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Once upon a time there was a caterpillar who went out every morning to
walk on the flowers in the forest. Every time he saw a butterfly fly, he was
amazed and wished that one day he could fly. One day he met an Owl, the
wisest animal in the forest, after greeting him he asked him.

-Mr. Owl, my dream is to one day fly like Butterflies, to have big and colorful
wings, that all the animals in the forest can admire, to fly from flower to
flower in an instant, p so that I could have its smell and feed on its honey.

-The Owl answered, that perhaps currently as a caterpillar you cannot move
from flower to flower,

-Yes I can, the butterfly answers, but there is something inside me that makes
me feel that flying like a butterfly is the purpose of my life.

-I understand, answers the owl, if deep inside you know that flying like a
butterfly is your purpose in life, I will help you achieve your dream.

Starting today you have to eat very well, you have to be well fed to endure
the work you will do to achieve your goal of becoming a butterfly. You will
have to get up early to make the long journeys in search of food, the exercise
will make your body stronger and the food will give you energy. Once you are
strong and fed, you will visit Mrs. Spider, she will teach you how to produce
silk threads, since the silk will help you become that beautiful butterfly that
you long for.

The next day the Caterpillar started his day just as the owl had told him, he
got up early to be able to visit all the possible flowers in search of food. After
a few months of doing this, the caterpillar realized that it had grown, that it
was big and strong, so it replied - it's time to visit Mrs. Spider.

When he introduced himself to the spider lady, he told her his purpose, the
spider without hesitation decided to teach him how to produce the valuable
silk vital for the transformation of the caterpillar.
You have to come every day says the spider, I am going to teach you how to
produce silk, but you will have to be persistent, the first attempts will not go
well but after practicing and practicing you will be ready to produce your own

After several months of practicing and practicing, the caterpillar began to

produce its own silk. When the spider saw this, it said: "You are ready, now
the silk along with everything you have learned in these months will help you
become that beautiful butterfly." that you have always wanted. Don't be
afraid when you feel alone wrapped in your own silk, at that moment just
think that this is necessary, for the transformation.

The caterpillar continued on its path, continuing with its life as a caterpillar,
and its work with silk, until one day without realizing it, it found itself
immersed in the most absolute darkness. Suddenly he realized that he had
produced so much silk that it became trapped in it. Motionless in his own
silk, all he had to do was think and meditate on the words that one day the
spider lady conveyed to him.

Until after a while she felt illuminated by the sun of a new spring season, and
that was when she realized that the waiting time was over, so she began to
scratch and bite with all her strength, with all her resources. silk cocoon in
which he found himself, until he managed to break it and come out free and
happy for his great feat of improvement. But the surprise was greater when
discovering that it was no longer the same caterpillar it was before, it had
become a beautiful and colorful butterfly that radiated light and happiness.

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