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- Battlemage’s Armaments
o If you don’t wear any armor, your AC is 10 + your Intelligence bonus + your Dexterity
bonus. If you wear armor of any kind, you gain a +1 bonus to AC.
You gain proficiency in all martial weapons and you may use your Intelligence bonus
instead of your Strength or Dexterity bonus for calculating your weapon attack
o Once per encounter you may use a bonus action to make a second weapon attack
against an enemy within reach.

- Spelled Blade
o You weapon attacks deal an extra 1d8 force damage with each successful hit.
o You can use an action to cast a spell into a martial weapon you are wielding. A
weapon can have a number of spells in it equal to half your Intelligence bonus
(rounded up). When you hit an enemy with such an enhanced weapon, you may
release a spell on your target with a free action, using the square of your target as
the origin of the spell’s effect. All other requirements of the spell must still be met
(the target still gains a saving throw and you still need to make a ranged spell attack
roll if the spell released required one).

- Quick Movement
o Moving through nonmagical difficult terrain does not cost you extra movement and
you may ignore up to half of your land movement speed of hazardous natural terrain
(like lava or acid) without taking any damage.
o Once per encounter you may Disengage, Dash or Dodge as a bonus action.

- Honed Reflexes
o You gain a +2 bonus on Acrobatics, Athletics and Stealth skill checks as well as on
Dexterity saving throws.
o Once per encounter, if a creature you can see and hear makes a weapon attack
against you, you can use your Reaction to impose Disadvantage on the roll. If your
target misses with the attack, you can make a weapon attack against them in return.

- Impenetrable Mind
o You gain advantage on saving throws against mind-affecting spells and abilities (like
being charmed or frightened) as well as on saves against spells from the
enchantment and illusion school in general.
o Once per short rest, if you or an ally you can see fails a mental saving throw
(Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma), you can use your Reaction to grant the target a
reroll for that save.

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