unit, school grade,
educational level or educational type, provided for in the corresponding study program.

Reasonable adjustments : necessary and appropriate modifications and adaptations that do

not impose a disproportionate or undue burden, when required in a particular case, to
guarantee people with disabilities the enjoyment or exercise, on equal terms with others, of all
human rights and fundamental freedoms.

Autism : Pervasive developmental disorder that is reflected in any of the following


In social relationships (alteration in non-verbal manifestations: facial expression, gaze,

inability to develop relationships with peers, absence of spontaneous behaviors:
pointing, showing interest in something, etc.),

In communication (delay or absence of oral language development, people with

adequate language have problems starting or maintaining a conversation, stereotyped
or repetitive use of language), and

In inappropriate behavioral patterns (excessive preoccupation with a focus of interest,

inflexible adherence to specific non-functional routines, repetitive motor stereotypies:
shaking hands, twisting fingers, etc.).

Barriers : factors in a person's environment that, in their absence or presence, limit

functionality and cause disability. They include: inaccessible physical environments, lack of
adequate technological assistance, and negative attitudes toward disability.

Barriers to learning and participation : these refer to the difficulties and obstacles that
prevent or reduce the possibilities of learning and participation of certain students in the
classroom, school and society. They arise from the interaction between the student and the
different contexts in which they operate: the people, policies, institutions, cultures and social
and economic circumstances that affect their lives. The concept of barriers does not refer to
individuals or groups but to the social context, with its policies, attitudes and institutions.

Basic Education Booklet: Document that allows the authorities and institutions of the
national educational system to periodically inform students who attend the basic type and
parents or guardians, the results of the partial and final evaluations, as well as observations

General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz

on the academic performance of the students that allow them to achieve better achievements,
in terms of the provisions of article 50 of the General Education Law.

Certification: Action that allows a legally empowered authority to testify, through an official
document, that a learning unit, subject, school grade, educational level or type has been fully
or partially accredited.

Communication : Languages, text display, Braille, tactile communication, large print, easily
accessible multimedia devices, as well as written language, auditory systems, simple
language, digitized voice media and others will be included. augmentative or alternative
modes, means and formats of communication, including easily accessible information and
communications technology.

Augmentative and alternative communication: Communication methods that supplement

or replace speech and writing, for example: facial expressions, symbols, graphics, gestures
and signs.

Discrimination: Any distinction, exclusion, limitation or preference based on race, colour, sex,
language, religion, political or other opinions, national or social origin, economic position or
birth, which has the purpose or effect of destroying or altering equal treatment in education
and, in particular.

Discrimination on the basis of disability: means any distinction, exclusion or restriction on

the basis of disability that has the purpose or effect of hindering or nullifying the recognition,
enjoyment or exercise, on equal terms, of all human rights and freedoms. fundamental in the
political, economic, social, cultural, civil or other fields. It includes all forms of discrimination,
including the denial of reasonable accommodation.

Universal design: means the design of products, environments, programs and services that
can be used by all people, to the greatest extent possible, without the need for adaptation or
specialized design. “Universal design” will not exclude assistive devices for particular groups
of people with disabilities, when needed.

Diversity: in basic education schools, diversity is manifested in the linguistic, social, cultural
variety, abilities, rhythms and learning styles of the educational community. Each student has
a set of differences, making the learning process unique and unrepeatable in each case.

Inclusive education : is a process aimed at responding to the diversity of needs of all

students, increasing their participation in learning, culture and communities and reducing and
eliminating exclusion in and from education.

Effectiveness and efficiency: they are attributes of public action, closely related, that
respond to the necessary accountability to citizens. Effectiveness consists of analyzing the
extent to which the principles of equity, relevance and pertinence of education are achieved or
not guaranteed, in terms of goals. Efficiency, for its part, implies analyzing how public action
allocates the necessary resources to education and distributes and uses them appropriately,
achieving maximum results with the minimum possible resources.

Equity An education is of quality when it achieves democratization in access and

General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz

appropriation of knowledge, that is, anyone has the possibility of receiving the support they
need to be in equal conditions to take advantage of educational opportunities and learn at
levels of excellence. so that education does not reproduce the inequalities of origin of students
or condition their future options.

Equity combines the principles of equality and differentiation. Unequal or special

treatment, under certain circumstances, is legitimate and justified to achieve a greater
good, which is equality among human beings. In the case of education, this
fundamental equality is access to knowledge, in other words, differentiated treatment,
which is not discriminatory or exclusive, with regard to financial, material, human,
technological and pedagogical resources.

Early Stimulation: Attention provided to boys and girls between 0 and 6 years old to enhance
and develop to the maximum their physical, intellectual, sensory and emotional possibilities,
through systematic and sequenced programs that cover all areas of human development,
without forcing the natural course. of its maturation.

Language : both oral language and sign language and other forms of non-verbal
communication will be understood.

Relevance: education must make sense, gain meaning for different communities and people
so that they can appropriate the contents of global and local culture and build themselves as
subjects with their own identity. This means moving from homogeneous approaches, in which
the same thing is offered to everyone, approaches that consider the diversity of identities,
needs and characteristics of people and different social and cultural contexts.

Promotion: Decision of the teacher – supported by systematic evaluation – or of the

competent educational authority in matters of accreditation and certification, which allows a
student to continue their studies in the next grade or educational level.

Early promotion: Students who meet the requirements established in the applicable
regulations for the accreditation, promotion and early certification of students with outstanding
aptitudes may be admitted to primary or secondary education at an earlier age than
established or omit the immediate school grade that corresponds to them, at the same
educational level.

Relevance: refers to the what and why of education, that is, its purposes and contents. From
a human rights approach, it is essential to consider what the purposes of education are, and
whether these represent the aspirations of society as a whole and not just of some groups
within it. In international instruments, the following purposes are attributed to education:
achieving the full development of personality and human dignity; promote respect for
fundamental rights and freedoms; tolerance and relations between all nations, religious or
racial groups, and the maintenance of peace.

Vulnerability: It is applied to identify those population centers and people who, due to
different factors or a combination of them, face situations of risk or discrimination that prevent
them from achieving better standards of living.

General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz

APF: Parent association
ACE: Outstanding Skills
CAM: Multiple Care Center
CAPEP: Preschool Education Psychopedagogical Care Center
CEPS: School Council of Social Participation

DEE: Directorate of Special Education

DGAIR: General Directorate of Accreditation, Incorporation and Revalidation
DOF: Official Journal of the Federation
LINK: National Assessment of Academic Achievement in Schools
EPT: Education for All
FLACSO: Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences.

SWOT: Strengths, Opportunities, Weaknesses and Threats

GOE: Official State Gazette

LGE: General Education Law

MGEE: Strategic Educational Management Model
NGO: Non-Governmental Organization
UN: United Nations
OREALC: UNESCO Regional Office for Education for Latin America and the Caribbean
PAT: Annual Work Program
PEC: Quality Schools Program
PETE: Strategic School Transformation Plan
RIEB: Comprehensive Reform of Basic Education
SEP: Secretary of Public Education

SEV: Veracruz Secretary of Education

SIIE: Comprehensive Educational Information System
SRE: Secretary of Foreign Relations
UNESCO: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
(United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization)
USAER: Regular Education Support Services Unit

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accessibility for people with disabilities. BOE, Spain.
General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz

UN (2006). International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities : United

Nations Organization.

Skliar, C. (2007). Special Education and Educational Inclusion Conferences . Latin

American Faculty of Social Sciences, FLACSO, Argentina.

Cayo, PB L. (2009). The legal configuration of reasonable adjustments , Spain:

Spanish Committee of Representatives of People with Disabilities (CERMI).
Spain: CERMI.

White, R. Mascard L., Narvarte L. (2010). Regional Educational Information System

for Students with Disabilities I SIRIED. Santiago de Chile. UNESCO.

DOF (1946). Regulation of the general working conditions of the staff of the Secretary
of Public Education . Mexico.

DOF (1982). Federal Law on Responsibilities of Public Servants . Reform June 13,
2003. Mexico.

DOF (1998). Federal Law of Workers at the Service of the State . Reform January 23,
1998. Mexico.

SEP (2006). Recommendations for developing the Strategic Plan for School
Transformation . SEP, Mexico.

SEP (2006). General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services .

DOF (2011). Agreement Number 592 establishing the Articulation of Basic Education .
Posted on August 19, 2011. SEP, Mexico.

DOF (2011). Agreement number 612 by which the Operating Rules of the Program to
Strengthen Special Education and Educational Integration are issued. Published
on December 27, 2011 to enter into force on January 1, 2012. SEP, Mexico.

DOF (2011). General Law for the Inclusion of People with Disabilities. Mexico.

SEP (2011). Basic Education Study Plan and Programs . Mexico.

DOF (2012). Human Rights Commission Act . In June 2012. Mexico.

DOF (2012). Agreement Number 648 establishing general standards for evaluation,
accreditation, promotion and certification in basic education. Posted on August
17, 2012. SEP, Mexico.

Official State Gazette (2006). Internal Regulations of the Secretary of Education of

Veracruz. Published on May 25, 2006. Veracruz Mexico.

General Guidelines for the Operation of Special Education Services in the State of Veracruz

Official State Gazette (2006). Law Number 822 for the Integration of People with
Disabilities of the State of Veracruz . Published in March 2010. Veracruz Mexico.


UNESCO (2003). Overcoming exclusion through integrative approaches in education .

Conceptual document. Retrieved March 4, 2011, from:

White, Pink (2006). Equity and social inclusion: one of the challenges of education
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Palacios, Agustina (2008). The social model of disability: origins, characterization and
embodiment in the International Convention on the Rights of Persons with
Disabilities.Obtained on March 5, 2011, from:

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February 7, 2012.


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