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Criterion C: Text production 0 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8

He dedicated the Does not Partial delivery Delivery only In most of the delivers tasks
Produces texts that time granted for deliver. and not on the original on the tasks on the in full on the
demonstrate a high his creative work, stipulated date. stipulated date. stipulated date. stipulated
degree of delivering date.
personal work process tasks on
in the creative time: draft and
process original.
Demonstrates a His use of the Not identified Repetitive, you Innovative, Very Extremely
high degree of theme, the can think of common innovative, novel,
Imagination literary world, the several stories themes are inspiration from original,
(C: i) context, the with similar recognized, but other topics is memorable
characters and themes with some recognized, but
conflicts... original aspect the approach is

Shows Its structure and There is no Sometimes, it In general, Coherence in its Absolute
management of narrative coherence in is coherent in there is structure, in clarity in its
the structure and elements… the structure its structure coherence in close structure and
elements of a nor are the and some the structure relationship its
narrative text elements elements are and relative with the relationship
(C:ii) identified recognized cohesion with elements with all
the elements elements.
He shows variety Intention is Little use of Some use of Satisfactory use Good use of Excellent use
in language and observed through varied varied language of a varied varied language of varied
concern for his the use of varied language and and repeated language and and proper language and
writing. language, frequent spelling errors. relative handling of absolute
(D: i – ii) respecting its spelling management of writing. respect for his
writing. errors. their writing. writing.

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