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Mid 18th century Second half of the 18th Early 20th century Mid 20th century
century XIX century

It was the artisan workshops arrival of the Revolution Second revolution Mass production is intensive Toyota production system
that produced a large part of Industrial. industrial starting in 1850 to in capital and sought to achieve greater
the goods The first revolution 1914. Industries develop energy, now thatuses a efficiency.
consumed in Europe. In these Industrial from 1750 to 1840, electrical, of the high Large volume production, if
workshops, artisans controlled approximately, was oil and steel. The need arises proportion of the not small, not in the
the production process. characterized by a change in of new machinery and the energy uniformity of the product but
The workshops were artisanal work instruments for organizational systems. in in its difference, its variety.
organized so that each had a new machines. The division of labor and its relationship with the Small batches of model mix
master and several specialization are workers. production.
apprentices. accentuated. Bequeath
science to industry and mass

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