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In this essay, the topic of Inclusive Education will be discussed, which is the new
approach proposed by the UN and the International Education Organization, in order to
conceptualize and clearly explain what it consists of and what its purpose is in The
education. In addition to identifying and analyzing this educational fact, which has
faced the emergence of various proposals and policies that generally seek a favorable
space to learn, share and interact. But at the same time it implies significant and radical
changes in educational strategies and in the actors leading to them, bringing with it the
innovation of educational management at any level of knowledge and with it inclusive

Educational inclusion is a program that has been implemented with greater force in
recent years in our country, given that new education policies have been created that
benefit all people and especially children who have associated special educational
needs. or not with a disability.

To enter into inclusive education we will first mention what diversity and what
inclusion is. We will also talk about some of the advantages that this new educational
approach offers us and why it is so important to create a school for everyone.

Below we will develop the topic in more detail, I hope it will be as useful to you as it
has been to us.
Inclusive Education: the challenge
of diversity
Today education seeks to create a school for everyone, which is where the term inclusive
education is born. If we are going to talk about inclusion in education, it is necessary to first
conceptualize and know the meaning of the following words: What is diversity? And what is
inclusion? The first is defined as what allows us to indicate, mark or talk about the variety and
difference that some things can present among themselves, although it is also useful when we
want to point out the abundance of different things that coexist in a particular context. . That
is, diversity refers to all those qualities and characteristics that differentiate one human being
from another, both in form and style.

Regarding, inclusion is a theoretical concept of pedagogy that refers to the way in which the
school should respond to diversity. According to(Sanchez, 2003) “It is a process of addressing
and responding to the diversity of the needs of all students. This is related in the educational
field when in the classrooms we find children with different learning styles, since we are all
different and we must plan activities that take care of diversity and not leave any child
excluded due to any situation or disability that they have outside. of the teaching process.

Knowing these concepts we can say that inclusive education is the model that seeks to address
the learning needs of all children, young people and adults with special emphasis on those who
are vulnerable to marginality and social exclusion.

For UNESCO (2006) defines inclusive education in its conceptual document ¨inclusion is seen
as the process of identifying and responding to the diversity of needs of all students through
greater participation in learning, cultures and communities, and reducing exclusion in
education. It involves changes and modifications in content, approaches, structures and
strategies, with a common vision that includes all children of the appropriate age range and
the conviction that it is the responsibility of the regular system to educate all children. . In this
sense, we understand that inclusive education is considered a process that takes into account
and responds to the various needs associated with disability, but not exclusively to them. This
implies that schools must recognize and respond to the diversity of the student body,
addressing the needs of students without distinction of race, faith or social and cultural

Inclusive education implies a great challenge for the teacher, the student and for the
educational system itself. Because the teacher must design activities that take into account the
diversity of their students and their different learning styles and that these activities promote
meaningful learning. For the student because he must adapt to other classmates regardless of
the deficiencies and abilities of others. And finally for the educational system because it must
create a new educational system that is based on the principles of inclusion and equality, it
presents many challenges thanks to the globalized world in which we live today.

It is important to highlight that the Dominican Republic with its new Departmental Order No.
02-2017, seeks to promote the educational inclusion of students with disabilities and in
particular is interested in building and adapting school facilities so that they respond to the
needs of children and people with disabilities. There is also No. 02-2017 establishes the
construction of schools equipped with the necessary resources and spaces so that children
with special educational needs can develop satisfactorily and get involved with others.

In short, the implementation of inclusive education comes to giving equal opportunities to

children, young people and adults the right to a quality education, without any exclusion and
learning and accepting individual differences, which reduces the impact of harassment and
bullying. .


After having investigated and synthesized the information for the preparation of this essay, we
conclude that it is an educational approach based on the appreciation of diversity as an
enriching element of the teaching-learning process and consequently favorable to human

Educational inclusion implies the creation of a school that does not have entry requirements or
selection or discrimination mechanisms of any kind. To make the rights to education, equal
opportunities and participation truly effective. In the inclusive school, all students benefit from
teaching adapted to their needs and not only those who have special educational needs.
Currently we observe the importance of speaking and recognizing diversity, since we live in a
society with different people, with common educational needs, with permanent and
temporary special educational needs but who have an undeniable right and that is the right to
quality education. regardless of their individual characteristics, pace and learning style.

It is important to mention that to achieve an inclusive school we need the system, society and
teachers to feel the commitment to redefine their role each in the education of their citizens,
since it depends on this commitment that we form integral human beings endowed with
values and attitudes. positive that will allow you to integrate and make a good contribution to
the society to which you belong.

Alvarado, F. D. (2012). Educacion inclusiva:Una esperanza para una mejorsociedad. España:
Academica Española.

Diario, L. (02 de julio de 2013). Educación Inclusiva: el desafío de la diversidad. Recuperado el

09 de febrero de 2018, de

Sanchez, P. A. (2003). Educación inclusiva :una escuela para todos . España: illustrated.

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