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History of nursing in Mexico!!!


CHARITY to whom the custody of the San Juan de Dios hospital was given, later the
Historical or modern nursing in Mexico for study is divided into: AUSTINE FRANCISCAN CAPUCHINE CLARISAS JOSEFINAS nuns came, AMONG
• Pre-Cortesian period
It is deduced from the hieroglyphs on the stone murals which illustrate the administration of
concoctions enemas healing splints temascales frictions and medical and obstetric activities and After the war, Mexico is indebted to England, Spain, and France decides to invade by sending
the transfer and immediate care of wounds in combat to heal both women and men To the an army. Supported by the French Empire, Maximilian of Habsburg arrives in Mexico along
woman who cared for the sick Among the Aztecs it is called Ticitl Quiticitl who during the with Charlotte. Empress Charlotte creates the children's maternity home. Starting the “nursing
period practiced Temaxcalli profession”. In 1854 the lic. José Urbano Fonseca purchases the Old House of the Inquisition of
Santo Domingo, housing the school where doctors and midwives studied. During this period,
• Colonial period
the lic. José Urbano Fonseca Fonje, as a member of the city council and commissioner for
In this, several hospitals were established, the first was the "immaculate conception" hospital hospital affairs, wanted to get the Colegio de Agustinas de San Pablo in order to turn it into an
founded by Hernán Cortes in 1524, today called "Hospital de Jesús de Nazareno." The Badiano emergency hospital. This objective was achieved until August 23, 1847 through an order from
codex created by Juan Badiano in 1552 contains evidence of the indigenous woman who acted General Manuel Lombardini. Sister Micaela Ayanz was born in 1818 in Soria de Barca,
as a healer and caregiver. sick. Subsequently, nursing for several years or perhaps centuries was province of Navarra, Spain, who directed the San Pablo hospital for 30 years. Her training was
only practiced empirically by nuns and friars, some of the initiators were empirical. Dr. Eduardo Lizeaga investigated in Europe the construction of the general hospital
in Mexico and the operation of the nursing school. Sister Micaela Ayanz and Dr. Eduardo
THE SISTERS OF CHARITY OF SAINT VINCENT PAUL Lizeaga fought for the training of doctors and nurses. On December 4, 1874, President
Sebastián Lerdo de Tejada banishes all nuns from national territory. The positions of the nuns
Likewise, university education began in Mexico on September 21, 1551. Two of its founders were occupied by men, showing poor performance in caring for the sick.
were Fray Alonso de la Veracruz and Juan Negrete, the latter a teacher of arts at the University
of Paris. Two high school graduates from this university were Don Miguel Hidalgo and Costilla. In 1891, the doctor Luis E. took over the management of the Juárez Hospital (formerly the San
and Don José María Morelos y Pavón, the teaching of medicine began in the year 1579. Pablo Hospital). RuizThe care of the sick is in charge of the empirical nurses, for this reason
their instruction was seven days a week. Thus, this was the first generation to receive classes for
• Independent period the care of the sick and injured in Mexico. However, the period independent nursing does not
include from 1810 to 1905 This stage covers from 1873 with the creation of the nursing school
It includes from 1810 to 1905, due to the fighting of the war of independence in Mexico, it
prior to that of the federal district. 1873 Guanajuato, 1877 Oaxaca 1880 State of Mexico, 1899
began in mid-September 1810 and lasted until 1905, the year in which the development of
Chihuahua Therefore independent nursing in Mexico is 24 years before 1907 In 1905 with the
organized nursing studies in Mexico began, according to Bravo Peña, later we will see that there
General Hospital of Mexico in which the nurse was inserted in the modern period. Dr. Eduardo
were other schools that were founded before that of the general hospital of Mexico
Lizeaga began the recruitment of women to receive instruction at the Maternity and Childhood
Independence in Mexico culminated with the indisputable triumph of the insurgent forces on Hospital
September 27, 1821, the day the army entered Don Agustín de Iturbide's front and it is certain
Training of Nurses in Mexico
that during those 11 years of struggle there was no progress in medicine or nursing alone.
supposedly, general medicine, surgery and empirical military nursing. After the independence
of September 15, 1810, the nuns who came to Mexico were, for example:
The first nursing school in Mexico City was in 1907 with three years of studies: FIRST YEAR: reaching the rank of lieutenant colonel . During 1934, Health Nursing was created by the SSA
Anatomy, Physiology and Cures were taught. SECOND YEAR: Hygiene and Cures in general. and in 1937 the Army Nursing School was founded, established by presidential decree. The
THIRD YEAR: Pharmacy and Care of all kinds of patients . Mexican nurse MARIA GUZMAN VAN MEETER, graduated as a nurse in 1955 at the “Dr.
L.J. Coppedge” from Morelia, specializing in Obstetrics at the UAEM in 1957, held the position
Classes were held in the first days of January , until November 30 and the end of the year, the of Director of the School of Nursing ; Obstetrics was abolished in 1968, establishing the
exams were verified, whose grades were: superior, very good, average and poor or failure. At DEGREE IN NURSING. In Mexico, nursing schools emerged in more than 90% of cases at the
the end of their studies they were issued a diploma for part of the Public Charity Directorate . initiative of doctors.
Already having their diploma and being graduated, the graduates asked that they be the ones to
direct the nursing department, with the nurse , EUDALIA RUIZ SANDOVAL , occupying the FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE was one of the first to create a nursing school . When the Saint
position of head, who was the first and one of the most competent Mexican nurses. All the Thomas Hospital was founded in Florence, Italy. In 1970, the first nurse director was appointed
nurses were interns with a shift from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., on the day, and 8:00 p.m. to 7:00 at the nursing school at the University of Guadalajara , Jalisco. Nursing schools in their
a.m. the next day, it was the night shift, the rest was taken in shifts on different days, the first , academic training at the national level have gone through 3 phases or educational models : 1
the seconds and the candles. The uniform was given to them by charity and consisted: For the HOSPITAL SCHOOLS 2 SCHOOLS IN FACULTY OF MEDICINE 3 SCHOOLS AND
first: A white dress with long sleeves, cuffs, collar and white tie; white blanket apron with bib FACULTIES OF NURSING DIRECTED BY NURSES In 1950, public health programs
and suspenders; watch with long fob pendant around the neck and black shoes. For the latter: emerged and with it the first trainer instructors of the human factor in Nursing. The first Health
Nurse was Isabel Cendela Gómez .
The dress was white striped, with a bib and suspenders, and a bracelet with a red cross; watch
with long fob and black shoe. The candidates wore a navy blue dress with long sleeves, an CONTEMPORARY NURSING
apron with a white bib and suspenders, a bracelet, a watch and black shoes. In the 1980s the
hospital was the largest and best medical and nursing teaching center in the Mexican Republic. Given the existence of various fields of nursing, government health institutions such as the
Secretary of Health, the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS), the Institute of Social
“Mom CUCA” Security at the Service of State Workers (ISSSTE), Children's Hospitals for Women, National
Institute of cardiology nutrition cancerology, etc. .as well as multiple private institutions. The
There is a historical fact of the Mexican Revolution , which is worth mentioning in the history nursing professions required increasing knowledge through the bachelor's degree, separating the
of nursing, and it is that of the nurse who was formed accidentally , looking for bread for her technological level to a higher level in the School of Nursing of the Autonomous University of
children; REFUGIO ESTEVES REYES , because she was left alone to take care of her children Nuevo León, which began in 1969 followed by; the National School of Nursing and Midwifery
at the age of 25, in the city of Guadalajara. She started working as a seamstress in a hospital , of the UNAM. The faculty of nursing and midwifery indicated the degree in nursing in 1982, 23
which allowed her to get involved and start working there, caring for a large number of years later. The opening of specialty hospitals, both government and private, required
wounded people, a product of the first combats of the Mexican revolution, working up to 3 specialized personnel, which is why UNAM offered an obstetrics course in 1953. In 1995, post-
consecutive days. In 1914 the Carrancistas (who were one of the two sides in the fight ) took her technical courses began. Most of the personnel only had technical studies, however, the
with them as a nurse to care for them on the battlefield, at this time they gave her the name bachelor's degree enrollment in nursing has been increasing Fighting for professional
Mama CUCA. It is known that he provided great services without showing the slightest fear, recognition before the Secretary of Education, causing that there are currently multiple technical
since he was always tending to and picking up wounded people who fell in the line of fire; So schools with a diversity of study plans. The UNAM university council approved in 1975, the
much so that in 1915 in Chihuahua , she received a bullet that temporarily disabled her , and special transitional course to obtain the bachelor's degree. in nursing prior to studying a
without the bullet being removed , she returned to service. Some time later, already in Mexico bachelor's degree in health sciences and with 5 years of hospital experience as a technical nurse.
City, she studied nursing, graduating as a TECHNICAL NURSE , registering her degree in
1940. Mom CUCA died on December 2, 1956 . She was the first military nurse in Mexico ,
The first course began in February 1976, at the end of the 1980s, the curriculum for the nursing to maintain the quality of education and service at its highest level, thus working to achieve the
degree was approved at the nursing school of the national polytechnic institute IPN, becoming regulation of the profession. The CIE was the first association that was interested in the ethical
the higher school of nursing. and obstetrics IPN/ESEO At that time the health sector decided to and legal aspects of the profession, which is why international nursing is interested in
hire human factor in less qualified nursing to reduce the health expenditure generated, while the conceptualizing. Current nursing is defined from three aspects: sociological, theoretical,
university schools were concerned with increasing professional quality to respond to the health physiological, and from professional practice. The sociological aspect is defines as the
needs of the population. society and employer institutions. The institutions sought to reduce professionalization of the activity of caring, different groups intervene in the care of people,
costs. In addition to this, a discrepancy was observed in training and work practice since the which does not imply that everyone is a nursing professional. Physiological theoretical aspect
study plans oriented towards preventive medicine and the labor market captured the resources The first person to define nursing in 1860 was Florence Nightingale, conceptualizing it as the
for the level of care. The evolution of Latin nursing in the 20th century with the Incorporation at act of use the patient's environment to help him in his recovery verbatim Nightingale writes that
the university level represents an increase in nursing schools and an increase in nurses. nursing is "the appropriate use of air, heat, cleanliness, tranquility, the selection of diet, its
Observing the opening of master's and doctoral programs and in accordance with human administration and with the least expenditure of energy by the patient" V. Henderson defined
resources policies using nursing personnel Marking the criteria and academic and professional discipline as: "the function of the nurse, which consists of caring for the individual as sick or
conditions advanced higher level teachers training researchers in basic sciences and application healthy, corresponds to the nurse to fulfill in a way that helps the patient become independent as
of the productive and service sectors. In the 1960s, two bachelor's programs were opened. In the soon as possible." After the middle of the 20th century, nurses theorists developed a particular
1970s, eleven programs were opened. In the 1980s, nineteen programs were opened. In the vision of nursing, with a common aspect in everything. In the opinion of Catalina García Martin
1990s, which was the decade of greatest growth, 37 programs were opened. Postgraduate and adapting the values and beliefs of D. Orem could be defined as: set of knowledge organized
studies in nursing began in 1980 with a specialty program. In 1982, it became the main nursing to provide a service to people who are totally or partially dependent when they are people
program in Mexico. Since 1990, to date, there are 10 master's programs in nursing. Some responsible for their care and are no longer capable of presenting or supervising it.
theorists believe that nursing is consolidated as a discipline in the mid-20th century in
accordance with the new concept of health and new guidelines for health care for individuals physiological area
and groups. It is consolidated as a discipline with its own body of knowledge and a defined It is made up of body system and organs. Through them, the mechanisms for maintaining
responsibility in caring for the health of the population, both from a sociological, theoretical, balance or physiological homeostasis are regulated. These mechanisms are related to water
philosophical and professional practice point of view. Also in the healthcare field, academic balance, regulation of food consumption, physical exercise, rest, elimination, breathing, etc.
changes from an empirical activity focused on the technique guiding care in its own theoretical
framework using a logical and rational methodology Psychological area refers to emotional balance or state of mental well-being. It includes the
needs of love, self-esteem, self-concept, security, etc. It is influenced by personality, life
The formulation of nursing diagnoses is the most significant work influenced by the American experiences, etc.
Nursing Association (ANA). In 1965, the school of nursing was independent of service
organizations but provided in-service training with competent nurse educators and well-selected Social area... Refers to the relationships between individuals and groups that are established,
learning opportunities. Treating people with the dignity of the patient as a human being The according to the norms, values, ideology, models, etc., in the cultural context where man is
International Council of Nurses (ICN), founded at the end of the 19th century, aims to cooperate immersed.

Change in the social environment can directly threaten stability in this area, impacting others.
To maintain social balance, individuals fight by maintaining patterns and behaviors that favor
stability. Cutting-edge nursing shows changes
that have been generated by the processes of globalization and new technologies. The Faculty of nursing professionals have, focused on understanding that they have discipline and careful clean
Nursing of the Autonomous University of Nuevo León, beginning: The first degree in 1969. attention towards their peers, both soul and body.
The master's degree in nursing in 1981. The doctorate in nursing from 2003, with recognition
from the national council of science and technology. But the University of Celaya offered the
doctorate starting in 2000, endorsed by the University of Brazil. It is necessary that nursing
practice be based on competencies, holism, humanism and respect for life are the challenges for
the 21st century and require the authenticity of the nursing professional, establishing networks,
changes in attitude, constant improvement, development and commitment . University identity
and Symbols of the FEyO In 1938 the director of public education C. Adolfo Ramírez Fragoso
and Professor Alonso García made a request to the state governor, Wenceslao Labra, to give
them their own place to teach. Between the years 1942 and 1946 they had their own place called
“soledad Orozco de Ávila Camacho”. The school was there from 1947 to 1996 (19 years)
Stained glass window of the FEyO , inaugurated in 1996 on the occasion of the centenary.
Inaugurated by the rector Mtro. Marco Antonio Morales Gómez and the director at that time,
Lic. Sick Vicenta Gómez Martínez

It means “in search of light for more life” Mulberry tree : it is said to be 200 years old,
seeing that it flowered after it was dry by the agronomist Francisco Escobedo González who
made it bloom again. The blackberry garden was created in March 1999 during the direction
of Lic. Vicenta Gómez, is inaugurated on the 98th anniversary of the FEyO Institutional
shield: it is estimated that it was around 1980 when the director Mtra. Aurora López Ovando
(1980-1989) suggested a project “institutional image of the school of nursing and midwifery”
36 shields were presented. Meaning: Oak crown: it is life The olive tree: victory, peace,
resurrection, and immortality Above the circle is the legend “autonomous university” and at the
bottom with the colors of the flag it says state of Mexico At the bottom of the circle is written
nursing The golden band that says United Mexican States The flame: represents wisdom as an
insistent base The face: alludes to the high degree of humanism The lamp: constant vigilance
for prevention, healing, etc. The semicircle of interrupted lines: progress, constant evolution in
academic improvement The colors of the university: Green represents the homeland, hope and
renewal Gold is the shine of science, knowledge and intelligence. Symbols evoke values and
motivate feelings of identity, pride and belonging. The cape: it was because the nurses felt the
weight on their shoulders, the responsibility to society, providing care, love and dedication. the
coif: spirit of service, living simply, being modest, loving equality, being coherent, being
genuine and being able to act respecting ethical principles. The lamp: is a connotation of
wisdom, knowledge that monitors health, preventing, curing and rehabilitating diseases. The
flame reminds us of the life that must be preserved. Uniform: means the set of qualities that

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