Physical Education and Its Generalities

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Leidis Carolina Quintana Castaño| Pozos Colorados


Pozos Colorado School 2015


1. WHAT IS PHYSICAL EDUCATION?..........................................................................2

2. BENEFITS OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION?.................................................................2
On a physical level:.................................................................................................................2
On a psychic level:..................................................................................................................2
On a socio-affective level:......................................................................................................2
3. DIVISION OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION.....................................................................3
4. WHAT IS SPORT AND ITS HISTORY?.....................................................................3
The sport...................................................................................................................................3
Sports History...........................................................................................................................3
5. THE BEGINNINGS OF THE SPORT..........................................................................4
6. WHAT ARE BALL SPORTS?.......................................................................................4
THE BALL SPORTS ARE AS FOLLOWS:...........................................................................5

Physical education
Pozos Colorado School 2015


Physical education is the discipline that covers everything related to the use of the body . From a
pedagogical point of view, it helps the integral formation of the human being. That is, its practice
promotes creative and intentional movements, the manifestation of corporeality through higher-
order affective and cognitive processes.


Physical exercise and sport improve our health and quality of life, providing a series of benefits on
a physical, psychological and socio-affective level, although if physical exercise is performed
without control, with faulty techniques, inappropriate positions, exceeding the limits, etc. We
could cause serious damage and injuries to our body. Some of these benefits are:

On a physical level:
 Eliminates fat and prevents obesity.
 Increases resistance to exhaustion.
 Prevents coronary heart disease.
 Improves respiratory amplitude and efficiency of respiratory muscles.
 Decreases heart rate at rest.
 Promotes growth.
 Improves muscle development.
 Fight osteoporosis.
 Improves physical performance in general, increasing levels of strength, speed, endurance,
 Regulates constipation caused by bad habits such as a sedentary lifestyle.
 Increases vital capacity.

On a psychic level:
 It has calming and antidepressant effects.
 Provides a feeling of well-being.
 Eliminate stress.
 Prevents insomnia and regulates sleep.

On a socio-affective level:
 Stimulates participation and initiative.
 Stimulates the desire for group work.
 Channel aggression.
 Promotes self-control.
 It teaches us to accept and overcome defeats.
 It teaches us to assume responsibilities and accept rules.
 Improves body image.

Physical education
Pozos Colorado School 2015



The sport
Sport is a regulated physical activity, normally of a competitive nature, which in some cases
improves the physical and mental condition of those who practice it and has properties that
differentiate it from simple play .

Sports History
There are utensils and structures that suggest that the Chinese carried out sports activities as early
as 4000 BC. C. 6 Gymnastics appears to have been a popular sport in Ancient China. Monuments to
emperors indicate that a certain number of sports, including swimming and fishing , were already
designed and regulated thousands of years ago in Ancient Egypt . 7 Other Egyptian sports include
javelin throwing , high jumping , and wrestling . Some sports from Ancient Persia such as the
Iranian martial art of Zourkhaneh are linked to skills in battle. 8 Among other sports original to
Persia are polo and jousting . On the other hand, in America, Mesoamerican cultures such as the
Mayans practiced the so-called ball game, which in turn was a ritual.

A wide variety of sports were already established by the time of Ancient Greece , and military
culture and the development of sports in Greece influenced each other. For the Greeks, sport was
a very important part of their culture, which is why they created the Olympic Games , a
competition that was held since 776 BC. C. until the year 394 AD. c. every four years in Olympia , a
small town in the Greek Peloponnese . 9 In 1896, the first Olympic Games of the modern era were
held in Athens , thanks to the initiative of Baron Pierre de Coubertin to recover the spirit of the
ancient Games by adding an international character. The modern Olympic Games , regulated by

Physical education
Pozos Colorado School 2015

the International Olympic Committee , have become the largest multidisciplinary international
sporting event, with more than 200 participating nations.

Sports have seen their capacity for organization and regulation increase from the times of Ancient
Greece to the present day. Industrialization has increased the leisure time of citizens in developed
countries , leading to greater time spent watching sports competitions and more participation in
sports activities, facilitated by greater accessibility to sports facilities. These patterns continue with
the arrival of mass media . Professionalism in sports became commonplace as the popularity of
sports and the number of fans following the exploits of professional athletes through the media

Nowadays, many people exercise to improve their health and lifestyle; Sport is considered a
healthy activity that helps to stay in psychological and physical shape, especially in the elderly.


The beginnings of the sport date back to Ancient China as early as 3000 BC. The existence of
preserved utensils and structures suggests that at this time the Chinese were already carrying out
sports activities.

Likewise, in the rest of the Ancient Empires (Egypt, Persia) there is also evidence that leads to the
same conclusion, but in relation to sports linked to self-defense techniques for battle.

In this way, sports were perfected, as their capacity for organization and regulation increased from
the times of Ancient Greece to the present day. Nowadays, in an industrialized society that
presents hours of leisure and a massification of the media, sports have become an indispensable
social fact and of primary importance in the civilized world: they are followed by millions of people
daily thanks to the media. of communication and generate a passion that is unique in their


A ball game is a game in which its essential element is a ball . Someone who plays a ball game is
known as a player. There are many popular games and sports that involve some type of ball or
similar object. These games can be grouped by the general goal of the game, sometimes indicating
a common origin, either from a game itself or from its basic idea:

In which an element is used to hit the ball, such as baseball, cricket and golf.

 Games that require points or goals, such as basketball and all forms of soccer, hockey or
 Games with a net, such as volleyball and tennis.

Physical education
Pozos Colorado School 2015

 Games with scoring objectives, such as bowling and lotball.

 The original "ball game" whose objective is to keep the ball in constant motion, but not
allowing it to bounce twice to the ground without being hit between abandons.
 And so on.


 Badminton  Fronton  Valencian
 dodgeball  international pediment
 Basketball pediment  Vasca ball
 Handball  Golf  Petanque
 Baseball  Hacky attack  pole
 Billiards  Hockey  Quidditch (fiction
 Bowls  Field hockey game)
 Bowling  Ice Hockey  Rapid-ball
 Cachibol  roller hockey  Racquetball
 Carpetball  floorball  Rugby
 Cricket  Hurling  rugby league
 Croquet  Indiaca  Rugby 7
 Four blocks  jai alai  Sepak takraw
 dodgeball  Mesoamerican ball  Shinty
 I exhale game  skee ball
 Soccer :  Kayak-polo  squash
 Football  Lacrosse  Stickball
 Association  Juggle  Tchoukball
football  Netball  tee ball
 Australian rules  Paddle  Tennis
football  Paintball  Table tennis
 Canadian football  Irish ball  unihockey
 Gaelic football  Mixtec ball  Ulama
 Beach Soccer  Valencian ball  Volleyball
 Indoor football  Scale i corda  Beach volleyball
 Soccer-tennis  Llargues  waterbasketball
 Soccer volleyball  Raspall  Water polo
 Table football

Physical education

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