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Bullying Questionnaire

Age________________ Course___________________


Select the answer with which you identify

1. Do you feel happy at school?

a) No
b) Sometimes
c) Frequently
2. How do you get along with your colleagues?
a) Good
b) Evil
c) Sometimes they treat me well
3. Have you ever felt verbally intimidated through insults, threats, false rumors, etc.?
a) No
b) Sometimes
c) Frequently

4. Have you been verbally attacked?

b) Sometimes
c) Frequently

5. When they have verbally attacked you, in what way have they done it?
a) Jokes
b) Nicknames
c) Threats
d) Rumors
e) Abuse
f) Teasing
g) No Form
6. Do you dare to say what you think?
a) No
b) Sometimes
c) Frequently
7. Do you like how you are?
a) No
b) Sometimes
c) Frequently
8. Have you ever insulted a colleague? -
a) No
b) Sometimes
c) Frequently
9. Have you sometimes wanted to skip school because of some type of aggression?
a) No
b) Sometimes
c) Frequently
10. Have you ever missed school because of verbal aggression?
a) No
b) Sometimes
c) Frequently
11. Have they threatened you to make you afraid or to get something from you?
a) No
b) Sometimes
c) Frequently

12. Have you been afraid to go to school?

a) No
b) Sometimes
c) Frequently
13. Do you think it's okay for someone to use violence to defend their ideas?
a) Yeah
b) No
c) Maybe
14. Have you felt worthless?
a) No
b) Sometimes
c) Frequently

15. Have you threatened someone to scare them or get something?

a) No
b) Sometimes
c) Frequently
16. Have you been accused of hitting someone when it was just a joke?
a) No
b) Sometimes
c) Frequently
17. Have you physically attacked a colleague?
a) No
b) Sometimes
c) Frequently

18. After being verbally attacked, how did you feel?

a) Sad
b) Angry
c) Fearfully
d) I don't mind
e) I have not attacked
19. Do you feel loved by those around you?
a) No
b) Sometimes
c) Frequently
20. Can you accept criticism from your colleagues without getting angry?

b) Sometimes
c) Frequently

21. Have you been excluded from games and/or groups of friends at your school?
a) No
b) Sometimes
c) Frequently

22. 22. How often have you suffered any of the following forms of aggression at
to) No
b) Sometimes
c) Frequently

23. In which places in the educational center are they attacked?

a) Classroom
b) Yard
c) Hallways
d) Bathrooms
e) Others

24. If you have ever been bullied, how did your peers react?
a) They made fun
b) They helped you
c) They discussed with the teacher
d) They remained silent
e) others
25. Has a colleague physically attacked you?
a) No
b) Sometimes
c) Frequently
26. When a classmate attacks you at school, do you talk to someone about what's
happening to you?
a) With my family
b) With my classmates
c) I do not talk to anyone
d) Nobody attacks me

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