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Safety Hazard Analysis of Frozen Tilapia Fillet Process


Categ Risk
Probability Severity
ory Class
F High (A) TO 1
Q Medium (M) M 2
b Low (B) b 3
Every batch received is
accompanied by a
Intolerable levels
Presence of guarantee certificate
Bad practice in the of drugs used in
aquaculture indicating that the
dosage of permitted Q M TO 4 aquaculture could
drugs and product has not been
drugs cause harm to the
contaminants treated with aquaculture
consumer's health
drugs. Annual
visit to the farm
RECEPTIO Chemical Pollution in pool water.
N contamination Improper use of Q b TO 3 IDEM IDEM IDEM Controlled by SSOP
in pool water lubricants
Raw fish are natural
carriers of bacteria and If this occurs, it
Presence of The product is washed
depending on the quality could cause harm
pathogenic b M b 2 and disinfected at a later
of the harvest, they may to the consumer's
bacteria stage
have pathogenic health.
Contamination substantial
Poor disinfection Hopper Chlorine Control
due to excess Q b TO 3 consequences in
practice Log
chemical the animal and
WASHED human being
by pathogenic Poor cleaning practice b b M 2 IDEM Controlled by SSOP
If this danger
occurs, it could
from Bad practice during
Q b M 2 cause harm to the Controlled by SSOP5
disinfectant disinfection operation
WEIGHING health.
/ Contamination
CLASSIFICA by pathogenic Poor cleaning practice b b M 2 IDEM Controlled by SSOP2
TION bacteria
Growth of
Inadequate control of
pathogenic b b M 2 IDEM Continuous process
process parameters
If this danger
occurs, it could
Poor cleaning practice Q b M 2 cause harm to Controlled by SSOP5
the consumer's
DEGOLLE contamination
Poor cleaning practice b b M 2 IDEM Controlled by SSOP2
from fish
Growth of
Inadequate control of
pathogenic b b M 2 IDEM Continuous process
process parameters
If this danger
occurs, it could
Poor cleaning practice Q b M 2 cause harm to Controlled by SSOP5
BLEEDING disinfectant
the consumer's
Contamination Poor cleaning practice b b M 2 IDEM Controlled by SSOP2
by pathogenic
Growth of
Inadequate control of
pathogenic b b M 2 IDEM Continuous process
process parameters
If this danger
Contamination occurs, it could
from disinfectant Poor cleaning practice Q b M 2 cause harm to Controlled by SSOP5
residue the consumer's
SCALED Contamination
by pathogenic Poor cleaning practice b b M 2 IDEM Controlled by SSOP2
Growth of
Inadequate control of
pathogenic b b M 2 IDEM Continuous process
process parameters
If this danger
Contamination occurs, it could
by pathogenic Poor cleaning practice b b M 2 cause harm to Controlled by SSOP2
bacteria the consumer's
Growth of
Inadequate control of
pathogenic b b M 3 IDEM Continuous process
process parameters
If this danger
Contamination occurs, it could
from disinfectant Poor cleaning practice Q b M 2 cause harm to Controlled by SSOP5
residue the consumer's
HEADED / health.
Eviscerate Contamination
d by pathogenic Poor cleaning practice b b M 2 IDEM Controlled by SSOP2
Growth of
Inadequate control of
pathogenic b b M 2 IDEM Continuous process
process parameters
If this danger
Contamination occurs, it could
from disinfectant Poor cleaning practice Q b M 2 cause harm to Controlled by SSOP5
residue the consumer's
FILLETED Contamination
by pathogenic Poor cleaning practice b b M 2 IDEM Controlled by SSOP2
Growth of
Inadequate control of
pathogenic b b M 2 IDEM Continuous process
process parameters
If this danger
Contamination occurs, it could
from disinfectant Poor cleaning practice Q b M 2 cause harm to Controlled by SSOP5
residue the consumer's
by pathogenic Poor cleaning practice b b M 2 IDEM Controlled by SSOP2
Growth of
Inadequate control of
pathogenic b b M 2 IDEM Continuous process
process parameters
If this danger
Contamination occurs, it could
from disinfectant Poor cleaning practice Q b TO 3 cause harm to Controlled by SSOP5
COOLING / residue the consumer's
WEIGHING health.
Growth of The process is
Inadequate control of
pathogenic b b b 1 IDEM continuous Controlled by
process parameters
bacteria SSOP2
If present, it
Controlled by 100%
Thorn could cause
Staff negligence F TO TO 4 Reviewed Post-Revision
Persistence injury to the
If this danger
Contamination occurs, it could
from disinfectant Poor cleaning practice Q b M 2 cause harm to Controlled by SSOP5
residue the consumer's
by pathogenic Poor cleaning practice b b TO 3 IDEM Controlled by SSOP2
Growth of The process is
Inadequate control of
pathogenic b b TO 3 IDEM continuous Controlled by
process parameters
bacteria SSOP2
If this danger
Contamination occurs, it could
from disinfectant Poor cleaning practice Q b TO 3 cause harm to Controlled by SSOP5
CANNING residue the consumer's
AND health.
Growth of The process is
Inadequate control of
pathogenic b b b 1 IDEM continuous Controlled by
process parameters
bacteria SSOP2



Frozen Tilapia Fillet PCC2 DECORATED


Characteristics of Frozen Tilapia Fillet


SCIENTIFIC NAME Oreochromis sp

ORIGIN aquaculture tilapia


Polyethylene sleeve (internal packaging)

Master-20 lb. carton. With or without printing.


DISTRIBUTION METHOD Distributed and stored frozen at -18ºC

END USE General public, cooking before consuming

INGREDIENTS Tilapia 100%


Product Presentation Frozen Tilapia Fillet

 Polyethylene cover (internal packaging).

 Master – 20 lb. cardboard. Corrugated with or without printing.

Shelf Life of Frozen Tilapia Fillet

The shelf life of the FROZEN TILAPIA FILLET product is 1 (one) year. From the date of production. Stored at -18ºC.
3.2 Identification of Proposed Use and Consumers of Frozen Tilapia Fillet
The product's target customer is the general public and/or processors. It is ready to finish its preparation process by
cooking. It is suitable for all consumers.

3.3 Frozen Tilapia Fillet Process Flowchart

Description of Process Stages of Frozen Tilapia Fillet
 PRODUCT RECEPTION IN TANKS : The fish is transported alive in tankers with sufficient water and
oxygen, being received at the plant in maintenance pools. When the fish arrives from the farm, an
external analysis of the organoleptic characteristics is carried out, where the following will be reviewed:
flavor, smell and color.
 WASHING : Then the product is placed in a hopper with chlorinated water (10-20 ppm). To reduce the
activity of the animal, ice water with a temperature ranging between 14ºC+/-2ºC is used. This helps us
calm the fish to proceed to weigh them, one by one.
 WEIGHING AND CLASSIFICATION : The fish is transferred by means of a conveyor belt to an electronic
scale where it is weighed and classified individually, the fish maintains its body temperature
 SLUTTING : The live fish is taken by conveyor belts to the slaughtering area where trained personnel
proceed to carry it out and then transfer the product to the bleeding area, maintaining its body
temperature at 20+/-2ºC.
 BLEEDING : Bleeding is carried out in a bleeding tank filled with water at room temperature, which helps
the fish have the necessary time to evacuate all the blood from its body (The temperature of the
product, like the previous stages, follows being corporal).
 Scaling : After the fish is bled, it is transported through a belt to a scaling machine where the scales are
mechanically removed from the fish (body temperature).
 CLASSIFIED : The fish is separated into large and small according to its size.
 HEADING AND EVISCERATING: Once the product is peeled, it falls on a table and is then placed in a head
cutting machine, where the product will also be gutted and washed. The steak maintains its body
 FILLETING: The product is transported by belts and arrives at tables where it is cut or filleted by trained
personnel. (body temperature) The Fresh Tilapia Fillet production line has several products, with skin,
with partial skin, without skin. In the case of products with skin, the fillets go from the filleting area
directly to the cooling tank and from there to the decoration tables. In the case of fillet with partial skin,
after filleting it goes to the decoration and from there it goes through the skinning process where the
piece of skin not required is removed. Products such as Premium and Quality tilapia fillet will go through
the skinning machine and then to the cooling tank and the decorating tank.
 CLASSIFICATION: Once the product is filleted, it goes through a machine where the skin is separated
from the meat. The temperature of the fillet is between 23+/- 2ºC
 SKINNING: Once the product is filleted, it goes through a machine where the skin is separated from the
meat. The temperature of the fillet is between 13+/- 2ºC
 COOLING AND WEIGHING: After the skin is removed from the product, it is transported by a belt where
it is received in drawers which are weighed in such a way that they have a net product content of 15 -20
lb. After each one is weighed, enough ice is placed so that the temperature is 20+/- 2ºC, 10 ppm of
chlorine is added to disinfect the fillet.
 DECORATED: This process is developed by a group of women with experience and practices in the
process, the fillet is decorated or made up, leaving it without bones or bones and making the desired cut,
(the temperatures at which the fillet must be maintained during this process must be be 20ºC+/- 2ºC)
 CANNING AND FREEZING: The fillet is placed in steel cans intended for freezing the product in tunnels, where the car with the cans remains
for 3 hours until the product freezes at temperatures of -18ºC+/- 1ºC.
 WEIGHT/GLAZING/PACKAGING: The frozen fillet is weighed according to the order in 1 Kg. .10 kg. or 20 kg. It is glazed depending on the
client's request. Once the product has reached the desired temperature of -18ºC +-1ºCº, it is placed in 1 kg bags. And in 5 kg cartons. 10 kg. or
10 lbs. Which will later be placed in masters in the case of covers and 10 lb boxes. Then all the cartons will be strapped.
 SHIPMENT: The product is taken in thermal containers to its final destination, where it will be exported by specialized companies, maintaining
the product temperature at -18ºC+-2ºC.

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