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Description Responsible
Home activities

According to the need to fill a vacancy or new position, the The director of the
leader of the process requests the position profile from the integrated system, the
director of the integrated system to complete his/her request general manager, the
in the Personnel Request Form, proceeding to send his/her director of human
request by email to the Resources Director. human beings, resources and the leader
who validates the existence of the vacancy in the company of the process that makes
Muebles y Camas SAS and requests approval from the the request.
General Manager

The recruitment process can be internal and/or external. The director of the
Before making an external call, it must be validated with the integrated system, the
Leader of the process that makes the request to determine if general manager, the
the position applies to make an internal call or change of director of human
personnel. resources and the leader
of the process that makes
the request.

The human resources

When the Process Leader determines that the vacancy that director and the process
is generated can be filled by internal call or change of leader who makes the
position, he or she must notify the Director of Human request.
Resources by email, so that he or she can apply due

The Human Resources Director publishes vacancies in The human resources

various sources director
recruitment process to preselect resumes that fit the profile,
using the personnel application and the job description as
input, through different means.

The leader of the process, together with the human The human resources
resources director, conducts a technical interview with the director and the process
candidates, in which they must inquire about personal leader who makes the
aspects, corroborate the data related to the resume and request.
evaluate their competence. (Interview format). Regardless
of whether the position is critical, they request the signature
for the authorization of security studies.

The process leader reports to the human resources director The human resources
who continues the process. director and the process
For applicants who do not continue in the process, the leader who makes the
human resources director informs them by telephone or request.
email of their non-continuity. Considering in the selection a
second option if required.


Description Responsible
Once the selection process is completed, the human The human resources
resources director must carry out background checks at the director
Attorney General's Office, the Comptroller's Office and the
Police, printing the supporting documents to attach them to
the personnel folder respectively. You must verify related
work references in the candidate's resume, leaving
validation support in the Reference Verification format, filing
them in the candidate's personnel folder. Once the
background has been consulted and the tests have been
carried out on the position applicant, the human resources
director must validate in the Critical Position Definition
Matrix format whether or not a home visit applies to this

If the applicant complies with the request in validation of The human resources
references and other processes, we proceed with step 09, director and the process
which is the contraction, otherwise the leader of the process leader who makes the
that made the request would be informed and we would go request.
back to point 06 candidate selection. and the second option
would be chosen.

Once all the tests have been approved, the human The human resources
resources director informs the person and explains the director
hiring process and the conditions that will govern their
connection with the company.

The human resources director is in charge of carrying out The human resources
the induction/reinduction of the personnel of the Muebles y director and the leader of
Camas SAS company. The activities inherent to the the process that made the
position are carried out by the process leader of each area. request.

The human resources

The human resources director together with the Director of director and the director of
the integrated system, each year during the first quarter, the integrated system.
updates the company's personnel data using the data
update format.



Description Responsible
There are different ways that can lead to the separation of The human resources
personnel, due to voluntary resignation, expiration of the director.
contract or unilateral termination. Likewise, the human The accounting assistant.
resources director must process the liquidation together with Counter.
the accounting area of the company Muebles y Camas

This document is prepared by the director of the integrated The director of the
system, which is reviewed by the director of human integrated system, the
resources and approved by the general manager of the general manager and the
company Muebles y Camas SAS. director of human

If the revised document meets the established requirements, The director of the
go to point 14. integrated system, the
general manager and the
If some requirements are missing, return to point 13. director of human

The document is disclosed in its entirety to the General The director of the
Manager, the director of human resources and the specific integrated system, the
points that concern the leaders of the process are informed general manager, the
to them. director of human
resources and the leader
of the process that makes
the request.
The director of the integrated system is in charge of The director of the
monitoring this procedure so that it is fully complied with. integrated system

Generate corrective actions and action plans, taking into The director of the
account monitoring results and internal audits and integrated system
scheduled inspections.

End of activities
* Prohibition sign *Dangerous behavior
* Danger - emergency evacuation *Stop, stop. Disconnect devices
RED alarm *Identification and location.
*Fire fighting material and equipment

Warning sign attention.

YELLOW Attention, caution, verification, sign
risks (fire, radiation, toxicity) of steps,
hallways and obstacles.
Obligation sign Specific behavior or action, or use of
personal protective equipment

Safety or first aid instructions sign

First aid equipment, first aid kit,
GREEN background of safety billboards,
emergency exit.
Entrapment (biomechanical risk)
Dangerous parts of machinery and/or
ORANGE mechanical operations can be crushed,
hit or pressed.

ing of signage bligation of s, stretchers, s of groups to cut,

tal policy Aim INDICATOR FORMULA GOAL Periodicity
Number of fatal coiatrorcic ores cpac touches x100
Solid or Semi-annual or
hazardous cie caiabarador 3s in the con when there is
Suitable waste 100% entry of
human resource
staff. management personnel.

Activities executed i n em chirp erg gum

Total activity unplanned 5
evaluate and
control an Activities for
Integrated continuous
improvement of 100% Quarterly
Continuous Management
improvement System aimed the emergency
at continuous plan.
improvement of
the system and
Inspections Real inspections 100% ace

psn-9*E*LE ad and health in

EE: security the
Indicators proposed by resolution 0312 of 2019 to monitor work. ctors
Indicator name Definition Form

Number of times a work

accident occurs in the = # traffic accidents
Accident frequency # workers in

Number of days lost due to suu |9 u sJor

Accident severity work accidents in the month OOT x su I 9 u sopeSien seip p ouuunu + oleqej

Proportion of fatal work Number of fatal work = # fatal work accidents that occur Total number of
accidents accidents work accidents that occur

Absenteeism due to medical Absenteeism is non-

= # of days of absence due to disability # of days of
reasons attendance at work, with scheduled work
medical disability
ula Goal periodicity

down x 100 l month 0% Monthly

beseqe. # 0% Monthly
1 sp quppne jod peppedeou sp seip dp # =

and presented in the year x 100 presented in the

year 0% Annual

d labor or common in the month x 100 branches in

the month. 0% Annual

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