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Theoretical framework:

The Initial Level, considered the first link in formal education, consists of two cycles,
nursery school and kindergarten, constituted as a pedagogical unit (National Education Law
No. 26026 - year 2006), which ranges from 45 days to 5 years, being mandatory for 4 and 5
year old rooms. Both of an educational nature, but with different and differentiated
developments according to age.

In kindergarten we speak of a “proposal for good teaching”, from a moral and

epistemological point of view, it must be adequate from the relevance of the knowledge and
from the ethical value of what is taught. It is the priority place of cultural transmission and
where children are given access to knowledge as thinking subjects.

At an early age, parenting must be assumed, where care and education are thought of
as complementary, since one cannot occur without the other, care and accompaniment must
be given through availability and understanding to provide security to children. growing

The Initial Level requires its own definition, it refers to the entire set of actions that
the adult deploys so that babies and children grow up in a safe and enriching environment,
which enhances development in its different dimensions (physical, emotional-social,
cognitive , linguistic, artistic, etc.), while offering a universe to decipher, build and

It is important to mention, as Laura Pitluk clarifies, that this care does not replace
families but is complementary, and in addition the teacher must take into account the work
with diversity, in terms of customs, norms, family and cultural styles, recognizing the
heterogeneity knowing that differences enrich us, and open different paths towards teaching
proposals. The educator must accompany these processes, trusting in the richness of
children's possibilities, valuing their development and incipient achievements. Teaching
availability is essential, and must be affective, playful and physical. Conceptions and
different theories influence our teaching practices and actions, we must then know what
ideas we support and from what place we stand.

From its recognition and identity, the initial level has characteristics and objectives
that are its own, and that is why it designs its actions in a particular way. In Pitluk's writings,
three different and complementary teaching proposals are recognized from which they are
addressed. contents; the sequenced proposals, the proposals for the re-significance of daily
life linked to hygiene, sleep and nutrition, and the spontaneous play proposals. Groups must
be organized according to the number of children, organize spaces, design teaching
scenarios, organize times, appropriately select materials, take into account parenting
activities and moments of play, whether group or individual.

Furthermore, the authors Soto and Violante refer to the everyday scenario where
children spend their days, which must be enriching, in terms of offering permanent scenarios
and also mobile proposals that change during the day. These scenarios are invitations to play
where the child can choose. At any time of the day, we then talk about motor games (to
explore motor possibilities), exploration games with various objects, heuristic games to
discover and explore such as the basket of treasures, construction games with blocks, cans to
stack. and knock down, parenting games among others.

When choosing materials for the various proposals, it is essential to follow criteria of
safety, solidity, adequacy according to the level of development of the children, and that they
are attractive and varied, not stereotyped, so that they offer something different from what is
sometimes children are used to it.

Teaching work has its specificities, the teacher plays a very important and
fundamental role, since he accompanies, supports, scaffolds, organizes proposals for good
teaching, but above all his place as a “model” in all his actions, he must recognize the value
of their emotional, physical and playful availability, and the importance of maintaining
coherence between their doing, their feeling, their thinking... (Pitluk) the teacher has a
directive role but assuming a democratic attitude, he must adapt the knowledge brought from
outside with the baggage cultural that it possesses, that is, its role is to make that connection
between social knowledge and that of children. We think of the child as an active subject,
with prior knowledge, a thinker who can participate in each experience that belongs to a
certain social and cultural group.

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