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CODE: 1.116.868.086


Eating disorders must be treated by a psychologist and a dietician nutritionist since it is
necessary to know the diet that is being subjected to and which is causing harm as well as the
conditions and environments in which the affected person finds themselves afterwards. If this is
clear, an individual follow-up will be done to know what disorder the person is experiencing,
whether it is anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa or bulimia and thus be able to give a specific
treatment taking into account that long-term treatment is more effective. for those people who
are willing and able to seek professional help. Nutrition and psychology are closely linked and to
treat these cases it is important to evaluate both. professions to have optimal results because
many things influence that must be reviewed in depth to give a diagnosis and its respective

Nutrition and psychology go hand in hand since to treat a pathology or eating abnormality it is
necessary to know the environment in which the affected person is, society, their emotions and
their education regarding their nutrition. It is necessary to know all the reasons that influence to
be able to provide optimal care to people with eating disorders such as bulimia and anorexia,
which are a type of psychological illness that affects their eating, so much so that they often do
not control their eating habits. worries and have a drastic change in their intake, which causes a
health risk and even ends life. All of this is alarming and psychological treatment accompanied
by good nutrition must be given to obtain a good result and help the person suffering from one of
these eating disorders.


It is important to understand that most people do not select their food in a healthy way and only
eat for pleasure (cravings) or it also happens that people do not eat well for aesthetic reasons, it is
worrying since this can cause serious health problems. such as anomalies or inadequate intakes.
There are different cases of eating disorders that must be treated together with psychology, such
as anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and bulimia. Anorexia nervosa consists of the person losing
weight quickly without taking into account their height, weight and adequate nutrition. They
suffer from seeing their body differently than they want it. They will always see themselves as
fat even if they are extremely skinny, which causes a obsession with losing weight without
restrictions, they generally do not eat and abuse exercise, they can die of hunger. Another eating
disorder is bulimia nervosa, which consists of eating food without measuring it until you feel
guilty and then voluntarily vomiting to expel everything that could make you fat and in this way
you feel better about yourself, you exercise compulsively, you act out. secret and tend to distance
themselves from society, bulimia also occurs, those who suffer from this disease eat excessively
without vomiting and go through moments of phenomenal anxiety which leads to obesity. It is
mostly women and adolescents who suffer from these anomalies much more than men, but it also
occurs in children. Different causes of anorexia influence, such as beauty and image, even the
opinion of other people who tend to make inappropriate comments and thus the person will have
a very low self-esteem. To give treatment to these people, the first thing to do is to make the
patient recognize that they suffer from an illness, and they must be treated with a nutritionist and
a psychologist to recover their eating habits, as well as their personal and social skills; Control
will be carried out depending on the severity and progression of the disease. Those who suffer
from anorexia tend to be very perfectionistic, while those who suffer from bulimia are generally
extremely excessive, this is due in part to negative emotions such as depression due to the death
of a loved one, breakup with a partner, some rape and more. Even positive emotions like being a
mother. Eating disorders can severely impact functioning and health. But the chances of long-
term recovery for all who seek professional help are excellent. Psychologists and dietitian
nutritionists can help those people who have eating disorders regain track of their eating
behaviors and their lives.

In this essay I was able to conclude that psychology is very important in the field of nutrition
since to give a nutritional treatment it must be accompanied by a psychological one, it is
necessary to keep this in mind because many times we do not know that there is a background
other than not knowing eating healthy, but rather it is a disease caused by different conditions, be
they emotions or situations that, without being able to control it, we fall into them and we do not
realize that it goes beyond a diet and a nutritional assessment; Not only does how we eat affect
how we feel, but also how we feel affects our diet.

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